Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILIZERS LTD. (A Government of India Undertaking) Registered office: Priyadarshini, Eastern Express Highway, Sion, Mumbai-22. Department : Factory Civil Maintenance Office Address: Room No. 1/2, Nirman Bhavan, RCF Factory, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400074. (Tel. No. 2552 2545, email: [email protected]) Stage I Bid : (ENVELOPE II) Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid & Prequalification documents Tender ref. No: RCF/ TU/ FCM /RMS EXTENSION /2014 Tender Work Civil Works for extension of existing Raw Material Storage facility in RCF Factory at Chembur, Mumbai-400074. All the bid documents to be dropped in the tender box at the office of A.G.M.(Civil), Room no.1/2, Nirman Bhavan, RCF Factory latest by 2:00 P.M. on 29.01.2015 Opening of Bids: 29.01.2015 on 2:30P.M. (At above mentioned office) Name of the Bidder: Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILIZERS LTD. (A Government of India Undertaking) Registered office: Priyadarshini, Eastern Express Highway, Sion : Mumbai: 400022. Department : Factory Civil Maintenance Office Address: Room No. 1/2, Nirman Bhavan, RCF Factory, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400074. RCF/TU/FCM/RMS EXTENSION/2014 Tender work : Civil works for extension of existing Raw Material Storage facility in RCF Factory at Chembur, Mumbai-400074. Non transferable form Contents Of Bid Document (Two stages Bidding) Bid Stage I ( Technical & Un priced commercial Bid & Prequalification Papers) II (Price Bid ) Indicative Offer Contents Notice Inviting Tender & Prequalification criteria Format for ECS & List of Banks. (Appendix A & B) General Terms & Conditions of the Contract (GTCC) Integrity Pact Modalities for E-reverse auction Appendix C : Deviation sheet Schedule Of Quantities Bid Form Schedule of Quantities & Special conditions (if any) AGM(C) RCF Ltd. Seal & signature of the Bidder Place ----------------- & Date:_________ Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) RCF/TU/FCM/RMS EXTENSION/2014 Date: Invitation of Bid Offer: The sealed percentage Rate Offer is invited hereby from the experienced civil works contractors in two stages of bidding system. The bids are invited in three sealed envelopes specified against each as detailed here under. The each sealed envelope & outer sealed big cover shall be super-scribed with Tender Reference Number, Name of Work & content in it. All three sealed envelopes shall be put in the outer big sealed cover. The NIT shall prevail over the inconsistence terms & conditions of GTCC. Stage I Bidding Sealed Envelope- I : Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). The bidder shall furnish the EMD of `1,00,000/- directly to „Power Jyoti‟ account (Account no. 32376445560 ) of State Bank of India, Mahul road branch, Chembur. By this facility bidder can deposit money in the nearest SBI branch anywhere in India by using Triplicate Challan. This challan is available on RCF‟s website ( under the head „Financials‟. While submitting the tender , the bidder has to attach company copy of challan along with tender documents. The bidders, submitting the tenders for first time in RCF Ltd., Trombay Unit shall submit format for ECS registration as per Appendix A on their letterhead. EMD for the subject job shall also be accepted in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG) with validity of 90 days as per attached Proforma. Sealed Envelope – II : Technical & Un-priced commercial Bid and Prequalification documents as per Prequalification Criteria The bidder shall sign each & every component of the Bid document. The bidder shall stipulate any deviations from the terms & conditions laid down in this Bid document in the prescribed format „Appendix‟ only. The bidder shall note the deviations if any shall not be mentioned anywhere else in this bid document or in the covering letter and such stipulations not in the prescribed format shall be considered null & void & may render the bid itself nonresponsive. The bidders are directed herewith to stipulate the deviations if it is considered by them imperative & unavoidable. The bid shall be considered non responsive bid & rejected on the ground of substantial deviations at the sole discretion of RCF. In case of non-responsive bid so declared by RCF for non-acceptance of the deviations, the price bid of the bidder shall not be opened & EMD shall be refunded at an earliest possible. Stage II Bidding Sealed Envelope- III: Price Bid (Indicative Offer) The bidder shall have to quote % rate correctly, precisely & distinctly in figures as well as in words i.e. above or below or at par at with on the schedule of rates entered in the Bid. The quoted percent rate expressed in Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid words shall prevail over expressed in figure The computation of amounts shall be accurate & in line of your % rate offer. The Bid value expressed in words shall prevail & be treated as conclusive bid offer. Submission & opening of the BID documents: The Bidders shall submit the duly filled in all the bid documents by affixing the copies of relevant papers as directed & signing on each page & every component & send the sealed documents through hand delivery so as to drop in Tender Box which is kept at the office of A.G.M.(Civil), Room No. 1/2, Nirman Bhavan, RCF Factory, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai400074,latest by 02:00 P.M. on or before 29.01.2015. The stage I Bid documents i.e. sealed Envelope I & Sealed Envelope II shall be opened on the next subsequent working day. The stage II Bid document i.e. The price bid (envelope No III) shall be opened, if all the bids so received by the participated bidders shall be adhering by the terms & conditions of the contract i.e. no deviated conditions by any of the participated bidder and they satisfy the prequalification criteria. In case of any deviations of any participated Bidder in that case the Price Bids shall be opened on the later date & time fixed by RCF. E-Reverse Auction The bidders, whose price bids have been opened after satisfying the prequalification criteria, shall have to participate in e-reverse auction as decided by RCF at its sole discretion. You shall have to abide by the terms & conditions stipulated in „modalities of E-reverse auction‟ & shall have to duly filled in process compliance form (Format A). Tender work : Civil works for Extension of existing Raw Material Storage facility in RCF Factory at Chembur, Mumbai-400074. Schedule Cost of work : ` 3,03,18,877.23 (Excluding VAT & Service Tax but Inclusive of all other applicable taxes) Contract Period: Ten months (including monsoon period) M/s RCF reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids at its sole discretion & without assigning any reasons or giving any explanation thereof. AGM (C), RCF Ltd. Name of the bid signing authority on behalf of Bidder : _____________________________ Status/ Designation of bid signing authority on behalf of Bidder : ______________________________________ Seal & Signature of Bidder Place : Date: 4 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid RCF/TU/FCM/RMS EXTENSION/2014 Tender work : Extension of existing Raw Material Storage facility in RCF Factory at Chembur, Mumbai-400074. Prequalification Criteria 1. Experience of having successfully completed RCC construction works (Either Building or Civil structure or Industrial structure) during last seven years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited, shall be either of the following a)Three similar completed works costing not less than Rs.133.36 Lakhs or b) Two similar completed works costing not less than Rs. 166.71Lakhs or c) One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 266.73Lakhs Completion certificates, Work orders with BOQ must be enclosed to meet the pre-qualification criteria. Experience in Concrete Road construction will not be considered. The value of major equipment supply part of the WO will not be considered for pre-qualification. 2. Average annual Financial turnover during the last three years shall be minimum Rs. 100.02Lakhs. 3. Provident Fund Registration code (PF no.)(Certificate copy must be enclosed) 4. Employees State Insurance Corporation‟s (ESIC) Registration code. (Certificate copy must be enclosed). 5. Latest bank solvency certificate of minimum value of Rs. 133.36Lakhs (not more than one year old from the date of this advertisement). 6. Income Tax Department‟s PAN. (photo copy must be enclosed) 7. VAT registration no.(certificate copy must be enclosed) 8. Service Tax registration no.(certificate copy must be enclosed) 9. Organization chart with list of qualified & experienced technical staff. 10. List of equipment/machineries etc. owned by the company or support letter. 11. A valid e-mail id and valid digital signature certificate 12. Attested balance sheet for last three years. (Note: Bidders must enclose self attested photo copy of certificates / registrations in support. Only mentioning the VAT/ ST/ PAN/ PF/ ESIC numbers on paper will not be taken into account and bidder may be disqualified. It is necessary to submit all the documents as mentioned above. In the absence of any relevant document, offers may be rejected as per the sole discretion of RCF Ltd.) 5 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILIZERS LIMITED (RCF) CHEMBUR, MUMBAI–74 FACTORY CIVIL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT (GTCC) 1.0 DEFINITIONS : The following expression shall have the meanings specified against the respective item wherever used in this document, unless repugnant to the context and meaning thereof : (a) The term Contract shall mean and include any award of work for fabrication, construction, civil works including civil structures, erection, commissioning including supply, erection of equipment, renovations, repairs etc. and also including contract for services. (b) The term ‘Contractor’ shall mean the person (s), firm or company with whom the contract is placed and shall be deemed to include their representatives, heirs, executors and administrators, successors approved by RCF unless excluded by the contract and the term defined under the Provisions of the Contract Labour Act. (c) Contract’ shall mean and include work order, the accepted schedule of rates or the scheduled of rates of RCF modified by the tender percentage for items of the works quantified or not quantified, the general conditions of contract, the special conditions of contract (if any), the drawings, the specifications, the special specifications (if any), tender documents etc. (d) Effective Date of Contract means the date of start of work as mentioned in the Work Order / Letter of Intent. (e) ‘Equipment’ means any items of plant and machinery, equipment, accessory or thing supplied by RCF to be erected / installed by Contractor. (f) ‘Initial Contract Price’ means the value of Work Contract initially as per Schedule. (g) The term ‘RCF’ or Company shall mean Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited having its Registered Office at ‘Priyadarshini’ Eastern Express Highway, Sion, Mumbai- 400 022 and shall include the administrative and executive officers authorized to deal with all the matters relating to the contract. (h) Site’ shall mean the site and other places on, in or through which the works are to be carried out and any other lands or places provided by RCF for the purpose of contract. (i) Work’ means all duties, responsibilities and obligations to be discharged by Contractor pursuant to the Contract. (j) ‘Administrative Charge’: Chief Manager or equivalent designated manager and/ or above Senior managers of RCF shall mean administrative charge of work. 6 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid (k) ‘Engineer’ shall mean the executive in-charge of works and shall include the senior Engineer of this Department of RCF. (l) ‘Engineer’s Representative’ shall mean the Engineer’s Assistant, Supervisor assisting the Engineer in the execution of works. (m) ‘Specifications’ shall mean the specifications for materials and works issued by Engineer or as amplified, added or specified by special conditions, if any. (n) ‘Drawings’ shall mean the maps, drawings, plans, tracings or prints issued, if any, or that may be issued from time to time by the Engineer. (o) ‘Period of Maintenance’ shall mean the specified period of maintenance from date of completion / contractual closing period of the work as certified by the Engineer. 2.0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDER : (i) The tenderes are advised to visit the site of work to acquaint themselves as to the nature and location of the work, access to the site, the general & local conditions, particularly those bearing upon transportation, disposal, handling and storage of materials, availability of labour, water, electric power, physical conditions etc. and shall be included on such account while quoting for the tender. (ii) Tenderers shall quote the tender in the prescribed format of the tender document. Tenders should be free from overwriting. All corrections should be duly attested by the tenderer. Tenders should be signed by person/s that are legally authorized to sign on behalf of the person or firm or company tendering and in case of firm / company tender should bear its seal or stamp. (iii) Tender format should contain columns for amount in Rupees (if any), and amount in words. (iv) The tenderers shall not stipulate any additional conditions. Any tender containing such conditions will be summarily rejected. Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited. Tenders submitted by the tenderers, who resort to canvassing, will be rejected outright. (v) The work may be split up between two or more Contractors or accepted in part and not in entirety, if considered expedient at the sole discretion of RCF Management. (vi) Submission of a tender will be conclusive evidence to the fact that the tenderer has fully satisfied himself as to the nature and scope of work to be done, procedures for issue or materials, conditions of contract,, local precautions to be ensured, security rules to be followed and all other factors affecting the performance of the contract and the cost thereof. (vii) It will be obligatory on the part of tenderer to sign the documents for all the component part on each and every page. 7 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 3.0 AMENDMENT TO NIT At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, RCF or its nominee or its consultants may for any reason, whether at its own initiative or otherwise or in response to any clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the NIT by amendment. The amendment will be notified in writing to all prospective Bidders who have received the NIT and the amendment will be binding on them. In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time to take the amendment into account in preparing their tenders, extension of time as may be reasonable, will be given for submission of tenders. 4.0 SUBMISSION OF TENDERS: The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of Bid and neither the company nor its nominee nor its consultants will be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. Any clarification required by prospective bidder shall be furnished in writing soon after its receipt so as to ensure submission of bid on or before bid closing date. Metric measurement system shall be applied, wherever it is applicable. 5.0 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) The bidders have to deposit the EMD directly to ‘Power Jyoti’ account (Account no. 32376445560) of State Bank of India, Mahul road branch, Chembur. By this facility bidder can deposit money in the nearest SBI branch anywhere in India by using Triplicate Challan. This challan is available on RCF’s website ( under the head ‘Financials’. While submitting the tender, the bidder has to attach company copy of challan along with tender documents. The bidders, submitting the tenders for first time in RCF Ltd., Trombay Unit shall submit format for ECS registration as per Appendix A on their letterhead. EMD shall also be accepted in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG) with validity of 90 days as per attached Proforma. DD/Bankers cheque or any other form will not be accepted. The EMD will be forfeited in the event of the Contractor failing to commence the work within a reasonable period. The Earnest money deposited (E.M.D.) by the successful tenderer shall be appropriated towards Security deposit. The tenders without E.M.D. shall be liable for rejection. If for any reason the bidder withdraws his bid at any time prior to expiry of the validity period or refuses to execute the work after issue of the letter of intent/Work Order, the amount of Earnest Money is liable to be forfeited. Earnest Money Deposit will not carry interest. E.M.D. of the unsuccessful participated bidders will be refunded as soon as possible. 6.0 RIGHT OF ACCEPTANCE & REJECTION OF TENDER: RCF Ltd. reserves the right to accept at their sole discretion any tender in whole or part or split the work among two or more Contractors or reject any or all Bids without assigning any reason thereof. No claim for compensation etc. whatsoever will not be entertained by RCF. If a Contractor whose past performance has not been found satisfactory in the opinion of RCF, then RCF 8 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid reserves the right to refuse the tender documents or reject the tender while opening or evaluating the tenders. The decision of RCF regarding performance evaluation shall be final & binding on the Contractors. 7.0 VALIDITY OF BIDS: Bids shall be valid for at least 90 days after the date of submission of bid in RCF Ltd. A bid valid for a shorter period may be rejected at the discretion of RCF. In exceptional circumstances, RCF may solicit the bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing. The bids shall be suitably extended where it is necessary at the request of RCF. Where bidder is unwillingly to extend the validity period, his bid shall be deemed to be invalid and the EMD would be returned to the bidder. No bidder shall be permitted to modify his bid, after commercial bids have been opened unless asked by RCF due to change in specifications / scope or otherwise. 8.0 AMENDMENT OF BIDS: Modifications or withdrawal of bids after the bids submission prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids may be permitted, provided that written notice of this modification or withdrawal is received by the RCF / Consultant. No bid shall be allowed to be withdrawn after the expiry of the deadline for submission of bids. Withdrawal of a bid after expiry of deadline shall result in the forfeiture of the EMD. 9.0 OPENING OF BIDS. The tenderers shall arrange to drop their tenders duly filled in along with EMD in the drop box provided at the mentioned address. Regret letters may be faxed or sent in time before opening of the Bids. Any bid received after the opening of bids will be treated as ‘Late bids’ and will be ignored. 10.0 NEGOTIATIONS: RCF reserves the right to conduct negotiations with Contractors to have the possible reduction from the original offer or if the condition so warrants. RCF reserves the right to divide the work in appropriate parts by negotiating with the bidders. The bidders shall attend the negotiation meeting in time upon intimation to them by RCF. 11.0 AWARD AND SIGNING OF CONTRACTS / WORK ORDERS : RCF will determine to its satisfaction whether the Bidder selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated, responsive bid is qualified to satisfactorily perform the contract. RCF will take into account the bidder’s financial, technical and production capabilities. It will be based upon examination of the documentary evidence of the bidders qualifications and any additional information submitted by the bidder. 12.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES : 9 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid The Contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work with good workmanship and quality and to the satisfaction of RCF. Contractor shall arrange all tools, tackles, material handling equipment, welding equipment and cables, welding rods, scaffoldings, consumable stores safety equipment & appliances and all other equipment/accessories required for execution of work. These shall not be removed from the site without the written permission of the RCF. Contractor shall provide necessary supervisory staff and work force required for the execution of the contract. Contractor shall immediately on receipt of notice from RCF, make good any defective work without any cost to RCF. Contractor for this work shall co-ordinate with other Contractors who will be simultaneously carrying out the work in the same area. The work shall be completed as per detailed time schedule, which shall be prepared after issue of work order. The Contractor shall execute the work as per the sequence given by the Engineer-in-charge from time to time. The Contractor shall be required to set out the works and to provide at his own cost, all the materials and labours and shall be entirely responsible for true and perfect setting out and for the correctness of all levels, dimensions, alignments etc. of all the parts of the work to the satisfaction of Engineer . The periodic testing for the samples of materials going into the work shall be done in the approved laboratories at the discretion of Engineer. Cost for the same will be borne by the Contractor. To determine the acceptable standard of materials and workmanship a sample shall be made and completed by the Contractor in all the respects as directed by Engineer. After approval of such sample of the work, the further works shall be carried out by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer. 13.0 EFFECTIVE DATE : Effective date of Contract / Work Order shall be the date as specified in the Letter of intent or Work Order. The completion period of the contract shall be inclusive of the mobilization period of 10 days to commence the work and Contractor shall proceed with the work with due expedition and without delay. The Contractor shall take instructions and seek the assistance to take up the work in time by contacting the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit the list of his authorized officials and their authorization to Engineer in time. 14.