Lions District 2A2 Second Cabinet Meeting October 11, 2014 Natalia, Texas Minutes Attendance: 115 Clubs represented: 39 Tail Twister collection: $177.00 Jim Weed, 1st VDG, welcomed all lions to Natalia, Texas to open the meeting. He introduced Ernest Hamilton who brought his Color Guard team procession with flags for each US armed service, and the Natalia Lions Club host banner. The Floresville Leos Club led the US pledge of allegiance, with the Floresville Leos Club also performing sign language; and, Jim Weed led the Texas pledge of allegiance. Doug Thomas, Chaplain, conducted the invocation and also noted “In Memoriam” acknowledgements for the following District Lions that passed away: Lion PDG Steve Bepko (DG, Dist. 2A2 1990-1991) of SA Northwest Lions Club; Lion David Krumm of Del Rio Host Lions Club; Lion Larry Marcus Stroud of Devine Lions Club; Lion Henry Simms of SA Founder Lions Club; and, Lion Harold Walsleben of Kerrville Host Lions Club. Prayer petitions were made for health and recovery of Earl Campbell of Alamo City Lions Club and Gary Hall of Hill Country Retreat. IPDG Rod Chisholm along with LaJuana Newnam-Leus and Joyce Lawson sang “America The Beautiful” and “Deep in the Heart of Texas”. Natalia Councilman, Lupe Juarez addressed the Lions and welcomed all members to their City and wished the District a successful meeting. Jim Weed continued with introductions of the following Lions dignitaries: DG Sam Pantusa, 1 st VDG Jim Weed & Lion Marilyn, 2nd VDG John Lee, Treasurer Wally Jackson, Administrative Liason Ray Castillo, Secretary Steven Medina, PID Mike Butler, PCC Mike Rourke & Lion Liz, IPDG Rod Chisholm, PDG Howie Marbach, PDG John Cole, Lion Chris Condren as representative for PDG Ray Connor, PDG Saul Lopez & Lion Alice, PDG Cal Lawson & Lion Joyce, PDG Chris Lloyd, DPG John Kimbrough, PCC elect TJ Tijerina & Lion Juanita, PDG Lytle Blankenship & Lion Margaret, State Leo Chair Liz Baumgartner, Leos District Clubs President Leo Neil, Transfer member Lion Blessin Newberg & husband, Lion Rick Newbert, PDG Dick Alpin. DG Sam Pantusa continued with acknowledgment and thank you to host Natalia Lions Club and promoted their fundraiser today to assist their club with offsetting the costs of hosting a cabinet meeting. Sam also invited all members to visit the other table displays with several raffles for various District Clubs. Sam dismissed the Leos members to proceed to their Leo Clubs district meeting noting that they would report on their meeting later in the day. Bruni Lions Club was specially recognized for their attendance at this Cabinet Meeting. PID Mike Butler was called upon and made an announcement thanking DG Sam for the floor time and noting that Lions have been Mike’s family and in 1988 God Blessed him with meeting a couple in Del Rio, Texas, TJ & Juanita Tijerina and ever since then, they have been a special part of Mike & Cheryl’s life. Mike & Cheryl Butler presented (to a standing ovation) to couple, Lions TJ & Juanita Tijerina, a Texas Lions Fellow award. The meeting proceeded with presentation of the following reports: District Secretary Steven Medina discussed the Minutes of the 1st Cabinet Meeting which were previously provided on the District website and in hard copy at the meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously by those in attendance. The Minutes were to be on the District’s website for two weeks and then would be taken down. 1 District Treasurer Wally Jackson presented the Treasurer’s report which was available in hard copy at the registration table. The report was approved unanimously by those in attendance. PDG John Kimbrough noted that a motion and second are not required for approval of Minutes or the Treasurer Report. Global Membership Team report was presented by 1stVDG Jim Weed and IPDG Rod Chisholm. Jim noted that the District was down in membership numbers for the beginning of this year. He reminded clubs to keep the District informed when they add a new member and also if a member is planning to leave a Club. The District has arranged for PDG’s to assist with membership retention and to interview members that have left a club or are planning to leave a club. IPDG Rod (GMT Coordinator) noted our District membership numbers would soon be increasing due to the upcoming Charter Night for the UTSA Lions Club this month. Rod explained a 7 point plan to building up membership: 1) build a structure, in our case the 1stVDG is responsible for new members, we have strong zone chairs, PDG’s assist the zone chairs with membership retention, monthly District office & zone chair conference calls to keep up to date. He also pointed out the reasons we need new clubs, i.e. for the new replacements and to spread the enthusiasm of the new members to the new, current or long term members. 