The Crier (PDF) - Colchester Federated Church

Inside this Issue:
Worship Services
From Our Senior Pastor:
Diaconate News
Dear Colchester Federated Church Friends,
Blood Drive
Youth News
Parish Directory
Moving from the season of Epiphany, celebrating Christ’s light shining
in the night—to Ash Wednesday and the Season of Lent, a time of
prayer and penitence—brings us from celebrating birth to preparing
for death, rather quickly. But isn’t life like that? Joy and sadness
are mixed together. Some of us are counting the days till spring when
the bulbs hidden in the frozen earth will spring forth into blossom.
In our own lives, we experience varying seasons. Change can bring joy
and it can bring sorrow, or both mixed together. In my own life, by
mid-summer, a big change is coming, when I retire August 1st. This
means a change for our congregation, a new season of pastoral leadership: first with an interim pastor, and later with a new settled pastor to lead this faith-filled congregation forward in ministry, in this
new time.
Special Events:
† Red Cross Blood
Drive, 6th
† Pancake Supper, 17th
† Ash Wednesday
Worship Service, 18th
All of the Members of the
Church are called to serve in
daily life
Rev. Dr. Linda U. Barnes,
Senior Pastor
Rev. Cheryl A. Caronna,
Associate Pastor for Youth
Tom Evans, Treasurer
Dave Hock, Custodian
Kimberly Lewis, Music
Susan Skoglund, Office
Change can be scary for all of us. Fear of the unknown is a common
human characteristic. We experience loss, emptiness and grief. But
that pain and letting-go is part of the preparation for new life. It
helps us grow in ways we can’t even imagine. We trust that the God
who loves us more than we can even imagine—will guide us to live more
deeply in that love, and more courageously in our daily lives. Rev.
Cheryl is stepping forth, open to new vistas in her call to ministry,
concluding her work as CFC Associate for Youth on April 12. We will
grieve her going, as we celebrate her faithful response to God’s voice
calling her forth. Grief and hope. Challenge and fulfillment. God’s
love leading. The light of Christ guiding, through all times.
Our Deacons and other lay leaders assure you [see page 6 for their
note] that they are prayerfully, gratefully moving forward—trusting
in God to guide us!
Yours, in faith,
Page 2
February Worship Services
Sunday, February 1—Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
8:30 a.m. worship and communion service
10 a.m. worship and communion service
Rev. Barnes preaching; Scriptures:
Psalm 111, Mark 1:21-28 ; Theme:
Power to Do.
Sunday, February 8—Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
† 8:30 a.m. worship service
† 10 a.m. worship service
Rev. Barnes preaching; Scriptures:
Isaiah 40:21-31, Mark 1:29-39;
Theme: Source of Strength.
Sunday, February 15—Transfiguration Sunday
† 8:30 a.m. worship service
† 10 a.m. worship service
Rev. Barnes preaching; Scriptures:
2 Kings 2:1-12, Mark 9:2-9;
Theme: Compassionate
Ash Wednesday, February 18
Rev. Barnes and Rev Caronna
leading worship service, with
music by our senior choir
7 p.m. Ash Wednesday worship and communion
Sunday, February 22—First Sunday of Lent
8:30 a.m. worship service
10 a.m. worship service
Rev. Caronna preaching.
Sunday, February 1, 2015 Communion Service:
Communion Elements Steward & Server: Jennifer Clarke
Communion Servers: Jim Caronna, Carolyn Marvin and Lynn Stefanowicz
Throughout the year, Bible study is held in Rev. Barnes’ office Monday morning at 10:30
to read and reflect on the scriptures listed for the following Sunday. We encourage each
of you to read the biblical passages each week as part of your daily devotional, and in
preparation for our Sunday worship time.
The Church Office will be closed on Thursday, February 19, in order for Rev. Barnes to attend a Lenten
preaching workshop. Rev. Caronna will be leading the UCC CT Conference Confirmation Retreat at Silver
Lake during the weekend of February 8.
The Crier
Page 3
Contact a Church Life member if
you would like to donate Sanctuary flowers. Please notify
Susan Skoglund in the Church
Office as to how you would like
your memorial or thanksgiving
flowers noticed in the bulletin.
