2009 - Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics

Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
F r o m
to the
o u r
F a m i ly
t o
Y o u r s
From Our board chair
Yes, I Am My
Brothers’ Keeper
Who would have thought that,
in 2009, in the most affluent
nation in the world the following
would be true?
Dr. David Chernof
According to the Federal Labor
Board Bureau the national
unemployment rate is currently
at 8.5 % and the California
unemployment rate is at an
excruciating 11.2%. Nearly 50
million Americans still have no
access to any health insurance.
For these unfortunate individuals, nonprofit community clinics
like the Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics, are the only
remaining resource of medical care other than expensive
emergency room visits, and as a result, SBNC is experiencing a
budget busting increase in the number of patients that need our
help. SBNC has seen nearly 400 new patients every month since
January 2009; that is 50% higher than any other year.
In the face of all of this, the State is further ratcheting down
support for most State sponsored health care programs, even
though California is already the lowest among the 50 states, to
the point that many nonprofit community clinics are closing,
and the State is being sued for ignoring Federal reimbursement
Let us put a human face on this appalling situation. Over 900
diabetic patients now receive care through SBNC. Many have
no source of support for their care, which increasingly requires
expensive new insulin and costly self testing materials. Without
SBNC’s dedicated staff, who helps patients obtain diabetic
testing products, medication, and disease support where would
these people turn?
It has been two years since Martin first came into the Isla Vista
Neighborhood Clinic. His son learned about Diabetes in school,
saw that his dad had many of the symptoms, and begged him to
get himself checked out. One of the doctors had a chance to sit
down and talk to Martin shortly after his first visit, he said he
would of have never come in if not for his son. Martin was a big
man, 6’4” and a former football player in college. He never even
knew he was at risk for diabetes, but admitted he had gotten
into the habit of coming home from a sedative job in an office
to a large dinner, hefty desert, and an evening spent watching
sports in his recliner.
As luck would have it, Martin sent SBNC a thank you letter just
last month. He was laid off recently, but thanks to SBNC he has
still been able to receive his medicine and testing products. He
has been in diabetes and nutrition counseling programs at SBNC
for two years, he’s lost an astonishing 100lbs, and he says now
after work he coaches his son’s baseball team. I was astounded
by Martin’s new lease on life all thanks to SBNC.
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Annual Report 2009
b y D a v i d C h e r n o f, m . d .
Many among this flood of new patients to SBNC are friends and
neighbors of ours, people who were once insured, and able to
insure their children. Others are salespeople, office workers,
caretakers and trades people in our community that just do not
have the ability to access health insurance.
SBNC intends to remain steadfast in its mission to provide health
care to all who come to its clinics without regard to ability
to pay. It is deeply engaged voluntary Board of Directors and
its administration are laboring through outreach, fundraising,
advocacy to our elected representatives and every conceivable
economy to make this possible.
Through out the years, SBNC has always enjoyed widespread and
generous support from the Santa Barbara community, and we
continue to need your help now more than ever. Please contact
your Federal, State and local legislators to express your support
and concern. And please help us in any of our fundraising efforts
you are capable of supporting. Virtually every penny goes to
support health care for our community. A community we are all
a part of, a community that we all care for, and a community we
can all help by supporting SBNC.
David Chernof, M.D.
Board Chair
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
Our Mission
To provide high quality, affordable medical care to
all people, especially those uninsured and otherwise
underserved, while maintaining a welcoming
environment and treating patients with compassion,
dignity, and respect. We strive to achieve excellence
and to maximize the potential of each employee,
volunteer, and board member through a respectful
and supportive organization.
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
v i s i t u s o n l i n e | www.sbclinics.com
F r o m O u r E X E C UTI V E DIRE C TOR
Cynder Sinclair, D.M.
My heart overflows with
gratitude to all of you who
stood by our side during this
trying, yet inspirational year.
Together, we battled State
budget cutbacks, Swine Flu
fears, and the tragic Jesusita
fire repercussions. At the
same time, our clinicians
served more children and
families than ever before,
we contributed to Santa
Barbara’s community-wide
disaster preparedness
project, and our donors
generously ensured that our
clinic doors remained open.
