THE GOLDEN VALLEY CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE CLUB INVITES YOU TO RIDE “THE MARCH HARE” 2015 A CLASSIC ROAD TRIAL FOR SOLOS AND COMBINATIONS SUNDAY, MARCH 1st. 2015 START & FINISH THE HUNTERS HALL INN KINGSCOTE Nr. TETBURY GLOS. GL8 8XZ CLASSES 1. GIRDER/TELEFORK RIGID* 2. PRE-UNIT. (PRE-65) 3. UNIT. (PRE-70) 4. VINTAGE TWO-STROKE. (PRE-58)* 5. TWO-STROKE (PRE-70) 6. BRITISH S/CARS (PRE-70)* 7. MODERN S/CARS (70-ON)* 8. SPECIALS. (TWSH TRIALS & COPY BRIT’ BIKES) 9. TRAIL BIKES (TO 250cc)* 10. TRAIL BIKES (251 & OVER)* * DENOTES FOLLOW EASIER SIDECAR ROUTE ALL MACHINES TO BE ROAD LEGAL NO MONO TRIALS SOLOS TRAIL CLASSES – TRIALS TYRES F. & R. ONLY. NO EXCEPTIONS. WRONG TYRES -- NO START SIGN ON OPENS O800 hrs. FIRST MACHINE 0900 hrs. R.A.C.M.S.A.Ltd. EVENT AUTHORISED. ENTRY SECRETARY. ROB DAVIS 72 Windyridge Bisley, Stroud, Glos. GL6 7DA Only entries on the official entry forms, sent to the secretary, of the meeting will Be accepted. Tel: 01452 770908 CLERK of THE COURSE: M.WATHEN. ENTRIES . Open forthwith--Close when full. Entry fee £27.00. ( to include AMCA accident and off-road insurance). Cheques payable to Golden Valley Classic M.C.C. Send TWO first class S.A.E with entry (9X7). Entry fees will only be returned in the event of cancellation, or postponement for more than 24hrs. A portion of the fee will be retained to cover administration and R.A.C costs. The organiser’s retain the right to refuse entry without explanation. NB. NO PRE- STAMPED ENVELOPES WITH ENTRY FORM - NO ENTRY ENTRY LIMIT 140 ENTRIES NOT SHOWING THE MACHINE REGISTRATION No. WILL BE RETURNED AND / OR REJECTED. MAXIMUM OF TWO ENTRIES PER ENVELOPE. MULTIPLE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED START/FINISH . The Hunters Hall Inn, Kingscote, Nr Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8XZ (On A4135, 1ml.West of A46 crossroads) Refreshments available. NO FUEL. Signing on begins at 0800 hrs. Sign on one hour before your start time. PLEASE SIGN OFF AT THE END. Breakfast at start, hot food may be available at the finish from pub menu, check on day. TIME First bikes away at 0900hrs and then at one minute intervals. Start times to be posted to entrants at least three days before the event. COURSE Approx 50mls, and will include public roads, byways etc. A printed route will be available at signing on. Indicate your route choice on the entry form, not at sign-on. SECTIONS . Standard trials marking (no-stop). Viewing of the sections prior to attempting them is allowed, unless advised NO INSPECTION. A special test of the acceleration and braking type MAY be included. MACHINES. TRIALS TYRES ONLY. NO OTHER TYPE OF TYRES WILL BE ACCEPTED. WRONG TYRES NO START. Converted trials bikes and noisy enduro bikes will NOT be permitted in the trail bike classes. ALL machines to be road legal. No solo monoshock trials machines are permitted. GOLDEN VALLEY CLASSIC M.C.C. ENTRY FORM MARCH HARE 2015 (PLEASE NOTE IN CAPITALS) Name……………………………………….Passenger………………………………………... Address……………………………………. ……………………………………. ….. ……………………………………. ………………………………………… ……………………………………. …………………Post code ………… Tel. No …………………………… Machine…………………………………… Registration No…………………………… E-mail…………………………………….. Class……………………………… Year……………….cc…………………. Please indicate route choice if different to class directions, Make a note on this form Entry Fee £27.00. Cheques to “Golden Valley Classic M.C.C” Declaration. Motor Sport can be dangerous and may involve death or injury. You must read and agree to the following declaration and paragraphs below which are designed to create a legally binding relationship in return for you being allowed to enter and compete. 1. I understand the information in this entry form and accept the terms. 2. I understand the nature of the event and I am competent to take part. 3. Any vehicle I use will comply with the regs. And will be safe and fit for such use. 4. I will note the venues, terrain and geographical features of this event and will only compete if satisfied of my safety. 5. I will not take part unless satisfied of my own ability and safety to compete. 6. I have noted the life dangers listed above and agree to take part at my own risk. 7. I agree to read and be bound by general and supplemental instructions and the general rules and codes of the AMCA as the regulatory body. 8. I will not compete whilst under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating drugs and will advise and seek approval to compete whilst taking prescribed medication. 9. I agree to indemnify and save harmless the organising club, Golden Valley Classic Motorcycle Club (including the owners or lessee’s of any land used in this event) and their officials, servants, representatives or agents from all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage howsoever arising as a result of my competing in this event. 10. I declare that I am of a legal age to drive on public roads and have a valid licence and operative insurance in respect of Road Traffic Act liabilities. 11. If under the age of 18 yrs., my parent / guardian has read the above and has signed the declaration and agreement below. SIGNED DRIVER…………………………………PASSENGER…………………………… SIGNED PARENT/GUARDIAN (under 18)………………………………………… DATE……………………… IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE GOLDEN VALLEY CLASSIC M.C.C. PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM BELOW MEMBERSHIP FORM 2015 NAME ………………………………………………….TEL. No………………………... ADDRESS …………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. POST CODE…………………… E-Mail ………………………………………... SIGNED…………………………………………… MEMBERSHIP FEE £10.0 THE CLUB RUNS AT LEAST 7 CLUB TRIALS AT FIVE DIFFERENT VENUES A ‘ GENTLEMANS ’ ROUTE IS NOW ESTABLISHED -- IDEAL FOR OLD BRIT BIKES, BEGINERS, WOBBLERS AND THOSE WHO JUST ENJOY A RIDE OUT. “ALLCOMER’S” TRIALS PRACTICE DAYS INTERNATIONAL EUROCUP TRIAL 2015 ( PRE-65 & TWSH SOLOS + SIDECARS ) XMAS FUN TRIAL PLUS THE COTSWOLD CLASSIC WEEKEND (INCLUDING SUNDAY BRITISH BIKE ONLY CLASSIC TRIAL)
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