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES : If the Contractor fails to complete the work and clear the site on or before the schedule date of completion or the Contractor has not achieved the progress of work as set out in time schedule , the Contractor shall be liable without prejudice to the right and remedy of RCF on account of such failure , be liable to pay the compensation as Liquidated Damages (L.D.) equivalent to 1% (One percent) of the basic contract value(excluding taxes) of the work for each week or part of the week for which the Contractor is in default subject to maximum of 10% . 15.0 SECURITY DEPOSIT : On acceptance of the Tender by RCF, for due and faithful fulfillment of the contract, the Successful Tenderer shall have to pay Security Deposit worked out as follows : 10 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Security deposit for proper and timely fulfillment of the contract has to be paid by every successful tenderer before commencement of job and within time limit specified in the NIT @ 10% of the basic contract value(excluding taxes). Contractor will give security deposit in the form of Demand draft or Bank Guarantee (with validity period of 63 months) in the RCF proforma from any bank from RCF approved list of banks and the same will be forwarded with a forwarding letter of the Bankers. Bank Guarantee should be attested by two officers from the same bank on a stamp paper of Rs.200/- ( on requisite stamp paper value as required depending on place and applicable value at that time). In case of foreign vendors Bank Guarantees forwarded by the foreign Bank should be counter-guaranteed by State Bank of India, Swastik Chamber, Chembur or by any other bank from RCF approved list through its branch located in Mumbai. The period of maintenance shall be 05 (Five) years from the date of handing over the work to Engineer after satisfactory execution of work in opinion of Engineer. The work executed by the Contractor shall be under the maintenance period of contract for satisfactory performance and free from all defects. In the event of any defects being noticed in the work during the maintenance period, the Contractor shall, upon the notification from RCF, carry out proper repair / rectification as may be necessary to comply with and without any cost to RCF. In case of non-fulfillment of the terms & conditions of the contract during the period of maintenance, deduction against Security Deposit shall be recovered as may deem fit at the discretion of RCF. No interest or compensation shall be payable in respect of Earnest Money Deposit, Security Deposit or any amount retained by RCF or any money which may be in RCF hand owing to dispute between RCF and the Tenderer or in respect of any delay on part of RCF in making any interim or final payments. 16.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENT / ESCALATION : The Contractor’s accepted offer shall remain firm and subject to no escalation whatsoever during the entire contract period of the work. 17.0 TAXES / DUTIES : Rates mentioned in the schedule of rates are excluding of VAT and Service Tax. All the duties, octroi, customs duty of any kind, fees etc. pertaining to this contract shall be entirely borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit the tax invoice/ Bill showing tax elements separately. Any changes in tax provisions (except VAT & service tax) during operation of the contract i.e. after issue of Work Order till completion of job/payment of final bill will have to be borne by the contractor. Income Tax shall be deducted at source from Contractor’s bill as per Government rules. VAT & Service tax shall be payable extra as per prevailing applicable rates as mentioned in Part B of price bid . a. If successful tenderer is a body corporate (Pvt. Ltd. or Ltd. firm) full service tax shall be paid to the party. OR 11 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid b. If successful tenderer is an individual, HUF, partnership firm, AOP. The party will be paid 50% of applicable service tax and balance 50% shall be paid by M/s. RCF to Govt. directly. 18.0 RIGHTS OF CANCELLATION : RCF reserves the right to cancel the contract or part thereof and shall be entitled to rescind the same forthwith by a written notice of seven days to Contractor if: (i) The Contractor does not adhere to any of the terms and conditions of the contract. (ii) The contract or fails to execute the job in time. (iii) The quality of the supply received/workmanship is poor or not in conformity with the requirement. (iv) The Contractor attempts for any corrupt practices. (v) The Contractor becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation. (vi) The Contractor makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors. (vii) A receiver is appointed for any of the properties owned by the Contractor. Upon receipt of said cancellation notice, the Contractor shall discontinue all work on the contract and matters concerned with it. RCF in that event will be entitled to get the job executed from any other sources and recover the excess payment over the Contractor’s agreed price, (if any), from the Contractor. RCF also reserves the right to cancel the contract due to Force Majeure conditions and the Contractor will have no claim of compensation whatsoever. 19.0 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE : RCF may, by written notice of seven days period sent to the Contractor, terminate the contract, in whole or in part, at any time for RCF’s convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for RCF’s convenience, the date /extent to which such termination becomes effective. The works that are complete, at the time of receipt of notice of termination shall be taken over by RCF at the contract terms and prices. 20.0 PAYMENT TERMS: The Contractor shall be entitled to be paid monthly for running account bill on the basis of the actual work executed at the rates mentioned in the bill of quantity of the work order. 100% of net payable amount shall be released within seven days from the date of Certification of the bill by the engineer. The contractor will submit the bill in the form of soft copy and will also submit one hard copy of the measurements & abstract . The contractor has to submit the Tax Invoice (bill) in triplicate, according to the terms & conditions of the contract. RCF shall have recourse to Contractor for any costs, claims, demands, proceedings, damages and expenses whatsoever arising out of, or in connection with any failure of Contractor to perform any of his responsibilities / obligations under the terms of the contract. Any money due or becoming due from the Contractor pertaining to this contract shall be recovered from Contractor’s bills. For reinforcement steel bars material, 45% of the amount calculated by quantity & respective item rate shall be paid against material delivery at site. 12 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 21.0 VARIATION IN SCOPE OF WORK & EXTRA ITEMS: Quantities indicated in Schedule of quantities are subject to variation on either side. The quantity of individual item may be deleted. Contractor shall not be entitled for any compensation on this account and the quoted rates shall hold good for such Quantity variations etc. 10% increase in the overall initial work value shall be allowed as per the sole discretion of RCF as per requirement in the work and RCF reserves the right and it is binding on the part of Contractor to adhere with the terms & conditions of the awarded contract In case of executing of items of work not included in the rate schedule, the rates for such items shall be fixed / derived on the following basis after prior written approval of Work order issuing authority after concurrence from finance department , following the order of basis as under. a) Similar item-rate basis or otherwise. b) On basis of Fair Market Schedule of Rates of Brihan Mumbai Corporation for Building Work of the year 2013 along with percentage applicable as per Work Order. (BMC FMRS 2013 consists of rates which are including 5% VAT & 4.944% Service tax for work items under composition and 12.36% service tax for service/labour work item, hence while arriving at the base rate these two components will be reduced. Then on this base rate percentage applicable as per Work Order will be added/deducted and then present VAT & Service Tax as mentioned above will be added.) c) On prevailing market rate basis for deployment of work force and requisite materials in the work with an addition of 15% thereon for profit and overhead charges. 22.0 FORCE MAJEURE: Neither the Contractor nor RCF shall be considered in default in the performance of their obligations as per the contract so long as such performance is prevented or delayed because of strikes, war, hostilities, revolution, civil commotion, epidemics, accidents, fire, cyclone, flood or because of any law and order proclamation, regulation or ordinance of Government or subdivision thereof or because of any act of God, provided it shall promptly, in any case not later than 14 days of happening of the event, notify the other, the details or of the Force Majeure and the influence on its activities under the contract. The proof of existence of Force Majeure shall be provided by the party claiming it to the satisfaction of the other. Should either party be prevented from fulfilling the obligations provided for in the contract by the existence of causes of Force Majeure lasting continuously for a period exceeding 3 months, then the parties shall consult immediately with each other with regard to the future implementation of the contract. In the event of indefinite delay, even if arising out of reasons due to Force Majeure, RCF shall have the right at their discretion to can the order or part of the work order without any liability on their part to make any payment to the Contractor, while reserving the right to claim refund of any payment if advanced or paid to the Contractor. 13 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 23.0 JURISDICTION : The contract shall be deemed to have been entered into at Mumbai and all causes of action in relation to the contract will thus be deemed to have been arising only within the jurisdiction of the Mumbai Courts. 24.0 DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION : In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under this contract, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of a person appointed to be the Arbitrator by CMD, RCF. It will be of no objection that the Arbitrator is in service of RCF, that he had to deal with the matters to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as an employee of RCF he had expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference, the Arbitrator shall give a reasoned or speaking award. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this contract. In the event of the arbitrator dying, neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the CMD of RCF to appoint another Arbitrator in place of outgoing Arbitrator in the manner aforesaid. The venue of Arbitration shall be Mumbai. In the event of any dispute or difference between RCF and any other Public Sector Undertaking or between RCF and Government Department relating to the interpretation and application of the provisions of the Contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to the Arbitration machinery provided by the Department of Public Enterprises. 25.0 FACILITIES TO BE GIVEN BY RCF : At single point at site Power& water shall be made available free of cost. Further distribution shall be arranged by Contractor. All electrical installations put up by Contractor shall be in conformity with Indian Electricity Act (latest edition) or rules there-under. No claim in any form on account of failure of power/water supply will be entertained. Contractor shall be provided with limited amount of open space near the site, free of cost. He shall not use at any time any other open / covered land near the site other than the space provided for his use, without the permission of RCF. Contractor shall specify his minimum requirement of space at site well in advance. Contractor will be permitted to construct temporary sheds at the space allotted to him at his own cost to accommodate his site office / stores. Any temporary structure set up at site by Contractor shall be of sound construction and Contractor shall be solely responsible for any damage or consequence thereof of the same. Any temporary structure made by Contractor in connection with the work shall be dismantled and removed by him and entire area where the work was performed cleared of any surplus or scrap materials, rubbish or debris within thirty days of issue of Taking over Certificate or such earlier date as RCF may require. In order to complete the work in the scheduled time, the Contractor will be allowed to work beyond normal working hours. 14 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 26.0 LAWS PERTAINING TO LABOUR: (i) Contractor shall obtain all licenses / permits required for the employment of labour at site under relevant laws and shall maintain all such registers / records as required by such laws in force for the time being and display such information and notices as are required. Any information required by Personnel & Welfare Department of RCF for discharge of obligations under such laws shall be promptly furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall keep the Employer - RCF indemnified in case of any action is taken against the Employer by the competent Authority on account of contravention of any of the provisions of any Act or rules made thereunder, regulations or notifications including amendments. If the Employer is caused to pay or reimburse such amounts as may be necessary to cause or observe, or for non-observance of the provisions stipulated in the notifications/bye laws/Acts/Rules/ regulations including amendments, if any, on the part of the Contractor, the Employer-RCF shall have the right to deduct any money due to the Contractor including Security Deposits/pending and other running bills. Any obligation, financial or otherwise imposed under any statutory enactment, rules and regulations which is prospectively (giving retrospective effect) thereunder shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish the following information to the Personnel Dept., within 7 days of the receipt of the Work Order or actual date of commencement of work, whichever is earlier through Execution Dept. Work Order Copy. ESI & PF Allotment letter. Labour Licence/application for Labour Licence for Form No.V by the Principal Employer, if applicable. Nature of work and the no. of workers to be engaged from the date of commencement of work. List of sub-Contractors, if any, to execute the work along with detail information of Sub-Contractors. Exact period of Contract as well as Contract value. Rate of Wages and the date of payment. Execution Dept. may please ensure that all above documents are forwarded to Personnel Dept., by the Contractor through Execution Dept. This must reach to Personnel Dept., before forwarding first bill of Contractors for payment so as to comply with the requirements of Law. LABOUR LICENCE(i) Contractor engaging 20 or more workers must obtain valid Labour Licence for employing no., of persons as Contract Labour and it should mentioned the location and the maximum no. of contract labour to be employed/ engaged before actual execution of work and copy be forwarded to Personnel Dept., before actual execution of work. The Contractor shall not undertake or execute any work through contract labour except under and in accordance with the licence issued on that behalf by the Licensing Officer. The licence may be renewed as per the requirement. 15 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid (ii) Contractor shall keep muster rolls of the labour employed at site noting their attendance and wages. Payments to them shall be made as per rules in the force. Such rolls shall always be open for inspection by RCF. (iii) Contractor must obtain Registration No. under Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act & also submit ESI, PF, allotment letter issued by Govt. authorities to RCF before execution at work at RCF site. (iv) If the work entails employing 20 (twenty) or more contact workers, the Contractor should obtain a license from competent authority as per provisions of contract labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act-1970 and the Maharashtra Contract Labour (R&A) Rules – 1971 and produce copy before actual commencement of work at RCF site.. (v) The Contractor will be liable for payment of all claims of damages, compensation or expenses payable as a result of any accident or injury or death sustained by workmen employed or used by him in execution of this contract, which he is liable to pay by rule, law or order of Government. The expenses, if any, incurred by RCF on the above will be recovered from the Contractor, from any amount that may be due from RCF to the Contractor. If any accident or injury or death is sustained by any worker, the Contractor should immediately inform RCF in writing giving full particulars about the injured person for preparing the accident report and giving the necessary first aid. (vi) The Contractor shall ensure that at all times the persons appointed by him to serve in the company’s premises are physically fit and are free from any disease, injury or illness, contagious or otherwise, in order to ensure that a healthy, hygienic and clean services are maintained. (vii) If required, the employees and those declared unfit shall be removed by the Contractor taking action promptly. (viii) The Contractor shall ensure that the person or persons appointed or to be appointed by those for service in the company’s premises do not suffer from any legal disqualification for service by reason of his age or any law or statute in force from time to time or any other reason whatsoever. (ix) The employees of the Contractor shall be liable to search by the Company’s Security Force and shall have to strictly observe the Company’s directions. (x) If the Company is not satisfied with the services for conduct of any of the employees of the Contractor for any reason whatsoever, the Contractor shall remove such employees from the Company’s premises. (xi) The Contractor shall comply with all the Central, State and Municipal laws and rules and shall be solely responsible for complying with the provisions. Any obligations, financial or otherwise, imposed under any statutory enactments, rules, and regulations there under seven intimated shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. (xii) The Contractor should deposit the P.F & ESIC contributions on every calendar month; the Contractor should give such list of employees and recovery of P.F. & ESIC from them as also the Contractor’s contribution. The bill shall be 16 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid passed for payment only after the Contractor produces the receipts of P.F. as well as ESIC contributions of workers. (xiii) The Contractor shall cover their employees under the Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme. (xvi) Engagement of child Labour / Adolescent is prohibited and any one violating this clause will be Black Listed and whenever there are violation of the Provisions, the Company will resort to legal action against the Employer as deemed fit. [xv] All persons employed by the Contractor shall be his own employees for all intends and purposes i.e., Contractors own strength. Contractor Supervisors should available to give instructions to the Contractor workers and will supervise the entire work. [xvi] The Contractor shall ensure that he, his sub-Contractor and his, or their personnel or representatives shall comply with all safety regulations issued from time to time by the Company. Any contract labour problem arising out of contract terms will have to be sorted out and settled by the Contractor and RCF will not own any responsibility in this regard of whatsoever nature. SAFETY OF WORKERS: (For Site Job) Contractor shall take clearance from Safety Department before start of any job within factory premises and their advice shall be implemented in letter & spirit. Report of every accident minor or major must be immediately submitted to the Chief Safety officer, RCF Chembur by Shift Incharge and Site Incharge of the Contractor. Every employee of the Contractor must undergo the job safety training conducted by RCF Safety Deptt.,as per advice of Chief Safety Officer, RCF, Chembur. Contractor shall report to Safety Department for above course. Contractor must supply necessary safety appliances to his workmen and workmen must wear appropriate safety appliances e.g. Helmet, Gas Masks, Safety Belt etc. while working. All safety appliances shall be of good quality, standard make and BIS certified. All tools, tackles etc. used by the Contractor shall be in safe working condition and shall be certified by the Competent person as per statutory requirements, and any damaged/unsuitable tools & tackles must be removed from the Site. Contractor shall not undertake any work within the Battery Limits of the Plants, unless proper and valid Safety Work Permit is obtained from concerned Plant/ Dept. 17 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid In case any of the safety provisions are violated, the entry Gate Pass of the concerned Worker/workers shall be suspended and necessary action will be taken. The Contractor shall abide by all the directives of RCF and statutory bodies regarding Safety of his workmen, equipments etc. issued to him from time to time. The Contractor shall submit , before actual commencement of the work , the Names, Permanent & Present Address / Age / Qualifications, experience and two Passport size photograph of all employees to be placed at Site to RCF‟s Personnel Deptt. Any addition to the strength or Workers shall also be intimated to RCF immediately with all details. After completion of job at the site, contractor shall remove all unwanted/ scrap material, material used during the course of the job, e.g. scaffolding tubes, tools/tackles, metal plates, wooden planks, cotton rags, empty drums ,etc. from site and clean up the concerned area to maintain Good housekeeping inside the Plant. A certificate of completion/ surrounding area cleaned-up, shall be obtained from the concerned Plant authority and the same shall be made a part of the job completion document. Dress Code : All contractor workmen should have dress i.e. proper fitting shirt, pant and shoes in factory premises. Personal protective equipments applicable for specific jobs shall be used as additional measures. Horse-play, fooling, quarrels/ fights, over speeding of vehicles, talking on mobiles while driving the vehicles, more than two persons on a two wheeler, smoking in Plant area is strictly prohibited. Contractor shall have appropriate mode of transport of the material like tempo, truck, tankers etc. in good condition with valid RTO registration and other statutory documents. The drivers should have valid driving license and they must abide by RTO regulations inside the factory. PENALTIES FOR NON ADHERENCE OF SAFETY :The party shall be penalized for any violation of safety rules by their workers/supervisors at workplace during execution of job. Monetary Penalty shall be imposed as per below list for safety violations. Repeated violations shall lead to suspension /stoppage of the work and cancellation of Work Order. Following shall be termed as violation of safety rules and the monetary fine imposed upon the party shall be as elaborated below :i) Person not wearing safety helmet during working as per job requirement : ì. 500/- per each person. ii) Person not wearing shoes during working as per job requirement: ì 500/- per 18 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid each person. iii) Person not wearing Safety belt (double lanyard full body harness) during working as per the job requirement: ì 1000/- per each person. iv) Person not wearing face shield during working as per the job requirement: ì. 500/- per each person. v) Person working with lifting/lowering tools/tackles without valid test certificate: ì 2000/- per tool/tackle. vi) Person working with electrical supply connection without appropriate plugpin: ì 1000/- per plug pin connection. 