OCTOBER 19, 2014 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 20, 2014 11:30 A.M. †Gloria Vryhof Tuesday, October 21, 2014 (No Mass) Wednesday, October 22, 2014 11:30 A.M. †Lucile Eyhorn Thursday, October 23, 2014 11:30 A.M. Theresa January For Healing Friday, October 24, 2014 11:30 A.M. †Bea Turney Saturday, October 25, 2014 6:00 P.M. †William E. “Willie” Howell Sunday, October 26, 2014 7:30 A.M. †Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mendiola 9:00 A.M.(Spanish Mass) †Beatrice B. Corrada 10:30 A.M. †Francisco Villela 12:00 P.M. Our Parish Family The Sanctuary Light on the Main Altar this week Sunday, October 19th through Saturday, October 25th is lit for Nicholas & Maria Garcia 45th Wedding Anniversary The Sanctuary Light in the Chapel this week Sunday, October 19th through Saturday, October 25th is lit for Pocahontas Corbett & Rosa Maria Guerra Requested by: The Apostles of Divine Mercy The Sanctuary Light on Our Lady Guadalupe this week Sunday, October 19th through Saturday, October 25th is lit for The Dunk Family Special intentions Requested by: The Apostles of Divine Mercy PRAYER REQUESTS Gift of Healing Lord, in your loving mercy, please send your Holy Spirit upon these servants who are in need of strength, guidance, and mercy. Alaquinez, Emilia Almanza, Gloria Almanza, Mandy Andrade, Amadeo Aragón, Jesús Arnal, Gertrude Basurto, Jorge Benavidez, Estella Benavidez, Florencia Berroteran, Alma Berry, Chandler Berry, Stefany Birbeck, Jennifer Bochniak, Tina Corbett, Pocahontas Dirck, Dolores Dorozinski, Mary Dunk, Bob Finkenbinder, Travis Gallego, Gilbert Garcia, Leia Garcia, Ralph Garcia, Sofia Garza, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Annette Guerra, Rosa Maria Guevara, Cristina Hargrave, Josephine Hawes, Laura Hernandez, Vincenta Herrera, Fernando Johnson, Cash King, R. Aurelia King, Christopher Lopez, Carmen Lopez, Isabel Lopez, Maddie Lopez, Ruben Melgar, Laura Marcantel, Barbara Martinez, Jose Jr. Medrano, Carmen McClendon, Miriam McCormick, Luke McHugh, Camille Moczygemba, Mary Ortiz, Richard Perez, Jeanette Ramirez, Azucena Ramirez, Pedro Rev. Dan Majerus Real, Lee Reyes, Gabriel Richel, George Roberts, Lyn Robles, Lynette Salinas, David Schilling, Sister Elizabeth Sepulveda, Alicia Shaw, Mary Boots” Singer, Dora Skinner, James Swann, Hubert Tague, Norma Ward, Bettina Williams, Missy Zarate, Clara Zarate, Eloy Monday, October 20, 2014 6:30 P.M. Family Life Meeting-Scott Room Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:00 P.M. NOON Choir Rehearsal-Church Wednesday, October 22, 2014 5:00 P.M. Sacrament of Reconciliation- Chapel 6:15 P.M. Religious Education (K thru 5th & RCIA youth) -Education Bldg. 7:00 P.M. RCIA –Scott Room 10:30 Choir Rehearsal-Church Friday, October 24, 2014 9:30 A.M. Divine Mercy Meeting-Parma Room 7:00 P.M. 9:00 Choir Rehearsal-Church Saturday, October 25, 2014 5:00 P.M. Sacrament of Reconciliation- Chapel Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:30 A.M. RCIA -Middle & High School-Vizzone Conference Room 1:15 P.M. Life teen-Rooms 1& 2 Edge – Religious Ed. Bldg. 1:30 P.M. Cops-Metro Presentation-Scott Room 6:30 P.M. SEPTEMBER 2014 REVENUE, COLLECTIONS, AND EXPENSE REPORT COLLECTIONS BLDG. FUND CCD FEES FESTIVAL PARISH ACTIVITIES $68,555.56 $ 3,652.84 $ 6,147.00 $14,000.00 OTHER INCOME $ 2,540.90 (Candles, Hall/Room Rentals, Flowers, Bereavement/Family Life, Evangelization, etc.) Pro Life Rosary - Fatima Garden The Flowers on the Main Altar this week Sunday, October 19th through Saturday, October 25th are for Earl & Betty McSwain 70th Wedding Anniversary BELIZE MISSION 2015 TOTAL INCOME $ 94,896.30 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 70,705.24 SPECIAL COLLECTION (NON-SJN OPERATIONAL INCOME) Also, due to the extreme heat wave, YOU FOR YOUR GIFTS OF TIME, TALENT & TREASURE The 2015 St. John Neumann Belize Mission is June 13-20th. If you would like more information, please contact [email protected]. The deadline to commit and make a deposit is November 1st. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78239 OCTOBER 19, 2014 SJN Altar Guild Annual Turkey Dinner The St. John Neumann Festival Committee would like to thank the following businesses for advertising in the Festival Brochure and supporting our 2014 Festival: HEB, Backyard Paradise Pools, Fiesta Patio Cafe, Bluebonnet & Texas Gifts, John Mooring Insurance, Puente and Sons Funeral Home, Windcrest Barber Shop, Hair on Stage, Williams Confectionary, Smokin’ Joe’s of Texas Restaurant, Sandra Murphy Interiors, King’s X, Complete Estate Sales, Dawn Rhodes Hair Salon, Luby’s Restaurant, Gerald’s Casino Parties, Kajun Kitchen Restaurant, Crestway Animal Clinic, Walzem YMCA, Red Lobster Restaurant, Young’s Tree Service, Alamo Heights Collision Center, Shoney’s Restaurant, Las Palapas Restaurant, Sweet Kharma Cupcakes, Sandra Bell - Mary Kay Cosmetics, Universal Travel, NYC State of Mind Barber Shop, Dausin Electric, Northeast Barber Shop, Lisa Scot- Avon Cosmetics, Arnold Moos Plumbing, Beyer Boys Air Conditioning, Christ the King Book Store, Windcrest Lions Club, Moreau Marketing, Sud-Z-Pup, Papa Dante’s Restaurant, South Texas Shutters, Sena Kirby Company of San Antonio, BRW & Associates, Inc., Action Home Inspections and For the Birds. Once again, thank you for your participation. Grieving Support for the Holidays Do you feel sad and alone? Whether it is from divorce, death or just being separated from the people you love, maybe we can help. The Holidays often make the feeling more intense and more difficult to deal with. To help, we will be having a seminar on November 15th from 8 a.m. to noon in the St. John Neumann Scott Room. If you would like to participate please call the Church office at (210) 654-1643. If you know of someone under the age of 19 who needs the same help please let us know and we’ll try to schedule a seminar for young adults or children. Our Annual Turkey Dinner will take place on Sunday, November 2nd from 11:00AM-3PM. Tickets can be purchased in the courtyard after all Masses or at the church office. The cost will be $8.00 for adults, $4.00 for children 8-11 and children 7 and under eat free. Desserts will be available to purchase. Plates to go will be available for anyone wishing to eat at home. Sign up sheets will be available in courtyard for anyone who would like to volunteer their time. Music Ministry News If you like to praise the Lord in song, this may be for you. SJN seeks to expand its music ministry with a cantor training beginning on Wednesday, Oct. 22. This new ministry will help singers develop their faith, singing technique, and knowledge of liturgy. Join us for an informational meeting and liturgical training. Who: Singers of all ages, age 13 and up When: Wednesday, Oct. 22 Time: 6:30-7:00 Where: SJN Church Contact: Diana Olague (210) 967-0382 Cops-Metro "Civic Academy on Social Justice" Everyone is invited and highly encouraged to attend a spiritual and very enlightening "Civic Academy on Social Justice" presented by Ed Ramos. The spiritual basis of the academy will be Pope Francis' Encyclical "Evangelli Gaudium" (The Joy of The Gospel). The presentation will be on Sunday, October 26th from 1:30 to 2:30 pm in the Family Center’s Scott Room. It’s BBQ Time!!! Come join the Knights of Columbus in the courtyard on Sunday, October 26th, after all Masses for their monthly BBQ. If you would like to preorder your BBQ plates send an email to [email protected] or call Bill Coad at (210) 657-6971 or Lou Hand at (210) 661-0722 SPONSOR OF THE WEEK The Belize Committee is hosting a Turkey Bingo on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. in the Family Center. For $10.00 you get two cards and a meal. Concessions will be available Tickets will be on sale after all Masses or at the church office. Come win your Thanksgiving Turkey!!! Please patronize our sponsors on the inside and back page of the bulletin. They generously provide this bulletin for our parish. BEXAR COMMUNITY SHOOTING RANGE TrapSkeet5 Stand Rifle Pistol & Shooting Supplies Vernon & Jennifer Winkelmann 15391 Bexar bowling, Marion(830)914-2182 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MINI-RETREAT FOR LITURGICAL MINISTERS All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, including Homebound and Nursing Home ministers, Lectors, Ushers and Musicians are invited to attend this mini-retreat on Thursday Oct 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the church. It will conclude at 8:30 with some snacks and refreshments in the courtyard. We will reflect together on a Scripture passage and Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel”. A short time for housekeeping issues and for the different ministries to break into small groups will be offered. We will also express our gratitude to all the outgoing coordinators who for several years generously gave of their time and devotion to serve as such. We will be welcoming the newly appointed