February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2150 Cunningham Drive Hampton, VA 23666 Website: www.icchampton.org Email: [email protected] Phone: (757) 826-0393 Fax: (757) 825-0855 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Weekend Liturgies Sat at 5:30 p.m., Sun at 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Weekday Liturgies Tues-Thurs at 8:30 a.m. Reconciliation First Sat of the Month, 4:00-4:45 p.m. or by appointment From the Desk of the Pastor There is information below in the Social Ministry section concerning Diversity Circles, which the parish participated in two years ago. Please read more about this great opportunity to work with others in the Hampton community. Just a reminder that next Saturday, February 7th is our Haitian Cultural Awareness Dinner. Tickets are still on sale in the Commons, and please consider attending! Please check out the information on page 6 concerning an upcoming Music & Liturgy workshop sponsored by the Diocesan Liturgical Commission and Office of Worship. The workshop is entitled The Future Present: Ministering in the MultiCultural Church and is open to all. Please consider attending. Registration is now open! For more information, please contact Cass Hooker. Peace and God bless, -Fr. Prince Parish Happenings Social Ministry Black History Month Celebration - Feb 14, 7-9 p.m. Join us to celebrate Black History Month here at Immaculate Conception with two wonderful musical presentations and refreshments of wine and cheese. Sterling Elliott, cellist, and the Choir of Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church will be with us. Come and relax and be entertained for this wonderful evening of music, fellowship and refreshments. Help our parish celebrate our rich culture, as well as Valentine’s Day! Sign up in the Commons. Haitian Culture Dinner & Dance - Feb 7 at 7:00 p.m. Come experience a touch of Haiti, “the Pearl of the Antilles,” on Saturday, February 7 at 7 p.m. There will be music, authentic Haitian food, fellowship, dancing, fun facts about the island nation of Haiti, and information about ways that we can be in solidarity with some of the poor in Haiti. Tickets are on sale ($20) in the Commons after every Mass. Pancake Breakfast - Feb 15 Love pancakes? Come and enjoy a wonderful pancake breakfast put on by the ICC Youth Group! Sunday, February 15 after the 8:30 AM Mass and before the 11 AM Mass. Contact Steve DeLaney for more information. Lenten Retreat - Saturday, Feb 21, 2-5 p.m. God’s Plan: Reconciliation and Joy! What is God Up to in My Life? Robert Feduccia will be with us to reflect on our call to follow Jesus more closely this Lent. So consider what you are doing this Lent to set time aside for Jesus. Say “yes” to this invitation. Robert combines his unique set of experiences as a parish youth minister, retreat leader, and keynote presenter with his graduate degree in theology, and is able to express spiritual depth in ways that are relevant to real concerns we face today. He enjoys opportunities to draw people into a relationship with the Lord and the Church. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife and 4 children. Mark your calendars and join others in the parish as we consider the path to “Come back to Me, With All Your Heart.” We ask you to sign up in the Commons or email Cass Hooker at [email protected]. Page 2 Diversity Circles - Beginning this Lent We have been invited to join, this Lent, with 4 other faith communities in the city of Hampton's Circles of Diversity. Those who have participated in the past have often said that it was one of the most meaningful experiences. Please stop by the table in the Commons to sign up or if you have questions about the program. Milton McDonald is serving as one of the coordinators. We are still in need of another coordinator, 3 facilitators and 20 participants to join with our brothers and sisters across Hampton Roads to learn more about one another and share our common humanity. Sunday Suppers