CONTENTS Sr. No. Subject Page No. I) Introduction 2 II) Details of Tender and Tender Notice 5 III (A) Terms and conditions -General 6 III (B) Terms and Conditions- Special 13 V VII Annexure I: Technical specification of the Equipment/Machines 18 Annexure II: Details of EMD payable for each item 47 Annexure III: Format for filling up of cost details 48 Annexure IV: Format for Bank Guarantee 50 Annexure V: Delivery Schedule for indigenous / imported equipment (Annexure VI ) Format to be filled up and submitted in the letter head of the bidder (Annexure VII) Check List to Bidder 52 53 55 Note: Interpretation of any term /word /clause lies with the BTRA, Mumbai. Page 1 of 55 INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Developing countries having both textile and clothing capacity may be able to prosper in the new competitive environment from 1 st January, 2005 under the regime of Free Trade. In post MFA market, Indian entrepreneurs are estimating the potential export to grow by 185%. This post MFA free trade era will be completely dominated by the concept “Quality” in the manufactured goods. As a result, the textile industry in developing countries will face intensified competition in both their export and domestic markets. 1.2 As a result of various initiatives taken by the Indian government, there have been new investments of over Rs.50, 000.00 crore in the textile industry in the last 5-6 years. Nine textile majors invested Rs.2, 600.00 crores and plan to invest another Rs.6, 400.00 crores. Further, India‟s cotton production increased by 57% over the last 5 years; and 3 million additional spindles and 30,000 shuttleless looms were installed. The industry expects investments of Rs.1, 40,000.00 crores in this sector in the post-MFA phase. Vision 2010 for textile formulated by the Government of India after intensive interaction with the industry and Export Promotion Councils to capitalize on the upbeat mood aims to increase India‟s share in world‟s textile trade from the current 4% to 8% by 2010 and to achieve export value of US $ 50b by 2010. Vision 2010 for textiles envisages growth in Indian textile economy from the current US $ 37b to US $ 85b by 2010; creation of 12 million new jobs in the textile sector; and modernization and consolidation for creating a globally competitive textile industry. 1.3 In view of the above, there will be opportunities as well as challenges for the Indian textile industry in the post – MFA era. But, India has natural advantages which can be capitalized on strong raw material base – cotton, man-made fibres, jute, silk; large production capacity (spinning – 21% of world capacity and weaving – 33% of world capacity but of low technology); vast pool of skilled manpower; entrepreneurship; flexibility in production process; and long experience with US/EU (European Union). At the same time, there are constraints relating to fragmented industry constraints of processing, quality of cotton, concerns over power cost, labour reforms and other infrastructure constraints and bottlenecks. E.g. cost of power was Rs.8.00 per garment in India whereas in China it was only Rs.2.00 per garment. 1.4 The textile industry is undergoing a major reorientation towards non-clothing applications of textiles, known as technical textiles, which are growing roughly at twice the rate of textiles for clothing applications and now account for more than half of total textile production. The processes involved in producing technical textiles require expensive equipments and skilled workers and are, for the moment, concentrated in developed countries. Technical textiles have many applications including bed sheets; furniture and healthcare upholstery; filtration and abrasive materials; thermal protection and multiple other specialized products and applications. India must take adequate measures for capturing its market by promoting research and development in this sector. Page 2 of 55 1.5 The Indian textile industry is passing through a critical phase in view of the ongoing globalization process under WTO Era. The Industry is now facing challenges from different quarters. Now, foreign buyers will import textile goods from India, if and only if, the quality of the textiles is upto the mark and the price is competitive. The importers of textiles have already revised the quality specifications of the various products and made them very stringent. Further, the European importers of textiles are now incorporating ecological specifications also to ensure the safety of the textile products. Apart from this, the industry has to compete and withstand cheaper imports from China, Japan, Pakistan and other south East Asian countries. 1.6 The Government of India has initiated several measures to strengthen the industry, particularly in the area of technology, eco-friendliness and quality improvement, with the objective of making the Indian textile products of superior quality and price competitive. The Government has provided financial assistance during the last 10 years for the creation of additional testing facilities at all the textile manufacturing centres to enable the industry to evaluate and comply with stringent quality specifications and eco regulations being stipulated by the importers of textiles. Measures have also been taken to modernize the PSCs under the Power loom up gradation programme for imparting training to workers on modern looms to acquire required skill and knowledge. 2. With the end of quota regime since January 2005, the exporters have realized that it is absolutely necessary to improve the quality of textiles manufactured in India for a sustained growth of export from India. The quality consciousness and culture for testing have become very significant in Indian Textile Industry and accordingly, the textile materials are being tested for physical, chemical and eco parameters to establish the quality standards of the product. New standards are also being formulated by the standards bodies to meet the latest challenges posed by the ever-increasing list of test parameters. To ascertain these properties by testing of textiles, it is required that laboratory should be equipped well to test the parameters required by the buyers abroad as per the equipment and methods prescribed in the international standards. The infrastructure for such testing/R&D by BTRA is not adequate in certain areas and hence it is decided to upgrade / strengthen the existing textile testing/R&D facilities available in the laboratories of BTRA. Further, Ministry of Textile, Government of India has designated the BTRA as “Centre of Excellence in Geotextiles”. 3. Accordingly, BTRA has decided to upgrade the equipment/procure new instruments/Machines for various laboratories of BTRA to broaden the spectrum of testing/R&D services to the textile and clothing industry. The various testing /research equipments required by these laboratories are now being procured through the current tender. Page 3 of 55 4. The tender document contains the following: (i) Tender Notice (ii) Terms and Conditions - General and Special (iii) Technical Specification of the items (iv) List of instrument/equipment/accessories being procured (v) EMD payable in respect of each of the items (vi) Format for filling up the cost of items (vii) Format for Bank Guarantee (viii) Delivery schedule for each of the items. (ix) Guidelines for the bidders Page 4 of 55 THE BOMBAY TEXTILE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (BTRA) Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Ghatkopar (W) Mumbai-400086 TENDER NOTICE No. BTRA/COE/IB/05/2015 Dated 28/01/2015 Tenders in two separate sealed covers viz; Technical (Cover- A) and Commercial (Cover – B) are invited by the BTRA bonafide manufacturers/ authorized agents for the supply of textile machines / equipment for BTRA. Details of the machines/equipment, number of units, their specifications, payment terms and other details are given in the tender document. Interpretation of the terms & conditions and other related issues in the tender would lie with BTRA only. Tenders can be purchased from The Director, BTRA, LBS Marg, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai – 400 086. Tel: 2500 3651, 2500 2652 upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs.500/- in cash or Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Bombay Textile Research Association” payable at Mumbai. The tender document can also be downloaded from the website of BTRA at If the document is downloaded from the website, the document fee of Rs. 500/- has to be enclosed as a D. D in favor of “The Bombay Textile Research Association” along with the Technical bid. The bidders who purchase tender documents or have downloaded tender document are only eligible for submission of tenders. An Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) has to be submitted as per the details given in the tender document for each of the equipment. Tenders without EMD will not be considered at all. Sale of tender documents: From 28/01/2015 (10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m). Pre-bid clarification meeting will be held on 04/02/2015 at 2.30 p.m. to clarify the queries of the bidders, if any. Last Date for Submission of Duly Filled Up Sealed Tender at BTRA, Mumbai is 11/02/2015 up to 12.00 Noon. On 11/02/2015 the technical bids will be opened at 2.30 p.m. in the BTRA Conference Room “A” Block. The bidders or their authorized representatives may remain present at the time of opening of the tenders, if they so wish. After detailed analysis of technical bids, the bidders who are found to be technically responsive will be informed about the time, date and venue of opening of the commercial bids. The BTRA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids either in full or any part at its discretion without assigning any reason thereof. After detailed analysis of technical bids, the bidders who are found to be technically responsive will be informed about the time, date and venue of opening of the commercial bids. Address for communication: The Director, BTRA, LBS Marg, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai – 400 086. Tel:2500 3651, 2500 2652. Page 5 of 55 III (A) TERMS AND CONDITIONS- GENERAL 1. Tender documents shall be issued by the Office of the BTRA at Mumbai to manufacturers / authorised agents, on payment of Rs.500/- (non refundable) by cash or DD in favour of BTRA payable at Mumbai, towards cost of tender documents. The Director, BTRA, Mumbai will be the tender issuing authority. 2. Modifications, if any, made in the above documents will be done by addenda / corrigenda, copies of which will be sent in duplicate to each bidder before the due date of the tender. One copy should be signed, sealed and submitted along with the technical bids. Tender to be submitted, is as detailed hereafter. The bidder shall not make any additions / deletions to or amend the text of the documents except in so far as may be necessary to comply with any addenda / corrigenda issued. The bidders shall use only tender documents as issued for submitting his bid and shall comply with various terms and conditions. 3. All pages of tender documents shall be signed by the person authorised to file the tender. 4. The full name of the person authorised to file the tender, designation, current and main office address, Phone No., Fax No. & E-mail address shall be indicated in the tender. 5. Tenders sent through E-mail, Fax and Telex will not be entertained. 6. The tender should be filled in and submitted in English. literature and correspondence shall also be in English. 7. No claim for costs, charges, expenses incurred by the bidder in connection with preparation of tender submission and for subsequent clarifications of their tender shall be accepted. 8. BTRA will not be responsible for any typographical errors/ambiguity/ additions /omissions committed by the bidder while filling up of the tender. 