18 Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 63 • february, 2015 Provisional Scientific Programme (APICON-2015) Day 1 : Friday, 20th February 2015 • Hall A 8:30-9:00 Inauguration of Scientific Programme 9:00-9:30 Guest Lecture Emergency Public Health Bobby Kapur, US 9:30-10:00 Netaji Oration Vitamin D Deficiency and Lifestyle Disease - Relations and Solution P.K. Sasidharan 10:00-10:30 Prof. Rathinavelu Subramaniam Endowment Oration – 2015 Evolution of treatment of AMI over 100 years - post Herrick Era V.K.Shah 10:30-11:00 Glycaemic Variability - What’s New? Shashank Joshi 11:00-11:30 Key Note Address Current Perspectives in Management of Chronic Pancreatitis Nageshwar Reddy 11:30-12:00 Presidential Oration Rajesh Upadhyay 12:00-12:30 Guest Lecture MDR Tuberculosis M.A. Jalil Chowdhury, Bangladesh Guest Lecture Early Diagnosis and Screening for Cancer - Current Guidelines Sanjay R Jain, US 1:00-1:25 Treatment of RA - The best gets better Rohini Handa 1:25-1:50 Ankylosing Spondylitis: Treatment Recommendation 2015 Ved Chaturvedi 1:50-2:30 Debate Multi Vessel CAD - CABG vs PTCA O P Yadav & Mullasari Ajith 2:30-3:10 Symposium - Vertigo Michael Strupp, Germany 3:10-3:35 Honour Lecture Acute Liver Failure in India S.K. Acharya Symposium - Chronic Viral Hepatitis Hepatitis B Management Hepatitis C - suspect , detect and treat A.C. Anand Y.K. Chawla Symposium - Cardiology Pulmonary Embolism - How best to manage? Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Role of heart rate reduction in management of stable angina and heart failure patients Lekha Pathak G.S. Wander Martin Cowie 12:30-1:00 3:35-4:30 4:30-5:45 Day 1 : Friday, 20th February 2015 • Hall B Tropical Diseases - Update Vivax Malaria - Not Benign Anymore Zoonosis - Threat to Mankind Arbo-Viral Diseases in India Snake Bite: A Neglected Tropical Disease in India Ebola Virus Infection Ashish Bhalla P S Karmakar Bibhuti Saha Nagesh Kalenahalli S. Anuradha 10:40-11:05 Hypertension in Elderly- issues and challenges Sandhya Kamath 11:05-11:30 Chiral Molecules for Hypertension - From Bench to Bedside: Clinical Implications C. Venkata S. Ram 11:30-12:00 Presidential Oration Rajesh Upadhyay 12:00-1:00 Symposium - Hepatology NAFLD Hepatic Encephalopathy Liver Abscess Ajay Duseja Kaushal Madan Mamun Al Mahtab, Bangladesh Guest Lecture Space Medicine: Benefits for Medicine on Earth Rupert Gerzer, Germany 9:00-10:40 1:00-1:25 19 Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 63 • february, 2015 Thyroid Symposium Are patients with primary hypothyroidism in India receiving appropriate thyroxine replacement? Thyroid Disorders in perspective to Diabetes and CVD Subclinical Hypothyroidism - To Treat or Not to Treat? Hyperthyroidism : Advances in Management Mala Dharmalingam S.K. Singh Bipin Sethi S.K. Wagnoo Hypertension Update Diuretics in hypertension - an update Rational combination therapy for hypertension New vistas in management of hypertension Management of Hypertension : Should Beta-Blockers be on the shelf Hypertension in Young Management of hypertensive urgencies and emergencies Amal Kumar Banerjee A. Muruganathan Rajeev Agarwala Santanu Guha B.R. Bansode Jagdish Hiremath 4:30-4:50 Changing Cholesterol Guidelines : Patient Centric Approach & Indian Perspective S.N. Narasingan 4:50-5:10 Burden of Complication of Type 2 DM in India The Changing Profile Sidhartha Das 5:10-5:55 Healthcare Issues Globalisation of Healthcare Patient Safety Medical Preparedness for Nuclear Holocaust Vitull K Gupta Ambika Mohanty A.S. Mohan 1:30-2:30 2:30-4:30 Day 1 : Friday, 20th February 2015 • Hall C Symposium - Infectious Arthropathy Chikungunya Arthritis Brucella Arthritis: Are we missing this? Rheumatological manifestations of HIV Gumdal Narasimulu Yojana Gokhale Dipanjan Bandyopadhyay Symposium - Respiratory Disease Pneumonia - Rational choice of antibiotics Asthma–Current guidelines