Beckington Berkley Lullington & Orchardleigh Rodden The Beckington Group of Parishes Network February 2015 1 CONTACT LIST Rector Revd. Andrew Chalkley 01373 830314 [email protected] Regular rest day: Friday Clergy PTO Revd. Noel Hawkins 01373 228357 Readers Dr. J. Beaven Readers PTO 830535 Mr. G. Bridges 01225 755784 Mr. S. McKie 830369 Mr. H. M. Daniel 461870 Cdr. E. Phillimore 830677 Reader Emeritus Mr. A. Hawker 474309 Baptist Minister: The Revd. M. I. White Email: [email protected] 453334 07971 438694 Church Officers Beckington PCC Secretary M Rolf 01225 763040 [email protected] P. Spencer 830932 Church [email protected] Wardens L. Spencer 830932 [email protected] Beckington Web Site: Beckington School Web Site: Berkley School Web Site: Springmead School Web Site: S Conway 830228 [email protected] Beckington Memorial Hall Treasurer J Johnson Gary Peters 01373 830949 [email protected] Berkley Beckington Parish Council PCC Secretary Caroline White [email protected] Church Warden J Hayward 832315 Clerk: Joy Book 01373 300184 [email protected] Chair: Stan Wilson 01373 830337 Church Warden E J Oakes 473989 Berkley Parish Council [email protected] Clerk: Janet Harvey 01373 832303 Treasurer C Eyres 830625 [email protected] Bell ringing practice Rodden at St. George’s is every Thursday PCC Secretary C Higham 472636 from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Deputy Tower Captain: J Ball 830419 Church Warden J Beck 464574 [email protected] A Sandall 465869 [email protected] Emeritus: D Pattinson Treasurer S McKie 830369 Lullington/Orchardleigh PCC Sec: O & L G Bridges 01225 755784 Ch. Warden: O [email protected] Treasurer: Jo Rathmell (Orchardleigh) [email protected] Ch. Warden: O J Ladd(Orchardleigh) 830514 Ch. Warden: L R Bridges 01225755784 Treasurer: Jo Rathmell Lullington [email protected] Verger: J Hayward 832315 Orchardleigh [email protected] Wedding Admin. J Ladd 830514 [email protected] [email protected] Beckington Group Mothers’ Union Branch Leader: Mary Earle 01373 302817. Meets 1st Wed in the month except August. All welcome. Beckington Tower Lighting Mary Hickling 01373 830274 Beckington Pre-School Please submit items for publication in the March issue to: [email protected] no later than February 20th Network Advertising: Mrs. J. Evemy, 01823 322 287 [email protected] 2 respectfully. As the Pope said, "You cannot provoke, you cannot insult … There is a limit." A salient point, I think. Rector’s Blog Êtes-vous Charlie? The debate about the relationship between free speech and respect for others continues. Êtes-vous Charlie? The free exchange of ideas is a core value of western society, and this, plus the horror of the attacks (both on the offices of Charlie Hebdo and at the kosher supermarket in east Paris), brought out thousands to protest. Freedom of expression? Yes! But with freedom comes responsibility. One last muddying of the waters: how much space did the media give to those who lost their lives in Nigeria to terrorist attacks, around the same time as the attacks in Paris? So where do we go from here? As ever, I believe the best example of how to respond with wisdom, integrity and humanity has already been shown us… The world’s best-selling book tells us that Christ is the ultimate example of downward mobility - of leaving the glory of heaven, of emptying himself of its power and being born in squalor. He permitted himself to face the mockery of a trial and the ignominy of crucifixion. “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth” (Isaiah 53: 7). The One whom heaven’s song proclaims chose not to stand on his rights, but “was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors” (53: 12). Terrible? Of course. Yet the waters seem muddied. The Islamic prohibition on pictures of Mohammed has never been universal: it stems from a hadith, or tradition, and not from the Koran. Additionally, the attacks shed light on the fragmented nature of society in France. When interviewed, French Muslims very quickly speak about feeling disenfranchised, perhaps reflecting legal differences between France as a secular state and the UK as a Christian one. Yes, that’s right, this is a Christian country. Its institutions are shaped by the Christian faith, its head of state is Defender of the Faith (that is, the catholic and reformed Christian faith of the Church of England), and when a sovereign is crowned, they are anointed by four bishops. In a free country no-one is obliged to believe (although I recently heard of a survey in which one in five atheists admit to praying in secret!), but this is a Christian country. Our freedom of expression laws are tempered, as in other countries, by the responsibility to communicate Êtes-vous Charlie? Oui, et non! With all good wishes, . Andrew Chalkley 3 Find your zest for life Zing Somerset is a website and phone app designed to encourage and motivate people of all ages who live in Somerset to get and stay physically active. It not only allows people to record their activity minutes but is also designed to be a one stop shop to allow people to browse what is on offer in Somerset. Zing Somerset also has a number of challenges for people to sign up to and record their minutes towards. These challenges maybe to train and run a race, to try out an activity they haven’t logged before, to introduce a friend to physical activity etc. Zing is commissioned by NHS Somerset to the Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership. Please visit and sign up FREE today! 