Development 111, 117-130 (1991) Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1991 117 Differential expression of TGF ft\, pi and /J3 genes during mouse embryogenesis PETER SCHMID*, DAVID COX, GRAEME BILBE, RAINER MAIER and GARY K. McMASTER* Ciba Geigy Ltd, Biotechnology, Department of Molecular Genetics, Basel, Switzerland * To whom correspondence should be addressed Summary We have examined by Northern analysis and in situ hybridisation the expression of TGF pi, pi and /33 during mouse embryogenesis. TGF pi is expressed predominantly in the mesodermal components of the embryo e.g. the hematopoietic cells of both fetal liver and the hemopoietic islands of the yolk sac, the mesenchymal tissues of several internal organs and in ossifying bone tissues. The strongest TGF pi signals were found in early facial mesenchyme and in some endodermal and ectodermal epithelial cell layers e.g., lung and cochlea epithelia. TGF p3 was strongest in Introduction Transforming growth factor beta (TGF ft) is the name given to a family of polypeptides that have multifunctional regulatory activities. To date, this family consists of five closely related members of which three mammalian isoforms exist: TGF pi, pi and pi (see recent reviews by Roberts and Sporn, 1990a; Lyons and Moses, 1990). TGF /3s are synthesized as inactive precursors, consisting of a latent associated protein (LAP) and an active mature form which is cleaved from the carboxy-terminal of the precursor to yield the biologically active dimeric molecule. Comparison of the mature human TGF pi, TGF p2 and TGF p3 peptides reveals identities of between 75 and 80%, while the LAP sequences are only 25-35 % conserved (Dernyck et al. 1988). The diverse biological effects of TGF pi in vitro and in vivo have been well described in the literature and are detailed in the above review articles and will be briefly discussed below. In vitro TGF Pi has mitogenic effects on bone, cartilage and connective tissue fibroblasts. It inhibits the proliferation of epithelial cells and stimulates the expression of extracellular matrix proteins and the integrin class of adhesion molecules. In vivo TGF pi stimulates the formation of granulation tissue during wound healing and also induces bone formation. The data available prevertebral tissue, in some mesothelia and in lung epithelia. All three isoforms were expressed in bone tissues but showed distinct patterns of expression both spatially and temporally. In the root sheath of the whisker follicle, TGF pi, pi and /O were expressed simultaneously. We discuss the implication of these results in regard to known regulatory elements of the TGF P genes and their receptors. Key words: mouse embryogenesis, TGF pi, pi, and pi, in situ hybridisation, Northern blots. about the bioactivities of TGF pi and TGF pi indicate that these molecules are qualitatively similar although quantitative differences appear to exist in some systems (see proceedings of the Ciba Foundation Symposium Number 157, 1990, in press). Northern blot analysis has shown that all three TGF fi genes are expressed during embryonic development and that the total levels of their specific mRNAs increase with the age of the embryo (Heine et al. 1987; Miller et al. 1989a,6). Previous in situ hybridisation studies have shown that TGF pi is very abundant in fetal bone and megakaryocytes (Lehnert and Akhurst, 1988; Wilcox and Derynck, 1988), which correlates with immunohistochemical investigation showing that TGF pi is closely associated with connective tissue, cartilage, bone and tissues derived from neural crest mesenchyme (Heine et al. 1987). In situ hybridisation studies have demonstrated TGF pi mRNA expression in various embryonic tissues of mesenchymal origin (Pelton et al. 1989). In the present study, we have investigated the spatial and temporal expression patterns of TGF pi, TGF pi and TGF pi by in situ hybridisation in histological sections of mouse embryos from day 10.5 p.c. to day 16.5 p.c. We have used homologous S-labelled riboprobes, which were identical in length and were complementary to the DNA sequences encoding the mature forms of all three TGF p peptides. 118 P. Schmid and others Materials and methods Sample preparations Embryos, placentas and whole deciduas were isolated from RB (4.15) 4 RMA mice (Jackson Laboratories) at the times indicated in the text. Midday of the day of vaginal plug appearance was considered as day 0.5 post coitum (p.a). Samples were fixed overnight in PBS at 4°C in a freshly prepared solution of 4% paraformaldehyde and were then placed overnight at 4°C in 0.5 M sucrose in PBS before storage in liquid nitrogen. Prior to sectioning, embryos were embedded in OCT compound (Miles). 