February 2015 Atria Park of Pacific Palisades Life G UIDANCE ® Monthly Calendar of Events and Programming Featured Events this Month: Super Bowl Sunday Sunday, February 1, 6:00 pm Jimmy Brewster Saturday, February 21, 3:00 pm 10317_0215_Pacific Palisades_JH_LG_30.pdf Mexican Flag Day History February 24, 1:00 pm February 2015 SUNDAY Super Bowl® SUNDAY 10:00 HF Exercise 10:30 LL Sunday Paper 11:00 IS Spiritual Sunday 1:00 EF Puzzles & Dominoes 2:00 C Super Bowl® SUNDAY SUNDAES 2:30 LL Super Bowl® Trivia 3:00 CE Popcorn Day Activity 4:00 HF Hallway Walkers 6:00 EF Super Bowl® SUNDAY 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 6:00 HF LL IS EF EF C CE EF PA HF EF Exercise Sunday Paper Chat Spiritual Sunday Cards & Board Games Who is it? Trivia Sunday Sundaes Social Painting w/ Music Trivia & Popcorn Garden Club Sunshine Walk Movie Night 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 1:30 2:00 3:30 4:00 6:00 HF LL IS CE LL CE C HF EF MOVIN' & GROOVIN' Sunday Paper Spiritual Sunday BAND TIME Trivia Time Tapping in time Sunday Sundaes Sunshine Walk Sunday Night Movie 10317-0215 OSCAR AWARDS 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 LL Sunday Paper 11:00 IS Spiritual Sunday 1:00 EF Oscar Trivia 2:00 C Snack Social 3:00 EF Afternoon Movie 4:00 HF Hallway Walkers 6:00 EF Night Owls Chat 1 8 15 22 MONDAY GROUNDHOG DAY 10:00 HF Flex & Stretch 10:30 LL Trivia w/ a Twist 11:00 EF Name Game 1:00 LL Name 5 1:30 LL Longest Word 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 CE Name Game 3:00 PA Scrapbooking Club 4:00 HF Sunshine Walkers 6:00 EF Monday Night Flick 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:30 4:00 6:00 HF LL LL C C C PA HF EF Exercise Daily Chronicle FUN W/ WORDS Making Heart-shaped Cookies Snack Social Hair, Nails & Tales Scrapbooking Hallway Walkers Popcorn & Movie Presidents Day 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 LL States & Capitals 11:00 LL Presidential Trivia 1:00 EF Sing Along 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 LL Name Ten 3:00 EF Dave Winstone Sings 4:00 HF Hallway Walkers 6:00 EF Movie Night Tootsie Roll Day 10:00 HF Flex & Stretch 10:30 EF Name Ten 11:00 LL Longest Word Game 1:00 CV Tootsie Roll Craft 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 EF Old Sayings Trivia 3:00 HF Bowling 3:30 C Nails & Tales 4:00 HF Sunshine Walk 6:00 EF Movie & Popcorn PA HF EF CV LL CE IS C Personal Achievement Health & Fitness Entertainment & Fun Civic Engagement Lifelong Learning Creative Expression Inspiration & Spirituality Connection Atria Park of Pacific Palisades l i f e 2 9 16 23 TUESDAY Tu B'Shevat Begins at Sunset 10:00 HF Commit to be Fit 10:30 EF Matt Snyder Music Therapy 1:00 EF What's my job? Trivia 1:30 CE Making Carrot Cake 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 CV Writing Cards to the Soldiers 3:00 C Hair Nails & Tales 3:30 CE Glee Club 4:00 HF Bowling 6:00 EF Popcorn & Movie 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 6:00 HF EF LL HF C LL CE HF EF 3 10 Morning Exercise Matt Snyder Music Therapy Trivia Throwing a Ball Snack Social Picture Messages Making Homemade Peppermint Patty Hallway Walkers Movie MARDI GRAS 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 EF Matt Snyder Music Therapy 1:00 EF Trivia 1:30 EF Bingo 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 LL Spelling Bee 3:00 EF Mardi Gras Party 4:00 HF Taking a Walk 6:00 C Call it a day Mexican Flag Day 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 EF Matt Snyder Music Therapy 1:00 CV Mexican Flag Day History 1:30 EF Sing Along 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 EF Matching & Bingo Games 3:00 EF Joey Aaron Entertainment 4:00 HF Tossing a Ball w/ Questions 6:00 EF Movie Night 17 24 WEDNESDAY 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 6:00 HF LL LL EF C LL LL HF EF Exercise Trivia Jeopardy!