University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Faculty-Staff Recreation Association #1 Alice Ingram Circle Chapel Hill, NC 27517 CB#2900, The Farm 962-FARM (962-3276) Fax: 962-6854 FARM TALK FEBRUARY/ MARCH 2015 ANNUAL MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT “COUNSELOR INTERNSHIP TRAINING” APPLICATIONS Farm Members are welcome to join us for the Annual Meeting of the FSRA Board of Directors on Thursday, February 26th, 7:30 pm in the FSRA Lodge (Clubhouse). This meeting is your opportunity to offer suggestions and give feedback on The Farm. Please email Ben at [email protected] if you have questions about Farm governance. The Farm CIT program is the training ground for creating top notch Farm Camp Counselors. We suggest any 14 year old interested in becoming a future counselor first start with the CIT experience. Some responsibilities include a mandatory orientation meeting, weekly meetings with Seth to talk about expectations and duties and writing a reflection log after each week of work. We believe this will make their experience more valuable and ready them to be future counselors. Counselor Internship Trainees (CIT’s) must be 14 year olds and have the opportunity to work two weeks in Little Farmer’s and Day Camp. This is an excellent employment opportunity for all young adults. The position is to be treated as a true work experience so we ask that your child personally complete his/her application form and be responsible for all future correspondence. CIT’s must complete applications and return to The Farm by Wednesday, March 11th to be considered for a position. Please visit our website for the CIT application. COUNSELOR APPLICATIONS SUMMER CAMP INFORMATION Seth Pomerantz, Assistant Manager SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION INFORMATION It’s time to register for summer camp. 2015 Farm Camp applications are included in this newsletter. Farm Camp will be held in weekly sessions beginning June 15 and ending August 21. Day Camp and Youth Camp run the entire summer. Little Farmer’s begins Week 1 (June 15-19) and ends Week 8 (Aug 3-7). An optional swim lesson is available in all three camps and diving lessons are available for Day Campers and Youth Campers. Call 919-962-3276 or email [email protected] for more camp information. Space is limited in all of our camps so sign-up today! Non-Members have the ability to enroll in summer camp this year! This will give your neighbor or classroom friend a chance to attend one of the best camps in Chapel Hill. Please read below as some rules apply: - Non-members must be sponsored by a current Farm member. The sponsoring member does NOT have to have a child enrolled in camp for a non-member to attend. - Non-members may enroll up to one month in advance for each week of camp. For example, if you would like to sign up for Week 6 (July 20-24), you may sign a sponsored child up for Week 6 no earlier than June 20. - Non-member camper registration will begin May 15 for the first week of camp. Non-members are welcome to send in their forms as early as they like to be put first on the waiting list. - All camper spots will be on a first come, first serve basis. Spots will be limited due to early Farm member enrollment. - Please direct non-member friends to our website, for non-member registration forms. We will accept non-member forms early and enroll them in open spaces in the order they were received. - Payment must come from the sponsoring Farm member. I hope the school year is going well for all our past counselors, but it is already time to start thinking about the summer again. I look forward to seeing all our returning counselors apply and I encourage any new individuals interested in summer employment to complete an application. Please go to our website for the counselor application packet. Counselor positions are highly competitive considering the ratio of applicants to available positions. Please treat this application process as you would any other and make sure to list references you are confident in and provide a resume. I also expect all communication be made by counselors applying for the position and not a parent. Applications must be in by Friday, March 13th to be considered for a position. 2015 FARM SUMMER CAMP SCHEDULE Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 June 15-19 June 22-26 June 29- July 3 July 6-10 July 13-17 July 20-24 July 27-31 August 3-7 August 10-14 August 17-21 TENNIS INFORMATION Nate Lipson 919-225-2286 Ryan Lewis 919-672-2204 Ladies Night Evening Drills (Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm) For women 3.0 or higher. Great way to practice your strokes, get a work-out and socialize with some friends. Contact Stacie for more information WINTER TENNIS COURT HOURS Courts 1-6 open at 9:00 am Courts 7-12 open at 8:30 am Please call during inclement weather: 968-7645 A message will be updated by 8:00 am All tennis courts close at 9:00 pm (10:00 pm beginning on March 10th) Menʹs 3.5+ Evening Drills (Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm) For men rated 3.5 or higher. Want a workout? Want to get aggressive with your game? Come on out! Welcome to Sam Weissler rejoining the Farm Tennis Staff!! Adult ʺRust & Dustʺ Advanced Beginner Clinic (Saturdays 9:00-10:30am) This clinic is for folks who have taken some time off and are wanting to get back into tennis or players who want to fine tune their skills. 