LODGE # 2442 NEWSLETTER VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2 FEBRUARY 2015 Angela Donato Editor [email protected] PLEASE JOIN US AT OUR GENERAL MEETING MONDAY FEBRUARY 2ND 7:15 p.m. Acampora Cottage 39 Montauk Hwy. Blue Pt. ALL ARE WELCOME…..BRING A FRIEND A letter from the President Sisters and Brothers, I hope this letter finds all of you safe, sound, and dry after the Blizzard of 2015. It has taken most of us some time to dig ourselves out of the amount of snow we have received. In my case, living further east than most of you, we received in excess of 30 inches. In my apartment complex, it was closer to 3 ft. and when I open my door it looks like you are going to walk through an ice maze. Hopefully any more snow we get this year will only amount to a few inches at a time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I had to cancel our January 26 th Board meeting, hope that will be the only cancellation this winter. January was a quiet month for us. All of the members recommended by our nominating committee at our January meeting were elected to office. Our new President elect is Sister Margaret Ripa Maier and our Vice-President is Brother Robert Donato. All of the new officers elected for 2015 are listed elsewhere in the Newsletter. Installation of all new officers will be at our March 2 meeting, with a hot buffet to follow. All of you are invited to attend. At this time, I would like to thank the nomination committee chaired by Brother Carlo Matteucci. The committee members were Sisters Madeline Matteucci, Madeline Brewster, Linda Johnson and Marsha Greenspan. Sisters Dorothy Curto and Madeline Matteucci are co-chairing our Installation committee and are looking for members willing to help set up and clean up at our March meeting. They will have a sign-up sheet at our February meeting. Our annual Chinese Auction chaired by Sister Dorothy Curto has had a change in location and date. It is now on May 22nd at 6 PM, location is the Bayport-Blue Point High School. More information is located in elsewhere in the newsletter. Dottie will have a sign-up sheet for those willing to help set up and work the auction at our February meeting. Sister Jackie would like to thank everyone once again for their contributions to the food pantry and donations of Box Tops fo r Education. This is an ongoing project and she will be collecting donations at every monthly meeting. At our February 2 nd General meeting, Sister Louisa Potenza will give a culture presentation. After completing all business, we will have a Valentine’s Day theme for our social hour. UPCOMING DATES 2/2 - Sgt. John Basilone Lodge Meeting 7:15 PM Acampora Center 2/23 Board Meeting 5:45 PM Sayville Library 3/2 - Sgt. John Basilone Lodge Installation Meeting and Celebration 7:00 PM Acampora Center 3/16Social Night 6:30 PM Acampora Center Event for Social Night to be announced Our Lodge is named in honor of John Basilone, a United States Marine Gunnery Sergeant. He received the Medal of Honor for Heroism in WWII during the Battle of Guadalcanal. Sgt. Basilone was the only Marine enlisted man to receive both the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross in WWII. Sadly, he was killed in action on Iwo Jima February 19, 1945. JANUARY 2015 GENERAL MEETING Sister Jackie talking about SISTER REGINA secured a $500 gift card BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION Sister Jan discusses a motion donation for our Auction From DEJANA TRUCKING Brother Carlo announcing the Slate of Officers for the election Standing, State Deputy Jack Abruzzo Addressing the members. Seated President Joan and Brother Seby Sister Regina with fifty/fifty raffle winner, friend Fran Tedesco & Sister Janis who extends her thanks to everyone for helping with the fifty/fifty raffle An important Note from the Financial Secretary In January of each year our Lodge is required to present an accounting of ALL persons currently on our Lodge's membership roster to the New York State Grand Lodge. The Lodge is then required to pay an amount equal to membership dues anticipated to be collected from ALL Lodge members on our list for the 2015 calendar year. The Lodge is responsible to the NYS Grand Lodge for all dues which