S t. Paul Highlights Volume 64 Issue 2 February 2015 To know and serve Christ by reaching out in love to all Date Time Service Server Lector 2/18 7:00 ASH WED Linda & Mike King 2/1 8:30 Traditional Gail Hansen Cathy Dick Henning Fazekas Calyn Dave Hall 11:00 New Song Acolyte Bread Baker Altar Guild Ushers Greeters Counters Carol Kopkas Henderson Marie Herr Jennifer Hinton Team 1 Team 1 Cameron Wicks 8:30 11:00 New Song Traditional Scott & Cheryl Harkema Wendy Team 2 Team 2 Dave & Chris Hall Chris Hall D. Barrett L. Wolfe Marie Herr Ferian D. Batig R. Batig Marie Herr Bev Hubler 2/8 Money Natalie Kurek Team 3 Team 3 M. Grunau W. Hansen Team 4 Team 4 J. Bairoti D. Barrett 2/15 8:30 Traditional 11:00 Celebration Adam & Jennifer Hinton Jack Flick Linda Jungeberg Cheryl Harkema Marissa Rae Batig Lizzie Hinton Betty Krutko 2/22 8:30 Celebration Karen Owen McFetridge Jennifer Hinton Team 5 Team 5 D. Perzel Team 6 Team 6 Team 7 Team 7 Team 8 Team 8 Montag Kolozvary Jennifer Hinton Marilyn Niksa 11:00 Traditional Amy Kurek Sharon Lappin Bruce Herhuth D. Miller Events to Remember: COMMUNITY MEAL — Wednesday, February 25th 6:00 p.m. Saturday, February 14th — VALENTINE ‘S DAY Sunday, February 15th —BLUEGRASS SERVICE– 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 18th — ASH WEDNESDAY, Worship 7:00 p.m. SOUP SUPPERS February 18th 6:00—6;45 p.m. WEDNESDAY LENTEN SERIVCES February 25th, 7:00 p.m. D. Lesko A. Hinton B. Goette St. Paul HIGHLIGHTS Published monthly at: St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 276 East Bagley Rd., Berea, Ohio 44017 Dear Friends, “The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen, A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m the queen.” Those lines are the beginning of Princess Elsa’s anthem from the movie Frozen. She is running away from her old life, a life where she has to hide her true self. She is about to create her own ice palace. Now while ice palaces may be beautiful, Elsa herself tells us no other footprints come close. The queen of isolation lives in a cold and lonely place. The chill of winter can chill our hearts as well. We believe we have to hide our true selves just to get by in the world. We allow resentments and old grudges to freeze us up. We rule over our own kingdoms of isolation. We are safe there, in control. If we are cold and lonely……so what, we’ll suck it up. Yet just as Elsa had her sister Anna, who loved Elsa enough to call her back to love and life, we have a God who loves us more. Our God says we belong to a place called the kingdom of heaven. This kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that someone once hid in a field and with joy sold everything to buy it. Mystics say at the heart of the kingdom of heaven is a fire…the fire of God’s love for all things. They call it a passionate bliss-fire of tender loving kindness. God’s fire burns constantly to warm us. We can also warm others with it. God promises near the warmth of that fire we will find true joy. First we have to find that treasure, that fire. Sounds like a treasure hunt to me. This Lent I hope you join me on a treasure hunt to find this fire of joy. If you have a heart for adventure we will move from… Frozen to Fired-Up………..Finding the treasure that is joy. Here’s the path we will take… February 25th : Let It Go! Let It Go! Unthawing resentments, practicing gratitude March 4th: Let It Go! Let It Go! Unthawing grudges, practicing forgiveness March 11th: Do you wanna build a human? Practicing humility March 18th: We’re all fixer-uppers. The warmth of community around a table March 25th: In summer…the warmth of the Son, spreading the joy. Our Lenten suppers will begin at 6:00pm and Worship at 7:00. Sincerely, Pastor Pam Phone 440.243.1144 E-mail Fax 440.243.8184 [email protected] Web site www.stpaulberea.org HIGHLIGHTS Editor: Office Staff Articles are due the 15th of each month. Office Hours 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday – Friday Worship Services each Sunday 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM 5TH SUNDAY @ 10:00 AM ONLY Holy Communion every Sunday at both services Sunday School for all ages @ 9:45 AM SEPTEMBER—MAY Pastor Thomas L. Henderson, x202 440.826.1906 E-mail: [email protected] Associate Pastor Pam Kelly, ext 208 330.405.4508 E-mail: [email protected] Staff Director of Music Ministry Lois Hines x203 E-mail: [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministry Susan Moore x207 E-mail: [email protected] Assistant Organist Worship Leader Richard Densmore Barbara Tibbitts Children Choir Linda Forster Office Sherrill Crawford & Rae Batig x200 E-mail: [email protected] Bookkeeper Lynnette Ozanich x204 Nursery Care Provider Gail Brandt St. Paul Council Members — 2014 Mike King 440 238-7592 [email protected] Randy Hamilton (V.Pres) 440 234-2105 [email protected] Dave Hall (Secretary) 440 572-8312 [email protected] Complete list of Council Members is on the Council bulletin board outside the office. Council Corner for Highlights - February 2014 This is my first opportunity as the newly elected President of the Council to share information