Bury LIVE News from the Third Sector in Bury January 2015- Edition 21 Radcliffe young people revamp local Church and Community Centre Inside this issue Reverend Chris Haines from The Bridge Methodist Church, said: “We’ve been delighted to have the young people working around our church and really making the place look much better. They’ve done a brilliant job.” A motivated group of unemployed young people have been working hard to make a difference at The Bridge Methodist Church and Community Centre in Radcliffe town centre. To read full story turn to page 5 Editorial and Local News 2 Local News 3–5 Volunteer Centre 6–7 Funding 8 Local News 9 -10 New European Funding 2014 - 2020 For detail information see page 8 Training 11 Providing Opportunities and Support for the Third Sector in Bury About B3SDA 12 Tel: 0161 797 1968 www.b3sda.org.uk email: [email protected] Editorial & Local News 2 Social Prescribing B3SDA AGM Social Prescribing – can it work? The role of the third sector There has been a lot of interest recently in what is called social prescribing, it’s not a new idea. There are many definitions. The one we like is: ‘Social prescribing is a mechanism for linking patients with non-clinical sources of support within the community. This can include opportunities for physical activity, volunteering, and self-help, as well as support with employment, benefits, housing, debt, or parenting.’ So what does that mean in practice. Well it can vary and there are a lot of examples. It could mean joining a local group to combat isolation and make new friends, it could be to help with the need to exercise, it could also be about general well being and confidence building through volunteering. In all cases it’s about non-clinical interventions. So who benefits? Well the idea and some of the evidence suggest that there two main area of benefit:Ÿ increased health and well being outcomes for the patient, Ÿ reduce costs through clinicians’ time and also a reduction in clinical prescription. B3SDA had its seventh AGM in November. Reporting on the previous year, Dave Bevitt , Chair of the Trustees, said “That the forthcoming year would be a crucial time for B3SDA”. He thanked staff for the hard work and commitment. Members were asked to discuss development for the future and options were reviewed in the light of potential budget cuts. There were five nominations for ‘elected’ trustees, with the exception of Dave Bevitt all will serve three years. It was also agreed that Dave Bevitt could stand for another 12 months. There are also various ways or processes that social prescribing can be seen. In many cases this is about having information about what is available or signposting. At the other extreme it can be a more holistic approach and involve a specialist worker or centre. It’s a complex area but one that can involve the third sector, indeed it is our belief that our sector is central to any form of social prescribing. B3SDA is hoping to arrange research into this whole area in the new year to see how our third sector can be more involved. For more information please contact B3SDA. Thanks were expressed to Liz Jackson who was standing down as an elected trustee, she was one of the original board. The board is now: Dave Bevitt, Kate Brookes, Tan Ahmed, Jill Logan, Ruth Musheen. The board will also ‘appoint’ representatives from Bury groups to make up the board and to reflect the sector in Bury. B3SDA’s accounts are to be found on our website: http://www.b3sda.org.uk/about-us New fund to empower Greater Manchester’s youngsters Communities across Greater Manchester are set to benefit from a new £600,000 fund to empower young people and keep them out of trouble. The Youth Aspiration Fund, announced by Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd today, will support work with vulnerable children and young people at risk of offending or risky behaviour. Youth groups and organisations are invited to bid for a slice of the money for projects aimed at keeping young people out of the criminal justice system and developing their life skills. A range of funding is available from small grants up to £5000, to investment in major projects over £100,000. The initial fund has £567,000 available. If you’re interested in applying for a grant use the information and expression of interest forms on www.gmpcc.org.uk/aspiration. If you have any questions, contact [email protected] or contact us on 0161 604 7711 or 07702 338 966. Tel: 0161 797 1968 www.b3sda.org.uk Grant Descriptions Level 1: Local Youth Grants: less than £5,000 but mainly limited up to £1,000. Seed funding and community level support. Level 2: Above £5,000 and less than £30,000: sustaining and expanding services, pump prime money or for additional services. Level 3: Above £30,000: must be able to demonstrate sustainable planning for continued provision, be able to provide evidence-based practice for the proposed scheme, be an established provider within Greater Manchester and/or have a successful service Level 4: Public Service Reform Grants: Over £100,000: evidenced based approach and can demonstrate Public Service