THE DAILY REPORTER Friday, January 30, 2014 y a COLUMBUS BAR Frid The Official Weekly News of the Columbus Bar Association THE LINCOLN COLLOQUIUM: CONTINUING THE CIVIL RIGHTS CONVERSATION “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” Abraham Lincoln President Abraham Lincoln died at 7:22 a.m. on April 15, 1865. He was 56 years old. The “greatest funeral in the history of the United States” began when his cortege left Washington by train on April 21, 1865 and retraced essential stops he had made during his 1,600 mile trip as president-elect in 1861. One of those stops was Columbus, Ohio. The Columbus Bar Association, in association with The Chester Professionalism Fund, is pleased to present “The Lincoln Colloquium” on April 27, 2015. The program is designed to coincide with and commemorate the 150th anniversary of Lincoln’s final trip through Columbus, Ohio. Not coincidentally, the program is also designed to continue the ongoing and important com- munity conversations sparked by recent events that seem to threaten those very civil rights that Lincoln understood to be fundamental building blocks of a strong and united nation. Lincoln’s vision for a fledgling nation is still being played out in the headlines we read daily: racism, marriage equality, human trafficking….all issues that are rooted in the politics of Lincoln’s tenure. What was his vision and what is his legacy? On April 27, 2015, Hon. Frank J. Williams, Chief Justice (ret.), Rhode Island Supreme Court, Michael Les Benedict, professor of law at The Ohio State University and Texas Law Schools, and Sharon L. Davies, Esq., author and director of The Ohio State University Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity will examine the topics of Lincoln & Constitutional Politics; Lincoln, Race & Racism; Lincoln as a Lawyer; and Abraham COMMITTEES Lincoln and Civil Liberties in Wartime. A book signing event and luncheon will conclude the program. You will want to be part of the continuing community conversations on important civil rights issues. This event is expected to sell out, so mark your calendars and register soon. How Lawyers Can Avoid Social Media Pitfalls More and more lawyers are feeling the pressure to have a presence on social media these days. The use of social media can be both a beneficial marketing tool and a way to stay connected with past, current, and prospective clients. However, as with any client-development method, lawyers who use social media must use caution to stay within the bounds of their jurisdiction’s rules of professional conduct. One thing lawyers should think about when using social media is the unauthorized practice of law. This can occur if you are giving online legal advice to someone in a jurisdiction in which you are not licensed to practice. Further, providing legal services online means you could be dealing with prospective clients outside of Ohio, or even outside of the United States. Avoid this pitfall by listing jurisdictions in which you are licensed to practice law on your website, Facebook, or other forms of social media that you use. Remember: anything you post online can be read all over the world. On a related note, lawyers should avoid giving any legal advice online. The line between giving general information versus legal advice can easily become blurred when a lawyer and nonlawyer are communicating on a social network, especially if the lawyer is providing answers to specific questions. Keep responses general and encourage social media visitors to seek legal counsel. Respecting and maintaining a client’s privacy is another important way to avoid breaking any ethical rules. Don’t talk about clients or their matters and don’t talk to clients about their matters on social networks. You should assume that everything you post on a social media site is available to ev- Jeckering eryone on the Internet. Be very cautious about writing anything that could expose confidential client information. Even a seemingly innocent post about a case you are handling could waive the attorney-client privilege and be a violation of the rules of professional conduct. Unless the social media accounts are being used solely for personal purposes, the rules on lawyer advertising apply. Further, lawyers should not enlist others to post advertising material on social media in an attempt to dodge restrictions on advertising. In order to avoid any of the above, lawyers should simply be cognizant of what they post on social media. Kristina Jeckering is a 2014 graduate of Capital University Law School and is a professional Recruiter/Project Manager for Dawson Legal. Tuesday, February 3 Municipal Court Noon - 1 p.m. Magistrate Tony Paat, Chair Speaker: Gene Edwards Esq., Legal Research Director, Franklin County Municipal Court Topic: A review of recent decisions that affect your practice in Municipal Court Location: Judge’s Conference room, 10th floor of Municipal Court Tuesday, February 3 Trust and Estate Planning Noon - 1 p.m. Brad Glover, Chair Speaker: J. Bradley Britton, J.D., LL.M., Director of Planned Giving and General Counsel, The Columbus Foundation Topic: Gifting Strategies for Business Owners Thursday, February 5 Employee Benefits Noon - 1 p.m. Stefan Thomas, Chair Speaker: Larry Boord, JD, CLU, ChFC, Boord & Associates; Jacob, Haxton and Boord Topic: Qualified Plan Governance and Fiduciary Duties Thursday, February 5 Common Pleas Court Noon to 1 p.m. Sean Alto, Chair Speaker: The Honorable Patrick E. Sheeran, Administrative Judge, Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Topic: Common Pleas Court over the past year Friday, February 6 Social Security Disability Noon - 1 p.m. Kelly Iacuzzo