9. Submission of a bid by a tenderer implies that he has read all terms & conditions, and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the items to be supplied, availability of materials, local conditions and other factors bearing on the execution of the supply. 10. The bidder shall be deemed to have full knowledge of documents and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. All accompanying Page 6 of 55 11. Any question regarding the tender document and discrepancies shall be directed to the Tender Issuing Authority in writing minimum 10 days prior to the due date of submission of tender. The Tender Issuing Authority will issue all clarifications, interpretations, meanings and specific directions, if any, in duplicate in writing to all the bidders. One copy of these shall be returned duly signed and seal affixed along with the technical bids. 12. The bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of his tender and about the rates quoted by him and cover all his obligations under the tender. 13. Bids submitted by manufacturers and authorised agents only shall be considered. 14. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) 14.1 Tender must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) either in the form of DD or pay order or Bank Guarantee in favour of “BTRA, Mumbai” and shall be interest free. The amount of EMD for each of the items is given at Annexure- II. The DD / pay order can be for the combined amount of EMD payable for individual items, for which the bidder has quoted. 14.2 EMD shall be paid in Indian currency only. In case of receipt of EMD in Indian currency from abroad, same shall be refunded in Indian currency only. BTRA will not be responsible for refunding the EMD in foreign currency. 14.3 The EMD deposited by the successful bidder shall be held back towards the security deposit as stipulated in the terms & conditions. No interest would be paid to the EMD deposited / held back. 14.4 Tenders not accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit shall be rejected. 14.5 The EMD of the unsuccessful bidder will be returned within 3 months from the date of opening the technical bids. 15. 15.1 SECURITY DEPOSIT The successful bidder shall have to deposit an amount of 5% of the cost of the machinery/equipment (including the retained EMD amount) towards interest free security deposit and retention money, in the form of Demand Draft (DD) or Bank Guarantee (BG) as per the format given at Annexure – IV. This BG or DD should be submitted along with the acceptance of the Purchase Order. The security deposit (BG or DD) should cover the entire warranty period of the items to be supplied. Page 7 of 55 16. AUTHORITY OF SIGNING 16.1 If the tender is submitted by an individual, it shall be signed by him. 16.2 If the tender is submitted by a proprietary firm, it shall be signed by the proprietor. 16.3 If the tender is submitted by a partnership firm, it shall be signed by all the partners of the firm or by a partner holding the power of attorney for the firm for signing the tender, in which case, a certified copy of power of attorney shall accompany the technical bid. 16.4 If the tender is submitted by a limited company or a corporation, it shall be signed by a duly authorized person or the person holding the power of attorney for signing the tender, in which case a certified copy of the power of attorney shall accompany the technical bid. 17. PRICE & CURRENCY BID 17.1 The tender shall be filled in English with a neat hand / type and all the figures and words shall be legible. 17.2 The rates shall be written both in words and in figures. The bidder shall also show the amount of each item, the total of each section and the grand total of the whole tender. 17.3 Correction, if any, shall be made by crossing out, initialing with date and rewriting. 17.4 In case of conflict between the figures and words in the rates, the latter shall prevail. 17.5 The tenders shall be verified by the bidder for accuracy in the arithmetical calculations, prior to submission. 17.6 The price may be offered in either Indian Rupee or any foreign currency viz;US Dollar, Euro, etc for all imported items. 18. 18.1 PACKING AND SUBMISSION The tender shall be submitted before the scheduled date & time and at the address mentioned in the Tender Notice. While (i) technical bids (Cover – A) of more than one item can be combined and kept in one cover, (ii) commercial bids (Cover – B) shall be submitted for each equipment/item separately in sealed covers. Page 8 of 55 18.2 The sealed covers should be superscribed (i) cover- "A" as “Technical Bids" and (ii) cover -"B" as "Commercial bids"- along with other relevant details such as name of the equipment and name of the bidder. 18.3 Cover “A” (Technical bids) shall contain a) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of a DD for an amount as mentioned in the document. b) D.D for Rs.500/- in case the document has been down loaded from website. c) Original Tender document duly signed by the authorised person on all pages. d) Compliance to technical specifications of the equipment/item for which bids are submitted – Authorised person to indicate the compliance of technical specifications in the respective pages of the tender document and sign the same. e) Compliance to the terms and conditions of the tender document - Authorised person to specify, “All the above terms and conditions will be complied with“and sign in respective pages of the tender documents, where “terms and conditions” are given. f) Adherence to the stipulated delivery schedule of the equipment/item – Authorised person to specify “delivery schedule given above will be complied with“ and sign in respective pages of the tender documents, where “delivery schedule of each of the items ” is given g) Proof that the bidder is (i) either manufacturer or (ii) an authorised agent for the equipment/item for which the bid is submitted. h) List of organisations in India and abroad, along with Contact Person, address, Tel. No., Fax No. etc., to which similar make/model of the equipment were supplied. i) Compliance that the bidder has manufactured or supplied the equipment during the past 2 years and performance report from at least 2 such users for the past 2 years. j) Covering letter, in the letter head of the bidder stating: a. That the minimum warranty period of one year, b. That the bid conforms to the terms and conditions of the tender; Page 9 of 55 c. Confirmation about the supply of Certified Reference Materials/Samples for checking the performance of the testing instruments, wherever applicable. d. Confirmation that the quoted rates are valid till 11/05/2015 e. The details regarding the service centres, stocking of spares etc., k) Addenda / corrigenda /clarification issued by BTRA before due date of tender, duly signed by the authorised person. l) Descriptive leaflet/brochure giving the technical details of the equipment/ instruments/looms. m) A letter indicating assumptions, criterion, technical alternative etc., if any. However, the alternatives suggested by the bidder would not be taken as the basis for technical/commercial evaluation of the bids. n) Details of pre-installation requirements including space, size of the table required, power point ampere, etc. o) Power of attorney authorizing the person who has filed the tender, if applicable. p) A copy of the certificate for the calibration of the similar makes and model equipment/instrument for which bid is submitted from an accredited calibration laboratory or National Physical Laboratory, wherever applicable. 18.4 COVER “B” (COMMERCIAL BIDS) SHALL CONTAIN- a) Total cost of the main equipment/instrument and accessories (imported/indigenous), required for the functioning of the equipment, including the test control system, printer, packing & forwarding etc., duly filled and signed in the format prescribed in the tender document at Annexure-III. No money other than the total indicated above will be payable on any account. b) Minimum required essential spare parts for next 2 years after the warranty period are to be specified. The cost of the spares is to be quoted separately along with the commercial bids, as optional as per the details given in Annexure-III. c) Annual Preventive Maintenance charges for the next 3 years, after the expiry of the warranty period, in the format prescribed in the tender document at Annexure-III. Page 10 of 55 d) All the pre-installation requirements such as Voltage stabilizer, surge arrestor, necessary length of cables, plugs etc. should be provided by the bidder along with the equipment/item. The bidder shall quote for these items separately. The Centre will provide adequate space, furniture and electricity only for the installation and commissioning of the equipment/item. 19. VALIDITY OF THE TENDER: Rates quoted by the bidder and the earnest money deposit submitted shall be valid till 11/05/2015, or to an extended date as agreed on mutually. The Bidder shall not withdraw or revise or alter any conditions, rate(s) quoted within this stated period, unless he is called upon to do so on mutual agreement / negotiations. The Director, BTRA reserves the right to forfeit the earnest money deposit if the bidder revokes or withdraws the tender within this stated period. 20. OPENING OF TENDER The tender shall be opened by a Purchase Committee constituted by the competent authority, BTRA, at Mumbai, at the time, date and venue as given in the “Tender Notice”. 21. AGREEMENT The successful bidder shall sign and return copy of Purchase Order placed with him, as a token of acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order. The bidder shall also enclose the applicable security deposit in the form of BG or DD as specified at Clause No. 15. 22. CRITERION FOR REJECTION 22.1 The BTRA reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or reject all tenders without giving any reasons whatsoever for their decision. 22.2 Tenders are liable to be rejected in which any of the prescribed particulars / information is either missing or incomplete in any respect and/or if the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled. 22.3 Tenders which are found to be technically non- responsive shall be rejected and their commercial bids shall not be opened. 22.4 Canvassing in connection with tender is strictly prohibited and tender submitted by bidder who resorts to canvassing will be liable to rejection. Page 11 of 55 22.5 Tenders containing specific conditions of the bidder other than the terms and conditions given in the tender document and not acceptable to the BTRA are liable to be rejected. 22.6 If the validity of the tender is not up to 11/05/2015, the tender will be rejected 22.7 If the tender document duly signed by the authorized person on all pages is not submitted, the tender will be rejected 23. The BTRA caters mainly to the manufacturers/exporters. Hence, Purchase Committee may at its discretion give preferences to more popular brands of instruments, which give results that are widely accepted internationally by buyers abroad and the decision of the Committee will be final. 24. Before submission of the tender, the prospective bidders are expected to examine technical specifications of the equipments required, terms and conditions, etc., given in this tender document. Failure to furnish all information required in the tender document may result in the rejection of the bid. 25. The BTRA reserves the right to cancel items, from the list of requirement of instruments without assigning any reason thereof. 