for out patient treatment COPD- Current Guidelines for treatment COPD- Non Pharmacological Treatment Role of Triamcinolone in steroid responsive conditions Geetha Thirumalnesan S. K. Chhabra Brigadier Vasu Vardhan Raj Kumar Deepak Talwar 11:30-12:00 Presidential Oration Rajesh Upadhyay 12:00-1:20 Nephrology Update Complicated UTI - Judicious Management CAPD - For Indian patients - Is it a viable option? Renal transplantation-newer insights Newer Therapies for Polycystic Kidney Disease PP Varma Tarun Jeloka Vijay Kher Soumita Bagchi Symposium - Critical Care Electrolyte alerts in ICU Haemodynamic monitoring in ICU Nutrition in critical care Sanjay Pandya Charu Jani Ashit Bhagwati 2:20-4:50 AMI & ACS Case Based Symposium Praveen Chandra 4:50-5:50 Symposium - Art of Medicine Art of writing a good prescription Clinical judgement vs technology - bridging the gap Dealing with Psycho-somatic Disorders in Clinical Practice The Art and Science of Sexual Fitness Surendra Daga Shibendu Ghosh Tilak V G K Komakula Deepak Jumani 9:00-9:45 9:45-11:25 1:20-2:20 Day 1 : Friday, 20th February 2015 • Hall D 9:00-10:20 Symposium - Diabetes Salivary Diagnostics in Diabetes Type I diabetes- Journey of life from childhood to parenthood Infections in Diabetes Diabetes in elderly P.V. Rao A.K. Jhingan Krishna Prasanthi Apurba Mukherjee 20 Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 63 • february, 2015 Symposium - Geriatrics Implications of Polypharmacy in Senior citizens Frailty in elderly - assessment and clinical signficance Encephalopathy in elderly A.R. Vijayakumar Jyotirmoy Pal Vikas Loomba 11:30-12:00 Presidential Oration Rajesh Upadhyay 12:00-1:20 Oncology Update New treatment strategies in Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia Lymphoma management in 2015 Multiple Myeloma : Current treatment Paradigm Metabolic emergencies in oncology Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) - Breakthrough of the decade Mathew Thomas P. Mishra Ajay Sharma Madhuchanda Kar Dharma Choudhary Symposium - Endocrinology Endocrine testing Sub clinical hypocortisolism SIADH - approach and management Manash P. Baruah Uttam Pal Vijay Achari Symposium - Nutrition Diabetogenecity of Indian Diet: How True? Brown Fat in Health and Disease Cooking Oils: Which and How to Choose? Dietary recommendations for Nephrolithiasis N.K. Singh Soumitra Ghosh Sonia Arora Mohanjeet Kaur Clinics in Haematology Interpretation of CBC Current guidelines in febrile neutropenia Antiphospholipid Syndrome Parenteral Iron Therapy - When to use? Macrophage Activation Syndrome R.R Singh Randeep Singh Satyabrata Ganguly Ramesh Dargad Tarun Dutta Symposium - Physicians Health Stress management by Yoga Easy life for busy doctors Modern Life style and sexual dysfunction Sandeep Rai Mohit Gupta B.Ramachandra Reddy 10:20:-11:20 1:20-2:20 2:20-3:20 3:20-5:00 5:00-6:00 Day 2 : Saturday, 21st February 2015 • Hall A Dr.G.S.Sainani Oration Management of Metastatic Breast Cancer - Recent Advances Vineet Talwar Dr.P.J.Mehta Oration Thrombocytopenia in Intensive Care Unit Patients Sudhir Mehta Honour Lecture Healthcare Tsunami in India Devi Shetty 10:30-11:00 Ethics in Medical Practice Ajay Kumar 11:00-11:30 Postgraduate Education in India - Current Scenario and Future Directions Ved Prakash Mishra 11:30-11:45 11:45-11:55 11:55-12:05 12:05-12:10 12:10-12:20 12:20-12:30 12:30-12:35 12:35-12:55 12:55-1:00 Pleanary Session - Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, UK Role of the College in Education and CPD Diabetes - The Ticking Bomb Novel Agents in Managing Diabetes Discussion Management of ACS-Drug and Intervention Management of stable CHD-Drugs and Intervention Discussion Optimising Heart Failure Management Discussion 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 1:00-2:00 Symposium - Obesity A Physicians Approach to Management of Obesity Pharmacotherapy