2 W ednesday, January 28 , 20 1 5 unquestionably the Leader Reaching over 100,000 readers weekly PRIDE NEWS 158 Harwood Avenue, South, Suite 209 Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H6 Tel: (905) 686-8868 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pridenews.ca Established since January, 1983 Wed. January 28, 2015 Volume 33; Number 03 Sabotaging U.S.-Cuba Détente In The Kennedy Era By Robert F. Kennedy Jr Guest Columnist This is the third of three articles written by Robert F. Kennedy – son of late U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy – which address relations between the United States and Cuba during the 60-year period of the U.S. embargo against the island nation. WHITE PLAINS, New York (IPS) –Igrewupin Hickory Hill, my family’s home in Virginia which was often filled with veterans of the failed Bay of Pigsinvasion. MyfatherRobertF.Kennedy,whoadmiredthe courageoftheseveteransandfeltoverwhelmingguilt forhavingputtheCubansinharm’swayduringthe ill-plannedinvasion,tookpersonalresponsibilityfor findingeachofthemjobsandhomes,organisingintegrationofmanyofthemintotheU.S.ArmedForces. Butastheprocessofdétenteunfolded,suspicion andangerweresowidespreadthateventhoseCubans wholovedmyfatherandwerealwayspresentatmy Continued on page 12......... On Pride’s cover: In July of 2010, National Post writer, Barry Hertz, wrote about our cover subject this week: “After 10 years, Matt Galloway’s voice is nearly synonymous with CBC Radio. After hosting everything from The Current to Here & Now, Galloway took the reins of Metro Morning this past Spring, succeeding the legendary Andy Barrie.....” On Saturday, February 21, Galloway will receive Pride News Magazine’s African Canadian Achievement Awards (ACAA) Excellence in Media Award, in Toronto. Galloway, who was born in Newmarket, Ontario and raised in Kimberley, Ontario, is the child of an African-American father and a white Canadian mother. Before he became a CBC Radio host, Galloway wrote for the Toronto weekly, NOW, and worked as music director for York University campus radio station CHRY-FM. A 1994 graduate, in English Literature, of York University, Galloway lives in Toronto with wife and two daughters. See page 4 for more on Galloway. Galloway photos courtesy of CBC. WORDS OF WISDOM “Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture.” ―AllenGinsberg “A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives.” ―JackieRobinson “If you were born with the ability to change someone’s perspective or emotions, never waste that gift. It is one of the most powerful gifts God can give—the ability to influence.” ―ShannonL.Alder PUBLISHER/EDITOR Michael Van Cooten INTERNATIONAL NEWS AGENCIES Caribbean Media Corp. (CMC) International Press Service (IPS) ADMINISTRATION/SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Narissa Van Cooten COPY EDITOR Sharmon Carrington ARTISTIC CO-ORDINATOR Afro Media COLUMNISTS Allan Jones Amirah Cerise Fairfax Dr. Virginia Nsitem L. Ardor/Lamoi Rupert Johnson Sandy Daley CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Beverly Browne Lincoln Depradine Neil Armstrong Pride News, reflecting the ambitions, aspirations, accomplishments and achievements of the African & Caribbean Canadian community, is published and distributed every Wednesday. PRIDE’S MISSION STATEMENT: To act as a catalyst for the advancement, empowerment and happiness of peoples of African and Caribbean heritage. Continued on page 12..... 3 W ednesday, January 28 , 20 1 5 Canada Post Unveils New Nelson Mandela Stamp TORONTO, Ontario --OnTuesday, CanadaPostunveiledanewstampto commemoratetheheroiclifeofNelson Mandela, and celebrate the legacy of courage,determinationandpersistent hopeheleftbehind. The unveiling event, which was heldattheNelsonMandelaParkPublic School in Toronto, was attended by Toronto mayor, John Tory; Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister; Lloyd McKell, chairoftheMandelaLegacyCommitteeCanada;GwynethChapman,aBlack communitypoliticalorganiser;Deepak Chopra, CEO of Canada Post; Jason Kandankery, principal of the school; Pam McConnell, City councillor; and manyotherluminaries,includingstudentsfromtheschool. The stamp recognizes the special relationship Canada shared with Mandela,whoreferredtothiscountry ashishomeawayfromhome. During his 27 years in prison, Mandelabecameasymbolofthemoral fightforfreedom,equalityandjustice inSouthAfricaandaroundtheworld. Hismessagestronglyresonatedamong Canadians,whowereattheforefront oftheglobaloutcryoverhisimprisonmentandoftheunrelentingdemand forhisrelease. After his release in 1990, Can- ada was among the first countries Mandela visited. Four years later, as presidentofSouthAfrica,hespecificallydrewonCanadianvalues,policies andpracticestobuildhispost-apartheidvisionofamulti-racialdemocracy rootedinequalityandgovernedbythe ruleoflaw. In 2001, on his third visit to this country,Mandelawasbestowedwith honoraryCanadiancitizenship.Hewas the first living person to receive this recognition. “Nelson Mandela, an honorary Canadiancitizen,isaninspirationto everyone who values human rights. As a great champion of freedom, belovedbyCanadians,hewillforeverbe rememberedasamanwhosecourage changed not just South Africa, but alsotheworld,”saysChrisAlexander, Canada’sCitizenshipandImmigration Minister. “Our stamp program seeks to tell thestoriesofpeoplewhohavehada powerfuleffectonoursociety,andNelsonMandela’sstoryisamongthemost powerful.CanadaPostistrulyprivileged tocelebratehislife,hislegacyandhis struggle that inspired generations to fight for what is right,” says Deepak Chopra,PresidentandCEOofCanada Post. Thestampwasinspiredbyapho- Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister, centre, is flanked by Gwyneth Chapman and Lloyd McKell, at the launch at the Nelson Mandela Park Public School. tograph taken by Yousuf Karsh on Mandela’sfirstvisittoCanadain1990, justfourmonthsafterhisreleasefrom prison.TheworldmournedMandela’s passingonDecember5,2013. The Nelson Mandela Permanent stamp, featuring a photo by Yousuf Karsh, is available in booklets of 10 and measures 32 mm x 32 mm. An OfficialFirstDayCoverandsouvenir sheetwithaninternationalratestamp arealsoavailable. Thestamp,souvenirsheetandOfficialFirstDayCoveraredesignedbyIan DroletwithphotosbyYousufKarsh, Jürgen Schadeberg and Stephane de Sakutin, and printed by Canadian BankNote. Thestampwillbeavailableforpurchase on January 30. To purchase philatelicproducts,pleasevisitcanadapost.ca/shop. Canadian Billionaire At Center Of Fraud Accusations Involving Caribbean Casinos HAMILTON, Ontario, CMC – One of Canada’s richest men is locked in aninternationalbattleoverCaribbean casinoswithlinkstooneofCanada’s mostfearedmafiaclans. MicahelG.DeGroote,81,aphilanthropist and an officer of the Order ofCanada,reportedlylentmillionsof dollarstothreementocreateachain ofgamingfacilitiesinJamaicaandthe DominicanRepublic. Accordingtoreportsstemmingfrom ayear-longinvestigationcarriedoutby theCanadianBroadcastingCorporation (CBC)andtheGlobe and Mail,thereis noevidencethatatthetimeDeGroote knew of the men’s “underworld connections”. It’sreportedthatin2010,DeGroote, 81,whobuiltHamilton-basedLaidlaw TransportintooneofNorthAmerica’s biggestwaste-haulagefirmsbeforesellinghisstakein1988,ranintoanold friend,abusinessmannamedAndrew Pajak. CBCNewssaidPajaktoldDeGroote that he was working with two brothers, Antonio and Francesco Carbone of Vaughan, Ontario, on a company manufacturingelectronicslotmachines Michael De Groote andtheyhadplanstoinstallthemata nightclubcasinoinJamaica. DeGroote initially agreed to put up US$5 million in December 2010 and by May 2012, the billionaire›s total underwriting of the Caribbean operationsstoodatUS$111.9million. TheDreamGroupwasmakinggood onitsloans,butinMay2012,thepaymentstoDeGrootestopped. In October of that year, DeGroote sued to get access to the company’s books,allegingtheCarbonesandPajak had misappropriated portions of thefunds. A Canadian judge, in November 2013, said that DeGroote had established“astrongcase”forfraud. WhileDeGroote’slegalbattleswith the Carbones progressed in the first halfof2013,“othercharacterswitha dubious past entered the fray,” CBC Newssaid. InMayofthatyear,itsaidDeGroote wasvisitedbytwomenathisfamily’s luxurycondoindowntownToronto. OneofthemwasPeterShoniker,an outgoingformerCrownattorney,“who hadbeenconvictedofmoneylaunderingin2006.” Itsaidtheotherwasa“large,broadchinnedman”introducedasAlexander Visser. “UnbeknownsttoDeGroote,Visser hadalongcriminalhistory,amounting tomorethan40convictionsinCanada forfraud,utteringthreatsandassault,” thereportsaid. At the meeting, CBC News said Vissermadea“stunningoffer”,saying hecouldgetDreamemployeesinthe DominicanRepublictosignaffidavits claimingtheCarboneshadmassively defraudedDeGroote,butforaprice. Initially, DeGroote objected, but eventually,hebegannegotiatingover the asking price and told Visser he wouldsendhimUS$150,000with“no strings attached” for possible future help. DeGrootedeclinedtobeinterviewed by CBC and the Globe and Mail, but throughhislawyers,hesaidthesecret recordingsweremanipulation,created by“individualswithalonghistoryof practicingdeceit.” Inhisonlyon-the-recordstatement abouttheDreamfiasco,issuedthrough hislawyers,DeGrootesaid:“Frankly, IsincerelyregretthatIeveragreedto invest in this venture. Indeed, I am embarrassedbyit.” His lawyers later added: “Mr. DeGroote is someone who has been wronged, rather than a wrongdoer.” 