THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF NATIVITY BVM & ST. MARY OF THE LAKE FROM THE DEACON’S BENCH: “I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is running out.” Paul was warning those in his faith community in Corinth that we should live our lives as if Jesus was coming any day now. In fact, all three readings today carry a warning that time is running out. In our first reading, Jonah is given the mission by God to tell the people of Nineveh that, unless there is a change of heart, the city would be destroyed in 40 days. You would think that if God gave you a task to complete, time would be of the essence yet it wasn't until something got fishy that Jonah finally repents himself and goes to the city of Nineveh. Surprise has to be the first emotion he felt when, after only one day of preaching, the whole city repents. Wouldn't that be great if we could say that, instead of falling asleep, our parishioners had a change of heart? Paul has that same theme of the need for repenting in all of his letters. Paul, like Jonah, had to have a change of heart to repent of his blindness in his own life before he could complete the work that the Lord gave him. In the letter to the Corinthians, Paul is telling them that the time of Jesus' return is almost here and they need to have a complete change of lifestyle. This must have caused quite a stir in their community. What must they have thought? How does one go from having a wife to acting as if they don't, and if you’re sad enough to be crying, how do you just stop? I'm sure that at the moment Paul uttered these words, they were very confused. Wouldn't we be? Paul was trying not only to have the community repent but also to use the time before the return of Christ to live their lives focused on the kingdom of God and not on the world and all its distractions. In the Gospel, Jesus proclaims to all, “this is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand.” He calls on all of Israel to repent. I wonder what Zebedee, the father of James and John, was thinking when in answer to the call by Jesus to “come follow me”, both of the brothers simply left. Was he upset? Did he yell out in anger, “Hey! Where are you going?” We will never know because Mark doesn't tell us. I would like to think that they were men of deep faith, father and sons, who underwent a deep spiritual conversion to follow this man from Galilee. Lent will be here in just a little over three weeks. It is a time to repent, to undergo a conversion of heart, to be willing to hear the voice that the Apostles heard to “come follow me.” This Lent, will we? Deacon Ray CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: We know how hard it is to stay ahead in these difficult times, so you can understand the struggle for the 33 million Americans that live in poverty. Join our parish community in support of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development this weekend, Thank you. BVM – envelope is in your packet SML – envelope is in the pew BIBLE STUDY: Our Sunday night Bible Study of 1 Corinthians will continue this Sunday evening. If you have any questions, please call Cindy at (570) 836-4744. DO YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD? If so, a new Bible study will be starting on Wednesday February 4th at 10:00AM at Father Nallin Hall and will run almost every Wednesday through Lent until March 25th. The only Wednesday that we will not meet will be Ash Wednesday, February 18th. The book we are going to use for this study is “Mary-Virgin, Mother, and Queen” written by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. of EWTN fame. If you have any question, please call Cindy at 570 836-4744. I hope you can attend. VALENTINE DINNER DANCE: Our annual Valentine's Day Dinner Dance will be held on Valentine’s Day, Saturday, February 14th in Fr. Nallin Hall starting at 6:00PM. Tickets are on sale now through Ruth Nole, at the Parish Office or at Antonio’s Restaurant in the Weis shopping plaza. LENTEN PIEROGI MAKING: Our next pierogi making session will be held this Monday morning, January 26th in Father Nallin Hall & Kitchen. Thank you to the volunteers who came out last Monday for our kickoff session. More men and women are needed for this important parish project. Come join us on Mondays starting at 8:00AM (or on Tuesdays at 1:00PM for bagging of the pierogies). We will be selling pierogies on Fridays during Lent (10:00AM – 5:00PM). We will also be selling hot food on Ash Wednesday – see subsequent bulletins for further information. SML FIRST RECONCILIATION: We congratulate and ask your prayers for our CCD students who will receive their First Reconciliation (Penance) next Saturday, January 31st at 10:00AM: Erin VanNess Anthony Williams Isaiah Williams Logan Zdaniewicz SANCTUARY CANDLE: If you would like to offer this candle in