2015 SPRING TENNIS CALENDAR Junior Clinics Session 1: March 2nd – April 17th Session 2: April 27th – June 5th Smashers- 8 and under beginner (Mon/Wed, 3:45-4:30 pm) We use oversize Quickstart tennis balls and smaller courts to teach the game to our youngest crowd. Quickstart involves improving reflexes, hand/eye coordination and basic stroke form as well as introducing basics such as footwork and scoring. Aces- Beginner/Intermediate (Mon/Wed, 4:30-5:30 pm) Kids who have graduated from the Beginner class or have the ability to rally several shots. Players should be prepared to work on serves, returns, volleys, footwork and basic match play strategies. Orange ball and green-dot balls used. Rack Pack-Intermediate/Advanced (Mon/Wed, 5:30-6:30 pm) The Rack Pack is a group for players able to rally and serve in point play. No real age requirement for this clinic. This group will be doing a lot of rallying and match play. Mainly regular balls will be used. This season will have two separate groups determined by the tennis pros. Green-Dot Clinic- (Wed/Fri 4:00-5:00pm) Year Round For competitive players 12 and under playing with the green-dot balls. Contact Ryan Lewis for enrollment. High Performance (Tues/Thur, 4:30-6:30 pm)Year Round For competitive tournament players of all ages. Contact Nate Lipson for enrollment. Adult Clinics (Please Email [email protected] for registration) Triangle Ladies Team Practice (Mondays 9:00-10:30 am) Start Date TBD This clinic is open to all ladies interested in playing on the Triangle Ladies Teams. It is a variety of drills, match play strategies and stroke production. It is also a great way to meet other members who actively participate in Team Tennis at The Farm! The starting date for TTL practice will be announced. Practice will run throughout the regularly scheduled TTL Spring schedule. 3.0+ Adult Evening Clinic (Thursdays 6:30-7:30 pm) For ladies or men looking to have a lot of fun on the court! This clinic offers a lot of variety from drills to match play scenarios. Adult Beginner Clinic (Saturdays 10:30-11:30am) This is for the true beginner. A great chance to get a lot of repetition and work on your technique. A great way to get into tennis and a good bridge to the Advanced Beginner Clinic. Summer Tennis Camp The Farm Summer Tennis Camp can accommodate a wide range of tennis players from the beginner to the advanced player. We have a great time with technical instruction, games and match play. Camps are available in weekly sessions (Monday-Friday) from June 15th-July 31st. The week of June 29th will be a tournament week which is new for this year. We expect a lot of sign-ups this year so get those registration sheets (attached) in as soon as possible. Please note that payment for Summer Tennis Camp should be made directly to Nate Lipson. If you are looking for an all day option, you can sign up for both Tennis Camp and Farm Camp and receive a discount for Farm Camp. Any questions concerning this option or Tennis Camp, please email [email protected]. Events January 30th – Polar Bear Club February 14th - Valentineʹs Brunch (Cone Kenfield Center) March 21st - Rally Fundraiser April 3rd -Easter Mixer May 8th-9th – Spring Singles May 25th – Memorial Day Mixer Clinic Rates (based on number of people) 4 or more- $12 per hour 3- $15 per hour 2- $25 per hour 1- lesson rate Lesson Rates Nate Lipson- $50/hr Ryan Lewis and Stacie Luders- $48/hr Emily Kutner and Mike Greenberg- $48/hr Sam Weissler- $48/hr Make sure you are on the tennis listserv to receive the latest on upcoming events and clinics. To join the listserv, please email [email protected] and ask to be added. If you have any questions regarding dates and times for lessons or clinics, please feel free to call Nate at 919-2252286 or email [email protected]. Please call if you would like to schedule a clinic that is not currently offered. We want to offer something for everyone! Tennis Shop The Farm Tennis Shop has many new offerings for the new year. With a new shipment of racquets for 2015, there is a racquet for everyone. Ask Nate about all of the new strings for 2015 or order just about anything and we will match the price you find online. Our end of 2014 sale has continued into 2015 so come check it out. Hope to see you in the shop. 9:00-1:00 pm, 3:00-5:00 pm Weekdays 9:00-3:00 pm Saturdays and Sundays For more information, please call the Tennis Shop at 919-968-7645 or email [email protected] FITNESS INFORMATION – 923-7448 Contact Becky Woodruff, Fitness Coordinator Email: [email protected] Farm Fitness Room Hours 7:30am-9:00pm Current - March 7th 7:30am-10:00pm March 8th - November 1st 7:30am-9:00pm November 2nd - December 31st Individualized Fitness Programs Free Fitness Room Orientations (by appointment) If you have never used the Fitness Room and would like to do so, please contact Becky