Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology WSHA 2015 Annual Convention Inspire New IDeas For the Profession and Your Practice February 26-28, 2015 • Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton, WI Register today using the form included in this brochure or register online: www.wisha.org WSHA 2015 Annual Convention From February 26-28, 2015, join us at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton, Wisconsin for the WSHA 2015 Annual Convention. The theme, Inspire New Ideas for the Profession and Your Practice, aptly describes the focus of this year’s convention offerings. Local and national experts will enhance your convention experience, while program scheduling optimizes your CE credit opportunities. Why not take advantage of this amazing opportunity to learn, network, and spend time with friends. Join us in Appleton! Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology WSHA 2015 Annual Convention Inspire New IDeas For the Profession and Your Practice Maia Braden, MS, CCC-SLP & Amanda Mravec, AuD, CCC-A Convention Co-Chairs More Information Convention updates can be found by visiting www.wisha.org. President’s Banquet and Awards Ceremony Friday, February 27 • 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Join us for a special President’s Banquet where Association Awards and WSHA Foundation Scholarships will be awarded. Dinner and a cash bar will be available. Purchase of a ticket includes a plated meal and a seat at the Awards Ceremony. Additional tickets can be purchased for family, friends and guests. Tickets for the 2015 President’s Banquet are $35. Mentor Program Help build a solid foundation for WSHA’s future by sponsoring a student at Convention. Your contribution of $25 or more will help defray the cost of a student’s registration. All mentors will receive a MENTOR ribbon to wear at Convention. WSHA 2015 Convention Schedule *Schedule is subject to change. Thursday, February 26 1:00 – 8:00 p.m. Conference Registration (open all conference hours) 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Early Sessions 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner (sign-up required) 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Late Sessions Friday, February 27 7:30 – 9:15 a.m. Legislative Updates Breakfast: WI Update and Welcome Aboard the ASHA WindJammer Cruise 9:15 – 10:00 a.m. Break to View Exhibits 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Breakout Presentations – Block 1 12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch in Exhibit Hall 1:15 – 3:15 p.m. Breakout Presentations – Block 2 3:15 – 3:45 p.m. Break to View Exhibits 3:45 – 5:45 p.m. Breakout Presentations – Block 3 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. President’s Banquet & Awards Ceremony Saturday, February 28 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. WSHA Association Breakfast and Leadership Presentation 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. General Session: I Used to Have a Handle on Life, but it Broke! Strategies for Managing Stress, Reducing Burnout, and Enjoying your Job More 10:00 – 10:15 a.m. Break 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Breakout Presentations – Block 4 12:15 – 12:30 p.m. Break 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Lunch and Learn Presentations 1:30 – 1:45 p.m. Break 1:45 – 3:45 p.m. Breakout Presentations – Block 5 3:45 – 4:00 p.m. Break 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Breakout Presentations – Block 6 5:00 p.m. Adjourn Pre-Conference Early Sessions - Thursday, February 26, 2015 • 2:00-5:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required • More information available at www.wisha.org AUDIOLOGY TRACK 2:00-3:30 p.m. (.3 CEU, ABA Tier One) Updates in Clinical Practice: Focus on Tinnitus Management Jill Meltzer, AuD - North Shore Audio-Vestibular Lab This presentation will review common etiologies of tinnitus as well as current tinnitus treatments. Managing the tinnitus patient can be challenging, but also rewarding. Effective counseling is the first step in transitioning the person suffering with tinnitus to someone who is managing their tinnitus. Many tools are available and this presentation will review some of the items that may help the patient build their own tinnitus toolbox. Jill Meltzer, AuD is employed by North Shore Audio-Vestibular Lab and receives a salary. Dr. Meltzer has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. 3:30-5:00 p.m. Running A Successful Tinnitus Clinic Michael Piskosz, MS, Board certified in Audiology - GN ReSound Tinnitus is a concern for many people, and affects approximately 15% of the population. In addition, roughly 80% of tinnitus sufferers also have some treatable hearing loss. As hearing loss is increasingly identified and diagnosed, this trend is most likely to continue and grow, therefore putting tinnitus on the horizon of standard audiology practice. The audiology community for decades has struggled with incorporating tinnitus into its standard practice. Consequently, many clinicians feel overwhelmed and uncertain about tinnitus and what can be done, often times not knowing even where to start. With the growing reports of tinnitus, the demand of knowledge and effective solutions to help these individuals is strengthening. In this session we will review strategies and practices of many tinnitus clinics around the world, and offer guidance on where to start when incorporating tinnitus into one’s practice. Topics such as choosing a tinnitus protocol, therapy timelines/logistics, continuing education, marketing and billing will be discussed. Michael Piskosz, MS is employed by GN ReSound and receives a salary. Mr. Piskosz has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BIRTH TO SIX SLP TRACK (.3 CEU) Ethical Speech Billing & Documentation & Functional Reporting to Optimize Reimbursement & Compliance Lynn Steffes, PT, DPT - Steffes & Associates Consulting Group, LLC This course is designed to cover Optimal Billing & Compliance issues regarding referral, billing & documentation requirements for Speech Language services in WI. Lynn Steffes PT, DPT is employed by Steffes & Associates Consulting Group, LLC. Ms. Steffes has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Pre-Conference Early Sessions Continued.... MEDICAL SLP TRACK (.3 CEU) The Research-Clinic Relationship: Boxing or Dancing? Lisa A Vinney, PhD, CCC-SLP - Communication Sciences and Disorders, Illinois State University Miriam van Mersbergen, Ph D, CCC-SLP - Allied Health and Communicative Disorders, Northern Illinois University “Researchers have no idea what patients really need.” “Clinicians are so full of bias it’s a wonder we know anything at all.” These are familiar statements that can be heard in the halls of academia, on medical wards, and in clinic rooms. On the surface, the relationship between the clinician and researcher may appear at odds. However, in the end, the people that we serve are at the heart of each discipline. This presentation will discuss how research and clinic work promote health, well-being, and improvement in our patients and clients. After an introduction including the purpose, training, and the underlying philosophy and goals of each discipline, the presenters will detail case studies that explore the research-clinic relationship. Lisa A Vinney, PhD, CCC-SLP is employed by Illinois State University. Dr.Vinney has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Miriam van Mersbergen, PhD, CCC-SLP is employed by Northern Illinois University. Dr. van Mersbergen has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. SCHOOLS SLP TRACK (.3 CEU) Best Practices in Schools Dawn Merth-Johnson, MA, CCC-SLP -Iowa-Grant School District