26. The number of instruments required is tentative so also the location mentioned where the supply has to be effected. BTRA at its discretion may delete/add the number of requirement of instruments and change the location where the supply has to be effected. Page 12 of 55 III (B) TERMS AND CONDITIONS- SPECIAL 1. Cost details are to be filled up in the prescribed format as given at Annexure – III for all the instrument as applicable to imported /indigenous indicating therein exworks price, agency commission payable to Indian agents, FOB, insurance, packing and forwarding and total CIF charges, applicable taxes etc. including that of the accessories like voltage stabilizers etc 2. Agency commission for imported equipments/instruments will be paid in Indian Rupees, only after the successful installation of the equipment and imparting training to the technical personnel of the laboratory concerned 3. All accessories, start up kit required for installation & commissioning the main equipments are to be specified and quoted 4. The terms of payment in case of indigenous machinery/equipment shall be: a) 20% of the total price of the machinery/equipment will be paid as advance on receipt of (i) acceptance of purchase order, (ii) applicable security deposit in the form of BG or DD and (iii) Bank Guarantee for an equal amount valid for the duration upto delivery of the equipment. (Format of BG given at Annexure- IV). b) 60% of the ex-works price of the machinery/equipment plus Government levies will be paid against invoice and delivery of the equipment in good condition. c) 20% remaining amount plus packing, freight and insurance charges will be paid after successful commissioning of the equipment, demonstration of satisfactory performance and imparting training to the technical personnel of the laboratory concerned. 5. The bidder should take responsibility for delivering the equipments inside the premises of the respective laboratories of BTRA as specified in the Purchase Order. 6. The foreign supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stamp duties, license fees and other such levies imposed outside India. 7. The Local supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes duties, license fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted goods to the purchaser. Viz. BTRA. 8. Training: The successful bidder of the equipment should provide adequate training for at least one technical personnel of the laboratory per equipment including trouble shooting etc., and making them confident of operating the Page 13 of 55 equipment independently. In case of major and sophisticated equipment, the successful bidder should give training in the following 3 phases: i) Basic theory and technique of the equipment: The purpose is to train BTRA officials in fundamental aspects of the technique. This will be open house classroom training at a mutually convenient venue. To & fro, lodging and boarding charges for one person per equipment is to be borne by the successful bidder. ii) This will be conducted at the time of actual installation of the instrument. This involves hands on experience on the instrument explaining complete capabilities of the software and brief trouble shooting, routine maintenance including technique, if any. iii) This will be conducted aboard after completion of the 2nd stage. Boarding, lodging, to & fro airfare and training expenses of the trainee has to be borne by the successful bidder. In addition to above trainings, continuous ongoing support in application area from the supplier and its principal abroad are to be provided. 9. The bidder shall adhere to the delivery period of the equipment/item as committed by him as indicated in Annexure V of the tender document, whichever is earlier. Penalty for non-execution of the order within the delivery period shall be 1% of the cost of the equipment/item for every week of delay. 10. The installation and commissioning of the equipment/item should be completed within 30 days from the date of delivery, failing which penalty shall be levied @ 1% of the cost of the equipment/item for every week of delay. 11. The bidder shall give warranty for at least one year in respect of items quoted. 12. During the warranty period, regular servicing/maintenance should be undertaken free of charge, including replacement of defective parts/travel cost, etc. Subsequently, servicing/maintenance should be undertaken by the authorised agency of the manufacturer / supplier as per the annual maintenance contract conditions. 13. Operation/maintenance manuals, calibration procedures and other instruction manuals should be provided along with each of the equipment. 14. Terms for service contract (comprehensive or non-comprehensive) after the expiry of warranty period for atleast 3 years are to be included. Page 14 of 55 15. The Test Control/operating Systems like computer and printer, compatible to the main instrument, are to be supplied indigenously with latest configuration and licensed operating system. Assembled models and unlicensed operating system will not be entertained. 16. If the equipment/item is not manufactured by the bidder, authorization of the manufacturer to the bidder for marketing and servicing the equipments in India should be enclosed along with the technical bid of the tender. In the absence of such authorization, the tender will not be considered at all. 17. It is the sole responsibility of the supplier to process insurance claim in case of machine/ equipment/instrument is received in fully or partly damaged condition or missing in transit. No extra payment will be borne by BTRA towards clearing charges, freight, cost towards deputation of service person or any other charges whatsoever for rectifying /replacement of the damaged parts/ equipment/instruments. 18. The responsibility for customs clearance (in case of imported equipments), transporting and delivering the equipment/instrument inside the laboratory at the respective places, as the case may be, lies with the bidder only. All the relevant documents required for the customs clearance and transportation will be provided to the bidder or his representative by the BTRA within a reasonable period of time. In case of delay in the customs clearance of imported equipments, the demurrage has to be paid by the bidder only. Hence, suppliers may inform their principals abroad to give timely information regarding the dispatch of equipment/item. 19. In case of short supply or wrong supply of equipment/instrument, its parts or accessories or supply of items in damaged conditions, it is the responsibility of the bidder to arrange for the supply of the required items in working condition as per the purchase order, within a reasonable time. Any additional expenditure, whatsoever, for the above will be borne by the bidder only. 20. The specifications given in this document are the minimum requirement. The bidders are free to offer equipment/instruments with better features also. However, the evaluation shall be based on the features mentioned in the tender document. If different model are quoted, the cost details may be given in separate sheet 21. Orders for the supply of items, once placed with successful bidder is non transferable and no sub-contracting is permitted. BTRA reserves the right to cancel the order in such event. 22. The items and no. of units of the items being procured are tentative and liable to change without assigning any reason. Page 15 of 55 23. Financial statement of the manufacturer incorporating the turnover of business for the last 3 years should be submitted along with the commercial bids. In case of authorized agents who are submitting the bids, income tax returns for the last 3 years have to be submitted along with the commercial bids. 24. Any non-fulfillment of the stipulation given above will make the bid invalid. 25. BTRA at its liberty has the right to exercise to issue purchase order of similar instrument to more than 1 bidder if the number of such items is more than one to have the different makes and models of instruments for different laboratory, if these are conforming to the tender specification. 26. The full payment will be released to the bidders only after completion of satisfactory performance check of the instrument/equipment. 27. In case of computer related equipment, the bidders have to quote for indigenous computer only instead of imported computers, if any. 28. The bids shall first be evaluated for their “technical responsiveness” which shall inter-alia include, (i) Compliance to EMD requirement; (ii) Proof that the bidder is (i) either manufacturer or (ii) an authorized agent for the equipment/item for which the bid is submitted, Compliance to technical specifications of the machinery/equipment for which the bid is submitted, Adherence to the warranty period, (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Documents in support of compliance to the calibration of the equipment and its traceability to national/international standards of measurement and proven performance through proficiency testing, wherever such requirement is specified, Necessary documentary proof that the bidder has manufactured or supplied the equipment during the past 2 years along with the list of such customers and performance report of the equipment from at least 2 such customers/users for the past 2 years, (vii) Details regarding the service centres, stocking of spares etc. (viii) Confirmation about the supply of Certified Reference Materials/Samples for checking the performance of the testing instruments, wherever applicable. Page 16 of 55 (ix) Compliance to all other relevant and critical terms and conditions of the tender. (x) DD for Rs. 500/- if the document is down loaded from website (xi) Validity of the tender up to 11/05/2015 (xii) For the equipment under category 1 and some of the automatic equipment under category 2, the tender document will be evaluated by grading system based on the following criteria: a. The range, sensitivity / detection limit, technique used calibration traceability, overall technical compliance, satisfactory user certificate etc, will be reviewed for its technical responsiveness. (xiii) If any of the above mentioned parameters are not fulfilled, the bid will be considered as technically nonresponsive. 29. The commercial bids of those bidders who are technically responsive only shall be evaluated based on the following criterion : (i) Total price of the equipment inclusive of accessories/ancillary equipment, taxes, duties etc. (ii) AMC charges for three years after the expiry of the warranty period. Page 17 of 55 Annexure-I Technical Specification of the Machines/Equipment 1. Electronic motorized CBR Apparatus with DAQ system (3) Sr. no. Specification Basic feature 1. Requirement The equipment should consist of: Load Frame, 50 kN (5,000kgf) Capacity, Two Speed 1.5, 1.25 mm/min Mould - Gun Metal 150m ID x 175 mm H. Perforated Base Plate - Gun Metal, for Mould. Extension Collar - Gun Metal 150 mm ID x 50 mm high. ( as per IS 9669) Penetration Piston having 50 mm face diameter as per IS 9669. Circular Metal Spacer Disc, with detachable handle, 148 mm dia. x 47.7 mm high. Annular Metal Weight 2.5 kg, 147 mm dia. with 53 mm dia. central hole. Slotted Metal Weight 2.5 kg, 147 mm dia. with 53 mm dia. slot. Perforated Plate 148 mm dia. with adjustable stem and lock nut. Cutting Collar Metal Rammer (IS 9198) : Rammer 2.6 kg, 310 mm controlled drop. Rammer 4.9 kg, 450 mm controlled drop. Soaking tank or pan, mixing bowl, filter papers etc Drying oven IS: 2720 (Part XVI), IS 9669, BS 1377; 1924; EN 13286-47/ ASTM D 1883; AASTHO T 193 2. Test Method : 3. Indicator 4. Load Cell 5. Displacement Transducer 6. Data Acquisition Hardware / Software It should be an integrated hardware/software system, with option up to 16 bit Data Acquisition, for IBM-PC or its compatibles, for acquiring of Geotechnical Test Data CBR etc. Other accessories The USB connectivity 7. 