Current Newsletter - Rock Spring Presbyterian Church

THE Cornerstone
“Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house...” 1 Peter 2.4
Volume CXLII
February 2015
A Note from the Pastor
New Life
Dear Family in Faith,
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know at some
point within the next few days I will officially become a grandmother. (And yes,
I sincerely appreciate all of you who insist that I’m too young for this!)
At about the same time, we will begin engaging in the labor pains of birthing the
next chapter in the life of the church at Rock Spring. Our church family will be
taking the CAT (Church Assessment Tool), results will be presented by our
congregational consultant from the Presbytery, Joy Fisher; and our Church
Consultant, Mike Piazza, will begin work with the session helping us see where new life can and will take
Not that we’re sitting around till then. There are preparations to be made! Keith Bumgarner is working
hard tilling the soil for the new Evangelism committee, Mary Gowing is looking toward a special Earth
Day activity, the youth will begin planning what kind of mission trip we might manage this summer, etc.,
etc., etc.
It is interesting that all of this preparation will be taking place during Lent. Isn’t Lent a somber time? It
can be. But mostly it is an intentionally spiritual time. Lent means “Lengthen,” a church season so
named because the days are lengthening—the warm sun calling forth new buds on the trees. During
Lent this year we will be stretching as well—stretching for God’s vision of a life-giving, life-filled church.
“Good Trees Bear Good Fruit.” During Lent we will hold a series of Wednesday evening Vespers
services with focus on the “Fruits of the Spirit.” How might you allow God to nurture growth in you?
I urge you to join us on the Lenten Journey as we move forward to the vision God has for us. Ash
Wednesday service will take place on Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00pm in the sanctuary. Then the
five Wednesdays after that, come to the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 for a light supper of fruit, bread, and
cheese, then join us in the Sanctuary for a time of reflection on the “Fruits of the Spirit.”
“A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” May new life and new growth be found in all of
us, God’s shaping for the future of Rock Spring.
Your Sister in the Journey,
Pastor Karen
Volume CXLII
February 2015
Devotional from the Lectionary for February 15, 2015
Transfiguration of the Lord: Mark 9:2-10
In this story Jesus takes his inner circle (Peter, James, and John) to a mountain with
him, and they experience something unlike anything they had ever seen. Some call
it “a God thing.” Many of us have had a similar experience, maybe not as intense
as the Transfiguration complete with Moses and Elijah, but a “mountain top”
experience nonetheless. It may have been while worshipping at youth camp or at a prayer meeting, or
maybe it was during a normal day: a time when suddenly God moved in a way you had never
experienced. What did you do with it when it was over?
Some people attempt to relive that same experience everywhere they go. Their life doesn’t seem right if
one of those experiences isn’t right around the corner. These people begin looking for an experience
instead of living their life for Jesus. Peter wanted to do just this (Mark 9:5); he wanted to make a
memorial to what happened on the mountain so they could come to it and relive the event. But Jesus
didn’t allow him to, and he brought them all back down the mountain, telling them not to mention this
until he was risen from the dead (Mark 9:9). What a buzz kill? You see this awesome thing, you want to
keep reliving it over again and again, and Jesus says, “Oh yeah, by the way, don’t mention this to anyone
until I have risen again.” The disciples didn’t understand this (Mark 9:10), but Jesus knew what he was
Jesus gave them the glowing mountain top to aid them through the dark valley when he would be taken
away and murdered. He graciously gives us these experiences so we are able to navigate the many valleys
in our lives, not so we can stay on the mountain. So, cherish these mountain top experiences, and draw
from them when you’re in the valleys. Be sure to never create an idol by living for them instead of for
Let’s ask ourselves: Am I holding on to my “mountain top” experiences more tightly than I’m holding
on to Jesus?