and Shannon Bateson, co-chairs Speaker: Dr. John Finch, Vocational Expert Topic: The Role of the Vocational Expert and CrossExamination of the VE in SS hearings. Tuesday, February 10 Legal Research and Information Technologies Noon - 1 p.m. Ingrid A. Mattson, Chair Speaker: Timothy Sarko, Data Dissemination Specialist with the US Census Bureau Topic: Tutorial on the bureau’s revamped American FactFinder database PILF - Raising Awareness By Mandi Grandjean, President of the Moritz College of Law’s Public Interest Law Foundation The Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and one of the oldest and largest student organizations. PILF raises awareness about public interest work and solicits donations for summer fellowships to support outstanding Moritz students who donate their time and legal knowledge to public service. Abigail Mack, a single-mother and secondyear law student made the most of the opportunity. With the support of a full PLIF Fellowship and the Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer Legacy Fellowship, Mack spent the past summer in Jerusalem and Ramallah working for two prestigious Israeli non-profits. Both organizations focus on social justice and Palestinian rights in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Mack traveled via public transportation from Ramallah, in the West Bank, to West Jerusalem, in Israel proper - a commute that taught her many lessons in and of itself. She experienced the checkpoints at the security barrier, the devastation on neighborhoods witness to protests, and saw firsthand the discrepancies in quality of life between the two territories. As a PILF Fellow, Mack spent countless hours working with both Israeli and Palestinian attorneys to research the application of international law to punitive housing demolitions and water rights, as well as explore the applicability of the Crime of Persecution as it pertains to the treatment of Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Working directly with the NGO’s supervising staff attorneys, Mack drafted legal memoranda, culminating in the submission of a shadow report to the UN Human Rights Committee in response to Israel’s submission on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Although Mack gained real legal training in the field of public international law, she also gained a new perspective on the rule of law in the global context – cementing her goal to passionately pursue a legal career serving the public interest. Abigail’s strong desire to help underrepresented populations receive legal help is one reason she was awarded the PILF Fellowship. In addition to eight years of experience in affordable housing development and neighborhood revitalization here in Columbus, Mack holds a master’s degree DID YOU KNOW? Fireproof provides document scanning solutions that allow you to have instant, reliable, and secure access to all your documents anytime, anywhere! Call your Columbus Bar member benefit representative, Michael Sweet at 614-2718401 for details. Abigail Mack in City and Regional Planning from OSU, and boasts a sincere long-term interest in international development, human rights, and sustainable and equitable shelter development. “I sought out a PILF Fellowship specifically because of my interest in serving international organizations working with refugees, land use conflict, and displacement issues. The PILF Fellowship helped me pursue these interests by off-setting the cost of travel and rent abroad, assisting me with the cost of child care for my daughter, and essentially ameliorating the lack of any financial compensation for my work as an unpaid Law Fellow. It made my dream of helping others feasible.” Mack is not alone in her commitment to the public interest. Each year more than more than 200 Moritz students become members of the Public Interest Law Foundation and help raise funds to support summer fellowships. Last year, PILF was able to award 13 full $3,500 fellowships and 10 $1,000 grants to deserving students. Ranging from placement with the Children’s Defense Fund, the Legal Aid Society of Columbus, and Disability Rights Ohio, PILF Fellows donated an astounding amount of hours to non-profits over the summer of 2014. PILF’s most important event of the year is its annual Auction, accounting for more than threefourths of all PILF funding. One hundred percent of Auction proceeds support PILF fellowships. As in years past, this year’s event promises to entertain attendees with a live auction emceed by Moritz’s own Professor Greenbaum, and guest appearances by Dean Alan Michaels. Among the auction items up for bid are a trip to Las Vegas, tickets to Cleveland Cavaliers games, and for a (See PILF, Page B-2) TURN THE PAGE FOR SERVING NOTICE Wednesday, February 11 Professionalism Noon - 1 p.m. Doug Holthus, Chair Speaker: Mike Valentine, Esq., Reminger Co., LPA Topic: Professionalism in a Litigation Practice Wednesday, February 11 Federal Court Noon - 1 p.m. Rex Miller, Chair Speaker: The Honorable Gregory L. Frost, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio Wednesday, February 11 Business Tax Noon - 1 p.m. Eleanor Palmer, Chair Speakers: Courtney Sparks White, Esq. Topic: Business Sale: Distinguishing Between Business & Personal Goodwill Continued on B-2 PACO Attorney Anne Marie Sferra from Bricker & Eckler presented during PACO’s GM at the CBA on January 21, 2015: Appeals: The Basics – Technical and Procedural Requirements, Brief Writing, and Oral Argument. As local rules for each District are constantly changing and each is unique in some ways, Ms. Sferra emphasized the importance of reviewing them to ensure your appeal is timely and properly