Hon. Anthony J. Picente . Oneida County . President NYS Association of Counties 2015 Legislative Conference February 2-4, 2015 Desmond Hotel . Albany . NY NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference Join us for a special gala celebration in honor of NYSAC’s 90th Anniversary. Enjoy the flavors of New York State at an array of special food stations featuring regional favorites. Stroll a series of special exhibits and audio visual stations promoting New York State products and regional tourism. Help NYSAC mark 90 years of dedicated service to the counties of New York State. Monday, February 2nd 6pm-8pm King Street Ballroom (Ticket Required) *This special event will be taking the place of our receptions and traditional dinner. NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference AAGENDA NYSAC 2015 LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE Monday, February 2nd Tuesday, February 3rd 8:30am-6:00pm Registration 7:00am-5:00pm Registration 9:30am-4:00pm Orientation for Newly Elected County Officials 7:30am-5:00pm Exhibits Open 10:00am-11:30am NYSAC Standing Cmt. Mtgs. (Track I) Native American Affairs Economic Development, Environment & Rural Affairs Taxation & Finance Public Health/Mental Health Transportation & Public Works 7:30am-8:45am General Breakfast 9:00am-10:15am Workshop Session III 10:15am-10:45am Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall 10:45am-Noon Workshop Session IV NYSAC Standing Cmt. Mtgs. (Track II) Children with Special Needs Medicaid & Human Services Public Employee Relations Public Safety Intergovernmental Relations Noon-1:30pm NYSAC Business Meeting Part I Legislative Luncheon 1:30pm-2:00pm Time to Visit Exhibit Hall 2:00pm-3:15pm Workshop Session V 1:00pm-2:00pm NYSAC Luncheon 2:00pm-3:15pm 1:00pm-2:00pm NYSAC Blue Ribbon Task Force on Farming Luncheon Meeting County Leaders Meeting: County Executives, County Chairs of Legislative Brds, County Administrators 1:00pm-5:00pm Exhibits Open 3:15pm-3:30pm Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall 2:00pm-3:00pm NYSAC Legislative Committee Meeting 3:30pm-5:00pm 2:00pm-3:15pm Workshop Session I 2:00pm-5:00pm NYSAC Board of Directors Meeting Professional Development Plenary: Using the Color Spectrum to Analyze and Understand Professional Communication Issues 3:15pm-6:00pm Resolutions Committee Meeting 3:15pm-3:45 pm Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall Wednesday, February 4th 3:45pm-5:00pm Workshop Session II 8:00am-9:00am General Breakfast 5:00pm-6pm NYMIR Member Reception 8:00am-9:00am Joint Intercounty Breakfast 6:00pm-8:00pm Taste of New York! 9:00am-9:30am NYSAC Business Meeting: Part II Resolutions 9:30am-2:00pm NYS Emergency Management Certification Training 11:30am-1:00pm A celebration of NYSAC’s 90th Anniversary featuring regional food stations and special exhibits (ticket required) NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference ~Evening Free to Enjoy Albany’s Wonderful Restaurants!~ ~County Advocacy in State Capitol~ February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference G GENERAL INFORMATION Important Deadlines Hotel Accommodations A block of rooms has been reserved at The Desmond in Albany, NY. To make a hotel reservation, please CALL THE DESMOND DIRECTLY AT (518) 869-8100. Rooms will be sold on a first come, first served basis, so make sure to call the hotel as early as possible to assure that you get a room. The deadline for hotel reservations is January 12th. It is important to note that the deadline does not mean that you are assured a room if you register before this date. The deadline means that our room block is being held until this date. Remember that the room block can sell out before the deadline so please don’t wait to reserve your room. If you need to cancel your hotel reservation once registered, please do so directly with the hotel. NYSAC cannot process hotel arrangements. HOTEL RESERVATION DEADLINE - JANUARY 12th or until the Conference room block is sold out) PLEASE CALL THE THE DESMOND AT 518.869.8100 TO BOOK YOUR RESERVATION. CONFERENCE PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE - JANUARY 27th (please register at the Conference registration desk as a walk-in after this date.) REGISTRATION CANCELLATION DEADLINE JANUARY 27th Paid registrations cancelled PRIOR to Jan. 27th will be refunded and subject to a 25% administrative fee. Cancellations made after this date cannot be refunded. All cancellations must be made via email to [email protected]. HOTEL RATES INCLUDE MEALS! Registration Fees Hotel/Meal Packages Full Conference Registration - $ 1 9 0 Includes participation in all workshops, plenary sessions, exhibit hall, and coffee breaks on Monday through Wednesday. (Please note that this registration rate does not include