19 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 20 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 21 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 22 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 23 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 24 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 25 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 26 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid SECURITY OF MATERIALS: The Contractor shall provide for watch and ward for all materials/equipments issued to him by RCF as well as for his own materials, tools & tackles. The Contractor shall at all times protect adjacent equipments or other property and shall clean up or repair any damage caused through the failure of his protective measures. Extreme care shall be taken regarding this, since the working place will be an operational area. HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE The Contractor should ensure the Industrial and Occupation Hazard and to ensure safe and healthy working conditions at work for the compliance of the Provisions of Factories Act, 1948. The Contractor should provide all the Safety measures and appropriate Supervision to ensure the safety at work site. The Contractor shall ensure that only medically fit persons are engaged for job after medically examined by a competent Doctor. PROHIBITION OF CHILD LABOUR Engagement of child labour/adolescent is prohibited and any one violating this clause will be black listed and whenever there are violation of the provisions, the Company will resort to legal action as deemed fit. Person below the age of 18 should not be employed. PRE-EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL EXAMINATION (BEFORE ENGAGEMENT) OF CONTRACT WORKERS “Contractors will have to submit a certificate of fitness in Form 6 in respect of workers to be engaged inside the factory and no person/ contract labour shall be employed without the valid certificate of fitness”. Execution Department while granting the permission for entry of contract workman shall ensure that a certificate is produced by the Contractor in respect of each worker engaged and the copy of the same is maintained in the record so as to produce to be authority whenever asked for. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to get the Pre-Employment Medical Examination of his workers, done from the Doctor/Agency whose addresses are mentioned below :Sn. 1 2 3. Name ,Address Qualification/Degree Contact No. Dr.R.A. Chhoga Meena Medical Centre, Opp M.B.B.S.(Bom), Sulbha School, Near Sahakar Taakies, L- D.H.M.,A.F.I.H.,C.U.W.M. 4,29/30, Brindavan,TilakNagar, Behind Shopper‟s Stop, Chembur-4000089 Dr.Devendra B.Ingale M.D.(Bom),A.F.I.H.,D.I.M., Keshavsut Diagnostic Clinic, L.L.M. 4/1,ChandrodayHsg.Society, Certifying Surgeon Opp. Meena Towers, Swastik Park , Chembur,Mumbai-71 25271251 (M)9820020004 Dr.Prakash Panchal Jagatguru OHC Centre 2,United Western Apartment, V.S.Road, NearSiddhi Vinayak Temple, Prabhadevi, 24361861 (M) 9870341805 Timings:Mondayto Saturday 9.30 A.M to 1.30 P.M. 6.30 P.M. to 9.00 p.m. Certifying Surgeon, Government of Maharashtr 25226567 (M) 9869005451 27 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Mumbai-400025 4. Dr.Abhay Narayankar Prism Diagnostic Centre & Polyclinic st 105,1 Floor,Mohamadi House, Near Anjuman Highschool, Kurla(W), Mumbai-400070 5. Dr.Milind Sardesai, th Shanti Niketan, Ground Floor,8 Road , Near Ahobila Math,Near Diamond Garden, Chembur,Mumbai- 400 074 6. Dr. D.G. Pandit Gurukrupa Hospital & Polyclinic OHC, Govardhan Dham, Khopat, Thane (W)- 400 601 7. Dr. Pradeep V. Mahajan R-831, T.T.C. , Thane Belapur Road Navi Mumbai a (DISH) Mumbai& Suburban. M.B.B.S., A.F.I.H. 26524374 (M)9869300956 M.B.B.S., A.F.I.H. Saturday & Sunday (Industrial Health Consultants) 10 AM to 1 PM, 4 PM to 8 PM, Contact: Dr. Vasant Sardesai – For Appointments (M)9833128952 Certifying Surgeon 25346446/25404263 Dr.D.G. Pandit (M)9821121261 Dr.KiranPandit (M)9821090696 Certifying Surgeon 27691981/27691679 (M)9867220015 GROUP INSURANCE : The Contractor must take Policy under Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme through Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited and make provision for premium. 27.0 STATUTORY REGULATIONS : Contractor shall, in all matters arising out of performance of the work order conform at his own expenses with all Acts Orders, Regulations Rules & Byelaws of Government of India, State Governments, local bodies and other authorities there-under, for the time being in force and applicable to the work. Contractor shall also ensure that any temporary installation, facilities set up by him to carry out the work conform to such regulation, prior to putting the same into use. Any work or part thereof rejected for non-compliance with statutory regulations shall be modified or replaced by Contractor at no cost to RCF within the agreed time schedule so as to make it conform to applicable regulations. Contractor shall also hold RCF harmless from liability or penalty which might be imposed by reason of any asserted or established violation of such acts, regulations, rules etc. STATUS OF THE CONTRACT LABOUR All the labours employed and engaged by the Contractor shall be the Contractor’s employee for all indents and purposes and compliance of all statutory laws are concerned. 28.0 SUB CONTRACT In the event that Contractor intends to employ sub-Contractors then the written consent of RCF should be obtained before the work is being subcontracted. Subcontracting shall not imply any limitation of Contractor’s liability to fulfill the work order. If the subContractor should appear unfit to carry out his part of the work order or the progress of the sub-Contractor’s work is such that the 28 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid planned time of completion within the terms of the order is jeopardized, RCF has the right to instruct Contractor in writing to terminate the sub-contract at a short notice. The Contractors or the sub-Contractors will not employ any inter-state migrant labour without the permission of Principal Employer. Execution Department must ensure that the following three Proforma with relevant details are submitted to Personnel Department. 1] 29.0 2] Indemnity Bond Affidavit 3] Undertaking On 200 Rs. Stamp paper for issuing Form V to obtain Labour Licence to be submitting by Main Contractor. On 100 Rs. Stamp paper to be signed by sub-Contractor about the Compliance of ESI & PF. On letter head to be signed by Main Contractor for engaging sub-Contractors. RCF’s REPRESENTATIVE : The Engineer appointed by RCF at site shall be responsible for all matters concerning this work, except as otherwise provided herein. All instructions and directions at site to the Contractor shall be issued by the Engineer in writing to Contractor and Contractor’s representative/s at site. Contractor shall carry out the work under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-and in accordance with the provisions herein. 30.0 CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIVE: Contractor shall depute technically qualified, competent and experienced supervisors whose name, qualifications and experience shall be intimated in writing to RCF. The supervisors shall be present at site during working hours and any instruction / directions or other communications delivered to them by Engineer shall be deemed to have been received by Contractor. 29 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 31.0 MATERIALS: Contractor shall have to make their own arrangement for procurement for all materials (except structural steel & paint to be applied on str. Steel) required for the execution of the work. The receipts, test certificates etc., shall be furnished by the Contractor as insisted by Engineer-. An account of consumable materials procured and actually consumed in the work as compared to the theoretical requirement shall be prepared in consultation with Engineer. 32.0 GENERAL : (i) During execution the Contractor shall at all times keep the work and storage area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish. After completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove or dispose off, in a satisfactory manner, all temporary structure, waste and debris and leave the premises in a condition satisfactory to RCF. (ii) The Contractor shall not object to the execution of work by other Contractors or tradesmen and offer them every facility for the execution of their several works simultaneously with his own. (iii) The Contractor shall carry out all his works at site in close consultation with RCF so that other works at the site are not impeded. (iv) The Contractor shall submit Fortnightly Progress Report of the work to Engineer in a mutually agreed format. (v) The Contractor shall provide at his own cost all necessary safety measures required to protect the public as well as his workmen from accident and shall be bound to bear the expenses of defense of any action or legal proceedings that may be brought by any person for injury or death sustained owing to the neglect of safety precautions and to pay any damages and costs which may awarded in consequence as per rules in force. (vi) The Contractor shall carry out the work in a manner that would ensure the safety of the property and the personnel working at / near the site and if RCF objects to any unsafe practice in use, the Contractor shall rectify it at his own cost. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to install and maintain adequate safety devices, to meet the requirement of all statutory regulations in vogue from time to time and to the satisfaction of RCF. Such safety devices shall include, but not limited to, temporary guards, shores, bracing, scaffolding, guard rails, fences, temporary floorings, notice boards, lights, watchman etc. to protect and warn the public and guard the works. A.G.M. (C) ______________________________ For & on behalf of M/s. R.C.F. Ltd. Seal & Signature of the Tenderer Place: _________________ & Dated _____________________ 30 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Annexure III-B BID BOND PROFORMA (EMD in BG form) (To be submitted on Rs.200/- non judicial stamp paper) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bank Guarantee No: ------------------------ Dated. ------------------M/s Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd, …………………., ………………….. Dear Sirs, This Guarantee is made and issued on this day ___________________________ by __________________ , a Banking Company incorporated under Banking Regulation Act, having its registered office at ______________________ (herein after called BANK which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or contrary to the meaning thereof include its successors and assignees) in favour of Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act and having its registered office at “Priyadarshni”, Eastern Express Highway, Sion, MUMBAI – 400 022 (hereinafter called “RCF” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or contrary to the meaning, thereof, include its successor and assignees) WHEREAS the RCF issued a Notice Inviting Tenders(NIT) no.-------------------dated------------------,inviting offers for supply/undertake------------------project (hereinafter referred to as the Material/Project) and, in response there to, M/s -----------------------------------------------a Company incorporated in ------------ having its registered office at ------------------------------- --------------- (hereinafter called “BIDDER”) offered to supply Material/undertake the Project. AND WHEREAS the NIT provides inter-alia, that a BID BOND for an amount of Rs. ______ (Rupees______________ only) shall be submitted to the Owner in India by the Bidders along with their respective bids, and that if such bidder withdraws his bid at any time before the execution of the contract between RCF and the successful Bidder on or before ____________ or changes the terms and conditions of the bid without RCF‟s consent, or if a Bidder on becoming the successful bidder, fails to or refuses to execute a contract and/ or to furnish a performance bond to RCF after the issue of a Letter of Intent to him, then the security delivered on this bid bond shall thereupon be due and owing to OWNER as liquidated damages. 1. In consideration of BIDDER‟s bid submitted to RCF for supplying Material/ undertaking Project, we ----------------bank hereby agree to pay the RCF an amount not exceeding Rs. --------------- (Rupees ------------------------------- only) on demand if the BIDDER (i) withdraws his proposal at any time before the execution of contract, in accordance with the Bid Invitation/NIT between OWNER and the successful Bidder on or before __________________, or (ii) changes the terms and conditions of the bid submitted by him without RCF‟s consent, or (iii) on RCF deciding the BIDDER as successful bidder and there upon issuing Letter of intent to the BIDDER by RCF, the BIDDER (as the successful bidder) fails or refuses to execute a contract and/ or furnish a Bank Guarantee as security deposit and performance guarantee for the faithful performance of the contract, in accordance with the terms and conditions of NIT. 2. The BANK declare that it is holding the amount of Rs.--------------- (Rupees ------------------ only) at RCF‟s disposal and hereby promises and shall be bound to pay to RCF, forthwith and without demur, on a mere demand made in writing by RCF, stating that the 31 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid BIDDER has failed to fulfil one of the conditions mentioned in (a) or (b) or (c), of clause 1 hereinabove. 3. This Guarantee shall be valid in respect of the claim lodged by OWNER with BANK on or before ____________ or any further extended date of the Bank Guarantee. 4. We, _________ (bank) undertake to pay RCF the money so demanded forthwith, notwithstanding any dispute(s) raised by in any suit or proceedings pending before any court or tribunal relating thereto, our liability under these presents being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and that RCF shall have no claim whatsoever against us for making such payment. 5. The claim if any, under this Guarantee, shall be lodged at (bank-branch and address) -------------------------------------. 6. The BANK hereby agrees that the Courts in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any matter of dispute between RCF and the BANK and that all the future correspondence in regard to this bank guarantee shall be addressed to Chief Finance Manager, Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited Administrative Building, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 074. INDIA. 7. This Guarantee shall be in addition to and shall not in any way be prejudiced and affected by any other security now or hereafter held by RCF for all or any part of the moneys herein mentioned. 8. We have the power to issue this Guarantee in your favour under the Charter of our Bank and the undersigned has full power to execute this Guarantee under the Power of Attorney granted to him by the Bank. SIGNED AND DELIVERED ON THIS _______________ DAY OF ________ Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of _____________________. (bank) Signature of Authorised Official of bank Name of the Official: Designation of the Official: Name of Bank: Branch: Address of Branch: Telephone / Mobile No : Fax No: Email Id: 32 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Annexure III-C PROFORMA FOR BANK GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENTS (To be submitted on Rs. 200/- non judicial stamp paper) _______________________________________________________________________ _ Bank Guarantee No……………… dated. ……………… M/s Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd, …………………., ………………….. Dear Sirs, In consideration of M/s Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited a Company incorporated under Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at “Priyadarshini”, Eastern Express Highway, Sion Trombay Road, Mumbai - 400 022 [hereinafter referred to as „RCF‟, which expression unless repugnant to the context and meaning thereof shall include its successors and assigns] having agreed to make an advance payment of Rs. _________ [Rupees _______________] in one or more installments to M/s _______________ a company incorporated under _____________ Act and having its registered office at __________________ [hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR” which expression unless repugnant to the context and meaning thereof shall include its successors and assigns], provided the CONTRACTOR furnishes a bank guarantee for the said sum of Rs. ________[ Rupees __________ ] as required under the terms and conditions of CONTRACT / Work Order / Purchase Order No _______ dated ___________ [ hereinafter referred to as “the Order”] placed by RCF on the said CONTRACTOR, we __________________, a banking company incorporated under the Banking Regulations Act, having our registered office at __________________[hereinafter referred to as “the BANK” which expression shall include its successors and assigns ] do hereby undertake to pay RCF an amount not exceeding Rs. ____________ [Rupees _______________] on demand made by RCF on us due to default in repayment of the advance and/or applicable interest thereon by the said CONTRACTOR. 1. We ____________, the bank, hereby undertake to pay the amount under the guarantee without demur merely on a demand received in writing from RCF stating that there is a default in repayment of advance and/or interest by the CONTRACTOR or that, by the reasons of the CONTRACTOR‟s failure to comply with the terms and conditions as stipulated in the Order or amendments(s) thereto, RCF is of the opinion that the CONTRACTOR would not repay the said advance and/or interest thereon. The demand made on the BANK shall be conclusive as to the default and also as to the amount due and payable by the BANK under this guarantee, notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the said CONTRACTOR regarding the validity of such default and we agree to pay the amount so demanded by RCF without any demur. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. _________ [Rupees __________________]. 