By : Khalid Alfalqi Department of Computer Science, Umm Al-Qura

By : Khalid Alfalqi
Department of Computer Science, Umm Al-Qura University
Slides based on Security in Computing. Fourth Edition by Pfleeger and
Based on Dr. Musab Alzaghul’s slides
1. Network Concepts
2. Precursors to attack
3. Common Attacks
1. DOS attacks
2. A/W attacks
4. Vulnerabilities of Web Add-ins
Network Security Controls
Intrusion detection systems
Secure e-mail
Information Security
Precursors to attack
 We study the precursors (‫ )نذر‬to an attack so that
if we can recognize characteristic behavior, we may
be able to block the attack before it is launched.
1. Port scan.
2. Intelligence.
3. Social Engineering
Information Security
Precursors to attack
1-Port scan.
 is often used by administrator to verify security
policies of their networks and by attacker to
identify running services on a host with the view to
compromise it.
 An attacker can systematically query your network
to determine which services and ports are open.
 This process is called port scanning, and it’s part of
fingerprinting a network; it can reveal a great deal
about your systems.
 Port scan tools
• Nmap,
• Netcat by Hobbit
• Nessus, CyberCop, SecureScanner, Internet Scanner
Information Security
Precursors to attack
 Port scanning tells an attacker three
• Which standard ports or services are running
• What OS is installed on the target system,
 Studying the types of packets flowing from a system
can determining the type of operating system installed
 Each version of OS/app has its fingerprint that
reveals its identity (manufacturer, name, version)
• What applications and versions of applications
are present.
Information Security
Precursors to attack
 In security it often refers to gathering
discrete bits of information from various
sources and then putting them together
like the pieces of a puzzle. Such as
1- Dumpster diving: (Garbage picking)
 involves looking through items that have
been discarded in rubbish bins or recycling
• network diagrams, printouts of security device
configurations, system designs and source code,
telephone and employee lists, and more.
• Green Company
Information Security
Precursors to attack
2-Eavesdropping (‫)اختالس السمع‬.
 is the process of listening in or overhearing parts
of a conversation. Eavesdropping also includes
attackers listening in your network traffic.
3-Snooping (‫( التطفل‬
 occurs when someone looks through your files in
the hopes of finding something interesting. These
files may be either electronic or on paper.
 A passive interception would involve someone who
routinely monitors network traffic.
 An active interception might include putting a
computer system between the sender and receiver
to capture information as it’s sent.
Information Security
Precursors to attack
3-Social Engineering. (psychological manipulation)
 Social engineering involves using social skills
and personal interaction to get someone to
reveal security-relevant information .
 The only preventive measure in dealing with
social engineering attacks is to educate
your users and staff to never give out
passwords and user IDs over the phone, via
e-mail, or to anyone who isn’t positively
verified as being who they say the are.
Information Security
Precursors to attack
 Phishing is a form of social engineering in
which you simply ask someone for a piece of
information that you are missing by making
it looks as if it is a legitimate request.
Information Security
Precursors to attack
 Shoulder surfing
• is using direct observation
techniques, such as looking over someone's
shoulder, to get information.
• Shoulder surfing can also be done long distance
with the aid of vision-enhancing devices.
• To prevent shoulder surfing, experts
recommend that you shield paperwork or your
keypad from view by using your body or cupping
your hand.
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
1. Transmission Failure
2. Connection Flooding
 Syn flood
 TearDrop
3. Traffic Redirection
4. Distributed DoS
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
1) Transmission Failure
 Communication fails for many reasons
 Examples:
 Line cut
 Noise on a line
 Node/device failure along the transmission
 Device saturation: excessive traffic
 Some of the above service denials are
short-lived and/or go away automatically
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
2) Connection Flooding
If an attacker sends you as much data
(useless packets) as your communications
system can handle, you are prevented from
receiving any other data. Even if an
occasional packet reaches you from
someone else, communication to you will be
seriously degraded.