meals. Meals are part of the hotel package rate OR may be purchased a la carte at our registration desk.) One-Day Registration - $ 1 3 0 Includes participation in all workshops, plenary sessions, exhibit hall, and coffee breaks on ONE DAY ONLY. Please note that we cannot combine partial days into a one day fee. (Please note that this registration rate does not include meals. Meals are part of the hotel package rate OR may be purchased a la carte at our registration desk.) Registration fees apply only to county officials and state/federal representatives. Private sector attendees NYSAC conferences offer what is known as a FULL AMERICAN PLAN hotel package rate. A Full American Plan includes both MEALS and HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS. PACKAGE 1 Arrival 2/2 Depart 2/4 Hotel room for Monday and Tuesday nights Monday lunch, dinner –Tuesday breakfast, lunch Wednesday breakfast, gratuities PACKAGE 2 Arrival 2/2 Depart 2/3 Hotel room for Monday night only Monday lunch, dinner –Tuesday breakfast, lunch, gratuities PACKAGE 3 Arrival 2/3 Depart 2/4 Hotel room for Tuesday night only Tuesday breakfast, lunch– Wednesday breakfast, gratuities The Dennis A. Pelletier County Government Institute is a structured educational program designed for elected and appointed county officials. It is designed to make county officials more knowledgeable of the issues and better prepared to find ways to address them in a cooperative manner. A Certificate of Achievement is awarded to each county official who completes the Institute’s course requirements. Look for the Dennis A. Pelletier County Government cap and diploma symbol in the workshop program to determine which of our workshops are eligible for earned credits. NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference P Plenary Sessions . Certificate Programs . Professional Development Series Understanding Your True Colors Using the Color Spectrum to Analyze and Understand Professional Communication Issues Presented in a fast, fun, interactive format, Real Colors participants learn to quickly identify their own temperament—or "color"—and that of others in order to better understand and express points of view and professional information. Using this powerful knowledge, participants develop more effective professional and personal communication skills and build better relationships—in and out of the workplace. Join us for the “ultimate” approach to collaboration in your professional life. Learn to craft and express your point effectively while collaborating and understanding other perspectives and approaches for maximum success. (Tuesday Afternoon Plenary, 2/3, 3:30pm-5:00pm) Welcome Newly Elected County Officials! NYS Emergency Management Certification and Training Program: Tier 1 The New York State Emergency Management Certification and Training (EMC & T) Program supports Governor Cuomo’s strategy of creating unified emergency management training for County Chief Executives and other emergency management stakeholders. The New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) has worked with the local emergency management community to develop standardized curriculum for three tiers of training aimed at: County Chief Executives (Tier 1), County Emergency Managers (Tier 2), and other local public officials within the Counties (Tier 3). County Chief Executives and County Emergency Managers must complete the training (to include annual refresher training) for DHSES grant eligibility purposes. The training covers all facets of emergency management, including disaster preparedness, response and recovery. It also outlines the legal authorities and responsibilities related to emergency management in New York State. DHSES is partnering with NYSAC to deliver the County Chief Executive (Tier 1) portion of the training. The training will also meet the annual refresher requirement for those that have previously completed a Tier 1 training. (Wed. Closing Plenary, 2/4 9:30am-2pm) NYSAC is once again pleased to offer a special ORIENTATION FOR NEWLY ELECTED AND APPOINTED COUNTY OFFICIALS. The session will provide new county officials or existing county leaders an opportunity to refresh their knowledge with an overview of the complex issues they will face as county leaders. Basic instruction on the duties and responsibilities of county officials, county organizational structures, government ethics, adopting the county budget, open meeting law requirements, the state legislative process and a description of the issues confronting counties in the year ahead will be included in this orientation session. There is a separate $50 registration fee for participation in this session in addition to the NYSAC conference fee. See conference registration form for details. NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference WWorkshops Orientation for Newly Elected & Appointed County Officials The NYSAC newly elected orientation program, a joint presentation of the Pelletier Institute, NYSAC and Cornell University, provides new county officials with an overview of the complex issues they face as county leaders. Basic instruction in the duties and responsibilities of county officials, county organizational structures, government ethics, adopting the county budget, open meeting law requirements, the state legislative process and a description of the issues confronting counties in the year ahead will be included in this orientation session. There is a separate $50 registration fee for participation in this session in addition to the NYSAC conference fee. Lunch, breaks and materials are included. (Monday, 2/2, NY Connects: A Coordinated Gateway to Community Services Learn the latest on the Balancing Incentive Program (BIP), a federal initiative authorizing grants to States to increase access to non-institutional community-based long-term services and supports. New York’s BIP grant for $598.7 million requires the state to expand the NY Connects among them. NY Connects programs are currently operational in 54 counties, and the new BIP funding will be used to strengthen and expand the NY Connects Network to be a one-stop shop for longterm services and supports. This presentation will provide an overview of the impact at the local level, including improved coordination and examples of models in use at the local level. (Monday, 2/2, 2:00-3:15pm) 9:30am-5:00pm) Communicating with Your Constituents: Putting Polling Data to Good Use When poll data about a county issue is released, what do you do? What can you learn from the information? Can poll data be used to improve county decision making? In this session, polling experts will discuss what you can learn from polls, how polling data can be helpful to county officials, and what you should pay attention to when new poll results are released. (Monday, 2/2, 2:00-3:15pm) Informed Decision Making Local officials allocate resources and make key decisions regarding complex, challenging issues. In a time of increased fiscal constraint, heightened political tensions, and demands for greater accountability and efficiency, officials face a myriad of pressures. In turn, land grant institutions, along with other universities, need to ensure that the research, data, information and programming they produce to inform local decisions is relevant and accessible while conforming to academic standards. A central goal of this project is to improve local government oriented extension and outreach practice. This session provides an opportunity for local officials to reflect on their processes, individually and collectively, for decision making. (Monday, 2/2, 2:00-3:15pm) NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference Streamlining the Waste Stream: Taking the Lead in Solid Waste Management Managing solid waste is an important service that counties provide. Across New York, local governments deal with waste stream issues from recycling, hauling, landfills, composting and beyond. Join us for this important session that will highlight the work several counties are doing to lead waste management in a new direction. (Monday, 2/2, 2:00-3:15pm) Preschool Special Education: Update on Reimbursement & Program Changes New State laws require that special education itinerant services (SEIT) are reimbursed only for services actually delivered. The past tuition-based reimbursement practice was to pay for services ordered, regardless of whether a student or teacher may be absent from a session. The State Education Department will provide an update on changes that are slated to begin July 1, 2015 for SEIT reimbursement and also the status of center-based tuition program reimbursement and any other pertinent program changes. (Monday, 2/2, 2:00- 3:15pm) Early Intervention Update The Early Intervention program continues working through the transition to the statewide fiscal agent model, which includes evolving programmatic and fiscal information technology system upgrades designed to improve program oversight and administration. DOH officials will provide a status update February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference WWorkshops on the fiscal agent and program management process, as well as any relevant updates on IDEA and any changes in reimbursement for service coordination due to a switch from fee-for-service to a capitated rate. (Monday, 2/2, 3:45-5:00pm) Ethics and Integrity in Government Government has a responsibility to ensure that their officers and employees are versed in the ethical statutes and rules that apply to them. According to the National Government Ethics Survey® in 2007, “nearly