FOOD CORP FEGToNAL o OF INDIA FICE,AHMEDABT\D i Tower,Shyamal-Ma Abdress:- Near Satel ,Ahmedabad Phone No.:- 07 26753032, 267511576 Email:- srmgu. [email protected] No.S&.S/OMS Food consurners for FCI Repional D)/Guj/wheat/F -2015/27 Eauglr Road .02.2015 ernPanelled traderrs/ bulk OMSS(D) lying at various Depots under $hmedabad thrgugh e- Auction 1 0f India in le $f Wheat u bids from participate in the websi!e The intending the e-auction https:/,tfciaucti (a) Date & 11 00 AM (b) Date & 2.00 PM Detai|=d i may be seen ons to bidders and terms &conditions governi the e- auction id(s) or canoQl le of Wheqt nd witlrout any Food Corpor or withdraw through liability. /qd \ I at under Sale of \/Vheat OMSS (lD) lying through e- brad f th€ Food CorporBtiorl of India, General Mar er Guiarat, Ctn behal gh N-SPOT for sqle qf wheat lying at FCI/S te Agencies invites bid(s) th x-1, tn Depots, the deta of depot-wise quahtity offered is irrdicated in rs/ traders ori as is where iq na$is only fronr bulk co FCI Gujarat Reg invitaiicn of T prior to the date of wheat alread empgnelled by FC governing le and the the ions on. The terms and bid(s) for Elowed for submittiitg tl|le bid are set out below: instructircns to DEFINITI r) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) The term radEr/Bulk Consumer' Wheat. T'he term E-Ar..fction' shall mgan auction pl tform of the service -l'he term Corporation', "Food C the Food Corporafion shall 40t.1964. Corporati ll mean NCDEX S I\.ISPOT, FCI for conducting E arppol l-he term Gendral Manager" $lral of lndia under DQpots/ Godowns to | ${anager" shall plso trerm l\rea Ma ger and any othen ntraots on behalf of the execute 'buyer/ intending $u l-he perspns, firm or com person ingluding their hOirs, elntered i i{ted assignees ps ernd their -[he term foodgrains' shall mqan guality paramgt top human Ithe amount bidder's \/alidity from the "de$osit through 6l rouQh NEFT/RTGS/a k apcount to the dpsig riod of bids under of Auction. r hall mean burlk cons tion of food grains ugh the e M/s N spot ation" ancl "FCl" lndia established ver occurs ther Food Exchange Ltd., whiQh has been on on its behalf.L mean the Gr:neral ManaEer of Food administrartive jurisdictipn, ther Food which the contract relates fall. The al Marnager, include the Deputy authorized for the {ime being to ood Corporation of Indi include the /bidder' shall mean a t has been with whonr the con xecutors, administr , SUCC:OSSOfS case may 0e s conforming nd include VVheat st foodgrai issuable and fit for of ' ic mode" means other ele<Xronic tran:sfer of from the bank ac;count of F shall mean seven ng days Only those with NSPO NSPOT/ require parcel of th interested bidders help desk 2. The detail wvvw.ncde construed acquaint miry also 18i002101 on the linK bi$ding and Procps s of E-auction is availabl pot.qom/ciircular-english.aspx, whicft may b€ read and to ; parlt of these Terrhs & Conditionsi' lBidders ar advised . Bidder mselves with the bficlding procedure before bid I free no nt{ct h,elpdesk provided by NSPOT on by the stocks maY be ins 4. at the intending dder(s) on the production of ernpanelment ( as; red been Per godown(s depclt (s) from where the stocks have prior to FCI day Appendix t) dulring working hours on any workrng the day of < ES (i) Bidder of stocks A,ppendix electroni EY EMD): of ihe cost t As per tendbd to be put'chEsed at the reserye price of of Rs.