Mary Worachek-Jarocki, MS, CCC-SLP - Burlington Area School District Debra Davis, MS, CCC-SLP - Burlington Area School District Michelle Lebas-Bowen, MS, CCC-SLP - Burlington Area School District Paul Sherman – Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Do you want to try different evidence-based models of service delivery but aren’t sure where to begin? Do you need a refresher on writing IEP’s? Do you want to learn how to advocate for your services in your district? If you’ve answered “yes” to any or all of these questions then this is the session for you! This presentation will encompass a wide variety of topics and speakers including service delivery in the schools (3:1 model, 5 minute kids, inclusive practices, caseload to workload), IEP writing, and advocacy for the profession. Dawn Merth-Johnson, MA, CCC-SLP is employed by Iowa-Grant School District. Ms. Merth-Johnson has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Merth-Johnson is a board member of the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association. Mary Worachek-Jarocki MS, CCC-SLP is employed by Burlington Area School District. Ms. Worachek-Jarocki has no relevant financial or non-financial relationships to disclose. Debra Davis, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by Burlington Area School District. Ms. Davis has no relevant financial or non-financial relationships to disclose. Michelle Lebas-Bowen, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by Burlington Area School District. Ms. Lebas-Bowen has no relevant financial or non-financial relationships to disclose. Paul Sherman is employed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Mr. Sherman has no relevant financial or non-financial relationships to disclose. Pre-Conference Late Sessions • Thursday 26, 2015 • 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required. AUDIOLOGY (.3 CEU, ABA Tier One) ICS Impulse - Revolutionizing Vestibular Assessment Gretchen Switzer, AuD - Audiologyiology Systems/GN Otometrics The ability to perform head impulse testing in the past was primarily performed by physicians or large research facilities with access to the scleral search coil. Now the head impulse has been brought to the mainstream due to many years of research. Over 6 years were spent perfecting the ability to perform head impulse testing using a video goggle. This new technology now makes head impulse testing accessible for any clinician. However, the understanding of what is gained by performing the head impulse test, how to perform the head impulse test, and how does the data obtained assist in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient are questions clinicians have. The purpose of this seminar is to discuss the evaluation of all 5 end organs (semicircular canals, saccule and utricle) of the vestibular system. We’ll address several questions. Why can this information be crucial to the diagnosis of the patient? How may this information assist in determining the treatment? How can the effectiveness of the treatment be assessed? Participants will have the opportunity for hands-on experience with ICS Impulse. Gretchen Switzer, AuD is employed by Audiology Systems/GN Otometrics and receives a salary. Dr. Switzer has no nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BIRTH TO SIX SLP TRACK 6:00-7:30 p.m. (.15 CEU) More information coming soon. See www.wisha.org for details. 7:30-9:00 p.m. (.15 CEU) Use of a Low Stimulation Environment of Care to Improve Outcomes for Infants Withdrawing from Maternal Substances Janice Ancona, MSN, RN - Wheaton Franciscan - St. Joseph Campus Increasing numbers of newborns are withdrawing from maternal methadone, multiple drugs of abuse, or chronic pain medications. The physiological and behavioral complications with feeding, sleeping, and central nervous system instability result in prolonged hospital stays (LOS), which create complex issues for infants/families and for the interdisciplinary care team. Standard minimal stimulation approaches to care of premies seemed too stimulating for infants during withdrawal. The purpose of this innovation was to decrease environmental and direct stimulation lower than the standard in order to lessen the occurrence and severity of withdrawal symptoms, which would decrease the need for pharmacological management of symptoms, and therefore decrease the total LOS. The use of a low stimulation room and approach to care of infants during withdrawal was associated with significant decreases in: LOS, pharmacological management, and discharge on medications. Janice Ancona, MSN, RN is employed by Wheaton Franciscan - St. Joseph Campus. Ms. Ancona has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. MEDICAL SLP TRACK (.3 CEU) MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON! See www.wisha.org for details. SCHOOLS SLP TRACK (.3 CEU) Building Better Readers: Meeting the Literacy Challenge Building Better Readers: Meeting the Literacy Challenge Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP - ASHA Vice President for Academic Affairs in Speech-Language Pathology The recent emphasis on literacy has created a set of new challenges for speech-language pathologists who work with children. Given that language problems are both a cause and a consequence of reading problems, SLPs, with the support of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, are increasingly taking the lead in designing and implementing intervention that supports development in both domains. This workshop will explore the reciprocal relationships between language and literacy and link them to the skills identified as critical to reading success by the National Reading Panel. Interactive demonstrations, booklists, activity sheets, and lesson ideas will be provided – everything you need to implement these practical, proven strategies in your professional setting. Laugh while you learn to build better readers of all ages! LEgislative Updates Legislative Updates Breakfast • Friday, February 27 • 7:30-9:00 a.m. LEGISLATIVE UPDATES (.3 CEU) Legislative Updates Breakfast: WI Update and Welcome Aboard the ASHA Windjammer Cruise Mary Bahr Schwenke, MS, CCC-SLP, WSHA- President Ramie Zelenkova, Lobbyist, Hubbard Wilson & Zelenkova Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP - ASHA Vice President for Academic Affairs in Speech-Language Pathology In addition, to an update on WI legislative issues, ASHA Board Member Shari Robertson will provide participants with information regarding ASHA member benefits, new ASHA initiatives, hot topics in the professions, and opportunities to lead, advocate, and volunteer. Come aboard one and all! Mary Bahr Schwenke, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by MJ Care. Ms. Bahr Schwenke has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Bahr Schwenke is President of the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association. Ramie Zelenkova is employed by Hubbard Wilson & Zelenkova. Ms. Zelenkova is the lobbyist for WSHA and receives a consulting fee. Ms. Zelenkova has no relevant non financial relationships to disclose. Dr. Shari Robertson is employed by Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Robertson has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Dr. Robertson is Vice President for Academic Affairs in Speech-Language Pathology for the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. (Late Sessions) Dr. Shari Robertson is employed by Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Robertson has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Dr. Robertson is Vice President for Academic Affairs in Speech-Language Pathology for the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. PRE-CONFERENCE Pre-Confrence Late Sessions • Thursday 26, 2015 • 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. BLOCK 1 - Friday, February 27 • 10:00a.m. - 12:00 p.m. AUDIOLOGY 10:00-11:00 a.m. (.1 CEU) Employment in Healthcare Occupations: Accommodations for Hearing Loss Laura Plummer, MA, CRC, ATP - SVRI – University of Wisconsin - Stout Careers within the healthcare industry are growing, changing and a big draw as an employment choice. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing may often encounter barriers when applying to a school program, completing required coursework and while employed within health field occupations. How can you assist your clients in optimizing communication for these settings? This session will take a look at topics that impact inclusion of deaf and hard of hearing people in health related educational programs and employment fields. There are three main items we will look at during this presentation which include programmatic access, technology solutions and real life accommodations. Laura Plummer, MA, CRC, ATP is employed by SVRI – University of Wisconsin - Stout. Ms. Plummer has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. (.1 CEU) Hearing Aid Batteries 101 Stephanie Zito - Rayovac If a patient were to ask you a question regarding how long their hearing aid battery should last, would you know how to answer it? Do you feel you know enough about hearing aid batteries to confidently educate your patients about the proper care and storage of hearing aid batteries? This course will provide you with the basic information on many hearing aid battery topics. We will cover how a zinc air hearing aid battery functions, what factors affect hearing aid battery life, proper care and use of hearing aid batteries, and how to handle patient battery questions to ensure patient satisfaction Stephanie Zito is employed by Rayovac. Ms. Zito receives a Salary. Ms. Zito has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose. BIRTH TO SIX SLP TRACK (.2 CEU – continues into Block 2 for .4 CEU total) Get Aligned with NDT as an SLP: Working with Children with Neuromuscular Involvement Rona Alexander, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, C/NDT - Rona Alexander, PhD, CCC-SP, Ltd. Bethanne Mazurczak, MS, CCC-SLP, C/NDT - New Berlin Therapies This 4-hour presentation will examine essential areas of knowledge that SLPs must have when providing evaluation and treatment services for infants and children with primary neuromuscular involvement. The impact of body systems impairments on a child’s feeding and swallowing, sound/speech production, and communication function will be analyzed as they relate to the development of appropriate functional outcomes and the implementation of treatment strategies that target specific single and multi-system impairments influencing a child’s function. The relationship of postural alignment and control to respiratory, feeding and swallowing, sound/speech production and communication function as discussed in Neuro-Developmental Treatment will be emphasized. BLOCK 1 - Friday, February 27 continued... BIRTH TO SIX SLP TRACK CONTINUED... Rona Alexander, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, C/NDT is employed by Rona Alexander, PhD, CCC-SP, Ltd. Dr. Alexander receives a royality from Clinicaian’s View for developing products. Dr. Alexander also receives a roality from The Hammill Institute on Disabilities for co-authoring a Hammill Institute book. Dr. Alexander also has a non-financial relationship with the NDTA and serves as a faciliator for the group. Bethanne Mazurczak, MS, CCC-SLP, C/NDT is employed by New Berlin Therapies. Ms. Mazurczak has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Mazurczak is a member of the NDTA. MEDICAL SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Dysphagia Care in Non-Acute Medical Settings Elizabeth Swiggum, MS, CCC-SLP - Mendota Mental Health Institute Rachel Fregien, MS, CCC-SLP - Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center This presentation will examine the unique challenges and opportunities facing SLPs working in non-acute medical settings. Learn from two SLPs with over 20 combined years of experience working with clients suffering from dysphagia in non-acute medical settings. During this presentation, you will experience the unique world of psychiatric health care. The presenters will review causes of dysphagia often seen in non-acute medical facilities as well as present common factors and diagnoses that increase the dysphagia risk. You will see how to efficiently and effectively educate and communicate with both professionals and lay persons alike about dysphagia risks, appropriate precautions, and continuity of care while providing quality individualized dysphagia care for adults with chronic needs. Participants will learn methods for creating performance improvement goals and quality assurance measures for dysphagia care while keeping in mind the ethical issues facing today’s SLP. Teaching methods will include lively lecture, fun videos, unique case studies and interactive discussions regarding dysphagia care. Elizabeth Swiggum, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by Mendota Mental Health Institute. Ms. Swiggum has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Rachel Fregien, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center. Ms. Fregien has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. SCHOOLS SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Pairing Picture Books and Apps to Contextually Address Language Objectives Sean Sweeney, MS, CCC-SLP - The Ely Center, LLC/Speechtechie.com Using picture books in speech-language therapy is an established practice that we can combine with the recent integration of iPad apps in interventions. This presentation describes the contextual overlap between books and apps for various ages, and models the alignment of these “old” and “new” visual tools with language objectives. Participants will leave the session with a range of exemplars of picture books containing structures and contexts useful for speech and language therapy, a model for evaluating useful apps, and resources for pairing books and apps along with useful language and narrative teaching strategies. Sean Sweeney, MS, MEd, CCC-SLP is employed by The Ely Center, LLC/Speechtechie.com. Mr. Sweeney has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BLOCK 1 - Friday, February 27 continued.... CROSSOVER TRACK (.2 CEU) Paying Attention to Early Relationships: The Payoff for Communication Development Anne Heintzelman, MS, CCC-SLP, IMH-E (II) - University of Wisconsin-Madison Communication development begins in infancy and occurs in the context of a relationship between the newborn and his/her caregivers. In this presentation, concepts of infant, early childhood and family mental health will be tied to the process of communication development. When we will consider how to best support families in their journey toward helping their children communicate effectively, we have an opportunity to focus on both the acquisition of communication skills and the relationship in which the skills are learned. During this presentation we will look at video samples of parent-child interactions, learn how analysis of the relationship in addition to communication assessments can enhance the services we provide to families and inform strategies we use to coach and help families meet their communication goals. Anne Heintzelman, MS, CCC-SLP, IMH-E (II) is employed by University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ms. Heintzelman has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BLOCK 2 • Friday, February 27 • 1:15 - 3:15 p.m. AUDIOLOGY (.2 CEU) Verification and Validation: Both Due