ST. AUGUSTINE ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH 211 SOUTH MESSMER, PO BOX 26 KELSO, MO 63758-0026 Physical: 604 SYCAMORE STREET, Mail: 201 SOUTH MESSMER SCOTT CITY, MO 63780 Established 1878 Established 1911 Father Oliver Clavin, Pastor Rectory Phone: 264-4724 St. Augustine Church Parish Office Phone and Fax: 264-4106 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30 AM to Noon; 1:00-2:30 PM Website: Parish Council President:: Mike Bles St. Anne’s President: Wanda Clark, 264-2245 To activate prayer line call Irene Blattel. St. Augustine School Principal: Mrs. Deborah McCann Office: 264-4644 Fax: 264-1475 Website: School Hours: 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM Gym: 264-2004 Kitchen: 264-1105 School Board President: Kevin Fennewald February 8, 2015 St. Joseph Parish Parish Office—Hours: 8:30 to Noon; 1-2:30 PM Phone and Fax: 264-4106 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Parish Council President:: Mike Miller CCW President: Xaveria “Fat” Sturm To activate prayer line call Shirley Williams, 264-4874 or Judy Poyner, 264-2226 St. Joseph School Administrator: Mrs. Betty Spalding Administrative Assistant: Linda Uhrhan School Hours: 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM Office: 264-2600 Fax: 264-1325 School Board President: Annie Enderle Scripture Readings 2/8: Jb 7: 1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23; Mk 1: 29-39 2/9: Gn 1: 1-19; Mk 6: 53-56 2/10: Gn 1: 20—2: 4a; Mk 7: 1-13 2/11: Gn 2: 4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7: 14-23 2/12: Gn 2: 18-25; Mk 7: 24-30 2/13: Gn 3: 1-8; Mk 7: 31-37 2/14: Gn 3: 9-24; Mk 8: 1-10 2/15: Lv 13: 1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor 10: 31—11:1; Mk 1: 40-45 Evangelization! “Let us go to nearby towns to preach there,” said Jesus. How spontaneously he evangelized! Of course, Jesus did not find evangelization easy when it meant carrying the cross and then dying on it. His passover to third-day glory, however, gave cruel crucifixion new significance. Risen life gives direction to all growth. Whether we call our lack of growth “sin,” “demon,” “disease” or “death,” Jesus shows us how to pass through it and into newness. How well he preaches the good news in our town! Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Year B. James A. Wilde, PhD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved. Printed from Illustration © 1999 K. Sullivan.. Sacramental Preparation Contact the pastor 6 months prior to the date of wedding for marriage preparation. Contact the pastor for baptismal preparation. Bulletin Deadline Noon on Tuesday Please Remember in Prayer Our Sick, Homebound and Nursing Home Residents St. Augustine: George Bles, Marge Bollinger, Virgie Brant, Bertha Glastetter, Sylvester Glastetter, Charlie Glueck, Eva Glueck, Lucille Kieffer, Agnes Leible, Laverne Rosenquist, Genevieve Schwartz, Rita Staebel, Rick Weber, Gary Welter. St. Joseph: Ann Adams, Ethan Blankenship, Paul Brockmeyer, Michael Crites, Alma Frey, Annis Heuring, Linda Kesterson, Cletus Messmer, Sharon Meyer, Gary Schaefer, Norman Uhrhan. Prayer for Healing Loving and compassionate God, when your Son walked this earth he extended his healing hand toward the sick and cured those afflicted with every disease. We turn to you now in our need and ask you to care for those who are ill. Protect those who face surgery, and watch over those held bound by infirmity. Through the power of your healing love, free from every disease and suffering those who are beset by poor health. Guide with your wisdom all who provide care, and assist doctors, nurses, and medical workers so that they may effectively relieve suffering and bring health to all who they treat. St. Augustine Church Support February 1, 2015 Envelopes $ 9,570.00 Loose $ 41.00 Total Collection $ 9,611.00 Budget $ 6,804.00 Over Budget $ + 3,007.00 Fiscal Year to Date $ + 29,108.33 Amen. St. Joseph Parish Support Envelopes & Youth Plate Total Collection Budget Under Budget Fiscal Year to Date February 1, 2015 $ 2,978.00 $ 82.00 $ 3,060.00 $ 3,173.00 $113.00 $ + 4,117.00 VIRTUS Training Pre-registration is necessary: go to and click on "registration" on the left or call your parish/school office for assistance. If you do not have access to the