5th Sunday Ordinary Year B St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong 8th February 2015 The Meaning of Pain Jorge Borgoglio, then 21, was brought down by an illness that took him to the edge of death. It began in August of 1957 with a devastating pleurisy that resisted antibiotics. Barely able to Holy Spirit Church breathe, his life in danger, he was rushed to the Harriett Street, Auchenflower Syrian-Lebanese hospital, where surgeons removed three pulmonary cysts and a small part of his upper right lung. He spent five days in an oxygen tent followed by an extremely painful post-op month during which he was pumped with saline with a catheter in his chest to remove the dead pleura and scar tissue. For Jorge, it was his first experience of intense physical suffering. At times delirious with pain, he begged his visitors to explain what was happening. His mother, among others, tried to comfort him by attempting to displace his thoughts: it will soon pass, she told him, it will all be okay, you’ll be home before you know it. But Jorge wasn’t reassured: the pain and danger of the moment were far more real than any future he was asked to imagine. As Viktor Frankl, the Australia psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, would later show in his memories of the Nazi death camps, the secret to enduring great suffering is not to try to imagine its end but to find meaning in its present. That is what Sister Dolores, the nun who had prepared Jorge for First Communion, helped him to do when she visited. Her simple words—”with your pain, you are imitating Christ” - revolved in his head and brought peace. What has been pointless was now redemptive; the pain was no less, but bearing it became possible. Extract from The Great Reformer—Austen Ivereigh. MASS TIMES ST IGNATIUS Toowong: Weekdays 5.30pm every afternoon; Saturday 9.00am & 6.00pm (Vigil); Sunday 7.00am & 5.00pm. Reconciliation: Saturday after 9.00am Mass and from 5.15pm to 5.45pm, or by appointment. HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: Weekdays 9.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday; Sunday 8.30am. Archdiocesan Information INVITATION from Ecumenical Social Justice Group on Monday 9 Feb. at 7.30pm at Taringa Baptist Church. Chris Miranda & friends from the Logan Refugee Association will be the guest speakers. This is a great chance to meet asylum seekers/refugees & hear their stories. Bring a friend & join us for a cuppa. All welcome. Toowong and District Historical Society Inc. MASS TIMES FOR ASH WEDNESDAY (18 FEB. ) at Cathedral of St Stephen: 8.00am; 10.00am; 12.30pm; 5.10pm, and St Patrick’s, Fortitude Valley: 7.00am & 11.00am. Assembly of Catholic Professionals luncheon — Everyone welcome. Guest Speakers: Matthew and Diane Ames (as featured on the Sunday Night Program). Brisbane based couple whose lives were changed when Matthew lost all four limbs after contracting a streptococcal infection. On Thursday 26 February, 12midday–2pm (extended networking following luncheon to 3pm) - Hilton Hotel, Ballroom, 5th floor, 190 Elizabeth St, Brisbane. Cost:-$176 incl. 2 course lunch and drinks. Don’t miss hearing this inspirational story! Contact Colleen Keating 3324 3200 for tickets | www.catholicfoundation.org.au/acp Excelling in Christ. “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5:48. Mass Celebrant & Guest Speaker: Archbishop Mark Coleridge, at CCR Brisbane Centre and St John’s Church, 688 Nudgee Rd, Northgate on Sat 28 Feb. Music Ministry: Hands of Hope. Enquiries : Miriam (3202 6856). Programme - A collection will be taken up at Mass. 9.30am Welcoming Cuppa. 10am Praise and Worship. 11am Mass including Homily/ Talk by His Grace. 12:30 pm Lunch. Please bring a plate of savouries to share for lunch. Multifaith Academy for Chaplaincy & Community Ministries Inc. Offering qualifications in Spiritual Care. Thinking of becoming a Chaplain? Be trained to bring comfort & resilience? Courses start 21/2/15 (West End). Info: 3255 2112 | www.chaplaincyacademy.com. LITTLE KING’S MOVEMENT ANNUAL APPEAL will be held in our parish next weekend ~ 14-15 February. Once a year L.K.M. conducts a Door Knock and a Parish Appeal. The Movement caters for people with disabilities in social and spiritual activities. There is no government funding and the Movement is staffed by volunteers. Each year the calls for our services are increasing. The Movement, though based on Catholic beliefs, is truly ecumenical, and all members are welcomed and respected for their own beliefs. There is no charge for any of the services provided by the Movement. IN THE SERVICE OF GOD The history of the Catholic Church presented by Catholic Church Archivist, Fr Martin, who will tell the remarkable story of the Church’s history in Queensland dating from when the Diocese of Brisbane was established in 1859, with responsibility for the entire state of Queensland. Fr Martin will use material from the Church’s archives. Established to house the history of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, the archive contains materials, records and artefacts relevant to more than 150 years of the Catholic Church in Queensland. All are welcome. On: Friday 