with you, the congregation of St. Paul, in this corner. First, let me thank my fellow council members in placing their confidence in electing me President of this year’s council. I will try to affirm that confidence in the coming year. Secondly, I would like to thank Jon Montag for his service as council president last year. His departure from council will be missed but we are pleased to welcome back Eric Prestegaard after a year’s absence. I look forward to working with all the members of council as we go about doing God’s work here at St. Paul. As you can see, there is a new electronic sign outside and our thanks go out to all those who made it possible, particularly Jim Jungeberg. It certainly is a beautiful addition to our church. As always, you can find minutes from council meetings posted outside the church office, as well as copies of our financial reports. Mike King Council President Please contact any member of the Church Council with questions or concerns: Gary Grizzell, Dave Hall, Randy Hamilton, Scott Harkema, Pastor Henderson, Pastor Kelly, Mike King, Amy Kurek, Diane Mille, Karen Naklizki, Eric Prestegaard. Grow our RESOURCES Have the infrastructure and resources to realize our vision Property Committee News The very cold late December and January have made completing the outside projects for 2014 a challenge to say the least. Working to install the new front sign in between periods of freezing temperatures so the trenching and masonry work could be done, and then doing the physical installation with -15 degree wind chills was not so much fun. However, the new front sign is now operational, and the old sign is being dismantled, as weather permits, to provide an unobstructed view of the new messages. Restoration of the front lawn will have to wait until the spring thaw. Unfortunately, the temperatures never rebounded enough to allow for the new roof to be put on the garage. This work will be carried over into 2015, and will likely be done when Phase 4 of the roof replacement is done during the summer. The property committee has finalized the criteria for purchase of a new elevator to the balcony, and the recommendation has been approved by council so the purchase and installation of a new elevator will be occurring early this spring. The cost of the new elevator to the congregation will be very low as most funds required have been donated by a couple of members for this purpose. Volunteers from St. Paul will be removing the existing unit and applying the salvage dollars to help offset the cost as well. New items are being considered for addition to the 15 year plan. Some of the planned major repairs to the building may be revised sequentially so that we continue to address the most urgent needs first. Our goal is to make upgrades and replacements on our schedule, and not when a major failure suddenly occurs. We continue to look into projects that improve our ability to control and further reduce the operating costs of the building. We are also looking at restoration of things like the ceiling tiles, now that water leaks are a thing of the past. Property Committee thanks you for your continued faithful financial support, and for approval of the 2015 budget and the 2015 improvements that are included in the budget. Your financial support is essential in enabling us to follow through on our longrange plan for repairs and renovations to the building. If you have fallen behind in your support, please make every effort to stay with the program so that the church council can remain confident in the financial commitments for contracting repairs. Property and Finance Committees highly recommend using the “Simply Giving” program as a way of automatically contributing even when special circumstances prevent your attending. St. Paul Council Members — 2015 If you wish to contact a Council member, please use the information listed below. NAME PHONE E-MAIL Rev. Tom Henderson 440 243-1144 x202 [email protected] Pastor C 440 539-6294 Rev. Pam Kelly 440 243-1144 x208 Associate Pastor [email protected] H 330 405-4508 Gary Grizzell 440-342-7355 [email protected] 440 572-8312 [email protected] Scott Harkema 440 427-8042 [email protected] Randy Hamilton — Vice President 440 234-2105 [email protected] Mike King — President 440 238-7592 [email protected] Dave Hall — Secretary C 216 533-2557 Amy Kurek 440 376-8563 [email protected] Diane Mille 440 243-2837 [email protected] D. Eric Prestegaard 234-466-0336 [email protected] C 330-416-7592 Karen Naklizki 440 532-0821 [email protected] PLEASE KEEP FOR FUTURE USE. WE RESPOND TO GOD’S LOVE OFFICIAL ACTS MEMORIALS & HONORARIUMS Baptisms Bryan Phillips 12/28 Sofia Elizabeth Foecking Penny Boyer 1/25 Rachael Ann Zemla Gregory & Heidemarie Fratianne Funerals 12/29 Bernice M. Forro Bernice Forro Margaret L. Smith Richard A. Myers, Jr & Assoc. Nicholas & Jeannette Belovics Melva Petia Save the date: St. Paul will be collecting food for Berea school kids for spring break in March. We will need tuna, Tuna Helper, peanut butter, jelly, fruit cocktail or peaches, and cereal. Drop off will be at church on the first