six in ten government employees saw at least one form of misconduct in the past twelve months. How are New York State employees, government officials, and public corporations regulated in the ways of ethics, political activities, and postemployment rules after leaving government service? This timely training will combine the skills of experts in the field of ethics and public integrity. (Monday, 2/2, 3:45- Roundtable with State Commission of Correction County jail administrators and sheriffs work with the Commission of Correction on issues ranging from facility expansion, boarding out and inmate healthcare. Bring your most pressing questions and join us as we welcome Chairman Tom Beilein for a frank discussion on issues facing our county jails. (Monday, 2/2, 3:45-5:00pm) State Budget Review 2015 Even with a sizable one-time surplus of funds coming into state coffers, the State Budget still faces considerable challenges. Fundamental budget and spending reforms enacted in recent years have improved the long term outlook for the State Budget, but adhering to these self-imposed spending guidelines requires significant fiscal discipline. This workshop will provide a review of the Governor’s Budget proposal and the potential impact on counties. (Tuesday, 2/3, 9:00am-10:15am) 5:00pm) Professional Development Series: Completing Your Efficiency Plan The State’s property tax freeze plan encourages counties to coordinate the local government efficiency plan with their municipalities. This coordination would allow for information sharing and efficiencies of scale. From shared purchasing to equipment lending, localities are working to reduce costs. This session will provide an update of where counties are in the efficiency planning process, how to position local projects, and ways to achieve the 1 percent tax levy savings required under the law. 2/3, 9:00am-10:15am) (Monday, 2/2, 3:45-5:00pm) Risks on the Rails: The Impact of Crude Oil Transport in Your County Communities impacted by rail transport of crude oil from ports and refineries has become a hot button issue confronting the State and many local governments in New York. This workshop will explore the experiences of counties that have taken the issue head on with regard to both health and safety, and economic need. (Monday, 2/2, 3:45-5:00pm) NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference Creative Problem Solving Techniques In this program, you will have an opportunity to systematically solve situational challenges you encounter in your own organization. Working through a series of models, personal assessments, and case studies, you will tap into your natural intelligence and potential for solving complex workplace problems. (Tuesday, Websites: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Your county’s website is its virtual front door. Are you putting your best virtual face forward? What can you do to make your county website work better for you and your residents? This session will look at the important features of a userfriendly county website, and how you can take the first steps toward an A+ website. (Tuesday, 2/3, 9:00am-10:15am) Public Water: The Silent Service Water treatment and delivery is often considered a silent service—provided quietly and constantly on a daily basis to all.. Despite its ‘silence’ much effort is put into providing clean water and protecting drinking water resources. This session will focus on this important public service and describe the health, public safety and logistical challenges faced in water management and treatment. (Tuesday, 2/3, 9:00am-10:15am) February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference Workshops W Shared Services: Collaborating Across County Lines Counties are breaking new ground in shared services arrangements by partnering across county lines to improve service delivery and government efficiency. Genesee and Orleans counties are implementing a unique initiative to share a single public health officer across both counties. The innovative solution has been awarded one of only 16 nationwide grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to foster and inform implementation. Hear from county officials and representatives from the Foundation on the genesis of the project and progress so far. (Tuesday, 2/3, 10:45am-12:00pm) Public Health Protocols: Dealing with Ebola and Other Large Scale Public Health Risks In a global world, the risk of exposure to communicable disease is often truly a plane, train, car or bus ride away. Local, state, federal and clinical care provider response to the ongoing Ebola epidemic highlights the need for coordination on both a legal and operational level. Join state and local health officials to discuss New York State’s response, including ongoing legal, intergovernmental