Our 41st Year Temple Topics Congregation Ohev Shalom Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5775 Marlboro, NJ January-February 2015 In This Issue: Calendar..............................p.2-3 Announcements....................p.3 Rabbi Pont.............................p.5 Cantor Krieger.......................p.7 Join Us For Adult’s Night Out with Dinner, Open Bar & Laughter to Benefit: The Marlboro Jewish Center 103 School Road West · Marlboro, NJ President................................p.9 Saturday, January 24, 2015 Siman Tov & Mazal Tov.......... p.10 Doors: 7:30 · Dinner: 8:00 · Show: 9:00 Executive Director...............p.11 Youth Group........................p.12 Ritually Speaking................p.13 With Guest: Hosted By: KEVIN ISRAEL ADAM LUCIDI Preschool................................ p.15 Hebrew School..................... p. 17 Featuring Israel Affairs........................... p.19 Second Generation.............p.22 Primetimers..........................p.23 Contributions............... pp.30-31 Yahrzeits...................... pp.32-34 TEDDY DANIELS Cost: $75.00 per person Payment can be made by cash, check, credit card, or billed to your temple account. RSVP to the temple office at 732-536-2300 no later than 01/16/15. Let us know your seating preference at the time of booking. Payment in full is required for your space to be reserved. Temple Topics Jeff Katz – President 732-995-8057 MJC Officers 2014/2015 Jeff Wolf – Fundraising 32-536-8489 VACANT - Youth Rhonda Eiger – EVP 732-616-3186 Wayne Kaufman - Recording Secretary 732-617-1739 Neil Kipnis – House VP 732-972-8261 Liz Reingold - Membership 732-431-1887 Janine Zaslavsky/Stefanie Schneider Sisterhood Co-Presidents 732-591-8621/732-462-7520 Andrea Barnett – Ritual 732-536-7362 Wayne Sherman – Education 732-761-1366 Len Whitman – Treasurer 908-596-0690 Barry Lurie – Financial Sec. 732-536-2666 x110 Main Office:732-536-2300 Dale Mesmer Rabbi Pont x107 Patty Dorfschneider x104 x321 Cantor Krieger x113 Sylvia Ohrwashel Bonnie Komito x101 Beth Josephs x109 Reba Schneiderman x106 January-February 2015 - Page 2 Howard Shafran - Men’s Club President 732-617-8960 Phoebe Dichner – Primetimers 732-536-5128 Marvin Glickstein – Second Generation 732-972-0259 Chai Office: 732-536 2303 Rene Kipnes x116 Bonnie Silverman x100 Lori Solomon x124 Hebrew School: Rabbi Ron Koas Lisette Pigliacelli x113 x114 Congregation Ohev Shalom SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, April 19th Rosh Chodesh Iyar  Come and celebrate Emma Pont’s Bat Mitzvah! Join us for the 10:00 am service and the cocktail reception to follow. We look forward to sharing this special event with the whole congregation. If you plan on attending, please email Reba Schneiderman at [email protected]. Shalom, Rabbi Michael and Natalie Pont Announcements We announce of the wedding of: Aaron Chalal, son of Drs. Jeff and Diane Chalal We announce of the engagement of: Alex Waldman, son of Miriam and Robert Waldman January-February 2015 - Page 3 Temple Topics MAKING YOUR VOICE COUNT IN ISRAEL – REGISTER AND VOTE IN THE WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS ELECTION You may never have heard of one of the more important institutions of the Conservative Jewish Movement, but it needs you NOW. That organization is MERCAZ USA. MERCAZ--the word means "The Center" -- is the sole, official Zionist arm of the world-wide Conservative/ Masorti Jewish Movement. MERCAZ promotes and supports Zionist education, Israel programs and aliyah within our movement. At the same time, MERCAZ represents the interests of Masorti (Conservative) Judaism in the World Zionist Organization (“WZO”) and in the Jewish Agency for Israel. Within those bodies, MERCAZ advocates for religious pluralism within Israel and is a force for funding the sole kibbutz affiliated with Conservative Judaism as well as a myriad of organizations and synagogues affiliated with or supported by Conservative/Masorti Judaism, in Israel. It may sound Byzantine, but here is how it works: American Jewish federations raise money for Israel. Much of this money goes to the WZO and the Jewish Agency. The WZO and the Jewish Agency distribute those monies to various social welfare organizations in Israel. The apportionment of those monies is directly affected by the relative sizes of the delegations from each Zionist organization. Got it? The more delegates that we, the Conservative Movement, have in those bodies, the more money our movement in Israel receives and the more say we have in ensuring that the flow of money and the guiding philosophy of the Jewish Agency supports our concerns for democracy and pluralism in Israeli society. The size of the MERCAZ delegation in the WZO is a direct result of votes in the World Zionist Congress election. The more Conservative Jews who register and vote for MERCAZ USA the more MERCAZ delegates are elected. This results in a greater amount of money being allocated to the Conservative/Masorti Movement in Israel; thus the more we are making a difference. That's where each of us comes in. The election for the 37th World Zionist Congress is almost here. You can help MERCAZ USA increase the size of our delegation simply by registering with the American Zionist Movement, the US affiliate of the WZO, and voting for the slate of MERCAZ USA delegates. Registering costs just $10.00 ($5.00 for voters between ages 18-35) and is charged to help defray the cost of the election. You can register by going to www.mercazusa.org and clicking on “Register” or completing a mail-in registration. Registration begins on January 13th and ends April 30th. How much does your vote help? A LOT! Less than 4% of the Conservative Jewish membership participated in the last World Zionist Congress election. If we double that percentage, an additional $1.7 Million can be allocated to Conservative/Masorti institutions in Israel and other countries where Jewish communities face serious challenges. You personally can make a major impact and help strengthen liberal Jewish life in Israel and these other communities. Just think what you can achieve with just $10.00! Register now and exercise your right to vote in the upcoming World Zionist Congress election! For more information please feel free to contact Rabbi Pont or Elliott Brown at [email protected] or at 732-259-6801. January-February 2015 - Page 4 Congregation Ohev Shalom From Rabbi Michael Pont OUR FABULOUS, DYNAMITE PRESCHOOL of that meeting include: The following teaching reminds us how important children are in the Jewish tradition. About 40 Preschool students gave a concert in the sanctuary on the first day of Sukkot. After the singing, I led the children, their families and the staff into the sukkah for a story, challah, juice and cookies. Art the kids had made adorned the sukkah walls too! Many families stayed for lunch – it was wonderful! We plan to make this an annual event, and may repeat for other holidays. When Israel stood to receive the Torah, the Holy One said to them: “I am prepared to give you My Torah. Present to Me good guarantors that you will observe and study the Torah and I shall give it to you.” They said: “Our ancestors are our guarantors.” The Holy One said: “Your ancestors are not sufficient guarantors. Bring Me good guarantors, and I shall give you the Torah.” They said: “Our prophets are our guarantors.” The Holy One said: “The prophets are not sufficient guarantors. Bring Me good guarantors and I shall give you the Torah.” They said: “Indeed, our children will be our guarantors.” The Holy One said: “Your children are good guarantors. For their sake I give the Torah to you.” When we bring up our kids to love being Jewish, we guarantee that our values will live on. This spirit is part of what makes our Preschool so wonderful! On Friday mornings Cantor Krieger and I go to the Chai building and do two Shabbat shows. He plays guitar and we sing, and the kids, parents, grandparents and staff just love it. When I look out and see the joy on their faces it makes me so happy. For young children being Jewish is light and fun – it’s all about blessings from mom and dad and teachers, challah and grape juice. Their eyes sparkle, hungry for Jewish inspiration. The Shabbat shows exemplify partnership, which is critical but cannot be assumed. Last June, I met with a group of Preschool mothers, and we brainstormed multiple ways to build the relationship between the Preschool and the synagogue. The ideas that came out Special Shabbat dinners, such as the amazing Hanukkah dinner and concert in December! I’m happy to announce a new program – a Saturday morning Tot Shabbat! It will be led by the school music teacher Sara Mason on the fourth Saturday of each month, from 10:15 – 11:00 am. Upcoming dates are: January 24, February 28, March 28, and April 25. Watch for more information. Furthermore, I was so proud to attend the “Club MJC” event in October. The committee transformed the Chai gym into a fun nightclub party, which included a silent auction and great food from Exquisite, MJC’s caterer. This fundraiser was a huge success toward building a new school playground. This was another example of how committed the Preschool community is to MJC and to Judaism – I was blown away!! I am grateful to those whose efforts strengthen the Preschool-synagogue bond. Thanks to Director Rene Kipnes and Administrator Bonnie Silverman. So many parents have given me feedback in the last few months, showing their love for Judaism and commitment to MJC. Thanks to Jamie Albert, Nancy Burns, Lisa Cashman, Shira Frackt, and Freya Markowitz. Also thanks to Membership VP Liz Reingold for being so supportive of the school. Shalom, Rabbi Pont January-February 2015 - Page 5 