Ref: No. FE/P&P/EMS Quotation No. 24/2014-2015 1. M/s RYNE Refrigeration, Khatara, Azambeg, Lucknow. 2. M/s T.S. Engineering & Associates, Naya Goan (West), Aminabad, Lucknow. 3. M/s Fresh Cool Refrigeration, Diawar Plaza Basement, 88, MotiLal Boase Road, Lucknow. Sub: Refilling of fire extinguisher in EMS, RDSO, Lucknow. Estimated Cost for total Work: Rs.65,143.00 Sealed quotations will be received in the office of the undersigned for the above mentioned work up to 15.00 hrs on 16.02.2015 as per schedule of work attached, will be opened on the same date at 15.30 hrs. in the presence of the parties, if available at the time of opening of the quotations. The work is required to be completed with-in Ten Days from the date of order. A guarantee of SIX Months shall be availed on the complete executed construction work. You are therefore, requested to tender your rates for the subject work. Thanking you, Encls. As above Yours faithfully, (GIRRAJ KISHORE) Asstt. Design Engineer/EMS For Director General/Electric Electrical Maintenance Section Quotation No.24/2014-15 Date of opening: 16.02.2015 Sub: Refilling of fire extinguisher in EMS, RDSO, Lucknow. Estimated Cost: Rs.65,143.00 S.No. Description 1. Refilling of 5 Kg ABC powder type (stored pressure) Fire extinguisher. 55 2. Refilling of 10 Kg ABC powder type (stored pressure) Fire extinguisher. Refilling of 4.5 Kg CO2 type Fire extinguisher. (03 nos. FE) Refilling of 22 Kg CO2 type Fire extinguisher. Supply and installation of safety valve gauge for 5 Kg and 10 kg ABC type fire extinguisher. Supply and installation of hose pipe for 5 Kg and 10 Kg ABC type fire extinguisher. Supply of MS stand for hanging of 04 Nos. fire buckets. Supply and installation of hose pipe for 22Kg CO2 type fire extinguisher. 06 5339.58 03 430.11 01 717.66 05 2109.00 05 627.00 12 15732.00 01 1254.00 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. Quantity (Nos.) Rate (Rs) 707.89 889.93 143.37 717.66 421.8 125.4 1311.00 1254.00 Total Signature of tenderer With stamp & date Amount (Rs) 38933.95 65143.30 ADE/EMS SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT/QUOTATION WORK 1. The work shall be completed within TEN DAYS from the date of order. Time is the essence of contract. The contractor shall ensure that they have completed the work in all respects within the stipulated time period. 2. Firms entrusted in the similar nature of work & experience shall only are liable to participate in the quotations. Credentials regarding work experience shall have to be produced on demand from department 3. The nominated tenderer should submit the Security money @ 10% of the total cost of work in favour of Executive Director (Finance), RDSO, Lucknow in the form of FDR, Deposit Receipt, Pay Order, Demand Draft. OR 10% amount towards Security Money shall be deducted from the Final Payments towards successful completion of the guarantee period. 4. The validity of quotation will remain open for 90 days from the date of opening of quotations. 5. The rates offered should be inclusive of all taxes, levies, and duties. 6. Taxes as applicable shall be deducted at source from contractor’s bill. However, TDS towards these deductions will be issued by RDSO Administration. 7. The guarantee period of the work shall be SIX MONTHS from the certified date of completion of the work. 8. Payments will be made after completion of work duly certified by work supervisor in-charge. 9. Released material if any will have to be returned to the department. 10. Cess Charges {If Applicable} will be deducted from the final payment for the following rates: a. b. c. 1 to 5 Labours or workmen - @ 64.00 Per Month. 6 to 10 Labours or workmen - @ 126.00 Per Month. 11 to 25 Labours or workmen - @ 317.00 Per Month. ADE/EMS for Director General/Elect.
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