4 Beckington Limousines Danceworks CLASSICAL BALLET, JAZZ, TAP HIP-HOP, DRAMA & SINGING DANCE CLASSES FOR CHILDREN FROM 3 YEARS T. 01373 474481 [email protected] Weddings, Theatre trips, School proms, Children’s parties, Race meetings, Birthdays/Anniversary celebrations # And all other special occasions Tel: 01373 831717 Dust Busters Independent Domestic Cleaners Reliable and trustworthy References available Tel: 077616 45580 Or: 079215 55030 Jeremy Young Systemic Family Therapist U.K.C.P. Registered D HURLE PLASTERING SERVICE Reliable and trustworthy Competitive rates, no job too small Tel: 07849 717702 Anne Young Jungian Analyst/Psychotherapist U.K.C.P. Registered Individual, Couple and Family Counselling/Psychotherapy For Personal or Relationship Difficulties, including Depression, Stress, Bereavement, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Abuse, Low Self-Esteem, Poor Communication, Couples’ Issues, Children’s Problems, Family Feuds, EMDR Private Health Insurance Providers WESTERLEY HOUSE, TELLISFORD, NR. RODE, BATH BA2 7RL 5 Please ring: 01373 831 349 • Farm shop • Deli • Home reared pork, vegetables & salad grown on farm • Own free range eggs • The Scallop Shell fish counter • Jon Thorner’s butchery • Café/Restaurant/Grill – open for evening meals • Gift shop & florist (weddings, funerals & special occasions) • Take Away fish & chips Monday - Friday 9 am to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 am to 5 p.m. Sunday 10 am to 2 p.m. (café to 4pm) Restaurant: Tues-Sat from 5.30pm White Row Farm Shop, Beckington BA11 6TN Tel: 01373 830798 REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR HOME AND GARDEN Ben Sergeant o Painting and decorating o Shelving and blinds o Fencing and decking o Pergolas and garden sheds o Garden clearance o All home/garden repairs Telephone: 07706 683699 Email: [email protected] 9-11 Goose Street, Beckington, Frome BA11 6SS 6 7 understanding of the Christmas story. We are really blessed with an amazing community around us! St. George’s Beckington Jesus' Christmas Journey A team from St. George's, together with a worker from Scripture Union, took pupils and staff from Beckington First School through "Jesus' Christmas Journey". The church was transformed into various 'zones', in each of which a part of the Advent-Christmas-Epiphany salvation story was retold through drama and interactive talks, by people dressed up for the part! Chair of governors Steve Farndale wrote: I just wanted to drop you a note on behalf of my wife and I to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication in bringing the Christmas story to life for the children at Beckington School. Lottie had a wonderful three days engaging in all the activities and from her enthusiasm in telling us over dinner what she had been doing each day certainly proved that she had thoroughly enjoyed and also understood some of the key themes and messages. I fully appreciate all the hard work that had gone in to both the preparation of the activities and also delivering them on the day. It was a fantastic experience for all the children. Please can you pass on my sincere thanks to all involved? Head teacher Claire Chantler added: Thank-you all, we really appreciate all the hard work you put into making this a really worthwhile project for all the children. There will be many memorable experiences for the children which will aid their Floodlighting If you would like the tower to be floodlit on a particular date, please contact Mary Hickling (830274 [email protected]). Suggested donation £10 payable to PCC Beckington only please. The tower was lit: in January in memory of Michael Rustell, from Mary and all his family with love. O January 2nd in loving memory of my mother and mother-in-law - Jo Casey On January 15th In memory of our son Joshua. The Vesey Family Diary Dates April 25th St. George's Evening Beckington Memorial Hall 7p.m. May 16th Coffee, cakes plants at Beckington Baptist Church Hall, 10a.m.-12 noon.(for Friends of St. George's) 7th November. St. George's Market Beckington Memorial Hall 12 noon3p.m. 8 From the Registers St Mary’s Berkley Beckington Baptisms 30th November A well attended Craft Bazaar Marriage 11th December St Mary’s Berkley PCC would like to thank Pauline Wheeler and all her helpers for organising the Christmas Craft Bazaar in the church last November. Burials 3rd December 19th December Grateful thanks also to Kate Welch who organised the raffle. Teagan Yorke-Edgell Penelope Yorke-Edgell Linda Taylor and Andrew Axford Florence Beatrice Knight Dorothy Monica Evans Orchardleigh Marriages 2014 12th December - Michael Powell and Sarah Wilkinson 13th December - Nicholas Tose and Rebecca Hunt 14th December - Christopher Johnson and Stephanie Brown 20th December - Lee Wooles and Kate Gibbs 21st December - Jack Ricketts and Samantha Collins-Thomas 22nd December - Michael O'Donnell and Kimberley Parr 2015 4th January Duncan Snook and Camilla Peevers Blessing 2014 29th December - Thomas Hemming and Josy Hemming Lullington Marriages The whole event raised £977 for church funds which is split between the running costs and fabric of Berkley church. Shoebox Appeal Thank you to staff, parents and pupils at Berkley school and to all who have done shoeboxes. 