Temple Topics January-February 2015 - Page 6 Congregation Ohev Shalom From Cantor Wayne Krieger Our final Jewish Home Theater program will meet on Saturday night January 31st from 6:30- 10:00 PM at the home of Bernie and Rita Schwartz. (10 Evan Drive in Morganville, NJ 07751) If you need directions, call them at 732-536-2121. First we begin with a light catered kosher vegetarian/dairy dinner by Levy’s followed by Havdalah. We then read through some short comedies written by Jewish playwrights followed by a discussion of the plays and their meaning. There is a $12 fee to defray the cost of the dinner. Please mark the date on your calendar. If you have never come to Jewish Home Theater, you are missing one exciting, hilarious and entertaining evening of comedy and camaraderie. You will need to register with Cantor Krieger at 732-536-2300 (ext. 113) or [email protected] because we need to know how many people will be attending in order to order the proper amount of food. RABBI PONT’S SERMON TOPICS AND SPECIAL EVENTS FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY Please note that on February 22nd, Marlboro Jewish Center will be hosting Kol Halayla, a Rutgers University’s a cappella group. Kol Halayla is Hebrew for the “Voice of the Night,” but at Rutgers, they are “The Voice of the Knight.” Founded in 1995, Kol Halayla was Rutgers University’s first co-ed a cappella group and is the only Jewish singing group on campus. They offer a diverse repertoire featuring a perfect mix of traditional Jewish, Israeli, and secular music making them perfect for any and every audience. As a collegiate Jewish a cappella group, they travel all over the East Coast performing. So please mark your calendar because Kol Halayla is performing at Marlboro Jewish Center on Sunday, February 22nd from 10:00-11:00 am in the Sanctuary. Please support this exciting musical event of 2015. Saturday, January 31st, 9:15 am – Study the weekly Torah portion with the rabbi Friday, January 2nd, 6:15 pm – Family Service Saturday, January 3rd, 9:15 am – Study the weekly Torah portion with the rabbi Friday, January 9th, 8:15 pm – Third and Fourth Grade Religious School students lead the service Friday, January 16th, 8:15 pm – Judaism, America and Civil Rights Saturday, January 24th, 10:15 am – TOT SHABBAT! A great experience for families with young children Friday, January 30th, 8:15 pm – our annual Tu Bishevat Seder, celebrating Israel and also environmental appreciation Saturday, February 7th, 9:15 am - Study the weekly Torah portion Friday, February 13th – Love and Jewish Values Either February 20th or 27th, 8:15 pm - Mia Reingold talks about her family’s trip to Budapest to discover her family’s roots Saturday, February 28th, 10:15 am - TOT SHABBAT! A great experience for families with young children ALSO IN FEBRUARY - Israeli Politics including news on elections and the Nation-State bill Thank you to the following congregants who sponsored a Kiddush: Isabel and Paul Jacob for co-sponsoring the Kiddush on January 3rd in honor of the anniversary of Paul’s Bar Mitzvah. Phoebe Dichner for co-sponsoring the Kiddush on January 10th in honor of the engagement of her grandson, Matthew Rosenzweig to Allison Tenennbaum. Roberta and Mitchell Newman for co-sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat on Friday night, November 21st in memory of Roberta’s brother, Ira Robins. January-February 2015 - Page 7 Temple Topics Dear Congregant, Have you ever struggled with pain and wondered what you could do about it? Have you or a loved one ever had to negotiate through a hospital emergency room? Do you have questions about the aging process and whether you are losing it? These and similar current medical topics will be the subject of an MJC Medical Panel to be held in the Sanctuary Sunday, January 11th at 7:00 P.M. The participating doctors are fellow congregants: Dr. Scott Metzger, MD, Board Certified Pain Management Physician Dr. Mark Pass, MD, Internist with specialization in Geriatric Medicine Dr. Mark Spektor, MD Emergency Medicine Physician and Hospital Administrator We invite you to attend and ask the questions on your mind about these important medical topics. Light refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the program. B’Shalom, Rabbi Michael Pont Past President and Speakers Chair, Bob Salman January-February 2015 - Page 8 Congregation Ohev Shalom From the President Jeff Katz Happy New Year! There continues to be plenty of activity at the Marlboro Jewish Center. Our annual Texas Hold’em tournament was in November and was fun for all who attended. Yours truly somehow managed to come in 7th place. Thanks to Allen Grafstein and David Fisher for all their expertise in this area. It is not easy to manage this kind of event and the end result was flawless. December 7th was a busy day at MJC. It all started with the Israel Bonds breakfast. We honored the Klepners and the Leibels. The guest speaker was a professor from Georgetown University who spoke about the current situation in the Middle East, particularly about ISIS. It was a fascinating presentation that I wish could have been seen by more. He brought home the importance of fighting and defeating this group. Immediately after the breakfast was the first MJC Vendor Fair at the Chai Building. There were close to 50 vendors and the event was well attended. Special thanks to Jeff Wolf, Janine Zaslavsky, and Stefanie Schneider for pulling this all together. December 12 was the Pre-School Shabbat dinner and service. There were over 250 people in attendance completely filling up the dining room. It was wonderful to see so many young kids and families filling the building. The Friday Service was led by Rabbi Pont and Cantor Krieger and they did a great job of engaging the children. I am very excited to tell you about our new High Holiday Family Service. This will replace the Catering Wing Service and will be a great new addition to the Holidays at MJC. More information on this will be coming out shortly. If you have any questions about this please let me know or contact the Rabbi. I am also pleased to announce that we will be making a change in the cost of High Holiday guest tickets. Currently, young adults between 22 and 26 are charged $95 per ticket. The BOT has discussed this and starting in 2015, there will be no charge for these tickets. There will be minor adjustments in other tickets costs but this will be a welcome change for those with young adult children. The Nominating Committee will start meeting in January to develop recommendations for the next Board of Trustees. The Committee is always looking for new people who want to help the MJC community. I encourage you to reach out to them if you would like to get more involved. January 24 is the 5th Adults Night Out dinner. This year is a comedy night with three comedians. All of the previous events have been well attended and the entertainment has truly been top notch. If you have not attended in the past, I can assure you that you will be pleasantly surprised with the entire event. Please call the office to reserve a table or they will help you with seating. I hope you are enjoying the Winter season. Please make it a point to attend one of our many events at MJC or come to a service. L’Shalom Jeff IN PERPETUAL REMEMBRANCE A Memorial Plaque has been installed in the Sanctuary in loving memory of: Leonard Bayer Louis Lawrence Feinland Phyllis Barbara Feinland Claudia Goodman Marion Kumer Marian Pollack Ira Robins Erika Rotheim Leo Silverstone William Treiber January-February 2015 - Page 9 Temple Topics Siman Tov and Mazal Tov – We Celebrate... January-February B’nai Mitzvah Shayna Garland Alexa Rappaport J a n u a r y 3 rd J a n u a r y 1 7 th On January 3rd, Mincha, the congregation will celebrate along with the Garland family. Shayna Garland, daughter of Stacey and Gary Garland will be called to the Torah to become a Bat Mitzvah. On January 17th, Shabbat Vaera, the congregation will celebrate along with the Rappaport family. Alexa Rappaport, daughter of Jennifer and Adam Rappaport will be called to the Torah to become a Bat Mitzvah. Heather Shapiro Dylan Feldstein J a n u a r y 2 4 th F e b r u a r y 1 4 th On January 24th, Mincha, the congregation will celebrate along with the Shapiro family. Heather Shapiro, daughter of Alycia and Neil Shapiro will be called to the Torah to become a Bat Mitzvah. On February 14th, Shabbat Mishpatim Shekalim, the congregation will celebrate along with the Feldstein family. Dylan Feldstein, son of Melissa and Cliff Feldstein will be called to the Torah to become a Bar Mitzvah. Dylan Marchese F e b r u a r y 2 1 st On February 21st, Mincha, the congregation will celebrate along with the Marchese family. Dylan Marchese, son of Debra and Vincent Marchese will be called to the Torah to become a Bar Mitzvah. SAVE THE DATE! Friday, January 30, 8:15 pm. MJC’s Annual Tu Bishevat Seder led by Rabbi Pont! Tu Bishevat is the Jewish holiday for the trees. Join us to celebrate Israeli agricultural products and raise your awareness about the environment. A great program for all ages! January-February 2015 - Page 10 Jonathan Riklan & Rachel Riklan F e b r u a r y 2 8 th On February 28th, Shabbat Tetzaveh Zachor, the congregation will celebrate along with the Riklan family. Jonathan and Rachel Riklan, children of Michelle and David Riklan will be called to the Torah to become a B’nai Mitzvah. Congregation Ohev Shalom From The Executive Director Bonnie Komito It’s officially winter – the time for resolutions, hot chocolate and everything new again. There’s a quote attributed to Oprah that says, “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” On the Jewish New Year, we seek a spiritual accounting