remain unpaid. Once this tariff is set by the Grand Lodge no changes can be made until January 2016. Therefore any members still unpaid, at this time cannot be removed from the list If you have not already done so, please pay your dues at our regularly scheduled meetings or by mail to: PO Box 173 Sgt John Basilone Lodge #2442 Blue Point, New York 11715 Individual dues are $35 seniors/$45 under age 65 $65 couples seniors/$75 couples non senior. Yours in fraternity, Carmela C Cicero, Financial Secretary Sgt. John Basilone Lodge #2442. Christmas Stockings For our soldiers Sister Madeline, pictured here, with the boxes going to our troops. Six boxes were filled to capacity with so many wonderful supplies, Christmas cards & decorations and even some fun things. Madeline included a note in each of the boxes naming as donors our Lodge and Bishop Ryan Village, where President Joan lives, as they donated many items. George Egan from the VFW, picked up and mailed the boxes, using their own postage free boxes. Madeline sent a thank you card to Past Commander Egan, from the Lodge, they are very gracious to do this for us, believing as we do, in this cause. We should all be very proud of doing our share representing this Lodge, in bringing some good wishes to our troops. THE REPORT OF THE 2014-2015 NOMINATING COMMITTEE During the month of November, our President, Joan Tasoglu, appointed the members of the lodge’s nominating committee. The members of the committee are Madeline Brewster, Marsha Greenspan, Linda Johnson, Madeline Matteucci, and yours truly Carlo Matteucci, Chairman. The announcement of the committee was made at the officers meeting November 24th, lodge business meeting December 1st, and in the lodge’s December newsletter. On December 11th the letters were mailed to all the members of the lodge stating who is on the nominating committee, where and when the committee will meet, what offices are to be elected, the procedure for a member to seek office either through the nominating committee or from the floor, the rules and regulations in the nominating and electoral process, and where and when the nominating committee report will be given and when nominations will be accepted from the floor. The nominating committee did meet on Friday, December 19, 2014 at my home. All committee members were present. There were no contests for any of the nominations. A full slate of officers was selected. The nominating committee presented its recommendations at the January 5th business meeting. There were no nominations from the floor. The following officers were elected for the 2015 – 2016 term: PRESIDENT MARGARET RIPA MAIER VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT DONATO ORATOR DOROTHY CURTO RECORDING SECRETARY STEPHANIE STALTER FINANCIAL SECRETARY CARMELA CICERO CORRESPONDING SECRETARY GRACE FICARRA TREASURER SANDRA ROGERS TRUSTEES (6) ELISSA CIBBARELLI ANGELA DONATO JEAN FELICE EILBERT NATALI IERARDI EVELEINE KENNEDY JANIS MADDALENA MASTER OF CEREMONIES (2) GLORIA CUMMINGS SEBASTIAN TORRIGIANO SENTINEL LEONARD MADDALENA ARBITRATION COMMISSIONERS (5) REGINA ALLEN PETER FICARRA LUISA POTENZA JOSEPHINE SERRA LINDA TRUGLIO STATE DELEGATES (7) DORTHY CURTO ANGELA DONATO ROBERT DONATO GRACE FICARRA PETER FICARRA MADELINE MATTEUCCI SANDRA ROGERS STATE ALTERNATE DELEGATES (2) MADELINE BREWSTER JOSEPHINE SERRA Please keep in mind our lodge president Joan Tasoglu will be the Immediate Past President. Our delegation to the 2015 state convention will consist of 9 delegates. 7 elected delegates and 2 automatic delegates (President Margaret Maier and Immediate Past President Joan Tasoglu.) As the nominating committee chairperson, I would like to thank President Joan Tasoglu in appointing the nominating committee and the members of the nominating committee for their hard work, time and dedication in doing a great job in serving on the lodge’s nominating committee. The members of the nominating committee would like to congratulate all our newly elected officers and wish them the very best in their respective positions. Carlo Matteucci, Nominating Committee Chairperson BROOKHAVEN TOYS FOR KIDS ANNUAL 2015 DRIVE SISTERS ELISSA, DOTTIE, GRACE & EVELEINE ST. VALENTINE' S DAY STORY by Sister Luisa