9,000 boxes went to Albania, 10,000 to Zambia. I haven’t yet heard from Westbury how many went to Bosnia or Serbia, as soon as I hear I will let you know. The shoeboxes given by Berkley School went to Zambia. A special thank you to Mrs Bradley of Beckington who knitted 30 hats and 30 scarves to go in the boxes! Again, thank you because it’s very important for these needy children to know they are loved - most importantly, of course, that will one day come to know the love of Jesus. 2014 22nd November - Stephen Larkman and Alexandra Rudge 2015 10th January - Christopher Williams and Emma Williams Maureen Newman Thanksgiving for a Child 2014 21 December - James Walker 9 First Thursdays at No 30 will be on February 5th. We had a small but enjoyable get together on New Year’s Day, getting 2015 off to a good start. Everyone welcome to join us 30 Styles Hill from 10.30am. on the first Thursday of every month. All Saints Rodden Christmas is now a distant memory, a happy time at Rodden, with the church beautifully decorated by our small band of artistic flower arrangers and good congregations at the Carol Service and on Christmas Day. The Social Committee met recently and the events for the year are listed below. EVENTS FOR 2015 February 13th Coffee Morning at 22 Styles Avenue 10am – noon March 20th Soup and Pudds 12 – 2pm May 9th Wildlife Talk 7.30pm June 20th Puddings Evening 7pm July 11th BBQ 6pm September 5th Beetle Drive 6.30pm October 5th Harvest Supper 7pm October 30th Fun Quiz 7.30pm November 28th Festive Soup and Pudds lunch 12 - 2pm Once again the Christmas Eve Carols on the Green attracted a large crowd, several of us tried counting but gave up at over eighty. Once more our thanks go to the Rev. Ward Jones for leading and involving everyone in the singing. A Coffee Morning will be held at 22 Styles Avenue on Friday February 13th from 10am -noon by kind permission of Mrs Caroline Higham. There will be a Bring and Buy, Raffle and other competitions. Always an enjoyable occasion, a warm welcome to all. Sunday March 15th Sheila Walker Please note that Rodden's 11am Mothering Sunday service will now be Matins The final draw for the 200 Club took place in November. The winners were :1st Mrs E.Clark 2nd Mr S.Herridge 3rd Mrs S.Stephenson 4th Mr J.Compton Flowers Forms for 2015 will be available next month. 10 Cleaning 1 Mrs Dowling Mrs Dowling 8 Mrs Beck Mrs Beck 15 Mrs Beck Mrs Beck 22 LENT Mrs Antell aerodynamically efficient lining up here, no straight lines, no leaders, no outriders and no apparent organization at all. They just flap along in a rabble, jeering at each other and telling rude jokes. Lullington & Orchardleigh Delights of Lullington 32: Rooks Rooks are rarely in a hurry, even when the winter light is fading. The chaotic procession tumbles on in the vague direction of the rookery, rising and falling like a lazy rollercoaster. Some birds suddenly fold their wings and plummet a few feet. Others decide to turn and fly in the opposite direction for a while – maybe to annoy the others, or maybe to assert their independence – before rejoining their mates. They do this journey every day, so they may as well have a bit of a laugh on the way. It’s the raw end of the year. The days are short, the air is dank and the clouds are grim. But there’s always something to entertain us out of doors, and right now it’s rooks. “The last red leaf is whirled away,” wrote Tennyson, “The rooks are blown about the skies.” And that’s just how they look. Like no other bird, rooks scramble and tumble through the air as if they were scraps of black rag, entirely at the mercy of the wind. They seem to have no bones or muscles as they are blasted up, down, inside out and upside down. Great Bustard It’s all an illusion, of course, for the rook is the Norman Wisdom of the air. He or she can appear clumsy and comical, doing pratfalls in the sky and cackling delightedly at the silliness of it all. But in fact rooks are in perfect control of their bodies: it’s they who harness the wind, not vice-versa. By altering their wing shapes and flexing the finger-like feathers at the ends they can soar or stall or stoop or turn. They can ride thermals like buzzards, balance on the breeze like kestrels and gain height almost as quickly as herons. Thank you's Andrew, Philippa and Meg thank everyone for their cards and good wishes at Christmas. Andrew adds his appreciation to everyone who decorated our churches and made others feel welcome over the busy Advent and Christmas period. The PCC and congregation at St. George's Beckington are grateful to Jean Johnson for so beautifully reworking the white Table frontal, which, when seasonal colours are white, can be seen in the new side chapel. With these stunning aerial skills, it’s all the more cheering that rooks don’t give a toss about looking cool. Watch a bunch of them going home to roost in the late winter afternoons. They are anarchists. There’s no 11 Blackbird children and those preparing for this term’s competitions, Year 3/4 sports and matches with Springmead, and a new singing club being run by mum, Becca Hall. This is as well as classes having football sessions with Martin Phillips and sports with ‘Superstars’, plus our regular wellie walks and Nature Explorers, which will soon involve visiting the new hides with John Yates from the RSPB who's kindly coming