and border state/country challenges. (Tuesday, 2/3, 10:45am-12:00pm) Exploring the Role of Planning In Your County Planning departments serve as a regional resource in many counties. Planners take on a wide variety of projects - from assisting towns and local planning units with zoning, coordinating economic development projects, grant writing and planning large-scale infrastructure investments. Join us to hear more about the breadth and depth of activities planning departments take on and the benefits they provide to our communities. (Tuesday, 2/3, 10:45am-12:00pm) Professional Development Series: Developing Dynamic Presentation and Briefing Skills Listeners may not care what you do; but they do care about what you can do for them. This session concentrates on teaching participants the right skills ranging from delivering a series of facts, and improved situational awareness. Participants will learn how to best gain and retain their audience's comprehension and attention. This course will help participants display confidence and poise when making a presentation. After this NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference training, participants will be able to give clear, concise presentations to superiors, peers, customers or technical audiences. Interactive discussions and tools from your industry will be explored to enable a full understanding of the briefing techniques within your own personal work environment. (Tuesday, 2/3, 10:45am-12:00pm) Mitigating Flood Impacts through Sustainable River Restoration Recent storms and flood events have resulted in significant damage to local infrastructure across the state. In response, counties are exploring a variety of ways to mitigate the impact of future floods. This presentation will provide guidance to county officials for leveraging existing opportunities for funding to implement sustainable river restoration projects that would reduce the impact of future flood events in their communities. (Tuesday, 2/3, 10:45am-12:00pm) Public Sector Labor/Management Relations Participants will learn about the unique labor/management relationships existing in county government as established under State law. Topics of this session will include the requirements of the Civil Service Law, the Taylor Law, the operations and responsibilities of the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), and procedures mandated under other relevant state statutes. This session is one of the core course requirements under the Dennis A. Pelletier County Government Institute. (4 credits) (Tuesday, 2/3, 2:00pm-5:00pm) Current Topics in Real Property Tax Administration Join us for a review of current topics affecting real property taxation in counties. Topics will include the property tax freeze checks and how they are calculated, tax shifts due to apportionment and how they can affect rebate checks, and how the definition of correction of errors within the Real Property Tax Law has been expanded. The session will also address how the STAR registration process has made the local tax base more equitable and pending issues that affect the tax collection and foreclosure process. (Tuesday, 2/3, 2:00pm- 3:15pm) February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference WWorkshops Kids in Court: An Update on Raising the Age in NYS New York is one of the only states in the country that prosecutes 16 and 17-year-olds as adults in Criminal Court. In 2014, Governor Cuomo's endorsed raising the age of criminal responsibility in New York and created a commission to accomplish this change. Come hear from members of the Commission and from local probation and social services officials on how this major public policy change will happen in New York State. (Tuesday, 2/3, 2:00pm-3:15pm) Advocacy and Funding for Indigent Legal Services: Relieving the Fiscal Burdens to Counties The Director of the New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services will discuss the impact of the recent five county HurrellHarring settlement. Efforts to obtain additional state funding for the remainder of the counties in order to improve quality and reduce the fiscal burden placed on all counties to provide indigent legal services will also be discussed. (Tuesday, 2/3, 2:00pm-3:15pm) 2pm) Professional Development Series Plenary Understanding Your True Colors: Using the Color Spectrum to Analyze and Understand Professional Communication Issues Presented in a fast, fun, interactive format, Real Colors participants learn to quickly identify their own temperament—or "color"—and that of others in order to better understand and express points of view and professional information. Using this powerful knowledge, participants develop more effective professional and personal communication skills and build better relationships—in