filed with the correct clerk, you have attached the required documents, and have ensured everything is in order in the record. B-2 FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2014 y a d COLUMBUS BAR Fri CLE At-A-Glance Friday, January 30, 2015 (9:00am - 4:30pm) Wednesday, March 11, 2015 (1:30-4:45) Know 3rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Civil Rights Symposium Business Valuation Basics: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know-Part 1 of 3 3.0 CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Event #150311OT CLE Easy Pass Eligible (Video Replay from 12/11/14) Event #150302OT - 3.0 CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Pricing: M: $120/$135 -NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorney: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Friday, January 30, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) Friday, March 13, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) Tuesday, March 3, 2015 (9:00am-12:15pm) Approval Pending for 6.0 CLE Hours Event #150130OT Pricing: M $175/$195 - NM $195/$215 - Non-Attorney $115/$130 PREP-Probate Session 4-Administration with the clients & beneficiaries, Understanding the Law-Part 1 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150130PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Thursday - Friday February 5-6 (Day One 8:30am-4:45; Day Two 8:30am-12:15pm) 2015 Real Property Law Institute Approval Pending for 10.5 CLE Hours (Day One - 7.00 Hours; Day Two - 3.5 with 1.5 Hour Professional Conduct) (Approved for Real Estate, Real Estate Appraisal & Title Insurance Credit hours) Event #150205RP Pricing - Full: M: $310/$335 - NM $360/$385 - P: $255/$280 Day One Only: M: $255/$270 - NM $295/$310 - P: $230/$245 Day Two Only: M: $120/$135 - NM $170/$185 - P: $90/$105 Friday, February 6, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) PREP-Probate Session 5-Administration with the clients & beneficiaries, Understanding the Law-Part 2 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150206PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Friday, February 13, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) PREP-Probate Session 6-Administration with the Court, Step by Step through the Forms 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150213PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible PREP-Probate Session 10 - Land Sale Bench Tips for the Bar – Part 1: Spousal Support 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150313PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible (Video Replay from 11/21/14) Event #150303DRa – 3.0 CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Pricing: M: $120/$135 -NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorney: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Tuesday, March 17, 2015 (1:30pm-4:45pm) Tuesday, March 3, 2015 (1:30-4:45pm) (Video Replay from 11/18/14) 3.0 NLT CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Event #150317NL Pricing: M: $120/$135 -NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorney: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible (Video Replay from 11/21/14) Event #150303DRb - 3.0 CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Pricing: M: $120/$135 -NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorney: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible New Lawyer Training: Practice Area Sampler Friday, March 20, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) Thursday, March 12, 2015 (1:30PM-4:45pm) 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150320PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible (Video Replay from 10/10/14) 3.0 CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Event #150312EN Pricing: M: $120/$135 - NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorneys: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible PREP-Probate Session 11 - Adoption Friday, March 27, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) PREP-Probate Session 7 - Guardianship, Overview 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150220PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Friday, February 27, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) PREP-Probate Session 8 - Guardianship Administration 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150227PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Friday, March 6, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) PREP-Probate Session 9 - Administration of Person & Administration of Estate 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150306PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible PREP-Probate Session 12 - Ethics Wednesday, March 18, 2015 (9:00-12:15pm) Friday, March 27, 2015 (1:30:-4:45) (Video Replay from 12/8/2014) 3.0 CLE Hours (with 0.5 Professional Conduct) Event #150318OT (Pending Approval) Pricing: M: $120/$135 - NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorneys: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible 1.5 CLE/NLT Training Hours Event #150327PR Pricing: M $60/$67.50 - NM $97.50/$95 - Non-Attorney $45/$52.50 CLE Easy Pass Eligible On Target: Gun Law Managing the Media: Lawyers & the Press (Approval Pending) Event #150327OT Pricing: M: $120/$135 -NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorney: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Tuesday, March 31, 2015 (1:30-4:45pm) (Video Replay from 12/17/14) 3.0 NLT CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Event #150331NL Pricing: M: $120/$135 - NM $170/$185 - P: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Tuesday, April 14, 2014 (1:30-4:45pm) New