in to show groups how he uses his telescopes. Beckington School News So here we are in 2015...and what a year it's set to be! We started it with our eagerly anticipated, annual trip to Bath to see the Theatre Royal's spectacular 'Cinderella' complete with shimmering carriage and two ponies! Everyone had a great time joining in the fun, including new Year 1 pupil Isabelle, who came along to a warm welcome on her first day in Robin class! She’s settled straight into school life and although there might not be a show every day, we hope she has many happy times ahead! The PSA are looking forward to another busy few months too, supporting Pre-School with a stall at their Easter Egg Hunt on March 22nd and doing more fundraising with a ceilidh on April 18th, a nature walk and cream teas on May 10th and, of course, the school's end of term discos and cake sales. Grown-ups are also hoping to squeeze in some DIY to help finish revamping areas in the school and playgrounds (when the weather improves a little!) before a major summer project brings further changes to play areas inspired by the children's design ideas! We also came back to a big, blue box sat in the garden playground - not a TARDIS but a "Play Pod" put in place over the holidays! It's full of what can be best described as "sorted recycling" provided and replenished by the Wiltshire Scrap Store which children use under supervision at lunchtimes in creative play. This exciting initiative looks set to fill lunchtimes with dens, role play games, hammocks, cardboard towers, vehicles, swings...everything they can imagine! It’s lucky everyone had plenty of rest over the holidays! Janine Franklin Our new topic’s also begun: robots. This is proving very popular with class DT, art and science projects, fantastic stories, a brilliant robot building workshop which many parents joined in with, and a trip for Owl class to spend time exploring @Bristol. Of course, all our extra-curricular activities are back like Bumbles, breakfast club, gymnastics for 12 We have received another letter from our sponsor child Vianney in Burundi. He talks about how he is studying well and has moved up a grade in school, that he enjoys playing football and swimming in a nearby lake and how much he enjoys getting our letters and pictures. This term Squirrels class will be writing to him. Berkley School We had a busy and exciting time at the end of last term. Both choirs went to the Football Club to sing to the community. They sang beautifully. The ladies and gentlemen, who were having their Christmas lunch, were very impressed and enjoyed the traditional carols. Yvonne Rayner We always have great fun at our Christmas parties. Thanks to the FBS. This year we had our Christmas dinner and then Rob entertained us. He told us the Gruffalo story and made each of us a balloon model to take home. Then Father Christmas came!!!!! This term our topic is called ‘Forest Fever’ and we are learning about the importance of the Rainforests. We started with an Art Wow Day where we made plants and animals for our role-play and reading areas. We are also hoping to go to Bristol Zoo to take part in their rainforest educational workshops and see the animals. Mobile Library There is now only 1 Mobile Library van visiting Beckington. On Wednesdays every 4 weeks the van stops in: The eco-team have planned for each class to take part in the RSPBs Big School Bird count again this year. This will take place in February. Last year we were very surprised by the variety of birds around the school grounds. Homefield Close: 12.20 – 12.40 The next visits will be: February 19th March 19th Info: 0845 3459177 We are also involved in the ‘Bag2School’ project for recycling textiles. This involves everyone being given a bag to take home to fill with unwanted clothing, handbags, leather belts etc. These are weighed and the school receives some money, which we use for eco projects within the school. The textiles are used in other parts of the world. 13 satellites (moons) than can be seen with binoculars from Earth. John Ball 830419 Beckington Astronomical Society ( Our next meeting will be on Friday 20th February at the Baptist Church Hall starting at 7.30 pm. Visitors are very welcome. We finish around 9.30 with tea/coffee. Our main talk by our Chairman Steve Hill is titled Science of the Solar System”. When I tell people about the society they often say they know nothing about astronomy – that’s probably not truebut can I emphasise that no prior knowledge is necessary? We try and ensure our talks are of interest to the novice and more experienced amateur astronomer alike. For Sale & Wanted If you would like an entry in this column next month, please send it together with a suggested donation of £1 towards Network to Julie Evemy (see inside front cover). Private advertisements only please. For Sale: Beckington Village Christmas Tree A very good crowd turned up for Carol Singing round the Village Tree, our thanks go to the Hillman family for the mulled wine and the lovely Christmas Tree, Mes Amis and the Woolpack for the delicious Mince Pies. If you have not seen comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy you might still catch it in the early part of February. If you look West in the evening and up at about 60 deg. Elevation and scan round with binoculars you should be able to see a small fuzzy patch which