BRASS RAMBLINGS Official Publication of the Skagit-Snohomish Regional Group Horseless Carriage Club of America January 2015 Page - 1 - January 2015 Skagit-Snohomish Regional Group Horseless Carriage Club of America The Skagit-Snohomish Regional Group of the Horseless Carriage Club of America is a non-profit organization with an active membership dedicated to the preservation of pre1916 motorized vehicles, literature, accessories, history, and associated items. Any person/family who is a current member of the Horseless Carriage Club of America, with interest or ownership in pre-1916 vehicles shall be eligible to apply for membership. Dues are $15.00 per year and include a minimum of 10 issues of the Brass Ramblings newsletter annually. The Brass Ramblings is mailed and e-mailed to local members in good standing, and e-mailed to other regional groups and the National Board. Permission to reproduce material appearing in this publication is granted, provided credit is given to the original source. 2015 Officers President Harold Musolf III [email protected] Ray Markley [email protected] Pat Farrell [email protected] Vicki Markley [email protected] Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Seattle, WA (206) 601-9229 Maple Valley, WA (206) 949-5000 Sedro Woolley, WA (360) 856-1294 Maple Valley, WA (425) 432-5391 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Harold Musolf Jr., Gayle Musolf and Dave Ellis (2015) Mike Martin, Donna McGinnis, and Rob Johnson (2016) EDITOR th Tom Brethauer 23611 39 Pl W Brier, WA 98036 Regional Web Site: National Web Site: http:// Page - 2 - (425) 402-3960 [email protected] have a few of them, so don’t be out of town a lot. They might just disappear! Harold III P.S. keep your fingers off the brass! 2015 Calendar Please submit calendar updates to Tom Brethauer promptly, as future planning depends on this information. JANUARY Jan 24 FEBRUARY Feb 14-15 Feb 19-22 Feb tbd MARCH Mar 1-6 Mar 14-15 Mar tbd APRIL Apr 6-8 President’s Ramblings Well I hope everybody made it through the holiday season without incident! First off, let me say thank you again for putting your faith in my capable (I hope) hands along with all of the officers that were re-elected that we may drive, steer, the running/directing of the club. (Boy, that’s a mouth full). We need to fill the social calendar for this year at our January meeting, so bring your ideas. In fact, here is some home work for everybody…. Bring a list of activities that you would like to do, or seen done, and we will put all of them into a hat and pull them out to fill in our calendar!!! I have heard through the grape vine that we have some new cars in garages around the sound that I am looking forward to seeing on tour. Congratulations to the new owners (you know who you are) and, yes, I would like to Page - 3 - Apr 9-11 Apr 10-12 Apr tbd MAY May tbd JUNE Jun 14-18 Club meeting at noon - Bob’s Burgers and Brews Restaurant, Marysville, WA. Early Bird Swap Meet, Puyallup Fairgrounds Sat 8-5, Sun 9-3 Single cylinder registry Tour, Santa Paula, CA - Mike Sullivan (805) 728-5317 Club meeting and tour Texas Bluebonnet National Convention and Tour, Kerrville, TX - Karl Darby (609) 937-1586 Almost Spring Swap Meet, Puyallup Fairgrounds, Sat 8-5, Sun 9-3 Club Meeting Grizzly Bear National Tour, Porterville, CA – Mike Sullivan (805) 728-5317 HCCA National Bakersfield Swap Meet Portland Swap Meet Club Meeting and tour. Club Meeting and tour. Portland Regional Group 50th Anniversary “High Desert Adventure” Redmond Oregon at Eagle Crest Lodge. Open to Pre1932 Autos. Cost is $150 per person. For that, expect lots of good food and fun places. Contact Jun 28–Jul 2 Harvest Tour, Minden Nevada. El Dorado Regional Group hosting. Carson Valley Inn. Limit 50 cars. Register by 31 January 2015. See attached registration form. 209-296-3826 [email protected] JULY Jul tbd AUGUST Aug 14-15 Aug tbd Club Meeting and tour. Central WA Antique Farm Equipment Club Annual Pioneer Power Show & Swap Meet. Fulbright Part, Union Gap, WA Cheryl Hall 509-949-2100 or [email protected] Club Meeting and tour. SEPTEMBER Sep 13 -17 OCTOBER Oct 10-13 Oct tbd NOVEMBER Nov 1-2 DECEMBER Dec tbd Annual Regional Tour – Bellingham, WA Mike Yeakel and Les Gitts to host AACA Eastern Fall Meet, Hershey, PA – visit HCCA space RWO 30 – and don’t forget the BBQ at noon on Friday! Club Meeting and tour Bremerton Swap Meet Club meeting and Christmas Party If looking for other auto related events to attend, a fairly extensive list is found here: DUES ARE DUE!!! Please forward your dues of $15 with the completed membership application to Treasurer Vicki Markley at 21832 S.E. 245th St, Maple Valley, WA 98038, as soon as possible. DUES ARE DUE!!! Skagit-Snohomish Regional HCCA December 6th, 2014 Meeting Minutes Our business meeting was called to order at 1:27 PM by President Harold Musolf III at the Nile Golf and Country Club in Mountlake Terrace. We wish to thank Rob and Julie Johnson for our meeting location today. There were thirty two