2) conduct exit interview, in our district we are looking to find a way to the keep members and not lose them as Lions. We strive to find out reasons for potentially leaving –conflicts, time, other reasons- before a member quits and have them consider changing clubs that can more meet their needs and wants. Many Lions considering leaving are good Lions who really care about service and people. 3) training all members in recruiting techniques, our district considers each member a recruiter, ask yourself “Why are you here”, and you will discover that it was because you were asked. 4) find the best location for new clubs, we used to have 78 clubs. We have new clubs forming where old clubs used to be and even there some towns have parks named for Lions Clubs that no longer exist. Maybe it is time for a new Lions Club to be Charter in that town. We are looking at Kirby, Texas right now. 5) conduct a recruiting campaign, for instance, the Founder Lions Club is 99 years old and has 55 members. The club decided to have a recruiting campaign called “Project 100” with the idea that at the club’s 100 year anniversary we will have 100 members as our goal. To do this, the club decided to move to an upscale location for meetings and of course not all members agreed (and there have been a few member losses due to the new location being too far or too expensive). However, membership transfers have been made for great Lions members to other clubs. 6) work on small clubs, we will focus on clubs who are having dwindling numbers and try to get a recruiting plan created and implemented for them. 7) coordinate all the efforts, we should all have a “Elevator” speech. This is a canned (sincere and thought out) sales pitch that can be made in the time it takes to get on and off an elevator ride. For instance, “I’m a Lion. Have you heard of us. We are the largest service organization in the world. We raise money and give it all away. Come to a meeting & take a look at us.” If you are enthusiastic you can win over any person and your club can hit its new member goals. PDG Saul Lopez presented the Extension Campaign. Saul recognized all PDG assistants to Zone Chairs by having each one stand up. He invited all members to let anyone of the PDG assistants know about any locations (cities, towns, sides of town) where a club is needed and the PDG assistants will go out and meet with community leaders in those areas about Lionism and starting a new club. DG Sam reminded and invited all members to UTSA Lions Club Charter Night on Monday, October 20, 2014 at the UTSA ballroom. This new club will have 35 members. The sponsor club is Floresville Lions Club. LaJuana Newnam-Leus will take meal count reservations. Sam also noted that we are working on creating of a new Kirby Lions Club which will have 23 members. 2 DG Sam gave a special thank you to Mr. Vela, principal at the Natalia high school for allowing the use of his facilities for the cabinet meeting and also a special thank you to Alma. DG Sam informed us about the Lions International “Centennial Challenge” to achieve 100 million services activities by 2017. There are four service categories in which 25 million service activities are sought for each category. The MMR (monthly membership reports) for each club in our district is extremely important in the effort to have District 2A2 register and get credit for all the service activities and hours that our great clubs do in their communities. The District seeks to show the world that District 2A2 is a world class provider of services to our communities. DG Sam continued the agenda with noting that the focus for our District is What are our Clubs doing in the community. In that regarding DG Sam called up Zone Chairs for Zone 1, 3 & 4 to present an overview of the clubs in their respective zones and outline the activities conducted by each club in the Zone over a one year period. Zone 1, Don Kirchoff, Chair: Don’s presented a slide show of each club in his Zone showing the individual Clubs conducting their events and activities while at the same time explaining to meeting attendees the events each club performs over the course of a year as follows: CENTER POINT LIONS CLUB Meets on the 3rdMonday VISION SCREENING FOR KID’s SIGHT Was held on August 2nd, a joint effort with the Kerrville Host Club at a “Back to School” event. 