4 W ednesday, January 28 , 20 1 5 Community To Honour Matt Galloway During Black History Month Matt Galloway at work. Photo courtesy of CBC. TORONTO, Ontario — In a society inundated withthecacophonyofinstantnews,socialmediaand citizenjournalists,somesaythatradioisanaging dinosauronthebrinkofextinction.Ofthemyriad individualsworkingintraditionalmedia,MattGallowayisabeaconofhopethatradioisindeedalive andwell. ForearlymorninglistenerstotheCanadianBroadcastingCorporation(CBC),heisaknowledgeableand familiarvoice,quicktocuttotheheartofanytopic. ArespectedCanadianradiopersonality,Galloway beenhostofMetro Morning onCBLA-FM,theflagship stationoftheCBCRadioOnenetwork,broadcasting at99.1FM,foralmosthalfadecade.The42-year-old programhasfrequentlybeentheTorontomarket’s highest-ratedradioprograminits5:30a.m.to8:30 a.m.weekdaymorningtimeslot. PriortohisMarch2010appointment,Galloway hostedHere and Now—CBLA’slocalafternoonprogram—forsixyears.A10-yearCBCveteran,hehas also anchored CBC Radio’s coverage of the 2008 SummerOlympicslivefromBeijing,the2010Winter OlympicsinVancouver,the2014WinterOlympics livefromSochi,andthe2010FIFAWorldCup. Itisnosurprisethenthatduringthecelebration ofBlackHistoryMonth,MattGallowaywillreceive Pride News Magazine’s African Canadian AchievementAward(ACAA)forExcellenceinMediaAward. Twelve other notable, high-achieving African CanadianswillreceiveACAAAwardsofExcellence in categories such as Arts/Entertainment, Business,CommunityService,Education,Law,Lifetime Achievement,YouthAchievement,Medicine,Parenting,Religion,Sports,andtheFounder’sAward,on thesameevening. HewillbepresentedwithhistributeattheACAA’s much-anticipated30thAnniversaryGala,whichwill take place on Saturday, February 21, at the Jane MallettTheatre,insidetheSt.LawrenceCentrefor theArts,27FrontStreetindowntownToronto. Jamaican National Kills Supervisor; Commits Suicide Inside Home Depot NEW YORK, New York, CMC – Police say a Jamaican-born Home Depot employee shot and killedasupervisor,Sunday,beforeturningthegun onhimself. PolicesaidCalvinEsdaileJr.,31,shotthe38-yearoldlightingdepartmentsupervisorthreetimesinthe stomachandchestinthestore’saisle12inManhattanandthenshothimselfinthehead. PolicesaidEsdailewasfounddeadatthescene with one gunshot wound. His .38-caliber revolver wasbesidehim. Esdaile’svictim,identifiedasMoctarSybyacoworker, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital, but was pronounceddeadonarrival. “Unfortunately,bothpersonsaredeceased,”police detective,StevenWren,toldreporters. Esdaile’sfather,CalvinEsdaileSr.,52,saidhis sonhadarrivedintheUnitedStatesfromJamaica in2006andlivedinBrooklyn,Hewasthefatherof asix-year-oldboy. “If it’s him, I’m sorry about this thing, and I’m sorrysomeonehastodiebyhishand,”thedisbelievingfathertoldtheNew York Daily News,adding,“it’s ashocktome.Idon’tknowofhimhavingaviolent history.” AlexPereira,32,aformeremployeeofthehardware store,saidEsdailehadworkedatthestoresinceat least2011. A Home Deport spokesman called the shooting an“isolatedincident.” We’redeeplysaddenedbythistragedy.Wearefully cooperatingwiththeauthoritiesontheirinvestigation,”thespokesmansaid. Nostrangertomedia,the1994YorkUniversity graduate(EnglishLiterature)wroteforTorontoalternative weekly NOW Magazine, and was music directorforYorkUniversity’scampusradiostation CHRY-FMinToronto—whichhascometoserveas acommunityradiostationfortheresidentsofthe JaneandFinchcorridorinNorthToronto. Forfourconsecutiveyears,Gallowaywasvoted TopRadioPersonalityinTorontobythereadersand editorsofNOW Magazine.HewasalsonamedaTorontoHeroof2011byTorontoist,andaMenschof theYearfor2011byTheGridmagazine. GallowayreceivedtheExcellenceInCommunity Service Award in 2012 for addressing issues confronting diverse communities by the Intercultural DialogueInstitute,andin2013receivedtheaward forDiversityandSocialInclusionbytheTagoreAnniversaryCelebrationsCommitteeofToronto.In2014, TorontoLifemagazinenamedhimoneofToronto’s 50mostinfluentialpeople. BorninNewmarket,Ontario,akeencyclist,burgeoningrunner,voraciousreader,proudTorontonian andmessycook,Galloway,foravastmany,isthe voiceofthecity.Oneshowatatime,Galloway,who isthechildofanAfricanAmericanfatherandwhite Canadianmother,createsthehistoryofToronto. Theapparentsimplicityofhispleasuresmaybea partofGalloway’srecipeforsuccess—aswitnessed viahistweetatthewritingofthisarticle:“Gotonthe subway,wentinthewrongdirection,didn’tnotice for4stops.#books”. Formoreinformationor/andtickets--whichcost $50.00foradultsand$25.00forchildrenunder16 years old -- to the gala, visit: www.africancanadianachievementawards.comorcall(905)686-8868. 5 W ednesday, January 28 , 20 1 5 US Offers Caribbean New Oil Deal WASHINGTON, D.C., CMC – The UnitedStates,onMonday,rolledouta newinitiativeforCaribbeancountries to ensure energy security in a move widely seen as distancing the CaribbeanfromVenezuelafortheiroiland energyneeds. United States Vice President, Joe Biden,addressingthefirsteverCaribbean Energy Security Summit here, toldCaribbeanCommunity(CARICOM) countriesthattherearemoreoptions at their disposal now for natural gas deliverythantherehaveeverbeen. “Youcannowpurchasegasonthe open market from many countries including your neighbour, Trinidad and Tobago, right now. There is also LNG exporters in the United States withlicencestoexporttoanyofyour countrieswhetheryouhaveafreetrade agreementornot.Ifyouwantgas,go talktothem. “Meanwhileweareinthemidstof aseismicshiftintheglobaleconomy, the ascendance of the Americas as the epicenter of the center of energy productionintheworld. “Wehavemoreoilandgas…than all the states in the world combined. Mexico,Canada,theUnitedStatesis thenewepicenterofenergy,”Bidensaid. Regionalcountrieshave,inthepast, reliedonCaracasforoilandpetroleum productsunderthePetroCaribeinitiative,anoilallianceofmanyCaribbean stateswithVenezuelatopurchaseoil onconditionsofpreferentialpayment. But Biden told the summit an integrated North America working to promote energy security beyond its borders“canbeamajorassetforthe entirehemisphereanditsprofoundly intheselfinterestoftheUnitedStates Hesaidthatwasamongtheissues discussed with the regional leaders, adding“somepeoplethinkitcan’tbe doneintheCaribbean–theyaredead wrong. “Not only can it be done, it is beingdonerightnowwithsomeofyour neighbours,lookatwhattheUSVirgin Islands is doing; they are combining renewableenergywithpropanetolower costs…” Biden said, St. Lucia is breaking down the barriers to develop new investments in geothermal energy; it is creating new legislation to create anationalregulatorybodyforenergy to“stabilizetherulesofthegameand makeinvestmentsmoreattractivefor thoseofyouwhoareenergysuppliers.” He said Barbados “has long been theleaderofsolartechnology(and)is poisedtomakemajornewinvestments inrenewables. “Progress is practical, it is possibleanditisprofitable,”Bidensaid, addingthatsignificantimprovements are within reach for every Caribbean United States Vice President, Joe Biden country. But he told the CARICOM leaders toseetheCaribbeancountriessucceed asprosperous,secureandenergyinde- that they needed to summon the popendentneighbours,notaworldapart, liticalwilltoensuresuccess“because butanintegralpartofthehemisphere where every nation is middle class, democraticandsecure.” Bidentoldthesummitthatitisthe firsttimeinhistorysuchavisioncan beaccomplished. “Youcanseeitifwemaketheright decisions. So taken together, these changescreateamomentofenergyopportunitythathasn’texisted.Progress ispossibleanditispossibletobegin now,”hesaid,insisting“notadecade fromnow.” Man Jailed For Robbing Former Grenada PM aswelearnrealandlastingprogress forenergysecurityeverywhereinthe world, it depends on more than just spendingmoney.” Hesaidoverthelast10years,tens ofmillionsofdollarshadbeenpledged andinvested“butwedon’thavenearly enoughtoshowforit.” Hesaidtheprimarygoalofthesummitis“nottoputupanothersolarpanel orsignanothergascontract(but)itis tohelpyoucreatetheconditionswhere youcountriescanattractprivatesector investmentanditisthere.” Hesaid,theCaribbeannowhasan opportunity“forasupplyofenergythat is more resilient, more sustainable, cleaner,moreaffordablethanyouhave ever,everhad. “You have a chance to reduce the numberofoilspills,protectyourwaters,putthemoneyyouaresavinginto schools,hospitals,jobs,infrastructure, manufacturing,”hesaid,acknowledging“alotofworkliesahead.” “But we have a chance …and the singlebiggestburdenthatcanbelifted upon you right now economically, is thecostofenergyandthedependence thatyoustillhaveonsinglesuppliers,” Bidensaid. Guyana Government Reacts To EU Announcement Of Aid Suspension GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC – The Guyana government has called on the European Union to retract a ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, CMC – A statement that it was “temporarily” man,whorobbedformerprimeminiswithholdingthepaymentofEURO25 ter,TillmanThomas,afterhegavehima million(OneEuro=US$1.29cents)for ridelastDecember,hasbeensentenced twoprojects“untilalleligibilitycriteria, tosixmonthsinjail. interaliabudgetoversight,aresatisTheMagistrate’sCourtwastoldthat factorilyaddressed.” EmronMitchellstoleEC$600(OneEC In a statement, Georgetown prodollar=US$0.37cents)fromtheformer duced correspondence between the primeministeronDecember19. DonaldRamotaradministrationandthe Thomas, who lostthelastgeneral EUindicatingthatallwasaboveboard elections here three years ago, said, regarding the concerns raised by the Mitchellwasamongfourpeoplehegave EuropeanUnionDelegationinGuyana. alifttoSt.Andrew,eastofhere. “InlightoftheDelegation’sattached “TheywerestandingattheTempe written confirmation of Guyana’s Junctionhitchingarideandbecause qualificationfordisbursementstotalI was going to Grenville I decided to lingEURO25,858,025,theDelegation givethemthelift.WhenIgothome,I mightnowwishtocorrectthemisinfordidseethepouchwasopenandoutof mationcontainedinthepressreleaseit thebagbutIwasthinkingthatIleft issued…andalsoexplaintothepeople itoutofthebag;Ididnotrealizethe of Guyana what exactly accounts for moneywasgoneuntilthepolicecalled thefailuretodisbursethesumssince Former Grenada PM, Tillman Thomas me,”hesaid. September 8, 2014, especially bearThomassaidhebecameawareofthe pleadedguilty. ing in mind that Parliament was not HetoldMagistrateNevilleJohnthat prorogueduntilNovember10,2014.” robberywhenapoliceofficer,whoseson wasamongthosehehadgivenaride he would repay the money, but was In a brief statement, the EU said to,calledtoinformhimoftherobbery. unable to give a timeframe when the that it has a long standing commitMitchell, an unemployed man, moneywouldbepaid. menttosupportdevelopmentandpov- ertyreductioninGuyana,andthatin 2014EURO34millionwereallocated to Guyana under the 11th European DevelopmentFund(EDF). The EU said the aid is channeled throughdifferentmodalitiesincluding budgetsupport. Itsaidithastwoon-goingbudget support programs here – one for the sugarsectorestimatedatEURO28.9 millionandtheotherforseadefences atEURO14.8million. “Thelatestpartialpaymentsrelated to these two programs of EURO 25 millionhavebeentemporarilyputon hold until all eligibility criteria, inter alia budget oversight, are satisfactorily addressed,” the statement said. Lastweek,seniorgovernmentofficials accusedtheEUofbeinginconspiracy withtheUnitedKingdomtodenyfunds toGuyana. Outgoing British High Commissioner, Andrew Ayre, said London wouldnotfavourthedisbursementof Britishtaxpayers’moneytoGuyanain theabsenceofparliamentaryoversight. PresidentDonaldRamotarhassince named May 11, 2015 as the date for generalandregionalelections. 