honor/memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving, please contact the Parish Office (836-3275). THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF NATIVITY BVM & ST. MARY OF THE LAKE A WORD OF GRATITUDE: I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of our parishioners for their characteristic generosity. Both of our parish communities are known for the sharing of their time, talents and treasure, not only with their Church but with the wider community and world. Last week we had a special Pocket Change Collection for the Medical Mission trip that will take place this coming week in Haiti. Dr. Andres, three other physicians and four medical students from the University of Scranton will be traveling there on Sunday, January 25th, to minister to the sick, infirm and dying who live in one of the most impoverished areas of the world. We pray that they might have a safe trip and that God might bless their ministry of healing. $1,100.03 was collected ($948.00 from Nativity BVM Church and $162.03 from St. Mary of the Lake Church). All of these donations will be used to purchase medicines, medical supplies and equipment to be used on their trip. I am grateful to all parishioners and friends for their generosity to our Christmas Collection this year. Although, we did not make our goal, we are very grateful for all your kindness in this appeal as well as your generosity to the Adopt-A-Family Program and St. Francis Commons (Veterans Center) at St. Mary of the Lake Church and the Giving Tree and Holiday Food Baskets at Nativity BVM Church. Christmas Collection: As of January 16, 2015 This collection helps to support the programs and activities of our parish throughout the year. St. Mary of the Lake Church: Christmas 2013 was $5,689.00; Christmas 2014 was $5,177.61. Difference: $511.69 less. Nativity BVM Church: Christmas 2013 was $16,161.00; Christmas 2014 was: $13,236.00. Difference: $2,925.00 less. 2015 & 2016 MASS INTENTIONS: Mass intentions may now be submitted for the 2015 & 2016 calendar years, and will be booked on a first-come, first served basis. To avoid delays, please be sure to indicate whether each intention is for a person living or deceased, Catholic or non-Catholic. The offering for an announced Mass is $10.00 and the names will be printed in the parish bulletin and announced at the Mass. BLESSING OF THROATS: The customary blessing of throats in anticipation of the Feast of St. Blaise, will take place next weekend, January 31st-February 1st following all of the Masses in both churches. For those who desire this sacramental, you are asked to come forward during the closing hymn of Mass. The priest, deacon and special ministers of Holy Communion will be assisting with this blessing. BLESSED CANDLES AVAILABLE: Candlemas Day is celebrated on Monday, February 2nd. Candles will be blessed and available in the Church sanctuary following all Masses for the week of February 2nd-8th. Suggested donation is $3.00 per box of two candles. OFFERTORY PROCESSION: In an effort to involve more parishioners at weekend and holy day Masses this year in both of our parishes, our parish ushers are asked to secure two or three parishioners to carry up the gifts at every Mass. The Wine, Water, Ciborium and occasionally the collection basket are carried to the altar during the Preparation of the Gifts. If no one is listed for this ministry in the bulletin and if no one approaches the ushers 5 minutes before Mass begins, the ushers are asked to choose different men, women and young people or a family to participate as a gift bearer. A variety of people of different ages and genders are encouraged. The procession normally should not be performed by the ushers themselves or the same people at every Mass. I encourage families to volunteer for this ministry before Mass begins or to accept the request of the ushers to perform this ministry at Mass when asked. Individuals or families who offer a Mass for a loved one are invited to participate as a gift bearer at that Mass. However, you must contact the Parish Office a week in advance so that your name is in the bulletin. The Directors of Religious Education and CCD Teachers must also contact the parish office if the children will be bringing the gifts at the Mass so that their name is in the bulletin and no one else is asked. If parishioners do not volunteer or accept the request from the Ushers, we may need to discontinue the offertory procession at Mass. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated. The Liturgy is the work of all of God's people. SML SOCIAL JUSTICE NOTES LOWER WYOMING COUNTY FOOD PANTRY: The lower Wyoming County Food Pantry is in need of a few volunteers...two and a half hours about three times a year ....if this interests you, please give me a call! ST. FRANCIS COMMONS: The veterans of St. Francis Commons have a request...if you are tired of some of your DVDs, they would certainly enjoy you passing them on ...they have a DVD player but nothing to watch! There is a box for these in the hospitality entrance at St. Mary of the Lake or you can contact Mary Lou. Thank you! FUEL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: LIHEAP applications for fuel assistance are now being accepted...if you or someone you know can use help with your fuel bill this winter, now is the time to apply. Applications can be obtained through the Wyoming County Assistance office, downloaded online, or you can apply online. There is an income guideline. If you need help with an application, please call and we can assist you. It is very important not to wait on this as funding is limited. Please remember to get your LIHEAP applications in...checks are going out! Love, Mary Lou Franko THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF NATIVITY BVM & ST. MARY OF THE LAKE FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT – A GREAT BIG THANK YOU: Thank you one and all who turned out for our first Family Movie Night. Oh, what a “perfect” night! Our movie “The Perfect Game’ (true story) was a big hit along with our popcorn machine. It was apoppin’ all night…thank you Ruth Nole and Hadassah Schork. The best part was seeing all our many children gathered together on their blankets, sleeping bags and pillows and our adults gathered around in their comfortable camp chairs. It was a good old-fashioned kick-off-your-shoes-and-relax night. Everyone had fun (don’t tell, but I think our group of volunteers might have had even more fun). Everyone agreed that we want more of the same. The plan is to have another Family Movie Night, a Family Game Night, and perhaps a “Family Feud” Game Night. So do stay tuned for more to come. A great Big Thank You to Lynne Binner, Paul Binner, Judy Boyanowski, Steve Boyanowski, Cindy Brown, Ruth Nole, Kelly Romano and Harry Schork, who spearheaded this event. A special thanks to all our young volunteers: Alex Keiser, Dominick Filer, Dylan Mislevy, Hadassah Schork, Kayla Binner, Lydia Schork, Marcus Binner, Max Romano, Michael Bardzell, Olivia Carichner and Paul Binner, Jr. You are the best! An even bigger and very special Thank You to Father Ric who encouraged us along the way with his many suggestions and ideas. Without his support, this event would not have happened. God bless us one and all. With grateful appreciation, Gloria Pasternak POSSIBLE PARISH TRIP - OCTOBER 2015: Tentative plans are being made to sponsor a Parish Bus trip during the early part of October 2015 (probably the second week 6 nights, seven days). We hope to take a bus trip to points South. Possible stops may include: Savannah, Georgia, (the oldest City in the United States), Nashville or Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, Fort Sumter, Charleston, South Carolina, the Biltmore Estate, Asheville, North Carolina, etc. We hope to include some interesting dinners, perhaps a riverboat dinner cruise, live theatre/show, city tours, visit to a plantation, a few historical sites of the Civil War, country music, etc. This is a very tentative itinerary and will be changed or adjusted to fit our schedule, etc. If you might be interested, please call the Parish Office at 570-836-3275 and give your name and phone number. No commitment is necessary at this time, just a possible interest. So far, 60 people have expressed interest in this trip. When an itinerary is developed and a price is given, then we will send it to you first. Our last parish Trip – held in 2013 to Branson, Missouri – was sold out. Don't be disappointed. Give your name now. WINTER FUEL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: LIHEAP (The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program) helps low income families pay their heating bills. Those who apply and are accepted receive a cash grant that is sent directly to their fuel provider/utility company. This program is now open through April 3rd for the winter heating season. You can apply online, in person or in writing. For an application or to receive further information, please contact the LIHEAP HOTLINE at 1-866-857-7095, Monday through Friday, during business hours. For Home-Heating Crisis situations and emergencies, you may contact the Wyoming County Office of the COMMISSION ON ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY at 570836-4090 24 hours a day. BVM EASTER CANDLE MEMORIAL: The Easter candle at Nativity BVM Church is available for memorialization. Anyone who would like to donate it in thanksgiving, in memory or for a special intention is asked to call the Parish Office (570-836-3275). A WELCOMING COMMUNITY: You enter this church … not as stranger, but as a guest of God. He is your heavenly Father. Come, then, with joy in your heart and thanks on your lips into His presence, offering Him your