JOHN MICHAEL RILEY Curriculum Vitae July 2015 CONTACT INFORMATION MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 5187 Mississippi State, MS 39762 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 255 Tracey Drive Lloyd-‐Ricks-‐Watson Building Room 317 TELEPHONE: CELL: WORK EMAIL: PERSONAL EMAIL: GOOGLE SCHOLAR PAGE (662) 325-‐7986 (662) 617-‐5711 [email protected] [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, December 2008 Dissertation Title: “Producer Perception of Fed Cattle Price Risk” Committee Chair: Ted C. Schroeder M.S. Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, August 2004 Thesis Title: “Optimal Futures Hedging Strategies When Grid Pricing Live Cattle” Committee Chairs: Keith H. Coble and John D. Anderson B.S. Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, December 2002 Minor: Animal Science EMPLOYMENT 2008-2014 Assistant Extension Professor Extension Commodity Marketing Specialist Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University 2007-2008 USDA National Needs Graduate Fellow Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University 2004-2006 Graduate Research Assistant Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University 2003-2004 Graduate Research Assistant Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University REFEREED AND INVITED JOURNAL ARTICLES – PUBLISHED/ACCEPTED 4. Riley, J.M. 2013. “Extension’s Role in Commodity Marketing Education: Past, Present, and Future.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 45:537-555. (link) Page 1 of 15 3. Riley, J.M. and J.D. Anderson. 2010. “Comparison of Hedging Cost with Other Variable Input Costs.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. 73:145-153. (link) 2. Harri, A., J.M. Riley, J.D. Anderson and K.H. Coble. 2009. “Managing Economic Risk in Value Based Marketing of Fed Cattle.” Agricultural Economics. 40:295-306. (link) 1. Riley, J.M., T.C. Schroeder, T.L. Wheeler, S.D. Shakelford and M. Koohmaraie. 2009. “Valuing Fed Cattle Using Objective Tenderness Measures.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 41:163-175. (link) PEER-‐REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES – UNDER REVIEW 3. J.G. Maples, K.T. Coatney, J.M. Riley, J.A. Parish, R.C. Vann, and B.B. Karish. “Comparing Carcass End-Point and Profit Maximization Decisions Rules Using Dynamic Nonlinear Growth Functions.” 2. K.T. Coatney, J.M. Riley, and S.E. Head. “The Competitive Implications of Linking Forward Contract Prices to Spot Market Transactions: Theory and Experiments Related to Agriculture.” 1. J.G. Maples, A. Harri, J.B. Tack, and J.M. Riley. Tack. “Marketing Margins in Cattle and Beef Markets.” OTHER PEER-‐REVIEWED PROFESSIONAL PAPERS Anderson, J.D., D.R. Petrolia, and J.M. Riley. 2009. Revising Ethanol Blend Limits: A Discussion of Key Issues and Implications for Corn Prices. Livestock Marketing Information Center, Analysis and Comments, Letter No. 12, March 20. WORKING PAPERS 1. J.M. Riley, J.A. Parish, and B.B. Karish. “Factors Affecting Price Differentials of Feeder Calves Sold Through Video Board Sales in Mississippi.” 2. T.A. Adkins, J.M. Riley, K. Coatney and R. Little. “Factors Influencing Production Risks of Cow-Calf Operations in the Southeastern United States.” 3. J.M. Riley and T.C. Schroeder. “Producer Perceptions of Cattle Market Price Risk.” 4. S.E. Head, K.L. Morgan, A. Harri, and J.M. Riley. “U.S. Supply and Demand for Blueberries.” 5. S.E. Head, K.L. Morgan, A. Harri, and J.M. Riley. “Blueberry Growers’ Willingness to Adopt New Production Practices.” 6. J.R. Pruitt and J.M. Riley. “Optimal Marketing Strategies for Southeastern Cattle Producers.” 7. J.M. Riley and B.R. Williams. “Factors Influencing Cow-Calf Industry Expansion and Contraction.” Page 2 of 15 8. T. Tran, K.H. Coble, A. Harri, B.J. Barnett, and J.M. Riley. “Proposed Farm Bill Impact On the Optimal Hedge Ratios for Crops.” 9. J.M. Riley. “Factors Influencing Basis and the Speed of Basis Adjustment in Grain Markets.” PEER-‐REVIEWED EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS 4. Riley, J.M. and K. Brown. “Meat Goat Budgeting and Marketing.” Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication 2798. September 2013. (link) 3. Falconer, L., J.M. Riley, and B. Williams. “Custom Rates for Farm and Ranch Services in Mississippi.” Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication 2776. June 2013. (link) 2. Parish, J.A. and J.M. Riley. “Economic Impact of Artificial Insemination vs. Natural Mating for Beef Cattle Herds.” Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication 2486. July 2011. (link) 1. Larson, E., T. Allen, N. Buehring, B. Burgess, A. Catchot, D. Dodds, T. Eubank, E. Flint, B. Golden, J. Massey, C. Miller, L. Oldham, B. Rattliff, J.M. Riley. “After the Flood: Row Crop Replanting.” Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication 2680. June 2011. (link) PROFESSIONAL PAPER AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS 18. Maples, J.G., K.T. Coatney, J.M. Riley, B.B. Karish, J.A. Parish, and R.C. Vann. “Comparing Carcass End-Point and Profit Maximization Decision Rules Using Dynamic Growth Functions.” Selected Paper. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX: February 2014. 17. Coble, K.C., B.J. Barnett, and J.M. Riley. “Challenging Belief in the Law of Small Numbers.” Selected Paper. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association’s 2013 Crop Insurance and Farm Bill Symposium. Lexington, KY: October 2013 16. Maples, J.G., A. Harri, J.M. Riley, and J.B. Tack. “Marketing Margins and Input Price Uncertainty.” Selected Paper. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: August 2013 15. Coatney, K.T., J.M. Riley, and S.E. Head. “Captive Supply Experiment: Linking Bidding Behavior and Firm Cost Structure.” Selected Paper. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Monterrey, CA: June 2013. 14. Riley, J.M. “Extension’s Role In Commodity Marketing Education: Past, Present and Future.” Invited Paper. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL: February 2013. 13. Riley, J.M. and B.R. Williams. “Cow-Calf Industry Expansion On the Horizon? Market Signals vs. Outside Factors.” Selected Paper. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL: February 2013. Page 3 of 15 12. Tran, T., K.H. Coble, A. Harri, B.J. Barnett, and J.M. Riley. “Proposed Farm Bill Impact On the Optimal Hedge Ratios for Crops.” Selected Paper. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL: February 2013. 11. Head, S.E., K.L. Morgan, J.M. Riley, and A. Harri. “Southeastern Blueberry Growers’ Willingness to Adopt Alternative Production Practices.” Selected Poster. Agricultural and Applied Economics Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA: August 2012. 10. Adkins, T.A. , J.M. Riley, and R.D. Little. “Cow-Calf Operations in the Southeastern United States: An Analysis of Farm Characteristics and Production Risks.” Selected Paper. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Birmingham, AL: February 2012. 9. Pruitt, J.R. and J.M. Riley. “Optimal Marketing Strategies for Southeastern Cattle Producers.” Selected Paper. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Corpus Christi, TX: February 2011. 8. Harri, A., J.D. Anderson, and J.M. Riley. “Factors Influencing Marketing Margins in Cattle and Beef Markets.” Selected Paper. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society and Western Agricultural Economics Association Joint Annual Meeting. Denver, CO: July 2010. 7. Riley, J.M. and J.D. Anderson. “Factors Influencing Basis and the Speed of Basis Adjustment in Grain Markets.” Selected Paper. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL: February 2010. 6. Little, R.D., J.D. Anderson, and J.M. Riley. “Defining a Representative Cow-Calf Operation in the Deep South For Firm-level Economic Analysis.” Selected Paper. Western Economics Association International Annual Conference. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: June 2009. 5. Riley, J.M. and J.D. Anderson. “Comparing the Cost of Hedging to Other Input Costs.” Selected Paper. NCCC-134: Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management. St. Louis, MO: April 2009. 4. Riley, J.M. and J.D. Anderson. “Producer Perceptions of Corn, Soybean and Cotton Price Risk.” Selected Paper. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: February 2009. 3. Riley, J.M. and T.C. Schroeder. “Producer Perceptions of Price Risk in Beef Production.” Selected Paper. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Big Sky, MT: June 2008. 2. Riley, J.M., T.C. Schroeder and T.L. Wheeler. “Valuing Fed Cattle Using Slice Shear Force Tenderness Measures.” Selected Paper. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: July 2005. 