BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BEACON Vol. 187 Issue 2 Bethel Presbyterian Church: A Beacon of Christ’s love January 28, 2015 She Gave Everything! Jesus used this phrase to describe an elderly woman who made a sacrificial offering which in terms of dollars and cents wasn‟t a lot but according to the “mathematics of God” was significant. VISION STATEMENT Reflecting the Love and Truth of Christ to Transform lives. MISSION STATEMENT A Community of Christ Followers making disciples by: WORSHIPING the living God TEACHING the truth of Scripture CARING for others SERVING with the compassion of Christ ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD Not long ago at Bethel, we had our own “Souper Bowl.” New England and Seattle didn‟t show up but many of you did. We had a great time and enjoyed good food but what made this lunch even more special was the purpose. The donations were designated to go to assist the Boswell family as Chris battles pancreatic cancer and the funds were directed to the ALS foundation in honor of a former Bethel member, Ken Rogers, who died from this disease in 2014. When an elementary age girl heard about how the donations were going to be used, she asked her Dad if she could give the money which she had saved for these causes. Her Dad, a wise father, realized the value of giving. He agreed and encouraged her. The young lady gave her savings…about $95… at our Souper Bowl. Over the years, I‟ve witnessed some wonderful gifts which people have given. Some of those gifts were tens of thousands of dollars. But no gift has impacted me any greater than this young girl‟s sacrificial gift of love. In the words of Jesus, SHE GAVE EVERYTHING. Worship Schedule Sunday Worship 9 am & 11 am Sunday School 10 am Sunday Evening Bethel Youth 5:30 pm Church Office Hours Monday -Thursday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Bethel Weekday Preschool Monday - Friday I don‟t share this with you to draw attention to her or to make us feel guilty for not measuring up to her standard. So many of you give so generously of your time, your talent, and your money. I want you to know how much I appreciate your willingness give just like this young lady. Countless people in all walks of life benefit from your giving. But there‟s a far greater reason for me writing about this occasion, I believe that when we willingly give of ourselves, our money, and our time that we are in touch with a lifestyle rooted in the heart of the Lord. I believe that we are created by God to receive the Lord‟s gifts, to enjoy the Lord‟s gifts, and to share the Lord‟s gifts to others. No matter how old I am…I‟ve still got a lot to learn about giving and serving from an 11 year old. 704-896-3103 Love in Christ Jesus, Bill Upcoming Worship Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ash Wednesday Service UPCOMING WORSHIP DATES Sunday Feb.1 Communion 9am & 11am Sunday Feb.8 Spirit Singers 11:00 am Sunday Feb. 15 Spirit Singers 9:00 am Wed. Feb.18 7:00 pm Ash Wed. Make New Friends But Keep The Old One Is Silver And The Other Is Gold The Adult Choir is pleased to announce the addition of some new members. Please join us in welcoming Grace Johnson, Fred Comer and Regina LeFauve. Grace is a retired nurse from Parkersburg, WV that moved here to be closer to family. Fred is a long time member at Bethel who was recently ordained as a Deacon. Regina has come back to Bethel after having been a member a number of years ago. We rejoice that these fine people have chosen to use their God- given gifts in Music Ministry. Anyone interested in serving in Music Ministry can contact any choir member or Director, Leesa Gray at [email protected] Guest Parking Area Visiting a church for the first time is hard enough. Help us make our guests feel welcome by leaving the five parking spaces lined in green, and located in front of the courtyard, open for guests. When inviting someone new to Bethel, be sure to tell them they can park right up front! If you are interested in purchasing the Jesus Calling book it is available in the church office for $8.00.The Jesus Calling books available on Sunday mornings are a complimentary gift to our