Internet and are unable to register Online, please call the local parish, school, or institution where you are employed or volunteer. Participants must be present for the entire training. Training sessions are for adults only. Updated schedules may be found at on the diocesan calendar or at Chili and Chicken Noodle Soup Dinner All you can eat Chili and Chicken Noodle Soup Dinner on Monday, February 16th from 11 am to 2 pm and 4 to 7 pm. Eisleben Lutheran Church in Scott City, MO. Includes homemade pie or cake and drink. Adults., $7.50; Child (ages 6-10) $3.50, 5 & under free. Euchre Tourney—TODAY!! Euchre Tournament at St. Ambrose Parish Center, Chaffee on Sunday, February 8, 2015. Doors open at 11:30 am and play begins at 1 pm. Cost is $10/ person. Food available. Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebrations Preparations are underway for the annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebrations to be held in Cape Girardeau. It will be held on Sun., Feb. 15, at 2:30 p.m. in St. Mary of the Annunciation Cathedral. This occasion is an opportunity to celebrate and affirm the great gift of married love. This event include a Mass with Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr., followed by a reception. Any couple who will or has celebrated their 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th or 50+ anniversary anytime during 2015 is most cordially invited to attend. Family members of the couples are included in this invitation. In order for us to prepare properly we need to hear from participating couples by February 6 for the event. Please complete the registration form and send it to Troy S. Casteel, M.S., L.P.C., Director of Family Ministries, 601 S. Jefferson, Springfield MO 65806-3143, or Email to [email protected]. The form can be found on the Family Ministry page of the diocesan website at or at both churches. The Bishop’s Walk The Bishop’s Walk for Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri – Families Helping Families – will be held Saturday, March 21, 2015. Catholics from parishes throughout the diocese will walk on the same day at various locations to show and give support to our neighbors in need. We are joining area parishes to walk at Notre Dame High School at 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Cost to participate is a $10 suggested donation ($30 per family) and t-shirts are included. Funds raised will be used to support Catholic Charities programs in each region. Two traveling trophies will be given annually by the Bishop: one for the parish raising the most in donations; and another for the parish with the highest percentage of parishioners participating. Registration forms are available on-line at, or in the entrance of both churches. Bishop Johnston will be attending our walk! Sausage and Ham Breakfast Guardian Angel PCCW will host a Sausage and Ham Breakfast with all proceeds to support the Mission for Adorers of the Blood of Christ on Sunday, February 22nd in the Guardian Angel School Gym in Oran, MO. Serving 8 am to noon. Menu: whole hog sausage & ham, scrambled or fried eggs, pancakes and biscuits & gravy. Adults, $7; children (6-12), $3. Under 6 are free. Annual Breakfast—TODAY!! Fresh whole hog sausage breakfast on Sunday, February 8th from 7:30 am to 11:30 am. We will also have ham, eggs, biscuits, gravy, and drinks. This will be an all-you-can eat breakfast and the cost will be $7 for adults, $3 for kids 6 -12, and kids 5 and under eat free. BowlDog Bash 2015 Notre Dame Booster Club will be hosting a BowlDog Bash on Saturday, February 28th at Cape West Park Lanes. This will feature a student event and an adult event. Students must be in high school to participate. Student event 1 is from 12-3 pm and Student event 2 is from 3-6 pm. The adult event starts at 6:30 pm (must be 21 to participate in the Adult event). Student cost is $20 per student. Adult cost is $30 per person. Call or email Deena Allen, 3821745 or [email protected] Call with your team name(5 people per student team and 4 people per Adult team) to reserve your lane!! Limited # of Lanes!! Annual KC Valentine Dance The annual Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Dance will be held on Saturday, February 14th. Tickets are $110 per couple. This