6 W ednesday, January 28 , 20 1 5 Jamaica On Course To Be Self-sufficient In Table Irish Potato KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Jamaicaisoncourse tobecomeself-sufficientintheproductionoftable Irishpotatobytheendof2015. “For2015,weareaimingtoproduce18million kilogramsoftableIrishpotato,whichwouldmean thatJamaicawouldhaveattained100percentselfsufficiencyinproductionoftableIrishpotato,”said juniorAgricultureMinister,LutherBuchanan. Buchanansaidthatin2013,localproducerssupplied87percentofthedemandfortableIrishpotato, upfrom32percentin2008. “Althoughwedonothavethefinalfiguresfor2014, theindicationsarethatinspiteofthedrought,wedid verywell,”Buchanansaid,notingthattheincreased production and improved productivity in the Irish potatoindustry,isaresultoftheimplementationof an integrated development program, involving the Ministry,RuralAgriculturalDevelopmentAuthority (RADA)andotherstakeholders. “The integrated development program has not onlyimprovedtheavailabilityofinvestmentfunding, butalsocropcareandtraining,andisanexcellent example of what can be achieved through public/ privatepartnership,”Buchanansaid. Meanwhile,Buchanansaidthatthegovernmentis nowlookingtosignificantlyincreasetheproduction ofonion,aspartofeffortstoreducethecountry’s importbill. Hesaiddataindicatesthatthecountryproduces 12tonsofonionperhectare,whichiswaybelowthe globalaverageof17tonsperhectare. “Currently,weimport,9,000tonsofonionannually,costingUS$3.6million.Wearenowworking toreversethistrend.Aspartofouroniondevelopmentplan,weareaimingtoreduceimportationby 50percentby2017,”Buchanansaid. Thereareanestimated300farmersinvolvedin onion production, with 72 hectares of land established,including40hectaresintheagroparks. Aspartofthedevelopmentprogram,theMinistry ofAgriculturesaysitintendstohave450farmers involvedinonionproductionin2015/2016andexpectstohavethatnumberincreasedto600farmers by2016/2017. Guyana Opposition Parties Jostle For Leadership Of Pro-Democracy Alliance GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC – Themainopposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Friday,said,itwaspreparedtoconsideranyproposal thatwouldallowitsminoritypartner,theAlliance ForChange(AFC)toleadapro-democracycoalition intotheMay11generalelection. “TheAPNUhasempowereditsnegotiatingteam to explore all the possibilities that could lead to a pre-electionsprodemocracyalliance,”APNUleader, DavidGranger,toldanewsconference. OnThursday,theAFCsaiditwantedtoleada proposeddemocracyalliancetocontestthegeneral andregionalelectionshere. “Ihavepubliclystatedthatitmustbeledbythe Alliance For Change so if it’s gonna be led by the AllianceForChange,thatwhichthosepersonsthat youaretalkingaboutareinsinuating,theywouldn’t haveanycauseforconcern,it’sgoingtobeledbythe AllianceForChange,”AFCleader,KhemrajRamjattan, toldanewsconference. The two parties have announced plans for a meetingthisweekendtoadvancetalksontheprodemocracyallianceheadingintotheelections. TheAFCteamtothetalkswillbeledbyitsgeneral secretary,DavidPatterson,whileformerfinanceminister,CarlGreenidge,willleadtheAPNUdelegation. Ramjattantoldreportersthathisparty’sposition isthattheallianceismuchmorethanteamingup with APNU but is aimed at including civil society, religiousandlabourorganizationsandindividuals. AFCViceChairman,MosesNagamootoo,saidthatthe AFCwouldcontinuetotargetdisaffectedmembers oftherulingPeople’sProgressivePartyCivic(PPPC). “Wearetalkingaboutthosepersonswhoarebe- tothetwosidesandadeterminationwillbemade.” Earlierthisweek,PresidentDonaldRamotarannouncedthedateforthegeneralandregionalelectionshere,lessthanfiveyearsafterPPPCwonthe pollsinNovember2011. Inabriefradioandtelevisionaddresstothenation,Ramotarwhohadbeenunderseverepressure tocallanelection,isexpectedtobehisparty’spresidentialcandidate.Hesaidwhenhehadprorogued theParliamentlastNovember,hewasattemptingto avoidfurtherpoliticalconflictandseekavenuesof politicalaccommodationbetweenhisadministration andtheparliamentaryoppositionparties. But the opposition had claimed that Ramotar had decided on that course of action to prevent a motion of no confidence being tabled and debated intheParliament. APNU leader, David Granger The motion, which had been submitted by the ingmarginalizedandsidelinedinthePPPrightasI AFC,hadthebackingoftheAPNU.Thetwoopposition speakrightnowbecausetheydareputupchallenges groupscontrolledaoneseatmajorityintheoutgoing fortheleadershippositionandtheyareaskingthat 65-memberParliament. themembersoftheirpartyhaveavoiceinselecting theirpresidentialandprimeministerialcandidates,” hesaid. Granger,flankedbyAPNUmembers,toldreporters that“thematter(ofcedingleadershippoststotheAFC) hasnotyetarisen,”butnotedthatitis“possiblethat whateverisraisedinthenegotiationswillbeopen 7 W ednesday, January 28 , 20 1 5 Dominica PM Denies He Is Sick; Calls Statements “Malicious Rumours” ROSEAU, Dominica, CMC – Prime reportsthatheissick.HeassurednaMinisterRooseveltSkerrit,onTuesday, tionalsthatifhehadbeenhospitalised, described as a “malicious rumour” a formal statement would have come Former Acting T&T President Dies PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – FormeractingPresidentofTrinidad andTobago,JosephEmmanuelCarter, died on Wednesday in Miami, at the ageof85. Carter, who was also a former PresidentoftheSenate,wasactingas Presidentduringtheterroristattackof 1990andsignedapurportedamnesty document,inrelationtotheattackers. Inhistribute,Trade,Industry,InvestmentandCommunicationMinister, Vasant Bharath, said, Carter will be remembered as the face and voice of calm in a time of upheaval and will alwaysstandasanexemplarycitizen. InareleaseonThursday,Bharath describedCarteras“atruepatriotwho stoodtallwiththepeopleofourcountry atatimewhenleadershipandcalmwas mostneeded.” Bharath described him as “a true gentleman who exemplified the grace anddignityofpublicoffice.” “His passing is a sad moment in ournationandweextendoursincerest condolencestohisfamilyandrelatives. WewishthemGod’sspeedinthisvery sadtime.” T&T Television Talk Show Host Murdered PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – Marcia Henville, the television talk show host, whose charred remains werediscoveredafterafireguttedher bedroomearlylastSaturdaymorning, wasmurdered,accordingtotheresults ofanautopsydoneonMonday. The autopsy, done by pathologist, Dr.EslynMcDonaldBurris,foundthat the51-year-oldmotheroftwohadbeen beatenonthehead,stabbedaboutthe body,andherthroatcut. Last Saturday, fire officials had confirmedthatthecharredremainsof thehostof“PointBlank”airedonCCN TV6,wasfoundinthebedroomofher homeinSt.Augustine,eastofhere. Herhusband,whoisnowunderpoliceguardatthehospital,escapedwith burnstohisbody.Hehadearliertold policethatheandhiswifehadreturned homeearlySaturdaymorning,afterattendingaCarnivalshowinthecapital. Hesaidascentedcandleintheroom may have caused the blaze and told policethathelovedhiswife. However, attorney, Fulton Wilson, postedonhisFacebookpagethatthe formertelevisionpersonalitywasinthe processofdivorcingherhusbandand thatthedocumentsweretobeserved tohimonMonday. “I am very, very angry,” Wilson, a formerjournalistwrote,notingthathe hadhandedovertopolicedocuments andotherinformationprovidedtohim byHenville,aspartofherreasonsfor seekingadivorce. Neighbours told police that they heardargumentsbeforethefire. Henvillewasbornandraisedinthe Marcia Henville, area generally known as Notting Hill in West London. Her Facebook page notes “my parents are Trinidadian. That makes me English, however, I havedualcitizenship.” Sheworkedatvariousmediahouses here before hosting her own show, “PointBlank”,thattendstoshowcase life of people in depressed areas in TrinidadandTobago. Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit fromthecompetentauthorities. “I can say to you that I have not beentoanyhospital,Ihavenotbeen hospitalised.Iamnotill,Iamnotsick, Iamvery,verywell,”Skerritsaidonthe state-ownedDBSradio. Therehadbeenwidespreadspeculationonsocialnetworks,aswellasin thelocalmediaregardingthehealthof Skerrit,42,wholastDecemberledhis DominicaLabourParty(DLP)tovictory inthegeneralelections. Buthetoldradiolistenersthat“itis unfortunatethatthereareelementsin ourcountrywhowouldengagethemselvesinsuchevilpractice. “Becausewhywouldyouwanttocall onsomebody’sillnessifthepersonis notsick?Andevenifthepersonissick, whyshouldyouwanttocelebrateit? “Ihaveevenbeenhearingrumours; severalpeoplehavebeensendingme textmessagesandliterallycomingto lookformebecausetheyheardthatI havebeenhospitalised.Thisisreallya maliciousrumour,”headded. “Iwillsaywhenyouaskforsomethingonsomebody,youwillverywell get it before the person gets it. I can saytoyouthatthosewhoarecalling formyillnesswillfallillbeforemeand those who call for my death will die beforeme.” Skerritsaidthatoverthepastfew weeks he has been focusing on the mandategiventohimbythevotersin thelastgeneralelection. “IhavetakenthismandateveryseriouslyandIwouldn’twanttodisappoint thepeopleinanyway.SoIhavebeen focusingalotoncompletingprojects, moving where there are stumbling blocks…SoIhavebeenfocusingheavilyonprojectimplementation,”hetold radiolisteners. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 8 Buju Banton Loses Appeal For New Trial TAMPA, Florida, CMC – Grammy winning Jamaican reggae artiste, Buju Banton, has lost his appeal to have his conviction overturned to secure a new trial. With this ruling, that was handed down in a Florida court earlier this week, Buju Banton, whose given name is Mark Myrie, will continue to serve his ten year prison sentence. He is currently serving a mandatory sentence for his conviction on a charge of conspiracy to distribute cocaine. Buju is scheduled to be released in 2019,however,hefiledhisownmotion from prison asking to be released early under a recent change in federal drug sentencing guidelines. He was convicted in February 2011, days after he won a Grammy award for his album, “Before the Dawn”. Buju Banton FEATURE Can Trauma Spur Creativity? After His Devastating Loss, a Man Finds Healing Through Writing Can an emotional trauma flip a switch in the creative brain? Does profound loss offer a new perspective from which to peer into one’s soul? For LeRoy Flemming, author of the “Timelightenment” series (www.timelightenment.biz/) and volume one of “Soulsplitting,” the answer is a resounding yes! And, there’s psychological research supporting this idea. In role-playing, veterans who’ve endured trauma resulting in PTSD “were better able to represent the boundary between reality and the role-playing, to immersethemselvesinthescene,toenactidentifiable characters consistent with their setting, and produce complex and interactive scenes that told a coherent story,” compared to non-PTSD vets, according to researchers Robert Miller and David Johnson. The non-PTSD group created more stereotyped, and unimaginative scenes, despite a higher education level and greater role-playing experience, the two wrote. “I was never diagnosed with PTSD, but I know profound emotional trauma can trip all kinds of coping mechanisms in the brain and soul, including creativity,” Flemming says. “When I suddenly lost my mother, it was a profound, life-altering shock. She wasfinewhenIsawherlast–Dec.25,1999and she died on Jan. 1. That’s what started me writing.” His mother was, by far, the most stabilizing and inspiring person in his life, he says, and losing her rocked him to his core. Rather than seeming abstract, the larger questions in life became the most important, and that’s when he knew he had to write. “I didn’t have much of a background in writing,” he says. “But since her passing, I’ve been in close contact with a part of my soul that has spawned several books, all of which have helped me heal.” The creativity caused