Process AND Creative Process! Tammara Stender, AuD - GN ReSound Verification and validation measures are effective clinical tools to ensure functionality of hearing instruments and individual patient benefit. In addition, they can contribute to the success of the hearing instrument fitting from a patient satisfaction perspective. This presentation will explore the rationale and research regarding the benefits of verification and validation measures. Strategies that can help clinicians incorporate components of verification into their standard of practice will be discussed. In addition, novel ways to verify binaural features - those that function based on the inputs from both hearing instruments in a binaural fitting - will be explored. Validation measures and ways in which they can be used to guide the fitting and follow-up visits will be highlighted, in an effort to increase end user benefit. Tammara Stender, AuD is employed by GN ReSound and receives a salary. Dr. Stender has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BIRTH TO SIX SLP TRACK (.2 CEU – continued from Block 1 for .4 CEU total) Get Aligned with NDT as an SLP: Working with Children with Neuromuscular Involvement Rona Alexander, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, C/NDT - Rona Alexander, PhD, CCC-SP, Ltd. Bethanne Mazurczak, MS, CCC-SLP, C/NDT - New Berlin Therapies MEDICAL SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Management of Cognitive and Communicative Impairments in the Acute Care Setting Kelly Sherwood, MS, CCC-SLP - University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Julie Raetz-Beckman, MS, CCC-SLP - University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics This presentation will provide an overview of the role of the acute care therapist as part of an interdisciplinary team. The acute care therapist is responsible for managing patients with a wide range of diagnoses with varying severity. We will discuss assessment and intervention approaches most appropriate for the acute care population and define our role in providing education to patients, families, and the multidisciplinary team. Case studies will be presented and audience participation will be encouraged. Kelly Sherwood, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics. Ms. Sherwood has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Julie Raetz-Beckman, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics. Ms. Raetz-Beckman has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. SCHOOLS SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Applying Technology to Support Social and Executive Function Sean Sweeney, MS, Medical SLP, CCC-SLP - The Ely Center, LLC/Speechtechie.com This workshop will demonstrate a variety of visual and interactive applications that can be used with students with difficulties in social cognition and executive functioning, particularly with a lens on addressing these issues in the educational environment. Webtools and apps for iPad will be covered, including those helpful for older students struggling to access the curriculum and manage their workload. Sean Sweeney, MS, MEd, CCC-SLP is employed by The Ely Center, LLC/Speechtechie.com. Mr. Sweeney has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. STUDENT TRACK Feedback Presentation Amy Kroll, AuD – University of Wisconsin – Madison Students are in a constant state of receiving feedback, from professors, supervisors and even patients. But they are also in the position to give feedback to professors, supervisors and patients. How can we (students, professors and supervisors) provide good feedback to one another and even more importantly, when we receive feedback, how can we determine if it is good or bad so that we can put it to use? Amy Kroll, AuD is employed by University of Wisconsin – Madison. Dr. Kroll has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BLOCK 3 • Friday, February 27, 2015 • 3:45 – 5:45 p.m. AUDIOLOGY TRACK (.2 CEU) Real World Counseling Douglas Beck, AuD - Oticon USA This presentation will help attendees identify the two key elements of “Motivational Interviewing” as well as the two key elements of “Influence”. Douglas Beck, AuD is employed by Oticon USA and receives a salary. Dr. Beck also serves as the web content editor for the American Academy of Audiology and receives a salary. Dr. Beck has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BIRTH TO SIX SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Providing Aided Language Stimulation Using Low and High Tech AAC Systems Abygail Marx, CCC-SLP - Communication Aids & Systems Clinic (Waisman Center) Bobbi Johnson, MS, OTR - Communication Aids & Systems Clinic (Waisman Center) Presenters will define aided language stimulation and discuss its use to enhance language acquisition for users of both low and high tech AAC systems, including dedicated communication devices and iPads. Just as babies learn to talk by being immersed in spoken language, AAC users learn the meaning and purpose of visual language through immerson in symbols within natural contexts. We will discuss the importance of, and how to use aided language stimulation to accomplish this goal. Because users of AAC often have challenging physical and sensory delays, we will describe strategies for creating aided language stimulation materials that fit individualized access needs. Abygail Marx, CCC-SLP is employed by Communication Aids & Systems Clinic (Waisman Center). Ms. Marx has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Bobbi Johnson, MS, OTR is employed by Communication Aids & Systems Clinic (Waisman Center). Ms. Johnson has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. OR (.2 CEU) Teaming for Success Lori Wittemann, BS - Department of Health Services Melissa Velez, MS - CESA #5 This session will include an interactive opportunity for providers to come explore team development and team based support in the Primary Coach Approach to service delivery. Participants will have the opportunity to watch, inquire, learn and practice using evidence based strategies for effective implementation of team based model of support for children and their families. Lori Wittemann, BS is employed by Department of Health Services. Ms. Wittemann has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Melissa Velez, MS is employed by CESA #5. Ms. Velez has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. MEDICAL SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Expanding the Scope of Dysphagia Management Mary Brawley, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, CLT - Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Evidenced based therapy interventions are employed when there is reasonable expectation that the patient will benefit. What happens when reasonable expectation collides with lack of resource? This presentation will explore non-traditional dysphagia management, including esophageal dilation, passive jaw rehabilitation, and lymphedema therapy. Mary Brawley, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, CLT is employed by Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin. Ms. Brawley does not have any financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. SCHOOLS SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY (.2 CEU) Integrated Treatment Revisited: A Universally-Designed Group Intervention for Children with Cognitive Disabilities and Autism Patricia Becker, MS, CCC-SLP, ABD - Cardinal Stritch University This presentation revisits an Integrated Treatment (IT) program designed by Peggy Rosin, M.S., CCC-SLP at UW-Madison. Her IT program targeted challenges affecting children with Down syndrome and integrated visual processing, receptive language, and sign language