for a free orientation. Becky will also set you up with an individualized exercise program. Free Farm Nutrition & Fitness Challenge Becky Woodruff & Farm Registered Dietician, Susan Lutz want to help you feel more fit. We will offer free fitness room orientations and a nutritional consult to get you started on your weight loss program and journey to better health. We recommend a weekly weight check in (in person, via phone, text, and email) discuss progress towards goals. If you are interested in participating please call Becky at 919-923-7448 or email at [email protected]. Personal Training (by appointment) Certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Certified Health Fitness Specialist, Becky Woodruff works with members on a wide variety of goals from sports conditioning, weight loss, injury rehabilitation, and overall body conditioning. Each program is individualized to meet specific needs and goals. Senior Fitness Testing (by appointment) Becky provides the Senior Fitness Test for adults 55+ years of age. Becky will also provide recommendations and exercise prescription based upon the results of your Senior Fitness Test. Farm Individual Nutrition Counseling (by appointment) Registered dietitian Susan Lutz has counseled adults, adolescents and children on a variety of nutrition-related topics. Susan also works for Essential Nutrition and Wellness, LLC in Chapel Hill. Please email Susan at [email protected] and/or visit the website at if you are interested in nutritional counseling and/or weight control. Teen Fitness Clinics (January-May) The Farm offers 3 sessions of 6 week teen fitness clinics from January through Mid-May to help students stay fit during the winter months. Non-members are invited to participate if room permits: Session 1 Winter Clinics: January 6- February 14 (Full) Session 2 Winter/Spring Clinics: February 16- March 28 Session 3 Spring Clinics: April 6- May 15 Level 1 Girls/Boys Teen Sports Conditioning Clinic Thursdays 5:30- 6:30pm & Saturdays 10am-11am Clinic Instructors: Chad Wagoner (boys) & Becky Woodruff (Girls) Level 1 is an entry level fitness program designed for students who are not involved in daily sports programs and are interested in being more physically active. The clinic is individualized to meet each student’s goals. Students are encouraged to follow a prescribed daily home exercise program. Weight control assistance is available. Level 2 Girls/Boys Teen Sports Conditioning Clinic Mondays 5:30- 6:30pm & Saturdays 10am-11am Clinic Instructors: Katie Kirsh (Boys) Erica Roleofs (Girls) Level 2 is designed for students involved in daily sports programs. The instructors individualize the clinic to address specific sport interests. Students are encouraged to follow a prescribed daily home exercise program on a weekly basis. Farm Teens on the Run (ages 10 -18) Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm & Saturdays 10-11am Clinic Instructors: Meg Pomerantz (Lead Instructor) Katie Kirsh, Chad Wagoner, Erica Roleofs The Farm is developing its own running group for teens with several experienced running instructors. Runners of all skill levels ages 10-18 are encouraged to participate, even if you have to start out walking! We will be getting ready for several area Fun Runs in March (the Franklin Street 5 K), April and May. This will be a great way to get exercise and parents will be encouraged to participate in the Fun Runs as well. Ladies Fitness Clinics (January- May) Ladies Fitness Clinics The Farm offers 3 sessions of 6 week fitness clinics from January through Mid-May to help keep members fit during the winter months. Non-members are invited to participate if room permits: Session 1 Winter Clinics: January 6- February 14 (Full) Session 2 Winter/Spring Clinics: February 16- March 28. Session 3 Spring Clinics: April 6- May 15. Level 1 Ladies Fitness Clinics (Clubhouse) Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. (Instructor Meg Pomerantz) Level 1 Clinic is designed for members who might not be getting enough exercise during the winter months and who want to begin a general conditioning and fitness program. Cardio, strength training, and flexibility is included as well as a home program and assistance with weight loss if desired. Level 2 Ladies Sports Conditioning Clinics (Clubhouse) Fridays, 8:45-9:45am. (Instructors: Sam Weissler, Genevieve, Becky) Level 2 Clinic is designed to help our active athletic members maintain and improve sports specific muscle strength, core stability, flexibility and endurance and balance during the winter months. These clinics are specifically geared towards our more active ladies who are participating in tennis or other sport activities on a regular basis. Ongoing Adult Group Fitness Programs Pop Up Cardio Workout with Katie Corley (Clubhouse) Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30-9:30am PopUp Workout is an hour long, full body workout that incorporates cardio, toning, strength and flexibility exercises. Free weights, stretch bands, balls and gliders are used to work all muscle groups and keep the program challenging. It is an intense workout and you