37 children and adults were screened with 7 referrals. The Club will perform another Kid’s Sight screening of 15 3-5 year olds at a day care on October 28th. HEARING SCREENING On September 2nd, the Club assisted the CPISD School Nurse administer hearing screenings to 49 elementary school students BAKE SALES, CONCESSION STAND, and CAKE RAFFLES Center Point ran a concession stand at the Center Point ISD Homecoming Spectacular and a Cake Raffle at a CPISD home volleyball game. TURKEY RAFFLE Center Point is selling raffle tickets for turkeys for 5 lucky winners. Tickets are sold at school home games and at local convenience stores. The winning tickets will be drawn on the Sunday before Thanksgiving at a dinner hosted by local churches OTHER & FUTURE EVENTS EYEGLASSES COLLECTION –collected 23 pair of eyeglasses. GARAGE SALE to fund scholarships on October 18th. PEACE POSTER contest PAJAMA DRIVE -assisting the ‘North Pole Project’ of the Center Point Alliance for Progress PANCAKE SUPPER & SILENT AUCTION –Second Saturday in February –to benefit scholarships and other Club Charities. SCHOLARSHIPS –Awards two $1,000 scholarships each year. Each year they help with monetary donations to local organizations –North Pole Project, Center Point Livestock Assoc., Texas Lions Camp, Center Point Little League, White Cane, and CPISD Teacher’s Appreciation Day COMFORT LIONS CLUB Meets 3rdThursday Hosted Kids Sight “SPOT” Training Installation of two new lady members by International Pres. Joe Preston FUTURE EVENTS Assist CISD School Nurse Vision ScreeningOctober 2014 Donated 200+ eyeglasses for recyclingOctober 2014 3 Kids Sight ScreeningNovember 2014 South Texas BloodmobileNovember 2014 Mop & Broom SaleMarch 2015 Day/Night Golf TournamentApril 2015 Sponsor South Texas Blood Mobile three times a year. FREDERICKSBURG LIONS CLUB Meets 2nd& 4thWednesday 2014 HARRY WICKERSHAM GOLF TOURNAMENT Raised over $58,000.00 for the Texas Lions Camp. WHITE CANE DAY On October 4th, the Fredericksburg Lions held a White Cane Day. Lion Judy Mayo is pictured with members of the Roaming Skullzclub of San Antonio who were promoting a Leukemia Society fundraiser. The Fredericksburg Club raised over $1,000. THIS YEAR’S EVENTS The “Queen of Hearts” drawing at each meeting. Assist Fredericksburg School Nurse with Eye Exams Soil Conservation District BanquetMarch 2015 Pancake Breakfast the Saturday before Easter.April 2015 National Honor Society RecognitionApril 2015 KERRVILLE HEART ‘O HILLS Meets 2nd& 4thMonday Heart ‘O Hills and the Host Club members held a joint Kids Sight screening. One Lion from the Heart ‘O Hill Club attended a PediaVision“SPOT” training class on Sept. 13. THIS YEAR’S EVENTS Gave 2 scholarships to counselors of the Texas Lions Camp. The Club places American flags at the Courthouse. Each year they place U.S. flags on 10 national holidays plus on two Texas holidays. Collected 200+ pair of eyeglasses for recycling. They are collecting bottle caps and soda can tabs for the LEO’s. Will participate in the Kerrville’s Warrior’s Parade this year. KERRVILLE HOST LIONS CLUB Meets Every Wednesday JULY 4thFIREWORKS SALE 21 Lions sold fireworks at the Mr. W Fireworks Stand on I.H. 10 West of Leon Springs. The Club made over $6,800 for scholarships and Christmas baskets. 5 Lions manned a booth at a Music Festival and handed out Lions Membership info. 6 Lions participated in the Kerrville Chamber Expo where they sold raffle tickets and solicited interest in Lions membership. 6 Lions from the Host Club and Heart ‘O Hills Club held a Vision Screening. The Host Club and the Center Point Club held a Kids Sight screening at a local Church’s ‘Back to School’ festival. 37 children and adults were screened with 7 referrals 6 Lions from the Host Club attended a PediaVision“SPOT” training class on Sept. 13. FUTURE EVENTS Kerrville Fall Festival Membership DriveOctober 4, 2014 Drawing for rifle raffleOctober 28, 2014 Trick or Treat at a local Church to passOctober 2014 out candy to ‘Trick or Treaters’ V.A. Parade Float at Veteran’s HospitalNovember 2014 Parade Kerrville Christmas Parade floatNovember 2014 Ring bell for Salvation ArmyDecember 2014 Visit Nursing HomeDecember 2014 Give out 50 food baskets for needyDecember 2014 4 Run Mr. W fireworks stand (again) overDec/Jan the Christmas / New Year holidays KERRVILLE SUNRISE LIONS CLUB Meets Every Wednesday 12 Club members celebrated Lion FLOYD CARRICKER’s 100thBirthday at the Texas Lions Camp where he was awarded the Club’s Lion of the Year. He has been a Lion for 50 years. He said he became a Lion late in life. Lion Floyd’s church also honored his centennial birthday with a party. The Sunrise Club sold cupcakes at Kerrfest. Ten members of the Club participated in the Wounded Warriors parade by placing US Flags for three blocks along the parade route. The Club has full participation of members for the placement and removal of US and Texas flags for national and state holidays. This is the main project for the Club and funds many of their programs throughout the year. Zone 4, Stacy Lewis, Chair: Stacy presented a slide show of each club in her Zone showing the individual Clubs conducting their events and activities while at the same time explaining to meeting attendees the events each club performs over the course of a