4th Sunday of Ordinary Time January 31st & February 01st, 2015 Do you have a passion for youth ministry? We are looking for young adult volunteers to lead a high school youth pilgrim group here at St. Thomas More Parish. If you are interested, please call Monica at the office. ST. THOMAS MORE KRAKOW PILGRIM GROUP: ALTAR SERVERS AND THEIR PARENTS: Are you wanting to become an alter server? Please forward your contact information to the parish office and you will be contacted with more information in regards to all upcoming meetings and field trips. Our next meeting is on Sunday, Feb. 1st at 1 p.m. (after the Noon Mass) in the Church nave. Participation at the monthly meetings is required by all servers; parents are always welcome. will be held on Saturday February 7 from 9-3 at the Pastoral Centre 8421 – 101 Avenue, lunch provided. Please RSVP to [email protected] or for further information check out devp.org or contact the chair of our Social Justice Committee Colleen Smith at [email protected] St. Thomas More Parish 210 Haddow Close Edmonton, AB T6R 2P3 DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE: SHARE LENT WORKSHOP ST. THOMAS MORE’S YOUNG ADULTS GROUP: meets on Saturdays weekly for organized special events, game nights, potlucks, daytrips and theology discussion groups for community-building of young adults in our parish. We welcome ages from high school graduates through to young families. Follow the group on Facebook: St. Thomas More’s Young Adults or email Gideon at: [email protected] for more details. SIGN OF HOPE: “Catholic Social Services offers its services to over 60,000 people of ALL faiths and cultures living in 18 municipalities in central Alberta, with offices located in Edmonton, Red Deer, Lloydminister, Wetaskiwin and Wainwright.” LADIES AUXILIARY: invite YOU to “come and see” on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. We continue to prepare baby layettes for the Misericordia Hospital, tied quilts for Wings and the Society of St Vincent de Paul and knitted items for Marian Centre. We welcome ladies to drop in for coffee, a visit and a helping hand. Contact Elaine Smith 780 436 8324 is in urgent need of gently used furniture, beds, sofas, dressers, kitchen tables and chairs, and household goods. If you would like to make a donation of these items please call at 780-471-5577 and the SSVP truck will come to your house to pick-up donated items. Thank you. Remember, if you or someone you know needs help please call at 780-471-5577or visit us at www.ssvpedmonton.ca THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: This year we will meet again at St. Thomas More Parish 210 Haddow Close every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ending on or before 3:30 p.m. We'll start Tuesday Feb. 3rd by watching a video of Fr. Robert Barron entitled "Untold Blessings". All are welcome. Contact: Maureen Gouveia at 780-7060. SPIRITUAL SHARING CIRCLE CLERGY PASTOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR PERMANENT DEACON RESIDENT PRIEST Fr. Andrew Bogdanowicz Fr. Jaya Rajan J. M. SAC Dk. Randall Abele Fr. Stan Blaszkowski PASTORAL MINISTRY Monica Bober Ext. 227 Kathleen Eistetter Diane Middleton Johanna Dietrich Darlene Smigelski Kathleen Gust Ext. 235 Ext. 233 Ext. 226 Ext. 226 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST BOOKKEEPER MAINTENANCE/GROUNDS EVENING RECEPTIONIST David Matwie Sherisse Schindel Dora Jankowska Arthur Connick Doreen Schmidt Ext. 236 Ext. 228 Ext. 222 Ext. 231 Ext. 228 TELEPHONE 780-434-6313 FAX 780-438-2088 YOUTH & FAMILY COORDINATOR SACRAMENT ASSISTANT SACRAMENT ASSISTANT MUSIC COORDINATOR RC IA COORDINATOR RCIA ASSISTANT OFFICE STAFF WEBSITE www.stmparish.com Masses Offered ARE YOU REGISTERED WITH THE PARISH OFFICE? Being registered with the parish office is of the utmost importance. It allows us to serve all parishioners by providing a better vision of the active populace so that we may respond to the needs of this growing and dynamic parish. Please do not assume that you are automatically registered if you or your children have received sacraments at STM or if you live within the parish boundaries and attend Mass. The only way we can register you and your family is upon your submission of a registration form. These forms are on the counter at the main entrance. If you attend St. Thomas More Parish and have not yet registered, or if your information is not up to date, please fill out a registration form and return it to the parish office. NEW PARISHIONERS / CHANGE OF ADDRESS - Please fill out a Parish Registration Form located on the counter below the bulletin board at the church entrance. INTERESTED IN PRE-AUTHORIZED DONATIONS? – The Pre-Authorized Donation (PAD) Forms are located on the counter below the bulletin board at the church entrance. PAD tokens are available on the counter at the church entrance. Feb. 02 Feb. 03 Feb. 04 Feb. 05 Feb. 06 Feb. 07 Feb. 08 Feb. 08 Feb. 08 Feb. 08 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. + Paul Lee + Maria Seng + Daisy Li + Arnold Rehman + Mat Halbauer + Wilfred Goh + Carl Meyer Avelino Blanco All Parishioners + Val Walisser Dear Brothers