includes Happy Hour at 5:30 to 6:30 pm Eat at 6:30 pm and dance to follow. Tickets are available by contacting Mike Miller, 450-2303 or 264-4512 or Pat O’Brien at 318-4888 or 545-3015 or David Glastetter at 579-3620. Trivia Night 5th annual St. Vincent de Paul Trivia Night. It will be held at Deerfield Lodge in Cape Girardeau on Sat, Feb 21st. Cost is $12.50 per person with 8 to a table ($100 per table). Must be at least 21 years to participate. Doors open at 6 p.m. and trivia starts at 7 pm. Soda & popcorn provided. Alcohol is permitted but not provided. Contact Angie Logel (573-382-3302 or [email protected]). St. Mary’s Dinner Auction St. Mary’s Cathedral Home and School’s 2015 Dinner Auction will be held on February 21st. Catered by Ray’s of Kelso at the Ray’s Conference Center. Doors open at 4 pm, Meal served at 5:30 pm. Cost is $30 per person. Tickets can be obtained by calling St. Mary School, 335-3840. Camp Re-NEW-All Application packets for Camp Re-NEW-All are available at your parish now!, and all applications are on the diocesan Website at (go to the Youth Ministry Page and follow the link to Camp Re-NEW-All.) Fredericktown sessions are June 8-12 (1F), June 22-26 (2F) & July 6-10 (3F). St. Augustine Parish Information St. Augustine Parish Calendar Sunday, February 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8 AM Morning Mass Parish Directory Sign-ups after Mass in Church 2 PM Confessions for Confirmation followed by Practice Monday, February 9 Afternoon Quilting 6 PM Girls BB Game at Cape Christian (V, JV) 7 PM Rosary for the Military and their families 7 PM St. Augustine Parish Council Meeting Tuesday, February 10 Saint Scholastica 6 PM Home Girls BB Game vs. Immaculate Conception (A,B) 7 PM RCIA Class Wednesday, February 11 Our Lady of Lourdes, World Day of the Sick 7 PM Evening Mass 7:40 PM St. Augustine Choir Practice Thursday, February 12 6 PM Home Girls BB Game vs. Charleston (JV only) 7 PM Parent Meeting for First Communion in Church Friday, February 13 8 AM All School Mass at St. Augustine 6 PM Home Girls BBall Game vs. Trinity Lutheran (A only) Saturday, February 14 Saints Cyril and Methodius 8 AM Mass and 6 PM Mass at St. Augustine Confirmation at 6 PM Mass Sunday, February 15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8 AM Morning Mass Visit with Bishop Johnston in the School Gym after Mass Parish Directory Sign-ups after Mass 2:30 PM Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration, St. Mary St. Augustine Liturgical Roles Weekend February 15 Lectors 6 pm Confirmation Candidates 8 am Lana Arnzen, Charles Grojean Servers 6 pm Megan Heisserer, Nate Hulshof, Adam Moeser 8 am Paul Beggs, Cayden Beussink, Owen Beussink Eucharistic Ministers 6 pm Debbie Gibson, Larry & Suzanne Eftink 8 am Elizabeth Becker, Gary & Roxie Ziegler, Francis & Anna Rose Bles Ushers 6 pm Jerome Essner, Paul Glueck, Harold Gosche, Billy Reinagel 8 am Jeff Reinagel, Ron Reinagel, Brian Ressel, Dennis Ressel Servers, February 16-21: Drake Schlosser and Eli Campbell Church Cleaners February 14: Andrea Landewee & Girls, Rita Landewee, Valerie Seyer, Karen Smith St. Augustine Mass Schedule Saturday Eve at 6:00 PM Sunday at 8:00 AM Friday, Saturday at 8:00 AM Wednesday at 7:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Before Weekday Masses Saturday’s at St. Augustine, 5:15-5:30 PM. Available anytime by appointment. Gym/Parish Community Center Rental For St. Augustine contact Helen Kluesner, Manager, 264-2825. Registration Please contact the parish office to register. Forms are available on the Bulletin Board. St. Augustine Mass Intentions Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 6 PM Sylvester Welter Liv & Dec Bill & Bertha Glastetter Family Charlie Burger George Leible Joe & Barb Diebold (45th Wedding Anniv.) Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 8 AM Cletus Heisserer Joseph Schwartz, Sr. Liv & Dec Sylvester & Mildred Felter Family Vernon Schlosser Bill & Lavana LeGrand, Arnold & Opal Ressel Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 7 PM Buster Kluesner Liv & Dec Bud & Lois Drury Family Helen Cox Danette Ketcher Betty Hopen Friday, February 13, 2015 at 8 AM Leo Berghoff (by K of C) Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 8 AM Liv & Dec Sylvester & Ramona Glastetter family Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 6 PM St. Augustine Confirmation Candidates Anna Marie Burger Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 8 AM Rex Wayne Heisserer Helen Raines Beans & Lucille Enderle Ben & Lorena Meyer, Rita Mansell Danette Ketcher St. Joseph Parish Information St. Joseph Parish Calendar Sunday, February 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 AM Mass at St. Joseph Church The Mirror Subscription Collection Monday, February 9 8 AM Mass at St. Joseph Church Tuesday, February 10 Saint Scholastica 2:30 PM Rosary with St. Joseph School Children Wednesday, February 11 Our Lady of Lourdes, World Day of the Sick Thursday, February 12 Lincoln’s Birthday 8 AM All School Mass at St. Joseph by Grades 4, 5 & 7 7 PM St. Joseph Choir Practice Friday, February 13 2:00 PM Dismissal at St. Joseph School Saturday, February 14 Saints Cyril and Methodius Happy Valentine’s Day! 3 PM Confessions 4 PM Mass at St. Joseph Sunday, February 15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 AM Mass at St. Joseph Church 7-11:30 AM Sausage Breakfast in St. Joseph Gym 2:30 Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration, St. Mary St. Joseph Liturgical Roles Weekend of February 15 Lectors 4 pm Morgan Campbell 10 am Betty Spalding Servers 4 pm Paige Cummins, CJ Dickerson, Kaitlin Campbell 10 am Skyler Robert, Anthony Madalon, Johnathon Madalon Eucharistic Ministers 4 pm Clara Mae Moore, Maurice Miller, Almaretta Schaefer 10 am Frances Presswood, Marie Short, Georgia Dannenmueller Ushers 4 pm Harold Cobb, John Wilhelm, Ray Smith, Tony Welter 10 am David Ostendorf, Tim Enderle Sacristans: 4 pm Willard & Vivian Hinkebein 10 am Margaret Pender Feb Money Counters: Willard & Vivian Hinkebein St. Joseph Mass Schedule Saturday Eve at 4:00 PM Sunday at 10:00 AM Monday and Thursday at 8:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation Before Weekday Masses Saturday’s at St. Joseph, 3:00 PM. Available anytime by appointment. Gym/Parish Community Center Rental For St. Joseph contact St. Joseph School at 264-2600. Registration Please contact the parish office to register. Forms are also available on the Church Bulletin Board. St. Joseph Mass Intentions Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 4 PM Liv & Dec Charles & Mary Hess Family Leo & Luella Glastetter † Rosemary Kjer † Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 10 AM Eileen, Ben & Lucille Ernst † Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8 AM Keith Anderson † Tracy Holder †, Ben & Olivia LeDure † Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 8 AM Helen Raines † Leo Berghoff † Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 4 PM Rella Robert †, Ronnie William † Liv & Dec Ted & Celestia Ziegler Family Sylvester Welter † George Leible † Leon Welter † Dorris & Lillian Smith † Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 10 AM Ronnie Kern † Clarence & Alma Jackson Family St. Joseph Vocations Committee Please pray for all seminarians and sisters everyday, and especially for Sr. Libby Beussink. Encourage vocations within are families, our parishes. Encourage your children to become involved in the parish lay ministries or organizations like Choir or Lector. Witness love for your spouse, your children, your neighbor, the world. St. Augustine Parish News St. Joseph Parish News St. Augustine Confirmation Saturday, February 14th at the 6 PM Mass, 36 of our youth will participate in the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Johnston. Please keep them in prayer as they make final preparations for this Sacrament. Growing in Faith-Capital Campaign Project To date, $433,494 has been pledged toward our Growing in Faith Capital Campaign project. Thank you! If you have not yet made your pledge, add your gift, whatever the amount, in unity with those who have already given by returning a pledge card. Thank you for your support & continued prayers as we are Growing in Faith at St. Augustine. Mowing Bids at St. Joseph St Joseph Parish will be accepting bids for a 3 years contract on mowing all Parish property on February 12th 2015. Bidders can pick up a contract and description at the school from 8am to 3:30pm Monday thru Friday. Bids shall be turned in at