Those who are Ill or
Kaitlyn Accola
Chester and Alberta Anderson
(Rev. Cheryl’s parents)
Evelyn Barr
Barbara Bosse
Austin Christiansen
Jason Clarke (son of Jen and John)
Bernie Erickson
Joan Frantzen
Maureen Granato
Athena Grey
(cousin of Deborah Howard)
Joseph and Mary Hamel
(parents of Shelly Hirsch)
Mitch Koziol
Wildred Marvin
(Deborah Howard’s mother)
Claire McCune
(Mike McCune’s mother)
Tiffany Nielson and her family
Dottie Olson
(mother of Barb Bosse)
Martha Paty
Clarence Schiebel
(father of Evelyn Plecan)
Hattie Turner
Friends in Assisted Living
and Convalescent Homes:
Bob Fletcher and Bob Miller
(Apple Rehab)
Evans Griffin, Emily Grundy, Elizabeth Hageman, Betty Koes, and
Cecilia Rogers (Harrington
George Aronstamm
Matthew Makris
Hanna Moore
Avery Moore
Julie Clarke
Neil Malloy
Avery Wrobel
Eric Brennan
Laurie Schaeffer
Rachel Marvin
Joann Riddell
Lillian Brown
Erin Lilienthal
Mary Anne Ringuette
Aaron Hosford
Chris Nurse
Sarah Baseler
Bob Clarke
Noah Cook
Madi O’Neil
Robert Misbach
Mary Howard
Zachary Bussiere
Briana Hiscox
Catherine Misbach
Arlene Cocchiarella
If you know someone in need of
spiritual help, a hospital or pastoral
visit, please tell Revs. Barnes or
Caronna or call the Church Office.
Deborah and Terry
The Red Cross has scheduled
another blood drive to be held
here on Friday, 2/6, from 1:006:00 p.m. It is recommended
you contact the Red Cross
ahead of time to schedule an
appointment for donating blood
by calling 800-448-3543 or
scheduling your appointment on
-line at; or
you may also schedule your appointment by contacting Susan,
our office manager, at 860-5375189. Walk-ins are welcomed
but there could be a waiting
time. If anyone is interested in
volunteering some time to assist
in the blood drive, they can
contact Cheryl Letendre. Volunteers are also needed to donate bake goods for the blood
drive as well. For more information you may contact Cheryl
at (H) 860-537-6516 or (C) 860
Page 4
Financials for December 2014:
December Total Income
December Total Expenses
December Net
Checkbook Balance
Current Liabilities
Year-to-Date Net
12/31/2014 Pledging:
% Received:
February 1
Gerry Caron
Jim Caronna and Chris Nurse
February 8
Mary Tomasi
Boy Scouts
February 15
Gerry Caron
Lynne McCune and Frank Tomlinson
February 22
Mitch and Lori Koziol
Tom St. Louis
Thank you to everyone who helps Colchester Federated Church
every day, including…
...all of our parishioners who made donations for the Food Bank
and paper goods for our Church! Thank you!!!!!
...everyone else who empties trash, closes windows, locks up, and
generally helps to care for our building and our church family; we appreciate your efforts
and couldn’t survive without you!
Upcoming Events:
A Fundraising Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, February 2, at 6:30 p.m. in
our Church Lounge. Come and bring your ideas to the Fundraising Committee.
A traditional New England “Boiled Dinner” will be held on Saturday, March 14, from
4:30 to 7:30 p.m. in our Stage Room. The menu includes corned beef and cabbage as
well as other yummy offerings. More details to follow.
The Church’s Second Annual Craft/Vendor Fair will be held in our Church on Saturday,
April 18. Please contact Joann Riddell or Nancy Knapp for information and/or an application.
