ELECTIONS MEET THE CANDIDATES VOTING STARTS THIS WEEK @ CSU LIBRARY LOUNGE POLLS ARE OPEN FROM: GET TO KNOW YOUR FUTURE CAMPUS LEADERS Election season is in full swing on campus as the Capilano Students’ Union (CSU) has announced this year’s electoral candidates. On Jan. 27 and 29, an All Candidates Forum was held to give each candidate a chance to share their ideas and platform to students on campus. We caught up with all of the electoral candidates* to learn what they have in store for the future of Capilano University and what they have brewing for Valentine’s Day. *Sephia Jeon, running for Global Studies Representative, did not respond to the Courier's requests before ress deadline. FEB. FEB. FEB. FEB. 5pm 5pm 6pm 4pm Zach Renwick - Business Kate Phifer - Tourism Management Rhita Hassar - Business Q. What plans or changes will you implement if elected? Q. What attributes do you have that will help you if elected to this position? Q. What plans or changes will you implement if elected? Q. What plans or changes will you implement if elected? I was really hoping to run a campaign encouraging youth involvement in the federal elections, as well as one addressing student concerns for TransLink, regardless of the way the referendum goes. Finally, I want bring the puppies back to campus. Yup, that’s right. Game changer! Over the last year I have reviewed and created countless contracts on behalf of the Society, improved financial reporting and accounting processes, and participated in all Collective Bargaining sessions as we negotiate a new Collective Agreement with our unionized staff. One of the most exciting aspects of this position is that I am able to directly apply the knowledge I have learned in my Accounting and Business courses to the work I will do within the CSU. If I am elected my plans are to continue to grow and develop student life on campus. I think that Capilano University has so much potential to be a fun and vibrant campus. Using my experience sitting on this collective this year, I will help student life become more active and engaging. I want to see more pub nights, more fun events like the Rail Jam and more activities for students. If I am elected, I would focus on two main objectives: First, enhancing student experience through increasing clubs and clubs’ presence on campus as well as work along the Vice President of University Relations and Services to provide students with a Students’ Union Building in the future and to work with the university to have a pub on campus. My second main objective would be to build and strengthen community relations through collaborations with other students’ unions, especially the VPs of student life of other universities. Q. State an interesting fact about yourself My ideal Valentine’s Day date would happen in the warm Mediterranean Sea, atop a sailboat with the sun on our shoulders and wind in our hair. I used to really be into bike racing. I was so committed, I shaved my legs and would make sure all my shorts were the same length (so as to preserve those crisp tan-lines). Holy crap I was weird. Q. What is your ideal Valentine’s Day date? VICE-PRESIDENT OF STUDENT LIFE Q. What plans or changes will you implement if elected? Q. What plans or changes will you implement if elected? Q. What is your ideal first date? My ideal first date would be June 1, 2015 with your CSU as Vice-President of External Relations. Q. If you would be able to bring a celebrity to CapU who would it be and why? If I was still in touch with her, I would bring Ellen Degeneres! She's just amazing and so much fun. The campus would have such a great time in her company. Unfortunately, we didn't stay in touch. Heidi Anderson - Liberal Studies Jullian Kolstee - Communications Brittany has done a great job in this role. I’m not looking to make major changes because the issues haven’t changed: we still need to increase core funding, we still need to decrease student debt and we still need better transit. However, I am interested in looking at new approaches to these issues that could yield different results, such as seeking out student grant and apprenticeship programs that more proportionally reflect a diverse economy. VICE-PRESIDENT OF STUDENT LIFE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES VICE-PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY RELATIONS AND SERVICES Volume 48 I ssue N o . 16 - Taylor Wilson - Film VICE-PRESIDENT OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS The Capilano Courier. 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am VICE-PRESIDENT OF INTERNAL DEVELOPMENT February 7, because that's my actual first date — the day I was born. 4 / / / / VICE-PRESIDENT OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS Q. What is your ideal first date? VICE-PRESIDENT OF STUDENT LIFE 2 3 4 5 Sacha Fabry - Global Stewardship Q. What attributes do you have that will help you if elected to this position? My first term in office has given me a firm grasp of the University's internal structure and allowed me to understand the most pressing issues being debated. With my current knowledge, I plan on continuing to advocate for students at every level. Q. What do you have planned for Valentine’s Day? Probably crying on the couch, eating ice cream and watching Friends re-runs. I’m doing my studies a lot on engagement and engagement with children and this position you really need to be engaged with the students and [be] engaging with the clubs and the faculty members and I just want to have a greater sense of community on campus, and also, people are paying money into the organization. I really want to give their money’s worth, feel like they’re paying into something that’s worth it for them and [that] the university experience is great, memorable and fun. Q. What is your ideal first date? Emily Solomon - Business Q. What plans or changes will you implement for your collective if elected? My highest priority as a faculty representative is, and would continue to be, to establish and fortify the front-line connection that the CSU has with its members. Our job is first and foremost to represent the student body, and to adequately live up this responsibility, our duty begins with outreach work with the students. Q. State an interesting fact about yourself. Something relaxed where you get to know the person and like the real person and I guess watch a movie and eat yummy food that I make, because I love to bake. I’m actually a mermaid. ELECTIONS SOCIAL JUSTICE COORDINATOR QUEER STUDENTS’ LIASION Taylor Smith - Liberal Studies Jon Kinsley - Communications Jonald Chan - Arts and Sciences Kyle LeGrow - Tourism Management Q. What plans or changes will you implement for your collective if elected? Q. What plans or changes will you implement for your collective if elected? Q. What plans or changes