Exhibition & Conference Uniting the Industry Professional Dentistry LONDON 6 & 7 February 2015, Olympia Exhibition Centre FREE EXHIBITION ENTRY Professional Dentistry London 2015 is set to be the ultimate show for UK dental practices. This event features a cutting-edge education programme, integral exhibition, exclusive supplier promotions and significant networking opportunities. Whatever your specialism or experience, there are plenty of reasons to attend. WHY VISIT? 8 Verifiable CPD conferences covering all the major dental practice areas and featuring the profession’s leading speakers Date Time CPD Price Code 7 February 2015 9.30 – 17.00 6 hours £129+vat DLO1505 Dr Brenda Murray BSc, PhD, BDS, MFD RSCI, DDR RCR The safe and effective use of radiation for diagnostic purposes is fundamental to patient protection. The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 require all practitioners and operators to undertake continuing education and training. In addition, the General Dental Council made ‘Dental Radiography and Radiation Protection’ a ‘core CPD subject’ for all dental practitioners in 2006 and for all Dental Care Professionals (DCPs) in 2008. Network with over 1,000 dental professionals Leading dental exhibitiors including the UK’s leading brands Take advantage of speacial offers & show promotionsavailable to you and your practice. Exciting new dental exhibition in the UK 10% Discount for subsequent delegates TO BOOK IR(ME)R This course is designed as a comprehensive course in dental radiography and radiation protection and fulfils the requirements of the GDC and the IR(ME)R regulations. The course will be interspersed with interesting cases highlighting key principles in diagnosis and interpretation. Learning Objectives: • Know the risk of ionising radiation and principles of radiation protection in dental radiology • • • • • Know the radiation doses in dental radiology and the factors affecting radiation dose Understand the principles of a quality assurance programme Understand the use of selection criteria in relation to dental radiography Know the changes to legislation concerning dental radiology and be aware of their statutory responsibilities Understand the various imaging modalities available, Including 2D and 3D (CBCT) digital imaging and their advantages and disadvantages in dentistry and the various factors that affect diagnostic yield By the end of the course participants should understand: • • • • • • Principles of radiation physics Risks of ionising radiation and the principles of radiation protection in dental radiology Radiation doses in dental radiology and the principles of dose reduction Statutory responsibilities for dental practitioners Principles of a quality assurance programme Application of selection criteria in 2D and 3D (Cone Beam CT) imaging Complete the booking form on the back page Call: 01332 226590 Visit: professionaldentistry.co.uk Core CPD Update Oral Surgery Date 6 February 2015 Time 9.30 – 18.00 CPD 7 hours Price£129+vat Code DLO1501 Date Time CPD Price Code The core CPD update conference is for the whole dental team. IT covers the 6 core areas recommended by the GDC RADIOGRAPHY AND RADIATION PROTECTION Dr Brenda Murray BSc, PhD, BDS, MFD RSCI, DDR RCR The aim of this talk is to update the dental practitioner on the principles of radiation protection and its application in dental practice. With the emergence of Cone Beam CT, an overview of this imaging modality will be presented together with the implications for the dental practitioner. Finally, the selection criteria in dental radiography has recently been updated, and a review of the selection criteria for two and three dimensional imaging will be provided. Leaning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants should understand • The risks of ionising radiation and methods of dose reduction • The principle of Cone Beam CT and its application in dentistry • The use of selection criteria in dental radiography WHAT’S NEW IN INFECTION CONTROL? AN OVERVIEW OF NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN INFECTION CONTROL IN DENTISTRY Martin Fulford BDS .M Phil.DGDP.FIBMS The profession has seen rapid change in infection control requirements following the introduction in England of HTM 01-05 and the code of Practice on preventing and controlling infections. This session aims to advise how these new developments are affecting your practice and how to overcome challenges. MANAGEMENT OF MEDICAL EMERGENCIES IN DENTAL PRACTICE Raj Majithia M.Clin.Dent FFGDP, BDS, LDSRCS, MJDF (UK), DPDS. The aim of this course is to update delegates on current guidelines in the management of medical emergencies in general dental practice with an emphasis on CQC Compliance Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, participants will have a better understanding of: • • • • • Risk management in medical emergencies