Reform principles (referred to in the Commissioning Principles at Appendix A under Driving Change), is scalable and reduces demand on public services. Closing Dates Fund type Level 1 Level 2 + 3 Level 4 Closing Date 30 January 2015 3 February 2015 27 February 2015 email: [email protected] Local News 3 Deaf Awareness Sessions Energy Best Deals Deaf Awareness will run over 4 half day sessions in January. Deaf awareness is the broad term used to describe Energy Best Deal is a consumer campaign developed by Ofgem and run by Citizens Advice. It provides FREE trainerled group sessions to frontline workers and consumers. a positive understanding of and attitude towards Deaf people, the Deaf community and Deaf Culture. What does Deaf Awareness include? Sessions raise awareness on how to: Ÿ Make people aware of the savings that can be made by switching fuel providers, negotiating with existing providers, or changing payment methods Ÿ Access help available from energy suppliers and government for people struggling to pay their gas and electricity bills Ÿ Inform consumers about how they might save money by using less energy and sources of advice and help around energy efficiency. Basic understanding of Sign Language and finger spelling Understanding Deaf History and Culture Communication Tactics Terminology Statistics The Equality Act, legislation and Deaf people Technology Language and communication services Society & Deaf people Deaf Organisations The provision of this training is completely free and is on a ‘first come – first served’ basis. Completion of the courses and assessment leads to accredited certification which could assist participants with gaining work and/or place them in an advantageous position when making applications. In addition to the training, opportunities will be available to join in social events with hearing and deaf people in social settings to practice the new skills. If you are interested please contact: Communic8te Bury For People Who Are Deaf Or Have a Hearing Loss Website: www.communic8tebury.org.uk Email:[email protected] Address:8 Tenterden Street, Bury, Lancs BL9 0EG Tel: 0161 763 4882 (Voice & Minicom) Bury District Citizens Advice Bureau will be running 2 free sessions on Energy Best Deal in the near future. If you are interested please contact Katya on [email protected] or telephone 0161 763 3178 for further information. Enrol now for New Courses for 2015 at ADAB ADAB is a community organization which aims to develop and implement initiatives that will improve and enhance the economic, educational, social, cultural and recreational needs of all the communities. ADAB’s services are targeted at all residents particularly those who are disadvantaged. Community cohesion and integration is a central key component of all our services. There are number of user led activities including projects and classes taking place on daily basis in ADAB including: Courses currently running at ADAB are: Other services available at ADAB Ÿ Citizen Advice Bureau sessions, run on a weekly basis and by appointment only. Contact ADAB office for next available appointments Ÿ Universal Job matching Ÿ Help with writing a CV Ÿ Self employment training ADAB have now moved premises. The new address is 7 South Cross Street, Bury, BL9 0RT. Ÿ ESOL - English language for people whose first language is not English. Ÿ IT course Ÿ Driving Theory Ÿ Citizenship and life in the UK Ÿ Confidence building Ÿ Garment making Ÿ Healthy Minds Tel: 0161 797 1968 Enrol Now for 2015 contact ADAB on 0161 764 6749 www.b3sda.org.uk email: [email protected] Local News 4 The Carer’s Emergency Card Service To protect the identities of the carer and the person being cared for, the only means of identification is the reference number on the card. When an emergency call is made to the Red Cross, we will ask for the number and carry out the instructions given on the corresponding enrolment form The Mosses 24/7 Emergency Response Service The British Red Cross service provides peace of mind to carers of all ages by issuing them with an Emergency Carer’s Card. This is a 24/7 emergency response service, which will ensure that the cared for person is not left unattended should the carer be suddenly taken ill or is involved in an accident. The service is available to all carers living in the Bury district. The emergency card is a credit card-sized card that instantly identifies the holder as a carer. In the event of an emergency the British Red Cross will coordinate help to assist the cared for person, as quickly as possible. This service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and it is free of charge. A carer can register with the service by completing an enrolment form. This form holds information about the carer, the person they care for and any action that needs to be taken. The carer is then issued with a card. For any more information about the service or to request an enrolment form please call Anouk Verlaat on 01204 369642 or e-mail: [email protected] Well Done Bury Dragons Divers At their second competition of the season, the GBDF National Novices held at Cheltenham, Bury