At a time when hundreds of new patients are walking
through our doors for care, State budget cuts and funding
delays are forcing us to consider alternatives that could
severely weaken our community’s healthcare safety net.
The truth is that Swine Flu knows no borders; childhood
obesity transcends all barriers; and Diabetes, heart
disease, or cancer pays no regard to income level or
ethnicity. We are determined to weather this storm with
integrity, dedication, and compassion and to emerge as a
stronger organization. Knowing so many stand beside us
inspires us everyday.
As some community clinics in California are forced to
close their doors, SBNC remains strong in our commitment
to serve the most vulnerable in our community. We are
here for families struggling at 200% below the federal
poverty level; we are here for the homeless; we are here
for thousands of low income children; and we are here
for those who are recently unemployed or who, for the
first time, find themselves without healthcare coverage.
Because SBNC is here, every single person in Santa Barbara
has access to excellent healthcare, regardless of his or her
ability to pay.
Please consider coming by for a tour of one of our clinics.
You will be amazed and inspired at the warm inviting
atmosphere as well as the high level of care we give to
every patient. We welcome your volunteer hours, your
financial donations, and your in-kind gifts. In fact, we can’t
serve others without your help. You may contact me at
(805) 968-1511 ext. 105 or [email protected].
by Cynder Sinclair, D.M.
Board of Directors
B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s
A d m inis t r a t i on
Cynder Sinclair, D.M.
Executive Director
David Chernof, M.D.
[email protected]
Keith Coffman-Grey
Neil Sullivan, M.D.
Medical Director
Robert Knight
Eileen Bunning, R.N.
Roger Heroux
Paul Jaconette
Cheri Jasinski
Brent Levine, Esq.
Lisa Moore
Michael O’Kelley, CPA
Luis Pelayo, CPA
Kimberly Schizas
Mahil Senathirajah
Richard Steckel, M.D.
Alana Tillim
[email protected]
Quynh Nguyen, D.D.S.
Dental Director
[email protected]
Bonnie Campbell
Deputy Director
[email protected]
Lupe Montero
Human Resource Director
Lori Redfern
Director of Finance
[email protected]
Yessenia Marroquin
Director of Clinical Operations
[email protected]
your neighborhood
Isla Vista Neighborhood Clinic
970 Embarcadero del Mar
Isla Vista, CA 93117
Westside Neighborhood Clinic
628 W. Micheltorena St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Eastside Neighborhood Clinic
915 N. Milpas St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
Eastside Health Program
Center 2nd Floor
Eastside Family Dental Clinic
923 N. Milpas St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
Thank you for your continued commitment to our mission of
providing health and dental care and prevention education
to the most vulnerable in our community.
Cynder Sinclair, D.M.
Executive Director
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
Annual Report 2009 | 3
treasurer’s financial report
by robert knight
How Can I Help the Clinics?
Whenever someone asks me this question I
explain that there are many ways. Become a
volunteer, join the board of Directors, serve on
a committee, help spread the word about our
services and, of course, donate money.
Robert Knight
All of these suggestions make sense at any time
however some make more sense at this particular
time in our existence. Our business plan calls for
revenue from state and federal programs, and
self pay of 2/3 of our costs. The balance is to
come from donations. Until a couple of years ago
this worked fairly well but as needs increased
and funding programs were cut this model is in
need of adjustment to at least 50/50.
Remember the Santa Barbara economy gets a substantial amount of revenue
from agriculture and other businesses that rely on low cost labor. Say what you
will about low wages and imported workers they are a reality in our county and
our specific community. The clinic is one very important safety net to keep our
community healthy.
I recognize that many organizations are in need of our time and money. I
believe, however, that the Neighborhood clinics are at the top of the list. As
Treasurer you might expect me to say this but I have been an active volunteer
in health related organizations for many years. The clinics serve our most
underserved population and they need our help.