The ‘ABCDE’ approach for dealing with emergencies Management of common medical emergencies The role and use of Automated External Defibrillators Emergency equipment and Drug requirements LEGAL & ETHICS UPDATE Raj Rattan MBE BDS MFGDP FFGDP Dip.MDE In this presentation, Raj Rattan will review the current trends in the medico-legal field with a focus on common problems and solutions. The presentation will review aspects of consent, clinical negligence and record keeping and offer practical risk management strategies in everyday clinical practice. He will also explore the management of failure from a dento-legal perspective and how to minimise its impact. The presentation will conclude with a review of a number of dento-legal cases to illustrate the principles discussed during the presentation. Learning Objectives: To better understand the implications of the Standards Guidance • To summarise the changes and their impact on everyday practice • To explore the challenges associated with ethical decision-making 6 February 2015 9.30 – 17.00 6 hours £129+vat DLO1504 Tara Renton Professor in Oral Surgery BDS MDSc PhD FDS RCS FRACDS (OMS) ILTM • • • • Modern Oral Surgery – Minimal Access = Minimal Complications Pain Management for Oral Surgery Patients Diagnosis and Prevention of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries related to LA, M3M Surgery Prevention and Management of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries Focus on Endo and Implant Related Nerve Injuries. MOUTH CANCER YOU MUST NOT MISS THIS! Professor Michael A. O. Lewis PhD, BDS, FDSRCPS, FDSRCS (Eng), FRCPath, FFGPP(UK),FHEA Almost 7,000 cases of oral cancer are diagnosed in the UK each year. Despite improvements in surgical management and other forms of treatment, the 5-year survival of this devastating disease remains poor at 50%. Detection of lesions when small (less than 2cm in diameter) is the most important factor that is associated with improved prognosis. Full examination of the oral soft tissue is an essential component of every routine dental examination. A number of diagnostic aids that can increase the likelihood of early detection of malignancy are available but need to be used appropriately. Learning objectives: Following attendance at this lecture participants will: • Have an appreciation of the different ways by which oral cancer may present • Have knowledge of those conditions which should be regarded as potentially malignant and their management • Have an understanding of the range and role of special investigations that may be used to assist detection of oral cancer • Gain an assessment of their ability to detect oral cancer by use of a self-assessed interactive quiz CAN COMPLAINTS BE GOOD FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Len D’Cruz LLM BDS LDSRCS MFGDP DipFoD PGC MedEd DipFod It is commonly said that any business that wants to develop and provide excellent service should listen to its customers. This is equally true for dental practices but complaints are the sharp end of listening to patients and certainly not what team members want to face any time soon. Every practice gets complaints and this lecture sets about identifying why they occur, how they can be managed and prevented without stress and tears. Learning objectives: • Gain an understanding about the common triggers for complaints in practice • Recognise what can be done to prevent complaints • Develop some common strategies for dealing with complaints and turning them into practice building opportunities. • Gain an understanding of the GDC and NHS requirements for dealing with patient complaint Disinfection & Decontamination Date Time CPD Price Code 7 February 2015 9.30 – 17.00 6 hours £129+vat DLO1507 Sandra Smith BSc (Hons) Health Protection, RDN This conference will satisfy the GDC’s minimum verifiable CPD requirement for Disinfection and Decontamination. The GDC recommend that you do at least 5 hours in every CPD Cycle. Aim: To update participants on infection control, provide an overview of latest dental decontamination guidance known as HTM 01-05 and have practical hand hygiene training Objectives/Outcomes: By the end of the session participants will be able to: • Recall the chain of infection and modes of spread • Describe immunisation schedule • List the essential and best practice requirements of HTM 0105 • Understand how to set up a decontamination room The Future of NHS Dentistry Back to the Future: Risk & Opportunity in the new NHS Date Time CPD Price Code 7 February 2015 9.30 – 17.00 6 hours £129+vat DLO1506 Raj Rattan MBE BDS MFGDP FFGDP Dip.MDE This day will comprise 4 modules 1 2 3 4 Proposals for the future of NHS dentistry The experience of the pilot sites Optimising patient care Business aspects Raj will draw on his experience of running a pilot site for 3 years and share that insight and experience with his audience. He