year as follows: DEL RIO SAN FELIPE LIONS CLUB Sponsored the officer training for the Zone. Conducted Cemetary clean up with assistance from Del Rio Leo Club; Annual Labor Day chicken plate fundraiser selling 1,200 pates with ½ chicken, rice, beans and all fixings; Adopt a Highway, cleaned up a 2 mile stretch of highway with assistance from BoyScouts & Leo Club; Met with Lions International President Joe Preston; 2 comedy show fundraisers held; Community blood drive with the Rotary Club; Lion Gloria has conducted 58 hours of Pedia Vision screening and tested 1665 children, 3 schools are done and 8 schools left to go; Cooking events are planned with SAS in Del Rio; DEL RIO HOST LIONS CLUB & BRACKETTVILLE LIONS CLUB Worked on PETs and delivered 38 units to Mexico with assistance from Del Rio Host; Conducts a Flag project; DG Sam remarked that SA Northwest Lions Club makes PETS in San Antonio and in partnership with Del Rio delivers them to Mexico and a special recognition and thank you was made to Lion Mac who arranges delivery and also of delivery of dentist equipment into Mexico. Zone 3, LaJuana Newnam-Leus, Chair: LaJuana presented a slide show of each club in her Zone showing the individual Clubs conducting their events and activities while at the same time explaining to meeting attendees the events each club performs over the course of a year as follows: FLORESVILLE LIONS CLUB 56 Members, meet every Thursday. 1. This year, we grew our membership by 11 new members, while celebrating two members who have been with us for 20 years, and one who has been a member of the Floresville Lions Club for 50 years. We were also honored to have one of our own, LaJuana Newnam-Leus, inducted into the Lions Club 5 International Hall of Fame. 2. At the first meeting of the month, members bring nonperishable food items to be donated to the local food bank. 3. We sponsored a new Lions Club in Stockdale, whose Charter Night was 07/13. 4. We hosted the MESU and also a Blood bank drive. 5. We have three fund-raisers each year: a. New this year was the Car Show, which was so successful we were able to contribute more to our scholarship fund. b. Our Palm Sunday BBQ Chicken Dinner is a local favorite, well known for our delicious homemade potato salad and the barbecue sauce we use, prepared by one of our members. c. Our Peanut Brittle Contest, held in conjunction with the city's Peanut Festival, gets city residents involved in making homemade peanut brittle, while others bid on a gallon. These three fundraisers allowed us to grant more than $4,000 in scholarships to our graduating seniors. 6. Supporting our youth is very important to us, as they are our future. We have a very active Leo Club, which we support in various ways. In fact, our Leo Advisor was recognized by Lions International with an Outstanding Service Award. Once a month, the high school's Students of the Month are our guests at our lunch meeting. We also donate money to purchase a belt buckle for an outstanding participant in the local livestock show. 7. We will be sponsoring the new UTSA Roadrunner Campus Lions Club which is to be Chartered on October 20, 2014. THREE RIVERS LIONS CLUB 10 Members, meet on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays at noon Started out with nine members and have added one more so far; First major fund raiser is annual cat fishing tournament held on March 8th; Second cat fishing tournament will be held on October 18th this year; combined funds generated makes a donation to Texas Lions Camp around $2,000.00; We continue to award two $1,000.00 J.F. Gray Leadership Award scholarships to Three Rivers HS Seniors. They conduct personal interviews with applicants before a panel and go over their resumes for aspirations and continuing education; Actively working on the KidSight program; Two members of 3 Rivers are now State Certified; All club members have been through the PediaVision Screener Certification thanks to the excellent program provided by Lion Janie Garza; Already have a screening done at the Brush Country Cowboy Church; Have appointed leader of the program practicing with the PediaVistion equipment and will manage all screening sessions; Continue with programs to provide funds for eye exams and eye glasses for children and adults who need financial assistance; Have designated member managing the MESU program and teaming with Lions Club of George West to have the unit in place for the upcoming George West StoryFest later this fall; Just had a banquet September honoring Jerry Wheeler for being a member for SIXTY-ONE YEARS; 6 PLEASANTON LIONS 37 Members, meet on 1st & 4th Wednesdays at noon Main Focus Texas Lions Camp; Donated $10,000.00 to the endowment fund; $5,000.00 to the regular fund; Over next 5 years committed over $50,000.00; Fed the summer campers and