8. Others Compliance with Yes or No Digital Indicator Mode of Display: Micro controller multi line alpha numeric VFD display for all simultaneous channels Capacity: 50 kN (5000 kgf), Compression Type with 3 m long cable Maximum overload: 110% of the rated capacity Sensing: Strain Gauges in full bridge configuration Range: ±10 mm with 3 m long cable Sensing element: LVDT Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Page 18 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Free training Printed Instruction Manual Quick Service manual Electrical wiring diagram 9. Suitability to the supply Voltage: Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply 2. Swell Test Apparatus with Proving Ring 2.5 kN (10) Sr. no. Specification 1 Basic feature 2 Test Method : 3 Others Requirement Compliance with Yes or No The equipment shall consists of The mould having channels and radial grooves with connecting holes Load Frame, Hand Operated, Capacity 50 KN (5,000 kgf) Mould, 100mm dia x 127.3mm height (1,000ml volume) with base plate and collar Proving Ring, with integral boss, high sensitivity 2.5KN (250 Kgf) capacity Dial Gauge , 25mm travel, 0.01mm least count Lid & receiver in G.I. frame for 300mm dia x 450mm dia sieves Perforated swell plate, 100mm dia x 16mm thick Spencer, 100mm dia x 12.7mm thick Pair of Porous stones, 100mm dia x 12.7mm thick Load Transfer Bar Steel Ball Soaking Tank, 250mm dia x 210mm high IS 2131 and other relevant standards Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Page 19 of 55 3. Sample preparation machines (19) Sr. no. Specificati on 1 Basic feature Requirement Compli ance with Yes or No Sampling Augers: ASTM D-1452 Sampling auger outfit, blade type (Post hole) Auger head with one rod-one meter long and tee piece handle. Auger head 150mm diameter Auger head 100mm diameter Auger head 75mm diameter Auger head 50 mm dia Auger head 38 mm dia Extension rod, 1 meter long for 150 mm Auger. Extension rod, 1 meter long for 100 mm / 75mm / 50mm/38mm Sampling auger, Screw type with one meter long extension rod, tee piece handle Auger head 100 mm diameter Auger head-75 mm diameter Auger head-50 mm diameter Auger head-38 mm diameter Sampling outfit for 38mm dia specimen: Consists of : One Sample extractor, screw type with a wire sample trimmer, Jarring Link for 38 mm dia tube, Adapter with locking screw, Split mould 38 mm dia x 76 mm long with quick release clamps., sampling tube, 38 mm dia x 150 mm long and one sampling tube 38 mm dia x 200 mm long. Sampling tubes Un-relieved. 38mm I Diax 150mmlong 38 mm I. Dia x 200 mm long 38 mm I. Dia x 225 mm long Page 20 of 55 Sr. no. Specificati on Requirement Compli ance with Yes or No 38 mm I. Dia x 300 mm long Sampling tubes Relieved 38 mm I. Dia x 150 mm long 38 mm I. Dia x 200 mm long. 38 mm I. Dia x 225 mm long. 38 mm I. Diax 300 mm long. Sampling Outfit Heavy Duty Consists of: One Auger 150 mm dia. head, blade type, with one meter long extension rod & Tee piece handle. Extension rod, heavy duty for above auger 1 meter long, Set of two spanner for tightening the rods. Jarring link (Large for driving samplers or to extension rod) Eye hook, wax container, methyl lated spirit stove, wax ladle. 2 Test Method : 3 Others Relevant standards Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training 4. Pulverizer (20) Sr. no. 1. Specification Requirement Basic feature • Should be suitable for grinding materials to produce fine mesh samples. • Self contained grinder with a rotating disc having planetary movement in vertical plane. • Material size : 4 mm or more • Outlet particle size : 0.15 mm 2. Others 3. Suitability to the supply Voltage: Compliance with Yes or No Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50 Hz power supply Page 21 of 55 5. In-situ Vane Shear Test Apparatus (23 ) Sr. no. 1. Specification Basic feature Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Vane: vane should consist of four blades each fixed at 900 to adjacent blades & edges of the vanes should be sharpened having included angle of 900. The height of vane shall be twice the overall diameter. The vane blades shall be welded together suitably to a central rod, the maximum diameter should not exceed 12.5 mm in the portion of the rod which goes into the specimen. The apparatus shall be motorized. The fixing of vane & shaft to the apparatus in such a way that the vane can be lowered gradually & vertically into the soil. Arrangement for rotating the vane steadily at a rate 0 of 1/60 rev/min (0.1 s) and for measuring the rotation of the vane should be provided. A torque applicator to rotate the vane in the soil and a device for measuring the torque applied to an accuracy of 0.05 cm. kgf. Specimen size in tube shall be at least 37.5 mm in dia. & 75 mm long in length. The torque ring should have a section cut from it and deform as torque is applied and the resultant deformation should be indicated by a dial gauge. A pointer should be provided for registering the rotation of the vane. A detachable stand is provided to anchor the instrument. An attachment to securely hold the string of rods should be provided. A calibration curve to convert the dial gauge readings to kg-cm of torque should be supplied. The equipment should consist of : Torque Applicator Assembly, Capacity 2,000 kg-cm. Complete with stand 1 No. A gear wheel marked in degrees, for holding a torque ring. Vane (with Vane Rod), 37.5 mm dia. x 75 mm high 1 No Vane (with Vane Rod), 50 mm dia. x 100 mm high 1 No. Vane (With vane rod), 65mm dia. x 130mm , 75mm dia. x 150mm high, 100mm x 200mm high, guides 10 & 15cm Torque Rod (Square cross section) 60 cm long 1 No. Rods (Quick coupling type) I m long 25 Nos. Rods (Quick coupling type) 0.5 m long 1 No. Dummy Rod 1 No. 2. Optional Suitable software for calculating the shear strength Page 22 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Requirement 3. Test Method : IS:4434 and other relevant standard methods Others 4. 5. Suitability to the supply Voltage: Compliance with Yes or No Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate Free Installation Free training Printed Instruction Manual Quick Service manual Electrical wiring diagram Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply 6. Field C.B.R. Test Apparatus (24) Sr. no. Specification 1 Basic feature 2 Test Method : 3 Others Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Consists of Loading Jack with U-Bracket, cap. 100 KN (10,000 kgf), Swivel head, Penetration piston 50 mm dia., Extension set 2 length 5 cms, 2 lengths-10 cm, 1 length - 30 cms and a length 100 cms., Connector set-8 Nos. Dial gauge support (Datum Bar), Adjustable bracket, Annual metal wt. 5 kg., Slotted metal wt.-10 kg and 5 kg. Accessories: Dial gauge 0.01 mm x 25mm travel, b High sensitivity Proving ring, 50 kN Capacity. Cone: IS:2720 (P-XXXII) Complete with set of weights 7 Nos-4.5 kg and One hardened steel cone. Proving ring Penetrometer complete with high sensitivity proving ring of 100 kg. Cap. fitted with 0.002mm dial gauge with calibration certificate. IS 2720 part 31 and other relevant standards Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Page 23 of 55 7. Dynamic Tri-axial Testing System (25) Sr. no. Specification Basic feature 1. Requirement Compliance with Yes or No CYCLIC Triaxial Testing System should be suitable for cyclic triaxial modulus & damping tests. It should comprise of following : Tri-axial Pressure Cell: primary requirements – tolerance for piston, top platen & low friction piston seal. The load rod diameter shall be 1/6 th of the specimen diameter. Provision for sample drainage at both the top & bottom platens. Cyclic loading equipment: It must be capable of applying a uniform sinusoidal load at a frequency within the range of 0.1 to 2 Hz. The loading device must be able to maintain uniform cyclic loadings to at least 0.5 % double amplitude stress. The equipment must be able to apply the cyclic deformation about either an initial datum point or follow the specimen as it deforms. Load frame with beam mounted actuator, 50mm stroke, Axial load capability 5Hz +/- 5KN. Electromechanical Actuation using brushless DC servo motor. Regulator for air input. Cyclic speed for sine ware up to 5Hz Cyclic load from +/- 20N to +/- 5KN 1) Range 0 to 50KN electro-mechanical digital load frame. 2) RS232 port for external control. 3) Controlled rates of strain from 0.00001 to 9.99999 mm per min. 4) Start / Stop Operation through computer. Recording equipment : Load, displacement, and pore water pressure transducers are required to monitor, specimen behavior during cyclic loading. Load measurement : Load cell capacity shall not be greater than 5times the total max. load Axial deformation : LVDT or similar with an accuracy of 0.25 % Pressure & vacuum control devices : control of pressure / vacuum shall be within + 2 psi ( 14 kPa ) Pressure & vacuum measurement devices : Pressure (cell pressure, Pore water Pressure and Page 24 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Back pressure) / vacuum accuracy shall be within + 2 psi (14 kPa). Pore pressure to be measured with electronic transducer with maximum pressure limit not less than 1000KPa. Volume change measurement device: accuracy shall be within + 0.05%. The device must be able to withstand chamber pressure. Specimen cap & base: Shall be made from rigid & noncorrosive, impermeable material & shall have circular plane surface of contact with the porous disc & a circular cross section. The weight of cap & top porous disc shall be less than 0.5 % of the applied axial load at failure as determined from an un-drained static tri-axial test. The diameter of cap & base shall be equal to initial diameter of specimen. Porous disc: The coefficient of permeability of the discs shall be 1 x 10-3 mm/sec. Filter paper strips: The coefficient of permeability of the filter paper shall be 1 x 10- 6 mm/sec. for a normal pressure of 550 kPa. Rubber membrane: The diameter shall be between 90 & 95 % of that of the specimen & thickness shall not exceed 1 % of the diameter of specimen. Specimen size measuring device : accuracy +1% Timer: accuracy -1 sec. Weighing device: accuracy: + 0.05%. Water De-aeration device : Recorders for specimen behaviour : digital Pressuring / flushing panel : Data acquisition:1) 16 bit digital controller of single channel 2) Synchronization link for other similar controller. 3) Includes 4 channels of 16 bit a/d capture. 4) Excitation voltage for all the transducer should be provided by data acquisition Types of Test to be conducted:1) UU triaxial test Page 25 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No 2) CU Triaxial test 3) Consolidated extension triaxial test 4) Cyclic triaxial test load controlled and strain controlled. 5) Suitable for carrying out both isotropic and KO consolidation tests. Types of Output curves and displayed required:1) Axial Strain Vs Shear Strain 2) Axial Strain Vs Pore Pressure 3) Axial Strain Vs Volumetric Strain 4) Effective Mean Stress Vs Shear Strain 5) Number of Cycles Vs Shear Strain 6) Number of Cycles Vs Axial Strain 7) Number of Cycles Vs Pore Pressure 8) Stress Paths for each cycle 9) Stress-Strain Plots for each cycle 10) Modulus Vs Strain Plot Spare:Adequate spare for Triaxial cell, Pedestal and Top Caps , Submersible load transducer, Axial Strain Transducer, Electronic pore pressure transducer, rubber membranes, Porous Disc , Perplex Disc and filter paper should be provided. 2. Miscellaneous Specimen trimming & carving tools Test Method : ASTM D 3999, ASTM D 5311 Others 3. 