strengths in the intervention (Banotai, 2007). Principles of IT and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) were used to develop and implement an IT intervention for a group of nine, 1st-5th grade children with cognitive disabilities and autism during the 2013-2014 academic year. Instruction was informed by individual education plan goals targeting articulation, fluency, auditory processing, vocabulary, grammar and social language, in addition to the Common Core Essential Elements. Literature, music, movement, and dramabased activities were designed to actively engage the children in speaking, listening, reading, and writing tasks. Patricia Becker, MS, CCC-SLP, ABD is employed by Cardinal Stritch University. Ms. Becker has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. STUDENT TRACK Autism 101 and a Father’s Perspective Mike Johnson - Autism Society of Central WI An overview of Autism and a parents perspective including information on The Autism Society of Wisconsin and Camp AUsome. Mike Johnson is a volunteer for the Autism Society of Central WI. Mr. Johnson has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Saturday, February 28, 2015 • 8:00-9:00 a.m. GENERAL SESSION (.1 CEU) WSHA Association Breakfast and Leadership Presentation WSHA Board Leadership General Session • Saturday, February 28, 2015 • 9:00-10:00 a.m. GENERAL SESSION (.1 CEU) I Used to Have a Handle on Life, but it Broke! Strategies for Managing Stress, Reducing Burnout, and Enjoying your Job More Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP - ASHA Vice President for Academic Affairs in Speech-Language Pathology Feeling stressed out? You’re not alone! The feeling of having too little time and too much stress is a common denominator for SLPs and Audiologists across all professional settings. Perpetual paperwork, challenging clients, burgeoning workloads, and ever-changing regulations are just the tip of the iceberg. This workshop will provide you with proven strategies to help you work smarter, serve your clients better, find personal time, and enjoy your job more. Learn to take control of time and stress before they take control of you! Dr. Shari Robertson is employed by Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Robertson has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Dr. Robertson is Vice President for Academic Affairs in Speech-Language Pathology for the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. BLOCK 4• Saturday, February 28, 2015 • 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. AUDIOLOGY TRACK (.2 CEU) Musicians, Music, Audiology and NeuroScience Douglas Beck, AuD - Oticon USA Through this presentation, attendees will be able to name one listening skill in which musicians are superior to non-musicians, identify the half of the keyboard not represented by the standard audiogram and define “musical expertise”. Douglas Beck, AuD is employed by Oticon USA and receives a salary. Dr. Beck also serves as the web content editor for the American Academy of Audiology and receives a salary. Dr. Beck has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BIRTH TO SIX SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Moo, Baa, La La La: Promoting Meaningful Sounds, Syllables and Words in Nonverbal Children Patricia Becker, MS, CCC-SLP, ABD - Cardinal Stritch University Young children with minimal to no vocalizations and verbalizations, in the absence of significant physical and/or cognitive impairments, present a challenge to parents and speech-language pathologists. This presentation will integrate research with professional experience and provide attendees with practical strategies for promoting early oral communication. Picture books, toys, apps, and multi-sensory activities that stimulate a hierarchy of skills will be explored. Strategies for encouraging vocal play and imitation of: (1) gestures and physical actions; (2) facial expressions; (3) social, animal, and vehicle sounds; (4) letter sounds; and (5) early syllables and words will be shared. Patricia Becker, MS, CCC-SLP, ABD is employed by Cardinal Stritch University. Ms. Becker has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. OR (.2 CEU) Exploring the Tall Tales of Enteral Nutrition in the Intensive Care Unit Lori Duesing, MSN, RN, CPNP-AC - Medical College of Wisconsin Malnutrition is associated in the critically ill population as their immune function and ventilator drive is impaired leading to morbidity and mortality. Enteral Nutrition provides the means to counteract the catabolic state induced by severe diseases by reducing the virulence of the metabolic response to stress which favorably impacts the immune system. A number of tall tales exist which limit the use of enteral nutrition in the critically ill. We will together explore the common myths and misconceptions of enteral nutrition and compare against scientific data. Lori Duesing, MSN, RN, CPNP-AC is employed by the Medical College of Wisconsin. Ms Duesing has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BLOCK 4• Saturday, February continued... MEDICAL SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Navigating the Backroads: Quality SLP Services in Rural WI Patricia Fowler, MS, CCC-SLP - RWHC Raechel Kosler, MS, CCC-SLP - RWHC Jackie Rhoades MS, CCC-SLP - RWHC Caitlin Ward, MS, CCC-SLP - RWHC Lynne Giacomino Dugolenski, MA, CCC-SLP - Divine Savior Through the support of the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative (RWHC), SLP services are available to patients from birth to the end of life. This presentation will discuss the unique challenges and the advantages of being a generalist while also addressing the demands of modern healthcare affecting all SLPs. Attendees will learn how rural clinicians balance autonomy and teamwork to assure quality and competency as a “solo practioner” in diverse settings. A panel of rural SLPs will brainstorm opportunities for urban and rural settings to work together to provide the care for patients throughout Wisconsin. Patricia Fowler, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by RWHC. Ms. Fowler has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Raechel Kosler, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by RWHC. Ms. Kosler has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Jackie Rhoades MS, CCC-SLP is employed by the RWHC. Ms. Rhoades has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Caitlin Ward, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by RWHC. Ms. Ward has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Lynne Giacomino Dugolenski, MA, CCC-SLP is employed by Divine Savior. Ms. Giacomino Dugolenski has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. SCHOOLS SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Effective Service Delivery for Children Who Stutter in the School Setting Laura Johnson, MS CCC-SLP - Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) This presentation will help attendees identify ways other SLPs have improved services for students who stutter in the schools and a way that they could improve services in the coming year. Attendees will also understand the importance of a multidimensional assessment for children who stutter and identify some basic principles of working with children who stutter. Laura Johnson, MS CCC-SLP is employed by Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD). Ms. Johnson was a discussion leader for the Stuttering Foundation of America and received an honorarium. She has also served as a team captain at Camp Shout Out and has received an honorarium. She does not have any relevant non-financial relationships to disclose. STUDENT TRACK 10:15- 11:15 a.m. Medical Speech Pathology: From A to Zenker’s Betsy