incoming coordinators as well as anyone from the community who wishes to participate in the Liturgy as minister Here are the changes in leadership effective as of September 30th : Eucharistic Ministers Lavette Dunk & Vilma Corrada (O) Guillermo & Esther Quiles (I) Lectors Jim Butts (O) Larry Mendoza (I) Ushers Tony Hernandez (O) Bob MacNair & Rafael Gallegos (I) (Rafael co-directs with Severiano Galvan) Peace, Fr. O Is God Calling You to Serve? There are many ministries within St. John Neumann Parish where God may be calling you to serve. Some of these ministries are those pertaining to the Liturgy or the Mass such as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, including Homebound and Nursing Home Ministers, Lectors, Musicians and Greeters/Ushers. These are what we call Liturgical Ministries. All adult candidates must be registered parishioners who have been baptized, have received First Communion, Confirmation and married in the Catholic Church unless single. If you are interested in any of these ministries you are most welcome to attend the mini-retreat scheduled for Oct 30th at 6:30p.m. in the church where you can sign up. Feel free to call the parish office if you have any questions. Halloween Family Spook-tacular SJN 14 Friday, October 31st at St. John Neumann Family Center 6PM-10:00PM Come join us for… TrunkTrunk-oror-Treat Decorate your car (optional) and park it here for ‘Trunk-or-Treaters’ Dance Costume contest for : Elementary, Middle School, High School, and Adults Haunted House ($2 to enter, if you dare!) Concessions will be available Nachos, brisket tacos, popcorn, cotton candy, hotdogs, and much more... OCTOBER 19, 2014 MINI-RETIRO PARA MINISTROS LITURGICOS Todos los Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión, incluyendo los que van a hospitales o casas, Lectores, Acomodadores y Músicos, están invitados a asistir a este mini-retiro el Jueves 30 de Octubre a las 6:30pmen la Iglesia. Concluirá a las 8:30 con refrigerios en la entrada de la Iglesia. Reflexionaremos juntos un pasaje de la Escritura y sobre la Exhortación Apostólica del Papa Francisco "La Alegría del Evangelio". Hablaremos sobre algunos cambios en el Ministerio y compartiremos en pequeños grupos. Agradeceremos a los coordinadores salientes, quienes por varios años, han sido generosos con su tiempo y dedicación. Daremos la bienvenida a los coordinadores entrantes y a cualquier persona de la comunidad que desee participar como Ministro de Liturgia . Aquí están los cambios de liderazgo comenzado Septiembre 30: Ministros de la Eucaristía Lavette Dunk & Vilma Corrada (O) Guillermo & Esther Quiles (I) Lectores Jim Butts (O) Larry Mendoza (I) Acomodadores Tony Hernandez (O) Bob MacNair & Rafael Gallegos (I) (Rafael co-directs with Severiano Galvan) Peace, Fr. O Te llama Dios a Servir? Hay muchos ministros en nuestra parroquia de St. John Neumann donde Dios te puede llamar a servir. Algunos de estos ministerios son los correspondientes a la Liturgia o la Misa, como los Ministros de la Comunión, incluyendo los que van a Hospitales o Casas, Lectores, Músicos y Acomodadores. Estos son quienes conocemos como Ministros Litúrgicos. Todos los candidatos adultos deben de ser feligreses registrados, que han sido bautizados, haber recibido su Primera Comunión, Confirmación y estar casados por la Iglesia Católica, o ser solteros. Si estas interesado en alguno de estos ministerios, estas invitado a asistir al mini-retiro programado para el jueves 30 de Octubre, donde podrás anotarte. Si tienes preguntas, llama a la oficina. Catholic Daughters of The Americas #2596 Second Annual Lucky Eagle Excursion Fundraiser to benefit our Local, State & National Charities When: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Where: Eagle Pass, Texas Cost: $30.00 per person, only folks over 21 can enter the casino. Includes $10.00 Slot Machine Credit SlotMachines---PokerTables---FoodBar Make your check payable to CDA & mail check to Valeria Brandt at 534 Crestway, San Antonio, TX 78239 or JoAnn Gude at 7130 Walnut Trace, San Antonio, TX 78239 Note: Please include name & phone number of the player (s) We will meet in the parking lot of St. John Neumann Departing time:7:00p.m. by motor-coach Return time: 7:00p.m. depending on traffic RSVP by: November 11th Limited Seating For further information please contact: Valeria Brandt (210) 655-5528 or JoAnn Gude (210) 655-8465 Trip Planner: Kitty Mulkey
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