A publication for and about Scouters in our Council http://ocscouts.org/newsletters/NewsLetters.html January 2015 Vol.11 #01 Scout Sign January-February Council Calendar Scoutmaster Thoughts "The secret of 7-Jan 8-Jan New Year's Day - Office Closed Properties Committee Meeting Commissioner Cabinet Meeting 8-Jan Program Committee Meeting 1-Jan 10-Jan 19-Jan 20-Jan 22-Jan 31-Jan 31-Jan 31-Jan 4-Feb 7-Feb 12-Feb 14-Feb 16-Feb 24-Feb 26-Feb 27Feb1Mar getting ahead is getting started. The secret to Open COPE MLK Jr. Day - Office Closed Finance Committee Meeting Council Annual Business Meeting Staff Camp Interviews District Committee Workshop Eagle Banquet Properties Committee Meeting Camp Staff Interviews Commissioner Cabinet Meeting Open Tower President's Day - Office Closed Finance Committee Meeting Executive Committee Meeting getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and then starting on the first one." -Mark Twain NRA Rifle Instr. Training . Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 1 2014 Class of Silver Beaver Award Recipients Kevin Blackwood Carolyn Covert Ben Freeman Antonio Garcia David Gardener Cliff Rogers Scott Simerly Robert Shaw West 2015 Eagle Banquet Celebrating the Achievement of 400+ Eagle Scouts And Our Venturing Silver Awards Recipients Saturday, January 31, 2015 6:00 – 8:30 pm NC State University McKimmon Center 1101 Gorman Street Raleigh, NC 27606 Congratulations And Thank you for your service to Scouting Banquet info on page 1 Keynote Speaker Lt. Gov. Dan Forest Info on page 1Ͷ Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 2 William T. Hornaday Badge – Will Tabor (Troop 325) and James Grubbs (Troop 820) 2014 Occoneechee Council Hornaday Award Recipients The Hornaday Award program was created to encourage and recognize those youth, units and adults in the BSA that have contributed significantly to natural resource conservation and environmental protection. Approximately 1,200 Hornaday Awards have been bestowed in the last 99 years. The first Hornaday Awards were awarded to two youth in our Council in 2003. Since then, only 18 Hornaday Awards total have been earned and awarded -‐ two Unit Certificates, 12 Badges, one Silver Medal (highest youth award) and three Gold Badges (adults). For a Scout, the award signifies the completion of one or several truly exceptional conservation projects depending upon the Hornaday medal level achieved. The Unit Award Certificate is presented to a unit on the Council level that completes a significant conservation project. For adults, it signifies a minimum of three years of significant contributions to conservation and ecology either on a District or Council level. The Conservation Committee would like to recognize the following members of our Council who have earned a William T. Hornaday Award in 2014 (in order earned). Occoneechee Scout Sign Unit Certificate – Troop 325 (as part of Will Tabor’s Hornaday Badge project) William T. Hornaday Gold Badge – Meredith Blackwood (Council) and Charly Kerr (Impeesa District). The 100th Anniversary of the Hornaday Award will be celebrated in 2015. Stay tuned for more information on the celebration as it comes down from National. If you have a youth in your unit who is interested in working on a Hornaday Award, please have them contact Meredith Blackwood, Hornaday Advisor, at [email protected]. Don’t forget that your unit can also earn this special award. January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 3 HOT OFF THE PRESSES!! A new Cub Scouting program is launching June 1, 2015 that will be more fun and exciting for boys, and easier to implement for unit leaders. To ensure you are ready to make the transition, a number of webcasts will be hosted on January 17 to outline the coming changes, how to prepare, and when resources will be available. It's easy to attend! Just navigate your Internet browser to http://www.livestream.com/bsanationalco uncil and you are ready to view the webcast! As always, for more information on the new Cub Scouting program, please go to www.scouting.org/programupdates. Help spread the word about the webcasts to ensure others are ready for the new Cub Scouting program! Boy Scouts of America National Council 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Irving, TX 75038 This message brought to you by your friends on the Occoneechee Council Training Team. Cubmaster Webcasts Saturday, January 17, at 8 am (Central) or Saturday, January 17, at 3 pm (Central) Den Leader Webcasts Saturday, January 