Divyak, CCC-SLP - William S. Middleton VA Jill Zielinski, CCC-SLP - William S. Middleton VA Medical Speech Pathology: From A to Zenker’s, directed towards undergraduate and graduate students, will address the scope of practice for a medical SLP within an acute VA hospital setting. This course will overview the VA population, the different types of assessments/treatments and general medical information. It will highlight a ‘day in a life’ of a medical speech pathologist. Betsy Divyak, CCC-SLP is employed by Wm S. Middleton VA. Ms. Divyak has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Jill Zielinski, CCC-SLP is employed by Wm S. Middleton VA. Ms. Zielinski has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. STUDENT TRACK 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. CarHears in VA Audiology Lyndsey Craven, AuD,, CCC-A - WMS Middleton VA Audiologists can find work in a variety of healthcare settings. This presentation will provide an overview of the roles of an audiologist in a VA Hospital, including the types of services used to identify and treat common hearing or balance disorders. It will highlight ‘a day in the life’ of a VA audiologist. Lunch and Learn Presentations • Saturday, February 28, 2015 • 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. AUDIOLOGY (.1 CEU) Resources from WI Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (WESP-DHH): Outreach for Children, Their Families, and the Professionals that Serve Them Stacie Heckendorft, MS - WI Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Laurie Nelson - WI Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing This presentation introduces participants to a variety of programs and resources available through WESP-DHH Outreach to support children who are deaf/hard of hearing/deaf-blind, their families and the professionals that serve them. WESP-DHSS is part of the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Learn about our programs such as WI Infant & Children’s Statewide Hearing Aid Exchange Services (WISHES), Guide By Your Side (GBYS), Deaf Mentor Program (DMP)/First Steps, Partners in Listening and WI Deaf-blind Technical Assistance Program (WDBTAP). Available students programs include Distant Pals, Teen Getaway Weekend and the College & Transition Fair. Annual professional development opportunities include the Statewide Professional Conference and Summer Institute. Parent centered events include the annual State Family Conference and the Spanish-Speaking Families Weekend. The Babies and Hearing Loss: An Interactive Notebook is available through WESP-DHH. Child specific consultation services are avaiable for Birth-to-Three programs and school districts throughout Wisconsin. Stacie Heckendorft, MS is employed by WI Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Ms. Heckendorft has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Laurie Nelson is employed by WESP-DHH. Ms. Nelson has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Nelson has a daughter with hearing loss and collaborates with Hands & Voices National regarding the Guide by Your Side program. Lunch and Learn Presentations Continued... BIRTH TO SIX and MEDICAL SLP TRACK Incorporating Research into a Busy Clinical Practice Emerald J. Doll, MS, CCC-SLP - University of Wisconsin - Department of Surgery Stevie Marvin, MS, CCC-SLP - University of Wisconsin - Department of Surgery This presentation will demystify the clinical research process, by discussing pertinent issues including general guidelines for formulating research questions, IRB application, IRB trends and proposal submissions, present common barriers to clinical research such as time, confidence in the research and writing processes, and funding challenges. We will and offer suggestions on how to overcome these challenges to make clinical research a part of your practice. Emerald J. Doll, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by University of Wisconsin - Department of Surgery. Ms. Doll has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Stevie Marvin, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by University of Wisconsin - Department of Surgery. Ms. Marvin has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. SCHOOLS SLP TRACK (.1 CEU) Inform, Educate and Advocate for the Highest Quality Services in the School Mary Bahr Schwenke, MS, CCC-SLP - WSHA, President Dawn Merth-Johnson, MA, CCC-SLP - Iowa-Grant School District This presentation is a summary of the ASHA pathways to excellence grant project. It will provide valuable insights about how to identify stakeholders and find opportunities to meet with them, how to communicate roles and responsibilities of SLPs, and how to attract and retain qualified SLPs in public schools. Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the WCASS Guidance Document. The feedback will be examined and analyzed by the ad hoc committee to determine trends and patterns that emerge from the conversations. This data will be used to: 1) create surveys to collect quantitative data; and 2) advocate for the perspectives of our WSHA school-based membership. Mary Bahr Schwenke, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by MJ Care. Ms. Bahr Schwenke has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Bahr Schwenke is President of the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association. Dawn Merth-Johnson, MA, CCC-SLP is employed by Iowa-Grant School District. Ms. Merth-Johnson has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Merth-Johnson is a board member of the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association. STUDENT TRACK Graduate Student Panel Sarah Naumann - University of Wisconsin – Madison Six graduate students (3 AuD and 3 SLP, all different years) will answer questions from the other undergraduate and graduate students in attendance. Likely topics include applying to Graduate School, writing a resume, tips for interviewing, the CFY process and getting ASHA credentials, and getting involved in research. BLOCK 5 • Saturday, February 28, 2015 • 1:45 – 3:45 p.m. AUDIOLOGY TRACK 1:45-2:45 p.m. (.1 CEU) Taking an Active Role in Local Hearing Health Care Michele Hoffman, AuD - Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin This session will present a framework to improve hearing healthcare delivery for individuals residing in assisted care facilities. The goal of this framework is to reduce the amount of time residents have to do without amplification due to simple maintenance needs. By doing so, the individual’s quality of life will improve by reducing the negative impacts of impaired communication. Dr. Hoffman will describe her involvement in ASHA’s Leadership Development Program. This program is a year-long endeavor for ASHA members with leadership potential, which fosters development of leadership skills and encourages volunteerism at the national, state and local levels. Michele Hoffman, AuD is employed by Froedtert Hospital. Dr. Hoffman has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. 