love and service. Be grateful to the strong and loyal ones who, in the name of Jesus Christ, built this place of worship, and to all who have beautified it and hallowed it with their prayers and praise. World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia, PA September 22-25, 2015 Confirmed Papal Visit – September 26-28, 2015 Theological-Pastoral Congress – Six Keynote addresses and multiple smaller workshop sessions, all related to the theme: Love is Our Mission; The Family Fully Alive. If you may be interested in attending the Theological-Pastoral Congress or the papal visit, you are asked to complete the simple survey on the Office for Parish Life site of the Diocesan webpage (click on the icon for the World Meeting of Families to access the questionnaire). Many people are eager to learn about the Diocese of Scranton Pilgrimage for the Papal Visit to U.S. in September, 2015. We are preparing the details for round trip bus and participation in the Papal Mass in Philadelphia on Sunday, September 27th. There will be multiple departure sites around the Diocese. Details soon! ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY: St. Mary of the Lake will no longer be participating in Adopt-a-Highway after over 20 years in the program. We are dropping out due to a lack of volunteers. If you know of anyone who would like to take over our section of Route 307 at the lake, please contact the local PennDot office. THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF NATIVITY BVM & ST. MARY OF THE LAKE SACRIFICIAL OFFERING: January 17-18, 2015 Nativity BVM Church: Weekly Collection Goal* ............................. $ 4,800.00 Actual Offertory** ......................................... $ 4,018.00 Difference: ...................................................... $( 782.00) St. Mary of the Lake Church: Weekly Collection Goal* ............................. $ 2,000.00 Actual Offertory** ......................................... $ 1,839.00 Difference: ...................................................... $( 161.00) Weekly Collection Goal represents the amount needed weekly if we are going to make our 20142015 Parish Collections goal (envelopes and loose). It does NOT include Fundraising, Religious Education Income or any other income. **Actual Offertory represents the total amount received in the weekly collection (not including special collections). It does not include Easter envelopes. The generosity of our people is truly appreciated. We may not always reach our budgeted goals, but we are grateful to those who make a sacrifice on a weekly basis to sustain our parish ministries. SML CCD FUNDRAISER: A word of Thanks! Our Krispy Kreme Doughnut Fundraiser was a success! I would like to thank everyone who bought, sold or donated to our fundraiser, which raised approximately $360.00. We still have some certificates that have not been picked up. You can see me or, if you are here on Saturday, please see Summer Pieretti. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for all you do to help make our CCD program a success! Jennie Sinker RETROUVAILLE: Know a Marriage That Needs Help? If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you are considering separation or divorce, then the Retrouvaille program can help. Retrouvaille is helping couples put the pieces back together and to rediscover a more loving relationship. The next local program will be February 27th - March 1st, 2015 at the Ramada Inn, Clarks Summit, PA. Registration required. All calls confidential. Cost is by donation. Please call 1-800-470-2230 or visit for more information or to register. REGISTERED? Are you a registered member of Nativity BVM Parish or St. Mary of the Lake Parish? We have many people attending our weekend Masses who do not appear on our roster of parishioners. If you would like to register as a member, please contact the parish office (570-8363275) to set up an appointment with Fr. Ric. Young parishioners age 18 and older should register themselves as well. Please call and make an appointment. PARISH HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY PROGRAM All High School parishioners, Grades 9-12, of both of our churches are expected to participate. You are invited to bring your friends to the meetings / gatherings / activities. ISLI will be February 20th-22nd at Camp Ladore in Waymart. Several youth group members have gone in the past and it has proven to be a special event for them. There is also a week-long ISLI in June of 2015. If anyone has any ideas for service projects, let us know and we will present the ideas to the group at our meeting. David Ide ([email protected]) Mark Stamer ([email protected]) CALLING OUR JUNIORS IN HIGH SCHOOL: A flyer announcing the 2015 Summer Mission Experience for high school Juniors coordinated by the Pontifical Mission Society of the Diocese of Scranton is now available