IMPROVE YOUR PLAY With Larry Matheny The strong declarer will resort to a finesse only when necessary. This hand is an example of a show-up squeeze which eliminated the need to finesse. Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs) Hand #15-05 Dlr E Vul E/W AQJ5 A1052 KQ2 KJ K983 9864 10 10987 62 Q3 J86543 432 West North East South - - Pass 1 Pass 1 Pass 1NT Pass 4NT Pass 6NT Pass Pass Pass 1074 KJ7 A97 AQ65 Bidding: North’s 4NT invited slam and with a maximum for his 12-14 rebid, South accepted. Play: West led the 10 of clubs to dummy’s king. Declarer counted 12 tricks: 3 spades, 2 hearts, 3 diamonds, and 4 clubs. His attention now turned to an overtrick. At trick two he unblocked the jack of clubs followed by a diamond to his ace. Next, he led the ten of spades (not best) to the king and ace. He cashed two more spades and then played the rest of his winners. Here was the ending with one more winner to cash: 5 A10 9 98 Q J8 J7 A When declarer cashed the ace of clubs West was forced to pitch a heart and declarer discarded dummy’s spade. Now when declarer led a heart he knew West’s other card was a spade so he rose with the ace and had his overtrick when the queen dropped. Copyright ©2015 Larry Matheny
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