Contact Bonnie Campbell, Deputy Director of the clinics and she
will provide detailed answers to the question of HOW CAN I HELP?
[email protected] or (805) 968-1511 ext. 119
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
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Our new site launches
June 2009!
2007–2008 financials
Fund Development
83% Clinical Services.....$4,980,811
(Medical, Dental & Education)
15% Administration......... $881,453
2% Fund Development...... $175,083
Clinical Services
Total Expenditures........$6,037,347
64% Clinical Services.... $4,357,970
19% Public Support...... $1,296,098
Total Net
Assets as of
June 30, 2008
17% Other................. $1,176,444
Clinical Services
Total Revenue............ $6,848,421
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Annual Report 2009
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
v i s i t u s o n l i n e | www.sbclinics.com
After arriving in Santa
Barbara in 1981, I soon
became the chief family
physician and Medical
Director of the Carrillo
Community Medical Clinic. In
1999, the three community
health centers in our area
(Isla Vista, Westside and
Carrillo Clinics) merged to
become the Santa Barbara
Neighborhood Clinic
organization. In spite of
Neil P. Sullivan, M.D.
being a Medical Director
for nearly 28 years, I still
feel eager and enthusiastic about my work. I am excited
about the changing environment occurring so “rapidly”
within the healthcare system. In fact, many healthcare
experts feel that Community Health Clinics are the future
model for general primary healthcare in our country.
As non-profit entities, we have been practicing quality
comprehensive primary care medicine for years with
considerably fewer financial resources and, often, in very
austere settings.
When I first starting working for the neighborhood
clinics, our typical caseload of patients was made up
of young adults seeking acute care for minor ailments,
desiring STD exams and needing help for substance abuse
issues. Through the years, I have witnessed our patient
population transform from mostly young adults with
non-complicated acute problems to entire families with
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
b y N e i l P. S u l l i v a n , M . D .
a multitude of health, emotional and socio-economic
concerns. Needless to say, our mission-driven focus of
care has changed dramatically with the times. Our clinic
organization is rapidly becoming the main safety net
health provider for South Santa Barbara County. With
the growing insurgence of uninsured Latino families and
the concomitant economic crisis, the need for low cost,
comprehensive and quality care for both the physical and
emotional concerns of our community has rapidly risen.
Currently, we have over 50,000 yearly patient encounters
and encompass a wide variety of health programs,
medical services and collaborative projects within our
community. Regardless of whether our patient is one
week or 100 years old, we are able to provide consistent,
comprehensive and compassionate care for that individual
and their family. As Medical Director, I feel it is imperative
that I (personally) continually strive to balance my
administrative duties with my compassionate care to
our core mission patients. That is, providing quality and
comprehensive care to the underserved and uninsured of
our community. While constantly being a challenge, it is a
situation that I relish and truly feel fortunate to be given
such an opportunity to help others in need.
Neil P. Sullivan, M.D.
Medical Director
Annual Report 2009 | 5
dental director’s report
When the brand new Eastside
Family Dental Clinic opened its
door in 2005, the long term goal
was to provide 7,000 visits a year
for low-income children, their
families, and the underprivileged
of Santa Barbara.
In 2007, we approached this
goal, delivering 6,340 patient
encounters. Last year: 2008,
we surpassed the 7,000 mark by
leaps and bounds: seeing 8,750
patient visits! This significant
increase of 38% over the previous
year, realizes the dream for the
Dr. Quynh Nguyen
Dental Clinic, after just three
years in operation. Our team achieved this record by working
together harmoniously, and by maximizing the use of our space,
time, equipments, technology and …talent! We have extended our
hours: opening Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. to meet
demands and to reduce the long waiting time of 2-3 months to get
an appointment down to 2-3 weeks.
We maintain a Homeless clinic every Thursday morning. The
number of patients in this most vulnerable population continues
to rise, especially in this tough economic time. We acknowledge
the generous Grant support from the County Public Health Dept,
the City of Santa Barbara and Delta Dental, which makes this vital
undertaking possible.