will you implement if elected? Q. What plans or changes will you implement for your collective if elected? I’m looking to decrease barriers for students who are facing systemic inequalities within the University. It’s come to my attention that many students have been dealing with various issues in which they are either silenced, uncertain of resources, or not welcomed to talk about. This can range from access to affordable and stable housing, violence prevention, or even questions on legal advocacy all from a student perspective. Overall, I want to give students the stepping stones to success, no matter who they are. I’m open to doing workshops on stereotypes and stigma, or even engaging the student community on topics such as justice for street youth, sexual health and consent, criminal harassment, inequality in the classroom, and violence. Most of all, I would like our university to join the fight in calling for a national inquiry for Missing and Murdered Indigenous women. As I have been in the position for the last two years I would continue to create a larger presence on campus. To make our campus a more welcoming and friendly space and bringing attention the issues faced by this community. This year for the first time ever we will be hosting Capilano Pride on campus I would like to continue initiatives such as this and develop more of a solid base on campus, building more connections with faculty and staff. I plan to have more events throughout the school year promoting the enrolment of new and current students into the Arts and Sciences program. This will allow some classes that are not currently offered at Capilano University to become available, such as microbiology. I have two main goals if elected. First would be to get healthier food options on campus with options from multiple vendors to increase competition. In turn, this will keep prices lower for students instead of Aramark [and its] unprofessional staff profiting off of our hard-earned dollars by selling unhealthy fast food. Secondly, I would like to help initiate more on-campus activities to bring students from the different departments together while utilizing our ability to serve alcohol in the CSU. Q. State an interesting fact about yourself. Q. State an interesting fact about yourself. I’ve driven across Canada and hitchhiked from Toronto to Cape Breton and across Newfoundland. I love to travel and will do it in every way possible, hence why I’m in Barcelona right now. WOMENS STUDENTS’ LIASION Some people at school call me “Darizard.” I have no idea why. ARTS AND SCIENCES REPRESENTATIVE Q. If you would be able to bring a celebrity to CapU who would it be and why? If I could bring a celebrity to Capilano University, it would be David Suzuki. This is because last semester (Fall 2014) there was a Virtual Classroom featuring David Suzuki in the Earthworks event "Our Food Systems: Are you Hungry for Change?" David Suzuki has inspired me and most likely other students during that event, but it would be even better if he came, in person, to speak to and inspire all of the students. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COORDINATOR GLOBAL STUDIES REPRESENTATIVE Q. State an interesting fact about yourself. I have been to the Emergency Room four times due to mountain biking-related injuries. GLOBAL STUDIES REPRESENTATIVE SOCIAL JUSTICE COORDINATOR Catrina McCrae – Communications Q. What attributes do you have that will help you if elected to this position? Nicole Spencer - Liberal Studies The term “Social Justice” is huge; it covers basic human rights, environmental rights, injustices in wealth, compassion towards all others and so much more. This position was left vacant this past year, so if I’m lucky enough to be elected I plan to bring this collective into light again and invite everyone who strives for social justice to come together and work towards creating community without prejudice (not only in our school but in our wider community as well). Q. If you would be able to bring a celebrity to CapU who would it be and why? This is tough, but probably Joseph GordonLevitt. He seems very down to earth for such a high profile celebrity and does a lot of great charity work. And I also kind of love him. Q. What’s your ideal first date? Good conversation over a beer on Commercial Drive and then seeing a show at the Rio. Q. What attributes do you have that will help you if elected to this position? Q. What plans or changes will you implement for your collective if elected? I follow through on projects that I commit to, I am able to make connections and see the larger picture, and I would consider myself to be a good listener. Perhaps most importantly, I have a love for the environment, working with people, and learning. If elected, I would like to improve the collaboration between faculties through events on campus. I would also like to collaborate with local communities. Monthly volunteer events could be a great example where students from all faculties and community groups get to build partnership. Q. State an interesting fact about yourself. Q. What’s your ideal first date? I was a home learner throughout most of my pre-post-secondary education — which correlated to outdoor classrooms, hours inspecting insects in the yard, training for ski racing multiple days each week, playing music and Irish dancing with my sisters, forest walks with my dogs, random tap-dancing episodes in "school" halls, and having a (mostly) invisible pet dragon named “Sky”. Some of these things still happen. My ideal first date would be quite simple. As long as the setting is in the outdoors, like a walk along the water or a hike up the mountain, this could definitely be an ideal first date! There are still vacant positions in the CSU elections which include: Accessibility Justice Coordinator, First Nations Students’ Liaison, International Students’ Liaison, Students of Colour Liaison, Education, Health, & Human Development, Fine & Applied Arts, Squamish Campus Representative and Sunshine Coast Campus Representative. T h e C a p i l a n o C o u r i e r . Volume 48 I ssue N o . 16 Q. What plans or changes will you implement for your collective if elected? I come armed with fresh ideas and thoughts about the events and discussions that can be held within the Women’s Collective, as well as how it will interact with the campus and the community. I feel that my positive energy, enthusiasm and creativity will be vital in re-energizing this Collective and bringing positive changes to it. I’m pursuing a career in Conflict Resolution in Management, and I plan to bring my skills in Communications to this Collective to be a resource to, and provide support to, all women on campus. Kaylie Higgs - Global Stewardship Sabrina Ouellette Tourism Management 5
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