by pain is a cycle, “because the creative process has significantly healed me,” he says. “I’m not surprised that creativity increases within those who’ve suffered; it makes sense.” How does a grieving individual make something good out of a heart-wrenching loss? Flemming offers perspective. • Don’t force it. One of the last things a grieving person needs is an assignment they don’t want. Grief is a process that entails a host of negative emotions: denial, confusion, anger and more. Prescribing creative therapy to oneself or another before one is readyforitcanbackfire. Let it flow naturally. We are all unique individuals, and though we know in the backs of our minds that we’ll someday face the loss of a loved one, we can’t predict how we’ll handle it. “Grieving and creativity actually share some traits,” Flemming says. “Both are processes, and both prompt © Can Stock Photo Inc. - LesPalenik individuals to express feelings in their own terms. When creativity can be used in conjunction with the grieving process, the catharsis can be profound.” ou have many options. When a person is desperate for an outlet, he or she will often gravitate toward what he knows. A onetime aspiring painter, for instance, may return to that familiar and comforting form of self-expression. “But the mind can be unpredictable; it may be that gardening is the process that is most therapeutic for a grieving person, even though she never pulled a weed or planted a seed in her life,” Flemming says. “In other words, be open to where your intuition guides you. As most grieving people understand, life doesn’t always work out as planned. Be open to helpful new possibilities.” Leroy Flemming is a graduate of Alabama State University, a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in Montgomery, Ala. He always wanted to show people that with spiritual guidance you can make things happen. Through his determination and inspiration from his Creator, he completed his five-part series of novels, “Timelightenment,” (www.timelightenment. biz/), in hopes of demonstrating to the children of this world that they can dream big, and accomplish those dreams. Though inspired by many people, his biggest influence comes from his mother, who said shortly before she passed away, “Son, I may give out, but I never give up!” Flemming recently completed volume one of his new series, “Soulsplitting.” Wednesday, January 28, 2015 ednesday, January question and answer period. This forum will be T h e S c a r b o r o u g h followed by a reception at Hospital (TSH) invites 8:30pminthefirstfloor community residents to atrium of the Image Arts participate in a second Building. For more info Community Engagement email: thestudioformediSession on Wednesday, [email protected] or January 28, 2015 as it visit: www.studioformecontinues its strategic diaactivism.com. planning process. The Saturday, January Session will be held from 6:30p.m.–8:30p.m.at Celebrate Black HisThe Scarborough Hospital, General campus, Lee tory Month at Tropicana FamilyAuditorium,3050 Centre for Excellence Lawrence Ave. E., Scar- (1385 Huntingwood Dr, borough, ON. Commu- Scarborough, ON) on Satnity members are asked urdayJanuary31,2015 toRSVPtheirconfirmed from noon-5pm. This participation via email to: interactive FREE family Margret Warren at mwar- event will include: Dance [email protected] no later than Workshops; Drumming Thursday, January 22, Circle; Art Workshop; 2015.Lightrefreshments Mix and Mingle; And and parking passes will Much More! Also, Robert be provided. For more Small’s 2015 LEGACY information, contact: poster will be featured Holly-Ann Campbell, Di- along with an art exhirector, Communications bition. For more inforand Engagement, The mation, call Tropicana Scarborough Hospital – Community Services at 416-438-2911, ext. 8308 416-439-9009. or [email protected]. Congress of Black Women of Canada hursday, January Brampton Chapter presFrom Ferguson to ents Miss GlamMa PagWinnipeg to Toronto, eant2015,acelebration citizens are speaking up of grandmothers from all against excessive use of cultures & Dinner Dance force by the state. Ryer- on Saturday, January son’s Studio for Media 31st, 2015 inside SpeActivism and Critical ranza Banquet Hall, Thought presents a fo- 510 Deerhurst Drive, rum featuring acclaimed Brampton, ON. Cocktails: documentary filmmaker 6:00pm. Dinner: 7:00pm. Amar Wala, new media Admission: $60.00. Conartist Cheryl L’Hirondelle, tact info: CBWC – 905and others. The free event 789-1551; Christine – is part of Hacking the Cul- 416-206-9798; Gloria ture: A Speakers’ Series –905-216-2731;brampon Media Activism and tonchaptercbwc@gmail. Social Justice. The fo- com. rum “Hands On: Artists/ While the city is sadActivists Discuss State & Police Violence”, will dened by the closing of take place on Thursday, one of its historic conJanuary 29th from 7:00 cert venues, Kool Haus, pm–8:30pminRyerson’s Toronto’s Dr. Jay has Image Arts Centre (122 the perfect prescripBond Street) in Room tion. When the owners 307. This event invites at Kool Haus invited Dr. artists and thinkers to Jay to add a second date discuss how they address to his annual Doh Cry state and police violence Ah Leavin’ event (called in their own practice, DCAL for short), it was a followed by a moderated no-brainer. The best way 9 to say farewell is with a celebration and there’s no bigger party than a soca fete. To add to the feeling of Carnival, the world famous Kes The Band is flying in from Trinidad - in the midst of Carnival season - to be a part of this historic event. Although Day One of the 20th anniversary of Doh Cry Ah Leavin’ (DCAL XX) sold out in an impressive 8 days, limited tickets are available for DCAL Day Two taking place on Saturday, January 31st at Kool Haus -- 132 Queens Quay East, Toronto. Doors open at 10pm. Tickets are available at TicketGateway.com. Sunday, February The Durham Chapters of the Congress of Black Women of Canada in partnership with Durham Welcome Centre Immigrant Services, Cultural Expressions Art Gallery Inc. and the Whitby Public Library will be hosting a Panel Discussion on Sunday, February1,2015 1:30pm inside the Whitby Central Library. The theme of the discussion is Envisioning our Future - expert panelists will lead a discussion related to the past, present and future of the Black Community. Barriers and obstacles to achieving success will be identifiedandaddressed in this important dialogue that will help the community envision the future and take the steps necessary to move forward as a unified and cohesive front. We invite you to please come and join the discussion. Register at: www.whitbylibrary. on.ca/events. Space is limited. Monday, February Sunday, February Black History Month’s Culinary Event — Spirits & Spice — takes place February 2 - February 8 at the Marché Toronto, BrookfieldPlaceindowntown Toronto. This is a fund raising food festival for the Caribbean Scholarship Foundation and features the exotic cuisine of Caribbean Canadian chef La-toya Fagon. This Black History Month festival is exclusive to Marché Toronto. The restaurant and the Caribbean Canadian community invite the city to enjoy the warm aromas, pulsating rhythms and spicy tastes and drinks of the islands. For more information and tickets visit: www.spiritsandspice. com. uesday, February In celebration of Black History Month, the Canadian Film Centre (CFC), together with Conquering Lion Pictures, the CBC and TD, are pleased to present a special evening honouring The Book of Negroes, the seminal piece of literature from Lawrence Hill and its adaptation as the highly anticipated television mini-series from director and co-writer Clement Virgo, co-writer Lawrence Hill and executive producer Damon D’Oliveira, starring Aunjanue Ellis. This event will take place on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, 7 p.m. at TIFF Bell Lightbox, Cinema 1,350KingStreetWest, Toronto. The event is free of charge and open to the public. Registration and more information is available on Eventbrite (Please note that this event will be overbooked to ensure capacity and that having passes does not guarantee admission. The Canadian Film Centre, Conquering Lion Pictures, the CBC, TD and TIFF Bell Lightbox are not responsible for turn aways. Please arrive early to secure your seat). 1 0 W ednesday, January 28 , 20 1 5 OPINION The Oppression Of Freedom By L . Ardor | L amoi P r i d e Columnist On February 1, Muslim women all over the world are extending an invitation to cover up. World Hijab Day, founded by Nazma Khan in 2013 in recognition of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty, is also an opportunity for women of all backgrounds, faiths, and beliefs to experience a day as a Hijabi. This is an open invitation to all women to come with your questions, curiosity, and open mindedness. This is a physical and spiritual invitation for those who are ready to [un]learn. This is not an invitation to put together undercover and covert rescue teams to save the “oppressed” Hijabi women. As a young woman, I would see features that resembled mine covered beneath bundles of fabric, and I would pity those women. I would rail against their lack of choice, and speculated on abusive relationships. I would denounce the men that had such a hand on these women to make them cover what I considered to be beautiful. I would denounce the Islamic religion for the control they wielded over them. I would demote those women to the fabrics and cloths they wore, and judge my understanding of them based on the clothes I wore, and essentially forget their right was the same as mine; to be seen as more than their appearance. I would oppress them with my view of what freedom was. Oppression—the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control—is like the human race, it takes on many shapes, sizes, shades and hues; the main difference being that none of these differences make oppression beautiful. Privilege—a special right, advantage or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people—is very similar to oppression in that it has many facets of its own, and very often takes the shape of judging another culture, based on the norms, and societal expectations of one’s own culture. It has become common knowledge that privilege and oppression walk hand in hand, and often both are oblivious to the loudness of their footsteps and the identity-swallowing cracks they leave behind in the sidewalks. As I grew older and evolved in knowledge, I had the opportunity to learn that many women who profess Islam, and who wear the hijab, do so out of choice, out of love for the faith, out of love for themselves, andaccordingtotheirdefinitionoffreedom. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule, and without a doubt there are oppressed Muslim women wearing hijabs; however, that should not dictate the over generalization of an entire group. As a woman, a budding feminist, and an emerging humanist, I understand the desire for all women to be free from the shackles of oppressive patriarchal systems, in every country, religion, and household. I understand that our desire for equality screams inrants,andslogansforthebenefitofwomeneverywhere, but in the stillness of the quiet, between the rants and slogans, one can hear the hum of privilege and oppression. In this new age of solidarity, our need to “help” often looks like a need to rescue, and comes with an undertone of our socially constructed advantages, and seemingly natural penchant to unjustly control another human being or situation. In our eagerness to help women from across the Grow your business; advertise it in PRIDE globe reach the proverbial promise land of freedom andindividuality,our NorthAmerican definitionof what freedom and/or beauty looks like, or understanding of what it means to be a modern woman fightingthesystem,becomesourtemplateanddesire for all woman, regardless of their social norms, religious beliefs or community mores, and often from the perspective of an outsider looking in. I am not throwing our sisterly good intentions andwilltohelpintothefire;Iamencouragingyou to check what your help looks like. If your help looks like speaking over, and for a marginalized group of people, drowning out their voices, in an effort to tell them what they should want to want, you are not helping. Telling a Hijabi woman that a facet of her freedom should be expressed by showing off her body, based on socially constructed views on beauty and what makes a woman desirable, without understanding that a hijab is designed to free a woman’s mind and body from the scrutiny, male attention, and abuse from those she calls her community is not helping. As a matter of fact, let us remove the word “help” from the solidarity glossary, and embrace the word “support”,adjustingthedefinitiontoread“tobear PART of the weight, to hold up.” In the same vein of thought and action, let us allow women to tell us how we can best support them, and not the other way around. Let us understand that our [North American] society is not the ideal for the rest of the world, and let us be ok with that. As a community, even in our privilege, we are bearing part of the weight of oppressed women all over the world, as we hold up our sisters’ right to pursue, and attain the qualities they want their life to embody. We also bear part of the weight of women everywhere that are not oppressed, and do not wish to subscribe to our definition of what freedom for women should look like. Our duty remains to supportindividualandcollectivedefinitionsoffreedom. Not all women that wear the hijab are oppressed by their ideals of modesty, beauty, their religion or the men in their lives. Whether you choose to receive the invitation to cover up, and experience the freedom they experience or not, let the slogan for World Hijab Day dictate your method of support; Better awareness, greater understanding, peaceful world. L. Ardor is a writer who believes that everything in life stems from love. Her mission is to spread her philosophy to all brave enough to embrace. ou can find Ms. Ardor on twitter LaLaArdor. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 11 Your Credit Rating: Know It, Understand It, Improve It For some, ignorance can be bliss, especially when the subject is money—our money. We stick our heads in the sand, hoping things will take care of themselves and any troubles will miraculously disappear. But by ignoring or hiding from your credit rating, the bad becomes worse, and the worse can result in financialdisaster. ment Management Ltd. in Ottawa. “Over the course of a 30-year mortgage, for example, a person with poor credit could pay $90,000 or more in interest than someone with an excellent credit score.” “Even your utility bills factor into your credit score,” says Chartered Professional Accountant David Gowling, senior vice-president with MNP Ltd. in Know it Hamilton.“Theydon’treportitifyourcredithistory Chartered Professional Accountant Cameron is good; only if it’s bad. People who have never had StrongisCEOofInvis-MortgageIntelligence,afirm credit, like new Canadians (credit history in other that evaluates borrowers’ creditworthiness for mort- countries doesn’t count), young people just starting gagesforthebigfinancialinstitutions.Hesaysthat out, and those who have always paid in cash, can peoples’ credit reports and the credit scores derived be even worse off than those with bad credit. They fromthosereportsarethefirstthingslenderscon- have no credit history, so they have poor scores, even sider when we apply for credit cards, mortgages or if they’ve managed money well, have solid bank aclines of credit. counts and little or no debt.” © Can Stock Photo Inc. - iqoncept Kruivitsky. “When you close down a card, you lose history. Better to just put any you’re not using away in a safe place.” But if you’re applying for a large loan like a mortgage, consider that some lenders may view all available credit as a liability. In that “Everyone should obtain a copy of their credit Improve it case, you might want to cancel unused cards. Or, if report once a year, and check it for accuracy,” All this begs the obvious question: What if your you’re trying to check your spending and worry that Cameron says. “Any errors should be reported to credit report has some less than optimal history, having that card around will be just too tempting, the rating agency immediately and in writing. It’s andyourscoreisnotallitcouldorshouldbe?Here Gowling recommends you get out the scissors and especially important that your report be updated and are nine tips these experts recommend you take to take more decisive action. accurate if you’ve recently completed a bankruptcy improve your credit score, manage your debts betDon’t apply for too much credit too quickly. or consumer proposal.” ter, and ultimately, save money when you borrow. “Looking for too much credit too soon—even for things likecellphoneplans—cangivetheappearanceoffiYourcreditreportisalsothefirstlineofalertfor Pay your bills on time. This, the experts all agree, nancialdifficulty,”saysKathy.“Spacethoserequests identity theft, so pay close attention to any recent is the single, number one, best thing you can do to out. Wait at least six months before applying for activity that you can’t readily identify as your own. keep your credit rating solid. “Set your smart phone another credit card.” It’s important, too, to apply for to remind you when bills are due, and always, always, the right kind of credit when you need it. Don’t try In Canada, two credit reporting agencies track our pay at least the minimum,” says Kathy. “Or, better to buy a car with a credit card or get a line of credit credit histories and assign scores: TransUnion and still, set up automatic preauthorized payments at to pay for shoes.” Equifax. Either will give you online access to your the bank that will make those minimum payments Don’t take the biggest loan the bank will give credit report in minutes for about $20. for you and on time—no reminder needed.” you. It can be tempting to take all the money those Pay ALL your bills on time. Think no one cares lenders want to give us. “People sometimes think Understand it about that $50 cell phone bill you left unpaid when the banks won’t loan them money unless they’re Your credit report is the story of your experience you switched service providers? Don’t count on it. sure they can repay it,” says David. “It’s simply not and track record with managing money, particularly “One of the worst things is neglecting to pay some- true. It’s not up to the bank to pay back that loan; debt. It’s requested by potential lenders when we thing minor, maybe because of some kind of dispute,” it’s up to you.” apply to borrow money for a new car or a house. says Cameron. “Often it’s a young person, maybe Place a “check with me” warning note on your Employers may even request it when we apply for studying to become a professional, and their future credit report file. Life happens. Couples break up, certain jobs in regulated industries. abilitytofinancetheireducationortheircareercan wallets get lost or stolen, among other matters. “When be compromised.” this occurs, call the credit rating agency,” Cameron Banks, credit card companies and other creditors Don’t max out your credit cards. Running your advises. “Have them put a warning on your file to or lenders report our borrowing history, habits and cards up to the limit—even to take advantage of a say your card’s been stolen, your identity may have behaviours to the credit reporting agencies, whose reward plan—is not a good idea. “Try to keep your been compromised, and no credit is to be granted services they retain to track this very thing. The balance at half or less of the credit limit you’ve been withoutnotifyingyouinwritingfirst.” agenciesusethisinformationtofigureoutourcredit given,” says David. If you need more, it’s probably Get help managing money. Wrangling with score, which is an aggregate, numerical value derived better to spread it out over two cards. creditors can result in legal judgements, your wages from our credit report. It can be anywhere from 300 Start young to establish credit history. “The being garnisheed or other negative consequences. to 900; the higher, the better. length of your credit history is a big component of Avoid them by dealing with issues immediately and your credit report,” says Cameron. “When you start in entirety. “If you’re in bankruptcy or having to make Good credit scores are gold stars on our money- collegeorgetyourfirstjob,getacreditcardwitha a consumer proposal, credit counselling is mandamanagementreportcards.Theyconfirmthatweare modest limit and handle it responsibly.” Kathy often tory,” says David. “They’ll give you tips and advice to responsible, low-risk borrowers who pay our bills on advises couples of the importance of having their own help rebuild your credit score. But before things get time and in full. People with good credit scores have individual credit history, too. “Put the foundation in thatfar,takeadvantageofthemanynot-for-profits, an easier time getting loans and get better interest place in case a divorce or other kind of life change like Credit Canada Debt Solutions, that can help you rates when they do. has you looking for credit under your own name,” learn to manage debt responsibly. You’ll be able to she advises. improve your credit report, and get all the advantages “Those small differences of a percentage point or Think strategically about cancelling credit that come with a good credit score.” two can amount to huge savings,” says Chartered cards you’re not using. You’d think it would make Professional Accountant Kathy Kruivitsky, a portfolio sense to get rid of unused cards that are just tak- Brought to you by the Chartered Professional Accountants manager with Watson Di Primio Steel (WDS) Invest- ing up room in your wallet. “Not necessarily,” says of Ontario How Seniors Can Protect Themselves Against Fraud NC – By adopting basic, but effective habits, seniors can keep the fraudsters at bay. Why are they such a target? Many have generous natures, are at home more often, some may be isolated, and there are those that may be less technology-savvy than they’d like to be. For protection, here’s a little guidance: Follow the news to become more aware of schemes and scams. Never give money at the door, and post a ‘no solicitation’ sign near your entrance. Get call display and don’t answer unfamiliar numbers. Friends and family will leave a message. If you do speak with someone on the phone, don’t be afraid to ask numer- ous questions or, if suspicious, just hang up. “Better to be safe than sorry,” explains Cairine Wilson, a vice-president with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, who oversees the organization’sfinancialliteracyefforts.