(As applicabie) The EMD has to be cre ited through to electronically deposit EMD calculated @ 1( mode in the designated FCI BanK 3i36158 3850 ofle day prtior to the stant of E-a irrstallme prayment (ii) If EMD prior to insuffi irllowed only. lt is the respo rnsibilitY of the lcidder to en cr"dited to FCI acc9Lrnt within the sclreduled tit not oredited in the designated bank account e Start of E-auclion or Bids is submitted EN/p if shall be sqrmmarily rejecterd and bl partipipate in the bidding process' unt No. in single that such FCI one daY ithout/ with shall not be (iii) EMD f his offer offer offer or the A (v) withdraws by the bidder shall be forfeited, if the bid not keeP his mopifies the termg & conditions thereof or d from the for acceptance during the validity period or s or neglects to observe/perform anv of the ot ations under to clausel0 orr violates any of the terms of contract s (iv) The working of Ell unsuccessftil tenderers shall be refu ays from the date of issuance of accepta within three letter to the successful refund of o. process, E-l\uction Participa to lris acce 7. The (i) Derpot. re$erve p for crop Rerilway trarnspo quoted pri extra. E quoted qu ex:ceed (i i) Once s rate [in both. All withdraw for seven furnished of either 50 M-l-) or le qf Rs. 5/- (Rs. Five)l or quanti\r (in multiple iited to s) phall be irrevopable. The bidders are not biQs. Birjders shqll keep their offers open fo acceptance ihe IiMD rking days from thq date of e auctiorr, failing the bidde,rs is liable to be forfeited. ed, the bids can be modified only upward in te 8. ate unit. of Bids, each $epot shall be treated as a 'Iime antity. For and acpepted on the principle of Pricer, Bid(s) will first the rtruantity as quoted by H-1 'will be ap oved at H-1 eiach H-2 rates. the quantity as quQted by H-2 will ber approved rertes. T ;s Will continue till the depot wrse quanti offered is This tenderers at In cqse of similar rpte being quoted by muiti exha n the total .e. Hl, H;l...etc, thp available quantity (if less any bid quanti bidder subiect to quoted b quoted fo availabilit is" i.e the bid quantity ar rate being who has ity subject io 09. Commu Th€r contra governed rion gf Acr:eptancer if any, which may eventuate from il^re E-Auction, shall be the 4onditions as qentioned in fhe terms and londition(s) , its Appendices arjrd Annexurep, Notice Invitirtg Bid and for E-Aucti Acc,eptance etteri Afterr the lose the e-auction, Accpptance letter{ will be comm d to the successftjl bidders by e rnail in the e-mail lD pror,rided by he bfdder at the tinhe of empanplment and the same can also be vi d by logging into thg system at h[tp://fciro.nspot.ih. The rce bf the Bid by the Generiil l[/anager or a]l 0fficer authorized him on hir; beharf shail constitutp the contract b{tween the bidcler and t : Fogd Corporation of India and ino separate Agfeement is required to exeputed after the issue of the ,{cceprtance Lett{r. of ENT 10. Ai) T&D 'T SCH Price of whe , levies, fees;, cha uthority in by the resprect of buyer in add ii) The EMD fu towards the cost of s) shall deposit re ning cost of the stocks along aprplicable within seven (7) ng days from the next date of issire of the ptance letter in FCI Ban( Accrcunt No. :tg6tLsg33leSOr through electronic mo0e. In ciase, the request of stocks and lotted querntity is equal to or m than 2000 , on tlre , FCI miay allow qxtension in of deposi of cost of licaple taxes for a maximum riod of another workirrg days;, r,Pehal interest of 2% over above the Ba k rate at which the F I is borrowing woulfl be t-rpto date of tof cost beyond ee period of 7 woiking days posit the buyer can cost within above period in maximum 2(t instalments. Release o full cost alo be issued. out of two purpose of commu iii) In carse the s applicable cancelled will bre gran can be downloaded by the bid with applicable taxBs and no casg of Inter-State sale. the i.e. with 'C' fonm and rrf cost of stocks/li only after osition of rtl tRelease r shall have to o fon one ut 'G' . For the of stocks, day of of qcceptance shafl not be cou long urith to be of time for {eposiit of Cost Bt any circunf stanr:e iv) Ther buyer working da FCI. all cpmplete the liffirng fror+p the next datp v) After n Fo Manager, F Fourteen (1 pay'ment of 2000 MT In case, the Request of maxrmum sto,ok from The lifting fourteen(14 rale of 50 .The s quantity of stocks fiver(35) granted a amount (14) rnrorking days, I may allow the extQnsi ) woq'king days for lilti charges in cflse r or more thern 2000 MT], on th,: )uye[, Arera Manager,I )l may allour the extelsion f,cr a llottQd quantity is equal 1od od pf another Twenty ne (21) working days for liftinE the I go$own,s on paynrltlnt rf stora$e chiarges. si.ocks in the exte :d periQd br:yond free period of .i paymerpt of ritorage chgrges at the )rKlng d€rys snall q€) ise per qtl. per day4 ;ect to tptal rninimum of Rs 2OO0/overed lin respect of lhe unlifted chqrges shall bd I period{actual period for which the :ks during the extq n in the godown). r expiry of twenty eiglrt(28)/thirty ing Qays, as the cape ay be, rfo fufther extenfion will be an qmount equivalpnt r value,of the unlifted quantity or rhichev4r is; lewer, shall be uivalpnt to EMq, ited and the balarrrce mount i{ any, to be refufrded to the bidder. vi) In case, approved i constraints concerned buver witho vii) FCI will not due to fai quaniity fr, he full/$art full/Qart quaniity a depot the {ender due to lrqn availabillity of stock or ational FCl. the shortfall in re quanfity may be off by the Manarger from o :r depoli(s) on the rec est oi' the is Unable to provide any additional cost to Cl, subjQct to availabilit regponsible for dQl of third parties like oa d receipli o1'payment of :s MD / C;ost etc. i viii) lf the s I bidder is unaple iod of lifting becaprse lift thd aillotted stoc within the operaitiornal difficulti of FCll or Majeqre) tlre conce General Manager, to r{fund the bala amcrunt equivalent on merit of h cerse, provided F Majeurr: event is by tlle tenderer to F I in writing (7) {ays c,f occurrerhoe within se such dvent. A speaki order has to be by Generral Mana$er, Region lelaborating the perational diff iculties FCI and ilction taken i such difficulties are ca due to nerSligence. Undgr no circumstq , stock$ slrall be del to any successful der after the expirf of stipulpted delivery stipulated reatsons d frumarr control ( gio4, FCI may cQnsi the unlifted stocks of h Ther food (c) gr{lns witt Oe r;old on "aB is jwfrere isibasis". to withdraJru from the Qprporption of India rpser{ves the iright qufntity prior any incluCed in E-fluction sale the to the accpptance of Ther Food offerr(s). (D) The buyer sfrall (ake his own a4rrXrr$ement frpr transport and will not be entiitled to {iaim lny facility or asr;istance fior transportatiofr from the Food Corporlation of India. Howe'vef, the stqckrs r:hall be loqdBd in the truc;ks of thl succpssful bidder at tlner cost of FlCl (E) sucQessful bidder prishrps to ta[<e delivery ot {ne stoc'ks, through a r$presentative, he (buyetr) must authoriz,e such representative through a Lfrtter Qf Authority in qrcs;$ribed fofmiat (Appendil- lll) which sherll be preflente$ to thre Depot in-'charge of Qoncerrned Depof . Depot inauthori;led cherrge af{er verifyring ponafidep representatifle/Lelter of Authority sfiall issuq tl're stocks to Authorir;ed representatiffe. l-f owever, such Df livery ghall be at br]Ver's sole responsibilit[i and risk and no clain] whatsqevr:r, shall lie dgainst the Food Corpdlation of lndia on any dccount, rif delivery is affected to a wrong persqn. ln ,case thf of the thd The FCI shflll deliver sllocks on 'f ()Oo{o weighflrent basis. The weighrnent in triplicafe and isig;n,ed by representatifie in token of acoeptprnc$ of quanitity & quality. Slip shall $e pr1'epared thd buyen/his (G) Dellivery snfltl ne given only durirrg workingi houns on all FCI days on pr{isentation of the copy of the Reltpase Order digi{ally si5;ned by FCI unf NSFOT, by the huy{rlfris representative to the Depot , lncharoe.. (H) The Food CQrporf,tion of lndia dQes flot guarQntere to make ar,iailable any definite quafitity tq the bidder. (t) Thr: Food QprporBtion of India r.