Potenza Everyone loves a bit of romance in their lives. That is what makes February 14 such a special day. We show our passion for that special someone with candy and flowers, or dinner in a dimly-lit restaurant. How did Valentine's Day evolve? There are several legends, unclear as to its beginning since the answer is clouded in mystery. In ancient Rome a Pagan fertility festival called Lupercalia was held annually until Pope Gelasius declared February 14 a Christian celebration. Scholars are unanimous in their belief that St. Valentine, was a Roman Catholic priest who lived during the reign of Emperor Claudius, a non-believer and a man dedicated to persecuting people of Christian faith. Under his rule young people were forbidden to marry. Unmarried soldiers, he thought, would be better fighters if they had no wife or family to worry about. The Catholic Church, on the other hand deemed marriage a sacred sacrament and encouraged their followers to marry. St. Valentine in opposition to Emperor Claudius's edict married couples in secret and was subsequently tortured and imprisoned for his defiance of the Emperor. Legend has it that a man called Asterius, who was to be a judge at Valentine's trial, pleaded with Valentine to cure his blind daughter. A miracle was performed restoring sight to the afflicted girl. As a result Asterius converted to Christianity. In the year 269AD Valentine was sentenced to a beating, stoning and decapitation because of his belief in the sanctity of marriage. The last words written by St. Valentine was in the form of a note to Asterius's daughter signed, “from your Valentine.” St. Valentine is now known as the patron saint of lovers. HAPPY ST. VALENTINE'S DAY St Valentine receives a Rosary from the Virgin Mary One of my favorite romance movies: Same Time, Next Year is a 1978 American romantic comedy-drama starring Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn. Music by Marvin Hamlisch. Theme song sung by Johnny Mathis. A Valentine story from the Daily News about Lodge Members Vito & Sally Ferrante and her daughter Jaci. MATCHMAKER EXTRAORDINAIRE JACI DIAMOND, above left, set up her mom Sally with Vito Ferrante.. Sally had been divorced a few years, and Jaci hated to see her mother lonely. Vito was the UPS delivery man, Jaci met on her work break. Jaci decided to make a love connection. Sally wasn’t ready to meet anyone at that time, but 2 years later, Jaci called Vito and said “I think you and my Mom would really hit it off.” Jaci’s persistence paid off and they were a couple by the second date, and they were married within a few months of their first date. SISTER REGINA ALLEN IS DONATING THIS CUSTOM BUILT RADIO FLYER WAGON TO OUR AUCTION EQUIPPED WITH CANOPY AND CUPHOLDERS ITALIAN TRIVIA 1.Born in Pisa February 15, 1564, I am remembered for inventing the telescope and for my controversial claim that the Sun not the Earth is the center of the galaxy. Who am I ? 2. From which February 15, Roman Festival May St. Valentine’s Day originated? 3. Aside from the imperial family, the Vestal Virgins were the most powerful women in ancient Roman society. What role did these women play? MONTICELLO, Italian for Little Mountain, The home of Thomas Jefferson, sits atop a hill in, Albemarle County, Virginia. Jefferson taught himself architecture. He read books about architecture. He studied the drawings of other architects. One architect he liked was Italian, Andrea Palladio (1508-1580). Palladio used the ancient buildings of Rome as models for his own work. Jefferson liked Palladio’s drawings. He liked classic Roman features such as columns and pediments. REMEMBER COMMERCIAL DE-ICER, SNOW MELT PRODUCTS, can be hazardous to The environment, use SNOW MELT sparingly. Very important, it is poisonous to pets, avoid products containing glycol. SHOVEL OFTEN, this prevents snow compaction from walkers which will keep ice from forming in their tracks. Use sand to help with traction in slippery areas. If your dog’s paws have been exposed to de-icer on a winter walk, wash them when he returns home. Use a wet cloth or dunk them in a container of warm water. This is necessary to prevent ingestion of the de-icer through licking. FEBRUARY 9th is RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS DAY DO SOMETHING NICE FOR A LOVED ONE OR A STRANGER VISIT RANDOMACTSOFKINDNESS.ORG 1. Coupon Fairy: Put unwanted coupons on the supermarket shelf next to the relevant item. (I do this) 2. Compliment the first 3 people you talk to today. 