two Sunday’s of March. Watch the bulletin for more information. GRACE NOTES The Sundays after the Epiphany begin with Jesus’ baptism and end with the Transfiguration. On this Transfiguration Sunday, our worship will be bluegrass style! How appropriate to sing “I Saw the Light” on such a special occasion. Jesus, on the mountain top was joined by Peter, James and John -- “There He was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.” (Mark 9:2-9) This will be a one service Sunday, February 15th at 10:00 a.m., with lunch afterward and music continuing. What a stirring way to prepare for a season of repentance beginning the following Wednesday, February 18th, Ash Wednesday. Maybe we may call this our “fat Sunday?” In Scripture, God says “this is my Son, the Beloved; listen to Him!” May our February worship and worship throughout the Lenten Season, (and beyond) be one of listening to the Word, and words put to music. St. Benedict advises to “listen with the ear of our heart.” May each of our hearts be filled with His Word, His Love, and His Grace. May it bring a joy that translates into a heart full of singing. “It is the voice of the Church that is heard in singing together. It is not you that sings, it is the Church that is singing, and you, as a member of the Church, may share in its song. Thus, all singing together…serves to widen out spiritual horizon, make us see our little company as a member of the great Christian Church on earth, and help us willingly and gladly to join our singing, be it feeble or good, to the song of the Church.” …. Dietrich Bonhoffer, from “Life Together”. In His Service, Lois Hines Grow in SERVICE Be a model of serving Christ for others SHEEP & GOATS FOCUS — FEBRUARY LMM — Lakeside Men’s Homeless Shelter Every day, more than 500 men arrive at the 2100 Lakeside shelter. The shelter provides more than just beds and meals; it offers opportunities to overcome barriers to independence and contribute to society. Residents work in a community garden, participate in a book club and volunteer in activities that develop personal skills, open doors to work opportunities and make the shelter a better neighbor. All little bit of background of LMM… Right relationships connect profoundly with building; they work at building bonds, serving others simply because they are our neighbors. Perhaps most importantly, building right relationships in community is the LMM answer to Micah’s call to “do justice, to love mercy, and walk humbly with God” on which the Philosophy of LMM is based. —Micah 6:8 Service Opportunity — Tuesday, February 24th We will be serving lunch at the 2100 Lakeside Men’s Shelter on the fourth Tuesday of each month. We will carpool from St. Paul’s at 11:00 and return around 1:30. If you are interested, please contact the church office. Another ministry at the shelter is that of ‘Listener’. It is exactly what the name implies; an opportunity to sit and visit and listen to men at the shelter. Folks who are homeless often have no one in their lives and are passed by and overlooked by society. Some have mental health issues or are coming out of incarceration. To be able to listen to another human being is a wonderful and humbling ministry of compassion. If you would like more information, please contact Pastor Henderson for more information. [email protected] Dear Friends of Habitat For Humanity, We are still working with the Greater Cleveland Habitat For Humanity affiliate in transferring the 14th Annual Habitat WALK to their care. There will be a meeting on Sunday, February 22nd, at their office, 2110 W. 110th St, Cleveland, 44102, at 2:30 PM. All are invited to help make plans for the WALK, construction, and lunches in 2015. The WALK will be held at Edgewater Park, along the Shoreway in Cleveland, very accessible, Saturday, May 30th. The Memorial Day weekend is celebrated the week before. GCHFH, Kim Pride, Development, Mgr., will send out brochures a few weeks before May 30th so that we can ask friends and family for donations to help rehab another Thrivent Builds home. This year's house is on Orville Ave., off of Martin Luther King Drive, South of Superior Ave. A house next door will also be rehabbed by our crew. Currently they are working at 6810 Clement in Slavic Village. They hope to complete it in early spring. Take the opportunity to once again "give a hand up, not a hand out" to a low income family to have their own warm home where they can feel safe. In His Service Together, Pastor John and Mary Evans Re-Entry Christmas Party Grow in SERVICE Be a model of serving Christ for others COMMUNITY MEAL DONATIONS….The items are distributed along with items donated to Church Street Ministries to help those in attendance. “The needs today are beyond words!” says Frances Millward of Church Street Ministries. The ITEMS for FEBRUARY are SOCKS & SOUP The Community Meal is back at St. Paul’s on the last WEDNESDAY of each month at 6:00 p.m. You are invited to attend !! BEREA FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS…. Each month we collect food to help stock the pantry located at 85 So. Rocky River Drive