JEANNE TSCHOPP Ryerson University Department of Economics Office JOR-215 350 – Victoria St. CA – Toronto, ON Canada M5B 2K3 EMPLOYMENT Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (416) 979-5000 Ext. 3362 Assistant Professor, Economics, Ryerson University Post-Doctoral Fellow, Economics, University of British Columbia Supervisors: Paul Beaudry, David Green Sponsor : Swiss National Science Foundation EDUCATION RESEARCH 2014–present 2012–2014 PhD, Economics, University of Lausanne 2008–2011 Committee: Marius Brülhart (advisor), Olivier Cadot (advisor) Daniel Sturm, Mathias Thoenig Dissertation : “Three Essays in International Trade and Economic Adjustment” Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students in Economics, Study Centre Gerzensee 2007–2008 Licence in Economics, University of Lausanne 2002–2006 Fields Primary: Labor Economics Secondary: International Trade Working Papers “Wage Formation: Towards Isolating Search and Bargaining Effects from the Marginal Product”, revise and resubmit, The Economic Journal “The Wage Response to Shocks: The Role of Inter-Occupational Labor Adjustment”, revise and resubmit, Labour Economics “That is the Story of a Hurricane: Within Country Impacts of Extreme Weather Events” (with Martino Pelli) Research in Progress “Wages in the U.S. and Germany: Do Spillover Effects Explain the Difference?” (with Benjamin MacLean Sand) “Wages and Trade Incentives: A Search and Bargaining Perspective” (with Maria Tito) “Opportunistic Export Taxation” (with Olivier Cadot) Contribution to books Cadot, O., M. Olarreaga and J. Tschopp (2010), “Do Trade Agreements Reduce the Volatility of Agricultural Assistance Rates?”, in Kym Anderson (ed.), The Political Economy of Agricultural Trade Distortions, Cambridge University Press, July 2010. INVITED PRESENTATIONS University of Leicester (Leicester 2014), Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen 2014), Dartmouth College (Hanover 2014), Ryerson University (Toronto 2014), Université Laval (Québec City 2014), University of Vienna (Vienna 2014), University of Victoria (Victoria 2013), Université de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke 2013), University of York (Toronto 2013), Globalization and Labor Market Outcomes (Geneva 2011), World Bank Conference of the Political Economy of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives (Washington DC 2008) CONFERENCES & PRESENTATIONS RESEARCH GRANTS REFEREE ACTIVITIES TEACHING POSITIONS 19th Meeting of the Society of Labor Economists (Arlington 2014), Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 3d Annual Summer Conference (Banff 2013), 46th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economic Association (Calgary 2012), 17th Meeting of the Society of Labor Economists (Chicago 2012), 5th Meeting of the Urban Economics Association (Denver 2010), Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (Fribourg 2010), Macro Workshop University of British Columbia (Vancouver 2010), ProDoc Workshop HEI (Geneva 2010), STEC Doctoral Workshop (Champex 2008), Research Days HEC (Lausanne 2008, 2009, 2011) Advanced post-doc mobility, 12 months, $CA 52,500, SNSF Early post-doc mobility, 18 months, $CA 65,000, SNSF Prospective researcher, Swiss NCCR 2013-2014 2012-2013 2009-2012 Labour Economics, Journal of Development Economics Instructor, Ryerson University Topics in Labour Economics (EF9911, graduate) Introductory Microeconomics (ECN104, undergraduate) 2014- Instructor, University of British Columbia Labor Economics (Econ 360, undergraduate) 2012 Teaching Assistant, University of Lausanne International Trade (Graduate) Globalization and Development (Undergraduate) Microeconomics (Graduate) 2007-2012 Research project, EPFL, IHEID, University of Lausanne and Geneva “Impact de la Genève Internationale” 2012 Consultant, World Bank International Trade Department, Washington D.C. 2010 PROGRAMMING Stata LANGUAGE French (native), English, German, Italian REFERENCES Prof. Paul Beaudry +1 (604) 822-8624 [email protected] Prof. David Green +1 (604) 822-8216 [email protected] Prof. Marius Brülhart +41 (21) 692-3471 [email protected] Prof. Olivier Cadot +41 (21) 692-3463 [email protected]
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