17 at 9:30 am (Central) or Saturday, January 17 at 4:30 pm (Central) LDS-Specific Considerations* Saturday, January 17, at 11 am (Central), or Saturday, January 17, at 6 pm (Central) * It is recommended that those interested in the LDS session view one of the role-specific sessions first. Although the content will be geared to the roles listed, anyone with an interest in learning about the new Cub Scouting program is welcome to attend. The sessions will be recorded for later viewing. District Committee TrainingWorkshop Who: All District Committee members, new and old What: District Committee Training Workshop When: January 31, 2015, starting at 8:15 am (registration at 7:45 am) Where: Edenton Street United Methodist Church 228 West Edenton Street Raleigh, NC Why: Basics of Committee functions, networking among Districts and Council Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 4 This half-‐day workshop is designed for District Committee members who are in need of training for their position. The result of this workshop for members who attend will be a training card and the ability to wear the “Trained” strip for their position. The District Committee Training Workshop meets the basic training need of members of the District Committee. The workshop also results in a well-‐coordinated and dedicated group of Scouters committed to achieving the mission of the Council and the Districts. The workshop also helps initiate a working relationship between the Council and District personnel. The basic functions of the will be reviewed; major tasks of Committee members will be identified and suggestions as to completion of these tasks; and networking and coordination tasks will be identified. Participants who attend this workshop will meet their counterparts in other Districts and the Council. They will review the department goals for 2015 and use these as a launch pad to set their own District goals for 2015. As a tenet of continuous learning, ALL members of the Committee are encouraged to attend this event every year in order to network with others as well as review the goals for the year. Hope to see everyone there! Flyer attached and entry for registration will be on the calendar. Because it is only a half-‐day, lunch will not be served. Snacks and drinks will be available. Info on page 1͵ Info on page 1ͷ Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 5 2015 Diocese of Raleigh Catholic Camporee Cub Scout Fun Starts Here! The Joy of the Gospel March 13-‐15, 2015 BSA Camp Bowers, White Oak, NC Hosted by BSA Troop 215 of St. Mark Parish Wilmington, NC For more information, please email Jim or Janel Barnes: [email protected] Info on page 1ͺ What Are Our Cub Scout Packs Doing? Tell us about your ceremonies, AOL, camping, community service, special activities, field trips, etc. Send us an article with pictures. Share your STORY Wood Badge S7-‐421-‐15-‐1 April 17-‐19 and May 1-‐3, 2015 Info on page 1ͻǦʹͲ Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 6 NESA News 2015 World Tour Sunday, March 1, 2014 3:00 pm PNC Arena 1400 Edwards Mill Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Info on page 1 “See things from the 2014 Occoneechee Council Eagle Count boy’s point of view.” Sir Robert Baden-Powell Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 297+ 7 2014 Occoneechee Council Silver Award Count Send us your Troop News and Photos 7+ Send us your Venturing/SeaScout news and photos Check out the latest issue of at www.venturingmag.org Info on pages 21-22 Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 8 OA NEWS 7 lifesaving tactics the Unbroken hero would have learned in Scouting Boy Scout troop rescues pilot whose plane crashed into river Download these Cub Scout smartphone backgrounds Save the date: Kids to Parks Day is May 16, 2015 Check out these and other interesting articles at: http://blog.Scoutingmagazine.org Send us your OA news and photos Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 9 SCOUT SHOP NEWS Our Scout Shops would like to thank you for being loyal patrons of our stores in 2014. We want to make 2015 another fun and exciting Scouting year. As always, we want to be your One Stop Scouting Shop! We will continue to strive to be number one in customer service!!! Wow, the holidays are over and it is a new Scouting year. Pinewood Derby time is here again with all of the excitement and fun for everyone. Occoneechee and Cumberland Scout Shops want to help make your car building experience as smooth and easy as possible. On January 17th, 2015, both Scout Shops will hold their annual Pinewood Derby Champ Camp. This is an awesome event for everyone, whether you are a beginner or an expert! We will have a weigh station, a derby test track and a tool demonstration. This is an excellent time to check out all the cool wheels, decals, weights, and add-‐ons you can use with your car. We have a wide selection of books to choose from which contain useful information and tips. Mark your calendars today to stop by our shops between 10 am and 4 pm on January 17th, 2015. Plus, we carry Pinewood Derby medals, both pin on and neck medals, plus patches and ribbons. We also have derby pennants; caution tape; party goods like plates and napkins; and trophies for the winners. Stop by and check out our full line of Pinewood Derby supplies today!! It is also time again for Scouts to begin working towards their religious award. If a Scout gets started now, the Scout can finish by Sunday, February 8th, 2015. What a special time of year to recognize Scouting’s birthday and our Duty to God. We have Scout Sunday patches, neckerchiefs, and program covers to make this event very special for your unit. Come by and let us help you make this a special occasion for your Scouts! Occoneechee Scout Sign 3rd Annual Pinewood Derby Workshop Cumberland Scout Shop Jan 17, 2015 10 am to 3 pm Cub Scouts -‐ Come one -‐ Come all. This is a great event for the Cub Scouts so let your den parents know and we will see a mile of smiles. Boy Scouts can earn service hours at this event by helping the Cubs work on their cars. Adults – If you have a small band saw or scroll saw to help cut the cars we need your help. If you can help, please contact Sherry Unruh at the below phone number or email me at [email protected] Thank you in advance. www.lafayettedistrict.org/Forms/2015%2 0Forms/2015-‐pinewood_workshop.pdf Sherry Unruh | Store Manager January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 10 Occoneechee Scout Shop Anne J. Hendrix, Senior Store Manager Boy Scouts of America, Supply Group Phone: 919-850-0301 Phone: 888-421-4744 Fax: 919-850-0392 Street Address: 3231 Atlantic Ave Raleigh, NC 27604 Cumberland Scout Shop Sherry Unruh , Store Manager Phone: 910-426-5684 Phone: 888-421-7268 Fax: 910-426-5670 Street Address: 717 Hope Mills Rd Fayetteville, NC 28304 Scout Shop Hours Monday - Friday Saturday Closed Sunday Editorial Policy The Scout Sign is a monthly publication that communicates relevant news to Scout leaders about the Scouting community of Occoneechee Council. We welcome articles (with pictures) that demonstrate Scouting in action, including Eagle projects, outings, and upcoming events that can serve as inspiration to others. While we reserve the editorial decision as to what content is relevant, we will attempt to utilize your content as submitted with only minor corrections to improve readability. 9 am - 6 pm 10 am - 4 pm Send your content and comments to [email protected] Scout news? The mission of this newsletter is to publish on a monthly basis those events that show Scouting at its best and help you deliver a Scouting program that delivers the Scouting promise. Send your events, Eagle projects, and Scouting news articles (with pictures) to: [email protected] Deadline: 20th of every month Publication: 1st of every month www.praypub.org Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 11 High AdVenturing… the Scout Sign newsletter via email? Email Veronica at: [email protected] Northern Tier… Florida Seabase… If a link does not open for you, please copy and paste it into your browser. Philmont… SBR Check them all out at: Contact Information for Occoneechee Council Office http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HighAdVe nturing.aspx Phone: Phone: Fax: Street Address: Do you want to receive Occoneechee Scout Sign Web: January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 919-872-4884 800-662-7102 919-872-1159 3231 Atlantic Ave Raleigh, NC 27604 www.oscsouts.org 12 DISTRICT COMMITTEE TRAINING WORKSHOP 2015 Who: All District Committee members, new and old What: District Committee Training Workshop When: January 31, 2015, starting at 8:15 AM (registration at 7:45 am) Where: Edenton Street United Methodist Church, 228 West Edenton Street, Raleigh Why: Basics of committee functions, networking among districts and council How: General session to orient all participants and breakouts for most committee functions in order to review council goals for 2015, coordinate