4. Suitability to the supply Voltage: Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Printed Instruction Manual Quick Service manual Electrical wiring diagram Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply Page 26 of 55 8. Light Weight Deflectometer (26) Sr. no. 1. Specification Basic feature Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Instrument shall confirm the following general requirements: Instrument exposed to the element, shall be operable in the temperature range of -10 to 50 oC and shall tolerate relatively high humidity, rain or spray, and all other adverse conditions such as dust, shock, or vibrations that may normally be encountered. Force-Generating Device, (a falling weight) with a guide system. The force-generating device shall be capable of being raised to a predetermined height and dropped. The resulting force pulse transmitted to the pavement shall be capable of providing a halfsine or haversine shaped load pulse, with a time of loading of between 20 and 40 msecs, and shall be reproducible within the requirements. Falling Weight, designed to operate with negligible friction or resistance. Load Plate, capable of an approximately uniform distribution of the impulse load on the surface. The instrument shall be suitably constructed to allow pavement deflection measurements at the center of the point of impact, through a hole in the center of the load plate. Deflection Sensor( s), capable of measuring the maximum vertical movement and mounted in such a manner as to minimize angular rotation with respect to its measuring plane at the maximum expected movement. The number and spacing of the sensors is optional and will depend upon the purpose of the test and the pavement layer characteristics. Sensors may be of several types such as displacement transducers, velocity transducers, or accelerometers. Data Processing and Storage System. Shall have Load and deflection data display and recording facility. It shall also have recording facility for Supporting information such as air temperature, surface temperature, distance measurements, and identification data for each test point, automatically . Load Cell. A load cell shall be used to measure the applied load of each impact. It shall be placed in a position to minimize the mass between the load cell and the surface. The load cell shall be positioned in such a way that it does not restrict the ability to obtain deflection measurements under the center of the load plate. The load cell shall be water resistant and shall be resistant to mechanical shocks from Page 27 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No impacts during testing or traveling. LWD Size, shall be small enough to be considered portable, i.e. not requiring a vehicle or trailer for transport. Hazards : Equipment shall be equipped with all safety. Calibration Force-Generating DevicePeak load levels measured by the load cell shall not vary from each other more than 1.3 %. Signal Conditioning and Recorder System All signal conditioning and recording equipment shall allow deflection measurements to be displayed and stored with a resolution of 1 to 11m or less. The peak load and deflection measurements shall be recorded within a time period 2. Test method Others 3. Suitability to the supply Voltage: It shall have Peak load measurements display and storage facility with a resolution of 0 to. I kN or less if the load is expressed as mean stress depending onthe plate radius. ASTM D 2583 Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply or battery operated with charger for portable instrument 9. Redwood Viscometer (38) Sr. no. Specification Requirement 1 Basic feature The viscometers shall consists of a heavily silver plated brass oil cup with a precision stainless steel jet assembled in a chromium plated both fitted with a heating tube or heating element and drain cock. The bath and cup assembly may be mounted on a stand with leveling feet. Each unit shall have complete with silver plated ball valve, spirit level and cover, the thermometer clip and receiver of capacity of 50ml. Electrical heating complete with Dimmer stat, controlling the temperature with an accuracy of + 1 oC. Indication of temperature of oil & water bath with an accuracy of 0.01 oC. The constant stirring facility shall be provided. Range of viscosity : up to 2000 sec. 2 Test Method : IP 17, BS 188, ASTM D 1200 Compliance with Yes or No Page 28 of 55 Sr. no. Specification 3 Extra : 4 Others 5 Suitability to the supply Voltage: Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Thermometer ,Range: 0°C to 45°C Thermometer ,Range: 40°C to 85°C Thermometer ,Range: 76°C to 122°C Spares Viscometer cup Receiving Flask Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply 10. Digital Saybolt Viscometer (39) Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Basic feature 1. 2. Test Method : 3. Others 4. Suitability to the supply Voltage: The equipment shall be made up of corrosion resistant metal. The dimensions shall confirm ASTM D 88. The equipment shall be able to measure Saybolt Viscosity of petroleum products at specified temperatures between 700 F and 2100 F & also Saybolt Furol viscosity of bituminous materials at temperatures of 250, 275, 300, 350, 400 and 450°F. The equipment should consist of : One each of Cylindrical Oil Cup, Universal Tip, Furol Tip, Bath fitted with effective insulation and an efficient stirring mechanism and immersion heater mounted on a stand, Dimmerstat for temperature control, Stirrer with shield. insulated handle and thermometer support, receiving flask, withdrawal tube, filter funnel, Thermometer support for cup and circular spirit level. ASTM D88, D 244, AASHTO T 72 Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply Page 29 of 55 11. Softening Point Apparatus (44) Sr. no. Specification Requirement Basic 27. feature The equipment shall have Ring and Ball assembly. It must have magnetic stirrer with heating facility and digital display of temperature, the heating can be adjusted through knob. Each unit shall be supplied with a bath of heat resistant glass and the following : Tapered Rings 2 Nos. Ball Centering Guide 2 Nos. Steel Balls of 9.5 mm dia 2 Nos. Ring holder 1 No. Electric Heater (Hot Plate) 1 No. IS 1205 and other relevant standards Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply Test Method 28. : 29. Others Suitability 30. to the supply Voltage: Compliance with Yes or No 12. Ductility testing machine with digital display & cooling arrangement (46) Sr. no. Specification 1. Basic feature 2. 3. Test Method : Optional Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Machine should have multi specimen test facility. The machine should consist of a carriage moving over a lead screw. An electric motor driven reduction gear unit to ensure smooth constant speed and continuous operation should be provided. The entire assembly should be mounted with water bath completely encased in metal bound hardwood. The digital temperature controller. Two rates of travel i.e. 50 mm/min and 10 mm/min. Moulds: Made up of brass of a dimensions as given in (fig.1) of IS 1208. Dimensions of briquette specimen: Total length: 75 + 0.5 mm Distance between clips: 30 + 0.3 mm Width of mouth clip: 20 + 0. 2 mm Width at min. cross section : 10 + 0.1 mm Thickness throughout : 10 + 0.1 mm Water bath: Maintaining the temp. within + 0.1oC and capacity more than 10 litres, equipped with perforated shelf situated 50 mm above bottom of bath. IS: 1208 and other relevant standards Thermometer : 0 to 44oC, with an accuracy + 0.2oC Page 30 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Others 4. 5. Suitability to the supply Voltage: Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Printed Instruction Manual Quick Service manual Electrical wiring diagram Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply 13. Asphalt Mixer (47) Sr.No. Specification 1. Basic feature Requirement Compliance with Yes or No The Laboratory mixer, capable of entirely coating all mineral substances in not more than 5 min and preferably equipped with thermostatically controlled heating & mechanical speed control. The mixer shall be of the whisk or other type that is not so rigid that it can damage either aggregate particles or bowl. Ventilated oven, for heating aggregates & bitumen up to relevant temperatures ranging from 90 to 250 oC as given in Table 1 in EN 12968-35. The variable speed mixer consists of electric motor, gear box and vertical curved blade. The elevating system consists of a motor, worm gear; up right column, guide bar and stopper block and the heating pot shall have a double lever metal pot, conduction coil and electric heater. Temperature range -Room temp to 250 + 0.5 C Timer - 0-999 sec Speed of blade - Revolution 42-48 rpm Rotation 70-75 rpm 2. Test Method : 3. Optional 4. 5. Others Suitability to the supply Voltage: EN 12697-35 Hot plate, Balance, Thermometer & ventilated oven Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Printed Instruction Manual Quick Service manual Electrical wiring diagram Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply or 415V, 50Hz, 10A, 3ph Page 31 of 55 14. Wheel Rut Tester (48) Sr. no. Specification 27. 1 Basic feature Test 28. Method : 2 29. Others 3 4 Suitability 30. to the supply Voltage: Requirement Compliance with Yes or No The machine should have two main parts i.e. testing machine and constant temperature cabinet, temperature is controlled by PID controller. This consists essentially of a loaded wheel, which bears on a sample held on a moving table ( reciprocating with simple harmonic motion ) & fitted with a solid rubber tyre The machine shall be capable to adjust the tyre position on and off the specimen at the beginning and at the end of the test. • Large permanent memory to store test data and results • RS 232 ports for connection to PC and printer • Large graphic display • Tracks for specified number of passes or to specified rut depth • Adjustable load cycle frequency • Double temperature measurement: inside the specimen and in the cabinet The test should be automatically controlled by a data acquisition and processing system with large graphic display to monitor in real time number of cycles, rut depth and temperature and time displacement graph Technical specifications Test wheel speed: 42+ 1 rpm Moving distance of sample table: 230 + 10 mm Rubber hardness of wheel: 78+ 2 at 60 C Specimen Size: 300x300x50 mm Displacement measuring range: 0-30 + 0.1 mm Max pressure applied on specimen: 0.7 + 0.5 Mpa Temperature of cabinet: Room temp to 80 + 0.5 C AASHTO T P 63 & other relevant Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 /415 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply Page 32 of 55 15. Asphalt Mixer Theoretical Density Meter (49) Sr. no. Specification Requirement Basic27. feature The equipment should consist of main body fitted with vacuum gauge, two vacuum containers, vibratory table and control panel. Vacuum bowl: Diameter 180 to 260 mm, height at least 160 mm shall be equipped with a transparent cover fitted with rubber gasket & connection for vacuum line. Bowl & cover shall be strong enough to withstand the vacuum pressure. Vacuum flask for weighing in air only: thick walled volumetric glass flask of 4000 ml capacity fitted with rubber stopper & with connection for vacuum line. Vacuum pump or water aspirator: capable of evacuating the air from vacuum container to a residual pressure of 4 kPa or less. Manometer or vacuum gauge : Thermometers: max. scale error 0.5oC shall confirm specification E1 Water bath : capable of maintaining temp between 20 & 30oC Bleeder valve Mechanical agitation device The vibratory table operation: manual and automatic mode to release the entrapped air from the asphalt sample. Vibration loading : 10kg ASTM D2041-03 Balance with resolution 0.1 g, class GP2. For making measurement under water. It should be equipped with a suitable suspension apparatus & holder to permit weighing the sample while suspended from centre of the scale. Oven of adequate capacity in terms of volume, range of temperature and its accuracy conforming to the standards Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Test 28. Method : Optional 29. 30. Others Suitability to the 31. supply Voltage: Compliance with Yes or No Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply Page 33 of 55 16. Pavement Intensity Test Apparatus (50) Sr. no. Specification 27. Basic feature 3 Test 28. Method : 29. Others Suitability 30. to the supply Voltage: Requirement Compliance with Yes or No The machine shall have sturdy frame having two chrome plated pillars and cross head to work up to 100 kN axial load having two speed of loading to perform various test such as bearing ratio, Marshall test. The speed adjustment : mechanical lever fitted on main frame. It shall be able to run on forward and reverse mode also or Any other means of changing the speed. Technical specifications Capacity: 100kN Max. Vertical distance B/w the plates: 200mm Allowed overload: 30% Speed of piston: High 50.8 mm/min, Low 1 mm/min AASHTO TP076 Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply 17. Asphalt extraction Apparatus (51) Sr. no. Specification 27. 