and renewal, while the secular new year tends to promote thoughts of resolutions or finding ways to improve ourselves or correct past mistakes. Oftentimes, resolutions are not kept and quick fixes don’t lead to success. One thoughtful piece that I recently read said that resolutions are very difficult to achieve and perhaps a better focus would be to create themes that guide our year. For example, family, good health, physical well being and spirituality could be cornerstones for which we develop a series of actions that lead to a desired outcome. For the secular New Year, we can expand our themes to include the Jewish values that we think about on Rosh Hashanah. It must be no coincidence that the first Torah portion in January 2015 is Va Yehi, He Lived, Genesis 47:28-50:26. As Jacob nears the end of his life, he worries about the paths his sons will take. Will they follow Jewish values or will they worship other Gods? Will they respond out of loyalty or respect for their father or will they do it for their own sake and future generations? As we know, they answered with The Shema that proclaims our oneness with God and the Jewish people throughout time. As we begin a new secular year, will we make a commitment to the Jewish calendar and accept our shared heritage with Jacob and his sons? Jewish life, text and tradition offer the roadmap to accomplish a value based life throughout the calendar year. MJC is at the center of this roadmap, offering rich Shabbat and holiday observances, quality education for all ages and thought provoking programs and events. At this time of year, we can each reconsider what role the synagogue and the community play in the overall theme that defines us. Can we be more involved? Is it worth it? Will it matter to our children and to future generations? And what if we don’t get more involved? Will there be future generations to accept our shared heritage with Jacob and his sons? The MJC Calendar is chock full in January and February - congregation simchas, the award winning movie, “Beneath the Helmet,” a panel with medical experts, an adult night out with hilarious comedians, educational opportunities for all, Shabbat observances and nightly Minyanim. The new MJC website just went live and is being updated to include all the great things going on. Thanks to our Tech team and Beth Josephs for all their efforts. Please read through this double issue of Temple Topics, check the website, call the office and put MJC on your family calendar this winter! Happy 2015! THE CONGREGATION AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFER OUR DEEPEST CONDOLENCES TO THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES: Larry and Elyse Gray on the passing of Larry’s father, Al Goldfarb. Laurie Lichtenstein on the passing of her beloved husband, Richard Lichtenstein. Reba Schneiderman on the passing of her mother, Cynthia Simon Meckler. David Jarashow on the passing of his father, Shmuel Jarashow. Harvey Tuerack on the passing of his brother, Mel Tuerack. January-February 2015 - Page 11 Temple Topics Youth YOUTH Activities ACTIVITIES January 2015 February 2015 Jan. 5 Kadima Jan. 8 MUSY Jan. 11 Katan Jan. 12 Pre. K Jan. 15 MUSY Jan. 22 MUSY Jan. 26 Kadima Jan. 29 MUSY Feb. 2 Kadima Feb.5- USY Feb. 8 Katan Feb. 9 Pre-K Feb. 12 MUSY Feb. 19 MUSY Feb. 23 Kadima Feb. 26 MUSY Marlboro Jewish Center Junior Congregation Services 2015 January 10, January 24, January 31 Friday, January 9, 2015 Please join us for a Religious School Shabbat Dinner We will usher in Shabbat together with our families. 6:15 p.m. Family Service in the Sanctuary and Early Service in the Beit Midrash 7:00 p.m. Dinner in the Dining Room 8:15 p.m. Late Service in the Sanctuary February 7, February 21, February 28 It will be a wonderful evening with good food, good friends, and of course, singing. March 14, March 21, March 28 NO LATER THAN April 18, April 25 Reservations must be received January 7, 2015 NO EXCEPTIONS! Payment must be made in advance. RSVP To MJC main office 732-536-2300 Dinner - $15.00 per adult $6.00 per child (for children under 13) Steve Rogers LIC. #0015603 Lawn Sprinkler Company 275 Route 79 (732) 970-9300 Morganville, NJ 07751 Fax (732) 970-9309 E-Mail: [email protected] January-February 2015 - Page 12 Congregation Ohev Shalom Ritually Speaking Of course, that is not going to happen. But it got me thinking. Why are we so willing to commit to a routine for our physical health and not for our spiritual health? I have been going to services more frequently since my commitment to my role as Ritual VP. Sometimes I see it as something I have to do (just like the gym). But sometimes, like this last Shabbat morning, I was so glad to have gone. Rabbi and Cantor led us in a “Learner’s Shabbat.” Most of the people that were there were regulars but yet we still learned quite a lot. One inspiring moment came from Cantor’s explanation of the blessing before reading the Torah (the Aliya blessings). In one of the blessings we come to understand that we are the keepers of this eternal life. “How is that?” we were asked. How do you understand that? One young boy (pre-Bar Mitzvah age) commented that we are the soil from which that life will grow. We are the soil with all the nutrients and we need to find the sunshine, water and care to grow that spiritual life. We are the caretakers of the wisdom of Torah. This was a beautiful moment on Shabbat. I felt inspired and kept thinking about this idea for the rest of the day. After this service, no matter what else I did that day, I felt like I had Shabbat -- a day of rest and a chance to feed my spiritual self. The reading of the Torah portion was quite spicy. At our congregation we read one-third of the Torah portion each year – so it would take three years to read the entire scroll. The nice thing about this plan is it really gives us a chance to examine some of the stories in the middle of each portion that we might normally just rush over. This week’s portion was all about Jacob and his sons and how poor Joseph got to Egypt. But, we didn’t study that. We found a different section all about Judah (one of Jacob’s sons) and his family relations; truly enlightening to find lessons in his handling of family matters. I told you last month not to miss this! Last week and this week, topics that could have been out of today’s newspapers. Clear relevance to our lives here in 2014. So, the Shabbatot in January and February are no different. On various Friday nights we have the 3rd and 4th grades leading us, a sharing of a congregants’ journey to Budapest, a discussion of civil rights, our TuB’shvat seder (environmental appreciation) and of course, in February we talk about love (please check the weekly emails). On Saturday mornings Jan.3, Jan. 31 and Feb 7th, we will have our Torah study where we will begin the book of Exodus and read about our journey to become the people of the Torah, Jews— from the land of Judean Hills (remember Judah?). Come join us. Make a resolution this year to take care of your spiritual self and become part of our learning community. A happy and healthy 2015 from my family to yours! See you in shul! Andrea Stamp Out Colon Cancer! We can help you manage Reflux, Indigestion, Irritable Bowel, Colitis, Crohn’s, Gastritis, Hepatitis, Pancreatitis Marlboro Gastroenterology, P.C. Brian C. Weiner, MD, MS, FACP, AGAF Matthew C. Blaszka, M.D. Lucy Rivilis, APN-C A Simple Procedure May Insure Good Health HEMORRHOIDS?? DON’T BAND!! IRC is a safe, painless, no anesthesia required procedure. 50 Franklin Lane, Manalapan, NJ 24/7 Phone: 732-972-6996 LIKE US ON www.marlborogastro.com FACEBOOK Most Insurance Plans Accepted. Participant In Medicare. 80786 So, I finally gave in and joined a gym. I had a great summer, running, biking & swimming on my own terms and was reluctant to give up the gains I had made in this healthy routine. I don’t really like to exercise inside, but in the winter there is not much choice. I figured I owed it to myself to do something for myself. So many people I know belong to gyms and at this gym I joined I saw even more people from MJC there. I thought, “Wow, Rabbi Pont should have a minyan here!” January-February 2015 - Page 13 Temple Topics Date Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Date Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 January Calendar of Weekend Services ServiceTime Friday night 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 4:15 pm Mincha Sunday 9:00 am and 8:15 pm Friday 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 5:00 pm Mincha Sunday 9:00 am and 8:15 pm Friday Night 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 5:00 pm Mincha Sunday 9:00 am and 8:15 pm Friday Night 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 4:30 pm Mincha Sunday 9:00 am and 8:15 pm Friday 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 5:15 pm Mincha February Calendar of Weekend Services ServiceTime Friday night 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 5:30 pm Mincha Sunday 9:00 am and 8:15 pm Friday 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 5:00 pm Mincha Sunday 9:00 am and 8:15 pm Friday Night 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 5:00 pm Mincha Sunday 9:00 am and 8:15 pm Friday Night 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm Saturday 9:15 am and 5:15 pm Mincha TU BISHEVAT SEDER Friday Evening January 30, 2015, 8:15 pm Tu Bishevat is a celebration of Israel’s produce, and a call to protect our beautiful planet. Join Rabbi Pont and Cantor Krieger for four cups of Israeli wine (or grape juice), fruits and more to eat. We will chant melodies, recite blessings and enjoy being together. All are welcome, great for families and all