Sunday, January 25, 2015 (*Denotes the congregation should stand if able) PRELUDE CHANCEL CHOIR INTROIT WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Liturgist *PASSING OF THE PEACE *CONGREGATIONAL INTROIT: “I Will Praise Him” CALL TO WORSHIP Liturgist LEADER: Find rest, O our souls, in God alone; our hope comes from Him. O God, we have celebrated the coming of our Lord. We decorated and brought presents and ate well, and now we look for life to return to normal. We find comfort in our routines, and in our ‘normal’ life. We hide from the new way of life that you have gifted us with. We enjoy loving ourselves—but others? Not so much. Sacrifice our way of doing things, our routine, our comfort? Maybe later. We have failed you, Oh Gracious God, forgive us in your mercy. Amen. (Time of silent prayer) PEOPLE: He alone is our rock and our salvation; He is our fortress. We will not be shaken ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS Friends, hear the Good News! Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and shield. Our heart is glad in him because we trust in his holy name. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Friends, believe the Good News! LEADER: Our salvation and our honor depend on God He is our mighty rock, our refuge. PEOPLE: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Gloria Patri PEOPLE: Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge! Let us worship God! TIME OF YOUNG DISCIPLES *OPENING HYMN: “O Worship The King…” #476 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE: JOYS & CONCERNS THE LORD’S PRAYER (DEBTS AND DEBTORS) RESPONSE: “BE CALM MY SOUL” OPENING PRAYER Pastor PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION CALL TO CONFESSION Liturgist The Christ has come. He instructed us in the way of life and the way of love. He gave himself for us. We claim to be his disciples, and we ourselves take great comfort in being his. But do we live as he taught us? Do we love as he loved? Do we serve others or do we serve ourselves? Let us confess together our faults and sins. PRAYER OF CONFESSION OLD TESTAMENT: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 EPISTLE: 1Corinthians 7:29-31 CHANCEL CHOIR ANTHEM “The Beauty Of The Lord” GOSPEL: Mark 1:14-20 #579 Pg. 655 Pg. 810 -Lund Pg. 702 SERMON: “Change? Us Change?” -Pastor Paul Seefeldt SHARING THE JOY OF GOD’S LOVE! AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: “The Apostle’s Creed—Traditional version” I believe in God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and life everlasting. THE OFFERTORY DEDICATION OF OUR OFFERINGS *DOXOLOGY THE PRAYER OF DEDICATION *CLOSING HYMN: “Jesus Shall Reign…” #592 #423 *CHARGE *BENEDICTION *RESPONSE: “Song of Hope” #432 *POSTLUDE ____________________________________________________ LITURGIST: Steve Fitzgerald AUDIO/VIDEO: Bob Irwin CHOIR DIRECTOR: Kristy Zenk PASTOR: Paul Seefeldt United Presbyterian Church 205 North 24th St. Denison, IA 51442 ORGANIST: Marilynn Jespen USHER: Ala Smithson SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:30 A.M. January 25, 2015 ATTENTION ATTENTION THIS WEEK: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM – 1PM Sun., Jan. 25th: SS 9AM/Adult SS 9:15AM Worship 10:30AM Coffee 11:30AM Tue., Jan. 27th: Men’s Bible Study, Family Table 7AM Wed., Jan. 28th: Youth, Methodist 6PM Choir 6:45PM Thurs., Jan. 29th: TOPS 8AM Bible Study 10AM THIS WEEK: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM – 1PM Sun., Jan. 25th: SS 9AM/Adult SS 9:15AM Worship 10:30AM Coffee 11:30AM Tue., Jan. 27th: Men’s Bible Study, Family Table 7AM Wed., Jan. 28th: Youth, Methodist 6PM Choir 6:45PM Thurs., Jan. 29th: TOPS 8AM Bible Study 10AM Coming Up: Coming Up: Sun., Feb. 1st: Tue., Feb. 3rd: Wed., Feb. 4th: Thurs., Feb 5th: SS 9AM/Adult SS 9:15AM Worship/Communion 10:30AM Coffee 11:30AM Men’s Bible Study, Family Table 7AM Youth, UPC 6:00PM Choir 6:45PM TOPS 8AM Bible Study 10AM Sun., Feb. 1st: Tue., Feb. 3rd: Wed., Feb. 4th: Thurs., Feb 5th: SS 9AM/Adult SS 9:15AM Worship/Communion 10:30AM Coffee 11:30AM Men’s Bible Study, Family Table 7AM Youth, UPC 6:00PM Choir 6:45PM TOPS 8AM Bible Study 10AM *Annual Reporting Meeting for the Congregation will be on Feb 8, 2015 following worship services and concluded with a soup dinner by F&O *Annual Reporting Meeting for the Congregation will be on Feb 8, 2015 following worship services and concluded with a soup dinner by F&O PLEASE PRAY FOR: Gladys North, Mary Jean Rasmussen, Marcia Bierma, Mavis Hobart, Ruth Overhue, Anna Hulsebus, Joan Osterlund, Pat & Garry Chapman, Kathy (Davis) Jones, Laura Goettsch (Mary Goettsch’s daughter), Amy Christiansen, Barb & Wayne Saunders, Bill Irwin,Fred Worrel, David Blair (Barb Blair’s husband), Laura (McNutt) Ruffcorn (former member), Nora Bretey & Richard Meyer (Juanita Bachman’s daughter & Son-n-law), Amber Hebert (Charlotte Dueland’s grandniece), Frank Prowant (Ed & Marilynn Jepsen son-n-law) and Rose Macumber (from Manilla), Rick Sapp (Friend of Fitzgerald’s) and our church family. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Gladys North, Mary Jean Rasmussen, Marcia Bierma, Mavis Hobart, Ruth Overhue, Anna Hulsebus, Joan Osterlund, Pat & Garry Chapman, Kathy (Davis) Jones, Laura Goettsch (Mary Goettsch’s daughter), Amy Christiansen, Barb & Wayne Saunders, Bill Irwin,Fred Worrel, David Blair (Barb Blair’s husband), Laura (McNutt) Ruffcorn (former member), Nora Bretey & Richard Meyer (Juanita Bachman’s daughter & Son-n-law), Amber Hebert (Charlotte Dueland’s grandniece), Frank Prowant (Ed & Marilynn Jepsen son-n-law) and Rose Macumber (from Manilla), Rick Sapp (Friend of Fitzgerald’s) and our church family.
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