gave kids and counselors bandanas to keep; Sponsored five kids this year - 1 first time diabetic Camp, Local paper did a write up about Libby, her service dog Rmor and the camp for great exposure; July this year donated $1,000 to Boy Scout Pack 194 for annual summer camping trip for 10 days to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico; First year to sponsor Summer Movie series at Plestex Theater. Tickets at 75 cents every Wednesday - total for summer 2,529 tickets for total of $1,896.75 and will continue every summer from now on. Great response; Oct 18th South Texas Regional Medical Center 's Texas Sized Health Fair and hosting the MESU that day; New project teamed up with hospital staring to collect DME - durable medical Equipment. Items will be stored by Lions and, starting this month, released to individuals who are unable to afford equipment; Inducted two new members and looking to get more; Upcoming events, 51st Annual Wild Game Dinner which is biggest fundraiser; Scholarships - 2014 awarded 2 Leos and Lion Children $16,000 Total; Texas Lions Camp - going back to feed campers and another $10,000 donation; POTEET LIONS CLUB 55 Members, meet on 3rd Thursdays Poteet always supports local Youth as buyers to bid on animals. This year $3,300.00 was spent At annual Stock Show; April annual Strawberry Festival - biggest fundraising event; Participate as a buyer at the Strawberry Auction supporting the local farmers. We spent $1,550.00 on strawberries and, in the youth food show, our Lions were a buyer for that event as well and, spent another $1,550.00 supporting the local youth i n that manner; Poteet Lions Club awards 2 scholarships to graduating seniors annually which is $1,000 per year for 4 years. Continuously support up to 8 scholarship recipients each year; Poteet Lions Club also acts as sponsor of Project Graduation and this year donated $400.00 to that event; The Club also donates the use of their facility annually in March to the Pink Angels Fundraising Benefit for Breast Cancer Research; They also rent out their pavilion for other local events and local organizations; They are presently looking a beginning a Leos Club in the PHS; GEORGE WEST LIONS CLUB 28 Members, meet on 1st & 3rd Mondays Have annual StoryFest in November each year; Just completed hosting the traveling Viet Nam Wall last month; Gives scholarship through the High School; Collects eyeglasses and helps citizens with those needs; 7 TILDEN LIONS CLUB 22 Members, meet 4th Thursday Produce annual Tilden Rodeo in their Lions Club Arena; Helps provided eyeglasses through the health nurse at the school; Supports the annual local County Stockshow and Fair; Provides scholarships for graduating Seniors; A break was taken, led by DG Sam’s announcement for the low self esteem meeting, all participants were request to use the back door. At breaks end, IPDG Rod rang a bell to call everyone back and led his song group (LaJuana and Joyce) in singing the “Yellow Rose of Texas” and “Hearts as Big as Texas”. The Tail Twisters led by Lion Alice conducted a new member recognition in categories of descending order beginning with less than 4 year members. The Tail Twisters conducted a Pass The Bucket donation request of all attending members. Lion Juanita Tijerina, President of the Northwest Lions Club, was called forth to discuss next year’s Nominations for officers and open board seats. She reminded everyone that the Club Endorsement for nominations will need to be mailed to her, and that the deadline to send in completed applications is 30 days prior to the District Convention in April (so the Deadline is in March). She invited everyone to see the District website which contains information on open positions and responsibilities of each. She notes that the following positions are open: director for hearing board, sight research foundation, texas lions camp and human needs board; and, 2 nd VDG, 1st VDG and DG. PDG Howie Marbach, then presented the LCI Foundation report. LCIF has provided 11,077 grants since 1968. A $6.00 donation saves a person’s eye sight from preventable river blindness (153 million doses). There have been 17 million screenings under Sight for Kids, there are 35 eye care centers, 120 villages have been provided clean water, 7,840,000 cataract surgeries have been performed and 1,000 homes have been provided for people with disabilities. LCI works in 4 categories, (1) Preserving Sight, (2) Providing Disaster Relief, (3) Supporting Youth, and (4) Meeting Humanitarian Needs. (1) (2) (3) (4) Preserving Sight. We have saved over 100 million eyes worldwide; Providing Disaster Relief. Explosion in West and Tornadoes in Fort Worth & Devine; Supporting Youth. Lions Quest in 80 countries; Meeting Humanitarian Needs. 