® Puzzles & Cards Sing Along Snack Social Rosa Parks History Famous Women Hangman Hallway Walkers Movie Night 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 6:00 HF EF LL EF C LL EF HF EF Morning Exercise Bingo Trivia Time Sing Along Snack Social What's my job? Trivia Bingo & Board Games Bowling Movie ASH WEDNESDAY 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 LL History of Ash Wednesday 11:00 CV Puzzles & Dominoes 1:00 EF Sing Along 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 PA Nails & Tales 3:00 EF Wine & Cheese Party 4:00 HF Hallway Walkers 6:00 EF Popcorn & Movie Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries Day 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 LL Today in History 11:00 EF Trivia w/ a Twist 1:00 C Hair Nails & Tales 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 LL Picture Messages 3:00 C Cherry Kiss Cookie Making 3:30 EF Music Trivia 4:00 HF Hallway Walkers 6:00 EF Movie Night 4 11 18 25 THURSDAY 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 6:00 HF LL LL EF HF C C EF HF EF 5 Commit to be Fit Daily Chronicle Longest Word Game Name that Tune February Trivia Snack Social Gentleman's Chat Natalie Entertains You Hallway Walkers Popcorn & Movie 12 LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 LL Lincoln & Presidents Trivia 11:00 EF Puzzles & Dominoes 1:00 CE Making Cherry JELL-O® Cheesecake 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 C Nails & Tales 3:00 CE VALENTINE COLLAGE 4:00 HF Sunshine Walk 6:00 C Windin' Down 19 CHINESE NEW YEAR 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 LL Learning About Chinese New Year 11:00 EF What would you do? Game 1:00 EF Card & Board Games 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 CE Garden Club 3:00 CE Making Chocolate Mint Pie 4:00 HF Sunshine Walk 6:00 EF Movie Night 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 6:00 HF LL PA LL C EF CE PA HF EF Morning Exercise Harmonica Duo WHO AM I? Longest Word Snack Social Scrapbook Club Painting w/ Music Garden Club Garden Walk Movie & Popcorn 26 g u i d a n c e® FRIDAY 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:30 4:00 6:00 HF EF LL C C HF CE HF EF Exercise Puzzles & Dominoes Famous Pairs Hair, Nails & Tales Snack Social Sing Along Making Red Hats Sunshine Walkers Friday Night Flick 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 HF LL LL CE C EF CE HF EF EF Morning Exercise History of Friday the 13th Trivia Time Making Valentines Snack Social Bingo Marion Entertains You Garden Walk 5 of Diamonds Movie Night 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 HF LL EF EF C CE CE Morning Stretch Fact or Fantasy Trivia Puzzles & Dominoes Sing Along Snack Social Arts & Crafts Making Cherry Pie "Would You Rather?" Day 10:00 HF Morning Exercise 10:30 LL "Would You Rather?" Game 11:00 EF Dominoes & Puzzles 1:00 EF Sing Along 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 EF Card & Board Games 3:00 CE Trivia 3:30 LL Picture Messages 4:00 HF Sunshine Walk 6:00 EF Popcorn & Movie 6 13 20 27 SATURDAY 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:30 4:00 6:00 EF LL LL EF C C EF HF EF Piano Concert States & Capitals Puzzles Name 10 Snack Social Afternoon Movie Matching & Bingos Games Hallway Walkers Movie Night VALENTINE'S DAY 10:00 HF Exercise 10:30 EF Sonja Sergeant Entertainment 1:00 C Hair, Nails & Tales 2:00 C Snack Social 2:30 EF Sing Along 3:00 EF VALENTINE DANCE 4:00 HF Hallway Walkers 6:00 EF Movie Night 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:00 3:30 4:00 6:00 HF EF EF C C C LL 10:00 10:30 0:30 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:00 6:00 HF LL EF C C C EF HF EF Morning Stretch Glee Club February Trivia Hair, Nails & Tales Snack Social Gentleman's Chat States & Capitals Trivia Jimmy Brewster EF Bingo & Matching Game HF Hallway Walkers EF Saturday Night Movie Morning Exercise TRIVIA TIME Mathew Stoneman Piano Hair Nails & Tales Snack Social Gentleman's Chat Sing Along Hallway Walkers Movie Night 7 14 21 28 JELL-O® is a registered trademark of Kraft Foods. Jeopardy!