The Crier
Page 5
Once again, the Women’s Fellowship was busying bringing some sunshine into the lives of so many this past Christmas
season. On Thursday, December 11, Bethany Avery, Rev. Barnes, Bea Bradstreet, Rev. Caronna, John Dooley, Avis Hull,
Joyce Moore and Nicole, Joann Riddell, Dolores Sawchuk, Donna Snell, Necia Stopa, and Jeannette Tomlinson gathered
at Harrington Court to sing Christmas carols to the patients. The singing was accompanied by Bethany Avery on piano
and Rev. Barnes on the flute. After carols, cookies made by Bethany, Bea, Rev. Cheryl, Avis, Evelyn Plecan, Joann,
Dolores, Donna, Necia, Jeannette, and Karen Wheeler, were given to the patients. After an enjoyable time together,
each patient received gift as he/she returned to his/her room.
On Thursday, December 18, Rev. Caronna, Jessie May Kessler, Karen Monteleone, and Jeannette Tomlinson gathered at
the home of Dolores Sawchuk to put together 30 fruit trays that were delivered to members and friends of our Church
who need extra love during this time of year. Thanks to Kevin and Bethany Avery, Rev. Caronna, John and Nancy
Dooley, Jessie May, Karen, Joyce, Avery, and Hannah Moore, John Plecan, and Jeannette Tomlinson who delivered the
trays. Also, thank you to Nancy Knap for making the gift tags.
A special thanks to Kevin and Bethany who added another gift of fruit when God placed them in a caring situation.
The Women’s Fellowship wishes everyone a happy, healthy 2015.
With gratitude and love, Dolores Sawchuk
A Thank You from
Harrington Court
Page 6
In recent weeks, we have received notices of transition from
both our Senior and Associate Pastors. It is with full and thankful hearts that we look back over the gifts they both have given
us and wish them all the best as they continue their faith-filled
Diaconate is mindful of the concerns as well as the opportunities that come with change. As we
seek to honor the ministry of our beloved Pastors and plan for transition we will keep our congregation informed. Over the next few weeks we will invite guidance from both Denominations and follow
with a letter describing our next steps. There will also be announcements at Worship and postings
in bulletins and The Crier. If you have questions in the meantime, feel free to ask any member of
And so we move forward, eager to express our deep gratitude and watchful for opportunities which
lead us closer to God’s vision of our shared journey.
The Colchester Federated Church Diaconate
Donna Wink, Jennifer Clarke, Kevin Avery, Barbara Bosse, Jim Caronna, Deb Howard,
Carolyn Marvin, Karen Monteleone, John Plecan, Lynn Stefanowicz, and Jeannette Tomlinson
Celebrating our Ministries: The Ministry of Church Life
This month, we start a monthly celebration of our ministries. Enjoy the opportunity to greet a ministry’s members at the beginning of a Sunday 10:00 service then gather after service as they host coffee hour. The ministry of the month will have a table set up to share more information about what
their ministry does. The Ministry of Church Life is starting us off for February. Here is some background derived from our Bylaws:
Ministry of Church Life is responsible for:
1. Planning regular and special worship services, in conjunction with the Senior and Associate
2. Maintaining the items and physical space related to worship, subject to the approval of the
Ministry of Stewardship
3. Coordinating the activities which welcome people into the life of the congregation
4. Encouraging participation in worship, worship leadership, fellowship, and spiritual nurture
5. Building community and cultivating group life
6. Mission of Ushering reports to Ministry of Church Life - responsible for recruiting, training, and
scheduling ushers
7. Mission of Flower Decoration reports to Ministry of Church Life - responsible for recruiting and
schedule assistance to provide for the floral needs of the Church
8. Ministerial vacancies shall be filled by Interims provided for by the Diaconate and the Ministry of
Church Life in cooperation with the UCC and ABC denominations
The Crier
Page 7
You’re Invited!
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Begin Lent with this traditional event
Pancake Decorating Station with fruit, candy, and whipped cream!
Parade! Pancakes! Sausages! Mardi Gras Beads!
Gluten-free pancakes will be available!
All are welcome - Fun for All Ages!
Tuesday, February 17th, 5:30—7:00 pm
Stage Room
Free will offering will be donated to CFC and local missions.
Lenten Living
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18 this year. Christians have observed this season of the church year
since the fourth century. It’s traditionally a time of reflection, penitence and spiritual renewal before Easter.