2:45-3:45 p.m. (.1 CEU) VEMPS: What are They and What They can Add to Your Vestibular Diagnosis Kathryn Rehse, AuD - Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) testing can be helpful as part of your vestibular test battery. VEMPs are frequently used in the early detection of Meniere’s disease and can help confirm the side of the lesion. VEMPs can also be used to detect Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD). The VEMP uses a high intensity click or toneburst to induce the inhibitory impulse at the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle. Consequently, because it is looking at a muscle potential it can be used in patients with even a severe to profound hearing loss. This presentation will focus on how to set up a VEMP protocol in your office; including equipment needed, patient preparation, set-up parameters and performing the test. Discussion will also take place on how VEMPS along with rotary chair testing and videonystagmography testing can help enhance your vestibular diagnosis. Kathryn Rehse, AuD is employed by Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Rehse has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BIRTH TO SIX SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Introduction to Feeding Therapy: General Guidelines and Treating the “Picky Eater” Jordan Beck, MS, CCC-SLP - Tosa Speech Therapy, LLC Sara Connemara, MS, CCC-SLP - Creative Care Network This presentation will discuss intervention guidelines and strategies for infants and children with a variety of feeding challenges. Specifically, it will address common reasons children develop feeding aversions/disorders and ways to address these challenges through a developmental approach, which include play activities, positive reinforcements, and parent/home involvement. Participants will learn effective strategies for intervention and prevention of “Picky Eating.” Lastly, it will provide guidance on getting insurance coverage and appealing denials. Jordan Beck, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by Tosa Speech Therapy, LLC. Ms. Beck has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Sara Connemara, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by Curative Care Network. Ms. Connemara has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BLOCK 5 • Saturday, February 28 Continued... MEDICAL SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) Recognizing and Reducing Barriers to Improve Swallow Exercise Program Compliance Kerry Winget, AuD, CCC-SLP/A - Agnesian Healthcare This presentation will explore the current research on effects of swallow exercise programs in adult dysphagia improvement as well as identify typical factors affecting motivation and adherence to exercise programs. Common barriers and motivators to exercise compliance will be discussed, including creative suggestions and strategies for incorporating exercises into clients’ daily routines. Kerry Winget, AuD, CCC-SLP/A is employed by Agnesian Healthcare. Dr. Winget has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. SCHOOLS SLP TRACK (.2 CEU) The Role of the SLP in Phonological Awareness Intervention Casey O’Keefe, MS, CCC-SLP - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Children identified with speech sound disorders are at increased risk for impaired phonological awareness development. Phonological awareness is a critical skill in learning to map speech to print and is highly predictive of later reading ability. Because many struggling readers have difficulty processing phonological information, explicit and systematic intervention to support phonological awareness development is necessary.SLPs are uniquely qualified to support at-risk students’ phonological awareness development through a variety of service delivery models. This presentation will focus on phonological intervention by examining the relationship between speech sound disorders and the role of the SLP in providing school based services. Casey O’Keefe, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Ms. O’Keefe has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. STUDENT TRACK 1:45-2:45 p.m. Role of SLP in the NICU Tina Spellman, MS, CCC-SLP - American Family Children’s Hospital This presentation will describe a “day in the life” of an SLP in the neonatal intensive care unit. Tina Spellman, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by American Family Children’s Hospital. Ms. Spellman has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. 2:45-3:45 p.m. Educational Audiology in Wisconsin Stacie Heckendorft, MS - WI Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing This presentation will provide a summary of educational audiology services in WI as well as national perspectives. Learn about typical service delivery models and what services look like in WI, including current trends in assistive listening technology. Learn how to obtain a Department of Public Instruction School Audiology license. Find out how to facilitate effective collaboration between schools and clinics to successfully support students that are deaf / hard of hearing / deaf-blind across educational environments. Stacie Heckendorft, MS is employed by WI Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Ms. Heckendorft has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. BLOCK 6 • Saturday, February 28, 2015 • 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. AUDIOLOGY TRACK (.1 CEU) AuD Student Research Showcase AuD Student Presenters The University of Wisconsin Doctor of Audiology students, Megan Costanzo, Jared Drummond, Erica Ehlers, and Kristan Sershen, will present innovative findings from their capstone research projects. The topics discussed will include: Visual Reinforcement Audiometry versus Video Visual Reinforcement Audiometry in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities; A Comparison between Amplified Music Preferred Listening Levels and OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limit Criteria; Binaural Sensitivity in Normal Hearing Children and Children who Use Cochlear Implants; and ECHO Initiative: Improving the Identification of Hearing Loss in the Birth to Three Population. The session will be moderated by Amy Hartman, Au.D., Clinical Associate Professor and Au.D. Program Director at UW Madison. BIRTH TO SIX TRACK Adjourned MEDICAL SLP (.1 CEU) Best Practices for Communication Between Acute and Sub-Acute Care Providers in Dysphagia Management Rebecca Meck, MS, CCC-SLP - Mercy Medical SLPical Center The communication between professionals across settings in the assessment and treatment of dysphagia is paramount to minimizing the risk of complication and maximizing quality of life in the patients we serve. This presentation strives to identify the barriers to communication that I have experienced in my career across acute, sub-acute, and home health settings – as well as the strategies that have been effective in improving that communication. In addition, specific patient groups that are at risk for exacerbation or new onset dysphagia after acute hospitalization are discussed for potential development of screening and referral sources. Rebecca Meck, MS, CCC-SLP is employed by Mercy Medical Center. Ms. Meck has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. SCHOOLS SLP (.1 CEU) How to Assist the Production of Speech for Children with Apraxia by Modeling on an IPAD or IPOD Retta Raddant, MS, CF-SLP - Tigerton School District The first part is to show a video of the student participating in a classroom verbal presentation of show & tell. The second part is to show a video and explain the process leading up to the student’s ability to verbally give a presentation. The third part is to show the final production of the student’s presentation that was explained in part II, so that the event can be seen from beginning to completion. Finally, participants in this session may ask question or give ideas/ recommendations that they may have thought of during the lesson - brainstorming for application of material learned. Please see additional note below by “AV needs” to view a possible problem regarding this presentation. Retta Raddant, MS, CF-SLP is employed by Tigerton School District. Ms. Raddant has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Continuing Education Graduate Credit We are offering graduate credit for attending the 2015 WSHA Convention through Viterbo University. This is a fabulous opportunity to