ages. January-February 2015 - Page 14 Congregation Ohev Shalom Pre-School January in the Pre-School finds us in a haven for Old Man Winter. The children and staff turn the building into a winter wonderland. Snowflakes, ice skates and penguins are some of the projects on our bulletin boards. Eskimos and igloos won’t be forgotten, nor will snowmen of every size. Even our songs will be favorites about winter and snow. Their sweet voices and laughter will certainly fill us with the warmth we need to get through this cold, cold month. Science concepts are discussed as we learn about melting and evaporation, freezing and condensation, liquids and solids. The children make their own weather charts and some make thermometers to read the “temperature,” a big vocabulary word for winter. That brings us to the month of February where we hope they will not have “temperatures” due to illness! We share good health habits all through this month. This includes eating healthy foods versus junk foods and learning to cover our sneezes and coughs. They learn the importance of exercise and that they need plenty of rest to stay healthy. The children in the fours learn the various food groups and have a culminating luncheon filled with all that’s good for you. Cooking is an important aspect of this unit. Not only do we have a great time cooking, but the children also learn a lot from this experience. For example, when they utilize measuring cups and spoons to measure ingredients it is a good beginning lesson in the concepts of quantity and fractions. Pouring and stirring are excellent coordination exercises. dinner on February 27th. Judging from our December Hanukkah/Shabbat dinner we are sure it will be another Funruary success! Don’t forget to tell your friends and family to sign up their children and/or grandchildren up for our great Pre-School. We have it all. A fabulous, loving, experienced staff and a great “public school like” facility. Computer classes, a speech therapist on premises, Project X (enrichment and/or support), a full size gym, a wonderful music teacher, Before Care, After Care, and after school activities (tennis, soccer) are some of the extras we have to offer. Not to mention our Friday Shabbats with the Rabbi and Cantor. We have it all and then some! Please call the Pre-School office for further information at: 732-536-2303, extension 100. Rene Kipnes Director E-mail: [email protected] www.mmpmanalapan.com Our most famous presidents, Washington and Lincoln, are part of our social studies unit. Although we no longer celebrate their birthdays on their actual birthdates, they are still remembered with log cabins and cherry trees. 349 Route 9 South Ashley Plaza Manalapan, New Jersey February is our now yearly celebration of Funruary. We celebrate different specialty days in February. Samples of these include Beach Day, Crazy Hat Day, and MJC Idol to name a few. We can’t wait as the children are so excited to come to school and see “which day it is today!” 732-536-8788 (Between Gordons Corner and Taylors Mills Rds) FAX 732-536-0579 We are looking forward to our Pre-School Shabbat January-February 2015 - Page 15 Temple Topics High Hebrew High News The first three sessions of HHH were great! In November we discussed ethical dilemmas based on the hit show, “The Walking Dead.” Last month we studied Talmudic texts on Hanukkah and met with Ben Maruscak, a lone soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. Ben, who grew up in West Windsor and made Aliyah, fought in Gaza over the summer and related some of his experiences. Ben is part of the Lone Soldiers Ambassador Program, sponsored by United Synagogue. We also had some Hanukkah fun and learning, including a toy drive! HHH students donated over twenty items for MJC’s toy drive. Way to go!!! The next few sessions are January 5th, February 2nd, and March 2nd and will include college night, how to get ready for summer and other jobs, and more. We meet at Fred and Murry’s Kosher Deli the first Monday of each month. For more information, email me at [email protected]. Shalom, Rabbi Pont January-February 2015 - Page 16 Congregation Ohev Shalom Hebrew School Junior Congregation Shabbat is a beautiful time to be with family and celebrate our weekly holiday together. As such, students are encouraged to attend Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon services with their parents. If parents cannot attend with their children the students can attend Junior Congregation without a parent. Our goal is for parents and children to feel more comfortable at Marlboro Jewish Center by becoming familiar with our services. Junior Congregation is a welcoming, engaging, and educational service for our students. Students in third through seventh grade are invited to help lead the prayers. Families are encouraged to ask questions and to participate in discussions about Shabbat, prayer, and the weekly Torah reading. The service runs from 10:15 – 11:45 AM in the Bet Midrash on specific Shabbat mornings: January 10, 24, 31 February 7, 21, 28 March 14, 21, 28 April 18, 25 The service is a fun interactive way for the children to celebrate Shabbat. Following our service, we make Kiddush and Motzi over grape juice and challah, and everyone is welcome to join the community kiddush and luncheon. presence of the children elevated the hamish factor in the sanctuary. Junior Congregation is a mixed age program. One of the benefits of Shabbat is getting out of the classroom and into the synagogue community. By creating a program that successfully mixes age groups and keeping everyone engaged in the activities, we have been slowly able to build a community of learners. Finally, students are required to attend Shabbat/ Holiday and other worship services during the year as follows: Gimel 3 Shabbat mornings total of 7 Dalet 3 Shabbat mornings total of 8 Hey 3 Shabbat mornings total of 9 Vav 5 Shabbat mornings or Mincha (Shabbat Afternoons) total of 10 Zayin 5 Shabbat mornings or Mincha (Shabbat Afternoons) total of 11 A great party starts with a beautiful invitation. From traditional to unique invitations, LM Designs provides a personalized solution that fits your needs, style and budget. Children love the service at MJC because of its fun program and interactive services. Parents love Junior Congregation at MJC because their kids are learning Jewish prayers and developing an appreciation for coming to Shul. Children are taught the Shabbat prayers in a fun way with both Hebrew & English songs. Prayers are followed by stories and lessons from the weekly Torah portion or the season of the year. Students are also visible to the general congregation. I hear many comments and compliments from adults who were not connected to the school at all on how lovely it was having children in the service, how well-behaved the students were, and how the Wedding • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Save the Date • Engagement • Rehearsal Dinner Showers • Christening • Communion • Graduation • Baby • Sweet Sixteen • Anniversary Seasonal/Holiday • Birthday • Moving • Corporate www.LMDesigns.biz By appointment in Holmdel with Lori Mausner 732.335.4002 [email protected] January-February 2015 - Page 17 Temple Topics Membership Hard to believe that we are already head-long into the cold winter months, but MJC is still vibrant and alive with activity! Over the past few months the synagogue building has been abuzz with events that have attracted our preschool families as well as members of all ages! In December, we welcomed the newest members who have joined MJC in the past year with our annual New Member Shabbat Dinner. What a treat to see these new families and their children already jumping in and getting involved with the rest of the congregation! We welcome each one of them and hope they will build long lasting relationships here with our MJC family! Along the same lines, the Pre-school held a Chanukah Shabbat dinner with nearly 300 people in attendance! The children sang their Chanukah songs and welcomed the holiday with family and friends followed by Shabbat dinner. Pre-school children, their parents, grandparents and siblings all came together for one giant MJC celebration! A truly amazing evening was had by all! SHEVCHENKO MONUMENTAL WORKS Wholesale-Retail Since 1919 Nicholas Shevchenko - New Jersey’s 1st Certified Memorialist Our teens got into the action as well when we held the first-ever Teen Shabbat dinner and Friday night service highlighted by a special guest speaker – Israeli photojournalist Gil Cohen-Magen. He captivated young and old alike with his incredible photos and the stories behind each. With more than 75 teens in attendance the synagogue was bursting with energy. Nothing chases away the cold like the warmth we feel when our synagogue is filled with the smiles and laughter of friends and fellow congregants. Come out of the cold and spend some time with us this winter and experience it for yourself! I hope to see you at MJC! Liz Reingold VP Membership January-February 2015 - Page 18 Official Monument Maker for Marlboro Jewish Center Preferential Pricing to Members 329 Florida Grove Road, Hopelawn, NJ www.shevchenkomonuments.com GRANITE (732) 442-1286 BRONZE Total Home Improvement Company “Serving Your Home Improvement Needs For Over 50 Years” • Doors • Roofing • Siding • Garage Doors • And Much More 1-800-640-5733 Barry & David Fisher Showroom Hours: Mon - Fri 9-4:30 / Sat 8-2:30 Shop At Home Service Available Congregation Ohev Shalom Israel Affairs Committee (IAC) On 12/2 Alexandra Benjamin visited from her home in Jerusalem, and did a project in the Hebrew School. Picture yourself trying to explain a bit about Israel, teach some geography, see if the kids know