for any 11th grade parochial, public, private or home-schooled student of St. Mary's or Nativity Parishes. Contact Fr. Ric, Mr. Ide or Mr. Stamer if you are interested in applying for it. In the past we have had numerous young parishioners who have participated in this faith-based lifechanging experience. It is not a vacation. The flyer contains the criteria for all applicants, how to apply, etc. Applications must be received at the Diocese by or before January 26, 2015. The basic information for the 2015 Summer Mission Experience is summarized below: Dates: July 6-18, 2015 Place: Sacred Heart Southern Missions in Walls, Mississippi, a Catholic Ministry in Northern Mississippi, Diocese of Jackson. Our parish will assist any young parishioner who is accepted to participate in this program. SML CANDY SALE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: It is time to start preparing for our candy sale and we are in desperate need of volunteers. If we do not get more volunteers this year, we will not be able to continue the sale. Even if you can only help for an hour, it is still appreciated and needed. If you are willing to donate your time, you can text or email Summer Pieretti and she will put you on her volunteer notification list which will send you a message to let you know the candy making schedule. Text her at 570-241-2462 or email her at [email protected] with your information. SML MEMORIALS AVAILABLE: The following statues at St. Mary of the Lake Church will be painted and refinished in the near future: St. Ann, Sacred Heart, St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother. Anyone who would like to donate the refurbishing of one of the statues in memory of a loved one is asked to call the Parish Office (570-836-3275). THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF NATIVITY BVM & ST. MARY OF THE LAKE C.I.A. (Junior High) Parish Youth Group Our Youth Group is open to ALL parishioners entering Grades 5-8 of Nativity BVM & SML. If your child is a 5th-8th grader at Nativity or SML, then check us out. No need to sign up. Just show up. Events always posted in the bulletin. Living Stations Meeting We will have a brief meeting this Sunday, January 25th at 6:30PM at Father Nallin Hall (upstairs). This is for anyone interested in participating in our Living Stations parish presentation. We have a need for narrators, actors, musicians and assistance with the show. If you cannot make the meeting but would like to be a part of Living Stations, please contact us this week. Participation counts toward SERVICE HOURS. Parents/Students: Please email us to be put on our email notification list. This is important as we update about functions often through email. Also, check the church bulletin weekly for updates and important announcements. Angie Burke: 570-885-7552 Greta Kovalchick: 570-479-7165 [email protected] [email protected] HOSPITAL VISITS: Parishioners of Nativity & St. Mary Parishes who are admitted as patients in our local hospitals are visited regularly. However, while some local hospitals and health care institutions still use church codes to let us know who may be in the hospital, others such as Tyler Memorial Hospital do not. This reality makes it very difficult to know who may be in the hospital at any given time. It is extremely important for family members or parishioners to always notify the parish office when someone is admitted to a hospital or other health care institution. NEW SML ALTAR SERVER: We welcome our newest altar server at St. Mary of the Lake Church: James Mikus. We thank James for electing to serve at the altar of the Lord. James will be installed in this ministry at the 9:00AM Mass next Sunday, February 1st. If any child in Grade 2 or higher would like to become an altar server, please speak to Fr. Ric or Deacon Ray. CATHOLIC TOURS 2015: 12-Day Italy Tour & Mediterranean Cruise June 25th THRU July 7th, 2015 Tour Leader: Msgr. David Tressler, Superintendent of Schools and Weekend Associate at Nativity BVM and St. Mary of the Lake Parishes. Visit: Rome, Cannes, Naples, Barcelona, Palma, DeMallorca. 7 night cruise on the MSC DIVINA & 4 nights in Italy. From $3,595.00 per person/double occupancy. Information/reservations call: TravelWorld. 