Dragon divers showed what they could do. They entered a team of 9 divers, and came away with 8 medals, 5 gold and 3 silver. Well done to the team for putting in so much effort. Volunteers Wanted Bury Dragons Diving Club’s main training venue is Castle Leisure Centre Bolton Street Bury BL9 0EZ Tel: 0161 797 1968 For information about Club activities, Club run lessons, booking trials for fast track entry to club, contact Janet T: 0753 0867 034 E: [email protected] W: www.burydragons.com. www.b3sda.org.uk Bury Dragons would like to build on this success, and would welcome anyone who would like to volunteer to help them in any capacity. The pool time is restricted at present, as the diving pit is being used to accommodate Radcliffe swimmers whist their pool is out of action. If there is a Level 2 trampoline instructor out there who could support the training with diving-based trampoline skills. Get in touch with Bury Dragons. It does not require too much of your time, maybe a couple of hours every other month, and would pay for the trampoline hire and your expenses. The club very much want diving to be recognised as a disciplined, challenging and enjoyable sport, and are pleased to be able to give taster sessions at times to groups from other sports or organisations. If your members would like to give it a try, Bury Dragons will be pleased to hear from you. Please see contact details. email: [email protected] 5 Local News Can You Help Us to Lead the Fight Against Dementia? Alzheimer’s Society is looking for people who would like to develop new or existing skills as volunteers, helping them to reach more people with our vital Dementia Advice Service in Bury. They need several volunteers for the two roles available. Telephone Support Volunteer – This role involves telephoning people with dementia and their carers every few months to see how they are and to explore whether they may require further information and/or support. This role is based in Ribchester House, Bury. Information Volunteer – This role will be based on certain days in local GP surgeries across Bury and will involve providing patients with Alzheimer’s Society information and resources about dementia. For both roles, they are looking for people who can commit one day a week for a number of months. All volunteers will receive full Induction, and support and are able to access our extensive training. Out of pocket expenses If you are interested please contact Re>Build Relocated “RE>BUILD, Bury’s local furniture reuse and training charity, has recently closed its town centre shop and consolidated all its activity to the warehouse at 4 Park Road, Bury, BL9 5BQ. Families and individuals can now access affordable furniture from there every week day, Monday to Friday, from 9.30am – 2.30pm. Agencies can refer individual clients by calling 0161 764 0444 or emailing [email protected] and a voucher scheme is in place which enables housing associations to provide basic furniture for new tenants. REBUILD continues to involve volunteers and those looking for practical work experience and is currently running an ESF funded ‘English In The Workplace’ course for refugees. In January a new project will begin, funded by Job Centre Plus and in partnership with Bury CAB and Bury Volunteer Centre, when the organisation will be working with lone parents to help them gain confidence and skills for life. Any individuals interested in joining either programme or agencies wanting to refer refugees or lone parents can contact Wendy or Joanna on 0161 764 0058 or by email to: [email protected] maggie.murdoch@alzhe imers.org.uk/ 0161 483 4446 for an application; Keep up to date with REBUILD’s activities at: www.facebook.co m/Rebuild.Bury “ or if you would like more information about the roles please contact Tania Taylor on 0788 960 4675. Radcliffe Young People Revamp Local Church and Community Centre A motivated group of unemployed young people have been working hard to make a difference at The Bridge Methodist Church and Community Centre in Radcliffe town centre. The youngsters are currently completing The Prince’s Trust Team programme with Groundwork, to give them the skills and confidence they need find a job. During the 13-week course, they have been working to benefit their local community whilst making positive changes in their own lives. The team of eight young people have been working on the church gates, steps, side patio and car-park for two weeks as part of their community project. During this time the team have stripped rust and paint from the cast-iron gates, re-painted these and painted the steps. Tel: 0161 797 1968 Reverend Chris Haines from The Bridge Methodist Church, said: “We’ve been delighted to have the young people working around our church and really making the place look much better. They’ve done a brilliant job.” Marcus Murphy, aged 21 and from Radcliffe, said: “We got rid of all the moss on the ground, raked up all the leaves, picked up all the litter that was spread around the alleyway and finally we put plants in the plant bed to add a bit of colour and detail to the alleyway. It’s been a really good