for obesity management Bariatric Surgery - effective management of obesity and metabolic syndrome Frank Dunn, President RCPSG Miles Fisher Miles Fisher Robin Northcote Robin Northcote Jack Taylor Jayant Panda Banshi Saboo Pradeep Chaubey 21 Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 63 • february, 2015 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00 5:00-6:00 Symposium - Gastroenterology GERD - management in 2015 Management of Ascites Hepatic manifestation of systemic disease Symposium - Respiratory Sarcoidosis – challenges in diagnosis and treatment Opportunistic Pulmonary Infections in Immune Compromised Hosts – Challenges in Diagnosis and Management Interstitial Lung disease – Approach to diagnosis and management Diabetes Update New WHO recommendation to diagnose Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – India’s contribution Genomics of Maturity Onset Diabetes of Young and Neonatal Diabetes Gliptins in India - lessons learnt in last 7 years Communication for Physicians Breaking Bad News Managing Difficult Patient/Relatives How to use digital media and medical information in clinical practice Medicine and Media V.G. Mohan Deepak Amarapurkar S.P. Misra Maneesh Bhargava, USA G.C. Khilnani J.C. Suri V. Seshiah V. Mohan Samar Banerjee G.N. Ramesh S.K. Tyagi Denise Basedow Anil Chaturvedi Day 2 : Saturday, 21st February 2015 • Hall B 8:30-9:00 Dr. Coelho Memorial Lectureship in Experimental Medicine (2015) Insulin Resistance or Secretory Defect: which is more important in Indians? Ranjit Unnikrishnan 9:00-11:00 Symposium - Cardiology Indian Imaging Guidelines on Nuclear Cardiology Procedures ST Elevation MI : How to Improve Survival? Is Tenecteplase the First Aid Therapy for STEMI in India? Management of Coronary Microvascular Disease Very late complication of coronary stent Diastolic Heart Failure -Myths and realities Mythri Shankar V.K. Bahl Tiny Nair S.R. Mittal Mantosh Panja S.N. Arya 11:00-12:20 12:20-12:50 12:50 - 1:50 1:50-2:20 2:20-3:40 3:40-4:40 4:40-6:00 Symposium - Lipids Insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia and PPAR – Indian perspective Residual risk & importance of Non HDL-C in managing CV risk in Diabetes Symposium - Make in India Saroglitazar & Management of dyslipidaemia in diabetes: one & half year of clinical experience Hydroxychloroquine in Type 2 Diabetes Sudhir Bhandari A.B. Chandorkar Hemant Thacker Nihal Thomas Novo Nordisk Oration Building a Brighter Future with Basal Insulins: The Blueprint of our current Understanding Jens Sandahl Christiansen Symposium - Rheumatology Low back pain - Diagnosis and Management Osteoarthiritis- Early detection and delaying degradation of joints ANCA associated Vasculitis: Update 2015 G.P. Dureja Jyotsna Oak Milind Nadkar SANOFI Aventis Lectureship in Diabetes NAFLD: Association and Impact beyond the Liver Sarita Bajaj Clinics in Gastroenterology Coeliac Disease-Suspect, Detect and Treat IBS-Managing Brain and Gut Constipation - A Holistic Approach Antiplatelet, PPI and GI Bleed Govind Makharia Gourdas Chaudhary Uday Ghoshal Ajay Kumar Symposium - Insulin Integrating Newer Basal Insulin Therapy into Clinical Practice Advancing Insulin Therapy - From Basal & Premix to Co-Formulation Consensus Evidence-Based Indian Insulin Guidelines Ambrish Mithal Ajay Kumar Narendra Kotwal Symposium - Nephrology CKD in India-magnitude and implications Diabetic Nephropathy Stem Cells and Renal Repair Lupus Nephritis S.C. Dash Ashok Kriplani Vivekanand Jha Sanjay Gupta 22 Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 63 • february, 2015 Day 2 : Saturday, 21st February 2015 • Hall C 9:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 Infection Update Fever of Unknown Origin - Revisited Malaria - Challenges and Opportunities Recent Advances in Management of Enteric Fever Scrub Typus - Reemerging Infection Suresh Kumar S.P. Sondhi Ketan