Setup Windows 7 for a scientist Hiroshi Kitagawa (February 3, 2015) Last modified: c:/Users/dream/orochi-devel/documentation/OrochiSetupWin7/report.tex on 2015-02-03 19:44 Abstract This document summarizes a setup procedure of Windows 7 for a scientist. Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 CYGWIN 1 3 OKAYAMA SPECIFIC 2 4 SCIENTIFIC TOOLS 3 5 GNU Emacs 5.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 6 Appendix 1 Windows 7 Appendix 2 Macintosh 7 1 INTRODUCTION Target of this document is a Japanese scientist who makes plots by R and matlab, and reads/writes reports using LATEX in English/Japanese. The scientist has to deal files by Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and run instruments that can only talk to Microsoft Windows. Although he prefers Unixy system, he has to stick to Windows. A core environment for him is GNU Emacs. How to set up a working environment on Windows 7 is described on this document. There are two possible Emacs, that are official build for Windows that also is referred as NT-Emacs, and one for Cygwin. Emacs relies on many external programs, and we consider Cygwin to be a primary source. Installation of Emacs itself, external programs, and configuration, are described. 2 CYGWIN Launch Windows’ command prompt (hereafter referred as cmd.exe) and set an environmental variable HOME by following command. 1 DOS > setx HOME % USERPROFILE % Make sure if HOME is set properly as below. To access environmental variables, right-click computer, then click properties, advanced settings, and environment variables. 1 C:\ Users \ hkitagawa Install Cygwin1 without additional packages for the first round. Then add packages listed on Table 2. If you cannot tell which one to be installed, install all except for “Publishing”2 . 1 Install by “setup-x86.exe” or “setup-x64.exe” but into to c:/cygwin/ instead of c:/cygwin64/. If you launched Cygwin Terminal without setting HOME properly, a directory c:/cygwin/home/hkitagawa would be created. To avoid confusion, delete it. 2 Sometimes “Publishing” packages gives problems for unknown reasons as of January 31, 2015. 1 3 OKAYAMA SPECIFIC Odnet An Orochi client is supposed to connect to Wi-Fi odnet provided by Okayama Univ. On a principle, authorization is required for each connection. It is recommended to register MAC address. At its registration, check option to have constant IP address. A MAC address is world-wide-unique 6-byte ID for network device. It is often expressed in a form as 7c:c3:a1:9f:91:5d. On Mac, find it at “About This Mac / Network / Wi-Fi”. On Windows, type ipconfig/all in command prompt. Visit as of October 29, 2014 and follow links and select menu “change role / role-name: research-NW-Mac-registration” then click “OK”. Select menu “ODobject organize / registration”. Set VLAN info as “VLAN3617 – ISEI”, fill the MAC address, select “static IP”, “object”, and “cue”. Then click “register”. Choose “VLAN3617 – ISEI” for server and “VLAN3618 – ISEI” for clients. Subversion and Git Orochi-related files are maintained on version controlled repositories. To check out repositories under Subversion, issue following commands. 1 2 3 4 cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ svn svn svn svn checkout checkout checkout checkout http :// multimed . misasa .okayama repository /bin http :// multimed . misasa .okayama repository / templates http :// multimed . misasa .okayama repository / texmf http :// multimed . misasa .okayama repository / xtreeml Since Windows cannot recognize symbolic link made on Cygwin, additionally check out Emacs configuration files as below. 