10 fim cryostat sections were placed on 3-aminopropyltriethoxy-saline-treated slides (Rentrop et al. 1986) and stored at -70°C. Prior to hybridisation with RNA probes, the sections were dried for 5min on a heated plated at 50°C, postfixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 5min, rinsed in PBS and H2O, depurinated for 20min with 0.2 N HC1 at room temperature, treated for 30min with 2xSSC at 70 °C, dehydrated with increasing ethanol solutions and finally air dried. All solutions were treated with 0.1% diethylpyrrocarbonate and autoclaved. Preparation of probes 'Sense' and 'antisense' RNA probes were labelled with o?5SUTP (1200Cimmor\ New England Nuclear) to a specific activity of >109disintsmin~Vg using SP6 or T7 RNA polymerase and according to the suppliers directions (Boehringer Mannheim). The TGF p riboprobe templates were 339nucleotide long fragments, subcloned into pGEM5 (Promega, Biotec) and corresponded to the cDNA sequences encoding the mature forms (plus stop codon) of murine TGF pi, TGF pi and TGF p3. The a--fetoprotein riboprobe template was a 900-nucleotide long Pstl fragment of the murine a--fetoprotein cDNA subcloned into pSPT18 (Boehringer Mannheim). In situ hybridisation Prehybridisation was performed at 54 °C for 3h in 50% formamide, 10% dextransulfate, 0.3M NaCl, 10mM Tris, 10 mM sodium phosphate pH6.8, 20 mM dithiothreitol, 0.2xDenhardt's reagent, O-lmgrnl"1 E. coli RNA, and cold 0.2 /iM Q-S-UTP. Hybridisation was carried out overnight in the same mix supplemented with 2xl0 5 ctsmin~'/i'~ 1 a^SUTP-labelled RNA probe in a humidified chamber at 54°C. Slides were washed in hybridisation solution without dextransulfate, RNA and 'cold' UTP containing 50% formamide and 10 mM dithiotreithol at 55 °C two times for 1 h and equilibrated for 15 min in a buffer solution consisting of 0.5 M NaCl, 10mM Tris, lmM EDTA pH7.5. Sections were then treated with 50 jig RNAase A in equilibration buffer for 30 min at 37°C to remove any non-specifically bound probe. Slides were washed in 2xSSC for l h and then in O.lxSSC for l h at 37°C. Sections were then sequentially dehydrated in 65 %, 85 % and 95% (v/v) ethanol solutions containing 300 mM ammonium acetate and absolute ethanol before being air dried. Following X-ray autoradiography, the sections were coated with a 1:2 dilution of Ilford K5 photoemulsion, air dried and exposed for two weeks in a light-safe box containing silica gel at 4°C. Slides were developed in D19 developer (Kodak), fixed in AGEFIX LIQUID (AGFA) and stained either with Giemsa or with haematoxylin/eosin. Northern blot analysis RNA was isolated from day 13, 14 and 16 p.c. embryos and newborn mice by homogenisation of tissues in 4 M guanidinium thiocyanate, 0.5% sarkosyl, 0.1M mercaptoethanol and 25 mM sodium citrate pH7 using a Brinkman Polytron (Chomczynski and Sacchi, 1987). Poly(A)+ RNA was purified by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography (Maniatis et al. 1982). Samples of mRNA (10 //g) were electrophoresed through 0.8% agarose-formaldehyde gels and blotted onto Zetraprobe membranes (BioRad) according to the protocol of the manufacturer. Hybridisations were performed with TGF /31, p2 and /33 cDNAs corresponding to the mature form peptide of the mouse. Hybridisations were performed at 42°C in 40 % formamide, 5xSSC, 1% SDS, 5x Denhardt's reagent, 200 j/g ml" 1 tRNA (Maniatis et al. 1982). After each hybridisation the blot was stripped by heating to 90°C in 0.2xSSC/l% SDS for 15 min and rehybridised with the next cDNA probe. Results Northern blot analysis Northern blot analyses of mouse embryo polyadenylated RNAs for TGF /SI, pi and /33 are shown in Fig. 1. The following characteristic bands were seen: TGF pi, 2.4 kb; TGF pi, multiple bands from 6 to 3 kb (a predominant band at 4.4kb); TGF pi, 3.5 kb, thereby confirming the specificity of the probes for each of the three isoforms. The difference in signal intensity of embryo day 16 RNA is due to a smaller quantity being loaded as determined by u.v. shadowing and by probing a constitutively expressed mRNA, the eukaryotic protein synthesis initiation factor gene eEF-4A (Nielsen etal. 1985). In situ hybridisation In situ hybridisation analysis performed with antisense RNA probes revealed complex hybridisation patterns indicating that all three TGF /3 genes are expressed in a distinct and unique pattern in the developing mouse embryo. In contrast, the sense probes that were used as negative controls produced a weak and uniformly distributed non-specific background signal (data not shown). At day 10.5 p . c , TGF /SI transcripts were clearly discernible in different tissues. We also detected moderate levels of TGF pi expression which were confined to the myocardium and the endocardial cushion tissue (data not shown). No TGF /S3 hybridisation signals were observed; although, as reported by Miller et al. (198%), Northern blots of polyadenylated RNA from day 10.5 p.c. embryos revealed low signals. Expression of TGF-fis in the placenta In the placenta, only TGF /SI and TGF /33 were expressed at all developmental stages investigated. At day 10.5 p.c. TGF pi and TGF /33 transcripts revealed distinct patterns of expression (Fig. 2A-C). TGF /Si expression was strong in mesenchymal cells forming the vascular zone near the central artery of the maternal part of the placenta (Fig. 2A). In the fetal part of the placenta, high levels of TGF pi expression were detected in a small number of cells scattered throughout the connective tissue of the chorion. These strongly labelled cells had the appearance of blood cells and were larger in size than the connective tissue cells of the chorion (Fig. 2D). In contrast, high levels of TGF /S3 Expression of TGF fi genes in mouse embryogenesis 12 3 1 2 4 3 4 B 1 2 C 28S- 3 119 4 9.5 -7.5 .4.5 .2.4 1.4 0.24 •••i Fig. 1. Northern analysis of TGF @ expression during mouse development. (A) TGF pi, (B) TGF pi, (C) TGF pi, (D) control. 