obtain graduate credit for a reasonable fee. The WSHA contact person for Viterbo is Sondra Reynolds. Attendance Requirements: Convention participants must attend sessions to include: • Sessions over the convention totaling 15 hours of credit. • Hours only count for sessions and activities approved for CEUs. Tuition: • • • • • Cost is $110 for one graduate credit. Payment must be made at the Convention when you pick up your packet. Preferred payment method is by credit card or check. Packets must be picked up at the registration booth between 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. on Friday or Saturday. Final paperwork should be turned in to the registration desk at the end of the convention on Saturday. These are the guidelines set by Viterbo University, not by WSHA, and are non negotiable. ASHA Continuing Education This program is offered for up to 2.1 CEUs (various levels; professional area). AAA Continuing Education Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association is approved by the American Academy of Audiology to offer Academy CEUs for this activity. The program is worth a maximum of 2.1 CEUs. Academy approval of this continuing education activity does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/CE Provider and not necessarily of the American Academy of Audiology. This continuing education activity represents up to three Tier 1 continuing education hours toward the American Board of Audiology™ recertification requirements. Directions & Lodging Information Directions to the Conference Site For driving directions to the conference, please visit the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel website at http://www.radisson.com/appleton-hotel-wi-54911/wiapprad/area/map Lodging Information Radisson Paper Valley Hotel Rate: $119.00 Phone Number: (920) 733-8000 or 800-333-3333 Reservation Deadline: January 28, 2015 *When making your reservation, tell the reservation agent that you are booking a room under WSHA-WI Speech- Language Pathology and Audiology Association room block. Registration Policies Registration includes general and breakout sessions, conference materials, breaks, breakfast and lunch on both days of the conference. A registration form is enclosed. Only one registration per form. You may copy the form as needed, or download from the WSHA website at www.wisha.org. Registration must be received by January 28, 2015, to be guaranteed conference materials. Cancellations are honored prior to January 28, but are subject to a $50 administrative fee. Cancellations received after January 28 will not be reimbursed. A confirmation letter will not be sent. Please keep a copy of your registration form for your records. Attire Business casual attire is acceptable for all conference events. Questions If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact the WSHA office at: 920-560-5642 or www.wisha.org. WSHA 2015 ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION February 26-28 • Radisson Paper Valley Hotel • Appleton, WI Please check if you are a: SLP Audiologist Student Other Name (preferred for badge): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer or School: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________________________________ State:_______________________ Zip:______________ Phone: ______________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Special Assistance and Dietary Needs: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate the track you will most likely participate in: __ Audiology Track __ Birth to Six SLP Track __ Medical SLP Track __ Schools SLP Track __ Student Track ***This information will be used to assign rooms. Attendees are not required to attend based on their selections, nor will attendees be guaranteed space based on the information provided. CONVENTION REGISTRATION FEES Full Conference Registration *includes pre-conference Member $325________ Non-Member$475 ________ Student Member $100 ________ Life Member $100 ________ Single Day Registration Thursday Friday Saturday Member $260________ Non-Member$420 ________ Student Member $75 ________ Life Member $75 ________ Special Activities President’s Banquet & Awards Ceremony $35 ________ Mentor Program $25 or more ________ TOTAL: $ ______________ METHOD OF PAYMENT Check (made payable to WSHA) Check #: _________________ for: $ _________________ Purchase Order # ___________ for $ _________________ VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER Credit Card #: _______________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ Security Code:___________________ Address on Billing Statement: ___________________________________ Name on Card: _______________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________ Return this form with payment by January 28 ,2015 to: WI Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association 563 Carter Court, Suite B • Kimberly, WI 54136 Phone 920-560-5642 • Fax 920-882-3655 • Email: [email protected] • Website: www.wisha.org Thank You to the 2015 Convention Planning Committee Maia Braden, MS, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the University of Wisconsin. Ms. Braden has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Amanda Mravec, AuD, CCC-A, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Mravec has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Mary Bahr Schwenke, MS, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the MJ Care. Ms. Bahr Schwenke has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Bahr Schwenke is President of the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association. Sondra Reynolds, MS, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. Ms. Renolds has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Reynolds is a board member of the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association. Amy Hartman, AuD, CCC-A, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Hartman has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Linda Anton, MS, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the KidsReach Rehabilitation Services. Ms. Anton has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Jennifer Eggert, MS, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the Milwaukee Center for Independence. Ms. Eggert has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Missy Kueht-Becker, MS, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the Lutheran Social Services. Ms. Kueht-Becker has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Dawn Merth-Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the Iowa-Grant County School District. Ms. Merth-Johnson has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Ms. Merth-Johnson is a board member of the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association. Amy Baillies, MS, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the University of Wisconsin. Ms. Baillies has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Sarah Naumann, Student, 2015 Convention Planner, is a student at the University of Wisconsin. Ms. Naumann has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Amy Kroll, AuD, CCC-A, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Kroll has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Maggie Watson, PhD, CCC-SLP, 2015 Convention Planner, is employed by the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. Dr. Watson has no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose. Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association 563 Carter Court, Suite B Kimberly, WI 54136 Register Today to attend the 2015 Annual Convention February 26-28, 2015 Radisson Paper Valley Hotel Appleton, WI
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