will explore innovative ways of delivering care to patients under the new arrangements as well as look at how the skill mix model could be applied in practice and its impact on the future prospects for dentists. He will also review the different models of associate remuneration and the impact of the contract in the private sector. Teeth Whitening Tooth Wear & Erosion Aesthetic Dentistry Date Time CPD Price Code Date Time CPD Price Code Date Time CPD Price Code 6 February 2015 9.30 – 17.00 6 hours £129+vat DLO1503 Dr Linda Greenwall BDS MGDS, RCS Msc, MRD RCS, FFGDP White, whiter, whitest: successful strategies for predictable teeth whitening. Essential for all dentists, this one day course will give you the confidence to carry out successful teeth whitening in your practice. Learning objectives: • Understand current teeth whitening legislation, research and techniques • Gain detailed knowledge of dental bleaching techniques • Learn how to create a successful whitening practice • Review treatment planning process for teeth whitening • Learn how to overcome problems associated with bleaching • Review new whitening innovations KNOW THE LEGISLATION, RESEARCH AND SCIENCE BEHIND DENTAL BLEACHING • • • Update on the recent changes in legislation Summary of the current research on teeth whitening Understand the scientific basis of bleaching GAIN DETAILED KNOWLEDGE ON ALL DENTAL BLEACHING TECHNIQUES • • • • Understand the most effective whitening strategies Develop a sound knowledge of shade assessment for bleaching Review bleaching photography and the type of views required to standardise it Focus on new whitening innovations for 2014 INTEGRATING WHITENING INTO ALL ASPECTS OF AESTHETIC AND RESTORATIVE TREATMENT • • • Marketing and management of whitening services for patients How to get the whole team involved in the whitening treatments Financial aspects of whitening and treatment planning PREDICTABLE TREATMENT PLANNING FOR TEETH WHITENING PROGRAMMES • • • • • • Understanding how and what to evaluate for new patients requesting bleaching Be aware of the consent and information that patients need to receive prior to undertaking whitening procedures Providing confident answers to patients questions and concerns Managing whitening for the under 18 patient with severe discolouration Analysing the best non vital bleaching techniques and how to use sectional whitening trays for non-vital teeth Discussing single tooth whitening MANAGING PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH BLEACHING • • • • Management and understanding of bleaching related sensitivity The problems related to bleachorexia Why teeth whitening is the practice of dentistry The ethics of teeth whitening: how white is white enough? 7 February 2015 9.30 – 17.00 6 hours £129+vat DLO1508 6 February 2015 9.30 – 17.00 6 hours £129+vat DLO1502 Professor Jeremy Rees Martin Kelleher BDS (Hons) MSc FDSRCPS FDSRCS Aim: To provide the busy clinician with an overview of the contemporary management of tooth wear. `Cosmetic` dentistry, when done well and appropriately, can work wonders for some patient’s dental appearance and their confidence. Very acceptable improvements can often be achieved for suitable patients in a minimally destructive way and at sensible financial costs. Director of the M Clin Dent programme at Cardiff University Jeremy will cover the following: HOW COMMON IS TOOTH WEAR, WHAT CAUSES IT AND HOW CAN YOU PREVENT IT? • The prevalence of tooth wear in both deciduous and permanent teeth • An in depth exploration of the aetiology of wear including reflux, eating disorders, fruits, drinks and acid sweets • Contemporary ideas for the management of tooth wear DENTINE HYPERSENSITIVITY A TOOTH WEAR PHENOMENA • The role of gingivitis recession and it’s causes • The link between tooth wear and sensitivity • The clinical management of sensitivity including the use of ‘modern’ toothpastes EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DAHL TECHNIQUE AND WHEN TO USE IT • What is the Dahl technique, how it has evolved over the last 3 decades • When to use the Dahl technique in practice and how to do it • Review of the evidence base for this technique Recent social and market pressures to have a currently fashionable `lavatorial white` and very even smile now means that dental appearance has become the primary concern for some dentists and their patients. However, some patients are demanding and receiving `extreme smile makeover` types of supposedly `cosmetic` treatment without, apparently, appreciating fully the very real risks involved, nor the electively destructive nature of some of the procedures being carried out on their existing sound tooth tissue and other structures in order to achieve their desired ‘cosmetic’ outcome. This full day course will address some of the clinical, ethical, marketing and legal issues in this controversial but fascinating