2. We, _______________, the bank, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the recovery of the said advance along with interest thereon and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of RCF under or by virtue of the said Order have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged. 3. We _____________, the bank, undertake to pay to RCF any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the said CONTRACTOR in any suit or proceedings pending before any court or tribunal relating thereto, as our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this guarantee shall be valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the said CONTRACTOR shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 33 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 4. We _____________, further agree that RCF shall have full liberty, without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligation hereunder, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the Order or to extend time for completion of the contractual obligation by the said CONTRACTOR from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by RCF against the said CONTRACTOR and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the order and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said CONTRACTOR or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of RCF or any indulgence by RCF to the CONTRACTOR or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provisions have effect of so relieving us. 5. In order to give full effect to this guarantee, RCF will be entitled to act as if the BANK were the principal debtor and the BANK hereby waives all rights of surety ship. 6. Our liability under this bank guarantee is restricted to Rs. _________ [Rupees __________________] and shall remain in force up to _______________ and thereafter till the expiry of the extended period, if any, (hereinafter Validity period). Unless a demand is made under this guarantee on us in writing at any time from the date of issue of the guarantee till the expiry of the Validity period, we shall be discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter. 7. The claim, if any, under this guarantee, shall be lodged at (address of BANK & Branch) __________________________________. 8. This guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the constitution of the BANK or of the said CONTRACTOR or the provision of the contract between Supplier / Contractor and RCF. 9. The BANK hereby agrees that the Courts in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any matter of dispute between RCF and the BANK and that all the future correspondence in regard to this bank guarantee shall be addressed to Chief Finance Manager, Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited Administrative Building, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 074. INDIA. 10. We have the power to issue this Guarantee in your favour under the Charter of our Bank and the undersigned has full power to execute this Guarantee under the Power of Attorney granted to him by the Bank. 11. We, _________________, the bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency, without the previous consent of the RCF in writing. SIGNED AND DELIVERED ON THIS _______________ DAY OF ________ Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of _____________________. (bank) Signature of Authorised Official of bank Name of the Official: Designation of the Official: Name of Bank: Branch: Address of Branch: Telephone / Mobile No : 34 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Fax No: Email Id: Annexure III-D FORMAT FOR BANK GUARANTEE TOWARDS SECURITY DEPOSIT AND PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (To be submitted on Rs. 200/- non judicial stamp paper) Bank Guarantee No. __________ dated ________ M/s Rashtriya Chemicals & fertilizers Ltd, …………………., ………………….. ………………….. Dear Sirs, In consideration of M/s Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, [hereinafter referred to as „RCF‟, which expression unless repugnant to the context and meaning thereof shall include its successors and assigns], having agreed to exempt, M/s__________________ having its registered/principal office at ________________________________________ [hereinafter referred to as „Supplier / Contractor‟ which expression unless repugnant to the context and meaning thereof shall include its successors and assigns], from depositing with RCF a sum of Rs.___________ towards security / performance guarantee in lieu of the said Supplier / Contractor having agreed to furnish an irrevocable bank guarantee for the said sum of Rs. _________ as required under the terms and conditions of Contract / Work Order / Purchase Order no. ________________ dated __________ [hereinafter referred as the „Order‟] placed by RCF on the said supplier / contractor, we, ____________________________________________ [hereinafter referred to as „the Bank‟ which expression shall include its successors and assigns] do hereby undertake to pay RCF an amount not exceeding Rs. _____________ [Rupees _________________ ] on demand made by RCF on us due to a breach committed by the said Supplier / Contractor of the terms and conditions of the Order. 1. We ____________ the Bank hereby undertake to pay the amount under the guarantee without any demur merely on a demand received in writing from RCF stating that the Supplier / Contractor has committed breach of the term(s) and/or condition(s) contained in the Order and/or failed to comply with the terms and conditions as stipulated in the Order or amendment(s) thereto. The demand made on the Bank by RCF shall be conclusive as to the breach of the term(s) and/or condition(s) of the Order and the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee, notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the said Supplier / Contractor regarding the validity of such breach and we agree to pay the amount so demanded by RCF forthwith and without any demur. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. ______________ [Rupees _________________ ]. 2. We, ______________ the Bank further agree that this irrevocable guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said Order and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of RCF under or by virtue of the said Order have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till RCF certifies that the terms and conditions of the Order have been fully and properly carried out by the Supplier / Contractor and accordingly discharge the guarantee. 3. We ________________ the Bank, undertake to pay to RCF any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the said Supplier / Contractor in any suit or proceedings pending before any court or tribunal relating thereto as our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Guarantee shall be valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the said Supplier / Contractor shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We ________________ the Bank further agree that RCF shall have full liberty, without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligation hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the Order or to extend time of performance by the said Supplier / Contractor from time to time or to postpone, for any time or from time to time, any of the powers exercisable by the RCF against the said Supplier / Contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the Order and shall 35 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Supplier / Contractor or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of RCF or any indulgence by RCF to the Supplier / Contractor or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provisions have effect of so relieving us. 5. In order to give full effect to this guarantee, RCF will be entitled to act as if the BANK were the principal debtor and the BANK hereby waives all rights of surety ship. 6. Our liability under this bank guarantee is restricted to Rs. _________ [Rupees __________________] and shall remain in force up to _______________ and thereafter till the expiry of the extended period, if any, (hereinafter Validity period). Unless a demand is made under this guarantee on us in writing at any time from the date of issue of the guarantee till the expiry of the Validity period, we shall be discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter. 7. The claim, if any, under this guarantee, shall be lodged at (address of BANK & Branch) _________________________________________. 8. This guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the constitution in the Bank or the said Supplier / Contractor or the provision of the contract between Supplier / Contractor and RCF. 9. The BANK hereby agrees that the Courts in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any matter of dispute between RCF and the Bank and the Bank hereby agrees to address all the future correspondence in regard to this bank guarantee to Chief Finance Manager, Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, Administrative Building, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 074. INDIA. 10. We have the power to issue this Guarantee in your favour under the Charter of our Bank and the undersigned has full power to execute this Guarantee under the Power of Attorney granted to him by the Bank. 11. We, _____________ the Bank lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the RCF in writing. SIGNED AND DELIVERED ON THIS _______________ DAY OF ________ Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of _____________________. (bank) Signature of Authorised Official of bank Name of the Official: Designation of the Official: Name of Bank: Branch: Address of Branch: Telephone / Mobile No : Fax No: Email Id: 36 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Annexure III-E LIST OF RCF APPROVED BANKERS FOR BANK GUARANTEES A) STATE BANK OF INDIA AND IT‟S ASSOCIATE BANKS: 1. State Bank of India, 2. State Bank of Bikanar & Jaipur, 3. State Bank of Hyderabad, 4. State Bank of Mysore, 5. State Bank of Patiala, 6. State Bank of Travancore. B) NATIONALISED BANKS: 1. Allahabad Bank, 2. Andhra Bank, 3. Bank of Baroda, 4. Bank of India, 5. Bank of Maharashtra, 6. Canara Bank, 7. Central Bank of India, 8. Corporation Bank, 9. Dena Bank, 10. Indian Bank, 11. Indian Overseas Bank, 12. Oriental Bank of Commerce, 13. Punjab & Sind Bank, 14. Punjab National Bank, 15. Syndicate Bank, 16. UCO Bank, 17. Union Bank of India, 18. United Bank of India, 19. Vijaya Bank. C) OTHER BANKS: 1. Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd 2. City Union Bank Ltd 3. Kotak Mahindra bank Ltd., 4. South Indian Bank Ltd., 5. Tamilnad Merchantile Bank Ltd., 6. The Federal Bank Ltd., 7. The Jammu & Kashmir bank Ltd, 8. The Karnataka Bank Ltd, 9. The Karur Vyaya Bank Ltd, D) FOREIGN BANKS: 1. American Express Bank Ltd, 2. Bank of American National Trust & Saving Association, 3. Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd, 4. Barclays Bank PLC 5. BNP Paribas 6. Calyon Bank 7. Citibank N.A., 8. Deutsche Bank, 9. Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) 10. Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd, 11. JP Morgan Chase Bank, 12. Royal Bank of Scotland 13. Standard Chartered Bank, F) PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS : 1. Axis bank Ltd 2. HDFC Bank Ltd 3. ICICI Bank Ltd 4. IDBI Bank Ltd 5. ING Vysya Bank Ltd 37 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 6. Yes Bank Ltd Annexure III-F (FORMAT FOR SOLVENCY CERTIFICATE) ( on Bank‟s Letter Head ) ___________________________________________________________________ ___ REF NO:………………… DATE:……………,,,,,,,,, To Whomsoever Concerned This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information, M/s ___________________________ (Bidders name with complete address), a customer of our Bank, is respectable, and is capable of executing orders to the extent of Rs. _________ (Rupees________________________). M/s _________________ have been our customer since ______ to date and has been granted the following limits, at present, against various facilities granted by the Bank: ……………………… …………….. ……………………… ……………... This certificate is issued without any guarantee, risk or responsibility on behalf of the Bank or any of its officials. This certificate is issued at the specific request of the customer. Yours faithfully, (Bank Official‟s signature & stamp) 38 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Annexure III–H Format of BG confirmation letter: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( On RCF Letter Head ) No. Date : The Branch Manager …………………………… (Bank Branch) ……………………………. ……………………………. ……………………………. Dear Sirs, Sub : Confirmation of Bank Guarantee Ref : Details of the Bank Guarantee as under BG No : …………………………………………………… BG Date : …………………………………………………. BG Amount : …………………………………………….. BG Expiry Date : …….………………………………….. BG w.r.t. RCF‟s PO/WO/NIT No: .…………………….. BG w.r.t. RCF‟s PO/WO/NIT Date : ….……………….. BG issued on behalf of : ………………………………. We have received the above referred Bank Guarantee issued by you in favour of us on behalf of M/s. ………………………………………………………………… We, here by, request you to confirm that the said Bank Guarantee has been issued by your subject Bank-Branch in favour of us & on behalf of above vendor as required to be submitted by the said vendor in accordance with the terms & conditions of the PO./ WO / NIT No. ………………… Dated. ………………….placed by us. We shall appreciate your sending the confirmation by mentioning our letter reference Fax and followed by your letter along with copy of said Bank Guarantee by return post directly to the undersigned. Kindly send confirmation at the address given below. Mr /Ms ………………………………. ……………………………………… Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., .……………………………………… ……………………………………….. Fax : …………….. email Id: …………………… Thanking you , Yours faithfully 39 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid RCF/TU/FCM/UREA ET 12/2014-15 Tender work : Extension of existing Raw Material Storage facility in RCF Factory at Chembur, Mumbai-400074. Basic Information Sheet 1. Name of the Firm: 2. Year of Establishment: 3. Office Address: 4. Correspondence Address : 5. Telephone Nos. : 6. Fax Nos.: 7. Valid e-mail id: 8. Details of the Contact person authorized by firm for this tender work : Name : Designation : Telephone No. : Valid e-mail id 9. Mobile No.: : Status of the Firm: (Whether a co. registered under cos. Act 1956 or a partnership firm or a propriety concern) 10. Names of the Chairman/M.D./Directors (in case of companies) or name of the Partners (in case of Partnership firm. A copy of partnership deed to be enclosed) or name of the Proprietor (in case of proprietary concern): ( Note: Bidders are requested to submit the above details on their letterhead.) 40 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid APPENDIX : A VENDOR DATA UPDATION FORM Both New Vendors and Existing Venders may please note that details listed below are required and will used for making all payments POs / WOs, refund of EMDs / SDs, forwarding the details of payments by email, issue of TDS certificates, Works Contract TDS Certificate, C Form for CST purchases etc. Vendors registered with RCF and currently receiving payment through Direct Bank Credit need to indicate only the RCF Vendor code and may not fill and furnish the other details again, if all the details as above are already furnished to RCF earlier and available in RCF SAP Vendor Master. Sr.No Title Sub Titles Purpose to be used for I NAME Title (Whether Company / M/s / Mr / Mrs / etc.) Name ( As it appears on the Bank * Cheque) Type (Whether for Purchases or will be filled by RCF Services) RCF Vendor Code ( for existing RCF Vendors) II III IV V VI RCF Vendor Code ( for new Vendors, RCF will create and fill) ADDRESS House/ bldg. Number Street Street City / Postal Code District / State Country Region Code SUPPLY District / State (If the state from STATE which supplies are going to be made is different from the State given above, then specify the Place / State for C- forms.) Other Region Code COMMUNIC Contact person ATION Telephone incl. ext. Mobile Phone Fax Email Standard communication method ACCOUNT If also a RCF's Customer ? CONTROL Group Key TAX CST Reg NO. for C forms INFORMA TION LST No. ( Local VAT REG NO) Service Tax Reg. No. Excise Reg. No. PAN NO. * will be filled by RCF * * * * will be filled by RCF To be given, if applicable. * will be filled by RCF * * STD Code STD Code Tel No Extn Tel No * by email only Yes / No will be filled by RCF * 41 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid VII DETAILS OF BANK VIII REFERENCE DATA Bank Key will be filled by RCF Bank Account No. of Vendor * Name of Bank * Name of Branch * Bank IFSC Code * Bank Branch Code (Only for SBI accounts) Bank Address * Bank City * 9 Digit code appearing on MICR * cheque Telephone No. of Bank STD Code Tel No Extn Fax No. of Bank STD Code Fax No. Type of Account (for SB A/c=10, * Current A/c=11 or CC=13 ) Region will be filled by RCF Industry (whether psu, air force, military, Govt, others) Micro / SSI Status (Whether Micro , Small, Medium Enterprise under Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006) For new vendors : 1 2 3 4 5 Place : Date : It is mandatory ( Compulsory) to fill relevant data for item marked " * " Enclose a blank cheque / a photocopy of the cheque. Enclose a photocopy of Pass Book first page containing name and address of Account Holder We hereby authorise RCF Ltd to make all payments to us by Direct Credit to our Bank Accounts details of which are given above. We hereby authorise RCF Ltd to deduct bank charges applicable for such Direct Bank Payments. Common Seal Signature ………………………………… Name ………………………………… Designation ………………………………… 42 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Integrity Pact RCF is committed to ensure that it carries its business with integrity and transparency. The Company has framed rules to avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered into with a view to :Enabling RCF to procure/ undertake the Project/Work(Delete what is not applicable) at a competitive price in conformity with the defined specifications by avoiding the high costs and the distortinary impact of corruption on public procurement, and Enabling BIDDER to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practices in order to secure the contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also abstain from bribing and other corrupt practices and RCF will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by its officials. RCF has therefore laid down the following transparent procedures ( wherever required is referred to as the ‟Integrity Pact‟) which is expected to be adhered by the Company as well as the BIDDER: 1. Commitments of RCF: 1.1 1.2 1.3 RCF undertakes that no official of RCF, connected directly or indirectly with the Project/Work, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the BIDDER, either for themselves or for any other person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or implementation process related to the contract. RCF will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all BIDDERs alike, and will provide to all BIDDERs the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular BIDDER which could afford an advantage to that particular Bidder in comparison to other BIDDERs. In case any preceding misconduct on the part of any official(s) is reported by the BIDDER to RCF with full and verifiable facts, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings may be initiated by RCF and such a person shall be debarred from further dealings related to contract process. In such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by RCF the proceedings under the contract would not be stalled. 2. Commitments of BIDDER 2.1 The BIDDER commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or post-contract stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commit itself to the following: Part II – Technical Cum Unpriced Commercial Bid 35 43 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 The BIDDER will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the RCF, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract. The BIDDER further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of RCF or otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with RCF for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with RCF. BIDDER shall disclose the name(s) and address(es) of foreign principals, associates, agents and distributors, advisors, representatives and sub-contractors. BIDDER shall disclose the payments to be made by them to agents/ brokers or any other intermediary, in connection with this bid/ contract. The BIDDER further confirms and declares to RCF that he has not engaged any individual or firm or company, whether Indian or foreign, to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to RCF or any or its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to the award of the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, firm or Company in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation. The BIDDER, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before signing the contract, shall disclose complete details of any payments made, is committed to or intends to make to any officials of RCF or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon for such payments. The BIDDER will not collude with other parties, interested in the contract, to impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract. The BIDDER will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and illegal activities. The BIDDER shall not use improperly, for purposes of completion or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information provided by RCF as part of the business relationship, such as plans, technical proposals and business details including information contained in any electronic data carrier. The BIDDER also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care to ensure that no information is divulged to others. The BIDDER commits to refrain from giving any complaint in connection with the Project, directly or through any other manner, without supporting it with full and verifiable facts. The BIDDER shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third party to commit any of the actions aforestated. Part II – Technical Cum Unpriced Commercial Bid 44 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 2.13 2.14 If the BIDDER or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf of the BIDDER, either directly or indirectly, is a relative of any of the employees of RCF, or, if any relative of an employee of RCF has financial interest/stake in the BIDDER, the same shall be disclosed by the BIDDER at the time of filing the tender. The term `relative‟ for this purpose would be as defined in Companies Act, 1956 or any modifications thereof. The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of RCF. 3. Previous Transgression 3.1 The BIDDER declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years, in respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder, and/or with any Public Sector Enterprises/ Government department that could justify BIDDERs exclusion from the tender process. 