27 February from 9.30-11.30am. Where: Toowong Library, top floor, Toowong Village. Please stay and join us afterwards for morning tea. For inquiries, RSVP and apologies: P 040 1180 0921 or E: [email protected] | http://toowonghistory.org.au/ Brisbane West Deanery Information Deanery News Archbishop Coleridge recently announced new clergy for the Holy Family Parish, Indooroopilly, Administrator—Fr Paul Chandler & Priest in Residence— Fr Augustine Obi and Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB. St Catherine’s Workship Centre, Moggill will celebrate its 20th Anniversary with a special Mass on Sat 7 March at 5.30pm, with Bishop Brian Finnigan leading. All past parishioners are invited to the Mass and celebrations. BWD Youth Adult Lenten Reflection/Retreat Moring. All young adults (aged 17-35) are invited. Sun 8 March, at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Darra. Youth Mass: 9am. Mini retreat: 10am—1pm. Finishing with light lunch. Cost: $5. Register your attendance with Michael Doherty on 0409 235 480 or E: [email protected] Catechesis of the Good Shepherd—Graceville Atrium. A sacred space set apart for children aged 3-12 yrs filled with many beautiful hands on materials based on the scriptures and the prayers of the Liturgy. Children come once a week during school term time. The 3-6yo has the opportunity to fall in love with God. The 6-12yo is invited to consider the call of the beloved and to join with God in God’s dream of transforming the world and bringing forth God’s kingdom of light, love, hope and joy. For more info refer BWD newsletter or ph Anne Delsorte 0459 025 118. Please take a copy of the February Brisbane West Deanery Newsletter from the rotary stands or go to www.brisbanewestdeanery.com.au Readings: 5th Sunday Ordinary: Job 7:1-4,6-7. 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23. Mark 1:29-39. Next week: 6th Sunday Ordinary: Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46. 1 Corinthians 13:31—11:1. Mark 1:40-45. O come, let us worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for his is the Entrance Antiphon: Lord our God. ? Spoken Response: Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted. Sung Response: Bless the Lord, My Soul who heals the broken hearted. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! He bore our sickness, and endured our suffering. Alleluia! Your Prayers Are Requested For All Parishioners & friends who are sick and in need SICK: Carmel Bolger, Fr Ian Howells sj. RECENTLY DECEASED: Thomas Higgins. ANNIVERSARIES: Cecile Lamboley, Tom Corcoran. BAPTISMS: Jessica Auckland, Lincoln Knutt, Olive Frost, Chayton Greck. Diary Dates FEBRUARY 8 5th Sunday Ordinary PARISH INORMATION PARISH COLLECTIONS: Including Clergy Support: $3,524, Other: $4,950. ST VINCENT DE PAUL TOOWONG Thank you to everyone who contributed to the "Giving Tree" - $5,941.50 will provide support to those in need in our local area. Baptisms: 10.30-11.30am—St Ignatius PARISH NEWS Please note Communion Services will be held at both churches (instead of Mass) on Mondays 9 and 16 February (during Fr Gaetan’s absence). *FR IAN HOWELLS SJ was admitted to hospital last weekend and is likely to remain 12 2pm Craft Group—Horstmann Room 13 9am St Ignatius School Opening School there for another week or so. Request no visitors at this time but please keep Fr Ian in your prayers. Mass—St Ignatius 9 CWL Meeting (after 9am CS)-H/Spirit 14 -15 Little Kings Movement Annual Appeal weekend. 14 10am Koinonia Group (Welcome & Care) Meeting—Horstmann Room Fr Ian Howells sj Birthday 15 6th Sunday Ordinary Baptisms: 10.30—11am—St Ignatius 16 7.30pm St Ig PTJ Group Meeting-H/Rm 17 7.45pm SVdP Meeting—Horstmann Rm CHILDREN’S LITURGY resumed last Sunday and is held during the 8.30am Sunday Mass at Holy Spirit Church (during school terms). It is an enjoyable way for our children to participate in the liturgy. CWL TOOWONG BRANCH First meeting of the year to be held on Mon 9 February after 9am CS at Holy Spirit Church. ** Also, NEW MEMBERS are desperately needed to ensure the viability of our Branch so please consider joining and if unable to attend morning meetings please ring Del Doherty 3371 7746 as we may be able to arrange an alternative meeting time such as directly after 6pm Mass on a Saturday at St Ignatius. CRAFT GROUP Join us and bring your craft to our first gathering of the year on Thurs 18 ASH WEDNESDAY — Masses:12 February at 2pm in the Horstmann Room. New members always welcome. 