® is a registered trademark of JeopardyProductions, Inc. All rights reserved. Red Hat Society® is a trademark of Red Hat Society, Inc. Super Bowl® is a registered trademark of the NFL. February 2015 Atria Park of Pacific Palisades A ssisted L IVING Monthly Calendar of Events and Programming Featured Events this Month: Tu B’Shevat Celebration Tuesday, February 3, 11:00 am Valentine’s Day Prom & Dance Saturday, February 14, 12:00 pm 10317_0215_Pacific Palisades_JH_AL_100.pdf Jacqi Bowe & The Chinese New Year Thursday, February 19, 3:00 pm February 2015 SUNDAY Super Bowl® SUNDAY 9:30 HF Weekend Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 12:00 EF Super Bowl® Sunday 1:30 EF Afternoon Movie 2:00 LL Current Events 3:00 C Fiesta Sunday Social 4:00 Happy Hour 6:00 EF Comedy Film 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 1:30 2:00 3:00 4:00 6:00 HF HF EF C EF LL C EF EF Weekend Walkers Exercise in the Restaurant Farmers Market Outing Sunday Brunch Afternoon Movie Current Events Old Time Sunday Social Crazy 8's Card Night Comedy Film NBA ALL STAR GAME 9:30 HF Weekend Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 10:00 EF NBA All Star Game 11:00 Farmers Market Outing 11:00 EF NBA All Star Game 11:30 C Sunday Brunch 1:30 EF Afternoon Movie 3:00 C Sunday Social 6:00 EF Comedy Film 10317-0215 LEE MORENA 9:30 HF Weekend Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 11:00 EF Farmers Market Outing 11:30 C Sunday Brunch 1:30 EF Afternoon Movie 2:00 LL Current Events - 4 calling Birds 3:00 C Fiesta Sunday Social 4:00 EF OSCAR'S PRE SHOW 6:00 EF Comedy Film 1 8 15 22 MONDAY GROUNDHOGS DAY 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise w/ Ernie 10:30 IS Pastor Mees 1:30 HF Chair Chi 2:00 EF Afternoon Movie 2:30 IS Nails & Tales 3:00 Longest Word Game 4:00 IS Happy Hour 6:00 EF Movie Night 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:00 6:00 Hallway Walkers Exercise w/ Ernie Pastor Mees Trivia Chair Chi Afternoon Movie Nails & Tales Happy Hour w/ Carol Kelly Longest Word Game EF Movie Night HF HF IS LL HF EF IS EF Atria Park of Pacific Palisades a s s i s t e d 2 9 TUESDAY Tu B'Shevat 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Tai Chi in the Restaurant 10:30 LL Music Therapy w/ Matt-3rd floor 11:00 EF Tu B'Shevat Celebration 1:30 EF Afternoon Movie 3:00 CE Adventures in Art 4:00 EF Rummikub® Atria Style 6:00 EF Western Movie Night 9:30 10:00 10:30 10:30 11:00 1:30 4:00 6:00 HF Hallway Walkers HF Tai Chi in the Restaurant LL EF IS EF EF 16 PA HF EF CV LL CE IS C HF HF IS LL HF EF IS EF EF Hallway Walkers Exercise w/ Ernie Pastor Mees Trivia Chair Chi Afternoon Movie Nails & Tales Blackjack Night Movie Night Personal Achievement Health & Fitness Entertainment & Fun Civic Engagement Lifelong Learning Creative Expression Inspiration & Spirituality Connection 23 10 Board Games Music Therapy w/ Matt-3rd floor Hang Man Game Fr. Dennis Poker Atria Style Western Movie Night PRESIDENTS DAY MARDI GRAS 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise w/ Ernie 10:00 HF Tai Chi in the Restaurant 10:30 IS Paster Mees 10:30 LL Music Therapy w/ Matt 11:00 C Martin Luther King Stories 2:00 EF Afternoon Movie & Food Feast 3:00 EF Sherrill on Violin 1:30 HF Chair Chi 4:00 EF Poker Night 2:00 EF Afternoon Movie 6:00 EF Western Movie Night 2:30 IS Nails & Tales 3:00 CE Dave W. Entertainer & Freedom Singer 4:00 EF Happy Hour 6:00 EF Movie Night 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 4:00 6:00 3 MEXICAN FLAG DAY 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Tai Chi in the Restaurant 10:30 LL Music Therapy w/ Matt 2:00 C Resident Council Meeting 2:30 C Food for Thought 3:00 EF Joey Aaron Entertainment 6:00 EF Western Movie Night 17 24 WEDNESDAY 9:30 9:30 10:00 12:00 1:30 2:00 3:00 3:30 4:15 6:30 HF EF HF EF IS EF LL LL C 9:30 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 1:30 2:00 3:00 3:30 4:15 6:30 HF Hallway Walkers Hallway Walkers Outing to the 99 Only Store Exercise in the Restaurant Lunch Outing Arthritis Meditation Afternoon Movie Bridge w/ Volunteers Reading & Writing