570-3425790 or 570-288-9311 2014 DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL PASTOR’S MESSAGE Thanks to your generosity, I am pleased to report the following status of our campaign as of January 12th: NATIVITY BVM CHURCH: GOAL: ............................................................... $34,000.00 PLEDGED: ......................................................... $31,629.00 UNDER GOAL: ................................................. $ 2,371.00 PARTICIPATION: 22.58% (219 FAMILIES OUT OF 970) ST. MARY OF THE LAKE CHURCH: GOAL: ............................................................... $13,000.00 PLEDGED: ......................................................... $13,085.00 OVER GOAL: .................................................... $ 85.00 PARTICIPATION: 17.18% (83 FAMILIES OUT OF 483) Your gifts to this Appeal are sincerely appreciated. The Diocesan Annual Appeal is nearing its conclusion. Pledges are still coming in for the next month. Payments will be made throughout the spring. This Appeal supports many Diocesan Programs which support ministries for all of our 121 parishes. As shown above based on the last report, St. Mary of the Lake Church made goal this year in pledges. Nativity BVM Church is coming close in pledges. With a little effort we can meet this goal before the Appeal concludes and do our part to support the ministries of the Diocese of Scranton. Donations may be sent to the Diocese or to our parish office. Please list your name, address and Parish. Fr. Ric ZUMBA & YOGAFIT: Zumba classes are held on Wednesdays in St. Mary’s Parish Hall starting at 6:00PM with a Yogafit class to follow at 7:00PM. The cost for each is only $5.00 per session. We hope to see you all there!!! SML MEMORIALS AVAILABLE: A new chalice and paten are available for memorialization at St. Mary of the Lake Church. The memorial will be engraved. Anyone who would like to donate one or both in memory of a loved one is asked to call Fr. Ric or the Parish Office (570-836-3275). 2014 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS: Contribution statements for the 2014 calendar year will be available in January. To request a statement of your contributions for 2014, please complete the form below and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Name ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________________ Envelope Number: __________ THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF NATIVITY BVM & ST. MARY OF THE LAKE SPECIAL PRAYER REQUESTS: Your prayers are requested for Robert (Bob) Johnson, a parishioner of St. Mary of the Lake Church, who was recently admitted to the hospital in Florida. Please keep him, his wife, Dottie, their family and his Medical Staff in your prayers. Also, please pray for Pastor Mike Baumgardner of the Lake Winola United Methodist Church. He recently fell on the ice and has been hospitalized. Please pray for him, his wife Crystal, his family and church family that he might have a complete and swift recovery. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE: Dear Priests, Youth Ministers, DRE’s and Adult Volunteer’s, It’s that time again! Registration is now open for the International Student Leadership Institute, taking place February 20-22, 2015 at Camp Ladore in Waymart. ISLI is our diocesan leadership experience for high school students. It is a peer lead and facilitated retreat that focuses on five leadership pillars of support, awareness, self-confidence, positive thinking and values. This program is absolutely essential for forming leadership qualities in the young people of your parish. We currently have 75 spots available and they are going fast. Don’t let your students miss out on this incredible experience that will not only transform their life, but also the life of your parish community. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call! Thank you for all that you do and all that you are. In Christ, Tommy McGrady Coordinator for Youth and Young Adult Ministry Diocese of Scranton Phone: (570) 207-2213 ex 1106 Fax: (570) 207-2204 Dear Teenagers of SML, I would like you to please consider going to ISLI in February (from the 20th to the 22nd). Applications fill fast. For more information, please keep reading the bulletin or contact me, Julia Franko, at [email protected] or Mr. Stamer at [email protected]. HOLY REDEEMER HIGH SCHOOL Holy Redeemer High School Grade 8 Placement/ Scholarship Test Result Night and Registration Night for incoming Freshmen will be held January 28th at 7:00PM in the Auditorium. Appointments for class scheduling for new students for the 2015-2016 school year will be held on February 5th, 9th, 10th & 11th from 3:00 to 6:00PM. Call Holy Redeemer High School’s Guidance Department at 570-829-2424 to set an appointment. AED IS LOCATED IN NATIVITY BVM CHURCH & ALSO IN FR. NALLIN HALL DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS: His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the Office for Parish Life wish to invite couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2015 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 7 th. (NB: This is a change from the original date of June 21st.) The event includes a 2:30PM Mass at St. Peter's Cathedral followed by a reception. Requests for an invitation, with a mailing address, should be made through your pastor before March 16th. Call the Parish Office (570-836-3275) and give both names, mailing address, phone number, parish, and the wedding anniversary