and out of the workplace. Join us for the “ultimate” approach to collaboration in your professional life. Learn to craft and express your point effectively while collaborating and understanding other perspectives and approaches for maximum success. (Tuesday, 2/3, 3:30pm-5:00pm) NYS Emergency Management Certification and Training Program: Tier 1 The New York State Emergency Management Certification and Training (EMC & T) Program supports Governor Cuomo’s strategy of creating unified emergency management training for County Chief Executives and other emergency management stakeholders. The New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) has worked with the NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference local emergency management community to develop standardized curriculum for three tiers of training aimed at: County Chief Executives (Tier 1), County Emergency Managers (Tier 2), and other local public officials within the Counties (Tier 3). County Chief Executives and County Emergency Managers must complete the training (to include annual refresher training) for DHSES grant eligibility purposes. The training covers all facets of emergency management, including disaster preparedness, response and recovery. It also outlines the legal authorities and responsibilities related to emergency management in New York State. DHSES is partnering with NYSAC to deliver the County Chief Executive (Tier 1) portion of the training. The training will also meet the annual refresher requirement for those that have previously completed a Tier 1 training. (Wed, 2/4, 9:30am- 4 Convenient Ways to Register! ONLINE—Preferred Method! (County Officials ONLY) www.regonline.com/nysaclegconf2015 FAX NYSAC Registration Form (to NYSAC) (518) 465-0506 MAIL (NYSAC Reg Form ONLY) NYSAC, 540 Broadway, 5th Floor Albany, NY 12207 ONSITE You may register as a walk-in on site at any time throughout the conference at the NYSAC Registration Desk. February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany N Y S A C 2 0 1 5 L E G I S L A T I V E C O N F E R E N C E F E B R U A R Y HOTEL RESERVATIONS Reservations will only be accepted by PHONE until Jan.12th or until sold out: 2 - 4 , 2 0 1 5 Phone 518.869.8100 NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference Hotel Reservation Form The Desmond Hotel, 660 Albany–Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211 Call for Reservations: (518) 869.8100 Hotel Packages Package 1 Monday Arrival 2/2 Wednesday Departure 2/4 Single $491/ per person Double Share $347/ per person Includes room on Monday & Tuesday Nights, Monday Lunch/Taste of NY Dinner Reception, Tuesday Breakfast/Lunch, Wednesday Breakfast, Gratuities Package 2 Monday Arrival 2/2 Tuesday Departure 2/3 Single $309/ per person Double Share $237/ per person Includes room on Monday Night, Monday Lunch/Tast of NY Dinner Reception, Tuesday Breakfast/Lunch, Gratuities Package 3 Tuesday Arrival 2/3 Wednesday Departure 2/4 Single $245/ per person Double Share $173/ per person Includes room on Tuesday Night, Tuesday Breakfast/Lunch, Wednesday Breakfast, Gratuities Early Arrival - Sunday February 1, 2015 Single $135/ per person Double Share $75/ per person ($150 total for Double Room) To ensure our conference is ADA accessible to all, please indicate if you require special assistance. IF YES, please specify: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOTEL DEPOSIT: YOU WILL NEED TO GUARANTEE YOUR RESERVATION WITH A CREDIT CARD OR AN ADVANCED DEPOSIT. PLEASE BOOK YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION BY PHONE BY CALLING THE DESMOND AT (518) 869-8100 or (800) 448-3500 PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING FOR IMPORTANT HOTEL INFORMATION Hotel reservation must be received by January 12, 2015 after which time the room block will be released and reservations will be accepted based on availability. Please note that the room block CAN sell out prior to the cut off date so register early to ensure a room in the hotel. NYSAC encourages you to make your reservation as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience. Room reservations at the Desmond are on a first come, first served basis. Check-in time is 4:00 pm. Guest room availability cannot be guaranteed before that time. Please confirm date of departure at check-in to avoid an early departure fee of $25.00. Please present the hotel with a tax-exempt certificate upon registration. Checkout is 12 noon. Upon checking out, please pay the hotel directly by cash, check, credit card or county voucher. For your convenience, The Desmond will provide a room for storing your luggage. Hotel Confirmation will be sent by the Desmond Hotel as an acknowledgement of your reservation within 2 weeks of receipt of the form and once the credit card