1 cygwin$ svn checkout http :// multimed . misasa .okayama repository /bin/dot. emacs .d . emacs .d To check out repositories under Git, you need a SSH public key of your computer. Even %HOME% is set to c:/Users/hkitagawa, ssh-keygen creates a key in Cygwin’s default home c:/cygwin/home/hkitagawa/.ssh as of January 5, 2015. Issue following commands. No passphrase input is required on creation of the key. 1 2 3 4 5 6 cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cd mkdir -p /home/ hkitagawa ssh - keygen -t rsa ln -s /home/ hkitagawa /. ssh .ssh cat ˜/. ssh/ id_rsa .pub cat ˜/. ssh/ id_rsa .pub > /dev/ clipboard Log-in Git server by appropriate user such like hominidae. Add your public key on ˜/.ssh/ to Git server. Then issue following to check out. 1 2 3 cygwin$ cd cygwin$ mkdir -p orochi - devel ; cd orochi - devel cygwin$ git clone git@devel . misasa .okayama orochi / documentation .git Environmental variables and configuration files To set environmental variables up, run SETUP_ENV.BAT on command prompt, as shown below 1 2 DOS > cd xtreeml DOS > SETUP_ENV .BAT or issue following commands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 @echo off set HOME =% USERPROFILE % set EMACS_DIR ="C:\ emacs -24.3 " setx PROMPT "DOS > " setx TZ JST -9 setx USER % USERNAME % setx HOME %HOME% setx BIBINPUTS %HOME %\ texmf \ bibtex \\ setx EMACS_DIR % EMACS_DIR % setx ALTERNATE_EDITOR % EMACS_DIR %\ bin\ runemacs setx EMACSCLIENT % EMACS_DIR %\ bin\ emacsclientw setx XTREEML %HOME %\ xtreeml setx PATH_CYGWIN C:\ cygwin \bin;C:\ cygwin \user\bin;C:\ cygwin \user\sbin;C:\ cygwin \usr\ local \bin setx PATH %% PATH_CYGWIN %% 2 To copy configuration files such as .bashrc, issue following command, 1 ˜/ bin/dot.cp or issue individual commands. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 #!/ bin/sh cp -f ˜/ bin/dot. bashrc cp -f ˜/ bin/dot. bash_profile cp -f ˜/ bin/dot. latexmkrc cp -f ˜/ bin/dot. gitconfig cp -f ˜/ bin/dot. vimrc cp -f ˜/ bin/dot. screenrc cp -i ˜/ bin/dot. emacs .d/dot.emacs -w3m cp -i ˜/ bin/dot. emacs .d/dot.mew.el cp -i ˜/ bin/dot. emacs .d/dot.gnus cp -i ˜/ bin/dot. emacs .d/dot. authinfo cp -i ˜/ xtreeml / orochi /dot. orochirc ˜/. bashrc ˜/. bash_profile ˜/. latexmkrc ˜/. gitconfig ˜/. vimrc ˜/. screenrc ˜/. emacs -w3m ˜/. mew.el ˜/. gnus.el ˜/. authinfo ˜/. orochirc Dropbox Install and log-in with appropriate account. Orochi-related utilities are stored in ˜/Dropbox/ Documents/Emacs/. 4 SCIENTIFIC TOOLS Programs should be launch-able from cmd.exe (to be called from Emacs). Append path to a program (such as C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.2\bin\x64) on each installation, to system’s environmental variable PATH (hereafter referred as %PATH%)3 . MiKTEX NT-Emacs prefers LATEX by MiKTEX than one by Cygwin. Choose x86 or 64 version. Set “install missing packages on-the-fly” to “yes”. To handle Japanese by pdfLATEX, install cjk related files. Using Package Manager (Admin), install a package bxcjkjatype. To let MiKTEX recognize user-definition files located in C:\Users\hkitagawa\texmf, launch a configuration program by clicking Start, MiKTeX 2.9, Maintenance (Admin), and settings (admin). In roots tab, add the directory. Occasionally update database by clicking Refresh FNDB 4 . MiKTEX is not with Japanese pLATEX. If you need it, install it on Cygwin5 . It is a hard work to invoke Japanese pLATEX from NT-Emacs. First of all, there is another platex.exe with MiKTEX, which is not pLATEX. It is recommended to rename it to something else. Also, since C:/cygwin/usr/bin/platex is a symbolic link to C:/cygwin/usr/bin/eptex.exe, NT-Emacs cannot invoke platex. You can barely invoke pLATEX by calling a batch file with following lines. 1 2 @echo off eptex -progname = platex %* To utilize a Perl script latexmk comes with MiKTEX , have a configuration file ˜/.latexmkrc as shown as below. 