FROM DAN’S DESK February 8, 2015 Volume 5 WHAT THE GOOD SHEPHERD CAN DO FOR US Our good friend Phil Sanders recently shared on Facebook this true story which came across his desk, and I thought is was too good not to share with you. This is Shrek the sheep. He became famous several years ago when he was found after hiding out in caves for six years. Of course, during this time his fleece grew without anyone there to shorn (shave) it. When he was finally found and shaved, his fleece weighed an amazing sixty pounds. Most sheep have a fleece weighing just under ten pounds, with the exception usually reaching fifteen pounds, maximum. For six years, Shrek carried six times the regular weight of his fleece. Simply because he was away from his shepherd. This reminds me of John 10 when Jesus compares Himself to a shepherd, and His followers are His sheep. Maybe it’s a stretch, but I think Shrek is much like a person who knows Jesus Christ but has wandered. If we avoid Christ’s constant refining of our character, we’re going to accumulate extra weight in this world—a weight we don’t have to bear. When Shrek was found, a professional sheep shearer took care of Shrek’s fleece in twenty-eight minutes. Shrek’s sixty pound fleece was finally removed. All it took was coming home to his shepherd. I believe Christ can lift the burdens we carry, if only we stop hiding. He can shave off our ‘fleece’—that is, our self-imposed burdens brought about by wandering from our Good Shepherd. “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). YOUTH CORNER with Paddy Flanagan The Whole Armor: Truth and Righteousness Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. (Ephesians 6.14) The truth is conspicuously absent from our world. It seems as if everyone, from politicians to corporations have a certain something they want from us. Whether it’s our money or our vote, or even both, there’s an incentive for some to hide or obscure the truth from others. And when our society lives in the dark, we should not be surprised at unrighteousness and dark deeds. The tendency for humanity is to “suppress the truth” (Romans 1.18) in order to hide or excuse our rebellion against God. This tendency is played out on both a macro and micro scale every day. It happens on TV, in our school hallways, and in the break room at work. When we exchange the “truth about God for a lie” (Romans 1.25) unrighteousness will follow. Our enemy leads and traps many of us in this kind of living. We can succumb to doubt and begin to put away our faith, or simply suppress the conviction of the Holy Spirit. We can weave lies for our own benefit and allow ourselves to become captive to a defeated master. Truth and righteous living are inseparable, for when we know the truth Jesus revealed (John 18.37) about the Father of lights, we are set free from bondage to sin (John 8.32). At the same time, our dead heart of stone is exchanged for a living heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36.26), and our greatest desire is no longer to gratify ourselves, but to glorify our God! Where in your life have you believed lies and walked in unrighteousness? Calendar of Events February 16: Freed Hardeman Campus Visit Day-Sign up on Paddy’s board by today! February 27-March 1: CYC at Pigeon Forge March 20-21: Spring Training at the building April 2-5: Lads to Leaders at Opryland May 1-3: Spring Retreat at Pigeon Forge ___________________________________________________ SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: Sunday Morning Worship…..........................9:00 AM Sunday Morning Bible Study…...…………....10:15 AM Sunday Evening Worship………..………..…….6:00 PM Wednesday Evening Bible Study…..………....7:00 PM Phone: (615) 373-4353 Newsline: (615) 373-3038 Fax: (615) 373-9743 Preschool: (615) 661-4612 Mission Missive GHANA BIBLE COLLEGE, KUMASI Students’ Weekly Community Evangelism This practical evangelism program was organized and introduced by the College in this academic year as part of its training program for the students. The program seeks to link the College to the local churches to boost college-church relationship while improving students’ capacity in house-to-house evangelism on every Saturday of the semester. The local evangelism program is implemented in collaboration with local churches which expresses the need for community house-to-house evangelism. Based on the number of invitations received from the churches, the program is organized in phases. During the first phase in September and October this year, the students were sent to Ntiri Buoho and Suame near Kumasi. A total of 124 persons were taught the gospel in the house-tohouse evangelism at Ntiri Buoho and 108 were taught at Suame. During the program at Buoho in September, a fetish priestess denounced her “god” to listen to the gospel with keen interest. Though she has not been baptized yet, she continues to visit and worship with the Ntiri Buoho church on Sundays. The churches in and around the Buoho area have been blessed with a lot of visitors as a result of evangelism program of the students in the area since September. The Suame Church