 Examples:
• 2.1 ICMP
• 2.2 Syn flood
• 2.3 TearDrop
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
2.1) ICMP
(1) Command Prompt
(2) ping
 Internet Control Msg Protocol
 Designed for Internet system diagnostic
 ICMP protocols include
• ping, sends ICMP “echo request” msg to destination D. If
D replies with “echo reply” msg, it indicates that D is
• echo, which requests a destination to return the
data sent to it, intended to show that the
connection link is reliable (ping is actually a
version of echo)
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
three-way handshak
 A session is established with three-way handshak
 Session = virtual connection between protocol peers
• The client (initiator) sends a sequence number to open a
• the server responds with that number and a sequence
number of its own,
• and the client responds with the server's sequence
• Sequence numbers are incremented regularly
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
2.2) Syn flood
A common DoS attack involves opening as
many TCP sessions as possible
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
2.3) Teardrop
 the attacker sends a series of datagrams
that cannot fit together properly.
 One datagram might say it is position 0 for
length 60 bytes, another position 30 for 90
bytes, and another position 41 for 173
 These three pieces overlap, so they cannot
be reassembled properly.
 In an extreme case, the operating system
locks up with these partial data units it
cannot reassemble, thus leading to denial of
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
3) Redirecting traffic
 Routers advertise their conections to their neighbors
 Routers find best path for passing packets from S to D
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
4) Distributed DoS
1. Attacker plants Trojans on many target machines
2. Target machines controlled by Trojans become
3. Attacker chooses victim V, orders zombies to
attack V
4. Each zombie launches a separate DoS attack
5. Different zombies can use different DoS attacks
E.g., some use syn floods, other smurf attacks
6. V becomes overwhelmed and unavailable DDoS
Information Security
Common Attacks (DoS) attack
Zombie: is a computer attached to the Internet that has been compromised by a
hacker, a computer virus, or a trojan horse.
Information Security
Common Attacks –Access & Mod attack
Information Security
Common Attacks –A/W attack
1) Password-guessing attacks
 Brute-force attack: is an attempt to guess
passwords until a successful guess occurs.
 Dictionary attack: uses a dictionary of common
words to attempt to find the user’s password.
• .
Information Security
Common Attacks –A/W attack
2) Sniffing
 is the process of monitoring the data that is
transmitted across a network.
Information Security
Common Attacks - A/W attack
3) Wiretapping ‫التنصت علي المحادثات التلفونية‬
Information Security
Common Attacks - A/W attack
4) Spoofing
 spoofing refers tricking or deceiving computer
systems or other computer users. This is typically
done by hiding one's identity or faking the identity
of another user on the Internet.
Examples of spoofing are
• 4.1)Masquerade
• 4.2)Session Hijacking
• 4.3)Man-in-the-Middle Attacking.
Information Security
Common Attacks - A/W attack
5) Impersonation
 Attacker foils authentication and assumes
identity of a valid entity
5.1)by guessing and social engineering
5.2)by eavesdropping/wiretaping
5.3)by exploiting well-known authentication
Information Security
Vulnerabilities of Web Add-ins
 Increasingly, web browsers and other
web-enabled technologies allow
servers to send instructions to the
client to provide multi-media and
other capabilities.
• This is creating a problem for security
 This section discusses the more
common web-based applications such
as JavaScript and applets and the
vulnerabilities you should be aware of.
Information Security
Vulnerabilities of Web Add-ins
 Java code that is pushed to the client
for execution
Information Security
Vulnerabilities of Web Add-ins
Java Applets
 A Java applet is a small, self-contained Java script that is
downloaded from a server to a client and then run from the
Information Security
Vulnerabilities of Web Add-ins
 ActiveX is a technology that was implemented by
Microsoft to customize controls, icons, and other
features, which increases the usability of webenabled systems.
Information Security
Vulnerabilities of Web Add-ins
 Cookies = data object sent from server S to client
C that can cause data transfers from C to S
 encoded using S’s key (C can’t read them)
 contains information about the user.
• a cookie can contain a client’s history, buying
habits to improve customer service.
• Cookies can also be used to timestamp a user to
limit access.
 cookies are considered a risk because they have
the potential to contain your personal information,
which could get into the wrong hands.
 The best protection is to not allow cookies to be
Information Security
Vulnerabilities of Web Add-ins
 So a cookie is something that
• takes up space on your disk,
• holding information about you that you
cannot see,
• forwarded to servers
• you do not know whenever the server
wants it, without informing you.
Information Security
End of Chapter 7 part 2
Security in Networks