members present today. No guests were present. President Harold read aloud paraphrasing our minutes recorded from our last October meeting. Penny Cruger motioned that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded by Dave Ellis. The motion passed. Elaine Ellis gave a treasurer's report for Vicki Markley that our club is still solvent. Old business: Mike Yeakel gave us an update on the 2015 Fall Tour progress. The 2015 Fall Tour will be on the second weekend in September. (Starting on Sunday the 13th through Thursday the 17th). Mike is still negotiating on the hotel prices and everything is quiet. So far, several hotels have been looked into. Evening activities for the fall tour may include: whale watching, a mystery cruise Page - 4 - of Bellingham Bay, movies at the Lime Light theater. Daytime activities may include tours of Chuckanut Drive, Mount Baker, Silver Lake and the nearby logging interpretive center, Gordon Sullivan's machine shop and his working railroad, etc. Les Gitts' October's motion of "Using money from the club's treasury to help fund the 2015 Fall Tour" was again tabled until a later meeting. Later on, by having Les Gitts in attendance, and by that time knowing what money may be needed, it would help us in making our decisions. New Business: Elaine Ellis will be accepting your 2015 dues money. Please fill out the 2015 S/S HCCA Membership application as soon as you can so that your updated information will appear in our 2015 club roster. President Harold also reminded us that the accidentally omitted names in the 2014 roster were printed in our October newsletter. He also noted that the roster list of S/S HCCA Charter members has also been corrected. Nominations for 2015 officers and board members were also opened. One new board member was needed for a board of director's vacancy. Donna McGinnis volunteered for that open position nomination. 2014 Board members leaving us were: Christine Brewer, Steve Rex, and Larry Fickeisen. Incoming board members were Mike Martin, Donna McGinnis, and Rob Johnson. Our present 2014 club officers have agreed to serve again in 2015. It was voted on and passed unanimously that the new officers and board member be accepted to their 2015 positions. Ticket draw: President Harold said there would not be a ticket draw today because someone had forgotten to bring the tickets. Elaine Ellis motioned to adjourn the meeting. Keene Brewer seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 1:45 PM. Respectfully Secretary submitted, Pat Farrell January Club Meeting Saturday January 24, 2015 at 12 noon at Bob’s Burger’s and Brew Restaurant across I-5 from Marysville, WA area. Take exit 200 from I-5, go west on 88th Street. Go right at first light which is Quilceda Parkway. Bob’s is immediately left off of Quilceda pkwy. Address is 8822 Quilceda Pkwy, Tulalip, WA 98271 2015 Yellowstone National Park Tour by Pat Farrell During the Labor Day week of September of 2014, our 1916 Stanley 12 passenger Mountain Wagon was invited to attend the annual Yellowstone National Park Tour Bus reunion. The tour was a six day progressive touring around through the 3,368 square mile Yellowstone National Park. The tour started out driving on Tuesday in Livingstone, Montana, and then after a few overnight park lodgings, it was eventually to end up at the Old Faithful Lodge on the following Sunday. The six day tour was an annual reunion for the vintage White tour busses that had been used in the park since 1917. Traveling over the winding hills of the 3,468 square mile National Park, the daily mileages were usually from about fifty to a hundred miles a day. Our Mountain wagon usually carried from about eight to ten people daily. On Tuesday, our first tour day in Livingstone, we were pressed into local tour bus status by hauling the locals. All of our "filled to the brim" tour buses toured throughout this historic railroad community along with our knowledgeable tour guides entertaining our passengers. Counting our Mountain Wagon, there were about seven full tour busses attending the annual reunion with the newest White bus being a 1939 model. The oldest White bus seen on the tour was a 1917 White with a serial number one, and it was the first White tour bus ever used in Yellowstone. Stanley Mountain Wagons predated the White tour busses in the Park by five years. In 1912, the Stanley Mountain Wagons were first used between Cody, Wyoming and the Holm Lodge in the Yellowstone National Park, and the stage line was called the "Holm Transportation Company". Page - 5 - Yellowstone Busses and the Mountain Wagon Blowing down at Mammoth Hot Springs. The first day's tour took us from Livingstone, Montana up to Mammoth Hot Springs where we spent the night. On the way there, we made a couple of scheduled stops. One was at a historic Chico Hot Springs where we had our lunches in their lovely lodge. The next stop was at Gardner, Montana; which is the park's North Entrance and where the US Park's Department has a large vehicle museum holding over