between district and council and among districts. There is no charge, however registration is requested to ensure adequate materials are on hand for participants. Donations for snacks and drinks will be accepted. Detach and mail in or register on line on the council calendar (http://www.ocscouts.org/calendar-‐all/) -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Name: _____________________________________________ District: _________________________ District Position: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _______________ Zip: __________________________ Mail to: Occoneechee Council, BSA 3231 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh, NC 27629 Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 13 20 015 5 Ea agle e Ba anq quett Join us a as we c celebra ate the e achiev vemen nts of 4 400+ Eagle Scoutts and our Ventur V re Silv ver Awa ards Cllass off 2014 Key ynote S Speaker: Lt. L Go ov. Dan Fores st Saturda S ay, Jan nuary 3 31, 201 15 McKimmo on Cen nter Raleig gh, NC C 00 pm – 8:30 pm 6:0 Cost: C Adu ults / Le eaders s 0 $30.00 Children 122 yrs andd under $20.00 0 2014 4 Eagle e Scou uts no charrge! 2014 4 Silve er Awarrds n no charrge! Visit www w.ocscouts.o org Silver Sponsorr of 2015 E Eagle Ba anquet Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 14 Registration Deadline is January 30, 2015 The Tread Trainer course is an 8-hour outdoor ethics course centered on land based recreation, focusing on the Tread Lightly! principles designed to minimize impacts on roads, trails and the wildlands. The Tread Trainer course is designed to help volunteers promote the message of responsible motorized, mechanized and water recreation. Upon completion of the Trainer course, you are able to: • Identify possible environmental and social impacts resulting from irresponsible recreation on land and water. •Describe the five Tread Lightly! minimum impact principles and how they can be applied to motorized recreation (ATV, 4WD, Dirt Bikes, water recreation, Snowmobiling), mechanized recreation (mountain bikes), camping, horseback riding, and hunting. • Understand, demonstrate and teach Tread Lightly! minimum impact principles to your unit and district. • Lead a discussion on outdoor ethics and help others explore their own personal outdoor ethic through teaching Awareness Workshops. Participants must complete the on-line awareness course and bring the certificate to class. http://www.treadlightly.org/course/inc/frameset/lessonframe.htm) Who: Adults and youth 14 and older (1st class rank). When: Saturday, February 28 . Check-in from 8:00 – 8:25 am Program 8:30 am until 5:30 pm. Where: Council Office Boardroom, 3231 Atlantic Ave, Raleigh, NC 27604 Course Size: This course is limited to 15 participants and can close at any time before the registration deadline of January 30th. Fees: Registration is $50 paid to the Occoneechee Council. Registration is online only. Your Fees Cover: Lunch, snacks and educational materials including a Trainer Kit and a certificate of completion. Questions? Contact Meredith Blackwood , Outdoor Ethics Advocate, [email protected] Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 15 Sunday, March 1st, 2015 @ 3pm – PNC Arena EXCLUSIVE SCOUT DISCOUNT OFFER ~ SAVE UP TO $10 PER TICKET! SCOUT PRICES All Lower Level No minimum ticket purchase required (Prices Include NC Sales Tax of 6.75%) Courtside $133.00 No Discount x _____ $ _____ VIP Sides-low rows $93.00 $73.00 No Discount No Discount x _____ x _____ $ _____ $ _____ Sides-mid rows $53.00 No Discount x _____ $ _____ Sides-upper rows $43.00 $33.00 x _____ $ _____ Sides/Corners $35.00 $25.00 x _____ $ _____ Ends-lower level $28.00 $18.00 x _____ $ _____ Ends-upper level $21.00 $14.00 x _____ $ _____ ****************************************************************** MAGIC PASS $22.00 x _____ $ _____ Magic Pass is an optional 30-minute pre show event from 5:30-6pm (limited capacity. Separate ticket required) Handling Fee $ 5.00 TOTAL $ _____ DEADLINE TO ORDER: Thursday, February 26th, 2015 MAGIC PASS: Spend time on the court with the Globetrotters – shooting, trying out ball tricks and photo opportunities! All customers must have a game ticket AND Magic Pass for entry. Soft/rubber soled shoes must be worn on court. Accessible seating requested Contact Name _______________________________________ Group Name __________________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________ City ____________________State_____ Zip code_______ Phone _____________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT PAYMENT: Visa MC Discover Amex Card # _____________________________________________ Expires _________ Billing Address(if needed)_______________________________________________ City__________________ State____ Zip________ Mail, Email or Will Call (circle one) Signature ______________________________ Groups of 10 or more can call to order tickets contact Brian Slais Direct : 919-861-5457 Less than 10 can: Fax : 919-861-6134 Or email your order to: [email protected] All tickets ordered after Thursday, February 19th will be left in will-call All tickets are subject to availability. Tickets must be purchased in advance by mail, phone, email or fax. Orders will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. No Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 16 refunds or exchanges. Children under 2 do not require a ticket provided they sit on adult’s lap. www.thepncarena.com The Occoneechee Council Board of Directors cordially invites you to attend the 2015 Annual Occoneechee Council Recognition Celebration Honoring the 2014 Silver Beaver Recipients As well as other Council Recognition Recipients Saturday, March 7, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church 3008 Old Raleigh Road, Apex, North Carolina 27502 5:00 – 5:30pm – Registration/Receiving Line 6:00pm - Dinner. – 6:30 p.m. – Presentations $30.00 per person The deadline for ticket purchases is February 20, 2015. Congratulations to our 2014 Recipients: Kevin Blackwood, Carolyn Covert, Ben Freeman, Antonio Garcia, David Gardener, Cliff Rogers, Scott Simerly, Robert Shaw West Please join us as we honor these scouters and other Council award recipients for their contributions to the scouting program and their community. **Please detach and mail in with your payment** I will be attending in support of: __________________________________________________ (2014 Recipient) Please list Names (First and Last) for ALL attendee requests: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Payment: Number of attendees ___ x 30.00 Total payment enclosed: $________ $________ Questions: Linda Grady ([email protected]) Mail to: Occoneechee Council 2013 Recognition Celebration (Council Office_ 919.872.4884 – 800.662.7102, fax: 929.872.1159 3231 Atlantic Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27604) Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 17 2015 Diocese of Raleigh Catholic Camporee The Joy of the Gospel The theme and activities are based on the APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION EVANGELII GAUDIUM OF THE HOLY FATHER POPE FRANCIS March 13-15, 2015 BSA Camp Bowers, White Oak, NC Open to Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts & Brownies, American Heritage Girls, Venture Crew, and their Families COST: $18 per person weekend tent campers $10 per person day campers $60 max family rate Cost includes all activities, lunch on Saturday & patch Hosted by BSA Troop 215 of St. Mark Parish, Wilmington, NC For more information, please email Jim or Janel Barnes: [email protected] Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 18 Wood Badge Training Application S7-421-15-1 Name Address City State Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Alt Phone E-mail Home District Primary Scouting Position Unit Type (circle): Troop Pack Crew Ship Team Unit # Occupation Wood Badge is the premier advanced hands-on leadership skills experience offered to adult volunteers of the Boy Scouts of America. Started by Sir Robert S. Baden Powell, Wood Badge's primary purpose is to strengthen Scouting in our units, districts, and local council. Encompassing two three-day weekends, the course allows Scouters of all backgrounds to come together at camp to extend their understanding of the youth they lead, the adults they work with, and to go to new levels of personal growth and learning. Many describe this course as their mountaintop experience in Scouting…the most fun they’ve ever had as an adult Scouter. Wood Badge is open to all registered adult Scouters who have completed the basic training requirements for their primary Scouting position. There is no minimum years of experience you must complete in order to attend Wood Badge. In fact, the earlier in your Scouting career that you attend Wood Badge, the sooner you can put those leadership skills to work in delivering the best Scouting program to the youth you serve. The course size is limited to only 48 participants and spaces fill up quickly. Wood Badge S7-421-15-1 “Serving Tomorrow's Leaders” Occoneechee Scout Reservation Carthage, NC April 17-19 and May 1-3, 2015 Join us in 2015 at Wood Badge S7-421-15-1! Hosted by Occoneechee Council, BSA Recruited by/How you heard about the course? T-shirt size:_______________________ Mail this application to : Occoneechee Council, Wood Badge (S7-421-15-1), 3231 Atlantic Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27604 or deliver in person to Occoneechee Council, 3231 Atlantic Ave, Raleigh between 8:30am-5:00pm/Mon-Fri. Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 19 Qualifications Time Commitment What past attendees have said about Six days in two 3-day segments from Friday (7:00 AM) Wood Badge: through late Sunday afternoon, and a patrol meeting between the two weekends, at a time and location of “At last a training that teaches skills I can use your patrol's choice. Full attendance at all aspects of the immediately in my troop and even at work” course is mandatory. This is a National requirement that -Scoutmaster , Baden Powell District cannot be waived. “I thought Wood Badge was for Scoutmasters. Little did I know how much I could learn, or how much I could grow What are the learning objectives of Wood as a person and as a female leader, through Wood Badge. Badge? There are so many ways I can help in Scouting, and now I As a result of attending you will be able to: feel empowered to do it!” ñ View Scouting globally, as a family of -Pack Training Chairman, Crosswinds District http://www.scout.org/scoutsource/He interrelated value based programs that provide age-appropriate activities for youth althandSafety/ahmr.aspx) “Great Boy Scouts earn their Eagle. Great Boy Scout ñ Recognize today's leadership concepts utilized leaders earn their Wood Badge beads.” ñ Be invited to attend Wood Badge S7-421-15in corporate America that are relevant to our 1. -Troop Committee Member, Three Rivers District values-based movement ñ Submit all fees, medical forms and “I felt like I was a scout, learning and having fun at camp. ñ Apply the skills you learn as a member of a paperwork by March 6, 2015. What an awesome experience.” successful working team (A) Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills is a required prerequisite course for -Assistant Scoutmasters, Cape Fear District ñ Revitalize your commitment by sharing in an Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters, Varsity Coaches and Assistants, and Venturing Advisors and Co-Advisors of crews with an outdoor program. All other inspirational experience! participants are encouraged to complete the Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills “If you can handle a crew of Scouts in the woods, you can training before attending a Wood Badge course, but it is not required. handle Wood Badge. It's the best self-challenge (B) The BSA National Office requires that Wood Badge courses be structured by What is a Wood Badge Ticket? experience there is.” invitation only so as to ensure that the courses reflect as wide an array of diversity as The Wood Badge “ticket” represents your commitment possible, including program diversity (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing) and -Crew Advisor, Tuocs District geographic diversity (all of the districts our council serves). to complete a set of five significant goals, which relate “People who delay taking this course are missing out.” to your primary Scouting position, that can be attained Fees -Varsity Coach, Falls District within 18 months. These goals, which you develop ñ The all-inclusive fee for this course is $225, during the course, give you the opportunity to practice if paid in full by March 6, 2015. The fee is and demonstrate a working knowledge of the leadership $250 if paid after March 6, 2015. skills presented during the course. For more information, ñ If you are seeking financial assistance, consider contacting these resources: Contact : Other important information ◦ Your unit's budget for leadership On the first weekend, you will live in cabins with bunks. development On the second weekend, you will enjoy a back country ◦ Your employer's continuing education Al O'Connell experience for which a tent, sleeping bag and backpack policies Course Director are needed; don’t buy them…borrow! ◦ Leaders of community, civic, or Many special dietary and medical needs can be H: (919) 847-3373 religious organizations to which you accommodated. Contact us for more information. belong C: (919) 