Prepared by E. Murphy. Extracted from
Artwork: Trasfigurazione by Pietro Perugino c. 1500
Volume CXLII
February 2015
Happy New Year to you all! We were all happy to be back to the
routine (even though it was hard to get up in the mornings after
sleeping in through the break!) and delighted to see all our students
in January. We’ve been having a little fun with “pretend” snow since
we haven’t seen any “real” snow yet. And, of course, everyone’s favorite song has been “The Freeze.”
In January we learned that “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever” Hebrews 13:8. And
our character trait of the month was “faithfulness.” You may see some rainbows in our artwork in the
hallways; the rainbow shows God’s faithfulness to us, and rainbow happens to start with the letter R,
which we also covered in January!
Thanks again for all the wonderful donations we’ve received from church members from our Christmas
Wish Tree — items keep appearing at my door! We are working to rotate out old toys and discard
unsafe or worn out items, and the children are really enjoying the new items in their classrooms. We
appreciate our RSPC family!!!
Fall Registration Has Begun:
We are still registering students for the second half of this school year, AND
registration for the 2015-16 school year has begun, so tell all your friends
and neighbors to come check us out! We have a great program in our
“nurturing place to play, explore and learn.” Registration forms are on the
table outside the preschool office. Tours are scheduled Tuesday through
Friday from 10 to noon!
Summer Camp:
Registration for Summer Adventure Camp has also begun. It’s going to be another summer of learning
about different careers and playing, playing, playing! Registration forms are on the table outside the
preschool office.
SAVE THE DATE!!!! March 28, 2015 3:30—7:30 pm AT ROCK SPRING!
Our school calendar shows a race like we’ve done the past two years, but our volunteer committee has
decided this year to do something different for our spring fundraiser. We’re going to have the first-ever
Rock Spring Hoedown! A family and community dinner and dance event with all kinds of activities for
children, dancing for everyone, and fun for all ages. We’ll get more details to you soon, and will let you
know if we need your volunteer assistance, but please mark this date and time on your calendar and plan
to attend our preschool, church, and community hoedown!!!! It’s going to be a blast! Thanks to our
spring fund-raising chairs, Fabricio Moraes and Samantha Hales, for planning this fantastic fund-raising
Monthly Fundraiser:
We would welcome the congregation joining us in our Uncle Maddio’s Pizza monthly fundraiser. It’s
easy: place your order form and payment in my mail slot in the church mail room the week before
delivery, and then cruise on through our carpool line on Friday to pick up your order. Many choices:
gluten free, wheat crust, salads, and desserts. Every order gives 10% back to Rock Spring Preschool, and
you get a delicious ready-to-bake (it only takes 10-15 minutes) Friday night supper! Order forms are on
the little table outside the Preschool office, or you can download one from the Parent section on our
Volume CXLII
February 2015
Gospel At the Rock
Bluegrass, Bible, and Some Pretty Fine Coffee
9:00 am Sundays - Loudermilk Center (behind the church)
“What we know about God and what we do for God have a way of
getting broken apart in our lives. The moment the organic unity of
belief and behavior is damaged in any way, we are incapable of living
out the full humanity for which we were created. Paul’s letter to the
Ephesians joins together what has been torn apart in our sin-wrecked
world….Like a surgeon skillfully setting a compound fracture, Paul
“sets this belief in God into our behavior before God so that the
bones—belief and behavior—knit together and heal. Once our attention is called to it, we notice these fractures all over the place. There
is hardly a bone in our bodies that has escaped injury, hardly a relationship in city or job, school or church, family or country, that isn’t
out of joint or limping in pain. There is much work to be done.”
Eugene Peterson, Introduction to Ephesians, The Message p. 1715
Join us as we walk through the book of Ephesians … and consider what it means for us at Rock
Spring today. Are we really “saints”?! What does it mean to be “chosen before the foundation of the
world to be holy”? When we say “Lord,” are we really putting Jesus in charge of our WHOLE life?
Come and be challenged, come and be comforted, come and grow in your faith!