is the comet. Defibrillator Fund We have now reached our target. A very big thank you to all who have made donations. We are now waiting Planning Permission to put the Defibrillator on the wall outside the Woolpack. MH. SB. PW. Jupiter is at opposition (Sun and Jupiter are on opposite sides of the Earth) at midnight on 6th February. This means Jupiter is due South at Midnight. Earlier in the evening it will be to the East and after midnight it will be moving to the West setting about 9.00 am. Jupiter will be the brightest (M -2.6) star-like object in the SE evening sky. If you are new to studying the night sky, Jupiter is an excellent planet to be your ‘first find’. With binoculars you should be able to see some of Jupiter's 4 Galilian Moons. You can then be sure you are looking at Jupiter. No other planet has 14 communities of Mendip area who are currently digitally excluded. The aim at the end of the project is to establish three permanent local information hubs to be run by the local community for their residents. Beckington Memorial Hall The Memorial Hall Committee met on 12th January with Donna Kelly in the chair. The Committee was pleased to feel the warming effect of the new heaters which have been recently installed. Would users of the Hall please note that the heaters are controlled from the switch board on the wall inside the entrance door; the thermostats on the individual heaters should not be altered. The villages of Mendip can also request the Mobile Advice Service to com e to even ts such as villag e days, fetes etc. through the Project Coordinator. The mobile service is already visiting 10 of the villages on the rota, but we need to double this in the next year. We desperately need gateway advisors and drivers to make this a success, your commitment can be as small as a morning or afternoon a month. The Committee would like to increase the numbers taking part in the 200 Club. The minimum entry is for six monthly draws at a cost of £2 per draw and monthly cash prizes range from £10 to £50 depending on the number of entrants. Entry forms can be obtained from David Norman at 38 Conigre Square Trowbridge BA14 8LJ or Steve Jenkins at 10, The Rylands Beckington BA11 6SD.The January and February draws will take place at the next Committee meeting on 9th February. If you are able to offer some time, or would like more information please contact me I am based in the Shepton office: David Prince The Mendip Mobile Advice Service Laura Miller Project coordinator Mendip Mobile Advice Service [email protected] The Mendip Mobile Advice Service is a two year project funded by the Advice Services Transition Fund. The five agencies working in partnership with Mendip Citizens Advice Bureau are: Somerset Care and Repair, Mendip YMCA; Elim Connect Centre; Mendip Community Support and Aster Communities. These partner agencies have committed to take an advice service out to the rural [see poster, page 19] 15 Beckington School Robin class came up with their own ideas for a robot they'd like to have. There were lots of great inventions! Mrs Albiston was very impressed by the sentence Amelia in Reception wrote independently to explain her wonderful creation. 16 Berkley School Weather wheel made by Sid from the reception class (Rabbits) 17 Springmead School Trip to the Pantomime The Reception class, Year 1, 2 and 3 enjoyed a super afternoon watching the Theatre Royal’s production of Cinderella, with Dani Harmer star of CBBC’s Tracey Beaker series taking the lead role. It was a lovely traditional pantomime with lots of opportunities to get involved and the Springmead children were in fine voice, remembering to call Buttons to the stage, spotting the naughty ghost (it was behind them!) and joining in with a song. Martha Johnston from Year 3 thought ‘It was really funny. The ugly sisters wore a dress that was a meal. Cinderella looked so pretty in the dress she had for the ball. I give it 10/10! James Linegar also from Year 3 thought ‘Buttons was really funny, I liked the scene where he had to say lots of tongue twisters’ The Cinderella story has also inspired lots of literacy work and the Year 2 class found her dress and one of her ball slippers in their classroom! 18 Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile Unit The mobile unit will start visiting Beckington every fourth Thursday, starting on Thursday 12th February 2015. We will be parked at Lahs Place between 10.00am and 12.00. There is no need to make an appointment. Advice line number: 03 444 88 96 23 19 September AGE 2-5 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (am) Friday 9am-12noon, 12noon-3pm Term time only. Lyes Green, Corsley, Warminster BA12 7QH 01373 832298 1 Free Introductory Session! Richard Robbins Trained gardener Wash’d Up Crocks Whatever your event, large or small, I can supply: Crockery, Cutlery, Glassware & Linen Vintage Crockery now available for small Tea Party’s. With reasonable rates and NO washing up it pays to hire! Delivery/ Collection service . For a quotation Contact: Helen Shorten Office - 01373 830141 Mobile – 07746410401 Email – [email protected] with 25 years experience. All aspects of garden care undertaken. Horticultural Consultancy. LAWN CARE | HEDGES | PRUNING GRAVE TENDING/TIDYING PLANTING PLANS For your gateway to a better garden Tel: 01373 473008 Mobile: 07510 130083 Parents & Toddlers We