“Seniorsmust keep their guard up.” Whether on a phone or computer, seniors should never share personal details, like SINs, credit card or bank details, passwords, PINs and so on. And don’t be afraid to ask for help, adds Wilson. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre has a special support program for seniors. Call 1-888-495-8501 or visit www.antifraudcentre.ca for details. 1 2 W ednesday, January 28 , 20 1 5 OPINION The Forgotten Nigerians By Rup ert Johnson P r i d e Columnist Over two weeks ago there was a thunderousoutcryandcondemnation ofthecoldbloodedmurderof17people in Paris, France by Islamist terrorists. About a million people, including 40 world leaders, marched side by side in thestreetsofParisinashowofsolidarityagainstthisactofterrorism. This overt display was indeed commendable;yettheheartlessslaughter ofabout2000Nigeriansbytheterroristgroup,BokoHaraminthetownof Baga, was almost totally ignored by theWesternpressandworldleaders. Whatmakesthistragicactsodisturbing is the fact that this savagery occurredaroundthesametimeperiod as the killings in Paris. Therehasbeennoworldwideloud condemnation of this murderous act inNigeria.Therehasbeennomarchof solidarity by world leaders against this viciousterroristattack.Therehasbeen nohugemarchesinthestreetsaround theworld.ItisasifthistragicNigerian event did not take place. It is quite evident that the fight against terrorism in Nigeria and other Africanstatesisnotapriorityforthe United Nations and NATO. The war against Islamist terrorism isfocussedlikealaserontheMiddle East. This focus demonstrates very forcefullythatthelivesofpeopleinthe MiddleEastaremoreimportantthan thelivesofBlackAfricans. It is as if Blacks do not belong to the human race, therefore they are dispensable. Wherearethenationsandpeople whoclaimtobechampionsofhuman rights and dignity? Is there a concerted efforttofindthehundredsofNigerian schoolagegirlsabductedbytheterroristgroup,BokoHaram?Theansweris no.Arethereanysustainedairstrikes againstthisterroristgroup?Theanswer isaresoundingno. It is really shameful that when it comestoAfricaingeneral,andNigeria inparticular,deepconcernsbyWestern democracieshavebeenvirtuallynonexistent.Butitisevenmoreshameful that the sensibility of the Nigerian government and other African states has been dormant. ItisquiteevidentthatNigeriaisa failedstateinthatitcannot,orwillnot, protect its own people. It would appear that the Nigerian government is either complicit in these frequent kidnappings of school age girls, or it lacks the will to bring the perpetratorstojustice. Nothing significant seems to have changedinAfricaovertheyears.The plightofthemassesisoflittleconcern to those foreign nations that have soughttoexploitthecontinent’snatural resources.Itissadtosaythatmanyof thecontinent’sBlackleadersseemto be complicit in this exploitation also. ItistimeforBlackleadersinAfrica and around the world to wake up to thefactthatsincetheycannotrelyon worldleadersinEurope,NorthAmerica, AsiaandtheMiddleEasttomarchin and protest against the abuse of human rights, and economic plight, they themselves should unite in an overt showofsolidarityagainstallformsof injustices. Rupert Johnson can be reached at: [email protected]. ...Continued from page 2 Sabotaging U.S.-Cuba Détente In The Kennedy Era at my home when I was a boy, stopped visiting Hickory Hill. TotheCIA,détentewasperfidious sedition. Adlai Stevenson [at the time U.S. ambassador to the United Nations] had warned President John F. Kennedy that“unfortunatelytheCIAisstillin chargeofCuba.”Theagency,hesaid, would never allow normalisation of relations. JFK was involved in secret negotiations with Fidel Castro designed to outflank Foggy Bottom Washington and the agents at Langley CIA , but the CIA knew of JFK’s back-channel contactswithCastroandendeavoured tosabotagethepeaceeffortswithcloak anddaggermischief. InApril1963,CIAofficialssecretly sprinkled deadly poison in a wetsuit intendedasagiftforCastrofromJFK’s emissaries James Donovan and John Nolan,hopingtomurderCastro,blame JFK for the murder, and thoroughly discredithimandhispeaceefforts. The agency also delivered a poison pen to hit man Rolendo Cubelo in Paris, with instructions that he use ittomurderFidel.WilliamAttwood a former journalist and U.S. diplomat attached to the United Nations asked byJFKtoopenupsecretnegotiations with Castro later said that the CIA’s attitudewas:“TohellwiththePresident itwaspledgedtoserve.” Many exile leaders openly expressed their disgust with the White House “treachery”,accusingJFKofengagingin “co-existence”withFidelCastro.Some Cubansremainedloyaltomyfather,but asmallnumberofhard,bitterhomicidal Castro haters now directed their furytowardJFKandthereiscredible evidence that these men and their CIA handlers may have been involved in plots to assassinate him. On April 18, 1963, Don Jose Miro Cardona,ChairoftheCubanRevolutionaryCouncil,resignedinafusillade offuriousdenouncementsaimedatJFK andmyfather,sayingthat“thestruggle for Cuba is in the process of being sabotagedbytheU.S.government.” Cardona promised: “There is only oneroutelefttofollowandwewillfollowit:violence.” Hundreds of Cuban exiles in Miami neighbourhoods expressed their discontent with the White House by hangingblackcrepefromtheirhomes. InNovember1963,Cubanexilespassed aroundapamphletextollingJFK’sassassination.“Onlyonedevelopment,” the broadside declared, would lead to Castro’s demise and the return to theirbelovedcountry–“Ifaninspired actofGodshouldplaceintheWhite Housewithinweeksinthehandsofa TexanknowntobeafriendofallLatin America.” Santo Trafficante, the Mafia boss and Havana casino czar who had workedcloselywiththeCIAinvarious anti-Castro assassination plots, told his Cuban associates that JFK was to be hit. On the day JFK was shot, Castro was meeting with French journalist Jean Daniel, editor of the socialist newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur and oneofJFK’ssecretchannelstoCastro, at his summer presidential palace in Varadero Beach. At 1.00 p.m. they received a phone call with news that Jack had been shot. “Voila, there is the endtoyourmissionofpeace,”Castro told Daniel. After JFK’s death, Castro persistently pushed Lisa Howard ABC newswoman who served as an informal emissary between JFK and Fidel], AdlaiStevensonandWilliamAttwood andotherstoaskKennedy’ssuccessor Lyndon Johnson to resume the dialogue.Johnsonignoredtherequests andCastroeventuallygaveup. ImmediatelyfollowingJFK’sassassination,manycluesappeared–later discredited – suggesting that Castro may have orchestrated President Kennedy’sassassination. Johnson and others in his administrationwereawareofthesewhispers and apparently accepted their implication. Johnson decided not to pursue rapprochementwithCastroafterbeing toldbyhisintelligenceapparatus,includingFederalBureauofInvestigation (FBI) boss J. Edgar Hoover, that Lee Harvey Oswald may have been an agent oftheCubangovernment.Thisdespite Oswald’swell-establishedanti-Castro bonafides. AfterJFK’sdeath,myfathercontinuedtopressLyndonJohnson’sState Department to analyse “whether it is possible for the United States to live withCastro.” “The present travel restrictions are inconsistent with traditional American liberties,”myfather,then-U.S.Attorney General,arguedinabehind-the-scenes debate over the ban on U.S. citizens travelingtoCuba. InDecember1963,theJusticeDepartmentwaspreparingtoprosecute fourmembersoftheStudentCommitteeforTraveltoCubawhohadleda groupof59college-ageAmericanson a trip to Havana. My father opposed thoseprosecutions,aswellasthetravel banitself. InaDecember12,1963confidential memorandumtothenSecretaryofState DeanRusk,hewrotethathefavoured “withdraw ing theexistingregulation prohibiting trips by U.S. citizens to Cuba.” My father argued that restricting Americans’righttotravelwentagainst thefreedomsthathehadsworntoprotectasAttorneyGeneral.Liftingtheban, heargued,wouldbe“moreconsistent with our views as a free society and wouldcontrastwithsuchthingsasthe Berlin Wall and Communist controls onsuchtravel.” Secretary of State Dean Rusk thereafter excluded my father from foreignaffairsdiscussions.Hewasstill Johnston’s Attorney General but the roamingportfoliothathadpreviously empowered him to steer U.S. foreign policyduringtheKennedyadministration years was now revoked. TheCIAwouldcontinueitsefforts totrytoassassinateCastroduringthe firsttwoyearsoftheLBJadministration. Johnson never knew it. Castro provided Senator George McGovern withevidenceofatleasttenassassinationplotsduringthisperiod. In 1978, Castro told visiting Congressmen, “I can tell you that in the periodinwhichKennedy’sassassination took place, Kennedy was changing hispolicytowardCuba.Toacertain extentwewerehonouredinhavingsuch arival.Hewasanoutstandingman.” WilliamAttwoodlatersaid:“There isnodoubtinmymind.Iftherehad been no assassination, we probably would have moved into negotiations leadingtoanormalisationofrelations withCuba.” WhenIfirstmetCastroin1999,he acknowledgedtherecklessnessofhis brashgambitofinvitingSovietnuclear armsintoCuba.“Itwasamistaketo risksuchgravedangersfortheworld.” Atthetime,IwaslobbyingtheCuban leaderagainstHavana’splanstoopen a Chernobyl-style nuclear plant in Juragua. During another meeting with the Cuban leader in August 2014, Fidel expressed his admiration for John Kennedy’s leadership and observed that a nuclear exchange at the time oftheCubanmissilecrisiscouldhave obliteratedallofcivilisation. Today, five decades later and two decadesaftertheSovietsleftCuba,we are finally ending a misguided policy thatattimeshasdonelittletofurther America’s international leadership or itsforeignpolicyinterests. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, IPS – Inter Press Service. Robert F. Kennedy Jr serves as Senior Attorney for the National Resources Defense Council, Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the Hudson Riverk eep er and President of W aterk eep er Alliance. He is also a Clinical Professor and Sup ervising Attorney at Pace University School of L aw ’ s E nvironmental L itigation Clinic and co- host of Ring of Fire on Air America Radio. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 13 HEALTHY REASONING: Important Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss Your Annual Checkup By Allan Bucka Jones Pride H eal th Col u m nis t Association agreed that the time allotted to doing the annual check-upor physical examination should be based on the “health” of the patient. The physician Asweendthisfirstmonthof involved can spend more time, and do a thorough 2015, and move into February, examination for “sicker” patients, like those who are you should have already booked older and have chronic diseases, (45 to 60 minutes) the date for you to do this year’s but devote a shorter time (30 minutes) to younger annual check-up or physical…if and healthier patients. Based on your history, the doctor will make a decision on timing. not, please do so as soon as possible. Preparation for your annual check-up or physiA few weeks ago in this column I reported on the results of a survey conducted at Sunnybrook Health cal examination is critical. Many patients go and see Sciences Centre in Toronto. The survey was done, their family doctor for the examination, with many because healthcare workers at the hospital observed questions in their head, however during the examithat when Black individuals turn up to do tests, to nation they forget, and so the visit is not as useful see if they had four of the common cancers, breast, as it could be, so how do you prepare for a doctor’s prostate, cervical and colorectal, the cancer is most visit to do a physical? First of all, you need to set a date and arrive pretimes diagnosed in the later stages. The late diagnosis is a problem, as it makes potential treatment of the pared. When you call to make your appointment, tell cancermoredifficult.Onereasonforthislackoftimely the receptionist the reason for your visit is to do a cancer screening is the failure of many individuals to physical. Knowing this, your doctor will generally set have an annual interaction with their family physician. aside the required time to meet with you. You should The annual health check or physical is important, write down and bring any questions you may have for because it provides that interaction, and your doctor your doctor about your health, and you need to insist is able to remind you of any critical and necessary that the doctor answers the questions, and make sure tests that need to be done. It also allows you get a you understand the answers. It is also a good idea to bring a list of all the medications and supplements thorough health assessment from the doctor. There are two parts to the annual visit to your fam- you are taking. This is especially important if other ily doctor, the talking portion and the physical exam. doctors have prescribed something your family doctor The annual checkup is a good time to go through may be unaware of, or if you purchased some natural your list of issues. The time spent talking to your products on your own. Also, record any family history doctor is the most important part of the exam. This of disease and share with the doctor. For example, is where you will not only discuss physical symptoms if your mother or father is diabetic, and you are not, you may be experiencing, but also any changes in there is a great possibility that you could develop your life, such as stress, racism directed to you, a diabetes. With this knowledge, the doctor is able to new job, weight issues, a new medication, a death discuss diabetes preventative measures with you. Black patients have greater susceptibility for in the family or divorce. The Ontario government and the Ontario Medical certain diseases and medical conditions, so there © Can Stock Photo Inc. - r ocketcl ips are some “must do” tests when Black patients do the annual check-up or physical. If you are over 40, these are diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, chronic kidney disease and cancer screening. For women, the “must do” tests should include the Pap test, and for men the prostate cancer screening. Also, women with a family history of breast cancer should push for earlier breast cancer screening. If you live in Canada without the proper immigration documentation, and do not have a health card, you should still do your annual check-up, and see a doctor without fear, when you need to. Community Health Centres (CHC’s)will provide you with a doctor,andconfidentialservice,withnoquestions asked about your landed status. Also, these centres generally devote more time to patients than other doctors do. The annual check-up is important and critical for sustained good health. Allan Bucka Jones is a Health Promoter and Broadcaster. He can be heard on “Allan Bucka Jones LIVE”, Sundays from 3 to 5pm on CHRY 105.5 FM, www.chry.fm option RDO.to , Rogers Digital Cable 945, Bell Fibe 973 or mobile app TuneIn Radio. You can contact Allan Bucka Jones at [email protected]. Are You Courageous Enough To Dust Yourself And Try Again For 2015? The late great Nelson Mandela once wisely said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear,but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Wonderful words to live by, especially as we embark upon a new year. I myself am often gripped with fear as I continue to dream, and dream big; but there is no choice in my opinion as living with regret is the worst kind of life that there is. However, the important questions to ask is, “Are we bold enough to tackle all that life has to offer us? Or do we buckle at the knees each time that we are met with challenges?” I know that I try my best to face each day with unresolved dignity and a resounding force, but each dayisdifficult,anditcanonlybehelpedwithhumility and deep faith in one’s own God –whichever God you choose to pray to. As 2014 ended, it certainly reminded me that “Life is really like a box of chocolates”, as Forrest Gump said in the 1994 hit movie. Bwoy, you really neva know what you are going to get! With a toddler in the home, a career and a dream that still will never die. I am living proof,once again, God was in control of each situation. So, as I watch the 2015 Golden GlobeAwardsshow,filledwithbeautifulgownsand creative people, I am forever reminded that every man’s journey is different, and that life has a way of “working out”. As the old folks used to say, “You make plans and then God laughs at your plans and does what he wants to do”, and truly gives you what has been ordained for you. With that being said, one only has to follow the will of the one up above, ride the wave, and truly follow the path that has been laid out for him/her (and follow it I did). I tackled the issues head on, dealing with each situation in 2014 as they arose, asking for guidance and strength, as I went along each day unsure of the outcome of the decision that I had made. That, however, is the beauty of the journey of life. It is not that you won’t befacedwithdifficulty,butrather,how you handle each difficult or testy scenario of your life. Your character is tested, and thrust into the forefront by how you handle stressful situations, and “if it does not kill you” they say, “it only makes you stronger.” Oh boy, am I ever a stronger woman than I was a year ago! “You know that you are a brave woman Sandy, for making the choices that you do,” a close friend of mine said. “No, I am not,” I said to her very sternly. “I make decisions based on my ability to handle each situation. If I can handle it, I trust myself to go forward, and so therefore I do,” I quickly added. As I embark on a new year, unsure of where the road may take me or my children and family, I am grateful that with each passing day, there is hope for us all, even though the road may seem bleak at times. I am forever reminded by the famous Nelson Mandela quote, “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” © Can Stock Photo Inc. - and os e2 4 Falling down is a part of life, but the great thing is that we all have the ability to rise again, and reach even greater heights than where we were previously. In this New Year, also remember to make choices and decisions that you are comfortable with, because at the end of the day, you are that man in the mirror. As William Shakespeare once wrote,“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” These words should serve as a reminder to us that life is worth living, no matter what life throws us within our lifetime.” Also, remember that everyone’s journey is different. Although it is easy for you to look at others with regret for your own life, for the things that might not have worked out for you; however, your day is coming soon. Keep the faith and continue to push forward. Dust yourself off and try again in 2015. This may be YOUR year! Sandy Daley is a columnist, radio and television personality and actress. She is also the author of “Whose Vagina Is It, Really?” She can be contacted at: Website: www.sandydaley.com, Facebook: [email protected], Twitter: https:// twitter.com/whosevaginaisit and/or Email: thesinglegirlspot@ gmail.com. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 14 Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You will be meeting newer people to whom you will relate very well. As a matter of fact, these individuals will impact yourlifesignificantly. Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20) If you have been physically or emotionally in pain, you will feel some relief soon. At this point, you will be able to feel like you are back to your comfy ole self. Aries (March 21- April 19) Keep a cool head and calm heart; otherwise love may just take you by surprise, in either a good or not so favourable way. Nevertheless, as long as you are composed, thingswillbefine. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Let it go. Do not hold onto anger and resentment. Take responsibility for your own actions and keep things under control as much as you can. Gemini (May 21- June 20) Are you a creative soul? Do something with it if you are not already. Whether it is cooking, writing, singing, acting or even talking, make it more than a hobby. Cancer (June 21- July 22) Be as honest as possible but remember tact. You can say what you mean without using mean words. Leo (July 23- August 22) Your emotions will be affected by family, friends and online acquaintances. Try not to allow simple things to affect your state of mind. It will not do you any good. Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Save, save, save. It does not matter if you have very little cash or stacks of it, still save. By March you will be very grateful you did. Eat healthy. Eat more soups and salads. No breads, so pass on Gossip is not cool. If the sandwiches for at the situation does not in- least three weeks. volve you then why involve Capricorn yourself? (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) Scorpio Calm and serenity (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) will cover you this week. Shake off any dilemma by acknowledging that this is a challenge that Cerise Fairfax is a L ife you will learn from and Coach and can be reached eventually appreciate that at: ( 41 6) 722- 5233 and you experienced it. cerisefairfax @ gmail.com. Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Visit w w w .cerisefairfax . com for life coaching advice and daily insp iration. Access A Reliable Guideline For Child Care Decisions NC – Choosing a child care facility the educator looking after their young can be a daunting task. At times the child is a registered professional who options can seem limited, and at other is held accountable for their actions – times they seem vast. No matter whether and this is currently the case only in Ontario,” says you’re looking at Sue Corke, regcity run, private or in-home child istrar and CEO care locations in of CECE. “The College exists to your communiensure that all ty, there are sevregistered early eral things every childhood eduparent should cators (RECEs) know and ask. While many meetqualifications and will parents may practise under agree that reethical and prosearching a cen© Can Stock Photo Inc. - s am 7 4 1 0 0 fessional stantre and staff is important, this agreement does not dards. It also ensures that parents have always translate into an action. In easy access to the professional history fact, a recent survey of Ontario parents of all RECEs.” Parents can visit the Government of conducted on behalf of the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE) Ontario website at www.edu.gov.on.ca/ shows that only one in 10 have ever childcare/steps.html for a list of things researched the professional history of to consider when looking for child care, their child’s educator. but here are a few questions that can “It’s only in recent years that par- help you to quickly narrow down the list: ents have the comfort of knowing that • How long has the facility been operating and what is the experience level of the staff? • Is there an RECE on site? • What does the overall curriculum include? • How will information about your child’s development be shared with you? • What safety procedures are in place? Visiting a child care facility in person to ensure the environment is safe and up to par, can aid a parent’s decision. Parents can also visit a public register online at college-ece.ca/publicregister to conduct a search on an RECE, verifying their registration status and professional history. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 15 Boost Your Health With This 4-Step Plan NC – The signs and symptoms of diabetes can range from unusual thirst to blurred vision. Sometimes people can mistake them for something else, or miss them altogether. Dawn Gallant, a nurse in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador, initially missed the signs of the disease in both herself and her daughter. “My first reaction was disbelief. The same reaction I had when my daughter was diagnosed,” she says. As one of more than nine million Canadians living with diabetes or prediabetes, Dawn supports the Canadian Diabetes Association’s new Diabetes Charter for Canada. In addition, the CDA encourages Canadians to take charge of their own health by putting together an action plan. From reducing stress to setting goals for physical activity, detailed and well-designed action plans are proven to help with overall wellness. Step 1: Determine your desired change The first step to changing your health habits is understanding what you want to change. Be specific and realistic about your goals, including a time limit for achieving it (within a month, for example). Step Set out a specific action plan From trying out a new recipe for dinner to scheduling time for regular exercise,writedownspecificstepsyou’ll take to reach your goals. Step 3: Zero in on possible roadblocks No change worth making comes easily. Ask yourself what obstacles could come in your way, and determine a plan for overcoming these challenges. Step 4: Figure out what resources you’ll need Proper support and tools are essential. Visit www.diabetes.ca for helpful tips, essential facts and delicious recipes. You can also download and print out an Action Plan to help keep you on track as you embark on this new journey. More information, including how to sign the Canadian Diabetes Association’s new Diabetes Charter for Canada, is available online at www. MyDiabetesCharter.ca. © Can Stock Photo Inc. - if ong 5 Practical Tips For Refreshing Your Closet © Can Stock Photo Inc. - E l enathew is e NC – Organizing the jungle that is your closet is an excellent way to harmonize your thoughts and streamline your morning routine. Plus, it’s a wellknown fact that well-arranged closets equal better outfits. Canadian style expert Janette Ewen offers these steps to achieve closet calm: 1. Host a closet intervention: Cleanse yourself and your closet by inviting a trusted (and stylish!) friend over and sorting your closet together. Begin with the items you adore but don’t wear regularly. Imagine new ways to wear them and determine if they can be tailored. “If you figure out an inventive way to revisit old favourites, take a picture and store it in a fashion file on your smartphone. That way, during frantic ‘I-have-nothing-to-wear!’ mornings, you have it as a reference,” recommends Ewen. 2. Implement a system: Organize the remaining items by clothing type (blouses, jeans, trousers, etc). At the front of the closet, group a few readymade outfits for dressing on the run (these should include accessories like complementary bags and shoes). Refresh these looks every couple of weeks. 3. Gather the essentials: Finally, the fun part: shopping. Revitalize your entire look by focusing on key items you need to jazz up old standbys. Make a list, investigate your options online, and start a style board using Pinterest. Need suggestions for essential winter wear? “A stunning statement coat in a wear-everywhere neutral, and an impeccably tailored pencil skirt can do no wrong,” says Ewen. 4. Invest in statement jewelry: Adding a gorgeous necklace, an eyecatching bracelet or a statement ring toyourrosterwillmakeeveryoutfitfeel new again. “Pandora’s new Rose collection, featuring rings, earrings, bangles and charms in warm pink metallics, flatterseveryskintoneandoutfit,”says Ewen. “Or, stack sterling silver and 14K gold rings for an on-trend mixed metals look.” Visit www.pandora.net for even more style inspiration. 5. Add a pop of colour: In the chill of winter, greys and blacks take over our wardrobes. Turn this logic on its head by injecting rich auburn and sumptuous cobalt blue to key pieces, like cashmere pullovers and silk buttondowns. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 16 © Can Stock Photo Inc. - Peteer Hot Caribbean Wings Wings: 1/8 tsp. 2 ½ pounds Sauce: 1 cup 2 tsp. 1 pinch 1/8 tsp. 1/8 tsp. 2 tsp. ¼ cup salt chicken wings, split mango nectar habañero hot sauce allspice salt black pepper lime juice chopped cilantro Preparation: Wings: Pierce split chicken wings all over with tip ofknife;patdry.Placeonwirerackfittedintolarge foil-lined jelly-roll pan. Sprinkle with 1/8 teaspoon salt. Bake in preheated 425ºF oven 35 minutes or until cooked through (165ºF), turning over once. Broil 7 minutes on high, turning once. Sauce: In 2-quart saucepan, mix mango nectar, habañero hot sauce, allspice, salt, and black pepper. Cook on mediumhigh 8 minutes to reduce by half. Stir in lime juice; toss with cooked wings and chopped cilantro; makes about 25 wings. 1/3 cup 2 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 4 ½ tsp. 2 ½ tsp. 1 ½ cup ¼ cup 1 tbsp. ¾ cup 2 tbsp. 12 Pulled Pork with Black Pepper Vinegar ancho chile powder sweet Spanish smoked paprika ground and dried oregano ground coriander dry mustard ground cumin chile de árbol powder or cayenne Kosher salt pepper (5- to 6-pound) pork shoulder, bonein, trimmed rice vinegar Dijon mustard honey canola oil canola oil hamburger buns, lightly toasted Preparation: In small bowl, combine all spices and 1 teaspoon each salt and black pepper. Place pork on jelly-roll pan. Season with 2 tea© Can Stock Photo Inc. - R es _ A r t spoons salt and ½ teaspoon black pepper; rub spice mixture all over pork. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour or up to 8 hours. Following manufacturer’s instructions, start fireforsmokerwithlumpcharcoaland cupdrained soaked wood chips. Bring temperature of smoker to 225ºF to 250ºF. In smoker, set pork on rack; cover and cook 6 to 9 hours or until meat thermometer inserted into center of pork registers 165ºF, turning hourly. Add more charcoal as needed to maintain temperature, and more drained wood chips to maintain smoke level. Meanwhile, in blender, puree vinegar, mustard, honey, 1 ½ teaspoons salt, and 1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper. With blender running, add oil in slow stream until emulsified. Can be refrigerated for up to 3 days. Transfer pork to clean pan; cool slightly. Shred meat into bite-size pieces, discarding bone and fat. Mound meat on platter; drizzle with some of vinegar sauce and any accumulated pan juices. Serve pork on buns with remaining sauce. Serves: 12. “St. Louis-Style” Baby-Back Ribs ¾ cup 2 tbsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 1 tsp. 2 tsp. 4 ½ pounds ¼ cup ½ cup ¾ cup 2 tbsp. 1 tbsp. packed light brown sugar paprika chili powder garlic powder onion powder Kosher salt pepper (about 2 racks) baby-back ribs, membrane removed Dijon mustard apple juice ketchup cider vinegar Worcestershire sauce Preparation: Heat oven to 275ºF. In a bowl, combine the sugar, paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, 1 tablespoon salt, and 2 teaspoons pepper. Place the ribs on a rimmed baking sheet. Spread with the © Can Stock Photo Inc. - M SPhotog r aphics mustard, then sprinkle with ¾ cup of the spice rub to coat evenly. Pour the apple juice onto the baking sheet, cover tightly with foil, and bake until the meat is tender and easily pulls away from the bone, 2 ½ to 3 hours. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, whisk together the ketchup, vinegar, Worcestershire, and remaining ½ cup spice rub. Transfer ½ cup of the mixture to a small bowl and set aside. Ten minutes before the ribs are done, heat the grill to mediumhigh. Grill the ribs, basting with the ketchup mixture and turning occasionally, until they begin to char, 5 to 6 minutes. Cut into pieces and serve with the reserved sauce for dipping. Serves: 6.
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