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5th International Vanguard Science Congress
5ta Jornada Internacional de Vanguardia Científica
Alternativas Geopolíticas, Económicas y de
Democracia Participativa ante la Crisis Mundial
Geopolitical, Geoeconomic and Geodemocratic Alternatives to
the Global World Crisis
México y Toluca, 19 a 21 de marzo, 2015
Mexico City and Toluca, March 19-21, 2015
Sponsored by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) and the
LVIII Legislatura del Estado de México/Mexican State Legislature
Organized by the Center for Transition Sciences (CTS)-UAM-WARP
Co-Sponsors: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Unidad Lerma; Universidad Obrera de México Vicente
Lombardo Toledano (UOM); Universidad Autónoma Chapingo; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
(SUFE) – Center for Economics of the Shanghai School (CESS); Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS);
Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, International Council for Science (ICSU), Paris.
The event will take place at the facilities of the Mexican State Legislature, in Toluca. Adequate air and
ground-transport, board and lodging will be provided by the organizers. Conference languages will be
Spanish and English. Most probably, we will have simultaneous translation of English and Spanish into
Russian and Chinese-Mandarin.
Follow-up events will take place on March 23rd at the Workers´ University of Mexico Vicente Lombardo
Toledano (UOM) and on March 24th at the Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo.
18.3. Wednesday, Arrival Mexico City Airport; transfer to Gran Hotel Plaza Imperial, Toluca
19.3. Thursday, Activities according to official Program
Friday, Activities according to official Program
Saturday, Guided excursion to prehispanic ruins Tenango and Malinalco
Sunday, Farewell lunch with Mariachis; Transfer to Hotel Catedral, Historic Center, Mexico City
23.3. Monday, Activities at The Workers´ University Vicente Lombardo Toledano, Mexico City (1/2 day)
24.3. Activities Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (1/2 day)/ END OF OFICIAL PROGRAM
Dr. Heinz Dieterich
International Coordinator
Senior Science Advisor to the UAM-President
Director, Center for Transition Sciences (CTS), Mexico City-Berlin-Sao Paulo-Moscow-Beijing-Delhi
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM)
Vice President, World Association for Political Economy (WAPE)
Mexico City: Tel. +52 55; Cel: +52 1 55
[email protected]
Lic. Oscar González Yañez
Diputado del PT en la LVIII Legislatura del Estado de México/Mexican State Legislature
[email protected]
Dr. Eudoxio Morales Flores
Coordinador CEDES-BUAP
Benemérita Universidad de Puebla (BUAP)
Puebla, Puebla. México
Tel. 52 229 55 00 ext. 7845 y 7814
[email protected]
Lic. Guillermo Lezama
Director, Universidad Obrera de México Vicente Lombardo Toledano (UOM)
Distrito Federal
[email protected]
Dr. Ramón Valdivia Alcalá
Rector, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Jueves/Thursday 19 de marzo/march 19TH, 2015
VENUE/SEDE: LVIII Legislatura del Estado de México/Mexican State Legislature,
Lic. Oscar González Yañez, Diputado
Dr. Salvador Vega y León, Rector General de la UAM
Dr. Emilio Sordo Zabay, Rector, UAM, Campus Lerma
Dr. Ramón Valdivia Alcalá, Rector, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Lic. Guillermo Lezama, Rector, Universidad Obrera de México Vicente Lombardo Toledano (UOM)
Dr. Manuel Limonta, Director, Regional Office for Latin American and the Caribbean, International
Council for Science (ICSU), Paris
Dr. Heinz Dieterich, Director CTS-UAM
08:30 hrs
Welcome/Bienvenida,l Dip. Lic. Oscar González Yañez
Dr. Heinz Dieterich, Director CTS-UAM
Dr. Emilio Sordo Zabay, Rector, UAM-Lerma
Dr. Ramón Valdivia Alcalá, Rector, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Lic. Guillermo Lezama, Rector, Universidad Obrera de México Vicente
Lombardo Toledano (UOM)
Dr. Salvador Vega y León, Rector General de la UAM
09:00 hrs
Global Transregional Fracture: G-7 vs BRICS/Fractura Transregional Global: G-7 vs
Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, Coordinator, Center for Geo-Strategic Studies (CGS), CTS
09:50 hrs
The role of NATO and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the global order
Melkulangara K. Bhadrakumar, Reknown Asian Geostrategic Analyst, former
Diplomat, India
10:40 hrs
Possibilities and limits of developmentalism and socialism in Latin America/
Posibilidades y límites del Desarrollismo y Socialismo en América Latina: la experiencia
andina de Ecuador y Bolivia
Alexis Ponce, Cofounder Human Rights´ Movement (APdH), Ecuador
11:45 hrs The Geostrategic Situation of Ucraine and the danger for world peace: Gorbatchev´s
warning of a possible Nuclear World War
Konstantin Sivkov, Ph.D. in Military Sciences; President of the Academy of Geopolitical
Affairs, Moscow, Russia
12:35 hrs The 4th Generation Warfare model of “color revolutions” and the neurobiological
preconditions for democratic praxis. Las "revoluciones de color" como mecanismo
imperialista principal de derribar gobiernos sin intervención militar.