3.2 The BIDDER agrees that if it makes any incorrect statement in the bid, BIDDER can be disqualified from the tender process of the contract, and if already awarded, the Contract can be terminated for such reason. 4. Earnest Money (Security Deposit) 4.1 The earnest Money/ Security Deposit, required to be given by the BIDDER shall be valid up to a period of five years or the complete conclusion of contractual obligations to the complete satisfaction of both the BIDDER and the RCF, including warranty period whichever is later. 4.2 In case the successful BIDDER violates any of the terms of NIT, RCF shall be entitled to forfeit the EMD/SD without assigning any reason. 5. Sanctions For Violations 5.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER) shall entitle RCF to take all or any one of the following actions, wherever required:(i) To immediately call off the pre contract negotiations without assigning any reason or giving any compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with the other BIDDER(s) would continue. (ii) The Earnest Money Deposit (in pre-contract stage) and /or Security Deposit/Performance Bond (after the contract is signed) shall stand forfeited either fully or partially, as decided by RCF, without assigning any reason therefor. (iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to the BIDDER. Part II – Technical Cum Unpriced Commercial Bid 45 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid (iv) To recover all sums already paid by RCF, together with interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Lending Rate of State Bank of India or at 2% higher than LIBOR as may be applicable based on whether the bidder is an Indian party or a foreign party. If any outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from RCF in connection with any other contract for any other Project/Work/ Supply, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum and interest. (v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/ warranty bond, if furnished by the BIDDER, in order to recover the payments, already made by RCF, along with interest. (vi) To terminate all or any other Contracts with the BIDDER. The BIDDER shall be liable to pay compensation for any loss or damage to RCF resulting from such termination and RCF shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the money(s) due to the BIDDER. (vii) To debar/blacklist the BIDDER from participating in future bidding processes of RCF for a minimum period of five years, which may be further extended at the discretion of RCF. (viii) To recover all sums paid, in violation of this Pact by BIDDER to any middleman or agent or broker, with a view to securing the contract. (ix) In case where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been opened in respect of any contract signed by RCF with the BIDDER, the same shall not be opened. (x) Forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by RCF to forfeit the same without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact. 5.2 RCF will be entitled to take all or any of the actions mentioned at para 5.1 (i) to (x) also on the Commission by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (Whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER) of an offence as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal code, 1860 or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other statute enacted for prevention of corruption. The decision of RCF to the effect that a breach of the provisions of the conditions has been committed by the BIDDER shall be final and conclusive on the BIDDER. However, the Bidder can approach the Independent Monitor appointed for the purposes of this Pact. 5.3 6.0 Fall Clause: The BIDDER undertakes that it has not supplied/ is not undertaking Project/Work of similar Capacity at a price lower than that offered in the present bid and if it is found at any stage that similar Project/Work of similar Capacity was offered by the BIDDER to any other Ministry/ Department of the Government of India or a PSU at a lower price, then such lower price, with due allowance for elapsed time, will be applicable to the present NIT/Contract and the difference in the cost would be refunded by the BIDDER to the RCF, if the contract has already been concluded. 7.0 Facilitation of Investigation In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of these terms or payment of commission, RCF shall be entitled to examine all the documents including the Books of Accounts of the Part II – Technical Cum Unpriced Commercial Bid 38 46 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid BIDDER and the BIDDER shall provide necessary information and documents in English and shall extend all possible help for the purpose of such examination 8. Law and Place of Jurisdiction Indian Law shall be applicable to the NIT and Courts in Mumbai shall have Jurisdiction. 9. Other Legal Actions The Actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may follow in accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal proceedings. 10. Validity 10.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date the NIT is issued and extend upto 5 years or the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of RCF and the BIDDER/ Seller, including warranty period, whichever is later. In case BIDDER is not awarded Contract/Purchase Order, this Integrity Pact shall expire after twelve months from the date of issue of the NIT. 10.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this Pact shall remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intentions. 47 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Modalities for reduction In Price Bid offer through e-reverse auction. The general methodology for carrying out the bidding process through the route of Reverse auction is mentioned below. The steps enumerated may vary or be replaced / deleted in order to accommodate for certain systemic or bidding process compliance. 1. The bidders whose price bids have been opened shall have to participate in ereverse auction as decided by RCF at its sole discretion. You shall have to abide by the terms & conditions stipulated in the bid document & shall have to duly filled in process compliance form (Format A). 2. The Technical & Un-priced Commercial Bid, shall be opened on the due date and time as per the NIT, in the presence of the representatives of those bidders who choose to remain present. 3. The stage I opened bid documents shall be scrutinized for technical and commercial acceptability including the pre-qualification criteria (the existing prequalified suppliers shall be exempt from this criteria). The offers not fulfilling the technical criteria as per the NIT shall be rejected outright. 4. The offers will be evaluated as per the evaluation procedure mentioned in the NIT. The offer which meets the NIT requirements, technically (including prequalification criteria) and commercially, shall be eligible for further consideration. Before opening of the Price bid offers, offers of all techno-commercially acceptable tenderers shall be at par. The tenderers whose offers qualify, their Indicative offers will be opened. 5. After opening the Indicative offers and arriving at evaluated cost to RCF, the tenderers whose Indicative offers have been opened shall be required to participate in the Reverse Auction event conducted by the RCF‟s Service Provider. 6. It shall be RCF‟s discretion to use the Lowest Evaluated Cost obtained amongst the Price Bids opened or any other price as decided by RCF as the Opening Bid Price for the Reverse Auction. BUSINESS RULES FOR REVERSE AUCTION A. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF REVERSE AUCTION (ON-LINE BIDDING ON INTERNET) 1. For the reverse auction, technically and commercially acceptable Bidders only shall be eligible to participate. 2. In case the Bidder desires to have necessary training/ assistance to participate in e-reverse auction the same shall be extended by RCF through authorized service provider. 3. RCF will inform the bidders in writing regarding the details of service provider including contact details to enable them to contact and get trained. 4. Business rules like event date, time, start price, bid decrement, extensions, etc. also will be communicated through service provider for compliance. 5. Bidders shall have to enclose the duly signed & filled-in compliance form in the prescribed Format A – Process Compliance Form along with the un-priced 48 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid commercial bid. Without this said form, the bidder will not be eligible to participate in this process. 6. It is mandatory for tenderer to have a valid digital signature certificate issued by any of the valid Certifying Authority approved by Government of India for participation in the Reverse Auction event at the time of submission of offer. The cost of digital signature will be borne by respective tenderer. 7. RCF will provide the evaluation sheet (e.g.: EXCEL sheet) to each tenderer, if any, the start of reverse auction which will help to arrive at “Evaluated Cost to RCF” as detailed in NIT. 8. Reverse auction will be conducted on schedule date & time. 9. At the end of reverse auction event, the evaluated lowest tenderer cost will be displayed on the auction website. 10. The lowest tenderer has to fax / e-mail the duly signed filled-in prescribed Format B – Price Confirmation as provided to RCF immediately after closing of reverse auction event. 11. The reverse auction will be treated as closed only when the bidding process gets closed in all respects for the item listed in the Reverse Auction (RA) event. B. Business Rule for finalization of the procurement Please go through the guidelines carefully given below and submit your acceptance to the same in the attached prescribed Format A – Process Compliance Form along with the un-priced commercial bid. 1. Reverse Auction ON-LINE BIDDING ON INTERNET) shall be conducted by RCF, on pre-specified time & date, the tenderers shall be quoting from their own offices/ place of their choice. Internet connectivity and other paraphernalia requirements shall have to be ensured by tenderers themselves.. In order to ward-off such contingent situation like internet connectivity failure, power failure etc., tenderers are requested to make all the necessary arrangements / alternatives whatever required so that they are able to circumvent such situation and still be able to participate in the reverse auction successfully. However, the tenderers are requested to not to wait till the last moment to quote their bids to avoid any such complex situations. It is to be noted that either RCF or RCF‟S SERVICE PROVIDER shall not be responsible for these unforeseen circumstances 2. RCF‟S SERVICE PROVIDER shall arrange to train the nominated person(s) of the tenderer, without any cost. Service provider shall also explain all the Rules related to the Reverse Auction mentioned in the Business Rules Document to be adopted, as per NIT. 3. OPENING PRICE / BID DECREMENT: The opening bid price of the Reverse Auction and the bid decrement value shall be available to the tenderers on their respective bidding screen. 4. BID PRICE: The Tenderer has to quote the Evaluated Cost to RCF for the items specified. Any techno-commercial loading, to arrive at the Evaluated Cost to RCF, shall be intimated to tenderers prior to Reverse Auction event in the form of Evaluation sheet. Detailed evaluation procedure of bids is mentioned in the NIT as annexure …. 5. Procedure for Reverse Auctioning a. Reverse Auction: RCF will declare its Opening Price (OP), which shall be displayed to all tenderers during the start of the Reverse Auction. The tenderer will be required to start bidding after announcement of Opening Price and decrement amount. Opening Price displayed on screen is basic price (without VAT & service tax) to RCF. The first online bid and the subsequent bids, received 49 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid in the system during the event shall be less than the Auction's opening bid price by one decrement or multiples of decrement. b. Reverse Auction shall be for a period of 60 minutes or as per RCF‟s requirement. If a tenderer places a bid in the last 5 minutes of closing of the Reverse Auction and if that bid gets accepted, then the auction‟s duration shall get extended automatically for another 5 minutes, for the entire auction (i.e. for all the items in the auction), from the time that bid comes in. The auto-extension will take place only if a bid is received & accepted in those last 5 minutes. If the bid does not get accepted, the auto-extension will not take place. In case, there is no bid in the last 5 minutes of closing of Reverse Auction, the auction shall get closed automatically without any extension. However, tenderers are advised not to wait till the last minute or last few seconds to enter their bid during the auto-extension period to avoid complications related with internet connectivity, network problems, system crash down, power failure, etc. c. After the completion of Reverse Auction, the Closing / Final Price (CP) shall be available on auction screen. d. At the end of the reverse auction, L1 tenderer (i.e. tenderer who has quoted lowest final closing price) has to provide price confirmation giving a detail break up through email or fax on tenderer‟s letter-head immediately as per attached prescribed FORMAT B – Price Confirmation. 6. During Reverse Auction, if no bid is received within the specified time, RCF, at its sole discretion, may decide to reschedule / scrap the Reverse Auction process / proceed with conventional mode of tendering / or finalize the tender based on Prices Bid submitted in the envelope 7. Placement of order on the conclusion of Reverse Auction shall be at the discretion of RCF. Bids once made by tenderer, cannot be cancelled or withdrawn. 8. It shall be the prerogative of RCF to offer the Final / Closing Price of Reverse Auction to the other bidders for matching in case RCF decides to have more than one supplier. The bidders shall be offered to confirm FINAL / Closing Price in Reverse Auction in sequence of their ranking in Final Price offered during Reverse Auction event. 9. The tenderer shall be assigned a Unique User Name & Password by RCF‟S SERVICE PROVIDER. The tenderer are advised to change the Password and edit the information in the Registration Page after the receipt of initial Password from RCF‟S SERVICE PROVIDER to ensure confidentiality. All bids made from the Login ID given to tenderer will be deemed to have been made by them. 10. The tenderer will be able to view the following on screen along with the necessary fields in the Reverse Auction: Leading Bid in the Auction (Current Lowest Rate) Bid placed during the event Opening Price & Decrement Value. 11. RCF‟s decision for award of Contract shall be final and binding on all the Tenderers. 12. RCF shall not have any liability to tenderers for any interruption or delay in access to the site irrespective of the cause. 50 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 13. The tenderer will be required to submit their acceptance to the terms / conditions / modality given above before participating in the reverse auction. C. Other terms & conditions The Tenderer shall not indulge either by himself or through any of his representatives in Price manipulation of any kind ether directly or indirectly and shall not divulge, in any manner,the details of rates and other information connected with the tender to other suppliers / tenderers. The Tenderer shall not divulge particulars of his Bids or any other exclusive details of RCF to any other party. RCF and/or RCF‟S SERVICE PROVIDER shall not have any liability to Tenderers for any interruption or delay in access to the site irrespective of the cause. RCF and/or RCF‟S SERVICE PROVIDER is not responsible for any damages, including damages that result from, but are not limited to negligence. RCF and/or RCF‟S SERVICE PROVIDER will not be held responsible for consequential damages, including but not limited to systems problems, inability to use the system, loss of electronic information etc. 51 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid FORMAT – A Process Compliance Form (Tenderers are required to print this on their company’s letter head and sign, stamp before putting it into un-priced commercial bid) To M/s. RCF Ltd. Attention : Sub: Acceptance to the Process related Terms and Conditions for the Reverse Auction Dear Sir, This has reference to the Terms & Conditions for the Reverse Auction mentioned in the NIT NO….. We hereby confirm the following 1) The undersigned is authorized representative of the company. 2) We have carefully gone through the NIT, Tender Documents and the Business Rules governing the Reverse Auction as well as this document. 3) We also confirm that we will undergo the training by RCF‟s SERVICE PROVIDER on the auction tool and the functionality of the same.. 4) We confirm that RCF and RCF‟S SERVICE PROVIDER shall not be liable & responsible in any manner whatsoever for my/our failure to access & bid on the e-auction platform due to loss of internet connectivity, electricity failure, virus attack, problems with the PC, any other unforeseen circumstances etc. before or during the auction event. 5) We also confirm that we have a valid digital certificate issued by a valid Certifying Authority and self attested copy enclosed 6) We also confirm that we will fax / e-mail the price confirmation & price break up of our quoted price as per FORMAT B – Price Confirmation after the closing of reverse auction event We, hereby confirm that we will honour the Bids placed by us during the auction process. With regards Signature with company seal Name – Company / Organization – Designation within Company / Organization – Address of Company / Organization – E-mail Id: Tel no:. Mobile no. : 52 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid FORMAT – B Price Confirmation (Tenderers are required to print this on their company’s letter head and sign, stamp before faxing) To M/s. RCF Ltd. Trombay Unit Attention Sub: Final price quoted during Reverse Auction and price break up Ref : 1. RCF NIT no, ……… 2. Reverse Auction dt. …………… Dear Sir, We confirm that we have quoted the final price 1. ---------------------------------------------------- (in words & figures) (Price quoted on Evaluated cost to RCF basis) as our final prices during the Reverse Auction conducted on _________ (date) With regards Signature with company seal Name – Company / Organization – Designation within Company / Organization – Address of Company / Organization – E-mail Id Tel no.: Mobile no:. Sign this document and deliver/Courier to the office of Astt.CE (Civil). 53 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid APPENDIX : C Format of Deviations sheet (Deviations from Terms & Conditions of this Bid document) Tender work : Civil works for Extension of existing Raw Material Storage facility in RCF Factory at Chembur, Mumbai-400074.. Note: The bidders who are accepting all the terms & conditions of the Bid document shall clearly mention “No deviation” in the tabular form below. (If considered imperative & unavoidable, then only the bidder should stipulate here the deviations to Terms & Conditions of the Bid. The deviation which shall be not acceptable to RCF shall be considered substantial deviations & non responsive bid & shall be rejected by RCF without assigning any clarification. The deviations indicated elsewhere in the offer shall be considered null & void.) Bid Document Deviation to clause Reasons for deviation SEAL & SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER 54 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILIZERS LTD. (A Government of India Undertaking) Registered office: Priyadarshini, Eastern Express Highway, Sion: Mumbai: 400022. Department: Factory Civil Maintenance Office Address : Room No. 1/2, Nirman Bhavan, RCF Factory, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400074. Tel: 022 – 2552 2545 / email: [email protected] RCF/TU/FCM/RMS EXTENSION/2014 Tender Work Civil Works for extension of existing Raw Material Storage facility in RCF Factory at Chembur, Mumbai-400074. Stage II Bid (Envelope III) : PRICE BID Name of the Bidder : ________________________ 55 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid BID FORM : PRICE BID (Bid stage II ) Tender work : Civil works for extension of existing Raw Material Storage facility in RCF Factory at Chembur, Mumbai-400074. Schedule Cost of work : ` 3,03,18,877.23 (Excluding VAT & Service Tax but Inclusive of all other applicable taxes) We have noted the rates and amount given in PART A as well as taxes, duties applicable given in PART B. We quote our offer based on information given in PART A and PART B as under: 1) Our Quoted Rates are ………% (In figures)………………………………… (in words) % BELOW the rates specified in PART A OR 2) Our Quoted Rates are ………% (In figures)………………………………… (in words) % ABOVE the rates specified in PART A Name of the authorized person signing on behalf of the bidder: ____________________________ Designation/ status of the person signing on behalf of the bidder: ____________________________ Seal & Signature of the Bidder. Place __________________ & Date ______________ Note : The bidder shall have to Quote % rate correctly ,precisely & distinctly in figures as well as in words i.e. above or below or at par at with on the schedule of rates entered in the Bid. The quoted percent rate expressed in words shall prevail over expressed in figure The computation of amounts shall be accurate & in line of your % rate offer. The Bid value expressed in words shall prevail & treat as conclusive bid offer. 