Club Nails & Tales Evening TV Outing to CVS Store 4 11 HF Exercise in the Restaurant LL EF IS EF C LL C Board Games Piano Lessons Lunch Outing Arthritis Meditation Afternoon Movie Bridge w/ Student Volunteers Reading & Writing Club Nails & Tales Evening TV ASH WEDNESDAY 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 9:30 EF Outing to Ralph's Market 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 12:00 EF Lunch Outing 1:30 IS Arthritis Meditation 2:00 EF Afternoon Movie 3:00 C Bridge w/ Student Volunteers 3:30 LL WINE & CHEESE Reading & Writing Club 6:30 EF Evening TV SYLVIA LUNDBERG 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 9:30 EF Outing to CVS 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 12:00 EF Lunch Outing 1:30 IS Arthritis Meditation 2:00 EF Afternoon Movie 3:00 C Bridge w/ Student Volunteers 3:30 LL Reading & Writing Club 4:15 C Nails & Tales 6:30 EF Evening TV 18 25 THURSDAY 9:30 10:00 11:15 1:30 3:00 4:00 6:00 HF HF IS EF LL EF EF Hallway Walkers Simple Stretch & Meditation Group Meditation Afternoon Movie Natalie the French Singer Blackjack Movie Night Health Awareness 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise w/ Energy 11:15 IS Group Meditation 12:00 EF Candle Light Lunch 1:30 EF Afternoon TV 3:00 EF Entertainer Marion Calchoun 4:00 EF Card Night 6:00 EF Movie Night 5 12 19 CHINESE New Year's 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 11:15 HF Engage Your Brain w/ Gloria 12:00 C Candle Light Lunch 1:30 EF Afternoon Movie 3:00 EF Jacqi Bowe & The Chinese New Year 6:00 EF Movie Night CRAZY HAT DAY GLORIA COHEN 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 10:30 LL Harmonica Duo & how it's done 2:30 EF Crazy Hat & Lee Haun's Show 2:30 Team Meeting for Employees 4:00 EF Poker Night 6:00 EF Movie Night 6:00 EF Thursday Night Football 26 FRIDAY Wear Red Day! 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise w/ Ernie 11:15 HF Brain Exercise w/ Gloria Alberts 1:00 IS Shabbat 1:30 EF Afternoon Movie 3:00 EF Sing Along 4:00 CV Knitting Circle 6:30 Evening TV. FRIDAY THE 13TH 9:30 HF Hallway Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise w/ Ernie 10:30 IS Piano w/ Ladan 3rd Floor 11:00 CE Writing your Story 1:00 IS Shabbat w/ Rabbi Eli 3:00 C YMCA Candy BINGO 4:00 CV Knitting Circle 6:30 EF 3 Diamonds Entertainment 6:30 Evening TV 9:30 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:30 3:00 3:15 4:00 6:30 HF HF EF IS EF CE C CV 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 1:30 3:00 4:00 6:30 HF HF IS IS IS EF Hallway Walkers Exercise w/ Ernie Stanley on the Guitar Shabbat Afternoon Movie Writing Club w/ Yevonne YMCA Candy BINGO Knitting Circle Evening TV Hallway Walkers Exercise w/ Ernie Piano w/ Ladan 3rd floor Meditation Circle Shabbat Afternoon Movie B.I.N.G.O CV Knitting Circle EF Evening TV 6 13 20 27 l i v i n g SATURDAY 9:30 10:00 10:15 1:45 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:15 6:00 HF HF C EF C EF C HF EF Weekend Walkers Exercise in the Restaurant Children's Piano Concert Afternoon Movie Nails & Tales Volunteer B I N G O Coffee Chat w/ Snacks in the Bistro Trivia Movie Night 7 14 VALENTINES DAY 9:30 HF Weekend Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 10:30 IS Sonya Sargent Sings 12:00 EF Valentine's Day Prom & Dance 1:45 EF Afternoon Movie 2:45 Nails & Tales 3:30 Valentines Day Social in the Bistro 4:00 Trivia 6:00 EF Movie Night BETTY HOWARTH 9:30 HF Weekend Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 11:00 CE Craft & Jewelry Circle 1:45 EF Afternoon TV 2:30 C Nails & Tales 3:00 EF Jimmy Brewster 3:45 C Snack & Social in the Bistro 6:00 EF Movie Night LOUELLA SILVAGNI 9:30 HF Weekend Walkers 10:00 HF Exercise in the Restaurant 10:15 EF Mathew Stoneman Entertains 1:45 Afternoon TV 2:30 C Nails & Tales 3:30 Trivia 3:45 Snack in the Bistro 6:00 EF Movie Night 21 28 Rummikub® is a registered trademark of Rummikub Super Bowl® is a registered trademark of the NFL.
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