experience.” For further information or to arrange an interview contact Andrew Fowler, Marketing & Communications Manager on 0161 624 1444 or email [email protected] www.b3sda.org.uk email: [email protected] Volunteering 6 Trustees’ Week 2014 The 10th – 16th November 2014 saw the fifth annual celebration of Trustees’ Week. Each year the week showcases the great work that trustees do and highlights opportunities for people from all walks of life to get involved and make a difference. What do trustees do? How to find a role Trustees play a vital role, volunteering their time and working together to make You can contact the Volunteer Centre or important decisions about a charity's work. They may be called trustees, search the following websites: directors, board members, governors or committee members and they are the ŸThe Do-it national volunteering database people with ultimate responsibility for making sure that the charity is running www.do-it.org well and is doing what it was set up to do. This includes ensuring the charity: Reach is a charity that has been connecting charities and skilled professionals for nearly 35 years. There is a section on its website · has the money it needs called TrusteeWorks · spends its money sensibly, on the activities it was raised for www.reachskills.org.uk/trusteeworks · follows the law, including preparing reports and accounts to send to the Charity Commission (the organisation that ensures that charities work ŸSmall Charities Coalition provides a trustee effectively amongst society for the benefit of the public). recruitment facility via their Trustee Finder · doesn’t break the rules in its governing document (its constitution, trust service www.trusteefinder.org.uk deed or articles) ŸVolunteer involving organisations can use the above websites to advertise their roles as well Can I be a trustee? as www.ncvo.org.uk/practicalMost people have skills, knowledge or experience which they can bring to a charity; support/governance/trustee-bank these might be professional, business, team work or problem solving skills. Most people can become trustees but some may be disqualified by law. You must be over 16 or 18, depending on the type of charity. Are you interested in becoming a trustee? Before becoming a trustee, it’s a good idea to find out as much as you can about what the charity does and the commitment it wants from you. People often become trustees to give something back, but there is a two-way benefit. Trustees can learn and develop new skills that may open up new opportunities for them, as well as meeting people who share their passion. Read on to hear about two local teams of trustees. Whitefield Garrick Society Creative Living Centre The Whitefield Garrick Society is a theatre group that has been active since 1943 when it grew from a wartime Home Guard concert party. Five plays are now produced each year, each for nine performances, thus enabling over 3500 tickets to be sold each year. Currently there are three trustees, all long serving and active members from as far back as the 1950s and 60s. They are Martin Ashton, the current treasurer and development scheme coordinator; Peter Hill who has played some stage roles and is responsible for light and sound production and Shirley Lipman who has played many parts on stage and is currently involved with the theatre administration, in particular front of house. ‘The Trustees enjoy working with like minded people so that in future others can have the enjoyment and stimulus given to us over many years by the society’ – Peter Hill. To find out more about Whitefield Garrick Society, visit www.whitefieldgarrick. org Tel: 0161 797 1968 For 18 years the Creative Living Centre in Prestwich has created an attractive environment for people experiencing emotional distress to realise their potential through art and craft, music, movement, positive ways of living, social interaction and therapies. The trustee team plays a crucial role in contributing skills acquired in education, community and youth justice, finance, sales, therapies and mental health. A number of trustees have previously been members, volunteers or therapists which is testimony to the centre’s success. Most also play a significant role as volunteers within the centre. They all believe wholeheartedly that those with limited power in the community should have their voices heard and be genuinely supported. Barbara Heron, a current trustee says ‘Our reward is the satisfaction of seeing members develop confidence and self-esteem, learn new skills and develop existing abilities, make friendships and in turn offer support to other members. Awareness of the low profile of mental health within statutory services makes us determined to promote our holistic approach and broaden the range of services on offer in partnership with other agencies’. To find out more about the Creative Living Centre, visit www.creativelivingcentre.org.uk www.b3sda.org.uk email: [email protected] Volunteering 7 Make Volunteering Your New Year’s Resolution for 2015 Many of us resolve to give something up or to do something new each January. Have you