1 Basic feature Test 28. Method : 2 29. Others Suitability 30. to the supply Voltage: Requirement Compliance with Yes or No The equipment shall consist of : High speed centrifugal extractor. The instrument shall have safety features for its easy & trouble free operation such as Phase sequence alarm, overheating protection, high or low level protection, high voltage protection, timer etc. The dissolvent recovery and storage chamber shall be made up of anti corrosion stainless steel. TECHINCAL SPECIFICATION Specimen capacity : 1000g to 1500g Extraction accuracy : 0.1% Centrifugal Separator rotation speed : 5500rpm, 11000rpm EN 12697-1, ASTM D 2172, AASHTO T58, T164 Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 / 450 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz single / three phase Page 34 of 55 18. Los Angeles Abrasion Tester (50 ) Sr. no. Specification Requirement Basic27. feature The machine shall be same as described in test standards. The machine shall consist of a hollow steel cylinder, with a wall thickness of not less than 12.4 mm closed at both ends, conforming to the dimensions shown in test standards, having an inside diameter of 711 + 5 mm, and an inside length of 508 + 5 mm. A suitable, dust-tight cover shall be provided for the Opening. A removable steel shelf extending the full length of the cylinder and projecting inward 89 + 2 mm. The distance from the shelf to the opening, measured along the outside circumference of the cylinder in the direction of rotation, shall be not less than 1270 mm. The machine shall be so driven and so counterbalanced as to maintain a substantially uniform peripheral speed. The steel spheres averaging approx. 46.8 mm in diameter and each having a mass of between 390 and 445 g. IS 2386 part 4 and ASTM DC 131 Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training AMC after warranty period Suitable to 220 / 450 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz single / three phase Test 28. Method : 29. Others Suitability 30. to the supply Voltage: Compliance with Yes or No 19. Tensile Tester (Multi-station universal tester) Sr. no. 1. Specification Basic feature Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Multi-station frame : 5 or more test stations on single frame to perform tension/compression static & cyclic tests as per international standards Machine bearing capacity : minimum 50kN x 5 Load measurement : through fully auto scaling transducer of 50kN, shall meet or exceed requirements of ASTM E4, ISO 7500-1, ±0.5% accuracy over 1 to 100% of the capacity Load cell overload protection : minimum 150 % Vertical opening : 1000 mm or more Test speed: 0.01 to 500mm/min or more, adjustable Software: Software shall consist of analysis of Page 35 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Accessories 2. Test Method 3. Optional 4. Others 5. Supply Voltage Requirement outputs from five load cells and averaging of the results with CV and SD for 5 or 10 readings. It shall have in built test methods which are most common for Geosynthetics, Technical textiles & other technical textiles and also for other non textile products. Software shall have facility for creating new test methods. It shall be able to regenerate the results and incorporate additional test parameters e.g. strength at specific elongation and vice a versa, modulus etc. Multiple end conditions like Position, Strain, Load & Time shall be available. Test Control mode : Position, Load & Strain rate. Load cells : 10kN (five nos.) & 50 kN (One) Automatic Identification of Load cells Storage of up to 100 Test Methods Hydraulic ( or pneumatic or mechanical) grips preferred 1. For Grab test as per ASTM D 4632 (gripping strength of 5kN or more) 2. Flat corrugated grip for tensile strength ( 50 kN capacity) with dimensions of 50mm (height) and 110mm (wide) ASTM D 4533, 4632 & 5035 & other technical textiles and non textile products related Load cell: 10kN, 5kN Hydraulic wedge grips (50 kN capacity ) for specimen width of 50 mm & 15 mm thickness and for round specimen up to 12.5 mm diameter. Extensometer: Suitable non contact extensometer for variable/adjustable gauge length. Shall conform to ASTM E83, ISO 9513 & other national & international standards Contact type extensometer for composites, 25mm GL, 50% measuring range, shall meet or exceed requirements of ASTM E 83 class B1/B2, ISO 9513 class 0.5, shall be suitable for static & cyclic test. Facility for poisons ratio On Screen Display : Test Curve, Results and Series Statistics Any other suitable accessories Warranty: One Year Spare parts: Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate from accredited Laboratory Free Installation Free training Printed Instruction Manual Quick Service manual Electrical wiring diagram Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50 Hz power supply Compliance with Yes or No Possible Inbuilt Page 36 of 55 20. Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) Sr. no. 1 Specification Basic Features Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer Ability to calibrate temperature, force and displacement. Displacement resolution over entire displacement range is 1 nanometer or better. DMA Unit must have ability to provide Film Clamps, Fiber Clamps, compression, 3-point bend, dual cantilever, single cantilever, Shear, Tension, Compression, modes of deformation and powder sample holder. In addition, Unit must be able to scan multiple frequencies while simultaneously step or ramp heating. Ability to perform stress-relaxation, oscillation, force ramprate and strain-rate of extension/compression/flexure (UTM-like experiments). For Sub-ambient Experiments Up to -150 °C Automated Liquid Nitrogen control and automatic filling of cooling accessory from large tank using level sensor should be Included In the DMA Offer. DMA must incorporate automated clamp calibrations that are specific for each clamp type, and can be performed when switching clamps. Clamp compliance must be calibrated for each clamp type during the calibration. Performance Specifications: Viscoelastic Measurements Specifications: Modulus Range: 10³ to 1012 Pascals or better Modulus Precision : ± 1% or better Frequency Range : 0.01 to 200 Hz or better range Maximum Force : 18 Newton Force Range: + 0.001N to + 10N or better Force Resolution : 0.0001 Newton or better Tan d Range : 0.0001 to 100 or better range Tan d Sensitivity : 0.0001 or better Tan d Resolution : 0.00001 or better Dynamic sample deformation Range : +/- 0.5 to 10000 microns Amplitude Resolution : 1 nanometer (0.001 micron) or better Atmosphere: Inert, Oxidizing, Static, Dynamic Temperature Control Specifications: Temperature Range: -150 to 500°C or better Page 37 of 55 Heating rate : 0.1 to 20°C/min or better Cooling rate : 0.1 to 10°C/min to -100°C Cooling Time: 10 min (from 20oC to -150oC) Isothermal Stability : .+/- 0.5°C DMA must offer Clamps with the following Deformation Modes & Samples Size Specifications: 3-Point Bend : up to 50mm length Dual Cantilever: 30 mm + / - 5mm Single Cantilever : multiple length between 4mm and 20mm Tension (Film/Fiber) : 5 to 30 mm length Specification for Modes of Operation: The DMA must have the ability to program stress or force, and strain or amplitude in oscillation experiments. TMA measurement modes. The DMA must be capable of performing experiments in each of the following modes. Temperature Ramp/Single Frequency, Temperature Ramp/Frequency Sweep, Temperature Step & Hold/Frequency Sweep, Constant Temperature, Stress/Strain Sweep, Constant Strain Rate, Iso-strain, Creep, Stress Relaxation Specification for Analysis Software: Ability to graph, plot in tabular format, as well as analyze peak for temperature or signal values, onset points, slopes, peaks, integration of any curve, curve values, and curve subtractions. Data should be available in an ASCII format and or spreadsheet format. Program should employ programmable macros to automate analyses, as well as the ability to automatically generate custom analysis reports. Advance DMA software for data analysis and auto analysis, with life time free S/W upgrade, Time Temperature Superposition, Master curve software to automatically shift data and fit with WLF or Arrhenius equation. Optional: (1) Immersion test. (2) Humidity control facility 2 Test Method ASTM D 7028, ASTM D 5279, ASTM E 1640, ASTM D4065, D4440, ASTM D7750, ASTM D3531 3 Standard Digital calipers, Steel standards, torque meter and Certified Page 38 of 55 Accessories 4 Others 5 Training 6 Suitability to the Supply Voltage Calibration Standards from accredited laboratory. Communication accessories between a DMA module and an external computer. Appropriate cooling system preferably programmable using instrument software. Instruction and Service Manual soft copies Printed Instruction Manual and Quick Service manual and electrical wiring diagram to be supplied. Next Three years comprehensive AMC needs to be quoted. Spare Parts : Necessary or Frequently Required Latest configuration PC Printer to be included Training should be imparted to at least 2 technical personal in 3 phases i) Basic Installation ii) During Installation iii) At manufacturer site/Application Center Suitable to 220 ±10 v, 50-60 Hz Power supply 21. Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Should be able to find obsolete as well as Relative Molecular weight, Molecular Weight Distribution, Intrinsic Viscosity with high Sensitivity and accuracy. The system should be compatible with Polar as well Non-Polar Organic solvents, Aqueous and Buffer phase. It should incorporate a sensor that detects leakage and the system should shut down automatically. Unmatched Baseline stability and Data reproducibility. Degasser: Channels/Volume –Two channels, 8 ml per channel, Eluent Sensor - User selectable, Stops GPC pump when eluent runs out. 1 Basic Features Pump: Fastest Solvent Delivery Performance with Low Pulsation and High Speed Micro plunger with flow rate 0.01 to 9.99 ml/min. Pressure Reading – MPa or PSI. Soft start/stop user programmable in ml/min. Auto Sampler: Capacity -120 vials, freely programmable position sequence. Range- variable injection volume between 20 and 150 µl Column Oven: Temp range 10°C above ambient to 80° or more. Temp control precision 0.1°C. It should accommodate atleast 3 Columns. (7 X 300 mm). Refractive Index Detector (RID): Page 39 of 55 Measurement Principle- Deflection, Light Source: Tungsten Lamp. cell : 45° quartz glass, 9 µl volume. Purging- Manually/ automatic. Data Acquistion Rate: 5 Hz to software Viscosity Detector: Measurement Principle: 4 capillary differential Wheatstone bridge configuration Transducer: Analogue, Magnetic reluctance Cell Volume: 18µl/capillary Purging- Manually/ automatic. Data Acquistion Rate: 5 Hz to software Light Scattering Detector: Measuring Principle – RALS-90° angle and 7° angle Light Source: Laser Diode, <5Mw, 670 nm Cell Volume: 18µl/capillary Purging- Manually/ automatic. Data Acquistion Rate: 5 Hz to software Software: 6 channels, 5 Hz unlimited aquistion time, Results output- Mn,Mw,Mz,Mp,Mw/Mn, IV, weight Fraction, concentration, dn/dc, Branching Full GPC software for Multi detector system suitable for data collection, complete analysis of polymer properties and report generation. 2 Optional 3 Standard Accessories 4 Others 5 Training 6 Suitability to the Supply Voltage Photo Diode Array (PDA/DAD) Detector: Wavelength range UV 190 -500 nm Light Source: Deuterium and Tungsten Cell Volume: 10µl Data Acquistion Rate: 5 Hz to software Columns : General Mixed Organic Column 300 x7.8 mm General Mixed Aqueous Column 300 x7.8 mm Standards: Narrow and Broad triple detection Polystyrene standards. Narrow and Broad triple detection aqueous standards Printed Instruction Manual and Quick Service manual to be supplied Next Three years comprehensive AMC needs to be quoted Spare Parts : Necessary or Frequently Required Latest configuration PC Printer to be included Electrical wiring diagram to be supplied Training should be imparted to at least 2 technical personal in 3 phases i) Basic Installation ii) During Installation iii) At manufacturer site/Application Center Suitable to 220 ±10 v, 50-60 Hz Power supply Page 40 of 55 22. Water Permeability Tester Sr. no. 1. 