first time guests only. If you would like to purchase “God is With You” angel coins, they are also available in the church office for $1.00 each. Thank you, The Witness Committee Heard from the pew… ”I used to sit in the back at the early service but, I didn‟t feel like I was part of the worship. Now that I moved up front, it is a whole new experience !” Children’s Choirs News “Those children who have received extensive training in children‟s choirs grow up to become happy, welladjusted adults.” There are exciting sounds coming from the Fellowship Hall on Weds.! It is the joyful noise being made by our elementary age choir (Spirit Singers). It is not too late to have your children join in, as we get ready for worship services and our evening Spring program on Sunday, April 26. AND JUST ACROSS THE HALL………….. You can hear the sounds of toddlers, (Cherub Choir) being led by David Beard and company. Both groups meet at 6:15 on Wednesdays. Any questions can be directed to Leesa Gray, Dir. of Music/ Worship at [email protected] Ash Wednesday The Beginning of Lent Ash Wed. signifies the beginning of The Lenten Season. The Season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, selfexamination, and penitence for all Christians as we prepare to celebrate EASTER. Through this forty-day journey, we are reminded that we are totally unworthy before God, that we have nothing with which we can obtain salvation, and that our best efforts at being righteous fall far short. This season reminds us how much we need grace in our lives in order to live a transformed life that reflects God‟s love. We are called to renew our commitment and our faith as we continually acknowledge our need of God‟s transforming presence. The ASH WED service is open to all and will be held on Wed. Feb. 18 at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Circle Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RITI Bethel Presbyterian Women For information on the circles or to learn how to get involved with Presbyterian Women (PW), please feel free to contact any of the circle leaders below or Lindsey Adams, Moderator, at (704) 578-3060. Circle Meeting Times and Circle Chairwomen Circle #1: First Tuesday - 10:00am - Activity Center Florence Flowers -704-892-8999 Peggy Washam -704-892-8404 Circle #2: First Wednesday - 10:00am - Activity Center Sandra Rutledge -704-987-0481 Lynda Ranson - 704-875-6635 Circle #3: First Tuesday - 2:00pm - Activity Center Jeanne Pease - 704-895-4292 Vivian Blackmon - 704-892-0165 Circle #4: Third Thursday - 3:00pm - Parlor Camille Gibson - 704-408-6984 Tommye Miller - 831-261-3138 Circle #5: Second Monday - 7:00pm - Activity Center Debbie Webb - 704-896-9986 Anne Price - 704-892-8657 Circle # 6: Second Monday - 7:00pm - Parlor Joni Coble - 704-948-9592 Susan Kittle - 704-775-2680 YTD Expenses Increase in Reserve for Capital Projects If you‟ve been visiting Bethel and want to know more about this congregation as well as life with Christ then, our Bethel Connections seminar is just for you! Starting Sunday, February 8th—March. 1st , at 10:00 a.m., in the Church Library, Dr. Cain will be leading this class. Over a period of 4 Sundays, you will have the opportunity to discover: the foundation of a vital relationship with the living God some helpful ways to strengthen your life with Christ the distinctive beliefs of “Presbyterian style” Christianity the mission and vision of Bethel some of the life changing ministries and leaders at Bethel For your convenience, Bethel Connections meets during Sunday School (10:00 to 10:45). If you have children they can attend a Sunday School class or childcare is provided. If you have questions or would like to register, you may email Bill Cain ([email protected]). Room in the Inn “I will bless you…..and you will be a blessing.” Genesis 12:2 2014 Year End Financials YTD Contributions & Misc. Income ALL Bethel Guests… Don’t Miss Bethel Connections If you have not yet had the opportunity to live out this 1,034,680 scripture verse as a volunteer for Room in the Inn, (976,029) please take time to sign up for a position that interests 58,651 you sometime during our remaining two months of this (55,000) outreach to the homeless. Signup sheets are in the 3,651 hallway near the rocking chairs, or you can submit your name online through Bethel‟s website. The RITI leaders Note: $81,385 in Capital spending from the $85,000 are grateful for the outpouring of interest in volunteering 2013 Y/E Reserves 2014 - Ten Cents a Meal statement to reflect the love and truth of Christ! Christmas Eve Collection for Haiti Scholarships this year---the people of Bethel living out our vision 8,293.95 February RITI Coordinator is Kelly West. You can 9,044.00 contact Kelly at [email protected] or 704-607-9651. From Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lenten Journey February 18th marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time of repentance, a time to examine our lives and our hearts in preparation for the glorious celebration of Easter. We in Christian Education would like to offer some tools to help you on your way: Ash Wednesday Junior Worship: A special junior worship will be offered during the Ash Wednesday service to help our children better understand the origin and purpose of Lent. Children in K-4th grade should report directly to the Fellowship Hall for this time of introspection, discovery, and worship. Lenten Devotional Guides: Beginning on Sunday, February 15th, Lenten guides for all ages will be available. Adult guides can be picked up in the Narthex, as well as the welcome area outside the Family Life Center. Children and youth guides will be available in the welcome area. Families of children in our Bethel Weekday Preschool will receive age appropriate guides in their child‟s school bag. Here is a preview of what we will be offering: Adults: The Parables of Lent: Author Dan Nadasdy takes us line by line through some of the most wellknown and beloved parables of Scripture, helping us to relate the events described to the Lenten experience of repentance, forgiveness, sacrifice and everlasting love. Youth: Live Like It’s Lent: Our very lives are a gift, „lent‟ to us through Jesus‟ sacrifice. These brief but powerful daily Lenten reflections will provide our youth with encouragement and a challenge to use their God-given gifts as they live life on Christ‟s behalf during Lent and every day. Elementary 2nd-5th Grade: Let’s Grow into Lent: From the Garden of Eden to the garden tomb of Easter, children will learn how God‟s plan for salvation grows and blooms throughout Scripture and through each of us today. This garden themed guide includes a mobile that grows throughout Lent as we count down the days until Jesus‟ glorious resurrection. Elementary K-1st Grade: Look Around Jerusalem: There is so much to see in the city of Jerusalem! Our Savior, Jesus, has arrived! Each day of Lent, children will add a sticker and search for the hidden images on their Jerusalem centerpiece as they follow Jesus‟ journey through the city, to the cross, to the tomb, and beyond! Preschool: The Disciple Ship: Follow Jesus on a faith-full fishing trip with this easy-to-assemble fishing boat. Each day, a small “fish” taken from the boat instructs children how to live as Jesus‟ disciples. A daily Bible verse and activity starter are printed on each of the 40 fish-shaped cards. It is our hope that these tools will help to make your Lenten journey a more meaningful one. We invite you to join us as we seek to go deeper and emerge stronger. Jan Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your whole heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God…(Joel 2:12-13) Lord, help us to change our hearts so we will also change our actions this Lent. 2015 Winning Souper Bowl Recipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .From Heath 2015 Winning Souper Bowl Recipe Seafood Chowder from Lynn Murray Cook 2-3 packages of frozen hash brown potato cubes. Mix the cooked potatoes with equal parts of heavy cream and clam juice (not clamato juice) to make into a base for the chowder....later you can adjust the consistency... Then, thicken and season the unseasoned potato mixture in this order: 1 envelope Knorr's Alfredo sauce 1 envelope Knorr's Béarnaise sauce (if you don't like tarragon, use two Knorr's alfredo) 2-3 heaping Tbsp. Better Than Bullion seasoning made for fish (Harris Teeter) 1 heaping Tbsp. or more of Old Bay seasoning 2 Tbsp. minced thyme handful minced parsley fistful finely minced garlic handful minced basil Jane's Crazy Mixed Up Seasoning Salt (Harris Teeter) and freshly ground pepper to taste (Instant potato flakes can be used to thicken to desired consistency and a combination of clam juice or reduced cooking liquid*** and heavy cream can be used to thin to desired consistency) Splashes of sherry if desired. When serving children, I often add two boxes of frozen cream of corn to the chowder for a bit of sweetness. Last, just before serving, I add the zest and juice from 3-5 lemons The above described chowder mixture can be stored in refrigerator until ready to slowly heat (perhaps in a double boiler or slow cooker as it burns easily), then add 1 gallon of delicately cooked/steamed seafood--don't overcook but do save the liquid to thin the chowder should that be needed. Depending on what I have on hand and what is on sale, I use a combination of lobster, shrimp (sliced thin but so as to maintain identifiable shape), medium chopped scallops, finely minced clams, flaked real crab meat and bite sized pieces of mild*** fish--no distinctly flavored fish. If the chowder mixture is hot and the seafood is freshly steamed, there is no need to "cook" further, just combine the chowder and the seafood and keep it warm as you serve. Garnish each bowl of chowder with chives or parsley, a pinch of lemon zest, a tiny bit of sherry or a slice of lemon. Store well refrigerated for no more than 48 hours. I usually serve with a green salad and crunchy garlic or cheese toast. "HOLY SPIRIT" Winter/Ski Retreat Hello and warm greetings to my Bethel family of faith, The holidays are behind us and we are back in full swing with our youth program here at Bethel. This is an exciting time to be a part of the youth group. We are having tons of fun, digging more into His word and having great times of worship! If you know of anyone that is not attending or wrestling with the idea of attending youth group please encourage them to come and give it a try. We are so blessed with passionate young disciples, good parents and some amazing leaders! We just returned from our annual Winter/Ski Retreat as we have the past few years, but this year was different! Our youth and leaders wanted us to put together our own retreat for just our Bethel group and so we did. There were a total of 35 youth and leaders packed in a house well nestled into the woods where nature abounds. We had meals together cooked by one of our leaders, fellowship, fun on the slopes skiing and ski tubing and some amazing teaching, worship and prayer times! The theme or topic for the weekend was; who is Holy Spirit?, what does He do? and how do we live by His Spirit? Each and every moment was special as relationships were built and God was being glorified! Just to give you one glimpse into my favorite part of the weekend on Saturday night we had worship a little bit different. Carl & Rebecca Hart from 24-7 Prayer Room, Caleb White and Tori from Appalachian State University and myself huddled together in a room to pray before meeting with our youth. What we said and prayed was a little different. We all agreed that we would show a video clip, pray, share and lead worship as led by Holy Spirit. We had no set format and would look for the right moment and look at each other for the next step or move in worship. It worked. It was awesome and Holy Spirit was glorified and touched the hearts of those leading, the youth and youth leaders in unexpected ways. It seemed like we worshipped for several hours but I was not tired at all as His Presence was with us filling the room and our hearts! We had gone so long we gave the youth and leaders a chance to leave and hang out downstairs as we continued to offer a time of prayer for those wanting to hang out. Holy Spirit was working in hearts in such a way that no one left the room! Note: For stronger tasting fish, I prefer to make a tomato base with garlic, green chilies, capers and lemon to make a highly seasoned seafood stew. What better thing can be done