
KPMG IFRS Conference 2015
Navigating the
In association with the
IFRS Foundation
An initiative by the KPMG India IFRS Institute
5-6 February 2015, Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai
KPMG IFRS Conference 2015
Navigating the convergence journey
Financial reporting in India is on the cusp of an exciting and challenging phase of its evolution, with the convergence
with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) expected to become a reality for corporates in India.
In this context, KPMG in India is organising a first of its kind IFRS conclave in India, “KPMG IFRS Conference 2015:
Navigating the convergence journey” – in association with the IFRS Foundation, on 5 and 6 February 2015 in Mumbai.
The IFRS Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working in the public interest, whose primary
mission is to develop a single set of high quality, understandable, enforceable and globally accepted International
Financial Reporting Standards based upon clearly articulated principles. IFRS are developed by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the independent standard-setting body of the IFRS Foundation.
For whom
Date and time
Chief Executive Officers, Executive Directors, Chief
Financial Officers and Finance Controllers of companies
that are required to transition to Ind AS standards.
5 - 6 February 2015, Mumbai
This would help these key decision makers understand
the wider business and organisational implications of the
transition to Ind AS standards beyond just accounting.
Day 1 of the conference is aimed at providing a wideranging overview and is suited for Chief Executive
Officers, Executive Directors and Chief Financial
Officers. Day 2 is aimed at providing more insight
into some of the key areas of change from a financial
reporting perspective, and is suited for Chief Financial
Officers and Finance Controllers.
Day 1: 14:00 to 18:30 hrs.
Day 2: 09:30 to 17:30 hrs.
The first day’s sessions will be followed by a
networking dinner at the venue.
Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai
The conference fee for this two day non-residential
programme is INR 50,000 (Indian national rupees
fifty thousand only) excluding taxes. This fee covers
program materials, session costs, meals and snacks.
All participants will also get a copy of
‘Insights into IFRS 2014/2015 - 11th
Edition’ - KPMG’s practical guide
to International Financial Reporting
Click here to register online.
Conference Agenda
5 February, 2015 - Day 1
6 February, 2015 - Day 2
14:15 – 15:40 hrs.
Session 1
09:25 – 09:30 hrs.
Day 2 opening remarks
Welcome and Introduction to the
09:30 – 10:45 hrs.
Perspectives on IFRS convergence:
Businesses, Investors and Regulators
Keynote 1 – India’s convergence with
–– Challenges and opportunities for
users and preparers
Keynote 2 – The future of financial
–– Challenges and opportunities for
regulators – both in standard setting
and financial reporting oversight and
Embracing global standards – the way
forward and impact on Corporate India
Closing remarks
15:40 – 16:10 hrs.
Coffee break
16:10 – 18:30 hrs.
Session 2
IASB Update – Covering key projects in
progress and important IFRIC agenda
The road ahead for India Inc.
-- Roadmap
-- Bridging the gaps – the walk from
Indian GAAP to IFRS
-- Impact beyond accounting.
Panel Discussion: Investor focused IFRS
update – managing key stakeholder
communications, discussing the effects
of changes on financial analysis and
10:45 – 11:15 hrs.
Coffee break
11:15 – 12:00 noon
Managing the tax implications of IFRS
convergence: Income computation and
disclosure standards
12:00 – 13:00 hrs.
Implementing recently issued
standards: Implementing IFRS 9
Financial instruments (non-financial
13:00 – 14:00 hrs.
Lunch break
14:00 – 15:00 hrs.
Implementing recently issued
standards: Business combinations and
consolidation: Implementing IFRS 3,
IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and IFRS 12
15:00 – 16:00 hrs.
Implementing recently issued
standards: Implementing IFRS
15 Revenue from contracts with
18:30 – 18:45 hrs.
16:00 – 16:30 hrs.
Coffee break
18:45 – 20:00 hrs.
Session 3
16:30 – 17:30 hrs.
Convergence in India - First time
adoption of Ind AS and carve-outs from
17:30 – 17:45 hrs.
Huddle with the experts: Informal
networking session over cocktails
20:00 hrs.
Select list of speakers
Eminent speakers from the regulatory, corporate and consulting world would be present at the conference. The
confirmed speakers include:
yy Hans Hoogervorst – Chairman, IASB
yy Ian Mackintosh – Vice-Chairman, IASB
yy C. B. Bhave – Trustee, IFRS Foundation and former
chairman of SEBI
yy Mohandas Pai – Chairman, Manipal Global Education
yy Suresh Senapathy – CFO, Wipro
yy Saurabh Mukherjea – CEO, Institutional Equities,
Ambit Capital
yy Ramesh Swaminathan – CFO, Lupin
yy Charanjeet Attra – Executive Director, 3i Infotech
yy Rajesh Gopinathan – CFO, Tata Consultancy Services
yy Saumen Chakraborthy – President & CFO, Dr. Reddy’s
yy Jamil Khatri – Deputy Head of Audit, KPMG in India
yy Sai Venkateshwaran – Head, Accounting Advisory,
KPMG in India
Stay connected for more updates on the conference:
Ms. Siera Dcosta
E: [email protected]
T.: +91 22 3090 2318
The organisers preserve the right to change resource persons, dates, topics, venue as per exigency of circumstances, if any.
There are limited number of seats available and they shall be open to ‘first come first served’ basis.
The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely
information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without
appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.
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