any Hebrew words, have the fifty or so 6th & 7th decorate their individual piece of a six foot tall jigsaw map of Israel using content from magazine pages, assemble the puzzle and then wrap things up . From start to finish it took one hour. A fast paced session and yes, everything was completed including cleaning up the scissors, glue, crayons, markers and tape. Each child is now “A Part of Israel” with a place on the puzzle map and learned some geography. Stop in at the school office to see this laminated work or art from the kids. That evening over fifty people listened to Alexandra as she explored the “Holy City in Strife - an examination of the increasing tensions in Jerusalem over the past six months and what the future may hold.” Using current events from the past few weeks, she gave an excellent presentation filled with facts and personal observations, which helped the audience gain some understanding of the complex Israeli-Palestinian relationship. We plan to have her return next year. 1) Marlboro Jewish Center Sponsors a Major Movie Premier – Sunday 1/11/15 Marlboro Jewish Center is sponsoring a premier screening of Beneath The Helmet – From High School to the Home Front” on Sunday 1/11/15, from 2-4 PM at the Marlboro Middle School, 355 Country Road Route 520, Marlboro NJ 07746. This is a FREE Community Wide event, suitable for all ages. It is a coming of age story that highlights five young Israeli high school graduates, who are drafted into the army to defend their country. At the age of 18, away from their homes, family, and friends these young individuals undergo a demanding journey, revealing the core of who they are and who they want to be. From the creators of the PBS-featured documentary film Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference, the film illustrates how these young men and women are protecting not only their homes, but the shared values of peace, equality, opportunity, democracy, religious tolerance and women’s rights. The lessons they learn along the way, are lessons that can be adapted, understood and appreciated by everyone. The facility has plenty of parking, 600+ auditorium seats and a large screen. Lt Aviv Regev from the IDF who is featured in the movie, will speak with us afterwards. This is FREE but registration is required. Please visit www. jewishmonmouth.org/bth and select the Marlboro Jewish Center event to register. 2) Jewish National Fund (JNF) - Alternative Spring Break - Have you been wishing you were in Israel? Ready to go back? Join JNF this March for an unforgettable week of volunteering and fun. JNF’s Alternative Spring Break in Israel is a FREE trip for Jewish college students and young adults (ages 18-30) to volunteer in Israel. It is an exciting week long trip allowing its participants to make a personal impact in Israel. This year’s volunteering will take place both in the North of Israel and in the Negev Desert. Trips leave on February 28, March 7, 14,* and 22**, 2015 (*Includes a bus specifically for young professionals, **LA departure). Participants are responsible for raising a minimum of $1,500, using an easy online program to communicate by email to family and friends for the trip. Monies raised will go towards JNF’s Blueprint Negev campaign if you travel to the South of Israel, and to Operation Carmel Renewal if you travel to the North of Israel. Blueprint Negev supports Israel’s newest generation of pioneers in developing, inhabiting and preserving the Negev Desert, and Operation Carmel Renewal to help rebuild Northern Israel from the devastating December 2010 fire. Both trips include opportunities to get your hands dirty and help out, meet people who are changing the world, and reflect on the Jewish service experience. Once the money is raised, the program is FREE. The actual cost of the program is covered by other JNF donors. Participants are responsible for round trip transportation to New York or Los Angeles from their home communities. Hope to see you in Israel! Visit www.jnf.org and scroll down to the ASM 2015 article for more information. 3) The Israel Night at the Movies schedule for January through May is A Place in Heaven on 1/18 (Revised Date), Farewell Baghdad 2/8, Hunting Elephants 3/1, The Ballad of the Weeping Spring 4/19 and Kadosh 5/17. We might even sneak in a date for June. This is still FREE for MJC members and only $7 for non-members, with refreshments included. Let me know if you have any comments on what we’ve done or ideas for future programming. ~ Jules January-February 2015 - Page 19 Temple Topics Kol Halayla “VOICE OF THE KNIGHT” Rutgers University’s First Co-ed Jewish A Cappella Group Please join us for an exciting musical event! Marlboro Jewish Center Sunday, February 22, 2015 10:00 - 11:00 am in the Sanctuary Kol Halayla is Hebrew for the “Voice of the night,” but here at Rutgers, we are “The Voice of the Knight.” Founded in 1995, Kol Halayla was Rutgers University’s first co-ed a cappella group and is the only Jewish singing group on campus. They offer a diverse repertoire featuring a perfect mix of traditional Jewish, Israeli, and secular music making them perfect for any and every audience. As a collegiate Jewish a cappella group, they travel all over the East Coast performing. MARLBORO JEWISH CENTER 103 School Road West • Marlboro, N.J. (732) 536-2300 www.mjcnj.com January-February 2015 - Page 20 Congregation Ohev Shalom A Remembrance Tribute The following eulogy was presented by congregant, Dr. Stanley Mandel at the Veterans’ Day Shabbat Service. Nat Handlin – A Remembrance Tribute Veterans’ Day Shabbat Service Nathan Handlin, Nehemiah Ben Yosef, was born in Brooklyn in 1917. He came from a family where scholarship, education and commitment to Judaism were highly valued and respected. When newsman Tom Brokaw spoke of the Greatest Generation, he could have been describing Nat -- Soldier, Scholar, Patriot, Historian, Humanitarian, Devout Jew, Zionist, Gerontologist, proud Father and Grandfather. These are some of the attributes that describe the many sides of Nat Handlin. Once Nat told me about the book he wrote detailing his experiences in WWII. He said it so inconsequentially, that I found it hard to believe. Many of you know that Nat, because he spoke Yiddish, was involved, after the war, in the resettlement of Holocaust survivors in Israel, the United States, and Italy. I didn’t know Nat very well then and didn’t know about his many degrees -- Ph.D., MBA, MSW, LLB from Harvard. When Nat moved to Marlboro, he became the Township Historian. He wrote a book about the history of Marlboro Township and his shorter pieces about the history of Marlboro appeared in many township publications. I knew Nat as a Shabbat regular. If you came to services really early like 9 AM you would usually find Nat sitting out in the vestibule schmoozing with the other early birds. I remember when to mark the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah he chanted his Haftorah. His son, Joseph, has served as visiting cantor at some of our services and his son David, and his family, frequently attend services here. Nat was proud of them and was particularly proud of telling friends about his grandchildren’s accomplishments. You could always recognize his car in the MJC parking lot. I think it was a Buick, with a sign on the back saying “WW II I served!” He was proud of his time in the armed services and he was an active member of The Marlboro Chapter of Jewish War Veterans. Nat was a beloved member of our congregation. He was a soft-spoken quiet man and rarely spoke of his accomplishments and multiple degrees. It was usually, “Hi Nat”, and “Hi Stan.” I was never able to tell him how much his presence and participation at services meant to all of us. I hear it’s good to eat your food slowly and Nat must have been a proponent of that because at Shabbat Kiddish, Nat would still be eating long after everyone else had finished. We had some close calls right here during Shabbat services, when the First Aid Squad had to be called. Once, Nat was ill for several months and we were pretty worried. When he returned everything seemed just the way it should be. Nat Handin serves as an example of the best of The Greatest Generation and someone that we can only try to emulate. We are all richer for having known him. January-February 2015 - Page 21 Temple Topics Second Generation JOIN SECOND GENERATION WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS and encouraged to join. We want to hear your ideas, thoughts and visions. Second Generation strives to make sure that the Holocaust is never forgotten and that it will never happen again. Second Generation works towards expanding existing educational efforts about the history and lessons of the Holocaust, and the richness of Jewish life before the Second World War. If you are interested in joining or obtaining more information about Second Generation, please call the synagogue office at 732-536-2300 or contact me at 732972-0259. The American philosopher George Santayana has warned that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. Remembering can instill caution, fortify restraint, and protect against future evil or indifference. The sense of outrage in the face of the Holocaust expressed in the declaration “Never Again” - neither to the Jewish people nor to any other people - must be informed by an understanding of what happened and why. Linda, Sarah, David, Rachel and I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! Marvin Glickstein President – Second Generation Cemetery Seventy three years ago the darkest, most murderous It is always easier and to our moment of history was unleashed, and kinder the voices of loved were onesstill. if we planthose for