can expect to burn 400-600 calories per class, build long lean muscles, and keep your metabolism revving. Please visit for more information about Katie and PopUp Cardio Workout Pop Up Pilates with Lauren (Clubhouse) Tuesdays 10:00 -11:00am This is an hour long mat based Pilates class. Practiced faithfully, Pilates yields numerous benefits such as increased lung capacity and improved strength and flexibility. M.O.R.E Living Program (MORE = Moving On thru Recreation & Exercise) This is a new program headed by Farm Fitness Professional Meg Pomerantz. The program is designed to inspire cancer survivors to lead active lives. Please contact Meg Pomerantz for more information at [email protected]. Ongoing Mind/Body Holistic Programs Yoga with Genevieve (Yoga Room) Wednesdays 10:00-11:00am Fridays and Saturdays 10:00-11:15am Genevieve’s teaching stems from a classical Yoga background and is strongly influenced by Iyengar. Focus is on structural alignment, development of strength, stamina, flexibility, balance and concentration (Dharana). Feel free to check out Genevieve’s website to learn more about her programs: Tai Chi with James Sutton (Clubhouse) Mondays 6:30-7:30 pm Tai Chi is a martial art and exercise for overall well-being and conditioning incorporating dynamic movement that improves energy flow throughout the body. This class will focus on the Chen style and various Qi (energy) enhancing exercises. James is also an instructor with the Magic Tortoise Taijiquan School: Therapeutic Massage with Daniel (by appointment) Daniel specializes in Therapeutic Massage, specifically the Active Release Technique (ART). ART is a patented state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. To schedule a full Active Release Technique please call Daniel at 540-8186333 or email: [email protected]. Fitness Program/Clinic Payment Options Fitness clinic/program participation can be billed to your account or you can pay instructor directly Individual Fitness Programs Costs (Personal Training & Nutritional Counseling & Senior Fitness Testing): $50/hour, $37.50/45 min, 25$/half hour Teen Fitness Clinics/Farm Teens on the Run $50 for one clinic per week for six week session, $100 for two clinics/week for six week session, or $10/clinic on a per clinic basis if not paid in advance Ladies Fitness Clinics: $50 for one clinic per week for six weeks, or $10/clinic on a per clinic basis if not paid in advance. Adult Group Fitness Programs: $10/clinic Mind/Body Holistic Programs: $10/clinic Exceptions: Therapeutic Massage: M.O.R.E Living Program. Please discuss payment with instructor. For more information, call/email Becky Woodruff, Farm Fitness Director, at 919-923-7448 or email: [email protected] RECREATION INFORMATION: 919-962-FARM Seth Pomerantz, Assistant Manager Upcoming Recreational Events Mini-Camps: February 16, March 30, 31 and April 1-2 Parent’s Night Out: Feb. 20, March 20 April 17, May 29 Chili Cook-Off: February 21 (4:00-6:00pm) Family Archery Day: March 1 (Noon-2:00pm) Casino Night: April 11 (7:00 pm) Egg Hunt: April 3 (11:00am) Camp Out: May 22 (beginning @ 6:00 pm) SPRING BREAK MINI-CAMPS Feb. 16, March 30, 31, April 1, 2 (8:30-5:30 pm) Mini-Camps will be held each day during Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Spring Break. Applications can be found in this newsletter, the office, or on our website. We ask that your child please bring a lunch and a tennis racquet for your child. We will provide snacks and activities. Mini-Camps fill up very quickly and are limited to member’s children only. Prices for mini-camp are $45 for one child or $75 for two children from the same family. Payment MUST be made before arrival at Mini-Camp. PARENT’S NIGHT OUT Feb. 20, March 20, April 17, May 29 (6:00-9:00 pm) This is a great opportunity for parents and children alike to have a great evening. Once a month from 6:00-9:00 pm, The Farm provides a babysitting service for up to thirty kids. While here, we make home-made pizzas, ice cream sundaes and watch a fun movie. This gives parents the night off to do whatever they would like whether it be a tennis match or going out for dinner. Make sure to sign up in advance because these evenings tend to fill up quickly. Prices are as follows: $15 for one child or $25 for two children from the same family. THIRD ANNUAL FARM CHILI COOK-OFF February 21 (4:00-6:00 pm) Think you have the best chili this side of the Mississippi? We will be hosting our third annual Farm Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, February 21 from 4:00-6:00 pm. $5 for all the chili you can eat and beer you can drink. Cook-Off attendees will also have the chance to pick the best chili. Please RSVP so we can purchase supplies accordingly. Interested in participating in the competition? Please email Seth Pomerantz at [email protected]. All entries must be enough chili for 60-70 samples. All types of chili are included in this event; however we ask that you please provide a sign with all ingredients in your chili. Best meat chili and veggie chili will win a visa gift card and best chili overall will win the coveted Farm Chili Cup! FAMILY ARCHERY DAY