with our youth then to engage them in the study of God's Word and teach them how to follow the leading of Holy Spirit for their lives? Proceeds from the Souper Bowl Luncheon 2015 were $1,728.12 and that amount will be split equally between the ALS Foundation (in memory of Ken Rogers) and to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund for the Boswell Family. Thank you for your prayers and support to our youth program! It is making a difference! Blessings & Love, Heath Bethel Youth Winter Retreat 2015 January 18th Guest Brunch Every few months the Witness Committee invite guests who have been visiting Bethel for a while for a Brunch. It is an opportunity for our guests to get to know us, make them feel welcomed and to become more familiar with Bethel. Unsung Heroes at Bethel. . . . . . . . . . . . Haiti Informational Meeting Unsung Heroes Judy Williams—Angel Ministry Unknown to many members at Bethel is our Angel Ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to share Bethel‟s love with members who need encouragement. These people are often sick in the hospital, at home recovering from illness or grieving over the loss of a loved one. Judy Williams is the lead coordinator. The ministry is unique in that the ladies of Bethel lovingly create hand sewn dolls and embellish them with beautiful accessories. Judy works tirelessly along with several members who meet monthly to assemble these beautiful dolls. The dolls are personally delivered to the person in need. The angels are completed with a Bible Verse attached and a poem written by Vivian Blackmon to be a constant reminder of God‟s love and comfort during times of healing. These dolls are cherished by each recipient. A lovely Book of Remembrance is constantly being updated with a picture of each doll, date given and person to whom the doll is given. This ministry does indeed share the love of Bethel with people in need of encouragement. - Stewardship Committee If you are interested in being a part of this wonderful ministry, Angels In Ministry meets every 2nd Monday of the month, at 1:30pm in the Activity Center. Ramblers News Haiti Mission Trip 2015 On Jan 14th, the Ramblers and their guests enjoyed great food and Christian fellowship. Dr. Ron Beamon was our guest and he answered many questions about medications and ailments. Many thanks to Phyllis Roberts and Gail Knox for decorating with the beautiful flowers. How is God calling you to serve His kingdom in 2015? If you have ever thought about short term foreign missions, please prayerfully consider joining our trip to Haiti in 2015. We have space for 20 people. Our trip dates are June 13-20th 2015. The only requirements are a love for Jesus that you wish to spread to God‟s children in Haiti. Our team will host a medical clinic and perform construction duties. Of the 11-12 people on the medical team 8 of the people are lay people with NO EXPERIENCE. We just need your smile and love. This is a safe trip that will change your life. You will never be the same again. To learn more about this exciting opportunity to serve, please plan to attend an interest John Lewis will bless us with Christian music and song on Wednesday, Feb 11th. Please bring your favorite covered dish and invite someone to attend. Call Tom Knox (704-892-1487) or Florence Flowers (704-892-8999) if you have any questions. Child Care Staff Member Still Needed! Bethel is searching for a Child Care Staff Member to work in our Early Childhood Wing on Sunday mornings and during special events. The position is part time and experience working with young children is preferred. If you know of someone who may be interested in this position, please have them contact Don Carnahan at [email protected] or the Bethel Church Office at (704) 892-0546. meeting on February 22 at 4:30 at Bethel. Attending the meeting does not obligate you to go to Haiti. The purpose of the meeting is to answer questions and assess interest. If you have questions prior to the meeting please contact Bill Cain or Robin Surane 704575-2847. Thank You Bethel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Birthdays Dear Bethel Family, The children of Bettie Liffrig would