1. Riley, J.M., A. Harri, J.D. Anderson and K.H. Coble. “Hedging Grid Priced Fed Cattle.” Selected Paper. NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting and Market Risk Management. St. Louis, MO: April 2005. Page 4 of 15 PEER-‐REVIEWED PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Head, S.E., K.L. Morgan, and J.M. Riley. “U.S. Supply and Demand for Blueberries.” Selected Presentation. American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Meeting. Waikoloa, HI: September 2011. Schroeder, T.C. and J.M. Riley. “Valuing Cattle Based on Beef Tenderness.” Presented at the 2005 Risk and Profit Conference. Manhattan, KS: August 2005. GRANT ACTIVITY 30 SUBMITTED / 14 ACCEPTED / 5 IN REVIEW – TOTAL FUNDED $652,970 Development of Tractor Implement Cost of Production Application. Risk Management Education Partnerships Program. Co-PI with J.R. Pruitt (PI), K. Guidry, L.L. Falconer. $47,741 (Mississippi State’s Portion = $19,493) In Review. Assessing the Added Value in Cattle and Hay Auctions. USDA AMS Federal State Marketing Improvement Program. PI with J.A. Parish. $40,733 In Review. Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Economic Viability of Deep-bedded Hoop Barn Based Cattle Finishing in the Southeast U.S. as a Local Alternative to Convential Cattle Finishing Systems. Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture. Co-PI with J.A. Parish (PI) and J. Ward. $222,154 In Review. Using Exchange Traded Funds to Hedge Commodity and Input Price Risk for Small and MidSized Producers. USDA NIFA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. PI with A. Harri. $366,247 In Review. Market Timing for Fed Cattle Using a Dynamic Profit Maximization Rule. USDA NIFA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. Co-PI with K.T. Coatney (PI) and D. Rivera. $499,497 In Review. Risk Management and Market Volatility Education. Cotton, Inc. PI. Approved January 2013. Funded at $4,000. January 2013 thru December 2013. Assessing the Impact of the New Farm Bill on Mississippi Soybean Farms. Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board. Co-PI with B.J. Barnett (PI) and K.H. Coble. Approved March 2013. Funded at $28,280. April 2013 thru March 2014. Marketing Fed Cattle Under a Profit Maximization Rule. MAFES Special Research Initiative. Co-PI with K.T. Coatney (PI), B.B. Karisch, R.C. Vann, and J.A. Parish. Approved January 2013. Funded at: $50,000. January 2013 thru December 2013. Risk Management and Market Volatility Education. Cotton, Inc. PI. Approved January 2013. Funded at $4,000. January 2013 thru December 2013. U.S. Soy Incremental Value Capture Platform. United Soybean Board. Co-PI with S.C. Turner (PI), K.T. Coatney, A. Harri, and K.W. Hood. Approved July 2012. Funded at $22,823. July 2012 thru November 2012. Evaluation of Commodity Programs/Crop Insurance/Forward Pricing Alternatives for Mississippi Soybean Farms. Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board. Co-PI with K.H. Coble (PI) and B.J. Barnett. Approved April 2012. Funded at $30,726. April 2012 thru March 2013. Page 5 of 15 A Risk Management Portfolio: Teaching Risk Management and Market Volatility. Cotton, Inc. PI. Approved January 2012. Funded at $4,000. January 2012 thru December 2012. Support for Agricultural Education Students as Beginning Farmers and Ranchers. USDA – NIFA – Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. Co-PI with G.A. Ibendhal (PI), J. Jackman, and E.A. Duvuyst [converted to PI in January 2013]. Approved August 2011. Funded at $479,841 (Mississippi State’s portion = $191,855). August 2011 thru August 2014. Evaluation of Farm Policy Alternatives for Mississippi Soybean Farms. Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board. Co-PI with K.H. Coble (PI). Approved April 2011. Funded at $35,375. April 2011 thru March 2012. Factors Influencing Marketing Margins in Cattle and Beef Markets. USDA – NIFA – Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. Co-PI with A. Harri (PI). Approved February 2011. Funded at $183,334. February 2011 thru January 2013. Risk Management and Market Volatility. Cotton, Inc. PI. Approved January 2011. Funded at $3,000. January 2011 thru December 2011. Trade Adjustment Assistance for Catfish Farmers: Initial and Intensive Training. Mississippi State University as lead institution. USDA – Foreign Agricultural Service. Co-PI with Jimmy Avery (PI). Coordinated with Auburn University, Louisiana State University, Texas A&M University, University of Florida, and University of Arkansas. Approved September 2010. Funded at $15,000 (i.e., Mississippi State’s portion = $15,000). September 2010 thru August 2011. Economic Analysis and Practicality of Crop Insurance Programs for Mississippi Soybean Producers. Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board. Co-PI with K.H. Coble and C.H. Koger. Approved April 2010. Funded at $34,877. April 2010 thru March 2011. A Generalized Structural Model of Commodity Prices Affecting Mississippi Crop and Livestock Producers. MAFES Special Research Initiative. Co-PI with A. Harri (PI), K.H. Coble, B. Barnett, J.D. Anderson and D.F. Roberts. Approved December 2009. Funded at $31,000. January 2010 thru December 2010. Mississippi Soybean Basis: Changes, Impacts and Implications. Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board. PI with J.D. Anderson and A. Harri. Approved April 2009. Funded at $18,700. April 2009 thru March 2010. Other Funded Projects (not directly involved in obtaining): Development of an eXtension Community of Practice (CoP) – All about Blueberries. USDA – CSREES-Specialty Crop Research Initiative. Co-PI with N. Hummel (PI), D. Ferrin, D. Marshall, E. Coneva, H.J. Roy, K. Machtmes, W.O. Cline, and K. Morgan. Approved September 2009. Funded at $518,749. September 2009 thru August 2012. (Replaced J. Braswell upon his retirement in June 2010). A Tool for Making Wheat and Stocker Cattle, Production, and Price Risk Management Decisions. USDA – Risk Management Agency. T.O. Knight, K.H. Coble and J.D. Anderson. Approved May 2007. Funded at $362,056. May 2007 thru October 2011 (Replaced J.D. Anderson in December 2009; played a significant role in final project outcome). Page 6 of 15 INVITED PROFESSIONAL AND EXTENSION PRESENTATIONS J.M. Riley. “Cotton Situation and Outlook.” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX: February 2014. J.M. Riley. “Stocker Cattle Market Update.” South Mississippi Stocker Meeting. Collins, MS: August 2013. J.M. Riley. “Prices: Discovery, Volatility, and Risk Management.” Crop Insurance and Price Risk Management Workshop. Stoneville, MS: July 2013. J.M. Riley. “Economic Considerations in the Adoption of A.I. Technology.” Artificial Insemination School. Mississippi State, MS: March 2013. [also: Nov. 2010, Mar. 2011, Oct. 2011, Mar. 2012, Oct. 2012] J.M. Riley. and B.R. Williams. “Dollars and Cents of Heifer Development.” MSU Heifer Development Workshop. Mississippi State, MS: March 2013. J.M. Riley. and B.R. Williams. “Futures and Options for Agricultural Producers.” Mississippi Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Leadership Conference. Biloxi, MS: February 2013. J.M. Riley. “Peanut Potential in 2013.” Mississippi Peanut Association Annual Meeting and Field Day. Hattiesburg, MS: January 2013. J.M. Riley. “Crop Markets and Farm Policy.” Delta Ag Expo. Cleveland, MS: January 2013. J.M. Riley. “Strategies for Marketing Hay and Beef Cattle.” Southwest Mississippi Grazing School. Meadville, MS: November 2012. J.M. Riley. “Feedstuffs and Hay Situation and Outlook.” Southern Region Outlook Conference. Atlanta, GA: September 2012. J.M. Riley. “Purchasing vs Growing Decision Making.” Beef Cattle Economics Learn at Lunch Series. Online Workshop: September 2012. J.M. Riley. “Analysis of Mississippi Board Sale Results.” Deep South Stocker Conference. Meridian, MS: August 2012. J.M. Riley. “Resources for Marketing Hay and Beef Cattle.” North Mississippi Grazing School. Verona, MS: June 2012. J.M. Riley. “Cattle Market Situation and Outlook.” Mississippi Farm Bureau Summer Commodity Conference. Raymond, MS: May, 2012. J.M. Riley. “Beef and Broiler Situation and Outlook.” Magnolia Beef and Poultry Expo. Raleigh, MS: April 2012 J.M. Riley. “Changing Paradigms in Livestock and Grain Outlook.” Oklahoma Beef Industry Conference. Stillwater, OK: April 2012. Page 7 of 15 J.M. Riley. and J.R. Pruitt. “Optimal Marketing Strategies for Oklahoma Cow-Calf Producers.” Invited research seminar presentation – Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics. Stillwater, OK: April 2012. J.M. Riley. “Cattle Market Update.” River Valley Beef Field Day. Morrilton, AR: February 2012. J.M. Riley. “Cattle Market Update.” Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association Annual Meeting. Jackson, MS: February 2012. J.M. Riley. “Dairy Policy and Market Update” Mississippi-Louisiana Dairy Field Day. Tylertown, MS: January 2012. J.M. Riley. “2012 Farm Bill and Commodity Market Update.” MSU Extension Service Row Crops Shortcourse. Mississippi State, MS: December 2011. J.M. Riley. “Ag Market Update and CRP Acreage Issues.” Central Area Mississippi Association of Conservation Districts Meeting. Raleigh, MS: July 2011. J.M. Riley. and K.W. Hood. “Market Maker.” Mississippi Women in Agriculture State Conference. Mississippi State, MS: April 2011. J.M. Riley. “Risk Management Strategies for Catfish Producers’ Production Cost.” Trade Adjustment Assistance for Catfish – Intensive Training Sessions. Stoneville, MS and Mississippi State, MS: March 2011. J.M. Riley. “Economic Considerations of Grazing Systems.” Arkansas Extension Service 300 Days of Grazing Field Day. Shirley, AR: March 2011. J.M. Riley. “Crop Market Update.” MSU Extension Service Crops College. Mississippi State, MS: February 2011. J.M. Riley. “Cattle Market Update.” Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association Annual Meeting. Jackson, MS: February 2011. J.M. Riley. “Livestock Market Update.” Arkansas State University Agribusiness Conference. Jonesboro, AR: February 2011. J.M. Riley. “Understanding Risk Management Tools: A Livestock Application.” Understanding and Managing Risks in Agriculture Workshop. Mississippi State, MS: December 2010. J.M. Riley. “Commodity Market Madness: The 5 W’s of Commodity Markets.” MSU Extension Service Row Crops Shortcourse. Mississippi State, MS: December 2010. J.M. Riley. “Assessing and Reducing Production Costs for a Healthy Enterprise.” Trade Adjustment Assistance for Catfish – Intensive Training Sessions. Stoneville, MS: November 2010 and Mississippi State, MS: December 2010. J.M. Riley. “The Economics of Forages.” Mississippi Forage and Grassland Conference. Starkville, MS: November 2010. Page 8 of 15 J.M. Riley. “Beef Situation and Outlook.” Southern Region Outlook Conference. Atlanta, GA: September 2010. J.M. Riley. “Economic Considerations in Grazing Systems: Costs and Benefits.” MSU Extension Service Pasture and Forage Shortcourse. Mississippi State, MS: August 2010. J.M. Riley. “Beef Outlook.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and Western Agricultural Economics Association Joint Annual Meeting. Denver, CO: July 2010. Riley, J.M. “Cotton, Corn and Soybeans Profitability.” Mississippi Agricultural Consultants Association Annual Meeting. Mississippi State, MS: February 2010. J.M. Riley. “Cattle Market Update.” Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association Annual Meeting. Jackson, MS: February 2010. J.M. Riley. “Crop Market Situation and Outlook.” Mississippi Agricultural Consultants Association Annual Meeting. Mississippi State, MS: February 2010. J.M. Riley. “Crop Market Update.” MSU Extension Service Row Crops Shortcourse. Mississippi State, MS: December 2009. J.M. Riley. “Cattle Market Update.” Virginia Cattlemen’s Exchange. Blacksburg, VA (via Adobe Connect): November 2009. J.M. Riley. “Economic Factors Impacting Purebred Cattle Markets.” Mississippi Angus Association Annual Meeting. Winona, MS: October 2009. J.M. Riley. “Feedstuffs and Hay Situation and Outlook.” Southern Region Outlook Conference. Atlanta, GA: September 2009. J.M. Riley. “Feeder and Fed Cattle Market Trends.” Deep South Stocker Conference. Hattiesburg, MS: August 2009. J.M. Riley. “Cotton and Rice Situation and Outlook.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and American Council on Consumer Interests 2009 Joint Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, WI: July 2009. J.M. Riley. “FAST Tools: Introduction and Use for Farm Records and Analysis.” Mississippi Women in Agriculture State Conference. Jackson, MS: April 2009. J.M. Riley. “Cattle Market Update.” Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association Annual Meeting. Jackson, MS: February 2009. J.M. Riley. “Cotton, Corn and Soybeans: Where We Are and What Lies Ahead.” Mississippi Agricultural Consultants Association Annual Meeting. Mississippi State, MS: February 2009. J.M. Riley. “Dairy Policy and Market Update” Mississippi-Louisiana Dairy Field Day. Tylertown, MS: January 2009. J.M. Riley. “Cotton Market Situation/Outlook and 2008 Farm Bill Update.” MSU Extension Service Cotton Shortcourse. Mississippi State, MS: December 2008. Page 9 of 15 Schroeder, T.C. and J.M. Riley. “Valuing Cattle Based on Beef Tenderness.” KSU Risk and Profit Conference. Manhattan, KS: August 2005. Dhuyvetter, K.C., T.L. Kastens and J.M. Riley. ”What Impact Will the New Triumph Food Pork Plant Have On the Flow of Pigs to Midwestern