Meet every Tuesday between 2 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. in the Beckington Baptist Church Hall. Everyone welcome, especially new families who have just moved into the area. More details: Freda 830597 20 Mothers’ Union Freda Brann “There is something undeniably special about a village property” Whether you are selling a one bedroom flat or a castle fit for a King, we can tailor make the marketing to suit your village home. Please call us for a free no obligation valuation. Frome Office 01373 455440 21 Mothers’ Union will speak about virtual babies! Interested? - come and find out more. Our first meeting of the year began with a service led by Andrew, which included an admission service to enrol of 4 new members, who were warmly welcomed. The AGM took the usual form, and Mary Earle and Jenny Ayrton were jointly re-elected as branch leaders, with Gill Phibben as treasurer and Rosemary Ball as secretary. We noted with sadness the deaths during the past year of Josie Gould and Anne Bidwell. Rosemary Ball Rode Horticultural Society Our Christmas social evening was well attended. The bring-and-share buffet provided the infinite variety we have come to expect. We were regally entertained before, during and after the meal by Bob Walker and his jazz band. Thanks go to Bob Hill for organising the band. Thanks are also extended to all committee members who helped with preparations and also with washingup. Mary produced an interesting and detailed report encompassing all the branch events over the past year plus those she had attended in her role as Archdeaconry President. There is certainly a lot going on in Bath and Wells, with ambitious plans to set up parenting courses (already happening in Frome), the visit of the worldwide president last October and the Contact Centres. We have listened to some excellent speakers and joined with members from other branches for meetings and services. Our first talk of 2015 was on British Butterflies, given by Derek Remington, a volunteer with Butterfly Conservation. Derek began by telling us that there are 59 species of butterfly which breed in Britain, including 3 which have migrated from Europe. He then listed the butterflies in the order that they appear in the year and those found in our closest counties. Thank you, Derek, for an inspiring talk. The programme for the coming year looks equally varied. Please look in Network each month for details, and come and join us if you want to hear more about a topic. The Programme for 2015 is now available. Membership is £15 for the year and guests are welcome at any meeting on payment of £3. The next meeting is on Monday 9th February when the talk will be on Edible Gardening by Chris Smith from Pennard Plants. Please note that doors now open at 7pm and talks begin at 7.30. There will be no meeting in February. This year the dates for the annual wave of prayer service have been altered, and we will instead have our meeting with members from Norton St Philip at the end of January. In March Jocelyn Short from Salisbury diocese Helen Curwen, Chairman 22 ownership and responsibility. The allotments would need to be run at a distance by a committee. Mr Wilson plans to attend an allotments seminar on 20 January. Redrow Homes–meeting to discuss further development: Mr Wilson and Mr Rose met two representatives from Redrow. Redrow have been approached by the land owner of an adjacent site (the field currently being used for storage etc. in support of the housing development) who had asked them to assess the potential of the land and whether they would be interested in progressing this further. Redrow stressed that such thoughts are at a very early stage of initial consideration and that they were seeking the Parish Council's views at the earliest opportunity. On behalf of the Parish Council, Mr Wilson said they did not wish to see any additional housing in the village on that site or any other site and that they would actively oppose/campaign against any proposals to extend the existing development. Mr Wilson also told them that subject to some modifications, Mendip’s local plan has been found to be ‘sound’ by an independent Inspector and would be adopted by the full Council in December. This means that it was no longer an open goal for developers and that there was now a clear policy restricting the amount of development that can take place in villages such as Beckington. Beckington Parish Council Extract from minutes of the December meeting. For the full minutes, see the notice board opposite The Woolpack or Naming of Redrow development The Dunns; Great Dunns(Close) /Little Dunns(Close) The suggested names for this development are now with Mendip DC who are responsible for making the decision. Distribution of Redrow Homes recreation contribution: Notification of this contribution has been placed in Network, on the noticeboards and on the website. Mendip‘s guidance is that that the monies should be used ‘to mitigate any harm to the local area or to alleviate extra pressure on community facilities created by new development that would otherwise result in refusal of the planning permission’. Maintenance of a facility is not generally seen by Mendip DC to be the policy objective. A separate meeting will be arranged with Cllr Knibbs to discuss how the applications should be evaluated and processed. Cllr Oliver