1, 2, 3 and 4 refer to days 13, 14, 16, post coitum and newborn. Positions of the ribosomal 18s and 28s subunits are shown on the left, size markers (in kilobases) are indicated to the right. transcripts were found exclusively in the spongiotrophoblast, a cell layer of fetal origin that forms the junctional zone between the chorionic villi and the maternal blood vessels (Fig. 2C). These patterns of expression did not change during placental development although there was an apparent decrease in signal intensity (data not shown). The fetal liver From day 10.5 p.c. to day 16.5 p . c , TGF pi expression was strongest in the developing liver. To more clearly define the cells expressing high levels of TGF pi, we compared the pattern of TGF /SI expression with the pattern of o--fetoprotein expression. During embryogenesis, formation of the liver becomes evident around day 9 as a thickening and progressive stratification of a region on the ventral side of the foregut, at which point high levels of o--fetoprotein transcripts are present (Schmid and Schulz, 1990), but no TGF Pi transcripts are detected (data not shown). During the next stage of liver development, strands of epithelial cells invade the surrounding mesodermal mesenchyme and eventually form a three-dimensional network. Hematopoietic precursor cells invade the liver at this stage and become established (Moore and Johnson, 1976). At day 10.5 p.c, both a'-fetoprotein and TGF pi were expressed at high levels but showed a distinct cellular distribution (Fig. 3D-E). Both a'-fetoprotein mRNA (Schmid and Schulz, 1990) and protein (Dziadek and Adamson, 1978) are confined to the endodermal population of prehepatocytes whereas TGF pi signals were restricted to the mesoderm. Our findings strongly suggest that the TGF /J-expressing cell population represents mesodermal hematopoietic precursor cells, which arise in the liver at this stage. Later in liver development the pattern of TGF pi expression became more dispersed. On day 12.5 p . c , megakaryocytes scattered throughout the fetal liver were labelled strongly by the TGF pi probe (Fig. 7A), but not by either TGF pi or TGF pi probes. Other hematopoietic precursor cells showed moderate levels of expression. The endodermal prehepatocytes, which represent about 40% of the liver cells at this stage, were only weakly labelled. Between days 14.5 and 16.5 p.c, TGF /SI expression remained very strong in the megakaryocytes but decreased in other cells of the fetal liver until on day 18.5 p.c TGF Pi transcripts were detectable only in the large megakaryocytes (data not shown). In contrast, TGF pi and TGF pi mRNAs were not expressed either in the hematopoietic precursor cells or in the prehepatocytes of the fetal liver at all stages investigated; however, moderate levels of TGF pi transcripts were visible in the mesenteric epithelium surrounding the fetal liver on day 12.5 p.c. (Fig. 4C). The extraembryonic sites of hematopoiesis At day 10.5 p.c, TGF pi expression was visible in blood corpuscles of the visceral yolk sac. The first blood cells are produced in extraembryonic sites as small groups of mesodermal cells located next to the endodermal wall of the visceral yolk sac are thought to constitute a primitive population of erythrocytes (Dieterlen-Lievre, 1984). Afterwards, a new population of hematopoietic stem cells arises from the intraembryonic 120 P. Schmid and others D . * <"*• E Fig. 2. Expression of TGF /Ss in the placenta and yolk sac at day 10.5 p.c. (A) Dark-field photography of a section through the placenta hybridised with the TGF /SI riboprobe. A strong hybridisation signal is visible in the maternal decidua. (B) Dark-field photography of an adjacent section hybridised with the TGF /52 riboprobe. Only non-specific background signals are visible. (C) Dark-field illumination of TGF /S3 hybridisation signals in the placenta. Strong TGF /S3 expression is clearly visible in the ectoplacental glycogen rich cells of the spongiotrophoblast. (D) Bright-field photography of TGF /SI hybridisation signals in the choronic villi. The strongly labelled cell probably represents a Hofbauer cell. (E) Bright-field photography of a section through the blood-forming island of the yolk sac hybridised with the TGF /SI riboprobe. A small number of hematopoietic cells are strongly labelled, eg, ectoplacental glycogen-rich cells; la, labyrinth; md, maternal