56 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid SCHEDULE OF RATE Part A Ref. No: RCF/TU/FCM//2014-15 Name of work: Civil works for Extension of RMS silo in RCF Factory at Trombay, Chembur, Mumbai400074. Basic rate (`) Basic Amount (`) Sr.No Item description Quantity Unit 1 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of building rubbish by mechanical means including loading, transporting, unloading to approved dumping ground beyond 50 m initial lead for all loads including all lifts involved, within factory area, as directed by Engineer in Charge. 100.0 Cum 1292.86 129285.53 2 Providing and Casting RCC, bored cast in-situ,500mm dia. Vertical piles as per IS2911 (Part1,Section2) by boring through all kinds of soils /Sand by Tripod, Winch and Chisel using temporary casing upto stable strata/bentonite mud circulation as specified,from tip to cut-off elevation of piles. Reinforced Cement Concrete work of filling the bore (after placement of reinforcement cage as per drawing) with M25 grade Ready Mix Concrete using 43Grade Ordinary Portland Cement confirming to IS:8112, of approved make and brand with minimum cement content of 400kg/m3 and with water-cement ratio, including the water contained in aggregates( 10mm to max 20mm size), not exceeding 0.45, with approved plasticizer as specified, including placing of concrete from tip to minimum of 600 mm above the specified cut-off level, breaking pilehead to cutoff level and exposing pile reinforce ment for embedment in pile cap, and including disposing & levelling of bored/ excavated material suitably at locations approved by the local authorities including all lead and lifts, all complete for piles having diameter of (Pile will be measured for payment for length between pile tip to cutoff level along the pile axis. Reinforcement shall be paid separately) Cost of temporary casing shall be incurred by the Contractor.Chiselling of local boulders shall be carried at contractor's cost. Empty boring through over burden including road crust upto the bottom of pile cap for all diameters of piles. Excavation for foundations, substructures ,basements, tanks, sumps, walls, chambers, manholes, trenches, poles, pits & general building works in all types of soils, vegetable earth, soft murum, running sand, shingle, turf clay, loam, peat, ash, shale, slag, chalk, garbage, muddy/ marshy/ slushy soil, marine clay, reclaimed land etc.for depths/ lifts upto 1.5M measured from the ground level ,including dressing/ trimming the sides, leveling and ramming of bottoms, manual dewatering, removing rank vegetation, backfilling in layers not more than 200mm thickness, watering, consolidating, compacting to achieve not less then 97%Modified Proctor density conforming to relevant IS, stacking the selected material in measurable heaps for future use within owners space or disposing with in an initial lead of 150m as directed, loading, unloading, leveling excluding shoring, strutting etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: 1) The rate includes the handling/ support ing the existing utilities such as cables, drains, pipes, water mains etc. 2) It also includes the royalty and other taxes applicable if any. Extra over above item CS-EW-1 for lift from 1.5m to 3.0m. 3160.0 Rmt 1573.13 4971099.91 300.0 Rmt 1428.40 428518.55 1800.0 Cum 174.00 313202.93 600.0 Cum 37.96 22778.39 3 4 5 57 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 6 Add for lead upto 3 km including levelling. 7 Providing & Laying dry stone Rubble Soling with average 230 mm size hard stone set in regular lines, handpacked and interstices thoroughly filled with small chips including filling in with good quality murum brought from outside, compact ingwith iron rammers, watering, sands preading 12mm thk. layer of grit on top etc complete as directed by Engineer In Charge.(Note: The rate includes the royalty and other taxes if any) 8 9 1000.0 450.0 Cum 59.32 59318.74 Cum 987.06 444178.70 Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of Nominal Mix of 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). with trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal mixing in concrete mixer including bailing out water, compacting, finishing surface, curing and including the cost of centering and shuttering at all level : 200.0 Cum 3604.40 720880.83 425.0 Cum 5289.50 2248037.14 450.0 Cum 6907.13 3108208.05 11 Providing and laying in position ready mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, for Foundations, footings, bases of columns, rafts, pilecap using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying and the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and excluding reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-incharge.The Mix design as per particular specfications shall be got approved by Engineer-in-Charge before execution of the item.The rate shall include cost of all specified materials and operations at all levels and heights, including the cost of centering, shuttering and and excluding reinforcement which shall be paid under relevant item.(Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 400 kg/cum as per IS 456 table showing minimum cement content. No extra will be paid nor any amount will recovered on account of variation of cement in mix design as per specifications for controlled concrete). = do=, Walls (any thickness) including attached butteresses, ,retaining wall, shear wall, diaphragm wall , trench,pit walls, etc Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, floor beam, coping. 370.0 Cum 6614.57 2447390.53 12 Columns, Pillars, Piers, Posts and Struts. 110.0 Cum 7490.97 824006.45 13 Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels, cantilever beam, etc., including edges. Extra for providing two stage centering for height more than 4.5m and upto 9m height in terms of floor beams including finishing, etc Extra for providing two stage centering for height more than 4.5m and upto 9m height in terms of columns including finishing, etc Providing and fixing in position steel bars reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pile, pile caps, footings, raft, retaining wall, shear wall, lift wall,foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies,coping, fins, arches, etc. as per detailed designs,drawings and bar bending schedules,including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding, supporting as required etc. all complete at all levels.ThermoMechanically Treated steel bars. (Fe 500 D) 5.0 Cum 8411.83 42059.16 150.0 Cum 694.46 104168.45 50.0 Cum 782.57 39128.62 170.0 MT 54728.26 9303803.68 10 14 15 16 58 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Detailing,fabricating and fixing at desired location using hot rolled sections and MS Plates of grade Fe250 as per specifications and approved fabrication drawings (whichare to be prepared by Contractor and got approved from Engineer), transporting to site and erecting structural steelmembers for all heights & at all levels including provision of necessary erection bolts, fixingbolts, nuts, washers, cleats, stiffeners, gussets, baseplate, and all necessary fixtures and fixing insert plates in concrete, operations like preheating as perspecifications, straightening, bending, cutting, drilling, grinding, machining if specified, welding, grinding and removing the welding burr and preparing surface for painting .Including providing and applying two coats of epoxy red oxide zinc phosphate primer of 30 microns each and two coats of Epoxy Corrosion Resistant Enamel paint of 30 microns after fabrication including touching up with spray painting after erection etc complete as directed by Engineer In Charge. (The qty. for gusset plates, insert plates,base plates, bolts etc. shall be measured in M.T.). Structural steel & paint shall be supplied by RCF free of cost. Providing and fixing 6mm thick Non-asbestos high impact Polypropylene reinforced cement corrugated sheet of approved make conforming to IS:14871-2000 laying the same in position as per the stipulation in IS:3007-1991 using 8mm dia. stainless steel (SS-304 grade) hooks& washers and EPDM washers, galvanized iron clamps, nuts and bolts etc. complete and as directed. (Net Area covered by sheeting will be measured .Laps will not be paid separately) Providing & Applying High Build Epoxy Paint in two coats (Primer + finishing) of approved quality on Concrete Surface as per manufacturers specifications, including cleaning, preparing the surface, etc. complete. Providing & Applying coat tar epoxy paint in two coats (Primer + finishing) of approved quality on hidden RCC Surface , viz. pile cap, plinth beam, as per manufacturers specifications, including cleaning, preparing the surface, etc. complete. Providing and applying epoxy resin in 2 coat to the inner surface of retining wall & column( which is in direct contact with raw material) as per manufacturer’s specifications as directed. Providing and fixing UV resistant self fit UPVC pipes of approved make for Rain water downtakes confirming to IS13592:1992 TypeA suitable for 4kg/sqcm pressure for following pipe diameters including rainwater receiving recess with pvc plug bend necessary fittings such as offsets shoes, fixing the pipes on wall with clips filling the joints with solvent/ cement and necessary scafolding etc. complete as directed by Engineer In Charge. Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level upto floor five level in all shapes and sizes in :Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) Providing and applying 20 mm thick external sandfaced cement plaster in cement mortar 1:3 proportion, upto 10m from ground level and at all locations in cement mortar proportion specified below in two coats for masonry (except stone masonry) and concrete surfaces including providing waterproofing compound to the first coat of plaster as per manufacturers specification, racking out joints, hacking of concrete surface, finishing, curing, scaffolding etc complete as directed By Engineer In Charge. 17.0 MT 18720.20 318243.44 360.0 Sqm 548.90 197602.57 4500.0 Sqm 216.71 975200.02 250.0 Sqm 237.27 59318.74 1000.0 Sqm 257.17 257174.40 150.0 Rmt 344.05 51607.30 30.0 Cum 5096.58 152897.36 300.0 Sqm 310.83 93249.05 59 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 25 26 27 28 29 Supplying and spreading 60mm metal, compacting the same to 7.5 to 10cm to the satisfaction of engineer, by 10/12 tonne power roller to the required grade, level,& camber including binding with grit, sand, stone dust and watering rolling etc. complete. Providing and applying first single coat of approved primer and two coats of acrylic plastic emulsion paint of an approved make and colour as per manufacturers specifications to any surface, at all height and locations as directed including scaffolding, cleaning and preparing surfaces for painting by any approved means etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 3500.0 Sqm 169.26 592396.45 250.0 Sqm 87.79 21947.93 Providing and laying premoulded asphalt filler for expansion joints, cut to the required depth and camber.12 mm thick for flooring. Providing and laying premoulded asphalt filler for expansion joints, cut to the required depth and camber. 25 mm thick for column/ wall. Providing, hoisting and fixing up to to 10m height, precast reinforced cement concrete, M25 grade, in horizontal fins 100mm thick ,including the cost of required centering, shuttering but excluding the cost of reinforcement. Reinforcement shall be paid separately. 5.0 Sqm 1132.59 5662.96 9.0 Sqm 1713.92 15425.24 205.0 Sqm 690.63 141578.80 30 Providing and laying C.C. floor of mix M-25 with ready mixed concrete from RMC. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and vibrated with a poker vibrator and finished with screed board vibrator , vacuum dewatering process and finally finished by floating, brooming with wire brush etc. complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. The floor slab shall be cast in panels. The channel shuttering spaced 4m apart shall be included in this item.) 375.0 Cum 5423.20 2033701.35 31 Making chamfering in columns, beams, walls with wooden battens of varying sizes & shape as per design .The rate includes providing required battens fixed to ply shuttering with nails all heights complete as per design and drawing and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Length of batten for chamfering shall be measured and paid for in this item. 140.0 Rmt 477.07 66789.10 32 Carrying out low strain pile integrity test on 300mm to 900mm dia meter piles including all arrangements for test, equipments/accessories ,materials ,labour ,submission of test report etc. Conducting routine vertical load test for 1.5 times safe load carrying capacity by means of High Strain Dynamic Load Test including provision and erection of crane-hammer-drop mechanism, acceleration and displacement velocity transducers to record both force and velocity including excavation, dewatering ,preparation of pile head including building up of pile, additional reinforcement if any etc. all complete as per approved method (ASTMD4945-89), submission of test report, specifications and instructions of the Engineer for piles of 500mm diameter. 30.0 Nos 619.13 18573.84 2.0 Nos 55721.52 111443.03 Total= 30318877.23 33 PART – B VAT under Composition Service Tax under Composition Service tax @ 5.00 % @ 4.944 % @ 12.36% On Item nos. 2,3,4,7 to31 On Item nos . 2,3,4,7 to31 On item no.1,5,6,32,33 60 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid a. b. If successful tenderer is a body corporate (Pvt. Ltd. or Ltd. firm) above service tax shall be paid to the party. OR If successful tenderer is an individual, HUF, partnership firm, AOP. The party will be paid 50% of service tax and balance 50% shall be paid by M/s. RCF to Govt. directly. A.G.M. (C) For & on behalf of M/s. R.C.F. Ltd. Seal & Signature of the Tenderer Place: _________________ & Dated _____________________ 61 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CIVIL, STRUCTURAL AND OTHER ALLIED WORKS CONTENTS SL.NO. DESCRIPTION 01. GENERAL 02 REFERENCE STANDARDS 03 EARTH WORK 04 PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE WORK 05 STEEL REINFORCEMENT 06 FORM WORK 07 BRICK WORK 08 WOOD WORK 09 STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK 10 PAINTING ON STRUCTURAL STEEL 11 STEEL /ALUMINIUM DOORS, WINDOWS & VENTILATORS 12 GALVALUME SHEETS FOR ROOFING & CLADDING 13 FLOORING AND PAVING 14 PLASTERING 15 WHITE / COLOUR WASHING AND CEMENT PAINTING 16 CONCRETE PROTECTIVE COATING SYSTEM 62 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Specifications of materials and workmanship shall be as described in the MCGM specifications (Latest) including latest amendments, unless otherwise specified. These MCGM Specifications shall be deemed to form part of this contract. The Tenderer shall procure and maintain copies of the latest Specifications at site for reference. 1.2 These technical Specifications shall be supplementary to the specifications contain in the MCGM Specifications, wherever at variance, these particular Specifications shall take precedence over the provisions in the MCGM Specifications. 1.3 Site clearing - Site clearing means the cutting of trees, bushes, shrubs etc., and the pulling out of roots and stumps to effect a general cleaning of the site area. All these materials shall be removed from the site area at the Contractor‟s expenses and responsibility and shall be disposed off as directed by Owner / Consultant. Trees, bushes, roots, stumps and other materials shall not be disposed off by burning within the site boundaries unless the Owner /Consultant permits. 2.0 REFERENCE STANDARDS 2.1 Wherever reference of BIS Specifications or BIS Codes of Practice are made in the Specifications/Schedule of Rates or Preambles, reference shall be to the latest edition of BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards). IS: 109 IS - 383 IS: 432 IS: 456 IS: 459 IS: 515 IS: 730 IS: 800 IS: 814 IS: 815 IS: 816 IS: 817 IS:1079 IS: 1161 IS: 1363 IS: 1367 IS: 1786 IS: 2062 IS: 2116 IS: 2212 Ready mixed paint, brushing, priming, plaster to Indian Standard colour No. 631 and 361 white and off-white. Coarse and Fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete. Mild Steel and Medium tensile steel bars. Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete. Corrugated & Semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets. Natural and Manufactured aggregate for use in mass concrete. Hook bolts for corrugated sheet roofing. Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steel. Classification coding of covered electrodes for metal arc welding of structural steels. Metal Arc Welding for General Construction of Mild Steel. Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders. Hot rolled carbon steel sheets and strips. Steel tubes for structural purposes. Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C : Part-I Hexagon head bolts ( size range M-5 to M-64 ). Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners. High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement. Steel for general structural purposes. Sand for masonry mortars. Code of practice for brickwork. 63 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid IS: 2386 IS: 2553 IS: 3007 IS: 4925 IS: 7318 IS: 10262 Methods of test for aggregates. Safety glass : Part-I General purpose. Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets. Concrete batching and mixing plant. Fusion welding of steel. Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. 3.0 EARTHWORK 3.1 EXCAVATION 3.1.1 Excavation shall be carried out in soil of any nature and consistency, in the presence of water or in the dry, met on the site to the lines, levels and contours shown on the detailed drawings and Contractor shall remove all excavated materials to soil heaps on site or transport for use in filling on the site or stack them for reuse as directed by the Owner / Consultant. 3.1.2. Surface dressing shall be carried out on the entire area occupied by the buildings including plinth protection as directed without any extra cost. The depth of excavation shown on the drawings are the depths after surface dressing. 3.1.3 The site around all buildings and structures to a width of 3 metres beyond the edge of plinth protection, ramps, steps, etc., shall be dressed and sloped away from the buildings. 3.1.4 Black cotton soil, and other expansive or unsuitable soil excavated shall not be used for filling in foundations, and plinths of buildings or in other structures including manholes, septic tanks etc., and shall be disposed off within the contract area marked on the drawings, as directed, levelled and neatly dressed. 3.1.5 In case of trenches exceeding 2.0 metres depth or where soil is soft or slushy, the sides of trenches shall be protected by timbering and shoring. The Tenderer shall be responsible to take all necessary steps to prevent the sides of trenches from caving in or collapsing. The extent and type of timbering and shoring shall be as directed by the Owner/Consultant. 3.1.6 Where the excavation is to be carried out below the foundation level of adjacent structure, the precautions to be taken such as under pinning, shoring and strutting etc., shall be determined by Owner/Consultant. No excavation shall be done unless such precautionary measures are carried out as per directions of Owner/Consultant. 3.1.7 Specification for Earth work shall also apply to excavation in rock in general. The excavation in rock shall be done such that extra excavation beyond the required width and depth as shown in drawings is not made. If the excavation done in depth greater than required / ordered. 3.1.8 The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for dewatering/defiling as required to carry out proper excavation work by bailing or pumping out water, which may accumulate in the excavation pit from any cause / source whatsoever. 3.1.9 Contractor shall provide suitable draining arrangements at his own cost to prevent surface water entering the foundation pits from any source. 3.1.10 The Contractor is forbidden to commence the construction of structures or to carry out concreting before Owner/Consultant has inspected, accepted and permitted the excavation bottom. 64 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 3.1.11 3.1.12 Excavation in disintegrated rock means rock or boulders including brickbats which may be quarried or split with crow bars. This will also include laterite and hard conglomerate. Excavations in hard rock - meant excavation made in hard rock to be done manually, or by blasting using only explosives and / or pneumatic hammers. In case of blasting, control blasting should be adopted depending on site conditions. For using explosives, Contractor shall follow all provisions of Indian Explosive Act/Rules 1983, corrected/ revised upto date. 3.1.13 In case of hard rock excavation to be carried out using explosive the Contractor shall obtain the written approval in advance. 3.1.14 The measurements for excavations shall be restricted and limited to minimum excavation line as per drawing for payment purposes. 3.2 FILLING 3.2.1 Back filling of excavations in trenches, foundations and elsewhere shall consist of one of the following materials approved by Owner / Consultant. i. ii. iii. v. Soil Sand Moorum iv. Hard-core Stone / gravel. All back filling materials shall be approved by the Owner /Consultant. 3.2.2 Soil filling - Soil material shall be free from rubbish, roots, hard lumps and any other foreign organic material. Filling shall be done in regular horizontal layers each not exceeding 20 cm. Depth. 3.2.3 Back filling around completed foundations, structures, trenches and in plinth shall be done to the lines and levels shown on the drawings. 3.2.4 Back filling around pipes in the trench shall be done after hydrotesting is done. 3.2.5 Back filling around liquid retaining structures shall be done only after leakage testing is completed and approval of Owner / Consultant is obtained. 3.2.6 Sand used for filling under foundation concrete, around foundation and in plinth etc., shall be fine / course, strong, clean, free from dust, organic and deleterious matter. The sand filling under foundation shall be rammed with Mechanical compactor. Sand material shall be approved by Owner / Consultant. 