has experience in this area and offered her help. One enquiry has been received. Allotments The Parish Council would prefer not to be involved in owning/ running the allotments but if Mendip DC do not take on this responsibility the land could potentially become available for development. The Parish Council may have to revisit their decision and accept Next Meeting: Monday19th January 23 Logs for Sale R M Log Supplies Beckington Call Robin on 07876 621929 ARE YOU A CARER? Compass Carers is a dedicated support service for carers across Somerset. We offer FREE information, advice and guidance as well as emotional support, signposting, training and a telephone support service for un-paid carers. Please call us on 01823 255911 Hardwood logs & kindling for sale Free delivery Basic Computers Broadband issues Are you confused? Software/hardware a challenge Instruction provided Call Ian, 01373 813353 or Frome and District Cats Protection have many cats in care who need a loving home. Please can you help? Contact us on 07733 390345 Website 07889 767886 [email protected] Elizabeth Snell & Family Funeral Service We have offices at: 44b Castle Street, Trowbridge, BA14 8AY, Independent Funeral Directors 01225 775259 16 Warminster Road, Westbury, BA13 3PB, We pride ourselves on our caring and compassionate service. As a member of the British Institute of Funeral Directors we comply with a recognised code of ethics. 01373 864944 All funerals are personally tailored to meet your needs. Pre-Paid funeral plans are available upon request. Our Chapel of Rest is at: 6 Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, BA14 9PB, 01225 774788 01373 580298 24 25 The Blue House, Frome provides accommodation for 16 elderly residents. From time to time bed-sits and flats become available to rent. If you are considering such a move in the future, please telephone to arrange an appointment for an informal discussion: The House Manager - The Blue House, Market Place, Frome Tel. 01373 462577 or call in at one of our regular Wednesday Coffee Mornings • • • • • • BRIAN ALLSOP Bed & Breakfast Carpet & Flooring Limited Eden Vale Farm Mill Lane Beckington Frome BA11 6SN Carpets Vinyls Natural Floorings Laminate Floorings Vinyl Tiles Safety Flooring • Free measuring & planning • Re-stretching & repairs • Scotchguarding • Insurance quotes Beckington 01373 - 830371 Quiet riverside farmhouse Open all year En suite facilities Fishing available Tel/Fax: 01373 463866 Mobile: 07887 953014 Plumtree Joinery Country Decor Finest Quality Decorating Services 20 years experience in all aspects of interior and exterior decorating. Specialists in barn conversions, character and period buildings. All jobs considered, big or small. Please call or email Nick Lock for a free no obligation quote on 07799446704. [email protected] The Gentleman Painter/Builder Top quality painting and building work guaranteed, but minus the radio blasting out radio 1, swearing, cigarette smoke, constant tea drinking and associated annoyances. I have over fifteen years’ experience of careful but efficient building and painting and decorating No job too small or large. Call Marc on 01373 813861 or 07899 900077 Bespoke Joinery, Cabinet Maker and Carpentry. Also Restoration, Renovation and Repairs Over 20 years experience. Free Estimates No job too small Contact David on 07816 922518 or 01985 248124 e-mail [email protected] MILLERS ► ► ► ► ► Electrical contractors Martin Miller Fuseboard upgrades Security lights Underfloor heating Heating installation & repairs Telephone points 01373 466301/07771 543383 [email protected] 26 Nashblend Limited trading as: West Country Tiling Company Pitched Roofing, Lead Work, Timber Treatment, Tel: FROME (01373) 462224 Conservation work is our speciality. S.A.M SCAFFOLD Safety And Maintenance Scaffold Tel: FROME (01373) 461511 We can meet all your scaffold requirements. Do you need a Plumber? Call SHARON’S FOOT CLINIC S.A.C Dip FHPT S.A.C Dip FHPP Fully Insured And Highly Trained For The Professional Treatment of: Paul Antell Plumbing 07890 366832 01373 467427 Professional, Friendly, Reliable & Local Corns • Callus • Cracked Heels • Athletes Foot • Fungal Infections • Nail Cutting • Thickened Nails • In growing Nails • Diabetic Foot Care • Verrucas Contact Sharon on 01373 836734 or 07728 200402 12 Sunny Hill, Nunney, Frome, BA11 4ND Home Visits also Available. 27 PROFESSIONAL UPVC WINDOW & DOOR REPAIRS Fast, Friendly Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED 01373 430010 07795 143228 • Misted/Broken Glass • Broken/Faulty Hinges • Faulty Locks • Jammed Windows/Doors • UPVC Door Adjustment • Window & Door Handles • Cat Flaps & Letterboxes A top quality service provided by a professionally qualified (CSCS) tradesperson with 12 years experience. All work carried out to the standard and budget agreed with the customer i.e. from high quality domestic/office/hotel to a quick makeover for student lettings or in preparation for sale. All internal and external work undertaken including repairing of surfaces as required. Basically I can make any surface that you want look beautiful! Call or email me 07707 850 859 [email protected] • • • • • Locally based architect with a personal & individual approach Extensive experience blending traditional and modern architecture Expertise in Listed Building and Conservation Area Design Elegant, simple