decidua; sc, subchorial clefts; he, hofbauer cell; ys, yolk sac. mesoderm and produces a population of blood cells which progressively substitutes for the yolk sac-derived blood cells. The early embryonic visceral yolk sac shares some properties with the embryonic liver during later stages of development such as hematopoiesis and production of cr-fetoprotein. TGF /SI is expressed in the hematopoietic islands of the yolk sac but only in a small number of cells; however, in these cells there is an extremely high level of expression (Fig. 2E). It therefore appears that TGF /SI expression is restricted to a specific cell type during early hematopoiesis. TGF /S2 and TGF /S3 transcripts were not detected. The early neural crest mesenchyme At day 10.5 p . c , we found TGF /SI expressing cells scattered throughout the embryonic mesenchyme with transcripts most abundant in the mandibular and maxillary arches and in single cells surrounding the somites (Fig. 3A) and the nervous tissue (Fig. 3F-G). Due to their distribution we assume that these strongly labelled cells are neural crest cells, which are endowed with the ability to undertake extrensive but tightly controlled migrations throughout the embryo. TGF 01 and TGF /S3 expression was not observed in the neural crest mesenchyme. The fetal thymus The embryonic thymus contains a heterogenously distributed population of stromal cells and T-cells at various stages of maturation. TGF /SI transcripts were seen in all cells of the embryonic thymus but the hybridisation signals were interspersed with T-cell precursors, which were apparently stronger labelled than the endodermal cell population (Fig. 7B). TGF /S2 and TGF /S3 transcripts were not found in the developing thymus. The skeleton On day 12.5 p . c , high levels of TGF /S2 and TGF /S3 transcripts were visible in the primordia of the vertebral column and were strongest in the caudal sclerotomic halves. TGF /S3 was expressed in all prevertebral segments (Fig. 4C). In contrast, high levels of TGF /S2 transcripts were visible only in the thoracic sclerotomes (Fig. 4B). TGF /SI transcripts were detected in intersegmental cells of the early spinal column and in cells lining the cerebral ganglia (Fig. 4A). Expression of TGF fi genes in mouse embryogenesis 121 r Fig. 3. Expression of TGF ps and a^fetoprotein in the day 10.5 p.c. embryo. (A) Dark field photography of a section through a 10.5 p.c. embryo hybridised with the TGF /SI riboprobe. The strongest hybridisation signals are visible in the liver and mesenchymal cells lining the nervous tissues and the somites. (B) Dark field photography of a serial section hybridised with the TGF p2 riboprobe. Compared to panel A only non-specific background signals are visible. (C) Darkfield photography of a serial section hybridized with the TGF p3 riboprobe. Only non-specific background signals are visible. (D) Bright-field photography showing a--fetoprotein expression in the early fetal liver. Strands of endodermal prehepatocytes are strongly labelled. (E) Bright-field photography showing TGF pi expression in the early fetal liver. TGF /31 expression is confined to single cells scattered throughout the endodermal strands of prehepatocytes. (F) Bright-field photography of a section through the telencephalon and the nasal process hybridised with the TGF pi riboprobe. (G) Dark-field photography of the section shown in F. A strong hybridisation signal is visible in cells lining the nervous tissue and in a small number of cells scattered throughout the nasal mesenchyme. ma, mandibular arch; tc, telencephalon; li, liver; so, somites; nt, neural tube. On day 14.5 p . c , the TGF /Jl probe strongly labelled the narrow bands of osteoblasts adjacent to the vertebrae and ribs (Fig. 5A). However, less differen- tiated elements of the developing axial skeleton, such as sternum and limb skeleton, were only weakly labelled by the TGF pi probe (Fig. 5A). In contrast, TGF 03 122 P. Schmid and others expression was observed in the perichondrium of all cartilaginous elements of the axial skeleton but the levels of expression varied (Fig. 5C). Within the vertebral column, TGF /33 expression was strongest in the intervertebral discs (data not shown). Only low levels of TGF pi mRNA were visible in perichondreal mesenchyme (Fig. 5B). On day 16.5 p . c , TGF /31 expression was strong in the vertebrae and ribs and was detected both in the periosteal layer and in the ossification centres (Fig. 6A) Fig. 4. Dark-field illuminations of TGF pi, pi and p3 expression in sagittal sections of a mouse embryo at day 12.5 p.c. (A) TGF )31; (B) TGF j82; (C) TGF /33; in, intestine; li, liver; lu, lung; me, metencephalon; nt, neural tube; pv, prevertebrae; tc, telencephalon; tr, trachea. 