ever thought of volunteering but not moved any further than just thinking about it? If so, make 2015 the year that you become a volunteer. Volunteering can be a great way of improving yourself; it’s not just about helping others. Volunteers often report an increase in their confidence and self-esteem and in their general health and well-being. They also say that they have met new people and developed their skills. Find out more Volunteer Centre Bury works with local organisations that involve volunteers to promote their opportunities on their behalf. Roles range from supporting children and families to conservation projects to digital befriending. We offer a one-to-one information service. If you would like to know more about how you can get involved in Bury please get in touch on 0161 797 1968 Become a Member or Volunteer for Jigsaw Become a Member Are you aged 13 - 30, have an impairment and live in the borough of Bury? Are you looking to make new friends, have fun and enjoy an active social life or maybe develop your sporting potential and maintain a healthy lifestyle? Then Jigsaw could be for you; we offer a wide range of social activites including ten pin bowling, meals out, arts and crafts, trips to the cinema and various sports sessions. Volunteer for Jigsaw Would you like to do something worthwhile, meet new people and make a positive difference to people’s lives? Then why not volunteer for Jigsaw? We are currently looking for Volunteers to help provide group support on our sports and social outings, which take place on evenings and at weekends A Befriending Service for Older People Who we are Jigsaw Link provides a one to one befriending service, an active living programme, a weekly luncheon club and social outings throughout the year for people over the age of 50 who are disabled, or have an age related condition, and live in the borough of Bury. What We offer One-to-One Befriending service - for isolated people who live alone Contact Us Jigsaw Bury Unit 28, Bury Business Centre, Kay Street, Bury BL9 6BU Contact Zoe or Paul on 0161 253 6853 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jigsawbury.org.uk Tel: 0161 797 1968 Older people’s Active Living Programme - visiting other community provisions, dealing with anxiety, relaxation, Luncheon Club - visits to local pubs, cafes and restaurants Social Outings - visiting new places and having lunch www.b3sda.org.uk email: [email protected] 8 European Programme 2014-20 Greater Manchester has an allocation of £356 million of European Structural Funds for the 2014-20 programme. The arrangements for how to plan and spend under this programme are different from anything done previously. The Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has responsibility to design a detailed European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF) plan and find match funding. Actual commissioning will be carried out by ‘ co-financers’ – ie organisations offering match funding; these will include the Skills Funding Agency (SFA), Dept for Work and Pensions (DWP), Dept for Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Big Lottery There are two ‘lots’ which in practice will be delivered more or less exclusively by the Voluntary Community Social Enterprise Sector: a ‘social innovation driver’ to encourage new social enterprise around needs brought about by public service reform, through a loan/evergreen fund (match funding from Social Investment Business); A programme to engage ‘marginalised groups’ and support them towards economic activity (match funding from the Big Lottery Fund). How do we get funded? This is becoming clearer, although the process and systems for commissioning are still being worked out at national and local levels. ‘Lots’ on a fairly large scale will be tendered for on a Greater Manchester footprint. These could be won either by a single organisation, which could be a ‘lead body’ with a ‘supply chain’ of organisations to which it will sub-contract, or by a partnership/consortium of named organisations, which could also have a supply chain. Some lots may work on some version of payment-by-results which may lead to cashflow needs. This means that for individual organisations, the way it is most likely to be is within a supply chain of some sort. All organisations delivering under the ESIF plan will have to be able to evidence sustainability and quality, and cope with collecting and providing data. At the moment it looks as if ESF tenders may start to come out in February 2015, with ERDF a little later. Development and Funding Service This means we need to get ready now! How can we get better prepared? The B3SDA Development & Funding Service offers support and advice to voluntary and community organisations in Bury whether they are well established or just starting out. We offer practical guidance on: The Big Lottery Fund has made available fixed amounts of funding per LEP area proportionate to its investment in the area. Greater Manchester was allocated £20,000. This funding, under the BLF’s Building Better Opportunities programme, is to raise awareness within the voluntary