you are celebrating in 2015. INTERFAITH FRIENDS SOUP'ER SATURDAY Saturday, January 31st 11:00AM – 2:00PM Tunkhannock Area Middle School Cafeteria All proceeds go the Interfaith fuel assistance program Tickets: $10.00 includes soups, breads, beverage, and door prizes Tickets now available at Interfaith Friends 57 East Tioga Street or at the door on the day of the event Enjoy a sampling of delicious soups and signature breads from our area's finest restaurants. You warm up with soup and we help keep families warm by assisting with fuel costs. BOY SCOUT NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS: Court of Honor Monday, March 16th at 6:30PM in Fr. Nallin Hall Next Committee Meeting: Monday, February 9th 6:30 Upstairs Classroom @ Father Nallin Hall Please join us at the Committee Meeting if you are interested. Open Committee Position: TRAINING COORDINATOR The committee needs to fill this position; please contact me with any interest. Andrea Hebda Committee Chairperson 2014/2015 570-406-5227 LOWER WYOMING COUNTY FOOD PANTRY: The donations in the blue box outside of our hall really do make a big difference on the food shelves! God Bless you! Mary Lou Franko THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF NATIVITY BVM & ST. MARY OF THE LAKE SCOUT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 11:00AM Mass 105th Birthday of Boy Scouts of America All Boy & Cub Scouts and their Scoutmasters should gather at 10:45AM in Fr. Nallin Hall for procession to the Church. Scouts will participate as Lectors, Gift Bearers, Ushers and Altar Servers. Cake and refreshments in Fr. Nallin Hall after Mass for all Parishioners, Scouts and their families. All are welcome! 2015 RCIA SCHEDULE THROUGH APRIL 19TH January 18 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Anointing of the Sick January 25 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Penance February 1 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Ten Commandments February 8 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Holy Orders February 15 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Ash Wednesday, Lent, Holy Week February 22 (Sunday) 9:00AM Church Rite of Dismissal February 22 (Sunday) 3:00PM St. Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton Rite of the Elect March 1 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Eucharist March 8 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Marriage March 15 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Beatitudes March 22 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Open Session March 28 (Saturday) 9:00AM-1:00PM Rectory RCIA Retreat April 4 (Saturday) 8:00PM Church Easter Vigil April 12 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Ministries April 19 (Sunday) 10:00AM Rectory Topic: Pentecost LENTEN PREPARATION: The Office for Parish Life will be holding regional Lenten Preparation Meetings for all those involved with the preparation of liturgical seasons, especially Music Ministers, Liturgy Committees, Art and Environment Committees or anyone wanting to deepen his or her appreciation of the Lenten season. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10th at Gate of Heaven, Dallas at 6:30PM. ST. FRANCIS KITCHEN: St. Francis Kitchen is in need of Coffee and Non-dairy Coffee Creamer. If you are able to donate either of these items, you may drop them off at St. Francis Kitchen, 500 Penn Ave., Scranton any day from 8:30AM to 1:00PM. Thank you for your support! Catch Our Spirit… Celebrate Catholic Schools Week January 25-31, 2015 Celebrate Catholic Schools Week by attending one of our Catholic School Open Houses! You are invited to come experience our communities of faith and academic excellence. From Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade, our students live their faith, challenge their minds, serve their communities, and build lifelong friendships. For specifics about the Open Houses or for more information about our Diocesan Catholic Schools, including tuition assistance opportunities, please visit Catch Our Spirit… Celebrate Our Catholic Schools As families register their students for the upcoming school year, consider becoming an Academic Angel! Your contribution is an investment in a child’s future…the outcomes speak for themselves. Our schools offer an instructional environment that challenges the mind, while inspiring and strengthening the spirit. Please consider supporting our students for the 2015-16 school year; you can designate the gift as a memorial or honor of someone special, select a particular school to receive it, or let us put it to where it is needed the most. Contributions can be sent to the Diocese of Scranton Scholarship Foundation, 300 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton PA 18503. VOCATION RETREAT Designed to help men ages 18-35 understand God’s call to