The CAT is coming to Rock Spring
We at Rock Spring need to carefully consider the direction we want to see our church go in its
ministries. To help us in this process, we have been asked to take an assessment of our present state (location) and future goals to help decide the path of our church's trip into the future. We are going to use the CAT, the Church Assessment Tool, to help set our direction.
Once EVERY active member takes the assessment and the results are professionally interpreted, our travel guide (provided by Atlanta Presbytery) will come alongside us and work to
help Rock Spring along the journey to arrive at OUR desired destination. All the plans begin with the CAT to
map the journey. We will start taking the online or paper assessment in early February. Every member, not
just a few, needs to take the assessment to determine our travel direction for the journey to be meaningful and
John Holloway, CAT Leadership team
Karen Argrett-Richardson, our neighbor from Rock Springs Road and a licensed Zumba instructor, is teaching
classes and would love to have you attend. One of Karen's specialties is Zumba Gold. Zumba Gold is similar
to regular Zumba, but the moves have been modified to allow more people to participate in this effective program. It is particularly ideal for those who are just starting their fitness journey, active seniors, or anyone who
has a physical condition that limits them from exercising vigorously. Even though Zumba is categorized as
“dance fitness,” a big part of the appeal of Zumba is the simplicity of it. So, no worries! Previous dance experience is NOT required. Classes meet on Saturday 9:30-10:30 am and a new class has been added Thursday
6:45-7:45pm. For more information check out or call Karen (404) 892-9008.
Volume CXLII
February 2015
Mission Ministry
Rock Spring is a partner in Six Star Refugee Partnership. Currently we are sponsoring a family from Pakistan
via Sri Lanka. The family of four girls and parents live in Tucker. All the girls speak English but need some
help with homework. The younger girls are in 1st,7th, and 9th grades with the oldest working on her GED. If you
are available to help with homework twice a month on a regular basis for the rest of the school year, please contact Sandy McQueen ([email protected]/404-274-7793).
Also if you have a car to donate to the family let us know. The father currently takes several hours via bus, train,
etc. to get to and from work each day.
Thank you to all the people who continue to contribute to the envelope on the Mission Bulletin board for
Thornwell Home. We send the Labels for Education and Box tops to Thornwell once per quarter.
Habitat for Humanity: Interest has been expressed in participating in a Habitat project. Since we have not had
funding necessary to do a project on our own, it has not been pursued. However, if you are interested please log
on to and sign up to help with his project this February. Maybe several of us can sign up for
the same weekend and get to work together.
RSPC Participating in Atlanta Preservation Center’s
12th Annual Phoenix Flies Tour
Atlanta’s historic environment of buildings, landscapes, and neighborhoods and its
history are an integral part of the city’s culture and economy. The Atlanta Preservation Center’s The Phoenix Flies: A Celebration of Atlanta’s Historic Sites is a
celebration focusing on these treasures of the city’s history.
The next Phoenix Flies Celebration will take place March 7-22, 2015. Hundreds of events are being planned
throughout the city. Two of those events again will be right here at Rock Spring! For the second year, the Rock
Spring sanctuary and Rock Spring cemetery will be on the tour.
Our self-guided tour days will be Saturday, March 14, 10a-noon and Thursday, March 19,
3p-5p. John Ulp and Elaine Murphy will be hosts and provide handouts to the guests. For more information,
check out the Phoenix Flies section of the Atlanta Preservation Center’s website: http:// or contact Elaine Murphy at [email protected], 404-874-1734. Also contact Elaine if you would be interested in helping on our tour days.
Food Pantry
Thank you for all your donations to the food pantry. Currently we are in need of tuna and chicken salad, Vienna sausage, beanie weenies, fruit cups and bottled water. With the cooler temperatures, we also need clean
blankets, warm socks, gloves, and winter hats to hand out to our homeless friends. If you could donate to the
pantry or have a blanket to spare, it would be greatly welcomed. The people who receive these donations are
always very appreciative of the generosity of the church.