Plants?” Kansas State University Swine Profitability Conference. Manhattan, KS: February 2005. Note: This list of invited speaking opportunities is by no means comprehensive. These include the more significant area-wide, statewide, and regional programs that I have conducted over the years. In addition to this list, I have provided 68 commodity marketing, outlook, risk management, farm management, and farm policy presentations covering all row crops (corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, soybeans, sweet potatoes, wheat), livestock (beef cattle, dairy cattle, hogs), and aquaculture for Extension agents, agricultural producers, lenders, policy makers, and/or commodity groups (from January 2009 to August 2013). TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS, DECISION AIDS, AND SOFTWARE MSUES Break Even iOS Application (with Kelli McCarter)– Developed the underlying concept and assisted with the layout of a mobile application that provides break-even price analysis for livestock. Available on the iOS platform. (link) Stocker Cattle Analysis Tool (with T. Knight, K. Coble, A. Garcia, and S. Adhikari) – web based decision aid for stocker cattle producers and designed to help evaluate a wide range of production, insurance, and marketing decisions. (link) EXTENSION PROGRAMMING 2013 Crop Insurance and Price Risk Management Workshop (with L. Falconer and B. Williams) – Assisted in the development of a workshop that provided a historical overview of U.S. crop insurance and introduced recent changes to the program via an interactive game. Delivered July 2013. Beef Cattle Economics Learn at Lunch – Developed and coordinated a webinar series, covering farm, risk, tax, and estate management targeted toward beef cattle producers, Extension agents, and industry personnel. Delivered September 2012. Agricultural Risk Management Workshop – Developed and coordinated a risk management training seminar for Extension agents, agricultural producers, crop consultants, and insurance providers. Delivered December 2010. *In-Service Presentations (coordinated and developed by others): Master Cattle Producer Online - Delivered via Internet Row Crops Shortcourse (December 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) Cattlemen’s College (February 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) Pasture and Forage Shortcourse (August 2010) Artificial Insemination School (Fall 2010, 2011, 2012 and Spring 2011, 2012, 2013) Crops College (February 2011) Grazing School (June 2012 and November 2012) Page 10 of 15 Heifer Development Workshop (March 2013) REGULARLY SCHEDULED EXTENSION OUTPUTS MSU Department of Agricultural Economics Yearly Planning Budgets. Provide necessary planning data to farmers, research and extension staff, lending agencies, and others in agriculture. (link) Responsible for: 2013 – Cotton, Peanuts, Rice 2012 – Cotton, Forages and Hay, Peanuts, Rice 2011 – Cotton, Peanuts, Rice 2010 – Cotton, Peanuts, Rice Cattle Market Notes (formerly a newsletter, currently in blog format). Weekly newsletter that provides current market prices and informs readers of factors that are currently impacting cattle market prices. Crop Market Update (formerly a newsletter, currently in blog format). Weekly newsletter that provides current market prices and informs readers of factors that are currently impacting crop market prices. Co-authored with Dr. Brian Williams. Crop and Cattle Market Update Podcasts (with Dr. Brian Williams). Weekly audio commentary on market events and price information related to both crop and cattle markets (link). Cross-listed on iTunes (link). Mississippi Crop Situation (blog). Periodic Contributor. Provides detailed information upon the release of USDA crop and supply and demand reports. Also provides current market information and trends. In the Cattle Markets. Weekly national cattle market newsletter published by the Livestock Marketing Information Center (rotating authorship with Dr. John D. Anderson, American Farm Bureau Federation; Dr. Matt Diersen, South Dakota State University; Mr. Tim Petry, North Dakota State University; and Dr. Glynn T. Tonsor, Kansas State University). (link) Responsible for the following publications: 2013 – Jan. 28; Feb. 20; Mar. 13; Apr. 4; May 7; Jun. 5; Jul. 22; Aug. 13 2012 – Jan. 18; Feb. 23; Mar. 23; May 3; Jul. 11; Aug. 16; Sep. 5; Nov. 13; Dec. 18 2011 – Jan. 24; Feb. 23; Mar. 29; Apr. 28; Jun. 1; Jun. 30; Jul. 19; Aug. 