Update “Many hands make the load lighter” (a Haitian proverb) applies here. Thanks to the generosity of time, talent and treasure, we continue to provide a place of community and nourishment for the guests of our Sunday Suppers. Last Sunday (1/25) we served 139 people. There are a number of ways that you can serve in this ministry. We need folks to: make phone calls, set up, cook, greet and register our guests, eat and fellowship with Sunday Supper diners, clean up, read to the children, clean the dish towels, make donations, etc. Please stop by the Sunday Supper Table in the Commons and see how you can be part of this very rewarding ministry. Visit our website at www.icchampton.org Calendar Volunteer Schedules Sunday, 2/1 Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 8:30 a.m. Mass 9:30 a.m. Anointing of the Sick 9:45 a.m. ICCU: Spirituality 101 CICCA Family of Faith 11:00 a.m. Mass - John Lynch + 1:00 p.m. Sunday Supper 6:30 p.m. Life & Edge Night Monday, 2/2 Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 7:00 p.m. ICCU: Theology 201 Women Listening to Women Tuesday, 2/3 Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 8:30 a.m. Mass 7:00 p.m. RCIA Lectors 2/7 5:30 p.m. Michael Miller; Karen Miller 2/8 8:30 a.m. Izella Ward; Carol Dufresne 11:00 a.m. Hellen Streeter; Dave Okerblom Eucharistic Ministers 2/7 5:30 p.m. Nina Butts; Olivia Oliveira 2/8 8:30 a.m. Bob Amante; Bev Amante 11:00 a.m. Teresa Diaz; Kevin Woisard Altar Servers 2/7 5:30 p.m. Robbie Combs; Luke Deconcini 2/8 8:30 a.m. Destiny Ejinwa; Nicholas Talton 11:00 a.m. Tyffani Caddy; William Canella Explorers 2/8 Wednesday, 2/4 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 8:30 a.m. Mass 12:00 p.m. Happy Wanderers 5:00 p.m. Liturgy Planning Meeting 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice Sunday Supper Evaluation Meeting Youth Confirmation Class 7:00 p.m. Finance Council Meeting Thursday, 2/5 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 8:30 a.m. Mass 9:15 a.m. ICCU: Bible 101 Friday, 2/6 Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday, 2/7 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 11:00 a.m. Bag Lunches 4:00 p.m. Reconciliation 5:30 p.m. Mass 7:00 p.m. Haiti Dinner Sunday, 2/8 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 8:30 a.m. Mass 9:45 a.m. ICCU: Spirituality 101 Family of Faith 11:00 a.m. Mass 1:00 p.m. Sunday Supper Senior Youth Group at Rebounderz 6:00 p.m. Junior Youth Group Edge Night Pat Deconcini; Monica Raynor Coffee & Doughnuts - Pick up schedule in Commons 2/8 8:30 a.m. Jackie Gueretta; Ed & Linda Miller 11 a.m. Ching Abalos; Kim & Norm Kosin; Jean Mahoney; Marirose Brase Food Pantry Stockers 2/8 Phil & Renea Wise; Kevin & Patricia Woisard Morning Ministry 2/2 2/5 Adrienne Totaro Jean Paul Social Ministry Quote of the Week “…the only way is to learn how to encounter others with the right attitude… is to accept and esteem them as companions along the way, without interior resistance. Better yet, it means learning to find Jesus in the faces of others, in their voices… There indeed we find true healing… a fraternal love capable of seeing the sacred grandeur of our neighbor, of finding God in every human being, of tolerating the nuisances of life in common by clinging to the love of God, of opening the heart to divine love and seeking the happiness of others just as their heavenly Father does. . . . Let us not allow ourselves to be robbed of community!” - Pope Francis Evangelii Gaudium Visit our website at www.icchampton.org Page 3 Faith Formation ICCU - Adult Faith Formation Lenten Book Recommendation Prayer: Our Deepest Longing by Ronald Rolheifer will be discussed during our Lenten Soup Suppers, and is available for purchase in the Commons, Feb 7 and 8. Theology 201 - Mondays at 7:00 p.m. The Biblical Wisdom Literature series will begin on Monday February 2nd in the Library/Adult Faith Formation room at 7 p.m. This course surveys biblical literature by a study of important scriptural texts, including Proverbs, Job, Qohelith (Ecclesiastes), Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Song of Songs (Canticle of Canticles), Daniel, Wisdom of Solomon, and selections from the Gospels as well as from the book of Psalms. It is taught by Rev. Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. Ph.D. who is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University. Come and join with other parish folks as we seek to understand the “wisdom” that God offers us that is found in the Bible and among the people of God. Spirituality 101 - Sundays at 9:45 a.m. On Sundays, we continue the six-part series, Priest, Prophet, King Study program. Explore the biblical archetypes of priest, prophet and king and see how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of each one. Throughout this experience, you will better understand who Jesus really is and also realize your own priestly, prophetic and kingly mission. The program will be on consecutive Sundays at 9:45 – 10:45 (except February 15th) in the Adult Faith Formation/ Library (triple) room. Presentations are about 30 minutes in length with discussion following. Please bring your coffee and join us. Visit our website or see the flyer in the Commons. Senior Youth Group Diocesan Youth Conference - Feb 27 – Mar 1: Join other teens from our parish and around the Diocese for a highly energetic, engaging, and faith filled weekend in Richmond! Contact Steve DeLaney ([email protected]) to reserve a space. Interested in sponsoring a teen to go to the Diocesan Youth Conference? As a parish, we are committed to helping as many teens as possible to go to the weekend conference. If you would like to assist financially, please contact Steve DeLaney: steve@ icchampton.org ICC Youth at Rebounderz! - Feb 8, 1-4 p.m. Join the Senior Youth Group for a fun afternoon at Rebounderz, an indoor trampoline park in Newport News. Contact Steve DeLaney for more information. Sacramental Information Adult Confirmation If you are an adult who would like to be confirmed, please contact Cass in the parish office. Classes are now available. Youth Confirmation Youth 15 years of age and a sophomore in high school are invited to prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Contact Cass at the parish office. First Communion Preparation begins on Tuesday, February 24 at 6:00 p.m. Parish Finances Budget Needed January Financial Information Income Budget: $758,584 July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 1/18/15 Month of January $14,588.15 $58,352.60 Actual Received 12,492.56 Over (Under) $(2,095.59) 43,363.47 $(14,989.13) YTD $423,056.35 422,503.31 $(553.04) Families using Envelopes/Checks/Online Giving in November: 348 out of 651 Collection for the Respect Life on January 17 & 18: $1,752.05 January 18th bulletin correction: The YTD total should have been $1,542.55 Over Budget Page 4 Visit our website at www.icchampton.org Living Our Mission Campaign Mailing Information New and ongoing contributions may be mailed to: Catholic Diocese of Richmond Living Our Mission Campaign P.O. Box 28450 Richmond, VA 23228 Diocesan & Community Happenings Pensinula Catholic High School Open House - Feb 4 Peninsula Catholic High School will hold an Admissions Open House for prospective students and their families for the 2015 – 2016 school year on Wednesday, February 4, starting at 6:00 p.m. The program will provide an opportunity to see our facilities, meet our students and staff, tour our school, learn about our academic, athletic and co-curricular offerings, and get a glimpse into what the “PC Experience” is all about. The school is located at 600 Harpersville Road in Newport News and serves students in grades 8 through 12. For additional information call (757) 596-7247. Visit our website: www.peninsulacatholic.com Join Catholic Charities for Mardi Gras! - Feb 6 On Friday February 6, 2015, Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia will host a Mardi Gras Gala at the Westin Hotel at Town