one hundred of the Park's vintage vehicles. Their collection consisted from the very first stage coaches, snow plows, and the White tour busses, all which were used throughout the park's colorful history. A visit to the park's vehicle museum is by appointment only, and all of the vehicles are normally covered over by parachutes to keep them dust free. From Garner to Mammoth Hot Springs, it was a steep uphill five mile climb. All of our tour busses left Gardner at the same time and our Stanley Mt. Wagon arrived at the Mammoth Hot Springs hotel a full ten minutes ahead of any of the White tour busses. Our Mt. Wagon really made a statement that "Stanley Mt. Wagons were built for climbing mountains". That evening most all of us had our own private cottages at Mammoth Hot Springs, whose elevation is at 6,735 feet. There was a lot to see and a lot to do while at Mammoth Hot Springs. While many other of our tourists enjoyed walking the foot paths around nature's steaming wonders, my wife Merrily enjoyed the unique shopping opportunities at their local stores. We were also entertained by a big bull elk who was taking out his rutting aggressions on a fir tree near our cabin. Using his tall antlers, he was ripping the lower branches off of a tree whose bottom branches were already located ten feet off the ground. Park officials were quick to warn us to not be within 250 feet of this large raging Elk. Page - 6 - Early Thursday in the frosty morning's crisp air, we left a large white vapor cloud behind us as we again climbed up the steep mountain grade. Today's destination was our third evening's lodging at the Old Faithful Inn. Along the way we stopped several times along the road to see geysers, and we also stopped for buffalo that were in the road blocking traffic. Some stops were made at water stops, as well as the last stop at a waterfall overlook. Eventually we passed the West Yellowstone Entrance. We had just completed an easy uphill section and we were about thirteen miles from the Old Faithful Inn when the right rear axle shaft broke. Luckily, with four wheels still rolling, we coasted into a parking area located just off of the road. We jacked up the Mt. Wagon and we determined that our right axle shaft was indeed broken. Now we were totally out of commission. Leaving our passengers back at the broken Mt. Wagon, I hitch hiked onto the Old Faithfull Inn where earlier in the week; we had parked our tow truck and our enclosed car trailer. After arriving back, and by the time we had the Mt. Wagon loaded up, the White Tour busses were just then starting to arrive at our roadside parking lot. The White busses hauled half of our passengers and we hauled the rest in our tow truck. By the time we had finally checked into the Old Faithful Inn, it was only 3 p.m. Merrily and I did a quick dinner and then we spent the rest of the evening walking around the hiking trails around the Inn. Keeping our camera busy, we walked well into the night. Since I was a chairman of the Island Navigator Tour on Whidbey Island, Washington of which started on Sunday, we departed real early Friday morning for home. I already have a new axle half shaft made for our Mountain Wagon and the rear axle rebuild should all be completed and installed by New Years Day, 2015. Johnsons, Mike Yeakel, Buezenbergs and Anita Brethauer Old Faithful Lodge 2014 Christmas Highlights Party Skip and Joyce Arneson, and Helen Rex Pat Farrell, Steve Rex, and Skip Arneson Mary and Dennis Hood Mike Yeakel, Jim and Barbara Buezenberg Ray and Nancy Moore Page - 7 - Harold Musolf III, Gayle Musolf, Merrily Farrell and Ann Musolf From front to back around the table: Elaine Ellis, Christine Brewer, Aurore Fickeisen, Carolyn Martin and Mike Martin Classifieds For sale: 1915 Stanley model 820 12 passenger Mountain Wagon. Chassis is all rebuilt by REMPCO in Michigan, to include the front and rear axles, and the engine. It has a new wood body, complete with all of its irons. Too many more features to list. Car is located in Pennsylvania. $110k, Bob Sullivan (360) 754-4676 Fred and Penny Cruger, Keene Brewer, Donna McGinnis For Sale: 1926 Model T Ford Pickup in a box - $2,500 1907 Rambler 2 cylinder rear end - $1,200 1907 Jackson 2 cylinder rear end and front end - $1,800 1905 2 cylinder engine unknown make Mike Yeakel 360-303-1045 Wanted: 20 ft enclosed car trailer, Wayne Musselman 360-671-3679 Wanted: Old Porcelain signs, gas pumps, and pump globes, Tom Brethauer 206-355-7043 Ray Moore, Mike McGinnis, and Fred Cruger Mike Martin, Larry Fickeisen, Dave Ellis Page - 8 - Harvest Tour 2015 Please complete and mail with your $50.00 Deposit By January 31, 2015 Driver Name_____________________________________________ Passenger _______________________________________________ Passenger _______________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City________________________State________Zip__________ Home Phone______________________ Cell Phone _________________________ Email________________________________________________ Please check which accommodations you would like: □ Hotel Room (non smoking) □ RV Space You will be mailed a packet with the information needed to reserve your accommodations Make checks payable to El Dorado HCCA Mail to: El Dorado Regional HCCA Kris Benzow, Registration 18601 View Circle Fiddletown, CA 95629 209-296-3826 [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tour dates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 28, 29, 30 and July 1, 2, 2015 At the Carson Valley Inn Minden Nevada. This promises to be a great tour. Come join us for four full fabulous days of touring! Old Favorite Roads, along with some new routes to Lake Tahoe, Kirkwood, Virginia City, and Monitor Pass. El Dorado HCCA is a DRIVING Club. Expect 100 miles a day! Wear your Blue Jeans – Very Casual - If you would like to wear Antique Clothes – Bring Them Tour is limited to 50 Pre-1916 Cars. More information and details to follow. Tour Chairs: Joe & Rae Anino 916-635-0486 Page - 9 - Aaron & Kris Benzow 209-296-3826 TOUR REGISTRATION 2015 HORSELESS CARRIAGE CLUB NATIONAL CONVENTION AND TOUR Kerrville, Texas March 1 – 6, 2015 Tour is limited to 70 entries so register early. Registration Deadline: January 21, 2015 Driver/Owner:__________________________ Address:______________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Home Phone:__________________________ Cell Phone:____________________________ Email:________________________________ Names of all passengers: If child, give age (Children under 6 no charge) Car Year ______Car Make _______________ Tour Registration Fee: any modern or Pre-16 Car (Includes Tour Bag, Tour Book, Banner, Hat, 1 car and Driver) $120 Extra Tour Book ______@ $25 each ________ 16 or older: ______@ $ 60 each ________ 6-15 years: _______@ $15 each ________ Total due with tour registration: Please make check payable to: HCCA TEXAS TOUR $______________ Where will you be staying? At the Y O Ranch Hotel in Kerrville? _____ In a Motor Home _____ Elsewhere ______ I the undersigned, affirm that the vehicle identified in this registration form will be roadworthy and in safe operating condition and that it will be, during the tour, insured for public liability and property damage. Any substitute vehicle will be similarly insured. The undersigned further agrees to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the HCCA, and their regions, their officers and representatives from and against any and all claims, costs, liabilities and attorney’s fees arising from damage or injury, actual or claimed, of any kind or nature, to property or persons, resulting from our participation in this tour. Insurance Company:________________________ Policy #:________________________ Expiration Date:_______________ HCCA Membership Number_____________________________ Signed:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________ Send your completed forms and check to: HCCA Karl Darby, 17 Sandy Ridge Road, Stockton, New Jersey 08559 Any questions call 609-397-1586 or email [email protected] Page - 10 - MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION YEAR 2015 SKAGIT/SNOHOMISH REGIONAL GROUP HORSELESS CARRIAGE CLUB OF AMERICA Regional Group Membership – Any person/family who is a current member of the national HCCA with ownership and/or interest in pre-1916 automobiles shall be eligible to apply for membership. Members are entitled to all Regional Group privileges, including receiving notices of club functions and newsletters, a roster of members, the right to hold office, and the right to vote (ownership of a pre-1916 automobile is a requirement for voting rights.) Members agree to abide by all rules and regulations as designated by the bylaws of this Regional Group and the National HCCA. Dues in the SKAGIT/SNOHOMISH REGIONAL GROUP are $15.00 per calendar year and membership in the NATIONAL HCCA is a prerequisite. National dues are currently $45 per year. NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ Last Husband Wife PHONE: (_______)_____________________ NATIONAL HCCA #______________________ Area code ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________ Street ______________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ ______Yes, correspondence by email is fine Year Make of Auto Model ______No, I need correspondence by mail Body Type In compliance with the laws of the state of Washington, I certify that I have Automobile Liability Insurance (P.D. & P.L.) on my antique cars used for club functions. I also agree to make sure that the policy is in force for the entire year no matter when the expiration date is. NAME OF COMPANY__________________________NAME OF AGENT_______________________ POLICY#____________________________________EXPIRATION DATE_______________________ SIGNATURE_____________________________CHARTER/LIFETIME MEMBER YES____ NO_____ Mail completed form to: Vicki Markley, 21832 S.E. 245th St, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Page - 11 - Page - 12 -
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