17; Oct. 5; Dec. 15 2010 – Jan. 25; Feb. 23; Mar. 8; Apr. 21; May 17; Jun. 14; Jul 6; Aug 3; Aug. 31; Sep. 20; Oct. 18; Nov 2; Nov. 30; Dec. 20 AUTHORED INDUSTRY MEDIA CONTRIBUTIONS Riley, J.M. “Record Corn Crop Shrinks and Tyson Sends a Shocker to Feedlots.” Cattle Business in Mississippi. September 2013. Riley, J.M. “Poultry Adds Value to Mississippi’s Economy.” Mississippi Farm Country. July/August 2013. Page 11 of 15 Riley, J.M. “Heifers vs. Hamburger.” Cattle Business in Mississippi. June/July 2013. Riley, J.M. “Corn Use Drops With Higher Prices.” Cattle Business in Mississippi. May 2013. Riley, J.M. “Defining Beef Demand.” Cattle Business in Mississippi. March 2013. Riley, J.M. “2013: One For the Record Books?” Cattle Business in Mississippi. February 2013. Riley, J.M. “Broiler Economic Situation and Outlook.” Emerging Trends – Mississippi Poultry Association Quarterly Newsletter. September 2011. Riley, J.M. “Feeder Cattle Supplies.” Cattle Business in Mississippi. June/July 2011. Riley, J.M. “Closing the Door on 2010 and A Look Ahead to 2011.” Cattle Business in Mississippi. February 2011. Riley, J.M. “Cattle Market Prices – A Look Back on the Start of 2010.” Cattle Business in Mississippi. June/July 2010. Riley, J.M. “Understanding Tendencies of Mississippi Cattle Markets.” Cattle Business in Mississippi. May 2010. POPULAR PRESS ARTICLES AND INTERVIEWS (Authored by others) MSU Extension media outlets: Regular analyst on MSU Extension’s Farm Week television program (link). Occasional guest on MSU Extension’s Farm and Family radio program. Regular contributor for MSU Extension’s Agricultural Communications weekly press releases. Non-University Related Media: BEEF Magazine, the Jackson Clarion Ledger, the Mississippi Business Journal, the Delta Business Journal, and Mississippi Public Broadcasting radio news segment, Mississippi Super Talk Marshall Ramsey Show radio program. Provided commentary and analysis related to the 2011 flood and drought damage in Mississippi and the Southeast for -- Television: NBC Nightly News, CBS Evening News, Fox News, and Aljazeer English. Radio: ABC News Radio and TeleSouth Communications. Print: The Economist, The Financial Times, USA Today, Bloomberg News, Huffington Post (x2), The Christian Science Monitor (x2), Clarion Ledger, Mississippi Business Journal, MSFB Mississippi Agriculture Magazine, Business Insurance Magazine and Tractor Life. RESEARCH REPORTS Marks, M.L., J.A. Parish, T. Smith, R.C. Vann, and J.M. Riley. “Historical Price Relationships to Performance Characteristics and Genetic Merit of Bulls Sold in Mississippi Beef Cattle Improvement Association and Hinds Community College Bull Test Sales.” 2012 Animal and Dairy Sciences Annual Report. October 2012. Parish, J.A., J.M. Riley, L. Newman, M. Howell, M. Keene, and J. Kilgore. “Mississippi Feeder Calf Board Sales Price Results, 2008 to 2010.” 2010 Animal and Dairy Sciences Annual Report. October 2010. Page 12 of 15 Schroeder, T.C., J.M. Riley, and K.J. Frasier. “Economic Value of a Beef Tenderness-Based Fed Cattle Valuation System.” North American Institute for Beef Economics Research, NAIBER Information Bulletin No. 05-2008-01, Final Report to the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, May 2008. Anderson, J.D., J.M. Riley, and S. Martin. “Factors Influencing Basis in Grain Markets.” Produced for publication and distribution by the Delta Council, December 2008. REPORTS FOR GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS Knight, T.O., J.M. Riley, K.H. Coble, A. Garcia, and S. Adhikari. “A Tool for Making Wheat and Stocker Cattle Production, Insurance, and Price Risk Management Decisions: Final Report.” Final report prepared for the USDA Risk Management Agency, July 24, 2012. Anderson, J.D., K.H. Coble, A. Harri, and Y. Liang, Mississippi State University: J.M. Riley, Kansas State University: T.O. Knight, R. Rejesus, and S. Seo, Texas Tech University “Managing Economic Risk in Value-Based Marketing of Fed Cattle, Final Report.” Final report prepared for the USDA Risk Management Agency, July 10, 2008. Coble, K.H., J. D. Anderson, A. Harri, J. M. Riley, and T.O. Knight, “Developing Financial Derivatives to Mitigate Marketing Risks Under Grid Pricing for Fed Cattle Producers: Preliminary Report to USDA Risk Management Agency.” August 2005. ON CAMPUS INSTRUCTION Major Advisor: Tracey A. Adkins, “Factors of Production and Risk in Southeastern Cattle Operations”, Mississippi