like to thank you for your thoughts and support during her life and passing. As a lifetime member of Bethel Church, she had the opportunity to experience her baptism, wedding and final service there. The service was a celebration of our mother‟s life. The wonderful luncheon that was prepared was truly a blessing. I want to especially thank Brenda Rhodes and Doris Lawson for their frequent visits, prayers and friendship. Sincerely, Ruth Oliver Thank you! The Boswell family would like to thank the Bethel Presbyterian Women, all those who participated in the Souper bowl, and the Circle Maker class for your ongoing prayers, support, and encouragement. We feel so blessed to be a part of this loving Bethel family. We could not be in a better place. Chris, Jan, and Christopher Thank You! I am so thankful that our family is able to be a part of the Bethel family. You continue to be such a blessing to us. My ordination service was truly special and Bethel‟s light shone brightly. Many of you offered your congratulations and regrets that you couldn‟t be there. But you were there for us….you are ALWAYS there for us. On the day that we gathered to celebrate what God has done and will do in us I was overwhelmed by your love. The service opened with beautiful music. The choir was amazing. The Women at the Well sang my favorite song beautifully. God spoke to me through the commission. The elders were there to lay on hands (oh my, what power!). The service was such a blessing and you were there, both in spirit and in presence as a demonstration of love. Special thanks to the Deacons, sound team, reception planning and event team, and I can go on and on! I love you Bethel! Blessings, Mark Moss In Sympathy Ruth Oliver and family in the loss of her mother of Betty Liffrig on 1/2/15; The family of Gayle Gunter who passed away on 1/5/15; Sean Niner and family in the loss of Sean‟s father, Steve on 1/16/15; The family of Betty Copeland who passed away on 1/17/15; Jim Ridle and family in the loss of his niece on 1/21/15. Happy February Birthdays!! 1 Christina Ford, Maggie Kurz, Judy Williams 2 Ann Neely, Bill Young 3 David Beard 4 Ashley Lee 5 Cliff Jones, Lee Jones, Michael Knox, Meredith McKay 6 Jason Gentry, Lisa Thomas 7 Alex Beam, Samantha Horne, Kathy Jones 8 Emily Harrill, Kate Hewett, Lynda Osburn 9 Lorene Dresser 10 Julie Klugh, Bo McIntosh 12 Emily Fortin, Jack Hall, Luke Holden 13 Audi Copeland, Tom Shearer, Katie Wiebusch 14 Janie Beaver 15 Buddy Ferrell, Ella Gentry, Maggie Gentry, Maren Werts, Bert Wilmer 16 Sharon Orr, Bill Reynolds, Patrick Whelan 17 Ally Johnson, Kate Mashburn, John McNair 18 Ron Hager 19 Louis Desclee, Heather Goodrum 20 Ronnie Brown, Pamela Dellinger, Sarah Eckard, Sheila Roddy-St. Hill 21 Sloane Adler, Kathy Hall, Connie Searle, Keith Tilton 22 Darrell Bruner, Terry Ward, Bob Wilson 24 Peter Cozens, Chris Skoog 25 Janie Gaylord, Regan Rowe 26 Conner Madey, Joan Young 27 Nicole Hager 28 Olivia Bush, Brad Knox, Cyril Spence Would you like to receive the Beacon Newsletter via email? Please contact the church office if you are interested in receiving future Beacon newsletters by email instead of in your mailbox! Not getting Prayer Concern emails? Had a change of address, phone number or email? Give Lisa a call at 704-892-0546 or at [email protected] to update your records and start receiving information again! February Senior Yoga 1:30pm on Mondays Senior Exercise 1:30pm Tuesdays and Thursday In the Family Life Center Sun. 1 Mon. Senior Yoga Tues. Wed. Sunday Schedule 9:00 a.m. 10:00 am 11:00 am 5:30 pm Thurs. Worship Service Sunday School Worship Service Bethel Youth Fri. Sat. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3:00pm Circle #4 7:00pm Worship Team Practice 7:00pm Priscilla Shirer Bible Study 20 21 10:00am Card Ministry 10:00am Joy Seekers Bible Study 7:00pm Ash Wednesday & Junior Worship 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sunday Schedule 10:00am Bethel Connections 4:15pm Confirmation Class 5:30pm AA 5:30pm Bethel Youth 9:00am Sewing Ministry 5:30pm Bethel Basketball 6:00pm Session/ Diaconate Meeting 6:00pm Stewards of the Game 10:00am Card Ministry 10:00am Joy Seekers Bible Study 7:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm Worship Team Practice 7:00pm Men‟s Bible Study 7:00pm Priscilla Shirer Bible Study 12:00pm 8:00am Rotary Rotary Meeting Meeting 1:30pm on Mondays Senior Exercise Sunday Schedule 9:00am Sewing 1:30pm 4:15pm Confirmation Ministry Tuesdays and5:30pm Thursday Class Bethel 5:30pm AA Basketball In theYouth Family Life Center 5:30pm Bethel 6:45pm Child Protection Training Sunday Schedule 10:00am Bethel Connections 12:00pm Congregational Meeting 4:15pm Confirmation Class 5:30pm AA 5:30pm Bethel Youth Sunday Schedule 10:00am Bethel Connections 4:15pm Confirmation Class 5:30pm AA 5:30pm Bethel Youth 9:00am Sewing Ministry 7:00pm Fellowship Committee 5:30pm Bethel Basketball 8:00am Lake Norman Garden Club 9:00am Sewing Ministry 3:00pm Alzheimer‟s Patient & Support 5:30 Bethel B-ball 7:00pm Women‟s Coordinating Team 9:45am Priscilla Shirer Bible Study 10:00am Circle #1 2:00pm Circle #3 6:00pm BPW Spring Retreat Planning Mtg 6:00pm Stewards of the Game 7:00pm BWP Board Meeting 7:00pm Boy Scout Leader Meeting 7:00pm Circle #6 7:00am Men‟s Prayer Breakfast 9:45am Priscilla Shirer Bible Study 6:00pm Stewards of the Game 6:00pm Witness Committee 6:30pm Communications 6:30pm Stewardship Committee 7:00pm Planning Committee 7:00pm Property Committee 7:00pm Worship Committee 9:45am Priscilla Shirer Bible Study 6:00pm Stewards of the Game 7:00pm Boy Scout Leader Meeting 10:00am Circle #2 10:00am Joy Seekers Bible Study 1:30pm Peggy McConnell Knitting Ministry 5:45pm WNI & Dinner 7:00pm Choir Practice 10:00am The Joy Seekers Bible Study 12:00pm Ramblers 5:45pm WNI & Dinner 7:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm Worship Team Practice 5:45pm Finance Mtg 6:00pm Missions Committee 6:00pm Fellowship Committee 7:00pm CE Committee 7:00pm Personnel Committee 7:00pm Worship Team Practice 7:00pm Men‟s Bible Study 7:00pm Priscilla Shirer Bible Study 4:00pm8:00pm Craft Night 3:00-8:00pm Rotary Pancake Breakfast Setup 7:00am Scouting for Food 6:30pm NA 6:30pm NA 5:30am-1:30pm Rotary Pancake Breakfast 6:30pm NA 6:30pm NA NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID CORNELIUS, NC 28031 PERMIT NO 7 Return Service Requested 19920 Bethel Church Road Cornelius, NC 28031 Mailing Label We are all ministers in the name of Jesus Christ. Staff Bill Cain, Senior Pastor Jan Boswell, Director of Christian Education Heath Burchett, Director of Youth and Family Ministry Leesa Gray, Music Director Teresa Hewitt, Organist Beth Moss, Dir. Of Congregational Care/Parish Nurse Lisa Weber, Administrative Assistant Beth Bynum, Receptionist Debbie Falls, Bookkeeper Bobby Waugh, Facilities Manager Lindsey Adams, Treasurer Lindsey Adams, Presbyterian Women Moderator Ginny McCann*, Weekday Preschool Director J. Ed “Didi” Wayland, Pastor Emeritus Mark Moss, Assistant Pastor for Adult Ed & Life Groups Session (Elders) Diaconate (Deacons) 2015 Don Carnahan Marcus Lee Ken Dresser Dale Overcash Peter Quinn 2015 Lindsey Adams Virginia Dellinger Pat Akins Sam Fuller Dennis Bengtson Holly Davis Myra Kelly Amy Niner Mary Margaret Overcash 2016 Tommy Almond Vickie Childers Mark Moss Brenda Rhodes Robin Surane 2016 Jerry Gaylord Jane Oglesby Kim Goodrum Sharon Orr Jim Harrill Ronnie Rash Harriette Newman Betsy Shores Marcia Weatherington 2017 Rod Hager Amy Hutchinson Colin Kelly Michael Knox Hardison (Hardy) McConnell Johnny Beaver Judy Caldwell Fred Comer Susan Cook Kristy Dodd 2017 Beverly Epperson Jeff Kittle Sheila Roddy St.Hill Ryan Whittington *Bethel Weekday Preschool: 704-896-3103 CONTACT US: 704.892.0546 Fax: 704.892.7715 Bethel Presbyterian Church Publication Information -- The Beacon Newsletter is published monthly. BEACON information may be submitted to the church office no later than the 3rd Wednesday of the month. BULLETIN information may be submitted to the church office no later than any Wednesday. All items for the Beacon or Bulletin must be in writing. You may drop items by the church office, fax (704-892-7715), mail, submit items on disk or email them to [email protected]. All items are subject to editing for readability and/or space.
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