The yearly free clinic day was again sponsored by Direct Relief
International. We treated uninsured children with significant
dental problems from all elementary schools in Santa Barbara.
Dentists and student volunteers donated their time for this
worthwhile effort.
Eastside Family Dental Clinic was also chosen to receive the Day of
Caring from United Way. Volunteers cleared out and organized our
chaotic garage. We appreciate this much needed help.
On a daily basis, our work cannot succeed without the help of
the Assistance League of Santa Barbara. These wonderful and
gentle ladies hold regular classes
to teach oral hygiene and
nutrition to our young patients
and their families. Without this
key component: Education and
Prevention, our dental effort will
be pointless.
by Dr. Quynh Nguyen
The most exciting news this year is that we have established an
Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) Residency Program
at the clinic. It is set to begin on July 1st, 2009. After many months
of planning and preparation, and with help of the County of Santa
Barbara Network and Communications Team, we have formed a
partnership with Lutheran Medical Center to train their residentdentists at our site. This will be a cost effective way for us to
provide care for our patients, as the residents’ salaries and benefits
will be covered by Lutheran Medical Center through Federal Grants.
It will also give
us an opportunity
to grow our own
potential future
providers. Our first
resident: Dr Anahita
Taraporewalla will
be joining us after
she graduates
with honors and
distinction from
USC in May. Her
primary interest is
pediatrics, so she’ll be in for a treat at our clinic, as children dental
care is the focus of our mission.
Looking back, I hope our philanthropists who helped build the
Dental clinic know that their contributions have gone a long
way to help so many people of Santa Barbara. Looking forward,
knowing the need is grave, as more people are losing their jobs and
insurances, and state budget likely will eliminate Adult DentiCal
program, I hope we can expand our space to accommodate more
people seeking help at our door.
Thank you for your continued support to SBNC and the Eastside
Family Dental Clinic. We are humbled and encouraged by your
trust, and promise to serve with passion and compassion.
Quynh Nguyen, DDS Dental Director
Eastside Family Dental Clinic
We also thank them for generously
donating new furniture to our
dental education center this
year, in addition to the thousands
of home care kits they lovingly
package and provide for our
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Annual Report 2009
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
v i s i t u s o n l i n e | www.sbclinics.com
health care heroes
Save the Date!
October 4th, 2009 • 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
On October 4th, 2009 Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics (SBNC) will be
holding our 11th Annual Health Care Heroes event at the stunning Four
Seasons Biltmore Resort from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. This high­ profile
event allows SBNC to honor two outstanding contributors in healthcare.
This year we are proud to be recognizing Joanne Rapp and Dr. Peter Morris.
As a community volunteer, Joanne
Rapp has served in many capacities
over the years. A longtime resident
of Santa Barbara, Joanne raised
her own family in the area and
explains, “I love Santa Barbara
for all the obvious reasons,
but especially for the ease and
availability of volunteering.”
Joanne has been involved with
many of Santa Barbara’s nonprofit
organizations including: Cottage
Health System, Non-Profit Support
Center, Women’s Fund, The Santa
Barbara Foundation, CALM, Human
Services Commission of Santa
Joanne Rapp
Barbara County, Junior League of
Santa Barbara, St. Cecilia Society, and the Santa Barbara Botanic
Garden. Most recently, Joanne served with distinction as member
of the Board of Directors of Cottage Health System (1999 – 2008),
including a term as Board Secretary (2002 – 2004). During her
tenure on the Board of Directors of Cottage Health System, Joanne
was involved in the planning and implementation of a project of
enormous complexity, the rebuilding of Santa Barbara Cottage
Hospital. “I loved my association with Cottage and the fantastic
work this institution performs 24/7 in our community.” Joanne’s
altruistic devotion to providing access to health care and vital
services to those underserved is truly inspirational to everyone in
the community. Her efforts have helped to establish and strengthen
many organizations in the community, and enabled them to
continue serving the Santa Barbara community.
Dr. Peter Morris
Dr. Peter Morris is
committed to providing
quality laboratory services
in Santa Barbara County.