Diocesan Priesthood How are you being called to serve? February 20-21, 2015 - Overnight Retreat St. Gabriel’s Retreat Center 631 Griffin Pond Road Clarks Summit, PA 18411 Registration Deadline: February 13th Cost: no charge To Register: Contact Father Don Williams at the Diocesan Vocation Office. Call: (570) 207-1452 or email: [email protected] THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF NATIVITY BVM & ST. MARY OF THE LAKE Calling All Catholic Men You are invited to a Special Mass and Parish Captain Orientation for First Annual Catholic Men’s Conference for the Diocese of Scranton on Thursday January 29th at 7:00 PM at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Wyalusing. Mass will start at 7:00PM; Meeting and light refreshment 7:30-8:30PM. We will be praying for the Success of the Catholic Men’s Conference, to be held on April 25th at King’s College in Wilkes Barre. All Catholic Men, Parish Captains, Priests and Deacons are invited. You don’t have to be involved in the Conference to come and pray with us. We expect to hold other regional Masses and Orientation Meetings in the Poconos, Scranton, Wilkes Barre and Williamsport. For more information contact Michael Kilmer at 570-746-0100 (office) or [email protected]. Men, I am aware that we could be fighting the weather and some distances are involved as our Western Deanery goes from Susquehanna and Jackson to Canton, Troy and Sayre! All I can ask is to do your best. The Church is: St. Mary of the Assumption, 245 State St. Wyalusing, PA 18853. God Love You, Mike MONTHLY HOME VISITATIONS: On or near the First Friday of every month (weather permitting), Fr. Ric, Deacon Ray and Marge Cook visit the homebound and bring them Holy Communion. If you or a loved one is unable to attend Mass due to advanced age, sickness or disability/handicap, and desire to receive communion at home, please contact Mary Lou at the Parish Office (570-836-3275) with your name, phone number and address and you will be placed on our monthly visitation list. REGISTERED? Are you a registered member of Nativity BVM Parish or St. Mary of the Lake Parish? We have many people attending our weekend Masses who do not appear on our roster of parishioners. If you would like to register as a member, please contact the parish office (570-8363275) to set up an appointment with Fr. Ric. Young parishioners age 18 and older should register themselves as well. Please call and make an appointment. HOSPICE OF THE SACRED HEART: Hospice of the Sacred Heart hopes no patient dies alone. Therefore, Hospice of the Sacred Heart needs “Guardian Angels” volunteers to provide a caring presence by sitting quietly at the bedside. This volunteer opportunity provides patients and their families with additional support. For more information, call Ann Seechock, Volunteer Coordinator, at 800-657-6405. BVM CONFIRMATION 2015 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 – 5:00PM Bishop Bambera, Celebrant A Prayer for Families All-Loving God, we thank you for all your good gifts, especially the gift of family. For parents and grandparents who nurture our faith and lift us up in difficult times, we thank you God. For brothers and sisters who laugh and listen and celebrate with us in joyful times, we thank you God. For holidays and holy days when we join together around the table and remember the bond that unites us, we thank you, God. For all those who love and care for us and welcome us home again and again, we thank you, God. For the gift of eternal life and the promise that we will one day join all of the beloved who have gone before us, we thank you, God. With the guidance of the Holy Family, may we remain a strong and vibrant family of faith, now and forever. Amen. By: Heidi Busse DIOCESAN CALENDAR Theological Foundations Courses For persons seeking to complete the six basic courses for Catholic School Teachers and for Catechist Formation, these are available in two formats shown below. Please know that anyone may take these courses for your own adult faith development. 1) The University of Dayton online courses through the Virtual Learning Community of Faith Formation, OR 2) Echoes of Faith - video based learning units Contact either the Office for Parish Life (570-2072213) or the Diocesan Catholic Schools Office (570207-2251) for more information about these courses. FOLLOW THE DIOCESE ON FACEBOOK: Following the Diocese on Facebook is as easy at 1, 2, 3. ● Go to: ● Go to the adjacent message bar and from the drop down menu, choose 'Add to interest list." You will automatically get Facebook updates from the Diocese through your News Feed. CUB SCOUT NEWS PIZZA SALE Our Cub Scout Pack 518 is sponsoring a "Little Caesar" Pizza Sale on Friday, February 13th. Orders are due by Monday, February 2nd. Contact any scout or parent to place an order.
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