9am Holy Spirit Church and 6pm St Ignatius Church (nb. no 5.30pm) KOINONIA GROUP (Welcome & Care) First meeting of the year on Sat 14 February, at 10am in Horstmann Room. New members always welcome. DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS Mon: Tues: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: 5th Week Ordinary (B) 1st Reading Gospel Genesis 1:1-19. Mark 6:53-56. Genesis 1:20 –2:4. Mark 7:1-13. Genesis 2:4-9, 15-17. Mark 7:14-23. Genesis 2:18-25. Mark 7: 24-30. Genesis 3:1-8. Mark 7:31-37. Genesis 3: 9-24. Mark 8:1-10. AVAILABLE NOW (on rotary stands or at church doors) AUSTRALIAN CATHOLICS Summer: Free. APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER February: Free. BRIS WEST DEANERY NEWSLETTER Feb.: Free AUST CENTRES OF IGNATIUS SPIRITUALITY— 2015 Program book—Available Now: Free. 2015 BREAK OPEN THE WORD— $10 please put money in envelope supplied with book & place on the collection plate. MADONNA MAGAZINE Summer: $11. AUST. JESUITS COMPANIONS Summer: Free THE CATHOLIC LEADER Weekly: $2. Any inclusions for the Parish newsletter should be marked to the attention of the Parish Secretary & received at Parish Office no later than Thursday mornings. Thank you. ST. IGNATIUS PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE GROUP First meeting of the year on Monday 16 Feb., 7.30pm in the Horstmann Room. All are welcome. Also, Gardening Bee will be held at Holy Spirit on Sat 28 Feb., 8.30-11.30am. Please put it on your calendar! COFFEE AND CHAT All ladies welcome for a coffee and a chat at our first gathering of the year on Tuesday 24 February at 2pm in the Horstmann Room. Come along and meet up with old and new friends. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are urgently looking for someone who can help us with Religious Education classes at Rainworth State School (Boundary Rd, Bardon) on Thursdays or Fridays from 2-3pm. All you need is a love of God and of the kids and a blue card (working with children). We provide the books & support, and if necessary, transport. If you can help, please contact Karin 3870 7295 or email [email protected] - we'd love to hear from you. If you can't help, please, pray for us and ask around for help. Thank you! NEW PARISHIONERS If you are new to our parish we welcome you. Please take a form from the rotary stands at the Church and on the way out make yourself known to the priest or to one of the Welcomers (wearing blue name badges). PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL There is currently a couple of vacancies for members of PPC. Please contact Fr Peter Quin sj P.P. (3870 7818) if you are interested in being considered to become a member of PPC (meetings are normally held on the second Thursday of the month, from 7.30pm in the Horstmann Room). PARISH’S ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES ~ 18TH FEBRUARY 9am Holy Spirit Church and 6pm St Ignatius Church (no 5.30pm) More Thoughts for 2015 Do not ask the Lord to guide your steps if you are not willing to move your feet. Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. • The grass may be greener next door but it is just as hard to cut. One is rich or poor according to what one is, not according to what one has. • • • OUR MISSION PRAYER We, the St Ignatius community, are called to live the good news. We pray that we become the people that Jesus Christ called us to be. We pray that we know the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit through knowing Jesus in prayer, scripture and liturgy. We pray that we give hope to others by a practical, personal kindness, affirming each person's dignity, worth and destiny in Christ. May we live out this mission of our Christian vocation in the spirit of St. Ignatius. Parish WEBSITE www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Current Newsletter now on our website! When making out your will please consider the needs of the parish PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Phone: 3870 7818. Fax: 3870 7857. Postal Address: 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong Qld 4066 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am—4.30pm (closed for lunch 1—1.30pm ) Emergency Contact If you require a priest in an emergency, please phone the parish office and follow the prompts. Jesuit Community of Qld Parish Office Staff Liturgical Ministry:Parish Pastoral Council PRIMARY SCHOOL Charles Costello—Chair Fr John Reilly SJ Superior *Sandy Dunne - Finance Roster Co-ordinatorsPrincipal— Fr Peter Quin SJ PP Fr Gaetan Pereira SJ APP Fr Ian Howells SJ Fr Vince Hurley SJ Fr Greg Jordan SJ *Monica Florence (Parish Secretary including Newsletter) Faber CIS, Bardon Cathy Bennett (Wed only) Holy Spirit Church Director: Fr John Reilly SJ Administrator: Allison King Phone: 3368 2450 www.faberspirituality.org.au *Sacramental Co-Ordinator: Staff meeting each Wednesday 2pm. St Ignatius Church: Finance & Development Roycelyn Wilden David Slater—Chair * Ministry Roster: Suzanne Angell & Geof Hill 3848 1902 Musical Director *Altar Server Convenor: Anthony Young Tony Castel 0438 192 298 * Rosters, Children’s Liturgy & Altar Server Training: Louise Wellington 3876 8786 APRE— Rachelle Gibson 46 Grove Street, Toowong Qld 4066 Phone: 3371 1094 www.stignatiustoowong. qld.edu.au . * OSHC— 3870 3270 Queensland’s Privacy Scheme and the Commonwealth Government’s legislation deals with the manner in which private sector organisations may record, use, store and disclose information, including health information, collected from individuals. The Parish of Toowong is committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set out in both the legislations and Privacy Scheme and by the Archdiocese of Brisbane. A copy of the Parish's Privacy Policy is available to any parishioner by contacting the Parish Office on 3870 7818 during office hours.
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