has so far recorded six (6) baptisms and thirty two (32) new visitors have been attending Sunday morning worship through the student’s evangelism in the community. College Church Planting Week Church planting program is the second phase of the practical evangelism training the College has initiated for this academic year. Under this program a full week is dedicated in every semester to work with a local church to establish a new congregation at a community where there is no congregation of the church of Christ. The program is designed to help the students to understand issues involved in church planting. The student’s participation in the weekly evangelism and the weeklong church planting programs was very encouraging. An average of 30 students attended the program each weekend with two lecturers as their supervisors. In general, the program has been successful in training the students in practical evangelism and providing the churches with the much needed human resources for wining more souls for Christ. Accreditation The accreditation process is on course. The inspection reports and recommendations of the National Accreditation Board teams which visited the College in September have been reviewed and follow-up responses have been forwarded to the Education agency. The National Accreditation Board, which meets once every quarter, is expected to meet shortly for the last quarter of this year to consider our application. Let us continue to pray that we will receive a favourable decision of the board and secure our institutional accreditation before the end of this year. Blessings, Augustine Dr. Augustine Tawiah P. O. Box LG 1067 University Post Office Legon, Ghana Toll Free Phone: (877) 226-5747 LEADERSHIP Website: Elders: Buddy Williams Ron Thomas Jerry McCormick Dwayne Stubblefield Carl Haedge February Chairman for Elders: B uddy W illiam s Ministers: Minister : Dan Cham ber s (615) 815-5382 Youth Minister: Paddy Flanagan (615) 829-4276 Office: Office Adm inistr ator : Melissa Tolber t (615) 373 -4353 Mobile Website: Join us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at Prayer List: Charles Paschall is in CCU at Vanderbilt Hospital recovering from heart bypass surgery. Please no visitors until after Monday, February 9. Betty Brownlee is now recovering at home after being in the hospital for tests. Cole & Bethany Edwards, who are living in the Everson’s little house, need prayers for Bryce who was born at 25 weeks & is in the NICU at Vanderbilt Hospital. Cards: 615 Granny White Pike, Brentwood. Jay Young, our contact person for Odessa, underwent heart surgery on Thursday, February 5, in Sarasota, FL. Shut-Ins: Roy Arnold; Doris Beasley; Gail Duff; Jerry Flowers; LeeAnn Hunter; Jeanne McWhirter; Gina Owens; Harold Pratt; Sue Baker (mother of Linda Gilliam); Jim Costello (visitor at Concord Road): Kenneth Demumbran (father of Kevin Demumbran); Lynn Fraizer (sister of Janet McCormick); Darla Jennings (cousin of Pam Stevens): Virginia Johnson (mother of Sheri Daniel); Michael McEndree (visitor at Concord Road); Betty Pate (mother of Lori Bailey); Vicky Rogers (aunt of Sheri Daniel); Natalie Seale (granddaughter of Betty Harris); Harrison Warren (nephew of Lisa Grissim); Stephen Zavorski (husband of LauraLee Zavorski). February Prayer Topics Dear Brothers & Sisters, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind notes and cards you have sent expressing your love for Jackie and me in the loss of my mother. Your words and love comforted us at a time of grief and loneliness. We miss and love you all, and your kind words brought many kind memories back to our hearts. Again, thank you for your prayers and love. In Christian love, Phil and Jackie Sanders Visitation Team #6, led by Chris & Vonda Rhodes, will meet tonight after evening services at the front left of the auditorium to hand out assignments. Lads to Leaders: The remaining room balances for Lads to Leaders hotel rooms are due to Shane or Becky Austin by today. Checks should be made payable to Concord Road. If you are unsure of your balance see Shane or Becky. The Little Leaders will practice on Sunday, February 15, at 5:00 p.m. in the auditorium. They will meet every other Sunday night. This is for kids 2nd grade & below. Please see Kelly Alsup for more information. Congregational Soup & Stew Potluck Dinner will be held on Wednesday, February 18, at 5:30 p.m. Everyone get out your favorite soup or stew recipe & make a BIG pot of it. Examples: Veggie soup, cream base soups & beef stews etc...KFC & Youth Groups, bring desserts. Crackers & cornbread provided. See Lori Locke for more information. Welcome New Member Abena Tawiah (Daughter of Augustine) (Our missionary in Ghana) Lipscomb University P.O. Box 615 Nashville, TN 37204 (901) 279-5847 (Yellow Group) Thank You Notes: Red Group: Father, help me to see my need for Your forgiveness. Blue Group: Father, help me to see my need for Your wisdom. Green Group: Father, help me to see my need for Your patience. Yellow Group: Father, help me to see my need for Your truth. Orange Group: Father, help me to see my need for Your word. Bob & Glenda Guy, Linda Haedge; Martha Harris, G.W. Head; Jack & Dot Joyner, Carmie Miller, Josephine Prickett, Ann Thompson, LeEleanor Tomberlain & Jim West. Continue to Remember: Christian Service Group The 40’s & 50’s Sweetheart Dinner & Newlywed Game will be on Friday, February 20, at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship A. The meal will be $15 per couple & will be catered by Buca de Beppo. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan on attending. For more information see Dan & Leola Chambers. Little/Big Secret Sisters: Bonjour! Today at 5:00 p.m. the "Little/Big Secret Sisters" will have their BIG reveal! Meet in the downstairs fellowship room for an afternoon in Paris, France, where the treats will be très sweet! See Rheanne Walker for more information. Team Concord Road Youth: 1st-5th grade will have a family bowling outing on Sunday, February 15, after evening services. Williamson County schools are off the next day for President’s Day, hence it’s not a school night. Please contact Vonda Rhodes ([email protected]) or (615) 477-9122 if you would like to attend. $10.19 gets you 2 hours of bowling with shoes included. Financial Peace University is coming to Concord Road on Wednesday, April 1, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. It will be a 9 week course that will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely and much more! The cost is $96 per family & that includes a life membership to FPU & your membership kit. Partial scholarships are available. You can make your check out to Concord Road. If you plan on attending pick up a class registration form in the foyer & turn into the office or to Dan. College Mission Trip: Keith O'Neal is leading a college mission trip to Kayenta, AZ on the Navajo Reservation May 23 - June 1. Any college students or graduating seniors who are interested need to let him know by Sunday, February 22. See Keith O’Neal for details. Members and Visitors: Please remember to fill out your attendance card each Sunday morning so we have a record of your attendance. February 8, 2015 9:00 A.M. Worship Service Call to Worship…..…………..Song Leader, Jeff Thomas FOR THE KIDS! See how many times you hear the following words in today’s lesson: Earth Heaven New Song, “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder”…..…...#852 Welcome & Announcements Song, “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder”.…....…#852 Song, “When All of God’s Singers Get Home”……#859 Song, “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”………………#786 Prayer.............................................................Keith O’Neal Song, “Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?”………...#319 Song, “Low in the Grave He Lay”……………..…….#344 Lord’s Supper…….……………….......Preside: Steve King Assist in serving the Lord’s Supper: Camilo Chavez Ryan Daniel Ron Dixon Jared Dougan Kevin Demumbran Buford Gregory Jeff Hammond David Harper Ralph Isenberg Kevin McCormac Landon Hodnett Michael Mazo Collection/Song, “Holy, Holy, Holy”……………...…...#47 Dismissal for Children’s Bible Hour Song, “Home of the Soul”………………...…...…...…#875 Scripture Reading, Isaiah 65:17-19………..Matt Reaves Sermon, “Looking For A New Earth”……Dan Chambers Invitation, “Jesus Is Tenderly Calling”……………….#947 Song, “I’ll Fly Away”…………………………..…….…..#851 Shepherd’s Prayer……………………….…Buddy Williams 6:00 P.M. Worship Service Song Leader..........................................Jack Stubblefield Prayer………….……..…....….…………..….….Justin Zelnik Scripture Reading, Ezekiel 16:1-6……….John Rutledge Sermon, “Our Affectionate God”………Dan Chambers Preside…...……………….......................….……Tom Taylor Prayer of Thanksgiving………..........………...Mike Walker Infant’s nursery: Carolyn Beasley & Pam Paul Toddler’s nursery: Christy Staggs, Ali Staggs & Sofie Staggs Children’s Bible Hour: Frank Walton Study: David Concord Road Preschool is currently taking enrollment for the 20152016 Fall sessions. The school serves ages three years through five years. If you would like more information, please call 661-4612 or contact Melissa Hardeman. 2015 Baptism Helpers Needed: Ladies information about this ministry & the sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board across from the office. See the church office if you have any questions. Preparation of Communion Trays for February: Ann Davis, Doris Beasley & Nell Highers Video cameras: Shane Austin & Ben Austin Sound System for February: Camilo Chavez Safety Team Members: Mike Zelnik, Chad Westmoreland & Alan Stephens Greeters: Front: Lee & Mary Margaret Whitfield East: Tommy & Melissa Tolbert West: Christopher & Lindsey Safley E-mail Addresses: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Study February 11, 2015 [email protected] Song leader: Frank Walton Devotion: John Rutledge Prayer: Lyn Caldwell [email protected] [email protected] The Record — February 1, 2015 Sunday Worship: AM: 527 PM: 222 Sunday Bible Classes: 512 Wednesday Bible Classes: 344 (2-4-15) Contribution TOT: 2-1-15 $24,586 Contribution YTD: $126,044 Contribution Goal YTD:$120,000
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