During Lent, some Christians give up something that hinders their relationship with God. Others do something
extra for their spiritual growth or make a special sacrifice. The key is to make Lent a memorable season of sincere spiritual growth — a time that can set the tone for the rest of the year.
Page 8
Children & Youth Programming
February 2015
February: 22nd 11:30-1:00 “Family Fun in February” Families are invited to a
backwards mixed up lunch. This event will be pot luck. Each person should wear at
least one item of clothing backwards to the gathering.
March: 8th 11:30-1:30 “WALK WITH JESUS Our group will take a walk through Holy
Week. We will experience the events of the week through activities using our 5 senses.
Teen Time:
February 16th 10:30-12:45 “Serving the Community” Students are invited to help serve
the Community Lunch at our Church. We will preparing and serving the meal. If you’re
not away on school vacation and looking for something to do come and join me in
March 13th & 14th (tentative dates) “Sleepover at CFC” New London Association
Churches will be having a youth gathering and sleepover at our Church. Middle School
and High School students will be invited to share meals, worship, games, activities and
Upcoming Events
“Soup”er Bowl 2/1
Collection of cans of Soup for the Colchester Food Bank
& change for St Vincent De Paul Soup Kitchen
Pancake Supper 2/17
Families and friends are invited to share a pancake
supper together on Shrove Tuesday. Bring a friend and
join the parade of masks.
We are always looking for
youth who would like to
read during our worship
services. Speak with Rev.
Cheryl for more
I will be at Silver Lake
on Sunday 2/8.
-Rev. Cheryl
Page 9
The Crier
Winter and Spring 2015
Pre-Kindergarten -5th Grade
(4th & 5th Communion Sundays in worship)
4th Epiphany Sunday
11th Jesus Baptism
18th John the Baptist
25th Jesus Disciples
1st Jesus cleans 10 lepers (Luke 17)
8th Jesus calms a storm
15th Jesus feeds the 5000
22rd Zaccheaus
1st Jesus heals a blind man
8th Jesus blesses the children
15th Lord’s Prayer
22nd Holy Week
29th Palm Sunday /Holy Week
12th Resurrection
19th Psalm 23
26th Widow’s Offering
6th Grade-12th Grade
Jesus Baptism
John the Baptist
Jesus Disciples
Parable of the Sower
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Parable of the Lost Coin
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Offerings & Holy Week
Holy Week
Psalm 23
Widow’s Offering
(3rd Grade joins Communion Sundays in worship)
3rd Beatitudes
10th Commission of the Disciples to make
17th Holy Spirit/Pentecost
24th Teachers choose a favorite story
31st Practice for Children’s Sunday
Commission of the Disciples to make
Holy Spirit/Pentecost
Teachers choose a favorite story
Practice for Children’s Sunday
Page 10
Greetings from the Ministry of Stewardship!
We would like to thank all the wonderful folks that stepped up and
helped us to end the 2014 budget year with a positive balance. Several
folks came forward and made wonderful gifts. We on Stewardship certainly acknowledge that we move forward with uncertainty. We have a
large projected deficit. This is a concern, of course, but we feel that like
always we will come through this with some hard work, frugality when it is called for, and
some new and exciting fundraising opportunities.
We always welcome any suggestions and assistance in moving forward together. The ministry of Stewardship meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM.
In February, we will be focusing on some tree work and continuing on with some kitchen remodeling planning. We are hopeful that we will be able to start working on the dishwasher
and grease trap installation soon. Chris Wink has been continuing to overhaul our sanctuary shutters. This has been quite a process and Chris has been telling us how much fun he is
having. Just ask him.
Page 11
The Crier
Parish Directory Changes
Barnes, Rev. Linda
Cell phone: 914-441-6790; new email: [email protected]
Bausum, Tracy
Moved to The Congregational Church in South Glastonbury; Cell
phone: 860-514-1181
Add daughter Victoria (Error in directory)
Moved to 31 Comstock Bridge Road, Colchester
Moved to South Carolina
Benoit, Ronald & Julie
Bosse, Mark & Barbara
Bracall, Robert &
Caronna, Rev. Cheryl
Dente, Anne
Add cell phone: 860-916-4157
Dente, Charlie
Goodwin, Paul & Lynn
Hallock, Becca
Hosford, Rich & Nicole
Howard, Michelle
Kessler, JessieMay
[email protected]; 860-208-5352; remove home #
[email protected]; 860-657-6740; remove home #
Moved to 34 Harvest Lane, Colchester
Moved to Wisconsin
Moved to 24 James St., Apt. B, Colchester
Married to Terry Howard, Jr.