K. Mehta M.V.S. Subbalaxmi Clinics - Epilepsy Phenytoin: Managing Epilepsy in India since decades Management of Seizure in Critically ill patients Status Epilepticus - Case Based Learning Place of Phenobarbitone in 21st Century C.S. Agarwal Bhupendra Chaudhary Rajiv Anand Praveen Gupta Critical Care Update Newer guidelines for Sepsis Management Novel Therapies in Severe Sepsis - Current Status Acetinobacter Menace in ICU- How to Counter? Fungal Infections in Critical Care Mridul Daga Rajesh Chawla A.P. Misra Nitin Karnik Symposium - Pregnancy Medicine Management of infections during pregnancy Jaundice in pregnancy Pregnancy and hypertension Alaka Deshpande P. Kar Anupam Prakash 1:00-2:00 Diabetes - Case Based Symposium Moderators : N.K. Soni, Sanjay Kalra, Vipin Mishra, Anuj Maheshwari, Pankaj Agarwal 2:00-3:45 Symposium - Tuberculosis TB – Current Scenario Newer Diagnostic Tools for TB- Impact on Management Problems in management of TB Controversy in DOTs Therapy Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis CNS Tuberculosis : A Challenge in India Intestinal tuberculosis Myocardial tuberculosis 3:45-4:30 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:00 Rohit Sarin Agam Vora S.K. Katiyar Udas Ghosh R.K. Garg Rakesh Kochhar C. Narasimhan Common Problems - Difficult to Treat Recurrent mouth ulcers Muscle Cramps Hiccups Rajiv Khosla Sanjiv Maheshwari Surinder Rana Neurology Update Recent advances in acute ischaemic stroke management Stem cell therapy - Role in brain stroke Management of Parkinson’s Disease – An Update Managing Migraine Headache Vinit Suri M.V. Padma Madhuri Behari Debashish Chowdhury Symposium Haematology Current guidelines for management of haemophilia Blood Component Therapy Usha Sekkizhar P.S. Ghalaut Day 2 : Saturday, 21st February 2015 • Hall D 9:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 Nephrology Update Renal disease in pregnancy Management of Type 2 DM in Chronic Kidney Disease Rituximab in Renal Disorders Manisha Sahay Anil Virmani Dinesh Khullar Symposium - Cardiac Rhythm Atrial Fibrillation : Optimising Rhythm and Output ECG approach to slow pulse Heart Rate Reduction to Improve Cardiovascular Outcomes Ulhas Pandurnagi M. Chenniappan Sandeep Bansal 23 Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 63 • february, 2015 11:00-12:20 12:20-1:35 1:35-2:35 Symposium Rheumatology Biosimilars in RA: Sooner than later Pulmonary Hypertension: The silent killer in Rheumatic Diseases Lupus – the challenges of the disease Immunological Markers in Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases U.R.K. Rao Shefali Khanna Sharma Liyakat Gauri Ajai Kumar Garg 5 Common Mistakes in Clinical Practice Diabetes Hypertension Gastroenterology Neurology Cardiology S.V. Madhu Kamlesh Tewary V.K. Gupta K.S. Anand Rakesh Gupta Symposium - Nutrition Guidelines for nutritional therapy, cirrhosis & CKD patients Low fat diet - How low. Blended Edible Oils Indian Perspective Shilpa Joshi Y. Bhasker Sudhakar Mhaskar Madhuchanda Kar/ Prantar Chakrabarti 2:35-3:20 CPC 3:30-4:50 Symposium - Respiratory Solitary Pulmonary Nodule - Best approach to diagnosis Hepatic Hydrothorax Malignant pleural effusion- Approach to management Lung Cancer - Overview of Treatment Amit Dhamija Prabhash Bhattacharyya Rajiv Goyal Ritesh Aggarwal Symposium - HIV National ART guidelines Associassion of HIV with Kala-Azar co-infection in North Bihar Prevention and management of Needle stick Injury Sanjeev Sinha T.K. Jha Alok Vashishtha 5:00-6:00 Day 3 : Sunday, 22nd February 2015 • Hall A 9:00-9:20 HIV cure - reality or myth B.B. Rewari 9:20-9:40 ICU infections in India- An overview S. Arulrhaj 9:40-10:00 Contrast and Kidney - How to Balance it? N.P. Singh 10:00-10:20 Endocrine Hypertension O.P. Kalra 10:20-10:40 STEMI: Bridging the Gap between Interventionist & Physician D.S. Gambhir 10:40-11:00 Dr. V Parameshvara Life Time