and Sisters, The consecrated life is a gift which God the Father has given to the church by means of the Spirit so that, in faithfulness to the Gospel, the most characteristic traits of the life of his Son Jesus, the chaste, poor and obedient one (cf. Mt. 8:20; Phil. 2:8), and the unfathomable riches of his mystery (cf. Eph. 3:8), might be present in the world and might draw everyone toward the kingdom of God. It is also a memoria of the teachings and example of Christ and the Gospel values lived by the saints in the course of the pilgrimage of the people of God throughout the ages. It is a witness of commitment in the following of Christ and a prophecy of the eschatological destiny of history. A common reality unifies consecrated persons-the call to total self-giving to God; love for Christ the teacher, Lord and bridegroom of the church, who is intimately followed and served above everything; and the decision to live according to the Spirit. Moreover the consecrated life is a prophetic witness to the primacy of God and to the things that do not pass away. Indeed, its value lies more in "being"-from God and for Godthan in "doing"-its mission-although there should be no dichotomy between being and doing. On February 2nd, Monday 2015, the Church solemnly celebrates the “World Day of Consecrated Life”. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the presentation of the Lord. This day is also called as the Candlemas Day. Candles are blessed on this day symbolizing Christ as the light of the world. The purpose of this day is to pray and help the entire Church to esteem ever more greatly the witness of those persons who have chosen to follow Christ by means of the practice of the evangelical counsels. In our parish, we will have the Candlemas on Monday February 2nd, 2015 and you may bring candles to the church with you and get them blessed before the 7 p.m. mass. On this day during the mass, let us pray for all the consecrated women and men of our Archdiocese and for more and more vocations. St. Thomas More will be having a special candle mass on Feb. 02nd at 7:00 p.m. Please bring your special candle(s) along with you to be blessed. SPECIAL CANDLEMASS: A CALL FOR LAST YEAR’S PALMS: Please start bringing your palms from last year and place them nicely in either one of the two baskets labeled Palms that are located in the entrance of the church. Thank you. GROCERY CARD PROGRAM: The St. Thomas More Parish Grocery Card Program welcomes more participation. Members of the Knights of Columbus sell grocery cards before and after all Sunday morning masses. They will also be selling grocery cards on the first Saturday of each month before and after the 5:00 p.m. mass and on the last Sunday of each month before and after the 6:00 p.m. mass. This is a great way to assist with parish projects (i.e. upgrading the church lighting and the cement entrance steps) and also to help the less fortunate THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: is for infants to age 7 by which children become members of the Body of Christ, the Church. To prepare for your child’s baptism, visit our website: www.stmparish.com or pick up a Baptism brochure at the church entrance. When you have all the documentation, call Diane at (780) 434-6313 ext. 233 to set up an office visit on our scheduled dates (afternoon or evening appointments available) and register for the Baptism Preparation Session(s). FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion are offered to children in grade 2. A reminder to all those families that have already registered their children; the parent/child sacrament meetings begin this week. We look forward to helping to prepare your child for the next step in their faith journey. will take place March 13, 14 and 15, 2015. For details, email [email protected]. Information about other Marriage Preparation programs can be found on the Archdiocese web-site at: www.caedm.ca STM FAMILIA GROUP “CALLED TO PRAYER” PROGRAM: ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH MACNEIL KINDERGARTEN: will be accepting registrations for the 2015-16 school year starting on Jan. 19th, 2015. Children must turn 5 before Mar. 1, 2016 to be eligible. Our Open House will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 5th 2015. Please feel free to contact the school (750 Leger Way) at 780-471-4218 for more information. Last Weeks Offering: $12,659 Pre-Authorized: $6,000.00 Together We Serve: $550.00 SIGN OF HOPE PAD: In 2015 the Sign of Hope Campaign will be merging with Together We Serve. As noted on the PreAuthorized Donation Form, all Sign of Hope Pre Authorized donations will be transferred to the Together We Serve Annual contribution which will be withdrawn from the parishioner’s bank accounts on Mar. 1st of each year. If you would like to make changes in regards to this, please revise your preauthorized donation form or contact the parish bookkeeper. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It’s a place where you can be with people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life. We are commencing a GriefShare program here at St. Thomas More parish after Mass on Monday, February 2, 2015 at 7:30 P.M in the Library Room. If you cannot make the first session of the 13 week program you may join when you feel ready. Please contact Deacon Randall or Roseanne Abele at (780) 435-5070 or (780) 493-1972 or by email: [email protected] for more information or to register. YOUR JOURNEY FROM MOURNING TO JOY: We cordially invite the Brother Knights and their spouses to a day of spiritual renewal and fellowship on Saturday, Feb. 28th, 2015. The retreat will focus on Sacrament of Marriage and Family Life to be consistent with the Pastoral thrust for this year. Program of Activities: 10:00-11:00 a.m. Adoration/Confessions 11:00-12:00 p.m. Mass/Renewal of Marriage Vows 12:00-1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00-2:00 p.m. Talk by Fr. Jaya Rajan: Sacrament of Marriage/Family Life 2:00-3:00 p.m. Fellowship/Snacks Please register on or before February 10th, 2015, so we can estimate the amount of food for the lunch and snacks preparation. To register, please contact Bro. Leo Sosa, Council Director at (780) 266-9832 / [email protected] THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: COUPLES LENTEN RETREAT. MARRIAGE PREPARATION AT ST. THOMAS MORE: . Please take the time to support the program on a regular basis. PRIOR WEEKS DONATIONS: Marriage is one of the most important aspects of our lives and yet, do we give it enough attention? Familia helps you to, more deeply, live your vocation as a mother, couple and as parents. With a group of friends, in a comfortable and caring setting, discover the Church’s teachings on prayer, marriage and family. For 90 minutes twice a month, participants meet to review structured materials, increase their knowledge and share their ideas to live a strong Catholic family life. Our next “Called to Prayer” program session is on Feb. 14th, 2015 at 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. For more information on registering please contact Sherisse at 780-988-6200 or at [email protected] Liturgical Calendar WESTERN CANADIAN CATHOLIC HOME SCHOOL CONFERENCE: “Look Back to Go Forward." Guest Speakers: Jim Morlino & Fr. Leonard Revilla (MFVA). When: March 12-14, 2015. Where: Providence Renewal Centre, 3005-119 Street, Edmonton. Cost: Early bird (prior to Feb 20th) $75.00 per adult or $100.00 per couple. Questions: Veronica – 780-467-8410 or email: [email protected]. Website:www.wcchsc.net Mail registration to: WCCHSC, 83 Granville Cres.., Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3C1. DO NOT mail anything after March 2nd. All Welcome – geared for home schooling families but all Catholic parents will enjoy! MEN OF INTEGRITY- LEAD BY EXAMPLE!: Called to Holiness - Become the Man God Has Called You To Be Conference by Catholic Family Ministries. Keynote Speaker: Dan DeMatte "I would like to challenge men to a radical holiness - a holiness that produces saints, not mere mediocre men". Holy Mass: Archbishop Richard Smith Guest Speaker: Fr. Stefano Penna When: February 6 7 2015 Where: Holy Trinity Parish, 200 Boundary Road, Spruce Grove, AB (North Of Highway 16A, between Spruce Grove and Stony Plain) Cost: $50 per man, $35 per student and Clergy Free Register today: 780.961.3346 or online at: www.catholicfamilyministries.com Open House on Feb. 11th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Both Spanish bilingual and English programs available. Come join us and check out all the learning opportunities. ESCUELA ST. TERESA SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN: ECOLE J. H. PICARD- CATHOLIC FRENCH IMMERSION K-12: Mon. Feb. 02 Tues. Feb. 03 Wed. Feb. 04 Thurs. Feb. 05 Fri. Feb. 06 Sat. Feb. 07 Sun. Feb. 08 CANDLEMASS MASS 7:00 p.m. MASS 8:30 a.m. MASS 8:30 a.m. MASS 8:30 a.m. MASS 5:00 p.m. Adoration & Reconciliation 6:00 p.m. Reconciliation 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation 4:00 p.m. MASSES 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. MASS 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation 6:30 p.m. R.C.I.A. 7:00 p.m. Child’s Liturgy 5:00 p.m. Children’s Liturgy All Masses (except 6 p.m.) We are now accepting registrations for the 2015-16 school year. We welcome families of Junior and Senior High students residing in the South of Edmonton. Transportation is provided as well. Our Open House will be held at 6:00 p.m. for Junior High, and 6:30 for High School, on Tuesday, March 10th. Please feel free to contact the school (7055-99 St) at (780)433-4251 or check our website www.Jhpicard.ecsd.net for more information. STAR OF THE NORTH RETREAT CENTRE: Living in the Reign A central tenet of our faith is that Jesus came to inaugurate the Kingdom of God here on earth. Although this was the main focus of what Jesus preached and taught we pay too little attention to this great Good News. This retreat will explore the depths of this mystery, celebrate it ritually, and prayerfully help participants experience it more deeply. Facilitator: Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie. From: 7 p.m. Fri. Feb. 6th to 4 p.m. Sat. Feb. 7th Live-in: $125 Commute: $95 Please Register by Feb 6th
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