1 billion immunizations worldwide through the measles initiative; Last year the U.S. Lions received grants valued at over 50% of the amount we donated to LCIF. 1 in 4 disaster grants go to a district in the USA. The average gift per member worldwide is $23.37; per member USA is $15.25, per member Canada is $13.75. Each of these donations helps transform beneficiaries lives. Donations can be recognized through LCIF’s Contributing Member Program of $20, $50, $100 or the Melvin Jones Fellow ship program for $1,000. For the 2013-2014 year, District 2A2 had 5 Melvin Jones awards. Gifts to LCIF break down as follows: September 30 (1st Qtr) June 30 16 Districts 2011-2012 $ 9,088.82 10th MD-2 th 2012-2013 $1,468.00 9 MD-2 $18,493.00 6th MD-2 th 2013-2014 $ 260.00 13 MD-2 $12,326.18 9th MD-2 2014-2015 $ 71.00 14th MD-2 (2 clubs out of 62) Please have your clubs consider donating to LCIF for all the great work they help fund. Ken Book, Youth Contests Chairman Report: All club presidents should have been emailed an application for each of the four (4) contests (Beauty Pageant, Outstanding Youth, Drug Awareness Speech, Diabetic Awareness Essay). One contestant per club for each contest is permitted. The same contestant can be the club’s 8 entry for multiple contests. The deadline is March 27, 2015. Ken also reminded everyone about the NEWS FLASH email sent to members for the Logan’s Restaurant dinner fundraiser to be held October 23, 2014, noting that the funds raised (20% of your dinner bill) are ear marked to go to the Human Needs Board. Maxine Garza, Peace Poster Contest Chairman Report: 10/01/2014 was the kit ordering deadline for clubs. Maxine thanked last year’s club for participating. She identified the clubs she has confirmed who are participating this year. If you club was not mentioned, see (and email) her to make sure your club will be expected to participate and she will be on the look out for your peace poster entry. Your official Club entry will need to be in her hands by 11/15/2014. Youth have a limited time to participate and the opportunity can disappear based upon their age (age requirements are 12 and 13 years old). There may be a 13 year old in your community whose last chance to participate would be this year as next year at age 14 they are too old to enter. DG Sam reminded all members that this year the District is hosting a monthly fundraiser at Logan’s Restaurant off IH 10 (just before DeZavala Road), SATX wherein 20% of each dinner bill will be donated to Lions District 2A2 and ear marked for a specific board or use in the District. He also confirmed that members were in fact receiving the email NEWS FLASH notices and if not he asked members to let Lion Floyd know so he could get them on the email list. DG Sam thanked La Vernia Lions Club for providing the sound system for the cabinet meeting. All clubs were invited to send in photos of Club activities for use in the District Newsletter. The contact persons are John Lee ([email protected]) and Barb Flynn ([email protected]). Lion Floyd Daigle discussed the PDF format for the District Newsletter. He asked clubs to send in photographs to Lion Barb Flynn and to provide information on members. The newsletter is at the District website, Lion Floyd noted that the District events on the calendar also include individual Club events. Lion Ray Castillo, Administrative Liason, discussed officer training available at LCI’s website as webinar sessions. Lion Floyd can assist any club with computer issues. DG Sam asked any club that secures a Texas Lions Camp date for clean up or to serve meals to the campers to let him (the District) know about so you can get help if needed through other clubs helping out. For example, historically Edgewood Lions Club secures a date to feed the campers and then obtains help from about four or five other clubs to help make the food, sides, drinks, desserts, etc. There was no Leader Dog report. Mid Winter Conference Report. Lion Beck, Boss Lion for Hill Country Retreat Lions Club invited everyone to attend their facility in San Antonio. She mentioned that overnight accommodations can be made at the Fair Field Inn. The Retreat facility is an active adult community for those old than 55 years old. There will be two passes for tail twister prizes. Lion Liz Rourke presented the USA/Canada Forum Report. She notes that exception speakers made presentations and ask attendees to seriously consider attending future Forums due to the exception quality and information presented. Puerto Rico was beautiful and food was great and people were extremely friendly. The next Forum is to be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 17 to 19, 2015. If you are a first time attendee a special pin is presented to you. The International Convention is to be held June 26 to 30, 2115 in Honolulu, Hawaii (please see your Lions magazine or the Lions