He has worked to achieve
them for the past 35 years,
ever since joining the staff
at Cottage Hospital in
1974. His training included
medical school and
pathology residency at the
University of North Carolina
and serving as a Medical
Officer in the U.S. Army. He
is certified in Anatomic and
Clinical Pathology.
Dr. Morris currently heads a dynamic and skilled group
of eight pathologists, and one pathologist assistant,
providing services and medical laboratory direction at the
Cottage Hospitals and the Lompoc Hospital Laboratory. He
is also president of Medical Group Pathology Laboratory,
the anatomic pathology laboratory where pap smear and
biopsy specimens are interpreted for our community’s
physicians and clinics. In addition, he is Medical Director
of the UCSB Student Health Center Clinic Laboratory
and Pacific Diagnostic Laboratory; and co-Director of
the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department
Sponsorships are Available Now! Don’t Miss Out!
For more information on tickets, or to reserve your sponsorship today contact Candis Schooley
at (805) 968-­1511 ext. 103 or [email protected]
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
Annual Report 2009 | 7
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
970 Embarcadero del Mar, 2nd Floor
Isla Vista, CA 93117
Thank you for your support!
SBNC would not be able to carry on our vital service to the Santa Barbara Community if not for the generous support of our donors. All of the gifts received this
year have helped provide access to healthcare in Santa Barbara for low income families. I would like to give a big heart-felt thank you to everyone on the list
below; your donations make the biggest difference in the everyday lives of the patients and the community SBNC serves. If your name is not on the list below,
we urge you to take a second look at SBNC, sign up for our monthly newsletter, or schedule a personal tour of one of our clinics, and learn first hand just how
imperative our services are to the community. We look forward to seeing YOUR name next year!
Joe Alonso • Advanced Dental Imaging • Alice Tweed Tuohy Foundation • Dr. Mortimer Andron • Ann Jackson Family Foundation • Assistance League of Santa
Barbara • Dallad Atkins • Victor K. Atkins, Jr. • Al Ballabio • B & B Foundation • Balin Charitable Foundation • Berkus Family Partnership • Mr. David Bertrand
The Bialis Family Foundation • Biopac Systems, Inc. • Patty & Terry Bliss • Geoff & Polly Bloomingdale • Blue Shield of California Foundation • Boone Graphics
• Ms. Susan E. Bower • Peter & Lilla Burgess • Bob & Patty Bryant • Robert & Dolores Cathcart • The California Endowment • California Facilities Financing
Authority • The California Wellness Foundation • Dr. John Carbon • Steve & Kathy Carmel • Chapman & Associates • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation • Dr. Louise
Clarke • Peter Chen, DDS • Direct Relief International • Dr. David & Chris Provenzano–Chernof • City of Santa Barbara • Carnzu A. Clark • Clarice Cornell Clarke
• Community West Bank • Dr. David Cowan • Cox Communications • Bruce C. Crary • Thomas & Nancy Crawford, Jr. • Crawford Idema Family Foundation • Pat
Dall’Armi • Tom & Cindy Dabney • Delta Dental of California • Ronald Dinning, DMD • Dr. Elizabeth Downing • Lawrence & Theda Drake • The Dreier Family
Foundation • El Rincon Bohemio • Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Christine Emmons • Baroness Leni Fe Bland • Cami Ferris–Wong, DDS • Joel & Vasanti Fithian • Gerald
McC. Franklin • Roger & Debra Friedland • FUND (Families United to Nurture Dreams) • Fund for Santa Barbara • Christine Garvey • Dr. Andrew Gersoff • Allan