2. 3. Specification Basic feature Test Method : Optional Others 4. Suitability to the supply Voltage: Requirement Compliance with Yes or No * The apparatus must be capable of maintaining a constant head of water on the geotextile being tested, or * The apparatus must be capable of being used as falling head apparatus. * In addition, the apparatus must not be the controlling agent for flow during the test. *Apparatus shall have facility to take out air bubble if any beneath the sample. *Apparatus shall be free of leakages. *Apparatus shall be capable of maintaining head up to 250 mm WC. * Apparatus shall show permittivity of 5 Sec-1 with SD of 0.65 with 75 micron mesh *Sample working diameter 50 mm or more. *Instrument shall be able to get calibration curve as per ASTM D 4491. *Instrument shall be able to measure flow rate and temperature automatically with correction. *Software : Software shall analyse permeability w.r.t. water head. Shall have facility to select water head and different unit like m/sec. l/m2/sec, l/min/sec, ft3/ft2/sec., gallons/ft2/sec. etc. ASTM D 4491, ISO 11058 Loading system on geotextile sample Warranty : Minimum One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate , Printed Instruction manual Electrical wiring diagram, service manual Performance certificate Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply 23. Weatherometer ( UV Stabilization Machine ) Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No UV light source shall be as per relevant standard. 1. Basic feature Xenon-Arc Apparatus, with daylight filters conforming to Practices G151 and G155. The apparatus must be capable of exposing the specimens Page 41 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No to cycles of light only, followed by light and moisture as water spray. The cycle shall be as follows. o 1)120 Minutes Cycles as: 90 minutes light only at 65+ 2.5 C Un-insulated black panel temperature and 50+ 5%RH , followed by 30 minutes of light plus water spray. 2) 5 h dry interval at a black standard temperature of (50+ 3) o C. 1 h water spray at a black standard temperature of (25+3) C. o The equipment shall be capable of maintaining wide range of irradiance & wavelength. Wavelength : 290 to 400 nm Irradiance : 0.35 to 25.1 W/m2 The equipment shall be capable of working 1000 hrs or more continuously without any problem. 2. 3. Test Method : Optional Others 4. Suitability to the supply Voltage: ASTM D 4355, ISO 12224 Lamps -3 nos. Lamp filters 3 nos. Water filters 2 nos. A radiation meter, in accordance with ISO 4892-1 Warranty : Minimum One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate , Printed Instruction manual Electrical wiring diagram, service manual Performance certificate Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50-60 Hz power supply 24. Universal Coating Machine Sr. no. 1. Specification Requirement Basic feature Coating machine shall be universal so that various way of coatings and different kinds of coatings possible to do it on same machine, Compliance with Yes or No Machine width shall be minimum 500mm to max. up to Page 42 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No 1000mm. Machine shall have provision for lamination. Machine shall have provision for spray coating. Machine shall have provision for immersion coating. Machine shall have provision for one side coating. Machine shall have provision for dot bonding Machine shall have provision for powder coating Machine shall have provision for embossing. Machine shall have provision for design roller bonding. Machine shall have easy way of changing rollers in less time. Machine shall have provision for hot air bonding. Machine shall have provision for preheating. The machine which has maximum facilities will be preferred. 2. Optional 3. Others 4. Suitability to the supply Voltage: Spare design rollers Spare calendaring rollers Spare knives and other accessories. Warranty : Minimum One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Performance certificate Free Installation Free training Suitable to 220 ± 10 V, 50Hz or 440 V, 50 Hz, power supply Single/Three phase 25. Thickness Tester (61) Sr. no. Specification 27. 1 1. Basic feature Requirement Compliance with Yes or No The equipment shall be universal so that different products with different pressures & presser foot area can be used. It shall confirm both test methods ASTM D 5199, ISO 9863-1 (for geo-synthetics) & ASTM D 1777 (for nonwoven & other textiles). Page 43 of 55 Sr. no. Specification Optional 2 4. Test28. Method : 3 29. Others Requirement Compliance with Yes or No The loading system can be dead weight or pneumatic. If it is dead weight system then provision should be available to calibrate each & every part of the loading assembly to ensure actual pressure exerted on the sample. If it is pneumatic then pressure measurement facility either digital or analogue should be provided with proper calibration certificate. The deviation in pressure shall be as specified. The parallelism of presser foot & anvil shall not be affected with change of pressure foots. In case of dead weight system the loading – unloading shall be made easier. Measuring range : 0 to 10 mm ( max. 25 mm ) Accuracy : 10 micron ( 0.01 mm ) Parallelism Presser foot to anvil surface parallelism: 0.002 mm Anvil / Foot parallelism : 0.01 mm Different presser foots & Pressure (kPa) 2 1.Diameter 56.4 mm (25 cm ) 2 + 0.02 2. Diameter 6.35 mm 20 + 0.2 & 200 172 + 14 3.Diameter 28.7 + 0.02 mm 4.14 + 0.21 4. Diameter 9.5 + 0.02 mm 23.4 + 0.7 Anvil diameter : at least 80 mm Thickness gauge : Digital with calibration certificate. Certified reference material : 60 mm diameter 1 to 5 mm thick SS plates ASTM D 5199, ASTMD 1777 Warranty : One Year Spare parts : Necessary or frequently required Calibration certificate Free Installation Free training 26. Electro / Force Spinning Machine S. N. Specification Requirement Compliance with Yes or No Electro / Force Spinning Machine Specifications for Electro spinning Unit: 1 Basic 1. Voltage Output: 0 – 80 kV (Higher and wide range preferred) 2. PC based Syringe Dispenser with motor control software to dispense from standard disposable syringes and standard needle suitable for syringes with adjustable flow rate of 0.1 – 99.9 ml/h or better. Needle diameter: 50 Page 44 of 55 – 1000 µm 3. Collector: Drum/disc rpm: adjustable rotational speed (100 – 6000 rpm) Collector type: Plate, Slot, Drum, Conveyor and Disc type 5. Pentium PC with basic configuration of 500GB HDD, 2GB RAM, 17” TFT screen, Keyboard, mouse and windows based basic O/s. 7. Stage: Adjustable distance (1 – 30 cm) OR Specifications for Force-spinning Unit: 1. Spinneret Systems: Suitable for spinning of – Solution of polymers – High MFI polymers – Low MFI polymers 2. Heating System: Up to 450°C 3. Spin Drive System: 1000 to 20000 RPM, +/-1% accuracy 4. Collection Systems: Customizable collection system – ARC Collector System – VCS System – VCS A-4 System – D Collection System 5. Solution Spinneret Package Includes solution spinneret and needle package Solution Spinneret of Aluminum /SS like metals For melt spinning spinneret of stainless steel of relevant gauzes (20-30) 2 3 Other Accessories Optional 4 Others 6. Needle Package – Includes 2-3 dozen needles of 20-30 gauge,4 luer locks and o-rings 7. Advanced Research Package (ARP) – Including VCS system, low MFI spinneret, ARC and needle package 8. Tool Kit Package – Complete set of tools for maintaining the machine Syringes 2, 5, 10, 20 ml; Aluminium foils Spinneret: Different geometries of nozzle preferred. It should have provisions for core shell or high throughput suitable for polymeric materials in electro-spinning apparatus. Chamber for force spinning: Self-contained with two locking doors. Low noise level. Proper Ventilation Warranty: A minimum of 1 year Performance certificate Free Installation Page 45 of 55 6 Suitability to supply voltage Free Training Spinning Chamber: Controlled humidity and temperature preferred. Safety features: Proper protected system with best security features. Spare Parts Kits: Necessary or frequently required. Kits for preventive maintenance. Electrical Wiring Diagram, Printed Instruction Manual & Service Manual ~220-240V, 50Hz or 440 V, 50Hz Single/Three phase Page 46 of 55 Annexure – II Details of EMD in the form of D/D or Bank Guarantee to be submitted for each of the equipment Sr.No Name of the item 1 Electronic motorized CBR apparatus with DAQ system 2 Swell Test Apparatus with Proving Ring 2.5 kN 3 Sample preparation machine for CBR & Triaxial apparatus 4 Pulverizer 5 In-Situ Vane test Apparatus 6 Field CBR Test Apparatus without proving ring & dial gauge 7 Dynamic Triaxial System 8 Light Weight Deflectometer 9 Redwood viscometer 10 Digital Saybolt Viscometer 11 Softening point apparatus 12 Ductility testing machine with digital display & cooling arrangement 13 Asphalt mixer 14 Wheel Rut Tester 15 Asphalt mixer theoretical density meter 16 Pavement intensity test apparatus 17 Asphalt extraction apparatus 18 Los Angeles Abrasion Tester 19 Tensile Tester ( Multi-station universal tester ) 20 Dynamic Mechanical Analyser (DMA) 21 Gel Permeation Chromotography (GPC) 22 Water permeability tester 23 Weatherometer ( UV stabilization ) 24 Universal Coating Machine 25 Thickness Tester 26 Electro spinning / Force spinning Quantity EMD in Rs. 1 8,000.00 1 1 1,600.00 3,000.00 1 1 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,00,000.00 40,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 6,000.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6,000.00 16,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 1,20,000.00 92,000.00 90,000.00 40,000.00 80,000.00 1,00,000.00 14,000.00 1,65,000.00 Page 47 of 55 Annexure III FORMAT FOR COST DETAILS (Cost particulars should be given in this format instrument wise/ accessories wise separately) Note: All the cost particulars should be furnished either in Indian Rupees or foreign currency. If more than one model of the instrument is quoted, use separate sheets Part 1: Cost details of imported equipments/instruments/Machine Name of the Instrument/Machine: S. No. Cost Details for foreign components Cost in Rs / foreign currency (Pl. Specify) i) Total landed cost of the equipment inside the laboratory of BTRA as per the destination mentioned in the tender document. including installation, agency commission, packing, forwarding, insurance, custom clearing etc. ii) BTRA will provide only custom duty exemption certificate and applicable duty for R&D purpose. iii) AMC details: - (a) AMC rate/per year 1st Year: (comprehensive/non- comprehensive) for the 2nd Year: next 3 years, after the expiry of warranty period 3rd Year: including the accessories (Two preventive and one breakdown visits) (b) Travelling cost /conditions (c) Any other conditions Delivery schedule of the equipment:months Part 2: Cost details of Indigenous equipments/instruments Name of the Instrument : S.No. Cost Details of indigenous items i) Total Cost ( inclusive all taxes, installation charges ) ii) AMC details (including the accessories):(a) AMC rate comprehensive/noncomprehensive cost for the next 3 years, after the expiry of warranty period Cost in Rs. 1st Year: 2nd Year: 3rd Year: Page 48 of 55 (b) 2 preventive visits/1 breakdown visits per annum (c) Travelling cost /conditions (d) Any other conditions Delivery schedule of the equipment:Cost details of optional items/spare parts required for the next 2 years Part-I (imported items) Sr. Cost Details for foreign components No. i) Total cost at the specified laboratory including agency commission, packing and forwarding, insurance, etc. Cost in $/£/ Ɛ /any other specify Cost details of optional items / spare parts required for the next 2 years. Part 2 : ( Indigenous items) :Sr. Cost Details of indigenous items No. i) Total Cost ( inclusive installation charges ) ii) Any others (to be specified) iii) Total Cost Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cost in Rs. Details of Requirement for Opening L/C.