Lawyer Training: Litigation 101 (Video Replay from 9/16/14) 3.0 NLT CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Event #150414NL Pricing: M: $120/$135 -NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorney: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Tuesday, April 28, 2014 (1:30-4:45pm) New Lawyer Training: The Core Curriculum (Video Replay from 10/21/14) 3.0 NLT CLE Hours (Pending Approval) Event #150428NL Pricing: M: $120/$135 -NM: $170/$185 - P/Non-Attorney: $90/$105 CLE Easy Pass Eligible Monday, March 2, 2015 (1:30-4:45pm) Financial Statements, Tax Returns & Closely Held Businesses: What Every Attorney Needs to SERVING NOTICE The Franklin County Common Pleas Court - General Division Judges nominated and approved Judge Patrick E. Sheeran to serve as Administrative Judge for 2015. The Franklin County Common Pleas Court - General Division, Domestic Relations/Juvenile Division and Probate Courts Judges nominated and approved Judge Charles A. Schneider to serve as Presiding Judge during 2015. Assistant City Attorney Jaiza Page was appointed to serve on City Council on January 12, 2015. Schneider Thanks to our ABC 6 TV “Ask the Attorney” volunteers L-R, David Hasselback, Benjamin Wright and David Lowe If you would like to volunteer for any Wednesday 57 pm, contact Marion Smithberger at Page [email protected] or call 340.2070. All conversations with callers are private and confidential. You will not be required to answer questions outside of your area of expertise. The 100 + callers are very grateful for the free advice. Continued from B-1 Thursday, February 12 Health Care Law Noon - 1 p.m. Shakeba DuBose, Chair Speaker: Maritsa Flaherty, Associate Assistant Attorney General, Health Care Fraud Section, Ohio Attorney General’s Office Topic: State level health care fraud enforcement and an overview of how cases are brought against healthcare providers as well as examples of cases where health care providers defrauded the Medicaid program and were prosecuted Friday, February 13 Workers’ Comp 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Katherine Ivan, Chair Speaker: John V. Cattie, Jr., MSP Compliance Attorney, Garretson Resolution Group Topic: Updates to Medicare SetAside Requirements Friday, February 13 ADR Noon - 1 p.m. David Cohen, Chair Speaker: George Albu, mediator for the Columbus office of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Recently served as mediator in the Notice to Attorneys Who Practice In Municipal Court The Judges of the Franklin County Municipal Court hereby give notice of their intention to amended Loc. R. 4.12 to authorize the approval of search warrants and the issuance of investigative subpoenas by electronic means. You may view the proposed amendments at http://www. All comments regarding these 2014 Ohio Oil & Gas Law Update New Lawyer Training - Employment Law Friday, February 20, 2015 (8:00-9:30am) Sheeran Bench Tips for the Bar – Part 2: Temporary Orders amendments must be submitted to Magistrate Kathleen E. Graham at the Franklin County Municipal Court, 375 South High Street, 10th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 or through email at [email protected] by the close of business on Friday, February 13, 2015. Reynoldsburg dispute between teachers and Administration. Topic: Multiparty mediation, the FMCS, and some war stories. Wednesday, February 18 Construction Law Noon - 1 p.m. Andrew Fredelake Speaker: Stan Dobrowski, Calfee, Halter & Griswold Topic: Public Private Partnerships in the Construction industry Thursday, February 19 Transportation Law Noon - 1 p.m. Gary Tober, Chair Speaker: W. Martin Midian, Ross and Midian, LLC. Topic: The effects of an OVI on CDLs and provide an update on recent developments and changes in OVI law. Friday, February 20 Government Agencies Noon - 1 p.m. Allan Showalter, Chair Speaker: John Barron, Casino Control Commission Topic: The progress of the Commission and the work and challenges that went into building a new state regulatory entity Wednesday, March 4 Government Agencies/ Environmental Law Joint Meeting Allan Showalter, Government Agencies Chair Rees Alexander, Environmental Law Chair Speaker: Justice French , Ohio Supreme Court Thursday, March 5 Employee Benefits Noon - 1 p.m. Stefan Thomas, Chair Speaker: Robert E. Peirce, Senior Sales Executive, Oswald Companies Topic: Middle Market Health Care Plan Designs and Trends Wednesday, March 11 Professionalism Noon - 1 p.m. Doug Holthus, Chair Speaker: Bill MacBeth, Esq., Odd Lots Topic: Professionalism; General Counsel’s perspective Thursday, March 12 Health Care Law Noon - 1 p.m. Shakeba DuBose, Chair Speaker: Patrick Beatty, VP of Public Policy, Government Relations and Director of the Ohio AIDS Coalition, AIDS Resource Center Ohio Topic: The impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on healthcare for people who are HIV+. PILF (Continued from Page B-1) more personal auction item - lunch with Chief Justice O’Connor. A silent auction with hors d’oeuvres and beverages will also be held simultaneously. Many Moritz students have a desire to provide legal services to underserved populations and PILF raises funds to ensure these nascent attorneys are able to begin their careers by contributing to the public interest. Members of the Columbus Bar and greater community are cordially invited to this year’s Auction on March 5, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. at the Huntington Club in Ohio Stadium. Please visit for more information on how to contribute to the mission of PILF or contact Meagan VanBrocklin at [email protected] for Auction specific inquires.
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