March 1 (Noon-2:00 pm) Want to see who in your family has better aim? Nowʹs your chance to come out and prove yourself on the Archery Range! We will meet in the upper shelter at noon and walk to the archery range together. If you are late, please make your way through the woods along the disc golf course until you find the range. This will be a first come, first serve program. CASINO NIGHT April 11 (7:00 pm) Is Lady Luck on your side? Join us for an exciting night of casino games, food and fun! The Farm is hosting our second Annual Casino Night! This year, all proceeds will benefit The Farm/Seawell Elementary Critter Corner. The evening will include some of your favorite casino games along with heavy hors d’oeuvres, beer, wine and amazing prizes! Call the babysitter, brush off your favorite cocktailcasual ensemble, bet the limit and double-down on doing good while having fun! Tickets are limited, so get them early! The event will begin at 7:00pm on Saturday, April 11th. Tickets are $50 each and include $10,000 in chips. Tickets are transferrable, but non-refundable. Please email Seth Pomerantz to reserve your tickets today. Special Member Discount: Sign up two non-members for the event; receive a 50% discount on your ticket. Register four non-members; receive a free ticket to the event! EGG HUNT April 3 (11:00 am) The Egg Hunt is a great way to welcome in the spring season at The Farm. Children aged 2-12 are welcome to participate in hunting for eggs on the softball field, the playground and in front of the main building. We have three different areas to keep the bigger kids separate from the little ones and to ensure everyone has a chance at as many eggs as possible. Remember to bring a basket for the eggs and a camera for the memories! Egg hunting rules will begin promptly at 11:00 am in the upper shelter so please arrive ten to fifteen minutes early. CAMP OUT May 22 (beginning at 6:00 pm) We will roast marshmallows and make s’mores around the campfire in the evening and share OJ and doughnuts in the morning. For those of you who are not the camping type, we encourage you to spend a night with us at this year’s campout. ‘Roughing it’ is not part of the campout mentality, for bathrooms, showers and running water are just right around the corner! Please RSVP for this event so we can buy breakfast food and s’mores accordingly. Casino Nightt Reminder! C 20115 POOL INFOR RMATION Ben n Allred, FSRA A Manager FARM A SWIMMIN NG POOL We aree slated to opeen Saturday, May M 16 at 12:000 pm. Please be surre to put the date on yourr calendar and d bring your family y. We promisee the water willl be refreshing! LIFEGUARD CLASS The Farm will be offering a liffeguard classs for anyone interessted in becom ming lifeguard d/ first aid/ CPR C certified. This 30 3 hour classs will meet several timess during an approx ximately two week program m in late-May at The Farm pool. The T first day of class will be Tuesday, May 19 at 6 p.m. The schedule for rest of thee class will bee determined at the first meeting of the class. Students aree required to d all class sessiions, so pleasee make sure yo our schedule attend will fitt within class expectations. e FARM SWIM TEAM The Farm F Swim Team T Kick-offf Picnic is sccheduled for Mondaay, May 18 att 6:00 pm in The T Farm shellters. We will meet the t coaching staff, distribu ute and acceptt application forms and fees, an nd have all yo our swim teaam questions answeered. More information will be coming soon! 2015 GENERAL FARM CAMP INFORMATION WELCOME TO FARM CAMP! We are glad to offer one of the best, most comprehensive traditional day camps in the area. Our staff is trained in CPR and first aid, and many of the counselors are also certified life guards. Safety of the campers and staff is our primary concern. We will ask that all campers be signed out by a parent or preauthorized individual. A note must be sent if your child is going home with another camper. An emergency contact and medical waiver and release form must be filled out before a child can attend camp. This form is on the back of the camp registration form. - Club members may enroll their children in the Farm Camps for as many sessions as desired. If a child attends three or more days of a camp, then the full price for that week must be paid. -Campers will need to bring each day: a lunch, a swimsuit, a towel, and sunscreen. PLEASE label all items with the child’s name. Drinks and snacks will be provided by the camp daily. We also ask that campers wear athletic shoes. -All campers will have an hour of swim time each day. A ½ hour group lesson is available for campers at an additional cost. -Day Camp and Youth Camp will have a 30 minute tennis activity period each day. -All campers will receive a Farm Camp t-shirt. Additional shirts may be purchased for $10 each. -All campers will have the option to purchase pizza on most Fridays. The cost is $2 per slice. -Day Camp and Youth Camp will have the option to sign up for diving lessons. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LITTLE FARMERS (AGES 4-6) TIMES 8:30AM-2:30PM MAX 36 CAMPERS COST: $190 PER SESSION Little Farmers is a great opportunity for your child’s first camp experience. A typical Little Farmers day includes playground time, games, and hour of swim time, lunch, inside quiet time, snack and craft time. During Little Farmers swim time there is an option of a 30 minute group swim lesson. These lessons are a great way to learn basic water skills. Groups are organized according to ability levels and each group has set goals to achieve during the summer. Little Farmers is led by a camp director who has a support staff of an assistant director and many counselors. Little Farmers Extended Day- Extended Day offers camp care from 2:30-3:30 pm. The cost is $50 per week. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DAY CAMP (AGES 6-9) TIMES 8:30AM-3:30PM MAX 65 CAMPERS COST: $210 PER SESSION Day Camp is run in 10 one week sessions. Each week will include some fun activities to start the summer off! Day campers will spend an hour at the pool each day. During this hour the campers will have the option of a ½ hour group swim lesson at an additional cost. Groups are organized according to ability levels and each group has set goals to achieve during the summer. A typical Day Camper day includes tennis time, field games, crafts, swim time, indoor quiet time, lunch, snack and weekly special activities. Day Campers have the option of buying pizza for lunch on most Fridays for $2 per slice. Day Campers are also allowed to go to the snack machine at lunch time. Day Campers will be led by a camp director, two assistant directors and a host of well qualified counselors. Please see the registration page for options for an extended camp day. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUTH CAMP (AGES 9-13) TIMES 8:30AM-3:30PM MAX 50 CAMPERS COST $210 SESSION Youth Camp is run in 10 one week sessions. A typical Youth Camper day includes tennis time, field games, crafts, swim time, lunch, snack and weekly special activities. Youth Campers have the option of buying pizza for lunch on most Fridays for $2 per slice. Campers are also allowed to go to the snack machine at lunch time. Youth Campers will be led by a camp director, two assistant directors and a host of well qualified counselors. 13 year old campers will spend extra time interacting with the camp director to encourage leadership, positive initiative, and effective role modeling to their fellow campers. This also goes hand and hand with our addition of other opportunities for 13 year olds such as a low ropes course and organic garden. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SWIMMING AND DIVING LESSON INFORMATION Swim Lessons for all camps take place during half of the allotted swim period. Swim lessons are thirty minute group lessons. Campers are divided into groups based on similar swimming skills. Diving Lessons coincide with Farm Camp’s 10 week schedule and is for Day and Youth Campers. Day Camp diving lessons are 10:30-11:30 and Youth Camp lessons are 1:00-2:00. Please note: Diving will overlap with non-swim time related activities. Classes are Monday-Thursday with some Fridays depending on camp special events. FEES EXTRAS WEEKS 2015 FARM SUMMER CAMP WEEKS & FEES WEEK 1 JUNE 15 - 19 WEEK 2 JUNE 22 - 26 WEEK 3 JUNE 29 - JULY 3 WEEK 4 JULY 6 - 10 WEEK 5 JULY 13 - 17 WEEK 6 JULY 20 - 24 WEEK 7 JULY 27 -31 WEEK 8 AUG 3 - 7 WEEK 9 (DAY AND YOUTH CAMP ONLY) AUG 10 - 14 WEEK 10 (DAY AND YOUTH CAMP COMBINED) AUG 17 - 21 LITTLE FARMERS EXTENDED CARE (ADDL. $50.00 PER SESSION) 2:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. DAY & YOUTH EXTENDED CARE (ADDL. $50.00 PER SESSION) 3:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. LITTLE FARMERS CAMP SWIM/DIVE LESSON EXTENDED DAY $190/WEEK $30.00 $50.00 $210/WEEK $30.00/$50.00 $50.00 $210/WEEK $30.00/$50.00 $50.00 (4-6 YRS) DAY CAMP (6-9 YRS) YOUTH CAMP (9-13 YRS) General info for 2015 Farm Summer Camp Tennis Period is included for Day Camp and Youth Camp but not offered for Little Farmer’s 50% of fees are due at registration. Balance is due in full by May 15, 2015. Balances not paid by the end of camp will be assessed a $25.00 late fee each month until balance is paid in full A $25.00 per week fee will be charged for all cancellations A $10.00 fee will be charged for each late pick-up after the 1st offense Please note weeks signed up for and keep this sheet. Camp info sheet on back!!! Please indicate child’s T-shirt size (Youth Small, Medium, Large or Adult: S, M, L, XL) NAME ON MEMBERSHIP Last name First name CAMPER 1 CAMPER 2 T-Shirt Size:______ / Last First / / DOB Last CAMP ATTENDING First / DOB CAMP ATTENDING □ Little Farmers (4-6) $190/wk □ Little Farmers (4-6) $190/wk □ Day Camp (6-9) $210/wk □ Day Camp (6-9) $210/wk □ Youth Camp (9-13) $210/wk □ Youth Camp (9-13) $210/wk PLEASE CHECK ALL SESSIONS REQUESTED WEEK T-Shirt Size:______ SWIM LESSONS $30/WK PLEASE CHECK ALL SESSIONS REQUESTED DIVING $50/WK** EXTENDED DAY $50/WK WEEK SWIM LESSONS $30/WK DIVING $50/WK ** EXTENDED DAY □ Week 1 (June 15-19) □ □ □ □ Week 1 (June 15-19) □ □ □ □ Week 2 (June 22-26) □ □ □ □ Week 2 (June 22-26) □ □ □ □ Week 3 (June 29-July 3) □ □ □ □ Week 3 (June 29-July 3) □ □ □ □ Week 4 (July 6-10) □ □ □ □ Week 4 (July 6-10) □ □ □ □ Week 5 (July 13-17) □ □ □ □ Week 5 (July 13-17) □ □ □ □ Week 6 (July 20-24) □ □ □ □ Week 6 (July 20-24) □ □ □ □ Week 7 (July 27-31) □ □ □ □ Week 7 (July 27-31) □ □ □ □ Week 8 (Aug 3-7) □ □ □ □ Week 8 (Aug 3-7) □ □ □ □ Week 9*(Aug 10-14) □ □ □ □ Week 9*(Aug 10-14) □ □ □ □ Week 10*(Aug 17-21) □ □ □ □ Week 10*(Aug 17-21) □ □ □ * Sessions 9 & 10 are not available for Little Farmers! ** Diving for Day Campers and Youth Campers only Please fill out the Emergency Contact & Medical Release on the back side of this form. OFFICE USE ONLY 1/2 payable with application Balance Due by May 15, 2015 Camper 1 _______________ Camper 2 _______________ _________________ DUE NOW ____________________ DUE BY May 15th $50/WK 2015 FARM SUMMER CAMP CONTACT AND EMERGENCY WAIVER FORM Parent 1: Work Phone: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Home Address: Parent 2 : Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: Home Address: Family Email Address: Emergency Contact (other than above) - Name: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: If your child has any physical, mental, or emotional concerns, please state: Please describe the swimming ability of your child(ren): ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Waiver and Release I certify that my child (ren) ___________________________________________ , is (are) in good health and can participate in the daily activities of the Farm Summer Camp, unless otherwise notified. In case of an injury, I grant Farm Staff permission to administer standard first aid treatment on site. If I can not be reached and the injury is deemed serious, I grant Farm Staff permission to transport my child to the nearest medical facility equipped to handle the injury. I accept full responsibility for any medical expenses incurred as a result of these actions. By signing below I also certify that my child or children’s picture may be used by The Farm for promotional purposes on The Farm website and in printed promotional items. Signature of Parent/Guardian_____________________________Date___________ 2015 Summer Tennis Camp Registration Form At Tennis Camp, your child will work on all of the varieties of shots and strategies. Camp is open to children ages 5-14 and of all abilities. Each participant should please bring a water bottle, towel, proper shoes (no running shoes or cross trainers) and sunscreen. We will meet in the shade by Court 7 each morning. Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis and will open up to non-members on May 1st. Spaces will be reserved only on receipt of an application form and check made payable to Nate Lipson. Camper’s Name_______________________________________________ Age_____ Sex_____ Parent(s) Name______________________________________________________________ Phone (H) ______________ Phone (Cell) (Text Y/N) _____________ Phone (W)___________ Email Address____________________________________________ Please check the following sessions you plan on having your child attend: Session 1 = June 15-19 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) - $180.00 Session 2 = June 22-26 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) - $180.00 **Session 3= June 29-July 1 (Monday –Wednesday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) $110 ** This session is a tournament week, camper must be able to serve and keep score Session 4 = July 6-10 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) - $180.00 Session 5 = July 13-17 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) - $180.00 Session 6 = July 20-24 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) - $180.00 Session 7 = July 27-31 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) - $180.00 Total Amount included in this payment: ________________ Rain Policy - Nate will text or email after 8:30 am if the weather looks doubtful. If there is a rainout, a makeup day will be allowed for any day in the later weeks. If a makeup day cannot be scheduled, the credit can be applied to future lessons or clinics. Please list any physical or emotional concerns (medications/allergies): _____________________________________________________________________________________ Waiver and Release I certify that my child (ren) ___________________________________________ , is (are) in good health and can participate in the daily activities of the Farm Tennis Camp, unless otherwise notified. In case of an injury, I grant Farm Staff permission to administer standard first aid treatment on site or to transport my child to the nearest medical facility equipped to handle the injury. By signing below I also certify that my child or children’s picture may be used by The Farm for promotional purposes on The Farm website and in printed promotional items. Signature of Parent/Guardian_____________________________Date___________ Email [email protected] with any tennis camp questions 2015 Quickstart Tennis Camp Registration Form (4-6 year olds) At Tennis Camp, your child will work on the basics of tennis and fundamental strokes. Camp is open to children ages 4-6 and of all abilities. Each