voices the were freedom and justice Sadly, mute as Naziinevitable persecutionfar became increasingly in advance. Inintense, an widespread and systematic, culminating in a campaign effort to serve our congregational of extermination against Europe’s Jews. When the family, MJC is fortunate to have a slaughter was over, six million Jews had been killed. several sections with plots available Those who survived the killing camps tell us that as purchase at Beth Israel Cemetery many of thosefor people were being slaughtered, their last in Woodbridge, New Jersey. words were “Remember us. Remember us.” Cemetery It is always easier and kinder to our loved ones The Holocaust Remembrance was established The Cemetery isFund beautifully landscaped and well maintained. if we plan for the inevitable far in advance. In by Second Generation to promote awareness of the an effort to serve our congregational family, Holocaust. The fund was created to expand existing Plots can be secured by a deposit and may be paid for through a pre-arranged educational efforts about the history and lessons of the MJC is fortunate to have a several sections installment plan. Single, multiple or large family plots are available. We have Holocaust, and the richness of Jewish life before the with plots available for purchase at Beth plots well below the current market retail value. Second Worldpriced War. the The Holocaust Remembrance Israel Cemetery in Woodbridge, New Jersey. Fund was also used to create our Holocaust Memorial Please Center, contactwhich Bonnie at Marlboro Jewish wasKomito, dedicatedour onExecutive Director, for further information at The Cemetery is beautifully landscaped and April 18, 2004.732-536-2300 Donations to this Fund will be greatly or e-mail [email protected]. well maintained. appreciated. If there are any Holocaust survivors, descendants of survivors, and/or family members who possess artifacts or photos relating to the Holocaust or the period prior to or immediately after the Holocaust, we would appreciate it if you would contact us. Second Generation is involved in various programming and educational activities, including Kristallnacht, Yellow Candle and Yom HaShoah related programs. We are looking for new members. Everyone is invited January-February 2015 - Page 22 Plots can be secured by a deposit and may be paid for through a pre-arranged installment plan. Single, multiple or large family plots are available. We have priced the plots well below the current market retail value. Please contact Bonnie Komito, our Executive Director, for further information at 732-5362300 or e-mail [email protected]. Congregation Ohev Shalom Primetimers The Primetimers had a very innovative meetings and events this year. Speakers from the Office on Aging of Monmouth County offered information to seniors on various topics including how to keep your home safe and information about specialized physicians. The Office on Aging also offer counseling for financial problems and will answer any question pertaining to seniors. If their personnel cannot satisfy your requests you will be directed to the proper office. The phone number for the Office on Aging is 732-431-7450. Meridian Health Center has been a wonderful source for the speakers on many Health Issues. One of the speakers addressed sleep disorders, which was very helpful to many members. Dr. Natrali S. Patel certified in Family Medicine and Geriatric medicine was a speaker who shared information to seniors on how to exercise and have a proper diet in order to stay healthy. Dr. Patel was received with great enthusiasm and provided us with a wonderful program. On the same theme, we had a group of medical personnel from Bayshore Community Hospital who brought equipment to test our balance. From the testing we were offered information on how to improve balance, where to go for help and distributed graphic literature for us to follow. In November Rabbi Pont honored us by attending one of our meetings. He spoke about the disturbing opera, “Death of Klinghoffer,” which was performed at the Metropolitan Opera House. Much stimulating discussion followed with varied thoughts and opinions. Thank you Rabbi for the thoughtful program! On November 16, the Primetimers traveled to the Axelrod Theater in Deal to see a delightful performance of “Gypsy.” My advice to all is that you “shouldn’t overlook these performances at the Axelrod Theater.” Primetimers had their annual Chanukah Party on December 14th. We shared great food and enjoyed the entertainment. It was a unique event with “Ricki Penn,” an Israeli singer. It was a delightful afternoon. Fun was had by all. We look forward to having new member join our very friendly social group. We hope to see you in April. Wishing you a Very Happy and Healthy Winter and a Happy Secular New Year! Phoebe Dichner President of Primetimers January-February 2015 - Page 23 Temple Topics Parenting Parenting - for God and Love by Aryeh Ben David One of the most surprising things for me as a parent has been how different my kids are from me. I guess it was naïve - but I just thought it would have been natural for kids to be like their parents. Though one could point out that I have turned out very differently than my own parents. One of my kids says that he doesn’t believe in God. He would like to, but just doesn’t. How is that possible? His whole life he’s heard his father talk about the importance of having a personal relationship with God. We’ve done endless activities to foster a spiritual life: hikes in nature, camping out, planting a vegetable garden, learning, praying. But he says, “I’m just not there.” One of my kids says that she doesn’t believe in love. She says, “Love is an intellectual concept that we talk ourselves into.” trust. Humility - I›m just one piece of this much bigger process. Faith and trust - the Talmud says there are 3 partners in the creation of a child - the father, the mother, and God. I have faith and trust in the third partner. Back to my kids. More than believing in God, and more than believing in love, the educational message I wanted to convey to my kids has always been, “It’s your life. Live your authentic life. Don›t live the life that Abba or Imma want you to live. Listen to your soul and have the courage to be honest, vulnerable, and authentic.” Often I tell the kids, “I’m going to give you all of Abba’s wisdom in one sentence: The only thing you are in control of in life is your attitude.” I guess I have to start listening to my own advice - to take another look at my attitude - and celebrate that my kids are living their own path. Amen. How is that possible? Her whole life she has seen her parents still in the spring of their love. We have a home with lots of hugs, expressing emotions, celebrating each other. But she says, “I’m just not there.” How should I look at this? Should it break my heart that two of the most important life lessons that I wanted to give to my kids just didn›t get across? One of the first comments people make when a child is born is, “Does the baby look like the mother or father?” We assume an external physical resemblance. Subconsciously, we may also assume there to be an internal spiritual resemblance. But one of my favorite poets says that life begins at the juncture where the path we expect to take and the path God wants us to take collide. There is a mystery in parenting, so much that we are not in control of, so much that we do not see. We›re not clairvoyant. We don›t know how things are going to play out; we don›t know what the bigger picture is. For me, parenting is a lesson in humility, faith and January-February 2015 - Page 24 MJC Sisterhood Boutique News The MJC Boutique has beautiful Judaica, Houseware items and Jewelry perfect for gift giving or simply to decorate your own home! Get prepared for the holidays by stopping in and checking out our new inventory! Our new store hours are: Main Building Thursdays 11:30am to 1:30pm and Chai Building Sundays 9:00am - 11:30am. You can also contact Jackie Bernstein @ (917) 578-7876 or HYPERLINK “mailto:[email protected]” [email protected] to make arrangements for any purchases. We welcome suggestions for any items you would like to see stocked in the boutique! Congregation Ohev Shalom Marlboro Jewish Center Sisterhood is selling Mah Jongg Cards Please fill out the form below and send with payment to: MJC Sisterhood Att: Leslie Nitsberg 103 School Road West Marlboro, NJ 07746 732-972-1878 [email protected] Checks can be made out to MJC Sisterhood and must be in by January 20, 2015. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name _________________________________ Phone # ______________________________ Address __________________________ City ________________ State ___ Zip _______ # of cards ________ Standard Print –$8.00 # of cards ________ Large Print - $9.00 Please make a copy of this form for each person. The cards are mailed to address on this form from the Mah Jongg League in March 2015. January-February 2015 - Page 25 Temple Topics January-February 2015 - Page 26 Congregation Ohev Shalom January-February 2015 - Page 27 Temple Topics MJC Funds Youth Initiatives and Education Ilene Fleischer Memorial Fund Fromkin Family Fund Jerry Gulkis Fund Robert & Gabriella Kaldor Fund Jack Rifkin Scholarship Fund Carolyn Weil Memorial Fund Lauren Pruzan Fund Ritual Funds Prayer Book Torah Restoration Beit Midrash Lifelong Jewish Learning Funds Martin Wallack Am Yisrael Chai Holocaust Memorial Tikkun Olam Funds Shiva Minyan Theodore & Dora Steinkohl Social Action Synagogue Enhancement Funds Memorial Plaque Capital Improvement MJC Legacy Fund Ed Fleischer Memorial Fund (to be defined) Bereavement Group An Introduction to Lost & Found Bereavement Support The advancement of bereavement support groups can be attributed in no small part to feelings of commonality, which serve therapeutically for most individuals. The sharing of common experiences and feelings cannot develop in individual counseling. Group participants realize that they are not alone, that others have felt as they do and have moved to another plateau. Participants not only discus their feelings, but everyday issues that are common to each member of the group. Within the safety of the group, participants are exposed to various emotions; anger, sadness, disappointment, fear, loneliness, etc. and learn from each other. The MJC Lost and Found Bereavement Support group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Marlboro Jewish Center. The meetings for January and February are 1/13/15 and 2/10/15. For information call Rabbi Pont at MJC 732-536-2300. MJC Choir Rehearsals 2015 January 4, 11, 25 February 8, 22 March 1, 8, 15, 22 April 26 May 17, 31 June 14, 21 Our adult choir sings at special occasions and Friday night services after the Congregational dinner. I am also looking for new singers to join this wonderful group of people. Serving Marlboro - 40 Years 316 Tennent Road Morganville, NJ 07751 732-972-9100 Free Estimates January-February 2015 - Page 28 Congregation Ohev Shalom KOSHER ON Kosher Meals on Wheels Runs on Volunteers We are looking for volunteers to deliver meals to homebound seniors in Monmouth County. Currently, we are looking for volunteers in the Marlboro/Manalapan and Roosevelt areas. Meal pick-up is at Marlboro Jewish Center at 10:30am Monday through Friday. Call Joanne at 732-774-6886 Ext. 20 New Customer Special 20% OFF your 2nd order! January-February 2015 - Page 29 Temple Topics Contributions Beit Midrash Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Frieda Gerber by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schraer Celia Goldberg by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schraer Fromkin Family Community/Education Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Barry Kivor by Helen and Leo Kivor Mabel Goodman by Bette and Allen Strauss and Family Ilene Fleischer Memorial Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Samuel Bernstein by Steve and Pat Weines Sidney Bussell by Meryl Marshall In Memory of: Suzanne Green by Toby and Paul Elkin Edward Fleischer Memorial Fund: For the Yahrzeit of: Harry Weiner by Stephen and Pat Weiner Philip Kahan by Bonnie Wolf and Family Marion Liebman by Sylvia Fleischer In Memory of: Edward Fleischer by Natalie and Gordon Loeb In Honor Of: Mr. and Mrs. Burt Krauss’s granddaughter Samantha’s Bat Mitzvah Jerry Gulkis Memorial Fund In Memory of: Fannie Berg by Helene Gulkis Shelley Lipson by Helene Gulkis Holocaust Remembrance Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Jacob Felder by Esther Kaplan Lena Jaffe by Sylvia Jaffe Elsie Markus by Gloria Gelband Gloria Borenstein by Ralph Borenstein Sam Borenstein by Ralph Borenstein Robert and Gabriella Kaldor Memorial Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Rhoda Grossinger by Arnold Levine Helen Lustig by Sandy Levine Minnie Abel by Howard and Harriet Abel Czarna Sekler by Shirley, Vernon, Michael and Daniel Estriecher Paul Heitner by Joyce Heitner Ner Tamid Fund In memory of: Cynthia Simon Meckler by Hy and Arline Grossman Ethel Paltrowitz by Don, Marci, Jared, Scott and Brandon Bayer Lauren Pruzan Memorial Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Lola Hiatt by Ellen and Sam Haitt In honor of: Our grandchildren Gabe, Emma and Dane by Bubbe and Pap Pont January-February 2015 - Page 30 A Donation has been made to this fund by : Frank and Gail Veras Sheri and Mark Schneider Elissa Spiro Diane Resnick Shelley Schnier Marie-Louise Roy Judy and Paul Hochhauser In memory of: Edith Mosesman’s father by Nada Schmelzer Shiva/Chesed Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Ida Holzberg by Joan and Jerry Holzberg Lillian Glasberg by Esther Kaplan Pearl Wilheim by Eva Cobin Ida Nemeroff by Meryl and Barry Nemeroff Sylvia Madan by Carol and Jeffrey Madan and Family Lucille Blumenthal by Joy Feldman In Memory of: Cynthia Simon Meckler by Joan and Jerry Holzberg Cynthia Simon Meckler by Edie Seligman Theodore & Dora Steinkohl Social Action Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Mayer Grantz by Carl Grantz and Marilyn Grantz Beatrice Crystall by Leigh, Seth, Mariel and Cayla Crystall In Honor of: Ally Heller’s Bat Mitzvah by Michele and Jimmy Sacks Cindy Salant’s Birthday Merle and Fred Harris Torah Restoration Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Samuel Greenspan by Debra Vogel Irving Garfinkel by Gail and Cliff Harris Abe Serbin by Rise and Joel Samit Selma Serbin by Rise and Joel Samit Yetta Meschkow by Ruth and Jack Appel Tzedakah Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Bess Hertz by Howard Slade Julius Baskin by Neal Cohen Irma Rich and Leonard Leef by Harvey Rich Murray Citron by Beth, Larry, Jen and Sam Josephs Murray Citron by Andrew, Stacey, Morgan and Julia Citron Alex Goldfarb by Joel and Elaine Bornstein Ralph Silverberg by Sol and Shirley Silverberg Julius Silverberg by Sol and Shirley Silverberg Ida Silverberg by Sol and Shirley Silverberg Isidore Pinsker by Ethel Pinsker Bernard Shapiro by Claire Tanzer Lillian Greene by Sheila and Stanley Mandel Sarah Levine by Joan and Jerry Holzberg Samuel Levine by Joan and Jerry Holzberg Selma Lepson by Kasper Family Marvin Skowronek by Rita Sales Herbert Goldberg by Goldberg Family Jean Smith by Sheila Slade Max Cantos by David and Helaine Cantos Congregation Ohev Shalom Contributions Jacob Burinescu by Jack and Ruth Appel Naftali Rapaport by Adele Rapaport Seymour Kramer by Barbara and Norman Leiderman Jeffrey Arndt by Celeste and Monroe Arndt Sylvia Haft by Gerald and Andrea Haft Bina Leibel by Sol and Lee Leibel David Leibel by Sol and Lee Leibel Issac Leibel by Sol and Lee Leibel Malkah Leibel by Sol and Lee Leibel Miriam Leibel by Sol and Lee Leibel Sarah Leibel by Sol and Lee Leibel Shayndt Leibel by Sol and Lee Leibel Zayde Leibel by Sol and Lee Leibel Irving Garfinkel by Sue and Allen Holeman and Family Jack Schechter by Fred and Robyn Schechter Leo Schnitt by Fred and Robyn Schechter Murray Brown by Rochelle and Stuart Koch Fela Wisel by Hank and Shelley Wisel and Family Samuel Levy by Mark Levy Joseph Cains by Larry Cains In Memory of: Phyllis Lieboff by Sheila and Stanley Mandel Laurence Silfen by Shelley and Hank Wisel Roberta Green’s daughter Suzanne by Renee and Ronnie Dictrow Phyllis Lieboff by MJC Adult Choir Laurence Silfen by Shelley and Hank Wisel Dorothy Saltzman by Shirley and Sol Silverberg Phyllis Lieboff by Phoebe Dichner Phyllis Lieboff by Joan and Jerry Holzberg In Memory of Cynthia Simon Meckler: Susan and Neil Markowitz Barry and Iris Lurie Sandy and Larry Cains Ira and Loretta Lenner Bonnie and Stanley Komito Beth and Larry Josephs Mindy and Allen Grafstein Robin and Harvey Tuerack Mark Levy Leigh and Seth Crystall In honor of: Dr. Steven Eisler by Shirley and Sol Silverberg Sylvia Schechter’s granddaughter’s marriage by Phoebe Dichner Carol and Ed Marder’s granddaughter’s engagement by Rise and Joel Samit A Speedy recovery to Joni Polkowitz by Renee and Ronnie Dictrow Andy Tepper’s grandson’s Bar Mitzvah by Shelley and Stu Bernstein Phyllis Lieboff by Phyllis and David Strauss Eli Marshall Landau by Iris and Andrew Landau A speedy and complete Recovery of Miriam Borow by Phyllis and Harry Greenberg The engagement of Phoebe Dichner’s grandson by Gloria Gleband David Heiss by Marilyn and Howard Heiss Leonard Noe by Marilyn and Howard Heiss Carolyn Weil Memorial Fund In Memory of: Paula Kalina by Nat and Ronnie Weil Youth Discretionary Fund For the Yahrzeit of: Herbert Mautner by Iris, Jeff, Marissa and Seth Katz In Honor of: Robin and Jeff Sacks on Lenny Gartenberg’s Graduation With High Honors from Embry-Riddle University by Jay and Lori Solomon Myrna and Norman Barsky on Grandson’s Lenny Gartenberg’s graduation by Jay and Lori Solomon Lenny Gartenberg’s Graduation by Jay, Lori and Matt Solomon In Memory of: Cynthia Simon Meckler by Lori and Jay Solomon Yizkor Donation made by: Rose and Barry Julewicz Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of: Carl Steinberg by Amy and Joel Steinberg Harry Gorsky by Majorie Lasky Robbie Rosenwasser by The Gerstenfeld Family Kalman Eisenberg by Andrew Eisenberg Bela Eisenberg by Andrew Eisenberg Joy Fraum by Rita and Len Zimmerman Charles Eckstein by Rebecca Klein Harry Finkler by Cheryl and Ira Finkler Joseph Baum by Cherie Baum Fred Bergman by Mrs. Rosalind Levine Charles Whitman by Rhoda and Sheldon Whitman William Treiber by Sheryl and Sheldon Feinland Lillian Radzely by Jacqueline and Ed Radzely Philip Radzely by Jacqueline and Ed Radzely Cyril Jalon by Rita and Len Zimmerman Len Schwartz’s mother by Janet and Herb Pont Anne Beckerman by Al Beckerman Leon Rock by Steven, Caryn and Ben Rock Bernard Elfenbein by Lisa and Stu Elfenbein Regina Klepner by Anne Klepner In Honor of: The engagement of their son, Alex Waldman by Miriam and Robert Waldman Belle Kaplan’s granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah by Phoebe Dichner Cantor’s Discretionary Fund In Memory of: Ceil Krieger by Laura and Steve Landau Selma Plotkin by Tara, Howard, Sarah, Jake & Emma Plotkin William Treiber by Sheryl and Sheldon Feinland A Donation has been made to this fund by: Fran and Martin Pickus Ruth and Steven Nadler In Honor of: Their daughter, Ally’s Bat Mitzvah by Jodi and Steven Heller Martin Wallack Am Yisrael Chai Fund In Appreciation of Cantor Krieger by: Jodi and Steve Heller & Family For the Yahrzeit of: Our Parents by Ellen and Perry Saines