International website for details). Lions Sight Research Foundation report by IPDG Rod Chisholm. Rod asked clubs to invite him to their meetings to explain the details of what the foundation does. MESU has performed over 60,000 free eye screenings to date. PDG Chris Lloyd has attended each event except two 9 (when he was out of the country) since the MESU inception. There is the Low Vision Center which helps people with limited vision with their quality of life and how to live with their condition. Dr. Sandy Fox recently resigned and the facility is in search of a replacement so there are three people putting in 1/3 time to cover the position until a replacement is found. The SA Lighthouse for the Blind also has a low vision center and their doctor says there is no competition between our facilities and that in fact the community could use more low vision centers. Our low vision center needed an HD microscope for the District bought one for them and our District has funded an Opthamalogical Chair at UTHS Center. 1st VDG Jim Weed discussed the Stride For Sight program noting that this year the District will hold its second 5k Run on 02/28/2015 in Helotes, Texas. The funds raised are for updating and upgrading the equipment for the MESU and the goal is to raise $30,000.00 from fundraisers and donations this year. The District Leos report was presented by Leo District President Neil (Floresville Leos Club). The District Leo Clubs have decided to perform a service project called Warm Things for Cold Days which will provide coats, blankets and presents for kids. They will also be having a picnic in Uvalde, Texas. They will have a convention in Kerrville, Texas. They will host Leos in a Car Show in Floresville, Texas. They are creating and designing a T-shirt for Diabetes Awareness. They will host a Stride For Sight booth at the Mid-Winter Conference in January, 2015. District Chaplain, Doug Thomas conducted the lunch Blessing. DG Sam then presented door prizes. The GLT Coordinator report was made by 2nd VDG John Lee and Lion Chris Condren. The report was a series of successful club fundraising strategies. John informed us that his club was starting the year short of the usual money. He states that his club mans a fireworks stand but that requires a lot of man power to be present day and night. The payoff for the July 4 th session was $6,800.00 for a lot of work in a short period of time. They plan to do it as a New Year’s fund raiser as well. Lion LaJuana Newnam-Leus’s club holds a peanut brittle contest during the Peanut Festival. They yearly raise between$4,000 to $5,000 from this event. They solicit bids by going to local businesses WEARING their LIONS VESTS and tell them about the club and their activities and ask the business to sponsor a bid on a 1 gallon jar (minimum bid $75.00). They have 25 bids at present. They have a live auction of winning jars of peanut brittle and also have a silent auction. Lion Floyd Daigle mentioned that his club sponsors a parade and float and sells ads. PCC Mike Rourke mentions that his club has years of trial and error for events and they wean themselves off of unsuccessful events and keep successful events. They raise funds from selling BBQ plats 2800 at a time with an eye toward making a 100% profit when determining the price of plates. They have successfully had pancake breakfasts and brisket dinners. Mike’s club has members who find it difficult to pay membership fees so they sponsor a BBQ to help pay for dues and use those funds also to offset costs of sending members to State and International Conventions. Mike reminded Clubs that they can hold ONE ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDRAISER PER YEAR to help with members paying dues of other administrative expenses. Lion RoseMary Paletta explained that each HEB location has a community coordinator and meeting that person and sending a letter about your club and request for a donation can result in a donation from HEB. She thinks it best to explain who the Lions are, what you do and where the money will go. You can ask them to call you to pick up any donation they will make. RoseMary also mentioned to ask around when booking halls for events as many locations will provide discounts for nonprofit organizations. Lion Chris noted that LCI has a Public Relations Guide which helps you to get out information on fundraisers. Clubs are reminded to check LCI for webinars, free online classes. There is one regarding membership on 10/28/2014 and another one for awards on 01/29/2015. DG Sam concluded the meeting with drawings for the various raffles. The meeting concluded with the Benediction, Lions Song and Adjournment. Respectfully Submitted, Lions District 2A2 Steven J. Medina, District Secretary 10
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