124 P. Schmid and others Fig. 6. Dark-field illuminations of TGF pi and pi expression in parasagittal sections of a mouse embryo at day 16.5 p.c. (A) TGF pi; (B) TGF p3; bp, basisphenoid; fl, forelimb; fr, frontale; ma, maxilla; ri, ribs. where only very low levels of TGF pi transcripts were visible (Fig. 6B). On the other hand, TGF pi was expressed in the perichondrium of the limb skeleton (Fig. 6B). TGF pi transcripts were only visible in growth zones of the limb plates (data not shown). All components of the skeleton are derived from mesenchyme. Mesenchyme can be converted into skeletal elements by first forming a cartilaginous framework, which is subsequently replaced by true bone (endochondral bone formation), or by forming bone directly (intramembranous ossification). Most elements of the facial skeleton, such as mandible and maxilla, are formed by intramembranous ossification of the cranofacial mesenchyme. Highly contrasting patterns of distribution of TGF /31 and TGF pi transcripts were observed during formation of the facial skeleton elements. TGF pi was expressed at very high levels in ossifying tissues of the upper and lower jaw (Fig. 5A, 6A and 8A) whereas TGF pi expression was strongest in the undifferentiated mesenchymal cell layers adjacent to the ossification centres (Figs 5C, 6B and 8C). TGF pi expression was not observed in the upper and lower jaw regions that were undergoing intramembranous ossification. However, TGF pi transcripts were visible in the perichondreal layers of certain cartilaginous elements of the facial skeleton and also in the nasal and mandibular mesenchyme that forms the soft tissue components of the face (Fig. 5B and 8B). The lung Formation of the lung begins around day 10 p.c. with the outgrowth of the foregut-derived endodermal trachea into the bronchial mesoderm. As the trachea lengthens, it bifurcates at its caudal end to form two lung buds. These in turn continue to grow and branch, giving rise to the bronchial trees of the lung. All three TGF ft genes were expressed at high levels and showed distinct spatial and temporal patterns of mRNA distribution. At all stages investigated, TGF pi expression was strongest in the bronchial mesoderm (Figs 4A, 5A and 6A) whereas TGF pi transcripts were found exclusively in the endodermal bronchiolar epithelia where the signal became stronger in later stages of development (Figs 4B and 5B). The TGF pi expression pattern changed during lung development. At day 12.5 p.c. TGF pi transcripts were found predominantly in the tracheal mesenchyme (Fig. 4C) but at day 14.5 p.c. TGF pi signals were visible in the endodermal epithelia cells of the growing bronchioles (Fig. 5C) although by day 16.5 p.c. TGF pi expression was no longer detectable (Fig. 6B). TGF pi transcripts were also expressed in mesodermal epithelial cells, which later give rise to the visceral pleura (Fig. 5C). The gut TGF pi expression was strongest on day 14.5 p.c. in the mesodermal cell layers of the submucosa but not in the Expression of TGF {5 genes in mouse embryogenesis * 125 r* V * B * • Fig. 7. Expression of TGF /Ss in liver, thymus and cochlea. (Left side) Bright-field photographs, (right side) dark-field photographs. (A) Section through the day 12.5 p.c. liver hybridised with the TGF /SI riboprobe. Although the majority of fetal liver cells are clearly showing TGF /SI hybridisation signals, very high levels of TGF /SI expression are confined to megakaryocytes scattered throughout the fetal liver. (B) Section through the day 12.5 p.c. fetal thymus hybridised with the TGF /SI riboprobe. All cells of the fetal thymus are labelled but the level of expression is variable among individual cells. (C) Section through the day 14.5 p.c. cochlea hybridised with the TGF /S2 riboprobe. TGF pi expression is confined to the sensory epithelium. intestinal epithelia (Fig. 5A) although it was visible at later stages of gut development at decreased levels. In contrast, TGF /32 was expressed exclusively in the single-cell layer forming the mesodermal mesentera (Figs 4B and 5B). On day 12.5 p.c. moderate levels of TGF pi transcripts were visible in both the submucosal mesenchyme and mesenteric mesoderm (Fig. 4C) but later became confined to the mesentera (Figs 5C and 6B). The kidney Kidney development is the result of reciprocal inductive interactions between the metanephric duct and the surrounding metanephrogenic tissue. The terminal portions of the metanephric duct induce the formation of metanephric tubules. TGF /SI expression was detected in the surrounding stromal mesenchyme during formation of the metanephros at day 14.5 p.c. (Fig. 5A). The epithelial tubules deriving from the 126 P. Schmid and others Fig. 8. Expression of TGF /SI, /S2 and /B in the upper jaw. (Left side) Bright-field photographs, (right side) dark-field photographs. (A) Section through ethmoid cartilages and upper jaw bones of a day 16.5 p.c. embryo hybridised with the TGF /SI riboprobe. A strong hybridisation signal is visible in the bone tissues. A weak signal is also visible in the perichondreal layer of the cartilages. (B) Adjacent section hybridised with the TGF pi riboprobe. TGF pi is not expressed in the bone tissue of the upper jaw although low levels of TGF pZ transcripts are visible