*i*r]u". the rlight to accept Qr reject the bid(s), witn{irt as$igninlg any reag(:ln. Thr: bidder{ shall makt-.lheir arrlarngfments f[:r ob,taining peimits, if any required froff the State Governfient oth$r aruthority. (J) fanV (K) I pu1'ctnased from fCl The wheat puctiorr witl $o lrnder O4/SS through e be utilized and shall nft be expiortecl by the bi$der. tf the $ome$tically bidder viola[ps a4y of the terms an$ conditiQns of the empa]nelment or found to be [urnilhing any wrong/falfe inforniration at any st{ge, then in addition to f$rfeitqre of EMD, bidpelr be dQbarretd from parfiicipatinrS in {vill future tendflrs flQated by FCI for flisposal iof foodgrains coarse tnd grains v'-"'" for a period of one year. ,/ J*, , zrc; /'' ' 11. lf any bri behalf of Corooration E-A,uction i on the part miss;ion, ad -. tepderers to any nd NSPOT, then suclr ddition to initiating tne 0rooer on or nr{ 1 for nejection 12. d hold FCI and their rEspective es, halmless during arpd after the bi lities, rdamages, claimp, fines, rnses 0f erny nature aripinrO out of, by theibidder any way cgnnected re to perl'orm obligatiqn$ relating Ther bidder officers, di E-Fruction penalties, resulting with the to tlhe bid 1? by : Both FCI and Bidder slrall comply and abide ws including \iMi rout limifatiorr all applicfl0le Rules all appli made : In ncr 14. direlct or conrsequenti bidrlers or food grains servlce ir algents; or rou$h e auction event shall FCI be lia{le for any nages Qf ernv kind suffgred by the ies, in qonnerction with fhe sale of r use of e auction platloqm o{ the 15. The grie ;es pf the affectefl decided by not s lies to bidder(s) to jurisdiction i t/h Tht: Lalvs of - --: -.- \ r '- - l.: lders a{nd general pr{lio *itt be : boundimanner and if pidder(s) is iecisionlof GM(Region), an app,eal rvr(Kegron) FUt In a Tl still pOgrieved with tfne rned ED(Zone) FCl. Ar y unrescflverd disputes bptfveen the he cgntraclt will be qettl d in the iCourt of Law of cpmpetent - :Gujflrat. interprefed in accordanie witn tfre I ,/ %<A\ L:D^' /A$M(Comml.7, behalf qf Food Corpora{ioh of lrrdia Genefal Manager, Gu[afat dixlDetails of dePotconsumers of Regional Office , 02.02.2015 )for st. led trade of wheat oMSS (D) to at vario lDerpots u through on( No. 7d Name No. Crop ye Quantit Quetntit v v Rese Rs.iQtl) Fla incl Rai ftle freig d tfa qn irlg Road rtaion I AtrPENTD|X rl of nafes to be quoterf Form the e auction platform. $llt.r$ffi) *** r ]:occ wi+{a a izr + i6ri.1ilRl.ili.! ri r{,,* :+ + 1) FCI Auction (Auction Ti Auction quantity, Select FCI A e- auclion ltor the day. Click on tBID Regiorn iMobil€ Registration {Baftcii!'dth l 29 kbps - 23E l$p5] Welcome,+ef*r!r,jit< Tirire left I'or completiorr of ff Auction APFENDI}: .III PAPER OF rRs. 100 LETTER OFI PROPRIETOR/P M/S... AUTHORISE R/DI]RECIOR S TAKING DELIVE ME/US IN THE THE ST CORPOFIATION OF CTION DAT SIGNATURE OF DO HERE:BY ... ... F:OR MY/OUIR |3E:HALF ALL:O TED TO RELEASED FCIOD REGIONAII OFFICE, Nq .. Datep NTATIVE ...,....,.;. REPRESENTAT WE ARE BO REPRESI=NTAT DEEDS C)F THE AND DECLARE REPRESENTATI FROM IT{J IN vide rel RISED SIGNATL'RE OF t\****- : ADDIRE,SS}, ... s/o. BY D ID. AT IS ,CT THE I3ONFIR RISED STOCK E L OBLIGA rs l olF ouR nu]n{onrs;ro .ID RAIIIFY THE ACTIONS A,ND RESENti-ATt\/E AND UNDERT/,KE LTVERED 'rO THH AUJT4OR|SED ONCLUF|\/E DtSCHARpF OF FCI 'i )PRt ETqR,'P,ARTN ER/qt RECTOR) i ( ATTESTED BY Y PUBLIC WIIII|j oToRY STAMP & SEAI_) k Details of A/c No:3361 Branch Code:001 Branch Address: rr, Sarth Sa[ga Ring Road, , Ahmed IFS Gode MICR Code:
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