73 Alpine Drive, Colchester, 860-603-2356; [email protected]
Lammey, Peter & Tracy
[email protected]
Larew, Debbie
Makris, Samantha &
Moved to 67 Hayward Ave., Apt. B, Colchester
124 Alexander Drive, Colchester, 603-203-4067 (Sam), 603-2894075 (John), [email protected]
Marvin, Everett &
McPherson, Mike &
Morozowich, Jessica &
Myers, Toni-Lynn
Paty, Martha
Plecan, Carol
83 O’Connell Road Extension, Colchester
Stefanowicz, Stan &
Stevens, Lynda & Sean
Terrillion, Jill
Turner, Denise
Ziel, Philip & Karen
Zirbel, Jeff & Jenn
Moved to 39 Matthews Street, Southington, CT 06489
44 Highwood Circle, Colchester, 203-586-8154,
[email protected]
Moved to 8 Diane Lane, Colchester
Moved to 19-F Dogwood Lane, Colchester
Moved to 19 Burr Rd., Southbury, CT 06488, cell phone: 860-6032152
From 93 to 96 Pleasant Street (Error in directory)
63 Ventura Drive, Colchester, 860-559-5683; [email protected];
[email protected]
Moved to 55 Cheyenne Court, Marlborough, CT 06447
Moved to 180 Halls Hill Road, Colchester
Moved to 109 Clarke Road, Lebanon, CT 06249
Moved to Windsor, CT
Page 12
Camp Wightman
207 Coal Pit Hill Road, Griswold, CT 06351
(860) 376-2179; [email protected]
Ready for an adventure to remember? Looking for
friends and faith and fun? Camp Wightman is ready to
provide all of this and more. Our summer camp
programs are built from the ground up for kids just like
you. They are unforgettable and life-changing--actionpacked, sun-soaked days, good friends, an incredible setting, and plenty of
opportunities to know God better. Get ready to jump into another world! Register
by March 15 to take advantage of 2014 rates.
All of our camptivities are available every session so just choose your dates, being
sure campers in your age group are invited to that session, and then register! The
themes provide a general format for the session's special events.
Summer Program 2015
June 28-July 3
Dangerous and Daring for ages 6-8, 9-12, & 13-16
July 5-10
Club Wightman for ages 10-12, 12-14, & 14-16
July 12-17
Senior High Event for ages 15-18
July 19-24
Wightman Goes Hollywood for ages 7-9, 10-12, & 13-16
July 26-31
August 2-14
Campolodeon for ages 6-8, 8-10, & 10-13
Outrageous Tweekers for ages 10-12, 13-15, & 15-18 and
Lead for ages 15-18
Outrageous for ages 10-12, 13-15, & 15-18
August 2-7
August 9-14
August 16-21
Outrageous for ages 10-12, 13-15, & 15-18
Summer’s Last Blast for ages 7-9, 10-12, & 13-16
For First Time Campers:
June 28-July 1
Mini Dangerous and Daring for ages 6-8
July 26-29
Mini Campolodeon for ages 6-8
Page 13
The Crier
Office Hours: Monday—Wednesday, and Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Rev. Barnes is
in the office on Thursdays, with varying hours. Her day off is Fridays; Rev. Caronna’s
office days are Tuesdays and Fridays.
60 Main Street
Colchester, CT 06415
Colchester Federated
February 2015
A Monthly Newsletter
Colchester Federated Church
Affiliated with the United Church of Christ
American Baptist Churches
The Rev. Dr. Linda U. Barnes, Senior Pastor
The Rev. Cheryl A. Caronna, Associate Pastor for Youth
(860) 537-5189; [email protected]