Center in Virginia Beach, sponsored by Bon Secours Virginia Health System. Please bring your friends to celebrate a great evening of cocktails, dinner, dancing to live music from the band “Hotcakes” and enjoy game tables, and a live auction to raise funds for Catholic Charities’ important work in our community. Visit www.cceva.org for more information or to purchase tickets to this great preLenten celebration! A Knight of Fellowship and Love! - Feb 14 5480 Knights of Columbus is hosting a St. Valentine’s Dance, February 14 at 100 Columbus Way, NN 23606. DJ Reco Cotton, heavy hors d’oeuvres, cash bar and lots of fun! Tickets are $15/person or $25/couple and can be purchased from Colleen Messier at [email protected] or 757344-7630. Worldwide Marriage Encounter The Responsorial Psalm today says, Teach me your ways, O Lord! Do we allow the Lord to teach us His ways so that we can love and honor our spouse more each day? Let the Lord strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on 17-19 Apr 2015 in Fredericksburg or 26-28 Jun 2015 in Richmond. For more information or to apply, visit our website at www.renewmarriage-vasouth.org or contact us at [email protected] or 757-483-3209. Rainbows Program - Prince of Peace, Chesapeake Rainbows is a grief guidance and growth service open to children of all ages who have experienced loss due to life changing events such as: death, bullying, deployment, divorce, blended families, foster care, etc. The program actually began as a Catholic program but has expanded nationwide and now accommodates all religious denominations and cultures. Now Rainbows is “guiding kids through life’s storms” on a huge scale. Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Chesepake will host this program beginning in February and is now accepting referrals from parents, Catholic schools, Parish leaders, and public and private school counselors. Please visit the corporate website for more information: http://rainbows.org/ Pilgrimage to Spain - April 13-22, 2015 Fr. Gregory Kandt, Pastor of Church of the Incarnation in Charlottesville, is leading a pilgrimage to Spain for the fifth centenary of the great Doctor of the Church, St. Teresa of Avila. It will be during the Easter season of 2015, April 13-22. We will be going to holy places associated with St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross, and Father Gregory will lead you on a journey into deeper prayer and love of Christ with the help of the teachings of these two great masters. Among other places, we will visit Avila, Segovia, Toledo, and Madrid. It will be a wonderful spiritual experience and a great way to ponder the risen Christ among us! For more information or questions or to indicate your interest, please contact Father Gregory at 434-973-4381. Richmond Vocations “Let each of you lead the life that the Lord has assigned, to which God has called you.” If you are considering a vocation to the consecrated life or priesthood, Call Father Michael G. Boehling at (804)359-5661, or write: mboehling@ richmonddiocese.org. Visit our website at www.icchampton.org Page 5 The Future Present: Ministering in the Multi-Cultural Church Diocesan Liturgical Commission 2015 Workshop Join us as we focus on the growing cultural diversity of the Church in the United States, by exploring opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate that reality in our worship, sacraments, catechesis and parish life. With Featured Speakers: Date: February 16, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Location: St. Mary Catholic Church 9505 Gayton Road Henrico VA 23229 Cost: $20/person Lunch provided. Open To All: Msgr. Mike Clay Priest of the Diocese of Raleigh, Clay currently teaches in the School of Theology and Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC., where he offers a course on multiculturalism. Dr. Bob Hurd Teacher, composer and liturgist, Hurd currently teaches in the Graduate Pastoral Ministries Program of Santa Clara University. His widely