in the perichondrium of the ethmoid cartilages. TGF pi hybridisation signals are also discernible in nasal epithelia. (C) Adjacent section hybridised with the TGF /S3 riboprobe. TGF /93 expression is strongest in mesenchymal cells surrounding upper jaw bones and in periosteal layers of the ethmoid cartilages, ec, ethmoid cartilage; nc, nasal camber; pa, palatinum. metanephrogenic mesenchyme showed only low levels of TGF pi transcripts although no TGF /B expression was observed. The sensory epithelia From day 12.5 p.c. to day 16.5 p . c , the most prominent site of TGF pi expression was the cochlear epithelium (Figs 5B and 7C). At day 16.5 p . c , TGF pi hybridisation signals were also visible in the olfactory epithelium of the nasal chamber (Fig. 8B). No expression of TGF pi or TGF pi was found in these tissues. The skin Early mouse embryo skin has a simple epithelium. By 16 days p.c. a second skin layer, the stratum germinativum, arises followed by an interstitial basal layer. At this stage, only TGF pi expression was detected in the loose mesenchyme underlying the epidermis (Fig. 6A). Expression of TGF f5 genes in mouse embryogenesis Within the dermis a small number of cells showed high levels of TGF /SI expression and were scattered between moderately or weakly labelled mesenchymal cells. TGF pi or TGF pi signals were not detectable in the skin. The vibrissae Formation of the facial hair follicles is visible as early as day 13 p.c. when the vibrissae papillar are still invaginated and ectoderm is proliferating in the external nares. On day 14.5 p.c, all three TGF /S transcripts were expressed at high levels in the ectodermal epithelium of the external root sheath (Fig. 5A-C). In the primordia of the dermal sheaths only moderate TGF pi expression was detected. On day 16.5 p . c , TGF pi, pi and pi transcripts were visible both in the inner and outer root sheath of the whisker hair follicles but with striking differences in expression levels. TGF pi was expressed stronger than TGF pi and pi. Low levels of TGF pi were also visible in the connective tissue sheath of the hair follicle; however, TGF pi and pi were not expressed. Discussion In this report, we have described the first comparative study of TGF fi gene expression during mouse embryogenesis where homologous gene probes of the same length have been used. We clearly demonstrate that TGF pi, pi and pi show distinct patterns of expression during development. TGF pi transcripts are expressed predominantly in hematopoietic cells of the fetal liver, in fetal bone and in the mesenchymal compartments of several internal organs. These results are in agreement with the work of Lehnert and Akhurst (1988). In addition, we have observed on days 10.5 p.c. and 12.6 p.c. expression of TGF Pi transcripts in mesenchymal cells of probable neural crest origin that line the nervous tissue and somites. Immunohistochemical studies of Heine et al. (1987) have shown a similar distribution pattern for the protein. In addition, a strong TGF pi signal was clearly seen in the maternal decidua. In the fetal part of the placenta and in the haematopoietic islands of the yolk sac, a small number of cells snowed very strong TGF pi expression. This cell population probably represents precursors of the Hofbauer cells, which are believed to be primitive macrophages. Since peripheral blood monocytes and mature macrophages produce only the TGF pi isoform (G. Bilbe, unpublished results), it is likely that TGF pi is switched on at an early stage in myeloid differentiation. Interestingly in vitro and in vivo studies on bone marrow preparations have shown that TGF pi inhibits the proliferation of myeloid progenitor cells while more differentiated cells of this lineage are not inhibited (Keller et al. 1990; Ruscetti et al. 1990). For the first time, our study demonstrates that TGF pi is expressed in the mesenchymal components of the facial region and also in bronchial epithelia. Moreover, 127 TGF pi was the only isoform expressed in the cochlear epithelium. We were unable to confirm the general findings of Pelton et al. (1989). The differences in expression patterns can most likely be explained by the choice of probes. Pelton and co-workers performed their in situ hybridisation experiments with a probe corresponding to the 5' untranslated sequences and part of the LAP region of the human TGF pi gene. Because the 5' untranslated region of the human TGF pi transcript is very rich in A and T residues we used a riboprobe that is complementary to the mature mouse TGF pi peptide and which in Northern analysis gave a typical TGF pi banding pattern. To confirm our results, we compared by in situ hybridisation the TGF pi expression patterns revealed by the 'mature form' probe with those shown by a probe covering either the entire coding region or the LAP region. All probes showed identical patterns of hybridisation but with different intensities because of the varying lengths of the probes. We propose that the 5' untranslated region