field and highlight some of the longer term implications for patients and society at large. It will address some of the issues and offer some solutions; including how to be positive but at the same time avoid some of the pitfalls that await the unwary. CONVENTIONAL PROSTHODONTICS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF TOOTH WEAR • When to use conventional techniques to manage significant wear • When to change the OVD • When to use occlusal splints • When to use crown lengthening surgery Interested in exhibiting & sponsorship opportunities? Call today on 01332 227 682 Or email [email protected] Booking Form Complete this booking form to book yourself onto any of the conferences in this flyer. Fax back to 01332 227 691 Return freepost Freepost Plus RSLT-EKSH-UYJT MacMillan Building, Parcel Terrace, Derby DE1 1LY Scan & email to [email protected] Practice name Position Address Delegate 2 Name Delegate 1 Delegate 1 Train & Tube I would like a FREE Exhibition Ticket London Overground Kensington (Olympia) is on the London Overground network. It’s one stop from Shepherd’s Bush (Central line) or West Brompton (District line) The venue is next to the station. DL01501 Central Line - Change at Shepherd’s Bush for a 2 minute Overground train to Kensington (Olympia). Tel DL01502 Piccadilly Line - Hammersmith is a 9 minute walk away. Fax DL01503 Postcode Email Delegate 2 Name DL01504 Hammersmith & City Line - Hammersmith Station is a 5 minute bus ride or 15 minute walk away. Circle Line - Hammersmith Station is a 5 minute bus ride or 15 minute walk away. High Street Kensington is a 4 minute bus ride or 12 minute walk away. Position DL01506 District Line - Change at West Brompton for a 2 minute Overground train to Kensington (Olympia). Alternatively West Kensington is an 8 minute walk away, and High Street Kensington is a 4 minute bus ride or 12 minute walk away. Address Please tick if same as above DL01507 By Car DL01508 From M1/A1/M11/A10 take the A406 westbound to A4. Continue on A4 over Hammersmith Flyover, turn left onto the B317 (North End Road) and follow signs. Practice name DL01505 The postcode for satnav/GPS system is W14 8UX Postcode From M4/A4 follow directions as above. Email From A3/M3 follow signs for central London, take Wandsworth or Putney bridges. Tel From Wandsworth Bridge turn left onto New Kings Road, turn right onto Fulham High Street, which becomes Fulham Palace Road. At Hammersmith roundabout turn right onto Hammersmith Road and follow signs. Fax For 3 delegates or more, copy this form and attach or call us on 01332 226 590 Please raise an invoice to my practice for £................. or complete together with a cheque payable to Practice Enterprise Ltd and return Freepost to Freepost Plus RSLT-EKSH-UYJT MacMillan Building, Parcel Terrace, Derby DE1 1LY From Putney Bridge turn left onto Fulham Palace Road and follow directions as above. From M2/M20/A2 follow signs to central London, take Blackfriars, London, Waterloo, Vauxhall, Southwark, Chelsea or Battersea bridges, turn left along Embankment and follow signs. From A12/A13 follow signs for central London towards Tower or London Bridge. Don’t cross the bridge, and instead continue along Embankment and follow signs. Terms & Conditions: Course fee includes seminar documentation. Confirmation of registration and VAT receipt/invoice will be sent in acknowledgement of all bookings. Anyone not having received these details within 48 hours of the course should telephone to confirm a place has been booked. Cancellations must be made in writing and will be subject to a £25+vat administration charge, transfers will be subject to an administration fee, but no refunds or transfers can be made for cancellations notified within 14 days of the event. Substitute delegates will be accepted. Professional Dentistry reserve the right to change the venue and/or speaker(s) at any time and without prior notice. We accept no liability if the conference does not take place for reasons beyond our control. We also reserve the right to cancel the event in which case all monies will be refunded. The course fee(s) must be paid prior to any conference regardless of attendance. The delegate(s) and employer are jointly and severally liable for payment of all the fees due. In the event of a legal dispute the matter is to be heard in and transferred if necessary to a county court nominated by Professional Dentistry. All bookings are subject to these conditions. In light of the DDA, please advise if you have any special requirements. Any personal details you provide may be used by Professional Dentistry and other carefully selected organisations. It may be used to contact you to give you information on related products or services, which may be of interest. If you do not wish to receive such information please tick this box.
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