January-February 2015 - Page 31 Temple Topics Yahrzeits - January December 27January 2 Murray Fine Mabel Goodman Mayer Grantz Emanuel Greenbaum Dorothy Handelsman Anne Kaplan Leona Littman Jean Meiterman Ruth Seckular Dora Topor Shirley Weiss Sam Caplan Arthur Feinman Bertrand Garsson Harry Kaplan Marni Joy Mandelbaum Ida Mordichutsz Irving Paltrowitz Harry Rosenberg Aaron Seligman Helen Siegelwax Lillian Klabanoff Murray Levinowitz Elias Leyzerovicz Ida Lichtenstein Millie Munzer Lauren Nachmani Hyman Seckular Louis Shor David Solomon Philip Best Michael Eisner Seymour Klemas Regina Klepner Pearl Sherman Sol Sherman Betty Weiner Gertrude Averack Kenneth Chalal Marvin Cooper Sidney Homer Hyman Kashin Abraham Kipnis Bella Sales Morris Skoler Louis Weinger Anne Beckerman Ronald Ginsberg Lillian Glasberg Jenny Goldstein Samuel Jacobs Seymour Kramer Bessie Levine Julius Mendelowitz Morris Sherman Philip Ende Selma Goldfine Frances Kahan Aaron Lieberman Sylvia Madan Nicky Robbins Adolph Sherwin Lillian Shlichtman Mollie Tannenzoph January 3January 9 Rubin Breadbar Dora Damsky Howard Lande Jack Sandrowitz Mark Schachter Morris Dictrow Evelyn Gilberg Irwin Goodman Benjamin Newman Ruth Perlow Rosa Rosenthal Joseph Sturm Herbert Fox Marvin Friedman Beatrice Weissman Furth Joseph Goldberg Morris Greenberg Charles Held Roberta Kamen Irving Kamlet Anna Kattleman Elsie Katz William Keith Philip Rhines Eleanor Schneider January-February 2015 - Page 32 Frieda Shaw Clara Steinkohl Isidor Abrams Sylvia Doyno Hilda Ende Philip Fishman Seymour Fruchtman Bruce Prebut Sadie Sokoloff Meyer Gellis Louis Graff Ted Gursky Estelle Leventhal David Lipschitz Heishke Lupyan Max Pasternak Gertrude Weidenbaum Morris Fishkin Abraham Kattleman Jacob Kominik Morris Kugelmas Ida Nemeroff Herbert Orloff Rubin Perlow Sadie Rankowitz Pearl Wilheim Trude Forst Irving Kuschuk Harold Lipshitz Sonia Reiff Louis Ringel Nathan Stein Esther Sternberg Felix Bellman Blanche Lazar Paul Press Donald Seliber Herman Silverman Morris Steiman Seymour Zwisohn Sol Eckstein Ben Etter Joe Greenfield Louis Haft Rose Joslowitz Ray Lurie Myra Mautner Philip Parker Jessie Futerman Charles Goodman Sidney Goodman Norma Werbin Daniel Diamond Gerson Centnarski January 10Alyssa Friedman January 16 Arthur Grover Neil Brandfonbrener Lillian Kulick Sidney Brier Murray Lefkowitz Samuel Gelber Samuel Miller Anne Hochstein Herbert Sachs Irving Libenson Stanley Sachs Max Manning Rose Rothman January 17Frieda Sharnak January 23 Blanche Klapper Irving Bookstaver Max Lewin-Epstein David Gottfurcht Rose Liebman Cecelia Heller Claire Margulies Abe Lipski Abraham Schmidt Lillian Novison Czarna Sekler Philip Rubin Evelyn Shelinsky Annie Sturm William Walsh Sam Kaplan Evelyn Abramson Esther Knepper Gertrude Feldstein Isidore Miller Eric Olesinski Bessie Rogers Morton Tyson Anna Waldman Max Abramson Max Amster David Goldberg Isidore Kornfeld Bertram Levitan Lilyan Madnick Eva Schwartz Eleanor Shechter Ethel Shor Leon Weisman Theodore Bass Helen Cweibel Isidore Eisen Dinah Gaswirth David Horowitz Celia Lefkowitz Virginia Mattenson Morris Matza Kathy Stoppelo Leo Wisel Fred Amada Selma Fishman Ralph Leventhal Freda Libenson David Metzger Elizabeth Lichter Florence Palant Sara Perman Jerome Poons Carl Rader Edythe Wiser Paul Anslow Doris Bloom Frieda Debowsky Beatrice Garfinkel Pearl Granoff George Holz Jerome Levine Shari Ellen Luzzi Max Ratner January 24January 30 Milli Friedemann Congregation Ohev Shalom Yahrzeits - January-February Louis Klieger Jack Koshefsky Michael La Roza Albert Minken Evelyn Ozer Bernard Shapiro Louise Trencher Ada Feinstein Harold Glassman Barney Rothberg Irving Turkel Shirley Berkowitz Louis Feldstein Charles Goldberg Pamela Miller Sonia Richman Herman Rosenfeld Jay Rosoff Jacob Starr Nissim Swissa Daniel Yankowitz Claire Eisner Jonas Greenhut Rose Kalmanson Julius Levy Richard Melnick Rose Pickus Hana Pilcz Leonard Rappaport Jerome Reiferson Morris Schreiber Sheila Zimel Esther Bernstein Lewis Brooks Hortense Forst Ethel Kagan Jack Karten Anna Madnick Harold Reiff Mary Rosen Sam Salman Sylvia Samit Marilyn Solomon Abraham Spektor Anna Kessler David Stoller January 31February 6 Martin Cohen Sidney Eckstein Doris Geduld Sidney Greenstein Sylvia Kirsch Mollie Kirschner Iris Polly Rose Weisselberg Edward Wiener Irving Metzger Benjamin Sable Melvin Schaeffer Joseph Weiner Betsy Clair Charlotte Goldfinger Samuel Klau Samuel Munzer Yetta Post Solomon Rosen Elaine Sivin Mildred Steinberg Richard Urofsky Miriam Bergman Harold Goldfine Adam Ross Greenbaum Frances Heiss Louis Meyerson Walter Miller Pearl Poons Jeffrey Rintel Herman Shapiro Hyman Slepian Bernice Stober Anna Altshuler Leonard Bernstein Murray Harris Barry Kushner Jules Lichtenstein Henry Magid Leon Meller Max Schwartz Kurt Singer Ida Abel Chana Barbanel Berek Engel Sheila Lederman Saul Salant Shirley Schwartz Florence Stallon Riva Zarachov Mira Berber Sol Bultz Morris Colchamiro Davis Eckstein Miriam Decker Leo Feinstein Brian Feldman Mae Goldsmith Benny Harnick Milton Isenburger Florence Kamras Reva Libin Myra Melnick Eva Negrin Helen Rindenau Simon Roffe’ Ida Schneider Irving Segal Lily Shulder Sara Stearn Abraham Zide Abraham Zlobinsky February 7February 13 Mercedes Ben-Isvy Bella Deutsch Morris Gelband Josef Reiff Milton Abel Ellen Aumiller Anne Bach Rachele Greenfield Philip Lesof Sidney Levy Beatrice Stein Zelda Yaged Robert Altman Alice Bober Alexander Bogus Harry Hochstein Moses Katz Jaclyn Manning Susan Natt Mildred Rosenthal William Shlinger Irwin Weiner Ann Weinstein Sylvia Berkowitz Benjamin Ratner Claire Sharfstein David Weintraub Fay Ayman Philip Barocas Norma Cohen Moses Katz David Mertuta Howard Seigel Saul Smollik Eric Stamm Meyer Feinstein William Orange Harriet Pitchon Joseph Simons George Singer Irving Betesh Berek Engel Helen Brandwein Louis Cooperman Philip Fox Joseph Kaminowitz Saul Leitner Julius Macnow Beverly Markowitz Ernest Mayer Abraham Perman Sophie Schifrin Sarah Zinger February 14February 20 Sheri Brown Rose Feldler Sylvia Galansky Abraham Goldberg Jack Greenberg William Griess Sylvia Lerner Murray Marks Max Singer Rhoda Singer Irving Bluberg Harry Blumenstein Joel Siegel Jean Warshaw Stephen Zucker Milton Caster Fanny Goldberg Toby Goldberg Moses Liebman Lillian Racker Sadie Sonnenstein Robert Storch Sarah Tucker Etta Vogel Esther Weingarten Kitty Zimmerman Pearl Cohen Joseph Horn Ida Kortmansky Stanley Rosenthal Seymour Ackerman Faye Margolies Ida Nissenbaum Gary Rebold Rose Siskel Dora Steinkohl Bessie Gelband Rose Goldberg Berl & Cipa Kaplan Anne Romanoff Max Schulman Ben Teitelbaum Perle Yuro Sophie Felder Carrie Franklin Nathan Holzberg Walter Isaacson Irving Kreppel Mervin Kucine Belle Rappaport Rebecca Scheinhartz Harry Shaw Abraham Shlichtman January-February 2015 - Page 33 Temple Topics Yahrzeits - February-March Helena Salzer Arleen Sternfeld Bessie Alexander Samuel Elbaum Carl Gutterman Joseph Kaplan Andrea Landau February Szyja Mandelbaum 21-February 27 Rose Rieman Ida Cohen Bella Sheinberg Ben Drucker Marion Kumer Sidney Felsen Florence Saines Frieda Friedman Joseph Kuppersmith Sam Antwork Sarah Brown Celina Lieberman Evelyn Epstein Ceil Slater Ethel Kerchman Louis Tepper Herbert Kirsch Herbert Aber Sam Kortmansky Jennie Bookstaver Rose Kuschuk Lena Landsman Ed Padnis Katherine Baum Jack Rifkin Estelle Broman Sam Rog Anna Held Mary Ellen Slade Ethel Korn Louis Sturm Louis Pickus Leon Kluge Nathan Spindel Alfred Sekler Jack Urowsky Ruth Wolf Bina Woldbrom Mollie Leiderman Sophie Altman Hannah Plisner Freddy Buchner Annette Rosenbloom Albert Chaiken Olga Glazer Sanford Epstein Arlene Rankowitz Anna Goldstein George Schindler Joseph Granofsky Leonard Simon Sidney Kaplowitz Seymour Kirschner Adrienne Weissman Irwin Abramson Harry Blitz Lawrence Engel Alexander Itzkin Leo Schanker Ruth Moss Louis Shuman Alfred Bergstein Stella Finz Doris Heller Leah Kalmanowitz Louis Lefkowitz February 28Morton Moslowitz March 6 Lester Rosen Hannah Alter Lester Burger Joseph Cohen Milton Danzig Sophie Felsen Rhoda Davila Morris Heiko Max. S. Farb Esther Kleinkopf Dr. Robert Kronstein Lewis Glickstein Moe Shapiro Joseph Langer Dorothy Simbal Louis Nachitowitz Esther Sincoff Anna Orange Jacob Weingarten Sylvia Robin Rebecca Zabrowsky Morris Schwartz William Braunstein Harvey Abbott Martin Chorost Sam Abramowitz Morris Fine Martin Dichner Sidney Gurtman Florence Freling Helen Herman Morton Gershman Endre Klein Rose Goldfarb Laurence Hausman George Meller Abraham Sales Fanny Stein Stanley Stein Wynette Delson Julian Wolf Pauline Dunkel Audri Diamond Benjamin Finkel Joan Hoffman Samuel Futerman Stanley Kornhauser David Gladstone Gladys Krupnick Betty Handwerker Sam Rosenblatt Martin Horowitz Rose Tuchman Albert Lipowitz Sylvia Kushel Irwin Tarr Harry Hirsch William Volusher Sadie Goldfarb Harry Udasin Melvin Cohn Dorothy Freundel Lee Kirschner Lillian Salman Jack Solomon Sylvia Friedman Gladys Grantz Simon Kaplowitz Ruth Stein Gail Jaeger Garrett Hoffer David Kaplan Reda Lindenbaum Gabriel Radoskowitz Milton Schultz Sam Shebitz Pearl Steier Rachel Donowitz Ida Elfant Ruth Greenspan Benjamin Baumgarten Morris Brownstein Sylvia Lipnick Stephen Raskob Andrew Schauman Upon Kindling The Yahrzeit Candle O God, Source of life and love, we turn to You at this time of remembering, As we light this candle in memory of our departed. In Your Keeping, the soul of our beloved still glows, As brightly as the “heavenly firmament.” Truly, “the human soul is the light of the Lord.” By Your light, may we who lovingly remember see light: And may the memory of our departed abide with us, as a lasting benediction. January-February 2015 - Page 34
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