1 2 3 $pdflatex = ’pdflatex %O %S’; $latex = ’eptex -kanji =utf8 -progname = platex %O %S’; $dvipdf = ’dvipdfmx %O -o %D %S’; PDF viewer Install SumatraPDF and set inverse search command-line in Settings/options, as below. 1 C:\ emacs -24.3\ bin\ emacsclientw .exe --no -wait +%l "%f" To bind key Esc to close a window and use tab-browsing, select “Advanced Options...” from menu and set EscToExit and ReuseInstance to true. Set SumatraPDF as default PDF application for Windows. 3 Also append paths C:/cygwin/bin, C:/cygwin/usr/bin,C:/cygwin/usr/local/bin. You have to click this when you append a personal bib file. 5 As a consequence, you have two LATEX systems with or without Japanese pLATEX. 4 3 R 1 2 3 Install R for Windows. After installation launch R.exe and install popular packages as shown below. R> install . packages ("klaR") R> install . packages (" ggplot2 ") R> install . packages (" ellipse ") Matlab mand. 1 Let Matlab recognize user-definition files at C:\Users\hkitagawa\matlab by following com- matlab > userpath ( fullfile ( getenv (’HOME ’),’matlab ’)) Firefox 5 Install plugin KeySnail.xpi to have Emacs key-bind. To setup sync using certain account is useful. GNU Emacs 5.1 Installation Main program Emacs on Cygwin works on own file system. For example, a directory C:\Program Files is regarded as /cygdrive/c/Program Files. It does not go well with Windows’ native programs. Number of users is small and you will encounter inconvenience often. We have reached to conclusion that a combination of NT-Emacs (official build for Windows) and external programs mainly provided by Cygwin to be the best6 . Download official build for Windows and copy to c:/emacs-24.3. Only if you want to see images in Emacs, download and locate image libraries. Read documentation carefully and locate *.dll files to c:/emacs-24.3/bin7 . Run c:/emacs-24.3/bin/addpm.exe to make a shortcut in start menu. From now on you launch Emacs from start menu. For convenience, set working directory of the shortcut to %HOME%. An example of user’s environment variables is shown in Table 1. To open files by Emacs on double click at Windows’ Explorer, correlate *.tex with emacsclientw.exe (instead of runemacs.exe). If you want to open a file by a new window, correlate with a batch file c: /emacs-24.3/bin/emacsclientw.bat with following lines. 1 2 @echo off "%˜ dp0emacsclientw .exe" --create - frame -no -wait --alternate - editor ="%˜ dp0runemacs .exe" %1 Table 1: An example of user’s environment variables variable TZ USER HOME BIBINPUTS EMACS_DIR ALTERNATE_EDITOR EMACSCLIENT PATH value JST-9 hkitagawa C:\Users\hkitagawa C:\Users\hkitagawa\texmf\bibtex\\ C:\emacs-24.3 C:\emacs-24.3\bin\runemacs C:\emacs-24.3\bin\emacsclientw C:\Users\hkitagawa\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\cygwin\user\bin; C:\cygwin\user\sbin;C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin External programs Install external programs as listed in Table 2. When Emacs is launched, commandsearch list exec-path is constructed from system’s %PATH%, user’s %PATH%, and certain directories such as c:/emacs-24.3/bin or c:/emacs-24.4/libexec/emacs/24.4/i686-pc-mingw32/. Possible locations for external programs are shown in Table 3. 6 After a while, you want to build Emacs by yourself. Then consider MinGW instead of Cygwin. Since it is hustle to look around, Orochi keeps a copy with libraries in ˜/Dropbox/Documents/Emacs/emacs-24.3. Copy the directory to c:/emacs-24.3. 