designs; creating efficient, innovative uses of space Track record of 100% successful planning applications Visit to see recent projects Or call 01373 831585 to arrange an initial free consultation Abi McGillivray is a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects & is registered as an architect under the Architects Act 1997 28 selection service SUNBLiND Home NOW WE COME TO YOU! COMPANY MADE-TO-MEASURE! • Rollers • Romans the Tel: 01373 462528 Mob: 07511 770976 • Verticals • Venetians • Pleated • Perfect fit • Windows shutters & flooring NOW WE COME TO YOU! CUSTOM CARPeTS @HOME • Home selection • Excellent service • Fitting arranged • Carpets • Vinyl • Natural flooring & blinds Tel: 01373 472384 Mob: 07813 130014 Painting, Decorating and Plastering Services Gary Holt Tel: 01373 814642 Mobile: 078 913 12503 8 Longfield, Mells, Frome Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Specialist Recommended by • Home, Private, Lettings, Business • Independent Experienced Operator 29 erticals Veneitan Seymours Court B & B Seymours Court Farm, Beckington, Somerset. BA11 6TS Tel: 01373 830466 Web: Mail: [email protected] Fifteenth century country house providing luxury bed and breakfast. Also venue for marquee based wedding receptions. Relaxed rural surroundings with a historic house backdrop Keep Active with Physiotherapy Alison Rossiter MCSP, HPC 30 years experience in the treatment of muscle and joint problems. Helping people to improve their health and fitness through treatment, exercise and advice. Home visits can be arranged. Daytime and evening appointments available. If you need help please contact: Beckington Physiotherapy tel: 01373 831483 Email: [email protected] Jackie Welch JMW Accounting Cost effective accounting, bookkeeping, VAT, payroll, CIS, and taxation solutions for Self Employed, Self-Assessment, Partnerships and Limited Companies, and start-up businesses. Fees always agreed in advance. Free initial consultation. Westbury Office with free parking 01373 822363 or 07790 325321 email jackie @ website www. 30 SERVICES February 2015 Benefice Monday-Thursday Ash Wednesday Feb 18 St. George’s Beckington Feb 1 Feb 8 Feb 15 Feb 22 Mar 1 St. Mary’s Berkley At Beckington Feb 1 Feb 8 Feb 15 Feb 22 Mar 1 All Saints Rodden Feb 1 Feb 8 Feb 15 Ash Wednesday Feb 18 Feb 22 Mar 1 12.00pm Midday Prayer at St. George’s 10.30am BCP Holy Communion at Rodden 8.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 4.15pm 10.00am 3.00pm 8.00am 10.00am BCP Holy Communion All-age Morning Worship All-age Holy Communion with Berkley BCP Matins Family Gathering in the hall All-age Morning Worship Songs of Praise at Lahs Place BCP Holy Communion All-age Morning Worship 11.00am BCP Matins 10.00am All-age Holy Communion at Beckington 9.15am Family Service 9.15am Holy Communion 11.00am BCP Matins 6.30pm 6.30pm 11.00am 10.30am 11.00am 6.30pm BCP Evensong BCP Holy Communion BCP Holy Communion Benefice BCP Holy Communion BCP Matins BCP Evensong All Saints Lullington Feb 1 Feb 15 Mar 1 11.00am BCP Holy Communion 11.00am BCP Matins 11.00am BCP Holy Communion St. Mary’s Orchardleigh Feb 8 Feb 22 Mar 8 11.00am BCP Matins 11.00am BCP Holy Communion 11.00am BCP Matins Baptist Church th Every Sunday Feb 22 3.00pm Except 4 Sunday of the month 3.00pm Songs of Praise at Lahs Place 31 Diary Dates This Month May 7 Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile 10am-12pm Lahs Place May 7 W.I. Resolutions and Quiz May 9 Rodden Wildlife Talk 7.30pm Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile 10am-12pm Lahs Place May 13 Berkley Parish Council 7.00pm Berkley School (Annual Meeting) Feb 13 Rodden Coffee Morning at 22 Styles Avenue 10am – noon May 16 Coffee,cakes plants at Beckington Baptist Church Hall, 10a.m.-12 noon.(for Friends of St.George's) Feb 20 B.A.S. 7.30pm Baptist Church hall May 16 Feb 23 MU Diocesan Day, Mark Village Hall Hall & Hearty. Beckington Memorial Hall Jun 4 Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile 10am-12pm Lahs Place Jun 4 W.I. Robin Thornes Quarrying in the Mendips Jun 20 Rodden Puddings Evening 7pm Jul 2 Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile 10am-12pm Lahs Place Feb 5 W.I. 2.30pm Charles Nevum. My work as a Journalist Feb 11 Berkley Parish Council 7.30pm Berkley School Feb 12 Next Month Mar 4 Mar 5 MU meeting Lahs Place, 2.15 Talk about Virtual Babies W.I. Helen Mc Rone A Puppy Walkers Tail !Note: 7.30pm in Beckington Baptist Chapel Hall Mar 6 World Women’s Day of Prayer Mar 12 Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile 10am-12pm Lahs Place Jul 2 W.I. Mr & Mrs Wych How I became13th century Kitchen Maid Mar 19 MU Cathedral Prayers, Wells,11.30am Jul 11 Rodden BBQ 6pm Mar 20 Rodden Soup and Pudds 12 – 2pm Jul 30 Mar 22 Pre-school Easter Egg Hunt Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile 10am-12pm Lahs Place Apr 2 W.I. Libby Syddal Natural Soap Making Aug 6 W.I. Social Evening and Shared Supper Apr 9 Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile 10am-12pm Lahs Place Aug 27 Mendip Citizens Advice Mobile 10am-12pm Lahs Place Apr 18 Ceilidh in Aid of Beckington First School PSA. Beckington Memorial Hall 8pm Sep 3 W.I. James Cross. Bishop’s Palace Gardens at Wells Sep 5 Rodden Beetle Drive 6.30pm Apr 25 St. George's Evening Beckington Memorial Hall, 7p.m. 32
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