State University, M.S. Agricultural Economics, completed May 2012. Susan E. Head, “Blueberry Growers’ Willingness to Adopt New Production Practices”, Mississippi State University, M.S. Agricultural Economics, completed May 2012. Committee Member: Ryan Bitting, M.S. student in Agricultural Economics, in progress (expected May 2015). Nikki Jeafcoat, M.S. student in Animal Science, in progress (expected May 2015). Zach Reynolds, M.S. student in Plant and Soil Sciences, in progress (expected May 2014). Tyler Dixon, M.S. student in Plant and Soil Sciences, in progress (expected May 2014). Josh Maples, M.S. student in Agricultural Economics, completed May 2013. Trang Tran, M.S. student in Agricultural Economics, completed May 2013. M. Landon Marks, M.S. student in Animal and Dairy Sciences, completed May 2012. Principle Instructor: AGEC 420: Commodity Futures Marketing Kansas State University, Spring 2006 Intermediate level course on the use of futures and options markets for risk management in agriculture (110 students) Guest Lectures: AEC/FIN 4123/6123: Commodity Futures Marketing, Fall 2013, Mississippi State University, Dr. Ardian Harri. (1 Lecture) *Topics: History, Contract Specifications, Contract Valuation (+/- 65 students) Page 13 of 15 WF 4183: Principles and Practice of Aquaculture, Spring 2012, Mississippi State University, Dr. Peter Allen. (1 Lecture) *Topic: The Economics of Aquaculture (+/- 10 students) AEC/FIN 4123/6123: Commodity Futures Marketing, Fall 2011, Mississippi State University, Dr. Ardian Harri. (3 Lectures) *Topics: Volume, Open Interest, Margin Accounts, Basis, Intro to Hedging (+/- 55 students) CVM 8890: Economic and Performance Medicine – Bovine Elective, Fall 2011, Mississippi State University, Dr. Carla Huston. (1 Lecture) *Topics: Beef and Dairy Cattle Market Structure and Economics (8 students) AEC 4343: Advanced Farm Management, Spring 2010, Mississippi State University, Dr. Gregg Ibendahl. (1 Lecture) *Topic: Commodity Market Information Sources and Uses (+/- 15 students) WF 4183: Principles and Practice of Aquaculture, Spring 2010, Mississippi State University, Dr. Peter Allen. (1 Lecture) *Topic: The Economics of Aquaculture (+/- 10 students) AEC/FIN 4123/6123: Commodity Futures Marketing, Fall 2009, Mississippi State University, Dr. John Anderson. (1 Lecture) *Topic: Volume, Open Interest, Margin Accounts (+/- 50 students) AGEC 605: Price Analysis and Forecasting, Spring 2007, Kansas State University, Dr. Ted Schroeder. (1 Lecture) *Topics: Commodity Price Seasonality and Cycles (+/- 60 students) SERVICE AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Profession: 2013-14 SAEA Master’s Thesis Award Committee 2013-14 Southern Extension Economics Committee, Chair 2012-14 Southern Region Outlook Conference, Planning Committee 2012-13 Southern Extension Economics Committee, Vice-Chair University: 2013-14 Mississippi State University Robert Holland Faculty Senate, MSU-ES Senator Department: 2012-13 Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, Search Committee (Ag Finance) 2012-14 Departmental Public Relations and Social Media Committee 2012-13 Departmental Awards Committee 2011-12 Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, Search Committee (Ag Marketing), Chair 2011-12 Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, Search Committee (Community Development) Professional Membership: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Page 14 of 15 Applied Risk Analysis Section Extension Section Southern Agricultural Economics Association Western Agricultural Economics Association Mississippi Agricultural Economics Association Review Panels: African Journal of Agricultural Research American Journal of Agricultural Economics C-FARE Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics Choices Selected Paper reviewer for the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Selected Paper reviewer for the Western Agricultural Economics Association HONORS AND AWARDS 2013 2012 2011 2010 2007-2008 CONSULTING SAEA Assistant Professor Leadership Award Gamma Sigma Delta Extension Award of Merit Mississippi State University State Pride Faculty Award Mississippi State University State Pride Faculty Award USDA National Needs Graduate Fellow Onebane Law Firm The Law Offices of Ian W. Vickery Och-Ziff Capital Management Group, LLC Claybrook Farms and Meat Company Page 15 of 15
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