(for imported items only) Foreign Supplier‟s Name and Complete address on whom L/C will be opened. Foreign Banker‟s Name & Address Foreign supplier's Bank Account No. Port of shipment Country of Origin Period to keep open the L/C – (Validity of L/C) Period of negotiation will be 21 days Delivery Schedule from the date of issuance of purchase order Note: 1. Additional copies may be taken for each instruments 2. BTRA will not provide any excise or sales tax exemption certificates. However, duty exemption certificate will be given plus applicable duty for equipment/machines for R&D purpose. Please verify the same with specific equipment as some of the equipments are exempted from payment of duties completely. 3. Octroi , if paid , will be reimbursed separately at actuals Page 49 of 55 ANNEXURE-IV FORMAT OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY (ON NONJUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF Rs.100/-) (Applicable for successful bidders, to be submitted in lieu of security deposit and also for releasing the 20% advance- for guidance purpose ) Bank guarantee No. _________________________ Date: This deed of guarantee made this _________________________ day of ______________ 2015 (Two Thousand Fifteen only (Name and address of the Bank) hereinafter referred to as `the Bank') which expression shall where successors and assignees of the Bank and the Bombay Textile Research Association, (hereinafter referred to as the BTRA) which expression shall unless repugnant to the context of the meaning thereof include its legal representatives, successors and assignees. WHEREAS the BTRA has placed its Purchase Order bearing No. __________________ dated ____________ on (name and address of the bidder) (hereinafter called `the supplier' for the supply of ____________________. AND WHEREAS the BTRA has agreed to pay to the supplier an advance 20% of the value of the equipment on submission of a Bank Guarantee of equal amount, which will be kept valid upto ____________ being the period of 12 calendar months from the date of Bank Guarantee. In consideration of the BTRA having agreed to pay to the supplier Rs. ________(Rupees ___________________________________________ only) being the 20% cost of the value of the equipment, we (name of the Bank) hereby undertake and guarantee to make repayment to BTRA the said 20% amount or any part thereof which does not become payable to the supplier by the BTRA in accordance with the subject to the terms and conditions of the said order within ________ days from the date of dispatch/from the date of receipt of the material at site. The Bank further undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the BTRA in writing and this guarantee shall be a continuous and irrevocable guarantee up to a sum of Rs. ____________ (Rupees ______________________________________ only) The Bank shall not be discharged or released from this guarantee by any arrangement between the supplier and the BTRA with or without the consent of the Bank or any alterations in the obligation of the parties or by any indulgence, forbearance shown by BTRA to the supplier and the same shall not prejudice or restrict remedies against the Bank nor shall the same in any event be a ground of defence by the Bank against the BTRA. We (name of the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay an amount equal to 20% of the order value being the amount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on demand from the BTRA stating that the amount claimed is due to the BTRA. In case the BTRA puts forth a demand in writing on the Bank for the payment of the amount in full or in part against this Bank guarantee, the Bank shall consider that such Page 50 of 55 demand by itself a conclusive evidence and proof that the supplier has failed in complying with the terms and conditions stipulated by BTRA in the purchase order and payment shall be made to the BTRA without raising any dispute regarding the reasons for any such lapse/failure on the part of the supplier. This guarantee shall be in addition to and without prejudice to any other securities or remedies which the BTRA may have to hereinafter possess against the supplier and the BTRA shall be under no obligation to marshal in favour of the Bank any such securities or fund or assets that the BTRA may be entitled to receiving or have a claim upon and the BTRA at its absolute discretion may vary, exchange renew, modify or refuse to complete or enforce or assign any security or instrument. The Bank agrees that the amount hereby guaranteed shall be due and payable to the BTRA on BTRA's serving with a notice requiring the payment of the amount and such notice shall be deemed to have been served on the bank either by actual delivery thereof to the Bank or by dispatch thereof to the Bank by Registered Post shall be deemed to have been duly served on the Bank notwithstanding that the notice may not in fact have been delivered to the Bank. In order to give full effect to the provisions of this guarantee, the Bank hereby waives all inconsistent with the above provisions and which the Bank might otherwise as guarantor be entitled to claim and enforce. NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained herein before, the liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.___________________ (Rupees ________________________only). The guarantee shall remain in force till the _________________________ and unless the guarantee is renewed or a claim is preferred against the Bank within three months from the said date all rights of the BTRA under the guarantee shall cease and Bank shall be released and discharged from all liability hereunder. ___________________ (SIGNATURE) PLACE: DATE: SEAL CODE NO. NOTE: 1. SUPPLIERS SHOULD ENSURE THAT SEAL AND CODE NO. OF THE SIGNATORY ARE AFFIXED BY BANKER, BEFORE SUBMISSION OF THE BANK GUARANTEE. Page 51 of 55 Annexure V DELIVERY SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT Sr.No Equipment Delivery Schedule from the date of acceptance of Purchase Order – maximum 1. Indigenous equipments 2 Months from the date of issuing Purchase Order 2. Imported equipments 3 Months from the date of opening of LC Page 52 of 55 Annexure VI FORMAT TO BE FILLED UP AND SUBMITTED IN THE LETTER HEAD OF THE BIDDER To, The Director, BTRA, LBS Marg Ghatkopar(W), Mumbai – 400 086. Sub: Supply of testing instrument to the laboratories of BTRA as per the specifications and quantities mentioned in the tender. Dear Sir, a) Having examined the conditions of Tender and Specifications of the instruments & equipment, we, the undersigned, offer to supply instruments and equipment as mentioned in the Annexure I as per the quantity and specifications given in the tender along with standard spares/accessories as specified. b) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as given in Annexure II in the form of Bank Demand Draft / Pay order in favour of 'The BTRA payable at Mumbai as detailed in Tender Conditions is enclosed. c) The original tender document duly signed on all pages is enclosed. d) We agree to abide by this tender for the period from the opening date fixed for receiving the same and it shall remain binding upon us for a mutually extended period agreed in writing by us. e) If our tender is accepted, we undertake to supply the instruments and equipments and install the same in the Laboratories as mentioned in the tender within the specified periods mentioned in Annexure V from receipt of the order from the BTRA in writing. f) We agree to supply consumable spare parts and replacement of the broken/damaged/non-compatible parts during the guarantee / warrantee period, free of charge, as per the terms & conditions. g) We agree to train the personnel of laboratories free of charge, as per the terms and conditions. Page 53 of 55 h) If our tender is accepted we will, obtain and arrange: 1. Security Deposit / Bank Guarantee as defined 2. Insurances 3. Any other statutory obligation, if any, prior to commencement of supply of machinery. i) We agree for the validity of our tender up to 11/05/2015 j) We agree to your right to forfeit our EMD/Security deposit without prejudice to any other right or remedy for the following failures on our part. 1) Changes in terms and conditions of tender are made within validity period. 2) Supply and installation of instrument and equipment is not commenced within specified period as given in the Tender document. 3) Obligations under (e) above are not fulfilled k) The bidders shall use only tender documents as issued for submitting his bid and shall comply with various terms and conditions. l) Unless and until a formal Agreement/order is prepared and issued, this tender together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us and BTRA. m) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive. n) We agree to make a presentation of the products to be supplied by us, before the Purchase Committee if need be on a mutually convenient date. Authorized Signatory of the renderer Signature dated Designation / Capacity Name Page 54 of 55 Annexure VII CHECK LIST TO BIDDERS 1. Get all the clarification regarding terms and conditions, specification etc during the pre bid meeting or by writing to the Director BTRA, prior to submission of bids. 2. The original tender document purchased / downloaded in full has to be submitted along with the technical bids duly signed on all the pages. Adequate copies of the format of the cost details may be taken separately for each instrument. If the tender document is downloaded, separate DD of exact amount as of tender fee is to be enclosed and also the required EMD for each instrument as mentioned in the tender document are to be enclosed. A combined D.D. covering the EMD for all instruments quoted can be drawn and kept in one of the technical bids. Copies of this D.D. can be kept in other technical bids. 3. 4. A covering letter duly signed by the authorized person as per the specimen given at Annexure VI of the tender document. 5. Ensure that User certificates from atleast two users, on their letterhead stating that the performance of similar make and model supplied to them is satisfactorily, is enclosed 6. No commercial terms of reference should be given in the technical bid at all. 7. Descriptive leaflet / brochure of the equipment quoted are enclosed along with the technical bid. 8. Copy of the certificate for the calibration of similar make and model of the equipment / instrument for which bid is submitted from an accredited calibration laboratory or NPL, if applicable, is enclosed. 9. Ensure that all document are enclosed in Cover “A” as mentioned at Clause No. 18 (page no. 8 to 10 of the tender document). 10. The Technical and commercial bids are submitted separately superscribing “Cover „A‟ – Technical bid for -------------- instrument or Cover ‟B‟ – Commercial bid for --------------- instrument. Last date ………... Though technical bids can be kept together in 1 envelope, ensure that commercial bids are kept separately for each instrument. 11. Proof regarding manufacturer / authorized agent, as the case may be, is enclosed. 12. Prior to submission of bids, bidders have to ensure that the equipment quoted by them is suitable for testing as per the national / international standard mentioned in the specification. 13. Cost details are to be given in the prescribed format only. If more than one model of instrument is quoted, separate sheet may be enclosed. Note: If the bidder fails to furnish all the relevant document/ information as mentioned in the tender document, the tender will be rejected. Page 55 of 55
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