used liturgical music is published by OCP and featured in numerous hymnals. Parish musicians Choir members Cantors Lectors Eucharistic ministers Liturgy directors Clergy Parish staff Teachers Catechists Parishioners Learn More and Register Online at: https://www.regonline.com/MusicLiturgyWorkshop or contact Gerry Mancuso, (804) 622-5264 Sponsored by the Office of Worship and the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, Diocese of Richmond Page 6 Visit our website at www.icchampton.org Staff Information Pastor, Fr. Sean Prince, ext. 215 [email protected] Director of Human Concerns, Carol Dufresne, ext. 214 [email protected] Business Manager, Ann Hart, ext. 211 [email protected] Director of Evangelization, Cass Hooker, ext. 222 [email protected] Asst. Director of Evangelization, Steve Delaney, ext. 221 [email protected] Communications Coordinator, Greg Thompson, ext. 210 [email protected] Pastoral Musician, Teresa Yoder, ext. 220 [email protected] Accompanist, Mark Smeland Custodian, Lance Warner Prayers & Praise Sick Kathy Abers, Scott Batchelor, Dee Berube, Lucie Birkhofer, Constantino Bristol, Linda Brown, Msgr. Tom Caroluzza, Frances Clark, Andria Crockett, Cecil DeLong, Vallee DeLong, Peggy Dever, Karen Fagelman, Kerry Fagelman, Thomas Fisher, Edgardo Franceschi, Peter Gorecki, Janeth & Bill Garlette, Lorrie San Giovanni, Greyson Greene, Lisa Grose, Pat Harrell, Richard Hudgins, Janice Jarvis, Thomas Jarvis, Ron Johnson, Margarita Jones, Rebecca Jones, Brianna Karchner, Bill Kessler, Meg Kessler, Fr. Dan Klem, Heather Krance-Kellner, Scott Lancianese, Judy Latourneau, Lena Lednick, Kim Levi, Judy Lund, Barbara Mashley, Amanda Maule, Wanda McErlean, Harry Meirs, Jack Meirs, Br. Jim Mullen SVD, Charles Nicholson, Jr., John Nunnold, Elisabeth Palmer, Joe Pardi, Rose Pardi, Tomi Perreault, Ronnie Perry, Blanche Rhodes, Fleurette Romprey, Lorrie San Giovanni, Anna Marie Schauer, Elfriede Seidel, Lillian Shearin, Elaine Stamper, Isabella Strohlein, Nancy Tennien, Dorothy Thornton, Jim Thornton, Molly Villano, S. Paul Wills, Jim Yoder Seminarians John Baab, Dillon Bruce, John Christian, Rev. Mr. Daniel Cogut, Anthony Ferguson, Benjamin Fleser, Taylor Hall, James Hickman, Rev. Mr. Matthew Kiehl, Mark Kowalski, Martin Lonart, Rev. Mr. Nicholas Mammi, Christopher Masla, Miguel Melendez, Daniel Molochko, Jason Morrison, Kyle O’Connor, Andrew Oehmann, James O’Reilly, Nicholas Redmond, Justin Shuma, Cassidy Stinson, Riley Winstead Ministry Contacts Ministry Altar Servers Arts & Environment Contact Steve Bove Marie-Claude David Bereavement/Funeral Carol Dufresne Building Use / Ann Hart Maintenance Catechumenate Cass Hooker Children’s Liturgy Cass Hooker Choir/Music Teresa Yoder Ministry Communications/ Greg Thompson Media Family of Faith Cass Hooker Eucharistic Ministers Bev Amante Gayle Fronkier Finance Council Joe Paulus Health Ministry Linda Ribakov Hospital Visitation Barbara Morgan Lectors Dave Okerblom Nursery Cass Hooker Parish Life Mary Ellen Committee Chesney Bob Amante Pastoral Leadership Dave Okerblom Council (PLC) Registration/ Greg Thompson Database Provide-A-Ride Terri Weaver Sacramental Cass Hooker Preparation Youth Ministry Steve DeLaney Social Ministry Carol Dufresne Ushers/Greeters Jonathan Behun Wedding Preparation Fr. Sean Prince Young Adult Steve DeLaney Ministry Visit our website at www.icchampton.org Phone # 327-8373 826-0393 826-0393 x214 826-0393 x211 826-0393 x222 826-0393 x222 826-0393 x220 826-0393 x210 826-0393 x222 851-9453 838-7341 645-4367 (804) 402-7781 826-0393 x225 329-9944 826-0393 x222 723-6114 851-9453 329-9944 826-0393 x210 826-0393 826-0393 x222 826-0393 826-0393 850-2222 826-0393 826-0393 x221 x214 x215 x221 Immaculate Conception Church KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ROUND TABLE In Service to One In Service to All For more information: Contact David Brin, ICC Knights of Columbus Round Table Coordinator at 757-851-0907 Page 7
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