the school on or before February 12, 2015 in a sealed envelope, bids will be reviewed at the parish council meeting on February 17th and awarded at that time. Any questions call Mike Miller 450-2303. Space Heater Please Return: a tall slender space heater is missing. It belongs to Valerie Seyer and it was left in the St. Joseph Rectory Basement. Please return it to the basement of the rectory as soon as possible. Thank You. Please Remember in Prayer Please remember the family and friends of Joseph Westrich in prayer. Mr. Westrich, brother of James Westrich of St. Augustine Parish Family, passed away on January 29th. Please remember the family and friends of Bill Rogers in prayer. Mr. Rogers, member of St. Augustine Parish Family, passed away on January 30th. Please remember the family and friends of Pius Robert in prayer. Mr. Robert, member of St. Augustine Parish Family passed away on February 1st. St. Augustine New Parish Family Album! Plans are under way for a new Parish Album with family photography February 17-21 and 24-28. There is no cost to you or the church to have your portraits taken, and you will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and album for participating. You will be able to view your images digitally immediately after you are photographed, additional portraits are available for order. Our Church Family Album will help us to connect names with faces, celebrate the life our church & school and build our sense of community. You may sign up for your photography session online at or after 6 PM & 8 AM Masses—Feb 7, 8 or after 8 AM Mass on Feb 15. Please stay in your pews and a table will be set up by the steps to the Altar. We look forward to "seeing you" in the Parish Family Album! If you prefer to submit your own photo, you may do so for $10—be sure to include a copyright release if it is from a professional. High School Students can earn Christian Service Hours if they volunteer. Coffee and Donuts St. Anne’s Sodality will sponsor Coffee and Donuts in the School Gym after the 8 AM Mass on Sunday, February 15th. Please join us for fellowship with Bishop Johnston! St. Augustine School News Cafeteria Position Openings St. Augustine School is seeking a Cafeteria Manager for 2530 hours per week. Duties include; menu planning, ordering, cooking, clean-up. St. Augustine School is seeking a part-time cook. This position is 3-5 days per week and approximately 4 hours per day. Duties include cooking and clean-up. Contact the school, 264-4644 for details. St. Joseph Parishioner in the Military Donald Sturm is currently stationed in Saudi Arabia. Cards and well wishes can be sent to him at: Donald R. Sturm, 379 EMXS/MYMM, Unit 61217, APOAE 093091217, GEO 9309-1217. The Mirror Collection Sunday, February 8th we will be collecting donations for The Mirror subscriptions. Each subscription cost $14. Donation envelopes are included in this quarter’s packet. Please drop your donation in the collection basket and consider giving extra to cover the cost for a fellow parishioner. St. Joseph School News Sausage Breakfast St. Joseph Home and School’s 26th Annual Sausage Breakfast will be held on Sunday, February 15th from 7 to 11:30 AM. Come join us for some delicious link sausage, pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, and mixed fruit. Coffee, Milk & Juice. Held in the St. Joseph School Gym. Adults, $7, Children (6-12) $3. Under 6 are free. Preorders for sausage—bulk, $2.75 per pound, Link, $3.25 per pound. Pick-up available February 14 & 15. Metal Folding Chairs The old folding metal cafeteria chairs can be picked up after Mass on Saturday, Feb 14th or Sunday, Feb 15th. They are free for the taking, but donations will be accepted. Religious Appreciation Banquet—TODAY Knights of Columbus Religious Appreciation Banquet on Sunday, February 8th. All Knights of Columbus members and their spouses and widows of Members are invited. The banquet will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Scott City. Happy Hour will be from 4:30-5:30 pm. We will eat at 5:30 pm. Ladies Auxiliary members are asked to please bring a dessert. Please come and show your appreciation. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Gary Ziegler, 576-6451.
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