of the human TGF pi gene as used by Pelton et al. (1989) contains cross-hybridizing sequences responsible for these contrasting results. It is interesting to note that a comparison of the TGF pi, pi and pi DNA sequences encoding the mature peptide forms reveals homologies of less than 75 % between the three isoforms where the longest contiguous stretch of nucleotides is 14 bases long. Our study also describes the expression patterns of TGF pi by RNA in situ hybridisation. Northern blot analysis with mRNA from day 13 to day 16.5 p.c. hybridised with the mouse TGF pi probe complementary to the mature peptide detected a single band. This finding is in agreement with Miller et al. (1989b) who found weak TGF pi expression at day 10.5 p.c. although at this early stage we were not able to detect TGF pi transcripts by in situ hybridisation. These transcripts are probably expressed at low levels and are dispersed throughout the embryo and therefore cannot be detected by in situ hybridisation. A unique TGF pi hybridisation signal was also observed in the spongiotrophoblast of the placenta as early as day 10.5. p.c. and was predominantly restricted to the reticular zone between the fetal and maternal placenta. TGF pi may therefore be involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and matrix formation during growth and stabilisation of the chorionic villi in the placenta. A comparison of the expression patterns for all three TGF /3s strongly suggests a coordinated role for these proteins in mesenchymal-epithelial interactions during embryonic development. For example, there are marked differences in the pattern of TGF pi, pi and pi expression during branching morphogenesis of the lung. Endodermal branching, i.e. cleft formation, is one of the major events in lung morphogenesis. The characteristic budding pattern of the endodermal bronchial tree is the result of continuous interactions between endoderm and the surrounding mesoderm. The contrasting expression patterns of TGF /3s in the developing lung strongly suggest that these genes are involved in the budding process probably by controlling 128 P. Schmid and others formation and degradation of extracellular matrix components. In vitro studies have shown that TGF /SI regulates the formation of extracellular matrix either by inducing synthesis of matrix proteins, such as collagen and fibronectin (Ignotz and Massague, 1986; Roberts et al. 1986; Varga and Jimenez, 1986; Fine and Goldstein, 1987; Ignotz et al. 1987) glycosaminoglycans (Rasmussen and Rapraeger, 1988) and cell adhesion receptors (Heino et al. 1989; Ignotz and Massague, 1987) or by controlling proteolytic degradation of matrix proteins (Laiho et al. 1986, Edwards et al. 1987; Keski-Oja et al. 1988). Recently colocalisation of TGF /SI protein and matrix proteins by a TGF /SI antibody was described in mesenchymal cells during lung development of the mouse, particularly at times when cell-cell interactions between mesenchyme and epithelium are important for normal epithelial cell differentiation (Heine etal. 1990). We have confirmed the localisation of TGF /Si mRNA in lung mesenchymal cells, which suggests that this peptide may induce matrix proteins in an autocrine fashion. Since exogenous TGF /SI has been shown to block the maturation of bronchial epithelial cells (Masui et al. 1986), this peptide may also regulate differentiation of the lung epithelia in a paracrine fashion. Whereas TGF /SI transcripts are localized in lung mesenchymal cells, TGF /32 and TGF pi expression occurs only in the epithelial linings of the bronchii but TGF /S3 not in the tips of actively growing ducts. A comparative study by Graycar et al. (1989) has recently shown more potent inhibitory effects of TGF pi and pi on lung epithelial cell proliferation than TGF /SI suggesting that the observed expression patterns in the developing lung may simply reflect differences in potency of all three isoforms. We have shown that all three TGF /S isoforms are expressed during endochondrial bone development but only TGF /SI and /S3 are involved in intramembranous bone formation. Recent in vivo studies have shown that TGF /SI and TGF pi induce the differentiation of periosteal mesenchymal cells of long bones into osteoblast and chondrocytes (Joyce et al. 1990). They also stimulate these cells to proliferate and synthesize the extracellular matrix proteins characteristic for bone and cartilage. These workers have found that TGF pi is a more potent stimulator of osteogenesis and chondrogenesis than TGF /SI in vivo; however, both isoforms share the ability to influence the route of tissue differentiation into bone or cartilage in a dosedependent way. In the present study, we have shown strong TGF pi expression in precartilaginous masses and the perichondrium early in bone development. Therefore, we propose that TGF pi may be involved in early differentiation processes in endochondral bone formation. In contrast, TGF /SI, which is expressed predominantly at later stages