deposit is confirmed or payment is received. Please bring your confirmation to the hotel for prompt check-in. If for any reason you need to cancel your reservation with the Desmond, please be sure to notify The Desmond (518)869-8100 DIRECTLY, 72 hours prior to arrival to avoid being charged for the room. If the Desmond is not contacted directly the registrant is responsible for all hotel charges. Please note that NYSAC cannot accept hotel cancellations. You may cancel this reservation 72 hours prior to your check- in date without charge. Should you fail to arrive or cancel after 72 hours prior to the check - in date, you will be charged the entire package. In the event you need to leave or change your reservation once registered, the entire value of the package will be charged. NYSAC LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 2-4, 2015 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Register Today ! Fax THIS Form to NYSAC 518-465-0506 NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference Registration Form Registrations will be accepted via mail, fax, or online: NYSAC, 540 Broadway, 5th Floor, Albany, NY 12207 FAX: 518.465.0506 Register online or fax/mail this form to NYSAC Name____________________________________________________________Preferred Badge First Name_____________ Title_________________________________________________County ________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________Fax _________________________Email REQUIRED_______________________ $190 Full Conference Registration– please note this rate is only available to member counties and their employees Includes participation at all open sessions, program workshops, affiliate programs Monday –Wednesday. (Please note that registration rates do not include meals. Meals are part of the hotel packages or can be purchased a la carte at the registration desk) $130 One-Day Registration– please note this rate is only available to member counties and their employees Includes participation at open sessions, program workshopson ONE DAY ONLY. (Please note that we cannot combine partial days into a one day fee. A one day fee entitles you to attend on one day only - without exception) (Please note that registration rates do not include meals. Meals are part of the hotel packages or can be purchased a la carte at the registration desk) Please check the day you will be attending: Monday Tuesday $50 Dennis A. Pelletier County Government Institute: Orientation for Newly Elected & Appointed County Officials Participation in Monday’s 7-hour orientation for newly elected & appointed county officials ONLY. Certificate presented upon completion of training. Monday lunch included in this registration type only. (If you plan on attending the full NYSAC Legislative Conf. you must ALSO register as a One Day Registration with the fee listed above. The $50 Pelletier fee only registers you for the 7-hour Newly Electeds Program on Monday and is a separate program IN ADDITION to the Legislative Conference) PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES CAN ONLY REGISTER AS AN EXHIBITOR OR SPONSOR VIA VENDOR FORMS @ WWW.NYSAC.ORG REGISTER ONLINE @ www.regonline.com/nysaclegconf2015 Pre-Registration Deadline: January 27, 2015 * (*You may register for the conference after the deadline date as a walk–in registrant at the Conference registration desk .) PAYMENT INFORMATION All conference registrations must be paid upon invoice. If using a voucher or purchase order - please submit upon registration. Vouchers and purchase orders must be filled out completely by the registrant - including the names of which attendee(s) will be covered by that voucher/purchase order to ensure prompt return of the forms to the county for payment in a timely fashion. Vouchers that have not been completely filled out by the registrant will be returned without registration processing. METHOD OF PAYMENT Check Purchase Order or Voucher FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS PLEASE PROCESS YOUR REGISTRATION ONLINE AT THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. Please make checks payable to NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference NYSAC, 540 Broadway, 5th Floor, Albany, NY 12207 Please note: Any registrations cancelled prior to January 27, 2015 will be subject to a 25% administrative fee. Registrations cancelled after January 27, 2015 cannot be refunded. Cancellations must be made via email to [email protected] NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference February 2-4, 2015 The Desmond . Albany 540 Broadway, 5th Floor Albany, New York 12207 NYSAC Legislative Conference Materials Enclosed! NYSAC 2015 Legislative Conference February 2-4, 2015 Desmond Hotel Albany, New York
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