624-8161 Detailed info about what to pack and how to prepare will ◦ Your district training chairman [email protected] be provided upon acceptance into the course. ñ Be a registered adult in the Boy Scouts of America ñ Have not previously completed 21st Century Wood Badge ñ Completed the training requirements for your Scouting position, including any applicable outdoor skills training (A) ñ Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment ñ Have a current Annual BSA Health & Medical Record, Parts A, B & C Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 20 Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 21 Occoneechee Scout Sign January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised 22 occoneechee scout reser vation 4 6 3 7 O ld C a r th ag e Rd • C a r th ag e , NC 2 8 3 2 7 R a nge r ’s Re s id e n ce : ( 9 1 0 ) 9 4 8 - 3 2 5 8 C A M P FA C I L I T Y F E E S A N D G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Camp Durant Building / Facility Out-of-Council Unit Camping Corporate Rate General Use (Campsites) $4 per person per night $6 per person per night Staff Cabins $20 per cabin per night $30 per cabin per night $40 per cabin per night Administration Building $10 per day $20 per day $30 per day Health Lodge $10 per day $20 per day $30 per day Grand Lodge ($) $150 per day $250 per day $500 per day Kitchen ($) $150 day $250 per day $500 per day Museum $20 per day $100 per day $150 per day Aquatics Center r Canoes,Rowboats,Kayaks (reserve PFDs, oars, paddles at no charge) $20 per day $40 per day $60 per day $20 per day $30 per day $40 per day Waterfront $20 per day $40 per day $50 per day Handicraft Porch No Charge No Charge No charge Womack Building $20 per day $40 per day $60 per day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Archery Range ~ reference shooting sports manual $25 per day $35 per day 4er day Rifle/BB Range ~ reference shooting sports manual $25 per day $35 per day $45 per day Shotgun Range ~ reference shooting sports manual $25 per day $35 per day $45 per day Armstrong Shelter No Charge $10 per day $20 per day Trailblazer Shelter No Charge $10 per day $20 per day Scoutcraft Area No Charge No Charge No Charge Chapel Area No Charge No Charge No Charge Athletic Field No Charge No Charge No Charge OA Dance Arbor No Charge No Charge No Charge Campfire Arena No Charge No Charge No Charge Climbing Tower Refer to Climbing Refer to Climbing Refer to Climbing COPE Course Refer to COPE Refer to COPE Refer to COPE Sullivan Center Common $25 per day $35 per day $60 per day Sullivan Center Classroom $10 per day $15 per day $20 per day Sullivan Center Kitchen $30 per day $45 per day $60 per day Building / Facility Camp Reeves In-Council Unit Camping $2 per person per night In-Council Unit Camping Out-of-Council Unit Camping Corporate Rate General Use (Camping) No Charge $2 per person per night $4 per person per night Admin Building $10 per day $20 per day $30 per day $10 per night $20 per night $25 per night No Charge No Charge No Charge Health Lodge McLauren Shelter Baden Hall/Quartermaster $10 per day $20 per day $30 per day Taws’ Cabins $10 per person per night $20 per person per night $30 per person per night Chapel No Charge No Charge No Charge Port-a-lets are NOT provided for general camping other than in field #2. Please call Donathan’s to schedule a delivery. 910.245.3583. Cost for rental and/or cleaning of Field 2 unit is the responsibility of the unit. Additional Comments: RESERVE PROGRAM AREA FOR DAY IN USE (charges will apply for multiple days) Check-out on Sunday is 11:00am. Additional charges apply after that time. Units arriving with less campers than originally confirmed will receive a credit against their next reservation. Payments for more that confirmed should be settled with the Ranger before checkout. Occoneechee Scout Sign Certification Shooting Sports, NRA or NCS: Instructor and RSO Archery: US Archery Association Waterfront: CPR, First Aid (all activities) Lifeguards: 1/10 Boy Scouts, 1/8 Cub Scouts Paddle Craft Safely, Safety Afloat Safe Swim, Water Rescue Cope/Climbing: Level II Director required to run program Refer to: www.occopeclimb.org January 2015, Vol. 11, #01 Revised RESOURCES NEEDED Rifle: targets, .22 long ammunition Shotgun: clays, 12 or 20 gauge Archery: targets Cleaning supplies for guns will be provided Please return ALL equipment cleaned and in proper order Notify ranger of equipment in need of repair 080814 23
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