3.2.7 Moorum for filling, where ordered, shall be obtained from approved pits and quarries which contain siliceous material and natural mixture of clay. Moorum shall not contain any admixture of ordinary earth. Size of Moorum shall vary from dust to 10 mm. 65 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 3.2.8 Hard-core shall be of broken stone of 90 mm to 10 mm size suitable for providing a dense and compact sub grade. Stone shall be sound, free from flakes, dust and other impurities. Hard core filling shall be spread and levelled in layers of 15 cm. thick, watered and well compacted with ramming or with mechanical/hand compact including hand packing wherever required. 4.0 PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE WORK This specification deals with cement concrete, plain or reinforced, for general use, and covers the requirements for concrete materials, their storage, grading mix design, strength and quality requirements, pouring at all levels, reinforcements, protection, curing, form work, finishing, painting, admixtures, inserts and other miscellaneous works. 4.1 MATERIALS 4.1.1 Cement : Any of the following cements may be used as required. IS - 269 IS - 455 IS - 8112 IS - 12269 Ordinary Portland Cement, 33 Grade. Portland Slag Cement. 43 Grade Ordinary Portland cement. 53 Grade Ordinary Portland cement. 4.1.2 Water : Water used for mixing and curing concrete and mortar shall conform to the requirements as laid down in clause 4.3 of IS: 456. Sea-water shall not be used for concrete work. 4.1.3 Aggregates : Coarse and fine aggregates for cement concrete plain and reinforced shall conform to the requirements of IS : 383 and / or IS : 515. Before using, the aggregates shall be tested as per IS : 2386. Coarse aggregate : Coarse aggregate for all cement concrete work shall be broken or crushed hard stone, black trap stone obtained from approved quarries or gravel. Sand : Fine aggregate for concrete work shall be coarse sand from approved sources. Grading of coarse sand shall be within grading zones I, II or III laid down in IS : 383, table-4. If required the aggregates (both fine and coarse) shall have to be thoroughly washed and graded as per direction of Owner / Consultant. 4.2 MIXING All cement concrete plain or reinforced shall be machine mixed. Mixing by hand may be employed where quantity of concrete involved is small, with the specific prior permission of the Owner / Consultant, 10 % extra cement shall be added in case of hand mixing as stipulated in IS - 456. 4.3 WATER CEMENT RATIO 66 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Once a mix, including its water-cement ratio, has been determined and specified for use by the Owner / Consultant, that water cement ratio shall be maintained. 4.4 LAYING Concreting shall be commenced only after the Owner /Consultant has inspected and passed the sub-base / base or the centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Concrete in slab, beams, columns, footings etc., shall be laid gently in layers not exceeding 15 cm and shall be properly consolidated by means of approved mechanical vibrators. 4.5 CURING a. After the concrete has begun to harden, it shall be protected with moist gunny bags, sand or any other material approved by the Owner /Consultant against quick drying. After 24 hours of laying concrete, the surface shall be cured by flooding with water or by covering with wet absorbent materials for 7 days as per the direction of Owner / Consultant. b. Approved curing compounds may be used in lieu of moist curing with the permission of the Owner /Consultant. Such compounds shall be applied to all exposed surfaces of the concrete as soon as possible after the concrete has set. No extra payment shall be made for the same. 4.6 GRADES OF CONCRETE 4.6.1 Grades of Cement concrete shall be as given below : Grade Specified Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days 1. M - 10 (N / mm2) 10.0 ( 100 Kg / cm2 ) 2. M - 20 20.0 ( 200 Kg / cm2 ) 3 M - 25 25.0 ( 250 Kg / cm2 ) 4.6.2 Grades lower than M-20 shall not be used in reinforced concrete. 4.6.3 M-10 grade of concrete may be used for lean concrete bases. 4.6.4 A sieve analysis test of aggregates shall be carried out as and when the source of supply is charge without extra charge not withstanding the mandatory test required to be carried out as per CPWD Specification. 4.6.5 All test in support of mix design shall be maintained as a part of records of the contract. Test cubes for mix design shall be prepared by the Contractor under his own arrangements and at his costs, but under the supervision of the Owner / Consultant. 67 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 4.7 NOMINAL MIX CONCRETE 4.7.1 All concrete work ( P.C.C. / R.C.C.) shall be with nominal mix concrete unless specified otherwise. The proportions of materials used for concrete of grades M-10, M-20 shall be as per the following table. Proportions for Nominal Mix of Concrete Total Quantity of Dry Aggregate by Mass per 50 Kg of Cement (as sum of Fine and Coarse Aggregates). In Kg. Max. Proportion of Fine Aggregate to Coarse aggregate (by Mass ) to an upper limit of 1 : 1.5 and a lower limit of 1: 2 .5 Quantity of water per 50 Kg of cement Maximum in Litres. M - 10 480 -do- 34 M - 20 250 -do- 30 Grade of Concrete Notes : 1. The proportions of the fine aggregates should be adjusted from upper limit to lower limit progressively as the grading of the fine aggregates become finer and the maximum size of coarse aggregate becomes larger. Graded coarse aggregate as per IS : 383 may be used. 2. This Table envisages batching by weight. Volume batching when done, the nominal mixes would roughly be 1 : 3 : 6, 1 : 2.5 : 5 and 1 : 1.5 : 3 for M-10, M-15 and M-20 respectively. 3. For under-water concreting the quantity of coarse aggregate, either by volume or mass, shall not be less than 1.5 times and not more than twice that of the fine aggregates. 4.7.2 The cement content of the mix specified for any nominal mix shall be proportionately increased if the quantity of water in a mix has to be increased to overcome the difficulties of placement and compaction, so that water-cement ratio is not exceeded. In case of vibrated concrete, the limits specified, above may suitably be reduced to avoid segregation. 4.7.3 If the nominal mix concrete made in accordance with the proportion given for a particular grade does not yield the specified strength, such concrete shall be classified as belonging to lower grade. However, if the strength results of test are higher than those specified for the grade in the nominal mix of concrete it shall not be placed in a higher grade. 68 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 4.8 DESIGN MIX CONCRETE 4.8.1 Design mix shall be allowed for major works where it is contemplated to be used by installing weigh batch mixing plant as per IS-4925. At the time of tendering, the Tenderer, after taking into account the type of aggregates, plant and method of laying he intends to use, shall allow in his tender for the design mix i.e., aggregate/cement and water/cement ratios which he consider will achieve the strength requirements specified, and workability for concrete, to be properly furnished. 4.8.2 Soon after the Tenderer gets L.O.I. to commence the work, he shall carry out preliminary tests for design mix on trial mixes proposed by him in design of mix to satisfy the Owner/ Consultant that the characteristic strength specified in clause 4.6.1 is obtained. Prior to this, the Contractor has to get design mix done as per IS : 10262 through Government approved / reputed institute and the Contractor shall arrange the same at his own cost. The concrete mix to be actually used shall be approved by the Owner / Consultant. 4.8.3. Notwithstanding the above, the following shall be the maximum combined weight of coarse and fine aggregate per 50 Kg of cement. Grade 4.8.4 Maximum weight of the fine and coarse together per 50 kg of cement (for nominal mix only) M- 480 M- 350 M- 250 The workability of concrete produced shall be adequate, so that the concrete can be properly placed and compacted. The slump shall be as follows, when vibrators are used. Sl. Type of Mass concrete in R.C.C. foundations and Beams, slabs and columns simply Thin RCC sections or sections with 10 to mm 25 to mm 40 to mm 4.8.5 Minimum cement consumption shall be in accordance with IS :456: Latest 4.9. TESTING OF CONCRETE 4.9.1 Testing of concrete, sampling and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with Clauses 14 and 15 of IS :456. 69 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 4.9.2 A slump test shall be taken at each mixer at least once in every fifty batches mixed. Any batch for which a slump test is being made shall not be transferred to the place of laying until the slump test has been completed. Any batch which gives a slump in excess of that described at the time of preliminary tests shall be rejected and removed from the site. 4.9.3 At least six cubes shall be taken for every 30 Cu.m. metres of concrete or part thereof deposited in the work on any day. However for concrete quantity deposited less than 15 Cum, cubes shall be taken as per Enginer in Charge. Three cubes shall be tested for 28 days strength. 4.9.4 If a test for particular work does not meet the specified requirements, the Owner / Consultant in his absolute discretion may accept the work at a correspondingly reduced rate provided the average strength at 28 days is not less than 85% of the specified strength. 4.9.5 If the results are poorer than 85% of the specified strength, the Owner / Consultant may order further testing of any kind as may be deemed necessary in his opinion, including load tests. The load tests shall be carried on the portion of the structure involving concrete represented by the unsatisfactory works test and such other adjoining elements of a building as the Owner / Consultant may decide.If the results of the load tests are not satisfactory, the Contractor shall at his own cost undertake remedial measures including dismantling and reconstruction according to the directions and to the satisfaction of the Owner / Consultant. If the load test is successful, the Owner/ Consultant mayexercise his judgement before accepting or rejecting the work and shall still have the power to apply a reduction in rate as herein stated before, in case the work in question is accepted. 4.10 PROPORTIONING Mixes of cement concrete shall be as ordered. Where the concrete is specified by grade, it shall be prepared by mixing cement, sand and coarse aggregate by weight as per mix design. In case the concrete is specified as volumetric mix, then dry volume batching shall be done, making proper allowances for dampness in aggregate and bulking in sand. Equivalent volume batching for concrete specified by grade may however be allowed by the Owner / Consultant at his discretion. 4.11 PRECAST CONCRETE The specifications for precast concrete will be similar as for the cast-in-situ concrete. All precast work shall be carried out in a yard made for the purpose. This yard shall be dry, properly levelled and having a hard and even surface. If the ground is to be used as a soft former of the units, shall be paved with concrete or masonry and provided with a layer of plaster ( 1:2 proportion ) with smooth neat cement finish or a layer of M.S. sheeting. The casting shall be over suitable vibrating tables or by using form vibrators as per directions of Owner / Consultant. The yard, lifting equipment, curing tank, finished material storage space etc, shall be designed such that the units are not lifted from the mould before 7 (seven) days of curing and can be removed for erection after 28 (Twenty Eight) days of curing. The moulds shall preferably be of steel or of timber lined with G.I. sheet metal. The yard shall preferably be fenced. Lifting hooks, wherever necessary or as directed by Owner/Consultant shall be embedded in correct position of the units to facilitate erection, even though they may not be so on the drawings and shall be burnt off and finished after erection. Precast concrete units, when ready shall be transported to site by suitable means approved by 70 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid Owner/Consultant. Care shall be taken to ensure that no damage occurs during transportation. All adjustments, levelling and plumbing shall be done as per the instructions of the Owner /Consultant. The Contractor shall render all help with instruments, materials and staff to the Owner / Consultant for checking the proper erection of the precast units. After erection and alignment the joints shall be filled with grout or concrete as directed by Owner / Consultant. If shuttering has to be used for supporting the precast unit they shall not be removed until the joint has attained sufficient strength and in no case before 14 (fourteen) days. The joint between precast roof planks shall be pointed with 1:2 ( 1 cement : 2 sand) mortar where called for in the drawings. 4.12 PROTECTION OF CONCRETE All concrete shall be protected from damaged by rain or by workmen, equipment, overload or any other causes. All edges, corners and projections of concrete members likely to be damaged, shall be protected by means of wooden cover fillets. 4.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Construction joints shall be made only where shown on the drawings or as approved by the Owner / Consultant. The procedure given in Clause 12.4 of IS-456 shall be followed for general guidance. 4.14 SEPARATION JOINT Separation joint shall be obtained by using an approved alkathene sheet struck on the surface against which concrete shall be placed. Adequate care should be taken to cause no damage to the sheet. 4.15 DAMP PROOF COURSE Damp proof course shall consist of cement concrete or R.C.C. of specified proportions and thickness. Surface of brick or stone masonry shall be levelled and prepared before laying the cement concrete. 4.16 SAMPLING OF CONCRETE Sampling and strength Test of concrete. Acceptance criteria and Inspection and Testing of Structure : These shall be as per the requirements laid down in clause Nos. 14, 15 and 16 of IS: 456. 5.0 STEEL REINFORCEMENT 5.1 Steel reinforcement shall comprise of TMT bars (Fe 500D Grade) confirming to IS :1786Latest Revision. 71 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 5.2 All joints in reinforcement shall be lapped adequately to develop the full strength of the reinforcement, unless reinforcement are as per provision of IS: 456 as per instruction of Owner /Consultant. Following procedure shall be followed for welding of Tor steel reinforcement bars : i. Welding of Tor steel reinforcement bars shall be taken up only after specific approval by Owner / Consultant. ii. Lap welding with longitudinal beads shall only be adopted. iii. The thickness of weld bead should be 0.2 x diameter of bar and the length of the longitudinal bead required shall be 10 x diameter of bar, however, the maximum length of continuous bead shall be limited to 5 x diameter of bar with intermediate gap. When welding is done on both sides bead length shall be 5 x diameter of bar on each side. iv. Stripper at closer spacing shall be provided in the lap welded joints as directed by Owner / Consultant. 5.3 M.S. round bars shall be hooked at ends as specified. Ribbed Tor-steel shall be bent at right angles at ends as indicated or directed. 6.0 FORM WORK 6.1 The shuttering or form work shall conform to the shape, lines and dimension as shown on the drawings and be so constructed as to remain sufficiently rigid during placing and compacting of the concrete and shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of liquid from the concrete. The surface that becomes exposed on the removal of forms shall be examined by Owner / Consultant or his authorised representative before any defects are made good. Work that has sagged or bulged out or contains honey combing, shall be repaired as directed as per good construction practices. All shuttering shall be plywood or steel shuttering. 6.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for sufficiency and adequacy of all form work. Centering and form work shall be approved by the Owner/Consultant, before placing of reinforcement and concreting. 6.3 STRIPPING TIME Form shall not be struck until the concrete has reached a strength at least twice the stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of removal of form work. The strength referred to shall be that of concrete using the same cement and aggregates, with the same proportions and cured under conditions of temperature and moisture similar to those existing on the work. Where possible, the form work shall be left longer as it would assist the curing. Note : In normal circumstances and where Ordinary Portland Cement is used forms may generally be removed after the expiry of the following periods : 72 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid SL. NO. ITEMS PERIOD 1. Walls, columns and vertical faces of all structural members. 24 to 48 hours as may be decided by the Owner / Consultant. 2. Slabs ( props left under ) 3 days. 3. Beam soffits ( Props left under ) 7 days. 4. Removal of props under slab i. Spanning upto 4.5 m ii. Spanning over 4.5 m Removal of props under beams and arches. i. Spanning upto 6.0 m ii. Spanning over 6.0 m 5. 7 days. 7 days. 14 days. 21 days. For other types of cements, the striping time recommended for ordinary Portland Cement may be suitably modified. 7.0 BRICK WORK 7.1 Bricks All bricks shall conform to class 75 as designated in CPWD Specifications unless specified otherwise. 7.2 Mortar 7.2.1 Cement and water shall conform to the requirements laid down for cement concrete work. 7.2.2 Sand for masonry mortar shall be coarse sand conforming to IS: 2116. Maximum quantities of clay, fine dust shall not be more than 5% by weight. Organic impurities shall not exceed the limits laid down in IS: 2116. 7.2.3 Mixing of mortar shall be done a mechanical mixer. When quantity involved is small, hand mixing may be permitted by the Owner / Consultant. Any mortar remaining unused for more than 30 minutes after mixing shall be rejected. 7.3 BRICK MASONRY Brick work shall be built in English bond, unless otherwise specified. The thickness of joints shall be 10 mm ± 3 mm. Thickness of joints shall be kept uniform. In case of foundations and manholes etc. joints upto 15 mm may be accepted. 7.4 HALF BRICK MASONRY 73 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid All courses shall be laid with stretchers. Reinforcement comprising 2 Nos. 6.0 mm dia M.S. bars shall be provided over the top of the first course and thereafter at every third course. 7.5 LAYING All iron fixtures, pie spouts, hold fasts of doors and windows, which are required to be built into the wall shall be embedded in cement concrete blocks 1: 2: 4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 150 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm size unless otherwise indicated in the item. 7.6 CURING Brick work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering when the mortar is green. Masonry work shall be kept constantly moist on all faces for a minimum period of seven days. 8.0 STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK This specification covers the technical requirements for the preparation of shop drawings, supply, fabrication, protective coating, painting and erection of all structural steel rolled sections, built up sections, plates and miscellaneous steel required for the completion of the work. 8.1 STRUCTURAL STEEL All structural steel used in construction within the purview of this contract shall comply with one of the following Bureau of Indian Standard Specifications, whichever is appropriate or as specified. IS: 2062 IS: 1079 IS: 1161 IS: 4923 8.3 Hot Rolled Sections and Plates. Cold Formed Light Gauge Sections. Tubular Sections. Hollow Sections ( rectangular or square ) FABRICATION Fabrication of steel structure shall be carried out in conformity with the best modern practices and with due regard to speed with economy in fabrication and erection and shall conform to IS: 800. All members shall be so fabricated as to assemble the members accurately on site and erect them in correct positions. Before despatch to site the components shall be assembled at shop and any defect found shall be rectified. All members shall be free from kind, twist, buckle, bend, open joints etc., and shall be rectified before erecting in position. Failure in this respect will subject the defective members to rejection. 8.4 FABRICATION DRAWINGS 8.4.1 Fabrication and erection drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor on the basis of design drawings to be issued to the Contractor in stages. These drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor or by an agency approved by the Owner / Consultant. 74 8.4.8 Contractor shall incorporate all the revisions in his fabrication drawings resulting from revision in design drawings during the course of execution of work at no extra cost. 9.5 WELDING 8.5.1 Welding shall be adopted in most of the cases for fabrication of steel structure. Welding work shall be carried out as shown in relevant drawings as per IS-816 or as required and approved by the Owner /Consultant. Welding of joints shall be so arranged that the resulting tensile and compressive stresses produced by each part of weld tend to balance each other. 8.5.2 The step back method of welding shall be adopted for continuous runs. Members which offer greater resistance to compression shall be welded first. The work shall be securely held in position by means of tack weld, clamps or jig before commencing of welding work so as to prevent relative movement due to distortion or other cause. All welds with blow holes, slagintrusion and other defects must be removed from each run before another run is super imposed and also from the final run. Any defects in the work shall be rectified by the Contractor at his own expense. Bends, twists or distortion caused in any member due to faulty workmanship and method adopted during welding or in transit will be rejected and will have to be replaced / rectified by the Contractor at his own expense. According to the size of electrodes used, the Contractor is expected to adjust the current rating in the welding generators. 