community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector of the opportunities available through the European Social Fund. GMCVO is delivering the project in Greater Manchester in partnership with New Economy and Network for Europe. The project aim is to provide a range of information and advice to help VCSE organisations, and the organisations that support them, to make sure everyone is aware of the plan, can identify whether and how they could and would want to participate, understand the routes into delivery, and are prepared for the practical requirements of working with European funding. B3SDA will be working with GMCVO to get the sector in Bury “pitch and application ready”. To keep abreast of the changes, developments and networking opportunities please refer to: http://www.gmcvo.org.uk/european-programme-2014-20 Tel: 0161 797 1968 www.b3sda.org.uk Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Starting up an organisation Legal structures Governance Employment good practice Environmental sustainability Developing business plans Market research Feasibility studies Trading - moving away from grant dependency Financial management and budgeting Fundraising options and strategy Tender readiness and procurement Monitoring and evaluation If your group would like help or further information, please contact: Emma Balfe B3SDA Development Worker Telephone 0161 797 1968 Email [email protected] email: [email protected] Local News 9 Haunting Half term Activities with the Boom project Reading Helper of the ‘One to me m also s a read recently " id big w I ords can can't no I?" L ovely w to hear. ’ Pumpkin carving, scarecrow making, archaelogical digs and road safety.....all in a half term holiday for young people on the Boom project. Young people from Bury and Oldham took part in a wide variety of volunteering activities over the October half term. Activities included road safety with UPS, archaelogical digging at Jubilee Colliery with Groundwork, pumpkin carving for Halloween and gardening at Bury Youth Service allotments. My name is Vera and I volunteer with Beanstalk as a reading helper. I was placed in a local primary school which I now visit twice a week. I support three children with their literacy and confidence through reading books and playing games. One of the successes was building a shelter after uncovering an old oven in the colliery and the shelter withstanding the 'water' test! Well done to all those involved. The sessions involve talking to the children, the fact that someone values what has been happening in their life, slowly but surely builds up a trusting relationship. I find out their interests, which helps me pick relevant books and games to for them to choose from. Patience pays dividends, especially when I see a big smile at the end of a session. Opportunities for Care Leavers The Boom Project runs in Bury and Oldham for young people in care and care leavers aged 13-18. It is funded by Children in Need, delivered by Greater Manchester Youth Network and supported by Bury Integrated If you work with care leavers, please get in touch with Boom+. The Boom+ project is aimed at young people aged 18-21 in Bury who are care leavers. The project support young people to develop their interests and The benefits of watching a child's confidence and experiences as individuals as well as group activities to reading improve cannot be stressed enough, in develop teamwork skills and social action projects. Boom+ is an extension addition to the difference it makes to the child. It’s of the Boom project. It is funded until May 2015 by the Cabinet Office as local, I’ve learnt new skills and there is always support part of the Vulnerable and Disengaged Young People's Fund and is being if I need it. I’d recommend it to anyone. evaluated by Manchester Metropolitan University in collaboration with We need volunteers throughout Bury, but especially GMCVO. It is being delivered by Greater Manchester Youth Network and in Radcliffe and BL9 postcode areas. For more supported by Bury Integrated Youth Support Service. information please phone 01204 532421, email For further information about Boom+ and to refer young people, [email protected] or visit our contact Maryam on 0161 274 3377 [email protected] website to apply online www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk Beautiful countryside ‘On The Edge’ of Bury The Village Link guides you round six beautiful little villages Easy Free Counselling Coming to terms with prostate cancer counselling can help Talk don’t walk Call now on 0845 165 1830 walking for all ages. Coming to terms with prostate cancer can be very Dr. Falmai Binns says “We are still going famously and there have anxious and distressing been publication of 3 of the walks in Lancashire Living. We have also got a grant for another 1000 leaflets so set to market strongly experience for everyone affected by the again in 2015. We are getting good feedback via the web page diagnosis/prognosis. and have managed to get some upgrades to stiles etc. as a result.” Counselling is available for The walks were designed by residents from each you