of vertebral development, may induce matrix formation in differentiated skeletal elements. Since expression of TGF pi transcripts were only observed at a very specific, early stage of bone development, this peptide possibly induces differentiation of mesenchymal cells into a chondriocytic phenotype. Absence of TGF pi at this stage of development may result in ossification without a prior cartilage matrix. Most of the flat bones of the face are derived from neural crest mesenchyme and their morphogenesis and growth is a very complex process involving the interaction of many factors (Noden, 1984). The present study shows that both TGF /SI and TGF pi are involved in this process. Possibly TGF /S3 induces differentiation of neural crest mesenchyme whereas TGF /SI expression is necessary for inducing bone matrix proteins during further maturation and ossification. Interestingly TGF pi transcripts were never detected at any stage during intramembraneous bone formation although they were coexpressed with TGF /S3 in some tissues of the axial skeleton. The present report describes the coexpression of TGF pi and TGF pi in certain tissues, e.g., in lung epithelia, and coordinated expression of all three isoforms in others, e.g., in root sheath epithelia. The differential expression of the three genes may be explained by an analysis of their promoter regions (Roberts and Sporn, 1990b). There are two major classes of TGF /S transcriptional promoters. The TGF /SI promoter contains and AP-1 binding site, responds strongly to phorbol ester induction but does not contain a TATA A box consensus sequence. On the other hand, TGF /S2 and pi have TATAA boxes, AP-2 binding sites and cyclic AMP responsive elements which can be induced by forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase. In addition, TGF pi also has an AP-1 binding site (Roberts and Sporn, 19906) suggesting that TGF pi gene expression could be regulated differently from that of TGF pi. Since we do find expression of all three isoforms transcripts, one can hypothesise that coordinate bindingtoAPl and AP2 sites must occur if all three genes are to be expressed. What is the biological significance of the complex patterns of TGF /3 expression? Our overall impression is that TGF /SI is involved in early (major) inductive event(s) during interaction of mesenchymal and epithelial cell layers. TGF /Si is the only isoform expressed in early mesenchyme at enhanced levels and appears to regulate the layout of the embryo by stimulating the formation of extracellular matrix components which are important in cell migration and/or cell-cell interaction (Bernfield, 1981). For instance, in early fetal liver, lung and gut, TGF /S expression is confined to mesenchymal cells. Heine et al. (1990) have shown that TGF /SI regulates the expression of collagen I and III, fibronectin and glycosaminoglycans, which are all components of the extracellular matrix. Production of these components is important for interaction with cell surfaces via specific receptor complexes and subsequent initiation of inductive processes resulting in differentiation events. In vivo experiments have demonstrated that TGF pi has potent angiogenic activity (Roberts et al. 1986, Cox et al. unpublished data), which partly explains the extensive vascularisation and invasion by lymphatics and nerve fibers that occur during organogenesis. Further evidence for a pivotal role for TGF /SI in early mesenchymal-epithelial interactions has been Expression of TGF /3 genes in mouse embryogenesis 129 provided by Antonelli-Orlidge et al. (1989) who have shown that TGF pi mediates inhibition of cell growth in a capillary-endothelial cell coculture system. As development enters a phase of morphogenesis characterized by more complex differentiation events, all three TGF /3 isoforms are expressed in differential patterns. This phenomenon can be seen clearly in developing bone where distinct TGF /3s are expressed in a controlled fashion as described above. The differential expression of TGF /3s at specific times during bone formation indicates differences in their biological functions. TGF /31 has been reported to stimulate or inhibit growth and differentiation in vitro depending on the cell type examined (Sporn et al. 1987) and more specifically has been shown to inhibit osteoclast (Oreffo et al. 1989), and to stimulate osteoblast, proliferation (Centrella et al. 1986; Gehron-Robey et al. 1987). Antonelli-Orlidge et al. (1989) have demonstrated that conversion of the precursor TGF /3 molecule to the mature form is essential for its activity and that this process is mediated by the responder cells in a paracrine fashion. Thus, during bone development the differential expression of TGF /3s affects the developmental fates of cells partly as a result of precursor conversion. However, Graycar et al. (1989) have demonstrated that the potency of the mature peptides differs depending on the cell type affected. 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