OFFICE OF THE PRISIDENT SEYCHELLES DEPARTMf,NT OF INFOIiTV-A.TION COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (DICT) REQUEST FOR EXPRtrSSION OF INTEREST Consultancy Services for the Provision ofRegulatory Support for the Developnlent of the Reguhtions lor Radio-Frequency Spectrum Management a new Communications Legislation, r'hich enconpasses the regnlation of the broadcasting and clectronlc cominunications sector in Seychelles. once lhc net! legislation js enacted, ne\r, Regularions has to be developed for the effective and efilcienr managemenl ol radjo liequcnr\ .pectr! n in Selchelles. Consequ€ntl!. the objective of this project is o creaLe Regulations for radio'fiequenc,v spectrum nanagement, which wiLl be hamonized rvidr fie COX{ESA model Regulatjons and also internallonal best DICT is in the process offinalizing include lhe lbllowing: Consuhation with DICT and thc rclevant stakeholdeF:and Creation ofrepon and drali Resulations. Tl1€ s€.vices L 2. This notice ha:j becn publislred tu ar least one rervspaper in Seychelles. The appearance date ol this Dotice is considered to bc lhc olficial prblicarion dale. hrernalioDal bidders can vie$ this norice at the following lnrk: )!t!t!.dt !! or i'i {.!in:.:g DICT now invites Consultancy Fimr/Consuhants rvith dernonstrated expcnise in regulatory aspecrs of radioliequency spectrum management to indicate their interest nr providing the required services ibr the aforesaid Tle delajled oblecrives and the scope of \aork can be found in the Tems ofReference (TOR) document and it can be downloaded at the follo$.ing link. hrerested Consxltanc) Firm,Consullants must provide all ihe relevant infonnation indicated inthe TOR: lttp:,,N\'\\ ict.sov...lor mrnl!,l)lcI l'OR0l.pilf Subnission of Expression of lnterests Expressions oflqterest rnusl be subnitted in electronic fonnat and hard copy in a sealed envelope clearl] nra*ed "Expression of Interest for the Developneni of the Regulations lor Radio-Frequency Spectrum Mnnagenent". The sealed e.velopes should bc addressed and delivercd not later than 12.00 noon on l3'h Febrnrrv 2015 ar rhe addrcss h.low The Pdncipal Secrelary Depadlnenr of lrtbrmation Conlmunications Technology Caravelle House P.O. Box 137 Vicroria Republic of Seychelles Tel: - 248 4286600 Fa\: + 248 4322720 E-nrail: U!] :l.J'!rj!!4rry!q
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