and your family to help village, and more than 300 waymarks to flag the way, you through this stressful in both directions, have time been installed. The project is the brainchild of Bury Rural Inequalities Forum (BRIF), with help from Bury Council and particularly its public rights of way officer David Chadwick. Tel: 0161 797 1968 Contact Details Phone: 08451651830 Email: [email protected] Website: relate-gmn.co.uk Contact BRIF Email [email protected] Website www.village-link.com www.b3sda.org.uk email: [email protected] Local News 10 Advice in a Time of Austerity ‘Advice in a Time of Austerity’ was an event aimed to provide frontline staff with self-help information they can pass on to service users who are struggling in the social welfare system under the current economic circumstances. The event was organised by BCAN (Bury Community Advice Network). BCAN is a new partnership of eight local charities. It is funded through the big lottery under the advice service transition fund. Representatives of 21 third sector organisations along with colleagues from Bury Council, Six Town Housing and Bury County Court also took the networking opportunity and made links to help with their work. Emma Balfe from B3SDA said “The event was a wonderful opportunity to hear presentations on relevant issues and a great chance to network with other organisations”. Specific presentations addressed changes to benefits claims and appeals, support for disabled people facing discrimination and legal rights of private tenants threatened with eviction. Dave Bevitt, Bury District CAB, outlined BCAN’s aim of widening access to rights advice by building links with local services which provide for a range of different needs ‘ Over the next 9 months, the Project will be developing a Level 2 award volunteer training in Information, Advice & Guidance and bringing together online and in one place details of local charities who provide rights-related services in Bury, as well as hosting further Network events. If your organisation is interested in any of these developments, please get in touch.’ For more information on BCAN, or the Development Project, please contact: Marie Ahmad, Volunteer Development Worker [email protected] 0161 797 1968 or David Wildman, Network Development Worker [email protected] Springs Appeal for Help to 4 Steps Programme at The Transform Disused Garage Site Mosses centre Tenants and Residents of the Springs Estate are looking to transform an overgrown and unloved disused garage site situated near Carlton Street, Bury. partner agencies and fantastic volunteers for their wonderful support to help The Mosses Centre, as it would be a lot harder without such great support! Since the garages were removed the land has become overgrown and a regular site for fly tipping. A number of locals put forward the idea for developing the land into a community area which has been supported by NSCPG. NSCPG Community Development Worker, Rachael Bamber said “The proposed site has so much potential and will be a real asset to the local community. We are campaigning to raise awareness of the proposed community garden in the hope of attracting interest from local organisations and groups to get involved; either to pledge their time or sponsorship, it’s a really exciting project!” For further information, please contact: Rachael Bamber Community Development Worker email: [email protected] Mobile: 07960 402 368 Office: 0161 764 3375 Fax: 0161 763 4496 Address: Springs Tenant’s Co-op, 55 Dorset Drive, Bury, BL9 9DN Tel: 0161 797 1968 The 4 steps programme at The Mosses Centre goes from strength to strength as we support local people into finding employment. A BIG THANKS to all of the One of the many success stories so far has been G, G had some time ago been employed by Remploy but he had been struggling to get a job for quite a period of time. G has been coming from day one with his wife S who is also seeking work, and they have both made us laugh out loud with their banter and happy go lucky attitude. G has now got a job with a large company and he is loving his new job and finding work a great thrill. S summed it up on the first day she came by saying “It’s great here, we both feel so welcomed” The Mosses bringing people together www.b3sda.org.uk email: [email protected] Training and Communication 11 What Training Does Your Organisation Need? B3SDA plans its training around the needs of the sector. In the past B3SDA has offered training in: Ÿ Writing Funding Applications / Developing Funding Strategies; Ÿ Roles and Responsibilities of Management Committees; Ÿ Basic Bookkeeping; Ÿ Volunteers and the Law / Monitoring and Evaluating Volunteer Programmes; Ÿ Dealing with Challenging Behaviours. If you think your organisation would benefit from this or any other training, please let us know and, subject to demand, we would be happy to try to accommodate you. Please get in touch on 0161 797 1968 or at [email protected]. Keeping Children Safe Date: Time: Thursday 5th March 9:15am - 3:30pm Overview: This course is aimed at all paid workers and volunteers who come into regular contact with