Shell SME Brochure_lr

For well over 100 years, the Shell
brand has stood for quality and
innovation in fuel technology. Today
it is one of the global leaders in fuel
retailing; setting the benchmark
with world-class products, services,
values and professionalism.
Shell has a rich history of over 50 years in Oman. Today it is the leading marketer of fuel and lubricants in the country, with
a growing network of over 170 strategically located service stations. Shell Oman combines global best technology, Health,
Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) practices and operational excellence to deliver optimum value to customers, partners
– and to Omani society.
Shell Oman supports Omani Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) by enabling them to set up Shell Service Stations –
operating either solo, or in clusters. The SMEs get the opportunity to grow their investment through a proven business model
that is backed by access to global knowhow.
The Government of Oman has initiated rapid
development across the nation, including an
ambitious expansion of its road network with a total
investing of about RO 2.15 billion. Oman’s
automotive industry – at the 35th position in the
world – is also growing, with more vehicles being
added onto the nation’s roads every year.
Shell Oman is perfectly positioned to capitalise on
the infrastructure boom and fast-rising fuel demand.
With its global R&D delivering cleaner, more efficient
fuels and excellent end-to-end supply chain
management, Shell Oman offers both quality and
value advantage to individual motorists and
business fleets.
The growth potential for Shell fuel retailers
is immense.
Shell Oman is looking for potential retailers;
highly motivated and committed to
delivering an exceptional customer service
experience 24/7.
Besides the tremendous business potential,
you will benefit from continuous and
extensive knowledge-transfer as well as
marketing, training and technology support
from Shell Oman.
You will need to…*
Be able to raise a capital of at least
RO 30,000
Be personally dedicated to developing
the business
Have a hands-on approach to the
Be committed to learn about Shell
standards and guidelines.
In addition to that, commercial & business
development, management awareness,
good leadership attributes and
communication skills in both Arabic and
English along with general computer skills
are important aspects in being a successful
* Selection is subject to a thorough interview
and assessment process.
Terms and conditions apply.
“Our great entrepreneurial
partnership with Shell
Oman taught us a lot about
world-class business
practices, and gave us the
chance to nurture our
creative thinking.”
Saif Al Mahrouqi
Retailer - 6 Shell Service
“I feel empowered as an
SME partnering with a
globally leading brand like
Shell, and I am thankful for
the progress and prosperity
that my business has seen.”
Jamila Al Hajri
Retailer - 1 Shell Service
Station and 3 Shops
“Entrepreneurial success
and effective financial and
operational management of
your own business is
achievable when you work
with a supportive team like
the one in Shell Oman
Retail Business.”
Munqith Al Masrouri
Retailer - 4 Shell Service
If you meet our criteria, please write to
Operations Support Manager
Shell Oman Marketing Company SAOG
PO Box 38, Postal Code 116
Sultanate of Oman
Or send an email to
[email protected]
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