Achievement Award Diabetes mellitus is a vasculopathy - not lone endocrinopathy Rajeev Chawla 11:00-11:20 Post Menopausal Osteoporosis Anil Mahajan 11:20-11:40 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation- an update Velu Nair 11:40-12:00 Variations in Therapeutic Efficacy of Different Formulations of the Same Drug Ketan Patel 12:00-1:30 API Award Papers 1:30-2:00 Validictory Function Day 3 : Sunday, 22nd February 2015 • Hall B 9:00-10:00 10:00-11:15 Symposium - Gastroenterology Extrahepatic manifestations of chronic Hepatitis C virus Infection Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency: An overlooked complication of Diabetes Hepato Protectives in Fatty Liver Disease Microbiota, probiotics and chronic diseases Gurinder Mohan Rupjyoti Talukdar Rajesh Puri Ruby Sound Diabetes Update What After Metformin ? Role of Sulphonylureas as Second Line Therapy When Basal insulin is not enough - What next in T2DM? Combine & Conquer : Managing Type 2 diabetes with Triple drug OHA combinations Optimising Foot care in Diabetics Diabetes and Tuberculosis Sujeet Jha A.G. Unikrishnan Surender Kumar Vijay Vishwanathan V. Palaniappen 24 11:15-12:00 12:00-1:00 Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 63 • february, 2015 Newer Diagnostics HRCT - increasing role in diagnosis of Pulmonary Diseases Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) - New tool for Mediastinal lesions Medical Thoracoscopy- A revolution in diagnosis of pleural diseases Rajesh Gothi Pattabhi Raman Vallandramam Dharmesh Patel Symposium - Preventive Medicine Adult Vaccination Influenza: Prevention is better than cure Pneumococcal Vaccination Smokeless Tobacco and CVD Y.S. Raju Vivek Nangia Subramaniam Swaminathan R.M. Chabbra Day 3 : Sunday, 22nd February 2015 • Hall C 9:00-9:45 9:50-10:50 10:55-11:40 11:40-1.00 Symposium - Rheumatology Treatment for rheumatic disorders: moving beyond biologics? Sicca Syndrome- the sinister by-stander Rheumatological emergencies Shankar Subramanian Rathindra Nath Sarkar Alakendu Ghosh Symposium - Imaging - Must Know for Physicians Utility of conventional X-ray in modern era Newer vistas in ultrasound Role of CT in abdominal lesions Recent advances in MRI Veena Choudhary Navin Kalra Praveen Gulati Arundeep Arora Symposium - Lipidology Is triglyceridaemia a star or supporting actor Management of dyslipidaemia intolerant to statin therapy Management of diabetic dyslipidaemia Gursaran Sidhu Ananda Bagchi Arvind Gupta Symposium - Neurology Insomnia: Importance of early diagnosis Dizziness - Diagnosis & Management Neuroplasticity – Past, Present and Future Understanding Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Early recognition of Dementia - Detection and benefits Samir Parikh Ajit Verma V.N. Mishra Swaroop Abhimanyoo Pawar, US Anup Bhattacharya Day 3 : Sunday, 22nd February 2015 • Hall D 9:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 11:30-12:15 Symposium - Infections Distribution of HIV-1 Co-Receptor Tropism Amongst Clade C HIV-1 Infected Individuals in India Management of HIV/HBV co-infection Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome(IRIS) Anti-microbial resistance - A global threat Amar Pazare S.K. Guha Manoharan Mangesh Tiwaskar Session - Clinical Approach Anaemia Quadriplegia Galactorrhoea Unknown Poisoning N.S. Verma S.V. Ramanamurty Dinesh Dhanwal Omender Singh Therapeutics Newer Therapeutic Intervention in Geriatrics Rational Use of NSAID’s Sandeep Tamane M.P.S. Chawla Metabolic Malnutrition to Metabolic syndrome--the transition in rural India Hyperuricaemia, diabetes & metabolic syndrome: intricacy in between H. Basavana Gowdappa Arup Kumar Kundu Potpourri Aplastic Anemia Heart Failure with Reserve Ejection Fraction - What is the Way Forward? Ocular effects of common systemic conditions Rajneesh Kapoor Kapil Midha
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