3. Have a favorite waitress or waiter? Give them a special thank you today, and a bit extra in their tip. 4. Pay for the car behind you at the toll booth. 5. On garbage days, as I walk down the road, I pull my neighbors pails off the street, and put them up in their yard. Less cans blowing in the road causing problems for drivers, less damaged cans. Also, cans laying in the road, alerts a possible burglar, no one is home. 6. Tuck a little note into your loved ones lunch. TAKE A PHOTO OF YOURSELF DOING A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS, E-MAIL IT TO ME, FOR A FUTURE NEWSLETTER. [email protected] To purchase LODGE CAPS, SHIRTS, LICENSE PLATE FRAMES, SEE TREASURER, BROTHER NAT after the February 2nd meeting. At our Lodge Meetings, Sister Jackie collects Box Tops for Education. Here is web link for more information about where to find them. http://www.boxtops4education.com/collectmore Each box top is worth 10 cents. We average 300-350 Box Tops per year. In May we donated the Box Tops to the JAMES E. ALLEN SCHOOL, DIX HILLS A school for students with special needs. Thank you for your Want to know more before donating to a charity:and http://www.charitynavigator.org generosity Support. Please continue to save the Box Tops and bring them to the Lodge Meetings. The Brothers and Sisters of the Sgt. Basilone Lodge extend our gratitude to the Brave Men and Women who have served or are currently serving in our Military You can pay tribute to a loved one who served in the U.S. military in a new online Wall of Honor. The Wall, a free service of senior-living referral website, “A PLACE FOR MOM,” allows family members to upload a photo of the veteran along with details of the branch in which he or she served, years of service and highest rank attained. nwsdy.li//vetswall KEEP OUR POLICE OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS IN YOUR PRAYERS Francesco Cavelli February 14, 1602 Crema, Lombardy was an Italian composer of the early Baroque period. Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo was his first opera composition, and was the first performed at the Venetian opera house Teatro San Cassiano on January 24, 1639 His 2nd Opera, 1640, Gli amori d’Apolloedi Dafne (Loves of Apollo and Daphne) also perfomed at the Teatro San Cassiano February 6, 1942 Fabiano Anthony Forte Remember this teen idol and Heart Throb? We wish all our Brooklyn born James Francis Durante, February 10, Lodge Sisters & Brothers Best Wishes for a Happy February Birthday Buon Compleana Febbraio 1893, an Italian American actor comedienne singer. Durante was born on the Lower East Side of New York City. He was the youngest of four children born to Rosa (Lentino) and Bartolomeo Durante, both of whom were immigrants from Salerno, Italy. Make someone happy, Make just one someone happy, And you will be happy, too Lugee Alfredo Giovanni Sacco Rock n Roller Lou Christie, February 19, 1943 I sang along to his music in the early sixties. John Turturro born February 28, 1957, actor The Turturro Family originates from Sicily. OUR CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILY OF MEMBER ELEANOR MAHONEY, AND TO THE FAMILY OF GLORIA COLANTONE who served as NY OSIA Central Buying Chairperson for many years Brothers and Sisters, some of you may remember 3 year old, Zayna Connelly, from the Cooley’s Anemia Dine a Round. Sadly she succumbed to medical issues related to her illness. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her family. SOUP; ‘cause baby it’s cold outside MINESTRONE FOR TWO Angela Donato This is a compilation of different recipes, narrowed down to what we enjoy in our soup AND what’s in the refrigerator & pantry. Use a medium sized pot for the soup Olive oil, onion, carrots, celery, fennel, garlic, sage, parsley, fresh spinach. If you only have frozen spinach, that works too. Vegetable broth, water, tomato paste, ketchup Canned Chick peas, (cici beans) and pink beans, rinse & drain 2 cups cooked small sized pasta, you can break up large pasta into small pieces 1 med. Onion chopped, 2 medium carrots, peeled & sliced, 2 ribs each of celery and fennel chopped. (about 3 cups chopped vegetables) (Saute in 3 tablespoons olive oil, FOR about 15 minutes till soft. Add 1 tablespoon fresh sage snipped, and 1 /2 teaspoon of dried sage crumbled, ( I dry a few leaves of the fresh sage a few days in advance) Add 2-3 cloves crushed diced garlic, saute an additional 5/ 8 minutes. Add 1 ½ cups of water and 2 cups vegetable broth, bring to a simmer Add 1 cup each rinsed and drained cici beans and pink beans Stir in 2 tablespoons EACH of tomato paste and ketchup Simmer about 20 minutes. Add packed 2 cups rinsed cleaned fresh spinach, stir the spinach in. Add about 2 tablespoons of snipped fresh parsley Add a pinch of salt & pepper to taste if needed Simmer about 10 more minutes or until vegetables are tender and spinach has wilted. Add cooked pasta, stir, simmer 5 minutes. Serve topped with Parmigiano Reggiano or parmesan cheese, BREAD on the side MANGIA … and how about these ricotta & chocolate chip filled crescents for dessert? I found this recipe on the OSIA website, via buzzfeed. I haven’t tried the recipe myself yet. They look yummy. Cassatelle alla Trapanese (Trapani-style Fried Crescents) MENU ON THIS WEBSITE: Cucina - Kitchen vegetable soup - minestra di verdura formaggio – cheese prezzemolo - parsley Sale – salt Pepe -black pepper Spinaci - (pl.) spinach sedano - celery carota - carrot Finocchio - fennel Salvia - sage (herb) http://www.manusmenu.com/cassatelle-trapanesi R.I.P. FRANCESCO ROSI, Italian Filmaker Director and Screenwriter. His most famous works include “Hands over the City,” a film about political corruption that won the Golden Lion at Venice in 1963 and “The Mattei Affair,” which dealt with the Mysterious death of an oil tycoon. It won the Golden Palms in Cannes in 1972. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I have been telling you about this for a few months, I found more information in the Italy magazine. WATCH THE 4 HOUR PBS DOCUMENTARY “THE ITALIAN AMERICANS” TUESDAYS, FEBRUARY 17 & 24, 9-11 e.t. WRITTEN AND PRODUCED BY JOHN MAGGIO AND NARRATED BY STANLEY TUCCI. ……………………………….……………………………………..…………………………………….……………………………………. on DVD: FORGOTTEN ELLIS ISLAND a 1 hour PBS documentary, Available on NETFLIX and Connetquot Library …………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………...…… Louis Zamperini, the subject of the movie “Unbroken” was the honorary GRAND MARSHALL for the 2015 Tournament of Roses Parade. The Parade’s theme was “Inspiring Stories.” His children and their spouses rode in the lead car at the start of the Parade. The Float Titled “A Race Well Run” was in his honor. http://www.tournamentofroses.com/rose-parade/theme-grand-marshal …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Senior thoughts, thanks for passing this along Sister Grace Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller! I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks! Old age is coming at a really bad time! When I was a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment ... now, as a grown up, it just feels like a small vacation! The biggest lie I tell myself is ... "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." I don't have gray hair. I have "wisdom highlights". I'm just very wise.. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees. I'm going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I'll do that second week. Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice. Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud? At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for. TRIVIA ANSWERS: 1. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) 2. Lupercalia, see Valentine Day Story. 3. Prepared religious sacrifices and tended to the sacred fires I am collecting wine corks for Auction projects. If you have some, please bring them to the meeting. Thank you to those who have allready donated corks Thank you, Sister Angela Donato a coloro che mi hanno aiutato con questa newsletter, grazie to those who helped me with this newsletter, thank you Sister Angela Donato, Editor
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