participant should please bring a water bottle, towel, proper shoes and sunscreen. Space is available on a first come first serve basis and will open up to non-members on May 1st. Spaces will be reserved only on receipt of an application form and check made payable to Nate Lipson. Camper’s Name_______________________________________________ Age_____ Sex_____ Parent(s) Name______________________________________________________________ Phone (H) ______________ Phone (Cell) (Text Y/N) _____________ Phone (W)___________ Email Address____________________________________________ Please check the following sessions you plan on having your child attend: Session 1 = June 15-19 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 10:00 am) - $60.00 Session 2 = June 22-26 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 10:00 am) - $60.00 No Camp July 4th Week Session 3 = July 6-10 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 10:00 am) - $60.00 Session 4 = July 13-17 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 10:00 am) - $60.00 Session 5 = July 20-24 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 10:00 am) - $60.00 Session 6 = July 27-31 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 am to 10:00 am) - $60.00 Total Amount included in this payment: ________________ Rain Policy - Nate will text or email after 8:30 am if the weather looks doubtful. If there is a rainout, a makeup day will be allowed for any day in the later weeks. If a makeup day cannot be scheduled, the credit can be applied to future lessons or clinics. Please list any physical or emotional concerns (medications/allergies): _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Waiver and Release I certify that my child (ren) ___________________________________________ , is (are) in good health and can participate in the daily activities of the Farm Tennis Camp, unless otherwise notified. In case of an injury, I grant Farm Staff permission to administer standard first aid treatment on site or to transport my child to the nearest medical facility equipped to handle the injury. By signing below I also certify that my child or children’s picture may be used by The Farm for promotional purposes on The Farm website and in printed promotional items. Signature of Parent/Guardian_____________________________Date___________ Please Contact Nate Lipson at [email protected] with any questions 2015 Spring Junior Tennis Clinics Registration Form The Junior Tennis Clinics are designed to teach children of all ages and skill sets. The clinics cover improving reflexes, hand/eye coordination and basic stroke progressions, up to children who are trying out for their middle school team or are starting to get involved in tournament play. Please contact Nate Lipson at 919-225-2286 or at [email protected] for assistance with placement into clinics. Child’s Name ______________________________________________ Age ______ Sex ______ Parent’s Name(s) _______________________________________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________ Home Phone __________________________ Email Address ___________________________ Emergency Contact Name and Number _____________________________________________ Each Session is set for 6 weeks with rain days built into the cost for upfront payments. Please check the session Dates Session 1 Mar 2nd – Apr 15th Session 2 Apr 27th – June 3rd *No clinics held week of March 30th-April 3rd* Please check the clinic your child is attending Clinic Smashers (Beginner) Aces (Beginner-Intermediate) Rack Pack (Intermediate-Adv.) Days Mondays and Wednesdays Mondays and Wednesdays Mondays and Wednesdays Time 3:45-4:30 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:30 *Rack Pack will have two separate groups this season, please inquire with Nate for placement* Prices (Please select Full Session or Half Session) Full Session (2x per week for 5 weeks) ¾ hr clinic $90.00 1 hr clinic Non-Member Fee $120.00 $50.00 Cost ½ Session (Once per week) ¾ hr clinic 1 hr clinic Non-Member Fee Cost Date (please specify Day/s) $53.00 $70.00 $25.00 Drop In Clinic Rate ¾ hr clinic - $12.00 per day 1 hr clinic - $16.00 per day Amount enclosed $________ Please make checks payable to Nate Lipson. President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer FARM TALK Published by the UNC Faculty-Staff Recreation Association BOARD OF DIRECTORS Steve Reznick Jill Hamm Paul Yazejain Jim Hamilton Gerald Land Jackie Fritsch Scott Oliaro Karen McCulloch Robert Huls PERMANENT STAFF Manager Assistant Manager/Programs Fitness/Diving Coordinator Maintenance Supervisor Head Tennis Pro/Director Head Assistant Tennis Pro Assistant Tennis Pro Assistant Tennis Pro Assistant Tennis Pro Ben Allred Seth Pomerantz Becky Woodruff Jim Althoff Nate Lipson Ryan Lewis Stacie Luders Emily Kutner Sam Weissler TELEPHONE NUMBERS 919-962-6854 Fax 919-962-FARM (3276) 919-225-2286 919-968-7645 919-968-7644 Manager’s Office Nate Lipson Tennis Shop Pool UNC FACULTY-STAFF RECREATION ASSOCIATION #1 Alice Ingram Circle Chapel Hill, NC 27517 CB# 2900, The Farm
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