Blue Grass Sunday, Ministry Fair, and Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will take place in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 8 following
our rollicking, good-time Bluegrass Sunday. We will have food, fun, and an overview of where we’ve been and
where we’re going. Make plans to join us for this joyful and important day in the life of the church!
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Volume CXLII
February 2015
Service Opportunities For Sunday Worship
February 1
Greeters: Ben Adair, Charlie Bogle, Tommy Eads,
Willard Odenwelder
Nursery: Kristina Christy, Charlene Arrington
Sound: Blake Wesson
Counting: Sandy McQueen, Jennifer Del Bagno
Coffee Host: Kristina & George Christy
February 8
Greeters: Ben Adair, Willard Odenwelder Ken &
Sandra Snyder
Nursery: Mike & Sally Swanger
Sound: David Christopher
Counting: Keith & Diane Bumgarner
February 15
Greeters: Diane & Keith Bumgarner, TBA
Nursery: Ben Adair, Jennifer Del Bagno
Sound: Sandra Snyder
Counting: Charles Gowing, Gail Dore
Coffee Host: Julia Kirk
February 22
Greeters: Carey Miller, Grace Quinn, Jeff & Gail
Nursery: Susan Gilbreath, Wendy Christopher
Sound: Dea Adams
Counting: Elaine Murphy, Gail Dore
Coffee Host: Carey Miller
Church Lunch & Annual Meeting
Church Lunch & Annual
Sunday February 8— Don’t miss out on the
wonderful fellowship and a delicious light
lunch before our annual meeting. For this
special meal, the cost is $5 for an adult or
$10 per family. Make your reservations
with the church office no later than Friday,
February 6. Call 404-875-7483 or email
[email protected].
Presbyterian Women
All ladies in the congregation are invited to join one of our PW circles for Bible study, prayer,
and fellowship. Below are the meeting times and contact information.
Sunday Circle (3rd Sun) meets February 15 after church in Room 211. Kate Brunson, 404-4020368.
Monday Circle (3rd Mon) meets February 16, 1p.m. Ozmer Room. Sally Swanger, 404-2333341.
Thursday Circle (2nd Th) meets February 12 at 7:30 p.m. in a member’s home. Susan
Gilbreath, 404-874-0742.
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Volume CXLII
February 2015
February Youth!
FEBRUARY 21 Youth at Presbytery at Central Presbyterian 9:00 AM - 12:45 PM.
Presbytery has extended a special invitation and has made a special effort to be inclusive and engaging of
youth. Youth are welcome for any part or all of the presbytery meeting. The meeting includes worship with
Rodger Nishioka (famous youth leader dude), youth breakout groups, and the business of the presbytery. If you
are unable to make it to the entire meeting, the morning session, 9:00 - 11:00 has been planned with youth in
The morning will end with a break and a brief breakout session for the youth that will be led by Rodger. The
afternoon will include most of the business. There is debate that is expected around the adoption of amendments
to the constitution and will be heated enough to be interesting.
Text or Voice: 404.989.0649
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Karen Henn Allamon
Carrier Pigeon: Fred
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pics from January Youth Trip to
Center for Civil and Human Rights Museum
THE Questions: Why does this matter to God?
What can one person do?
The Book: Proverbs 31:8-9, Psalm 82:3, Micah 6:8
Volume CXLII
Sunday Schedule
ALL God’s Children
Are Welcome Here!
Febraury 2015
Weekday Schedule
Church Office Hours
9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
9:00 Gospel at the Rock
Bluegrass Gospel & Bible Preaching
In Loudermilk Center
9:45 Sunday School
For All Ages
11:00 Big Church
Traditional Worship
Communion served the 1st Sunday
of the month
1824 Piedmont Ave, NE
Atlanta, GA 30324-5256
Phone: 404-875-7483
Email: [email protected]
Preschool: 404-875-8270
The Cornerstone is published monthly by Rock Spring Presbyterian Church.
All articles and other information submitted to the church
office for publication are subject to editing for space, clarity,
and consistency.
Deadline for the March 2015 edition:
9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 18
February 18