8.6 The Owner /Consultant reserves the right to have test done at any time for any welding and the cost of the test shall be borne by the Contractor. 8.7 Wherever continuous plates are used in built up member such as girders, columns, etc., the continuity of such plates shall be first ensured by full strength butt joints before welding such plates with the main member to form part of the built up member. 8.8 All connection / joints made in shop shall wherever possible be welded connections and connections / joints made at site shall be bolted connections /site welded connections. Continuous welding shall be done for all box members even if it is not required from design point of view. 8.9 Electrodes : Electrodes used for welding shall comply with IS: 814 or IS: 815 or any specification provided to the Contractor from time to time. No electrodes remaining in open containers for more than 72 hours shall be used. 8.10 No welder shall be employed to carry out welding in any position except those who are fully qualified to weld in that position as per IS: 7318, Part-1 Qualifying tests for metal arc welders. Welders employed shall be required both before commencing work and at intervals during the progress of work to make test pieces as laid down in IS: 817 and IS: 7318, Part-1 for the purpose of grading of welders and according to the said grading, welders will be employed on jobs. Welders are to be got approved by Owner / Consultant before engaging on work. 8.11 MS BLACK / HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS AND NUTS 75 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid MS Black / High Strength Bolts and Nuts and washers etc., shall be as per IS: 800, IS: 1363 and IS:- 1367. Manufacturer‟s test certificate shall be made available to the Owner /Consultant or his representative, when called for. For bolted joints, shanks and threaded bolts are to be used to ensure that threaded length do not encroach within the thickness of connected members of dimension beyond the following limit : a) b) 1.5 mm for connected members of thickness below 12 mm and 2.5 mm for connected member of thickness 12 mm and above and that adequate shearing and bearing values required as per design are achieved. 8.12 Every portion work shall have its erection mark or number stencilled on the member for guidance in erection and bear all necessary marks of erections as directed by the Owner / Consultant. 8.13 No part of the work is to be oiled, painted (except contact surfaces ) packed, bundled, crated or despatched until it has been finally inspected and approved by the Owner / Consultant or his authorised representative. The whole steel work before being despatched from the Contractor‟s shop shall be dry and after being thoroughly cleaned from dust, mills scale, rust etc., and shall be given two coats of primer and one coat of final paint as per painting specification attached in this enquiry. Unless otherwise specified, all surfaces inaccessible after welding shall be given two coats of primer and two coats of paints as per painting specification attached in this enquiry. 8.14 The Owner / Consultant or his authorised representative shall have free access at all reasonable time to all places where the work is being carried out, and shall be provided by the Contractor at his own expenses all necessary facilities for inspection during fabrication and erection. The Owner / Consultant or his authorised representative shall be at liberty to reject the work in whole or in part if the workmanship or materials do not conform to the terms of the specifications mentioned herein. The Contractor shall remove, replace or alter any part of the work as ordered by the Owner / Consultant or his authorised representative. 8.15 ERECTION AND SETTING OF STEEL STRUCTURE The erection of steel work shall be in accordance with Bureau of Indian Standard Specifications No. IS: 800 and IS: 816. 8.16 The Contractor shall be responsible for the suitability, safety and capabilities of all plant and equipment used for erection. 8.17 Prior to starting erection of fabricated structure, defects if any, shall be rectified. The Contractor shall give to the Owner / Consultant not less than 24 hours notice of his intention to set out or give levels for any part of works, in order that arrangements may be made for checking. The Contractor shall provide all necessary arrangements and assistance which the Owner / Consultant may require for checking the setting out. 8.18 The Contractor shall erect the structural steel members in position to dimension and level, as in relevant drawings and shall take care to see that component parts are not interchanged. Girders, stanchions etc., must rest fairly on their beds and will not be taken as erected until completely plumbed, aligned levelled, bolted or welded and strengthened, in every respect. The camber, if any, is to be maintained as shown in relevant drawings. 76 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 8.19 All erection tools and plants viz. Derricks, Cranes etc., will have to be provided by the Contractor as required in the erection work. All erection devices must be removed after the work is over in such a way that no damage is done to the erected structures. Any damage, in this respect must be rectified by the Contractor at his own cost. 9.0 FLOORING AND PAVING 9.1.0 Sub base of Floor 9.1.1 The area to be paved shall be divided into suitable panels. Form work shall be provided. The boarding / battens shall be fixed in position with their toe at proper level, giving slope where required. Alternatively base concrete may be deposited in the whole area at a stretch. 9.1.2 Before placing the base concrete the sub-base shall be properly wetted and rammed. The concrete of the specified mix shall then be deposited between the forms where provided, thoroughly tamped and the surface finished level with the top edge of the forms. The surface of base concrete shall be spread uniformly. The surface shall be finished rough to provide adequate bond for the topping. Two or three hours after concrete has been laid the surface shall be brushed with wire brush to remove any scum or latinate and swept clean so that coarse aggregate is exposed. 9.2 Cement Concrete Floor Finish 9.2.1 The surface of base concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned by scrubbing with coir or steel wire brush. Before laying the topping, the surface shall be soaked with water at least for 12 hours and surplus water mopped up immediately before the topping is laid. 9.2.2 The forms shall be fixed over the base concrete dividing into suitable panels. Where glass dividing strips are provided, thickness of glass dividing strips shall be 4 mm or as indicated. Before placing the concrete topping, neat cement slurry at the rate of 2 Kg/Sq.m. shall be then thoroughly brushed into the base concrete just ahead of the finish. The topping shall then be laid, thoroughly compacted by using screed board/plate vibrator. The surface floated with a wooden float to a fair and even surface shall be left for some time till moisture disappears from it. Junctions with skirting / dado on wall surfaces shall be rounded off using cement mortar 1:2. Curing shall be carried out for a minimum of 7 days. 10.0 PLASTERING 10.1 Sand for plastering shall be 50% fine sand and 50% coarse sand from approved sources. 10.2 Preparation of surface shall be done as per CPWD Specifications. 10.3 Cement mortar shall be of the mix as indicated in the items and shall be mixed as specified in the CPWD Specifications. 77 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 10.4 Joints in walls etc., shall be raked to a depth of 12 mm, brushed clean with wire brushes dusted and thoroughly washed before starting the plaster work. 10.5 The surface shall be thoroughly washed with water cleaned and kept wet to saturation point before plastering is commenced. 10.6 Cement mortar as indicated, shall be firmly applied to the masonry walls in a uniform layer to the thickness specified and will be pressed into the joints. On concrete surfaces rendering shall be dashed to the roughened surface to ensure adequate bond. The surface shall be finished even and smooth. Hectoring wherever required shall be done as per directions of Owner / Consultant. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. 10.7 All plaster work shall be cured for at least 7 days. 10.8 Integral water proofing compound shall be mixed with cement in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. Care shall be taken to ensure that the water proofing material gets well and integrally mixed with cement. All other operations are the same as for general plaster work. 10.9 For sand face plaster, undercoat of cement plaster 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 sand ) of thickness not less than 12 mm shall be applied similar to one coat plaster work. Before the under coat hardens the surface shall be scared to provide for the top coat. The top coat also of cement mortar 1:4 shall be applied to a thickness not less than 8 mm and brought to an even surface with a wooden float. The surface shall then be tapped gently with a wooden float lined with cork to retain a coarse surface texture, care being taken that the tapping is even and uniform. 11. Acrylic Plastic Emulsion Painting 11.1 This shall be polyvinyl based Acrylic / plastic emulsion paint of approved manufacture of the required shade, confirming to I.S. 5411-1969. 11.2 Primer to be used for the painting with acrylic emulsion on cement concrete surfaces, plastered surfaces, A.C. sheets, timber and metal surfaces, if necessary, shall be of approved base and as per recommendations of the manufacturers. 11.3 Plaster filled to be used for filling up (putting) uneven surfaces, small cracks and holes, etc. shall be of approved compound and as per recommendations of the manufacturers. No oil based putty shall be used. The putty should be made from a mixture of whiting and plastic emulsion paint or as per manufacturers recommendations. 11.4 All the finishing coats shall be of matt finish or any other finish as required by the Engineer-incharge. The number of finishing coats shall be as specified in the item. 11.5 100 % Acrylic Paint shall be from reputed manufacturers like Berger (Weather Coat), Asian (Apex), ICI (Weather shield), Goodlas Nerolac (Excel), Shalimar (Extra), Sunanda Speciality Coatings (Sunext-8), Choksey Chemicals (Wall nut). 11.6 Mode of Measurement :All the measurements for payment shall be taken on net surface area actually painted, unless otherwise specified. Deduction will be made from the areas for fixtures, grills, ventilators, outlets, electrical boxes and such obstructions and painted, if they are individually more than 0.05 sqm. 11.7Job Requirements :78 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid i) ii) Acrylic emulsion paint is required to be provided on plastered and concrete surfaces in portions of the building. The Department shall reserve the option to delete or increase quantities in full or part from the scope of contract during progress of work. All shades and colours of paints shall be subjected to review and prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge shall be taken before the application. 12.0 CONCRETE PROTECTIVE COATING SYSTEM 12.1 High Build Epoxy Paint : Recommended list of Paint Manufacturers :Paint shall be from reputed manufacturers like M/s. BASF Chemicals, M/s. Krishna Conchem Products Pvt. Ltd., M/s. Sunanda Speciality Coating Pvt. Ltd., M/s. Schenectady Beck Ltd., M/s. M.C. Bauchemie (India) Pvt. Ltd., M/s. Pidilite Industries Ltd., M/s. Huntsman, M/s. Asian Paint, M/s. Berger, M/s. Goodlas Nerolac, M/s. Shalimar Paint, M/s. Bombay Paints. 12.2 Coal Tar Epoxy Paint & Solventless Epoxy Paint: Recommended list of Paint Manufacturers :Paint shall be from reputed manufacturers like M/s. BASF Chemicals, M/s. Krishna Conchem Products Pvt. Ltd., M/s. Sunanda Speciality Coating Pvt. Ltd., M/s. Schenectady Beck Ltd., M/s. M.C. Bauchemie (India) Pvt. Ltd., M/s. Pidilite Industries Ltd., M/s. Huntsman, M/s. Asian Paint, M/s. Berger, M/s. Goodlas Nerolac, M/s. Shalimar Paint, M/s. Bombay Paints. 79 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF CAST – IN – SITU RCC BORED PILES Sr. No. CONTENTS 1 SCOPE 2 CODES 3 MATERIALS 4 EQUIPMENTS AND ACCESSORIES 5 SETTING OUT & PILE INSTALLATION 6 DEFECTIVE PILES 7 RECORDS 80 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 1.0 SCOPE :This standard specification covers the construction and installation of load bearing reinforced concrete bored cast-in-situ piles. 2.0 CODES :- 2.1 IS: 2911 (Part I /Sec.2) – Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Pile foundations for Bored Cast-in-Situ Piles shall be referred to in conjunction with these specifications during the entire design, construction and installation work. 2.2 Reference to any code shall always mean reference to the latest revised edition of the code including all its amendments upto date, unless otherwise specified. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of this specification and those of the referred codes, the former shall govern. 2.3 The piling operations shall be carried out strictly in line with IS: 2911 (Part I /Sec.2). Major clauses are reproduced herein for purpose of ready reference and guidance only. In case of any typographical errors & mistakes, the corresponding reference in IS: 2911 (Part I /Sec.2) shall prevail. 3.0 MATERIALS :- 3.1 All materials, viz. cement, steel, aggregates, water, etc. which are to be used in the construction work, shall conform to respective codes. 3.2 Concrete 3.2.1 Methods of the manufacture of cement concrete shall in general, be in accordance with IS: 2911 (Part I /Sec.2) and as per following clauses : 3.2.2 The grade of concrete shall be M-25 with a minimum cement content of 400kg/m3. 3.2.3 Slump of Concrete Slump of concrete shall range between 100 to 180 mm depending on the manner of concreting. The table below gives the general guidance. SLUMP (In MM) PILING TYPICAL CONDITION OF USE Min Max A 100 180 Pouring into water-free unlined bore having widely spaced reinforcement. Where reinforcement is not spaced widely enough, cut-off level of pile is within the casting and diameter of pile less than or equal to 600mm, higher order of slump within this range may be used. B 150 180 Where concrete is to be placed under water or drilling mud by tremie or by placer. 81 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 4.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS :- 4.1 Reinforcement 4.1.1 The minimum longitudinal reinforcement shall be 0.4% of the cross sectional area of the pile. 4.1.2 Clear cover to the main reinforcement shall be 50mm. This shall be increased to 75mm in case of aggressive soils and ground water conditions. 4.1.3 The minimum clear distance between the two adjacent main reinforcement bars should normally be 100mm for the full depth of cage. The bars shall be so placed as not to impede the placing of concrete. 4.1.4 The lateral ties in the reinforcing cage shall be preferably spaced not closer than 150mm centre to centre. 4.1.5 The minimum diameter of the lateral ties shall be 6mm. 5.0 EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES :- 5.1 The equipment and accessories for installation of bored case-in-situ piles shall be selected giving due consideration to the subsoil conditions and the method of installation, etc. These shall of standard type and shall have the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 5.2 The capacity of the rig shall be adequate so as to reach the desired depth. 5.3 Provision shall be kept for chiseling within the borehole in case of any underground obstruction/hard strata. However, chiseling shall be carried out only with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge. 5.4 In case pile is required to be socketted in medium or good quality rock strata, the equipment mobilized shall have adequate capability to do so upto the required socket length. 6.0 SETTING OUT & PILING INSTALLATION :- 6.1 Control of Alignment 6.1.1 The piles shall be installed as accurately as possible as per the designs and drawings. The permissible positional deviations shall be governed by IS: 2911 (Part I /Sec.2). In case of piles deviating beyond such permissible limits, the piles shall be replaced or supplemented by additional piles, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at no extra cost to RCF. 6.2 Boring 6.2.1 The boring shall be done by one of the following methods : a) Direct mud circulation b) Bailer bentonite c) Reverse mud circulation The actual method of construction to be followed shall be as per past records and decision of RCF, EIC in this regard shall be final and binding. 82 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 6.2.2 In very soft soil a permanent liner shall be installed to ensure stability of borehole. A liner shall be used to protect the green concrete where a high hydrostatic pressure exists in the subsoil or where an underground flow of water exists and which is likely to damage the concrete on withdrawal of casing. 6.2.3 Use of temporary liner only in lieu of bentonite to stabilize sides of boreholes shall not be permitted. 6.2.4 Properties of bentonite used and quality control shall be as per IS: 2911 6.3 Concreting of Piles 6.3.1 Reinforcement (Part I /Sec.2). The reinforcements shall be made into cages sufficiently rigid to withstand handling without damage. In case the reinforcement cage is made up more than one segment, the same shall be assembled by providing necessary laps preferably by welding. Lateral ties/spiral ties to the main bars shall be finally tied to main reinforcement with binding wire. Care shall be taken to ensure that the reinforcement bars do not come closer while the cage is lowered down the hole. Proper cover and central placement of the reinforcement shall be ensured by use of suitable concrete spacers, cover block or rollers, case specifically for the purpose. 6.3.2 Concreting Concreting shall not be commenced until the Engineer-in-Charge satisfies himself that at final borehole depth the soil is not weaker than that taken as the basis for pile design. Borehole bottom shall be thoroughly cleaned to make it free from sludge or any foreign matter before lowering the reinforcement cage. The full length of reinforcement cage shall be in position before start of concreting. Concreting shall be done by tremie method. The operation of tremie concreting shall be governed by IS: 2911 (Part I /Sec.2). The concrete placing shall not proceed if specific gravity of fluid near about the bottom of borehole exceeds 1.2. Determination of the specific gravity of the drilling mud from the base of the borehole shall be carried out by taking samples of fluid by suitable slurry sampler approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, in first few piles and at a suitable interval of piles thereafter and the results recorded. Control of consistency of drilling mud shall be carried out throughout boring as well as concreting operations. Care shall be exercised to preserve correct cover and alignment of reinforcement and avoid any damage to it throughout the complete operation of placing the concrete. Placing of Concrete shall be as per clause 7.8 of IS: 2911 (Part I /Sec.2). 83 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid 7.0 CASTING LEVEL :Concrete shall be finished not less than 300 mm above the cut-off level („overcast‟) to ensure that all concrete at and below cut-off level is homogeneous and free of laitance and deleterious matter. A thicker overcast may be required by the Engineer depending on site condition, and this shall be carried out. The overcast shall be chipped off to cut-off level by the Contractor. 8.0 PILE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA :The target termination dept, required socket length, concrete strength and the required working pile capacities are as shown in the drawings. The actual termination and socket lengths shall be agreed with the Engineer based on review of the conditions encountered during boring and prior to commencement of concreting. 9.0 DEFECTIVE PILES :- 9.1 Defective piles shall be removed or left in place, as judged convenient by the Engineer-in-Charge, without affecting the performance of adjacent piles of capping above and additional piles shall be provided to replace them. 10.0 RECORDING OF DATA :- 10.1 A competent supervisor shall be present to record the necessary information during the installation of piles. The data to be recorded shall include :a) The dimensions of the piles, including the reinforcement detail and the mark of the pile. b) The boring method used. c) Log of material encountered & level of change in strata & where boring stops. d) The type of strata in which pile is terminated. e) The depth bored. f) Length of temporary casing. g) Date & time boring starts & complete & speed of drilling. h) The depth of water table. i) When drilling mud is used, the specific gravity of the fresh supply and contaminated mud in the borehole before concreting is taken up, in case of first few piles and boring subsequently at suitable interval of piles. j) The time taken for boring / concreting. k) The cut-off level/working level. l) Existing ground level. m) The consumption of cement. 84 Part II - Technical & Un-Priced Commercial Bid n) Any other important observations. 10.2 Typical data sheets of recording piling data shall be as per in Appendix-D of IS: 2911 (Part I/ Sec.2). 10.3 Any deviation from the designed location, alignment or load carrying capacity of any pile shall be noted and promptly reported to the Engineer-in-Charge. * * * * * * 85
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