Ghitterman • Dennis Feeley • Michael Feeney • Rick & Sasa Feldman • Gildea Foundation • Ghita Ginberg • Ms. Jane Gottieb • Mrs. Nancy Grinstein • Norman
& Jane Habermann • Bill & Dani Hahn • Sarah & Kathy Hardin • Harold Simmons Foundation • Tom & Eleanor Harriman • Kim Haskell • Dr. Peter Hasler • Bob &
Vicki Hazard • Nels & Alexis Henderson • Herbert & Gertrude Latkin Charitable Trust • Phillip Ho, DMD • Dr. & Mrs. Stephen & Susan Hosea • Preston B. & Maurine
M. Hotchkis • Dr. Brad Hope • Vadim Hsu • Ms. Evelyn Hu • Hazel Heath Horton Philanthropic Trust • Hutton Foundation • Dr. Lynne Jahnke • James S. Bower
Foundation • Helen Jepsen • Glyndwr Jones • Dawn & Joel Kaufman • Jim Kearns • Robert & Nancy Knight • The La Centra–Sumerlin Foundation • David & Sharon
Landecker • James & Elinor Langer • Breant & Ann Levine, Esq. • Susan Levin • Ms. Patricia Lockwood • Ms. Erin C. Looker • Lyle Luman • Carole MacElhenny •
Alan & Cindy Macy • March of Dimes • Frank & Marilyn Magid • Emma Magnus Williams • Marianna Masin, MD • Mayer & Morris Kaplan Foundation • Medical Group
Pathology Laboratory • Sara Miller McCune Foundation • Medtronic Foundation • Mr. & Mrs. David & Eva Menkin • Mericos Foundation • Marlene & Warren Miller •
Jacqueline Misho • Alfred Moir • Montecito Bank & Trust • Jan Montgomery • Lisa Moore • Mosher Foundation • Maryanne Mott • Melissa Murdoch • Quynh Nguyen,
DDS • Michael O’Kelley, CPA, CFE • Oral Health America • The Outhwaite Foundation • Greg Bartholomew • P&G Oral Care • The Pacer Foundation • Robert Pavel,
DDS • Ms. Helen Pedotti • William & Ardyce Peeples • Reilly & Jan Pollard • Pueblo Radiology Medical Group, Inc. • William & Stacy Pulice • B.K. Rai, DDS • Rick
Reeves • Lady Leslie Ridley–Tree • The Rite Aid Foundation • Dorothy Roberts • Tammy Robitailles • Sybil Rosen • Rotary Club of Santa Barbara North • Barbara
Rubin • Clifford & Phyllis Ruddle • Richard & Linda Ryu • Saks 5th Avenue • Sansum Clinic • Sansum Diabetes Research Institute • Santa Barbara Bank & Trust •
Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital Foundation • Santa Barbara Foundation • Santa Barbara Zoo • Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians • Ken & Jo Saxon • Richard
& Maryan Schall • Eric Schankula • Elna Scheinfeld • Kim Schizas • Arthur & Charlotte Schlosser • June Schuerch • Barry & Jean Schuyler • Dr. Ayesha Shaikh •
Jay Shuken, MD • Herb & Bui Simon • Cynder Sinclair, DM • Carol Lee Skinner • Rob & Meghan Skinner • Ms. Hope Smith • David & Carolyn Spainhour • Peter &
Stephanie Sperling • St. Andrews Presbyterian Church • St. Cecilia Society • St. Francis Foundation • Margaret Staton • Rick & Julie Steckel • Neil & Joan Sullivan
• Tides Foundation • Alana Tillim • Michael & Anne Towbes • Towbes Group, Inc. • Marshall P. Tulin • George & Polly Turpin • Mr. George B. Turpin, Jr. • UCSB
Associated Students • United Way of Santa Barbara County • Union Pacific Foundation • Upham Hotel • Venoco, Inc. • Nicholas & Sue Vincent • Vintage Hotels,
Inc. • Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care Foundation • Volentine Family Foundation • Vons Foundation • W. Wright Watling • Wallis Foundation • Jim & Barbara Warren
• Weingart Foundation • Thomas Weisenburger, MD • Wells Fargo • Maureen & Bernard White • Allice Willfong • William P. Neil Foundation • Williams–Corbett
Foundation • Wilshire Health & Community Services • Women’s Fund of Santa Barbara • Wood–Claeyssens Foundation • Chad M. Wright, DDS • Yardi Systems, Inc.
• Eugene F. Zannon • Craig & Amy Zimmerman