children, young people and/or their parents or carers. Level 2 Delivering Information, Advice or Guidance Bury Community Advice Network - Level 2 Award in Delivering Information, Advice or Guidance Date: Friday 13th February, (and every Friday for 14 weeks) Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm Overview: This free course is aimed at volunteers working in Reception roles who, as some part of their work, receive advicerelated enquiries from Bury residents. This training builds the key skills and knowledge required to provide basic information and identify those who need signposting or referring to a local advice service provider for further support. Places are limited so if you are interested please contact: Andrea Wilson [email protected] or on 0161 797 1968. BME Community Forum This course is a foundation training in safeguarding children and young people from abuse, how to act on concerns, respond appropriately and understand basic child protection requirements. Attendees will have the option of achieving an NSPCC certificate. There will be a £12 charge for the NSPCC pack. Please note that if you have attended this course three years or more ago your certificate will now be out of date. To book please email [email protected] or telephone 0161 797 1968. Date: Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Venue: Bury Town Hall Be a Voice - Make a Change! We are a collective voice whose aims are: Ÿ To influence organisations that impact on the BME Community in Bury Ÿ To develop partnership and good practice Ÿ To empower the BME Community in Bury Ÿ Encourage greater participation in all aspects of community life For more information contact the Chair Tan on 0161 7646749. To attend the meeting email [email protected] Our Current Training Charges B3SDA offers a comprehensive training programme for third sector organisations. So we can provide the full range of courses necessary on a limited budget, we have introduced charges for some organisations: Third Sector with income under £30K Third Sector with income over £30K Private and Statutory Sector Full Day No Charge £40 £60 Half Day No Charge £25 £40 Taster Sessions No Charge No Charge £10 Places must be booked by calling 0161 797 1968 or emailing [email protected]. If you are a third sector organisation and have circumstances which make it difficult to pay these fees, please do contact us to discuss your situation further. If you need to cancel your place, 24 hours notice must be given otherwise your organisation will incur a fee of £20. Tel: 0161 797 1968 www.b3sda.org.uk email: [email protected] 12 What is Bury Third Sector Development Agency? (B3SDA) Staff Contact details Derek Burke Chief Officer E: [email protected] B3SDA is a charity which seeks to support and develop third sector organisations. By third sector we mean community, voluntary and faith organisations, social enterprises, charities and cooperatives. We work in partnership with public sector agencies and local partnerships to represent third sector issues. We develop third sector forums, networks and assemblies and manage a communication service which keeps third sector organisations up to date. Emma Balfe Development Officer E: [email protected] Our Mission: Working in partnership with other sectors, we will provide support and opportunities for third sector organisations in Bury to strengthen their capacity, influence and resources to meet the diverse and changing needs of the people in Bury. Rhona Morrissey Volunteer Centre Coordinator E: [email protected] Our Services Aiesha Saddique Communication and Finance Officer E: [email protected] B3SDA offers a range of services designed to help third sector organisations and volunteers across Bury. These include: Helen Herd Data and Communication Officer E: [email protected] Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ A funding and organisational development service for third sector organisations; Bury Live - our quarterly newsletter and weekly email bulletin; Bury Volunteer Centre; A range of third sector forums and networks to facilitate partnership working both within the third sector and with the public sector; Ÿ A range of training courses and factsheets to support the above work. Bury Third Sector Development Agency Tell us your Story! @B3SDA Bury Live, goes out quarterly to members of the public and third sector organisations all over Bury . If you have any good news stories or would like to advertise events and training or would like to advertise for volunteers then please get in touch with us. Articles need to be around 200 words and a good quality photo would be great. Volunteer Centre Bury @BuryVolunteer The deadline for articles in the April Edition is Friday 6th March 2015. We are also interested in any comments or suggestions you may have about this newsletter. Thank you to everyone who provided contributions for Bury Live! CONTACT US: Bury Business Centre Unit 23 Kay Street Bury BL9 6BU T: 0161 797 1968 E:[email protected] w: www.b3sda.org.uk Charity No: 1124186 Registered in England // Company No: 6369584
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