7 4 Table 2: External programs required for Emacs: yourself means that you build aspell grep find git subversion stunnel perl w3m cmigemo nkf LATEX PDF viewer R ssh search ruby Windows Cygwin ezwinports Cygwin Cygwin Cygwin Cygwin Cygwin Cygwin yourself yourself MiKTEX SumatraPDF R for Windows PuTTY Everything RubyInstaller Macintosh MacPorts built-in built-in built-in MacPorts MacPorts built-in MacPorts yourself MacPorts MacPorts Skim R for Mac built-in built-in built-in remark spell checker search letters required by Mew required by Mew Japanese utility required by cmigemo search files Note that Emacs cannot follow symbolic link made in Cygwin. Also, because Unixy shell scripts and Windows batch files have different syntax for how they invoke commands, you cannot invoke shell script on Cygwin command such like gnuzip. Create a bat file name gnuzip with following lines, and locate on somewhere earlier than Cygwin on exec-path. 1 2 @echo off gzip -d %* Table 3: Typical locations for external programs c:/emacs-24.3/bin c:/emacs-24.4/libexec/emacs/24.4/i686-pc-mingw32 ˜/bin c:/cygwin c:/MinGW/bin c:/Program Files c:/Program Files (x86) Aspell There is Win32 port of Aspell; however, it saves dictionary with CR+LF, which is inconsistent with Unixy system. We recommend one by Cygwin. Grep and Find Find is file-name-search program. There are completely different ones by GNU and Microsoft8 . Emacs wants to invoke one by GNU. Locate the find-program to let Emacs find it earlier. Or set a variable by S-expression like below. 1 (setq find - program "C:\\ cygwin \\ bin \\ find.exe") Grep is important context-search program. There are ones by GnuWin32 (GNU grep 2.5.4, 2009), Ezwinports (GNU grep 2.10, 2012), and Cygwin (GNU grep 2.21, 2015) that accept --exclude-dir option. We recommend one by GnuWin32 or Ezwinports because of backslash treatment9 . Everything search Everything corresponds to Spotlight in Macintosh and lets you find a file quickly from Emacs with a certain setup. With default installation, it will be launched on system startup. You do not have to append a path to %PATH%. To invoke Everything from Emacs, you need to locate an interface program named es to somewhere that Emacs can find. 8 Typically it is located as c:/Windows/System32/find.exe. One by Cygwin (GNU grep 2.21, 2014) gives annoying warning as reported in bug-gnu-emacs/2014-12/msg00013.html. 9 5 Migemo Migemo is a tool to allow incremental search of Kanji by Romaji. You build it by yourself. You need development tools including a compiler. Install packages listed as “devel” on Cygwin. How to build Migemo is detailed in cmigemo-master/doc/README_j.txt but summarized in below. Install Kanji-character converter nkf in advance. Turn Migemo on by key combo Alt-m while on isearchmode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cygwin$ cd nkf -2.1.3 make install unzip cmigemo - maser .zip cd cmigemo - master ./ configure make cyg make cyg -dict make cyg - install Mew Mew is a standard Japanese mailer. Mew 6.6 (as of January 31, 2015) does not support NT-Emacs 24.4. Download installer (Mew 6.6 for NT-Emacs 24.3) and edit mew.ini. Issue commands as shown below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 DOS > type mew.ini BINDIR =c:\ emacs -24.4\ libexec \ emacs \24.4\ i686 -pc - mingw32 ELISPDIR =c:\ emacs -24.4\ share \ emacs \24.4\ site -lisp\mew INFOPATH =c:\ emacs -24.4\ share \info DOS > set emacs_dir =c:\ emacs -24.4 DOS > mew 5.2 Customization Customization of Emacs is independent of platform. From this point you can look for book and web. Emacs writes Japanese When you launch Emacs first time, type Ctrl + \ to initialize Japanese input method ddskk. Emacs browses WWW Web browser is used for HTML rendering. As of December 20 2014, emacs-w3m serves as web browser using engine w3m. Have a configuration file ˜/.emacs-w3m as shown as below. Consider use built-in Eww. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (setq w3m -home -page "http :// dream . misasa .okayama documentation /") (define -key w3m -mode -map (kbd "S-<SPC >") nil) (define -key w3m -mode -map (kbd "w") ’w3m -delete - buffer ) (define -key w3m -mode -map (kbd "h") ’w3m -previous - buffer ) (define -key w3m -mode -map (kbd "l") ’w3m -next - buffer ) (define -key w3m -mode -map (kbd "f") ’w3m -view -this -url) (define -key w3m -mode -map (kbd "o") ( lambda () ( interactive ) (sesami -open -file -or -url -at - point ’other - window ))) 6 Appendix 1 Windows Default setup of Windows system is sometime inconvenient. Here we show tips for useful setup. remapkey.exe To let caps-lock key act as control key, use remapkey.exe that comes with Windows Resource Kit Tools by Microsoft. Run the application as administrator, drag control key to caps-lock key. Save to registry and then restart Windows. auto login To login without entering password, launch Windows command line; control userpasswords2; checkout password. aerosnap To prohibit automatic window expansion, control panel; Ease of Access Center; Make the mouse easier to use; uncheck “prevent Windows from ...”. show extension On Explorer, show extensions. Select Tools..., Folder options..., and ‘View’ tab. Uncheck ‘Hide extenstions for known file types’. power setting Change power setting to “do not sleep when power supplied” from control panel; system and security; power options; edit plan settings. keyboard layout When Microsoft IME on with some system configuration you see “@” when you hit “[”. You need to configure system for keyboard. Edit registry as below. See 20091021/1256132743 for detail. • launch regedit.exe • open “Layout file” in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\00000411 • change KBDJPN.DLL to KBDUS.DLL then reboot the computer change JP/EN There are three keyboard-input mode, EN, JP(A), JP(kana). To change A to kana in japanese IME, add key-bind. Right-click language bar; settings; JP-Keyboard-IME; properties; edit action; change; add key. Table 4: Change input language key Alt + Shift Ctrl + \ Ctrl + j Appendix 2 mode EN ↔ JP JP(A) ↔ JP(kana) JP(kana) Macintosh remap key Remap caps-lock as ctrl . Open System Preferences, Keyboard, then Modifier Keys. Change shortcut for show Spotlight search field to be ctrl + tab . symbolic links For convenience, issue following commands. 1 2 3 darwin$ cd darwin$ ln -s bin/dot. emacs .d . emacs .d darwin$ ln -s Library / texmf texmf 7 MacPorts and Xcode MacPorts is a package management system. To install MacPorts, Xcode is required. It is available from App Store, Apple Developer (, or a DVD media comes with 10.6. External Programs To install external programs shown on Table 2 using MacPorts, issue following commands. 1 2 3 4 darwin$ sudo port install aspell aspell -dict -en darwin$ sudo port install w3m subversion screen stunnel darwin$ sudo port install texlive -lang -cjk texlive - basic texlive -bin texlive -bin - extra texlive -bibtex - extra texlive - latex texlive -latex - extra texlive -latex - recommended texlive -fonts - recommended texlive -fonts - extra texlive - pstricks texlive - publishers texlive - science darwin$ sudo port install texlive -lang - japanese texlive - luatex texlive - pictures Migemo See instruction for Windows for theory. How to build in Macintosh is described in below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 darwin$ darwin$ darwin$ darwin$ darwin$ darwin$ darwin$ darwin$ sudo port install nkf unzip cmigemo - maser .zip cd cmigemo - master ./ configure make osx make osx -dict sudo make osx - install PDF viewer Set Skim to default PDF application. Set preference to auto refresh on recompile and check PDF-TEX sync-support with Emacs. 8
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