in Berea. The ITEMS for FEBRUARY are PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY Place Items in the Grocery Carts in the Narthex or near the Fellowship Hall Simply Giving Program Would you find it helpful to have your offerings taken from your bank account as you do other monthly drafts? At no cost to the congregation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans sponsors a program called Simply Giving, which offers this service for people who wish to have offerings transferred electronically to their church’s account. For those who travel, this is particularly helpful in keeping up with their intended offerings, and it will keep your from having to make up the difference later. The Congregational Council has approved this program for those who choose to participate in it. A Simply Giving brochure is available on the Information Board in the Narthex or you can contact the church office for more details. COMMISSION ON AGING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Tuesday, February 10th at noon the Senior Luncheon will be held at St. Paul’s Cost $5.00 Contact the “Active Senior Network” for reservations at 440 891-3316 February Children’s Ministry News SUNDAY SCHOOLMany thanks are being sent to all of our children and families who are taking part in our Sunday School program. It is never too late to sign up for Sunday School. You are always welcome. Please join us at 9:45 each Sunday. Friends, neighbors and grandchildren are always welcome, too! CHILDREN’S CHURCHWe will be meeting on February 8th and February 22nd at both the 8:30 and 11:00 worship services. Children of all ages are welcome. Join us for some great Bible stories, crafts, puppet shows, songs, and a chance to make some new friends. Hope to see you. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLBelieve it or not, it is time to begin making plans for our 2015 VBS week being held July 6-10 from 9:30-Noon. Please mark your calendars. As we all know, lots of volunteers are needed to plan and carry out a safe and well-planned week for our children and the children in our community. It is our hope to plan early so that we can have our best VBS week yet. We would like to begin planning in March so that we are ready well before the summer months begin. Thank you to everyone who continues to support our Children’s Ministry programs at St. Paul. Couldn’t do it without you! OUR ARISTOCRAT CHILDRENOur Aristocrat Ministry is now in its 11 th year. Please consider joining us for this valuable time to serve local children in need and a chance to meet some new St. Paul people as well. We meet in the dining room in the children’s building on the first Sunday of each month from 3:00-4:00. Many of the young people that we see are teens that go to Berea-Midpark High School, if they are able. If you are a St. Paul middle or high school student, this would be a great chance to serve other young people in need. Folks of all ages are needed. The Aristocrat kids love to play Uno and we spend time just being together. Please consider joining us. It is an hour well spent for the Aristocrat folks and all of us that visit. Please see Susan if you have any questions. Thanks so much. February Children’s Ministry Calendar February 1st 9:15-10:15 Recorders 9:45-10:45 Sunday School 3:00-4:00 Play Uno at the Aristocrat February 6th 5-8 Pasta Dinner Fundraiser (Fellowship Hall) *See bulletin board for details* February 8th 8:30 Children’s Church 9:45-10:45 Sunday School 11:00 Children Sing in Worship 11:00 Children’s Church February 15th 9:00-9:50 Recorders 10:00 Bluegrass Worship *No Sunday School* February 22nd 8:30 Children’s Church 9:45-10:45 Sunday School 11:00 Children’s Church Youth News for February Confirmation Sundays, February 1, 8, and 22. 9:45am in Room K We will continue to study the Apostle’s Creed. Our test covering what we have learned about God the Creator will be February 1 st. Then we will look at who Jesus is according to the Creed and what that means for us. February 15th we will only have one service at 10:00am so we will not have Confirmation. High School Sunday School Sundays, February 1, 8, 22. 9:45 in the Youth Room High School Youth Ministry Nights Sunday, February 15th at 6:30pm in the Youth Room Join us as we seek to discover who Jesus is…for real. We will not meet on Super Bowl Sunday February 1st. Confirmation Ministry Night Sunday, February 8th at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room We will talk about understanding a friend. Looking Ahead…. Week of Hope will be from June 28th to July 3rd. We will be traveling to Nashville, Tennessee. ST. PAUL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 276 EAST BAGLEY ROAD BEREA, OHIO 44017 440-243-1144 WWW.STPAULBEREA.ORG FIRST CLASS ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Groundhog Day, celebrated on February 2, came about because of a German superstition. They thought if a hibernating animal cast a shadow on February 2nd that winter would last for another six weeks. If there was no shadow, spring would come early.
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