Dr. Gernot Ernst, neurobiologist, WARP-CTS, Norway; Dra. Maria Eugenia Venegas,
UOM, Mexico
13:25 hrs
15:00 hrs The strategic Alliance China-Celac and Brasil´s Geopolitical Proyect for the 21st
Century/Proyecto Geopolítico de Brasil para el Siglo XXI y la alianza estratégica ChinaCelac.
Rolando Carmona, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil
15:50 hrs WARP Research Project: Computer Model of commercial and financial flows and
dependencies in the World Economy, with European, Asian, American and
African subregions
Klaus Bartsch, econometrist, Germany
16:40 hrs.
Dólar vs Yuan y Rublo
La lucha por la hegemonía en la arquitectura financiera global
Eudoxio Morales Flores. CEDES, FE-BUAP
Viernes/Friday, 20 de marzo/march 20th, 2015
09:00 hrs.
El proyecto histórico del ex guerrillero "Pepe" Mujica en el Uruguay y la
experiencia con el cooperativismo como mecanismo de desarrollo económico.
Enrique Gaucher, Colaborador del ex presidente y del Frente Amplio
09:40 hrs.
The global situation of 21st Century Socialism/La situación global del Socialismo
del Siglo 21
Heinz Dieterich, Director, Center for Transition Sciences (UAM), MéxicoGermany
10:00 hrs.
Environmental engineering, equivalence economy and product calculation by
labour-values in a German bio-engineering firm, 2013. An empirical contribution
to the theory of 21st Century post-market equivalence economies, with reference
to the "Magic Triangel" value calculations of Carsten Stahmer in monetary,
volume and labour time input-output models
Stefan Rehfus, environmental engineer, WARP-Researcher, Germany
10:50 hrs.
Putting Citizens in Charge of the Democratic Process. Cell phone voting as the
technological key to 21st Century Democracy
Karen Renaud or Paul Cockshott, School of Computer Science, University of
Glasgow, Great Britain
11:40 hrs.
11:55 hrs.
Who will dominate the world system: China-Russia or the West? The Index of
Relative Geopolitical Power of Nation States (IRGP) in the current world system
and the metrics of liberation.
Heinz Dieterich, Juan Carlos Olguín, Alemania-México, CTS
12:30 hrs.
Can Cuban biotecnological development serve as a paradigm for developing
countries?/La creación de la biotecnología en Cuba en cuanto modelo de
desarrollo científico para países en desarrollo y el rapprochement con EEUU
Dr. Manuel Limonta, Creador de la biotecnología cubana
ICSU Future Earth Project – Research for Global Sustainability
Dr. Manuel Limonta, Director, Regional Office for Latin American and the
Caribbean, International Council for Science (ICSU)
13:00 hrs.
RECESS/ RECESO Is an enduring 21st Century strategic Alliance between
Russia and India possible?
Melkulangara K. Bhadrakumar, Foremost Asian Geostrategic Analyst, former
Indian Diplomat, India
13:30 hrs
15:00 hrs.
Objective problems in the construction of participatory democracy: conditio
humana y conditio naturalis: the laws of scale/Problemas objetivas de la
Democracia Participativa: conditio humana y conditio naturalis: the laws of
Heinz Dieterich, Juan Carlos Olguin, CTS
Darwin´s dilemma: Trapped between the “Third Chimpanzee” and the robot. Who
will rule the Blue Planet?
Juan Carlos Olguín, Coordinador Grupo de Transrobótica, CTS-UAM
16:00 hrs.
The Interoceanic Canal in Nicaragua/El Canal Interoceánico Nicaragua-China
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Nicaragua,
16:40 hrs.
Anexión de México a Estados Unidos como peón estratégico en la lucha por la
hegemonía mundial en el Siglo XXI, contra China y Rusia.
Lic. Guillermo Favela, ex Director editorial, El Universal, México; Director de
Publicaciones de la Universidad Obrera de México (UOM)
17:10 hrs.
Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparative Study between State-owned
Enterprises and Private Enterprises in China
Prof. Xiaoqin Ding, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
17:40 hrs.
The interdisciplinary nature of contemporary finance/ Interdisciplinariedad de las
Finanzas contemporáneas
Dr. Miguel Hakim Simón, Coordinador General de la CEAIAMP (Coordinación
Estatal de Asuntos Internacionales y de Apoyo a Migrantes Poblanos), Puebla,
18:30 hrs.
End of oficial Program/Clausura del evento
On March 21st, we will have a guided excursion to the pyramides of prehispanic
native American cultures (Tenango and Malinalco).
March 23rd at the Workers´ University of Mexico Vicente Lombardo
Toledano (UOM)
March 24th at the Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo