From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. Inhibiting Interleukin-l and Tumor Necrosis Factor-a Does Not Reduce Induction of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type-l by Endotoxin in Rats In Vivo By J.J. Emeis, R. Hoekzema, and A.F. d e Vos In experimental animals and humans, intravenous (IV) injection of endotoxin induces large increases in circulating plasminogen activator inhibitor type-l (PAI-l), a major inhibitor of blood fibrinolysis. A similar increase is seen after the injection of interleukin-l (IL-l)or oftumor necrosisfactor-a (TNFa),suggesting that these cytokines mediate the induction, by endotoxin, of PAI-1.To test this hypothesiswe pretreated rats, before IV endotoxin, with compounds that inhibit the formation of cytokines (pentoxifylline; dexamethasone), or with compounds that inhibit the action of these cytokines (anti-TNF antiserum for TNF-a; IL-l receptor antagonist for IL-l). Noneof these pretreatments affected the induction of PAL1 synthesis by endotoxin. However, pretreatment did reduce the endotoxin-induced increase in plasma tPA antigen concentration. Thus, the data suggest that, in rats in vivo, TNF-a and IL-l are not significantly involved in the induction of PAI-1 by endotoxin. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. P nant human IL-lP (lo8 U/mg; a gift from Dr S. Gillis, Immunex, Seattle, WA) was diluted to 2 pg/mL. Recombinant mouse TNF-a, rabbit-antimouse TNF-a antiserum, and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit for mouse TNF-a were obtained from Genzyme (Boston, MA). Recombinant human IL-l receptor antagonist (IL-lra; a gift from Dr D.E. Tracey, The Upjohn CO,Kalamazoo, MI) was diluted to 1 mg/mL. Pentoxifylline (Trental) was from Hoechst AG (Wiesbaden, Germany), and was used as supplied (20 mg/mL). Dexamethasone (Sigma) was first dissolved in ethanol ( I O mg/mL), and then diluted to 1 mg/mL in saline. Recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator (PA; Activase) was from Genentech(San Francisco, CA). Recombinant rat JMI-229 tPAZ6was a gift from Dr S.D. Prior (Porton Developments Ltd. Salisbury, UK). Rabbit-antirat tPA IgG and rat Lz tPA have been described prev i o u ~ l y Rabbit-antirat .~~ PAI-l IgG was obtained from American Diagnostica (Greenwich, CT). Biotine, avidin-peroxidase, and tetramethylbenzidine were from Pierce (Rockford, IL). Animal experimentation. Male Wistar rats (200 to 250 g body weight) were obtained from the Broekman Institute (Someren, The Netherlands). All experiments were performed under Nembutal anaesthesia (60 mgkg, intraperitoneally). Injections were administered into the vein of the penis. Blood was obtained by aortic puncture into precooled syringes, and anticoagulated with 0.13 m o a trisodium citrate (1 v01to 9 v01of blood). Platelet-poor plasma was immediately prepared at 4°Cby centrifugation for 10 minutes at 2,00Og, and stored at -20°C. Serum was prepared for 30 minutes at 37°C and 30 minutes at 4”C, followed by centrifugation for 10 minutes at 2,0008. Animal experiments had been approved by the Animal Experiments Committee of The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO, and were in accordance with the guidelines on animal experimentation presented to the International Committee of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.” Experimental design. Rats were injected with a compound under study, followed-after an interval of 30 to 60 minutes, as detailed LASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) is one of the plasma factors that determine the plasminogen activating potential of blood. Thus, increased blood levels of this inhibitor are likely to reduce blood fibrinolysis and thrombolysis, making PAI-1 a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease and thromb~embolism.”~ Many types of insult will induce increased levels of plasma PAI-1 activity, examples of which are sepsis, surgery, and trauma.”6 Gram-negative endotoxemia, both experimentally7.’ andclinical1y?-l6 strongly increases the plasma level of PAI-1 in humans. In previous studies, we1’-’’ and other^^^'^-'^ have shown that the injection of low doses of endotoxin into experimental animals will induce large and rapid increases of circulating PAI-1, due to de novo synthesis of PAI-l.24 As a corollary to these studies we have shown that the endotoxin-induced cytokines interleukin-la (IL-1a),I7 IL-1P,l9 and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-cY)~~ will also increase plasma PA1 activity in rats. In combination, these observations suggested to us that the endotoxin-induced increase in PAI-1 activity might be mediated by endotoxin-induced cytokines, especially IL- 1 and TNF-a. To test this hypothesis we pretreated rats either with compounds that prevent the synthesis and/or secretion of cytokines (dexamethasone, pentoxifylline) or with compounds that inhibit the effects of cytokines ( L 1 receptor antagonist for IL-1; anti-TNF antiserum for TNF-a), and measured the subsequent endotoxin-induced increase in PAI. We also measured tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) antigen levels in these rats, because tPA is known to be increased as well after endotoxin injection. The increase in PA1 activity was not affected byany of these treatments, whereas the increase in tPA antigen was. We propose that, contrary to our hypothesis, the endotoxin-induced cytokines IL-1 and TNF-a are not significantly involved in the induction of PAI-1 by endotoxin. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials. Endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide [LPS], from Escherichia coli serotype 0128:B12; Sigma, St Louis, MO) was dissolved in sterile saline to a concentration of 10 pg/mL. All other compounds were dissolved in sterile saline containing 1% (wdvol) sterile, pyrogen-free human serum albumin (Central Laboratory of the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Recombinant human TNF-a (2.5 X lo7 U/mg protein; a gift from Dr W. Fiers, Biogent, Gent, Belgium) was diluted to 10 pg/mL. RecombiBlood, Vol 85, No 1 (January l ) , 1995: pp 115-120 From Gaubius Laboratory TNO-PG, Leiden; and Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Submitted January 4, 1994; accepted September l , 1994. Presented in part at the XIthInternational Congress on Fibrinolysis (Copenhagen, Denmark, 1992). Address reprint requests to J.J. Emeis, PhD, Gaubius Laboratory TNO-PG, PO Box 430, 2300 AK Leiden, The Netherlands. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8501-001I $3.Oo/O 115 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. EMEIS, HOEKZEMA, A N D DE VOS 116 Table 1. Effect of Pretreatment With Pentoxifylline or Dexamethasone on the Induction of TNF-a by Endotoxin TNF-a (pg/mL) Pretreatment Saline Pentoxifylline Dexamethasone LPS No controls Individual Data Geometric Mean 45,640 28,958 19,281 11,486 770 1,430 992 693 489 339 1,094 307 248 278 <50 < 50 Rats (four per group) were pretreated with pentoxifylline 20,474 (50 mgi kg IV, 1 hour before LPS), or with dexamethasone(2 mg/kg intraperitoneally, 2 hours before LPS), and subsequently injected with LPS (10 pg/kg). Serumfor thedetermination of TNF-u concentrations was obtained 1 hour after LPS injection. For the determination of TNF-a, see Materials and Methods. nificantly reduced serumTNF-a levels(measured I hour after LPS) from a mean value of 20,500 pg/mL in salinepretreated rats to 770 pg/mL (4% of controls) in pentoxifylline-pretreated rats, and to 339 pg/mL (2% of controls) in 1). At 3hoursafter dexamethasone-pretreatedrats(Table LPS,mean (n = 3) serum TNF-a valueswere 132 pg/mL in saline-pretreatedrats and133pg/mL in pentoxifyllinepretreatedrats,whereas no TNF-a wasdetected in dexamethasone-pretreated animals. Closely similar values were found when TNF-a levels were determined by ELISA, using anELISAkit for mouse TNF-a which also measures rat TNF-a (data not shown). Effect oj' LPS on plasma PAI activity. LPS ( 10 ,ug/kg) induced, as we described p r e ~ i o u s l y , ' ~a ~ large ~ " increase in plasma PA1 activity. In the present study, the plasma PA1 activity averaged, in all saline-pretreated animals combined, 12 1 U/mL at 3 hours after LPS injection, representing a 25fold increase over the baseline level of 4 to 6 U/mL. The identification of the increasedinhibitoryactivityas PAI-I activity has been described,'"24and couldin the present study be confirmed by quenching the LPS-inducedactivity by rabbit-antirat PAI-l IgG (not shown). Effect ofpentoxihlline and dexamethasone on PAI induction b y LPS. Pretreatmentwithpentoxifylline (20, 50, or 100 mg/kg IV, 1 hour before LPS) had no effectonthe induction of PA1 by LPS. Saline-pretreated animals had PA1 levels of 134 5 33 U/mL (mean +- SD; n = 9); pentoxifylline-pretreatedratshad PA1 levels of I18 2 I8 U/mL for pentoxifyllineat 20 mg/kg(n = 5 ) ; 123 +- 13 U/mLfor pentoxifylline at 50 mg/kg (n = 4); and 1 1 I 2 21 U/mL for pentoxifylline at 100 mg/kg (n = 4). These differences were not significant by one-way ANOVA. Injection of only pentoxifylline didnot affect plasma PA1 activity,as we described previously.3'Acute pretreatment with dexamethasone (2 mg/kg intraperitoneally 2 hours before LPS) had no effect on the induction of PA1 by LPS (Table 2), nor did subchronic pretreatment with dexamethasone ( 2 mg/kg intraperitoneally, once daily for 4 days) (Table 2 ) . Corticosterone had no effect either (Table2). Dexamethasone alone(without LPS) increased PA1 activity about twofold.24 below-by the intravenous (IV) injection of LPS( I O pgikg), recombinant human TNF-a (10 pgkg), or recombinant human IL-lp (1 pgikg). Bloodfortheassayof PAI-lactivity was obtained 3 hours'7.'*later. To assess the effect of pretreatment on the induction of TNF-a by LPS, rats were bled 1 hour after LPS. TNF-a assay. TNF-a concentrations were determined in serum by a cytotoxicity assay, usinga subclone of the WEHI 164/13 mouse fibrosarcoma cell line as the indicator cell, essentially as described by EspevikandNissen-Meyer."Theassaywascalibratedusing recombinant mouse TNF-a, and had a lower limit of sensitivity of l pg/mL. Rat serum samples were assayed at dilutions of l:lO, SO, 250,and1,250. In theserumsamplesTNF-awasspecificallydetected at levels 250 pg/mL. PA1 assay. PlasmaPA1concentrationsweredetermined in appropriately diluted plasma by titration with human recombinant tPA (Activase), followed by determination of the residual tPA activity, as described by Verheijen et al."' Results will be expressed as units (U) per milliliter, 1 U/mL being equivalent to 1 ngoftPA inhibited per mL of plasma. tPA antigen assay. RattPAantigenwasdetermined by an ELISA, as follows. Microtiter plates were coated with rabbit-antirat tPA IgGZ7(4 pg/mL in carbonate buffer, pH = 9.0) overnightat 4°C andwashed.Samples(dilutedinphosphate-bufferedsaline[PBS] containing 5 mg/mL casein) wereincubatedovernightat 4°C and washed. Bound tPA was subsequently quantitated using biotinylated Table 2. Effect of Dexamethasone and Corticosteroneon the rabbit-antirattPA IgG, followedby avidin-peroxidase and tetramethInduction of Plasma PA1 Activity by Endotoxin ylbenzidine. Rat tPA purified from Lz cells (0.5 to 4.0 ng/mL) was used as standard. The rat Lz tPA had been calibrated against recombiPA1 Activity (U/mL) No. of Rats nant rat JMI-229 tPA.2bResults will be expressed as nanograms of 8 111 t- 28 Ethanol controls rat tPA per milliliter. 102 2 24 8 Dexamethasone* Statistics. Statisticalsignificance of differences betweengroups 133 i 11 8 Ethanol controls will be analysed by Student's t-test, or by one-wayANOVA fol97 t 24 8 Dexamethasonet lowed by Bonferroni's modified t-test,as indicated. Differences will 105 -C 11 5 Ethanol controls be considered significant if P (two-sided) < .OS. 112 t- 16 5 Corticosterone* RESULTS Effect of pentoxihlline and dexamethasone on TNF-a induction. A pilot experiment (not shown) demonstrated that peak TNF-a levels were found 1 hour after the injection of in LPS ata dose of 10 pgkg. No TNF-a was detectable saline-injected controls. Pretreatment of rats with pentoxifylline (50 m g k g IV 1 hour before LPS), or with dexamethasone (2 m g k g intraperitoneally2hours before LPS), sig- All data shown are mean 2 SD. Rats were pretreated with corticosteroids as indicated, followed by LPS (10 pg/kg IV). Plasma for PA1 determinations was obtained 3 hours after LPS.For further details, see Materials and Methods. No significant differences betweentreatment and control groups were present. * Dexamethasone 2 mg/kg intraperitoneally, daily for 4 days before LPS (10 pg/kg IV). t Dexamethasone 2 mg/kg intraperitoneally, 2 hours before LPS. + Corticosterone 50 mg/kg intraperitoneally, 2 hours before LPS. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 117 LPS, PAI-1,ANDCYTOKINES Table 3. Effect of Anti-TNF Antiserum, Interleukin-l-Receptor Antagonist, or Both, on PA1 Induction 1. Saline, then LPS 2. Control rabbit serum, then LPS 3a. Anti-TNF antiserum (0.1 mL), then LPS 3b. Anti-TNF antiserum (0.3 mL), then LPS 4a. IL-lra (1 mg/kg), then LPS 4b. IL-lra (4 mg/kg), then LPS 5. Anti-TNF (0.1 mL) plus IL-lra (1 mglkg), then LPS 6. Control rabbit serum, then TNF 7a. Anti-TNF antiserum (0.1 mL), then TNF 7b. Anti-TNF antiserum (0.3 mL), then TNF 8. Saline, then IL-l 9a. IL-lra (1 mg/kg), then IL-l 9b. IL-lra (4 mg/kg), then IL-l PA1 Activity WmL) No. of Rats 131 2 45 10 1452 5 4 136 2 57 4 113; 141 154 2 32 133; 148 2 4 2 156 2 8 4 52 -c 7 4 30 2 4 4 5; 8 16 -C 2 10 2 1 5; 6 All data shown are mean 2 SD, or individualvalues of two animals. No significant differences were present between groups 1-5 by oneway ANOVA. Group 6 was significantly different from group 7a. and group 8 from group 9a. by Student‘s t-test. Rats were pretreated with anti-TNF antiserum (0.1 or 0.3 murat), with control rabbitserum (0.1 murat), with IL-Ira (1 or 4 mg/kg), or with saline, followed by either LPS (10 pg/kg), recombinant human TNF-a (10 pg/kg), or recombinant human IL-1/3 (1 pgikg).Rats were killed 3 hours after LPS, TNF or IL1. For further details, see Materials and Methods. Effect of anti-TNF antiserum, IL-I receptor antagonist (IL-Ira), or both, on PAI induction by LPS. Pretreatment of rats with an antimouse-TNF antiserum (0.1 mL/rat) had no significant effect on the induction of PA1 by LPS, compared to pretreatment with control rabbit serum (Table 3). Higher doses of the antiserum (0.15 or 0.3 mUrat, n = 2 per dose) had noeffect either (Table 3). The anti-TNF antiserum did reduce, though, the induction ofPA1 activity by recombinant human TNF-a, inhibiting partially at a dose of 0.1 mL/rat and fully at a dose of 0.3 mL/rat (Table 3). At a dose of 1 mgkg, recombinant human IL-lra significantly inhibited the induction of PAI-l activity by recombinant human IL-Ip (1 & k g ) , whereas at a dose of 4 mgkg the receptor antagonist fully inhibited the induction by IL-1p (Table 3). In contrast, IL-lra did not affect the induction of PA1by LPS at all (Table 3). Combined pretreatment with anti-TNF and IL-lra had no effect on the induction of PA1 by LPS either (Table 3). Additive effects of TNF-a and IL-IP. To see whether residual circulating levels of one cytokine would potentiate the other, rats (two per group) were injected with TNF-a (10 & k g ) with or without simultaneous injection of a small dose of IL-lp (0.1 pgkg), or with only IL-1p (0.1 Fgkg). No potentiating effect on PA1 induction was observed: TNFa alone gave PA1 activities of 18 and 20 U/mL; IL-1p alone 8 and 11 U/mL; TNF-a plus IL-lp 19 and 20 U/&. Sirni- larly, no potentiation of IL-lp (1 & k g ) by a small dose of TNF-a (1 pgkg) was seen: IL-1p alone gave PA1 activities of 25 and 25 U/mL; TNF-a alone 12 and 13 U/mL; IL-lp plus TNF-a 30 and 38 U/mL. IL-lp (1 & k g ) plus TNF-a (10 & k g ) gave 35 and 42 U/mL. These data suggest that the combined effect of IL-1p and TNF-a is additive rather than synergistic. This makes it unlikely that residual amounts of TNF-a activity [remaining after anti-TNF treatment) would potentiate IL-lp, or that residual L - l p activity (after IL-lra treatment) would potentiate TNF-a. The effect of TNF-a on PAI-1 was linearly related to the injected dose of TNF-a over the dose-range 0.5 to 60 , & k g (n = 9; r = .895; P < .01). Changes in tPA antigen concentrations. LPS induced a time-dependent increase in tPA antigen (Fig l), preceding the induction of PA1 which commences only after 1 hour.” Increases in tPA antigen of a magnitude similar to that induced by LPS were found at 3 hours after the injection of IL-1p and TNF-a (Table 4). The tPA increase after LPS was partly inhibited by pentoxifylline, dexamethasone, antiTNF antiserum, and IL-l-ra (Table 4). Similarly, anti-TNF antiserum and IL-l-ra partly inhibited the tPA increase induced by, respectively, TNF-a and IL-lp (Table 4). Inhibition was not complete, presumably because the high PA1 levels in the circulation caused the formation of more tPAPA1 complexes, which are cleared from the circulation more slowly than uncomplexed tPA.32 DISCUSSION This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the induction of PAI-l by endotoxin is mediated by the cytokines TNF-a and/or IL-1. This hypothesis originated from two sets of observations. Firstly, the observation that endotoxin, a potent inducer of PAI-1, is also a potent inducer in vivo of IL-1 and TNF-a. Secondly, the observation that both cytokines will increase PAL1 in vivo. IL-la and p have been shown to induce PAL1 in rats,”*19whereas TNF-a g.60 0.00 t A I ’ 0 / 30 60 /l I I 90 120 150 160 time (min) Fig1. Time course of tPA antigen concentrations in rat plasma after the IV injection of LPS (10 pglkgl. Data shown are mean 2 SD of four animals, or single values of two animals (at 30 and 90 minutes). tPAantigenwasdeterminedasdescribedinMaterialsand Methods. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 118 EMEIS, HOEKZEMA, AND DE VOS Table 4. Effect of Pretreatment on Endotoxin-Induced tPA Antigen Levels tPA Antigen (ngimL1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Saline-treated control rats Saline, then LPS Normal rabbit serum, then LPS Pentoxifylline, then LPS Dexamethasone, then LPS Anti-TNF antiserum, then LPS IL-lra, then LPS Control rabbit serum, then TNF Anti-TNF antiserum, then TNF Saline, then IL-l IL-lra, then IL-l 2.4 8.1 8.4 6.2 6.3 6.3 5.8 5.7 3.2 6.2 3.6 i- 0.2 i- 2.5 i- 3.0 t 1.5 ? 1.2 ? 1.3 2 1.8 -+ 0.3 i- 0.1 i- 1.0 f 0.3 No. of Rats 4 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 All data shown are mean 2 SD. Groups 2-7 were not significantly different by one-way ANOVA. When groups 2 and 3 and groups 4-7 v pretreated) were combined, the two new groups (non-pretreated were significantly different by Student‘s t-test(P< .01). Group 8 was significantly different from group 9, and group 10 from group 11, b y Student‘s t-test ( P < .05).Rats were pretreated with saline, control rabbit serum (0.1 murat), pentoxifylline (50 mg/kg IV), dexamethasone (2 mg/kg intraperitoneally), anti-TNF antiserum (0.1 murat), or IL-Ira (1 mg/kg), followed by either LPS (10 pg/kg), recombinant human TNF-(U (10 pg/kg), or recombinant human IL-ID (1 pg/kg). Rats were killed 3 hours after LPS,TNF, or IL-l. For further details, see Materials and Methods. has been shown to induce PAI-I in mice,’? rat^,'"^^^'^ and humans.35-3K However, the present study provided no support for our hypothesis: all four procedures meant to interfere with the production and/or action of cytokines (pretreatment with pentoxifylline, dexamethasone, anti-TNF antiserum, or IL-I receptor antagonist) all failed to reduce the induction of PAL1 by endotoxin. Pentoxifylline inhibitstheinduction,byendotoxin, of TNF-a synthesis by inhibiting the transcription of TNF-a mRNA.” It is effective in all species tested, including humans:’ ~ h i m p a n z e e , ~ ” ~ ’ and rat.43 In this study, it inhibited the induction of TNF-a by 96%(Table l), but failed to affect the induction of PAI-I by endotoxin. Dexamethasone, which inhibits thetranslation of TNF-a mRNA? also inhibited the induction of TNF-a (by 98%, Table l), in agreement with a study in rats which used a similar dosage regimen?’ But, like pentoxifylline, dexamethasone had no effect on PA1 induction (Table 2 ) . In addition, an antimurine-TNF antiserum that also inhibits rat TNF-a had no effect onPA1 induction, though it fully inhibited the induction of PA1 by (human) TNF-a (Table3). All in all,thesedatashowedthat blocking the synthesis (pentoxifylline, dexamethasone), or the effect (anti-TNFantiserum) of TNF-a did not affect the induction of increased PAI- 1 synthesis by endotoxin. Similar to TNF-a, IL-lP is induced in rats by albeit moreslowly,peak levels being obtained only at 5 hours after endotoxin ie, after the peak level of PAL1 has been reached (at 3 to 4 hours”). Dexamethasone also inhibits, as for TNF-a, the induction of IL-1 activity4’ and of IL-l mRNA,4* via effects on translation and secret i ~ n . ~Pentoxifylline ’ is not known to reduce the induction of IL-I .”) To block the effects of IL-I, we used an IL- 1 receptor antagonists’.52 that effectively inhibits ILI -induced effects in variety a of species,s3 including However, no effect on PAI- 1 induction like dexamethasone, IL- 1 ra had by endotoxin in this study, though it inhibited the induction of PA1 by human IL-lP (Table 3). Endotoxin not onlyinducesincreasedplasmalevels of PAI-I, but also oftPA,induction of tPApreceding that of PAI-1, has as been observed both in and in chimpanzees.“ Increased tPA antigen levels have also been described in humans after treatment with TNF-cx.”-’~ In the present study similar increases were noted after treatment of rats with endotoxin (Fig l ) , TNF-a, and IL-I@ (Table 4), an observation not made in ratsbefore. The increaseintPA antigen after the injection of TNF-a was reduced by antiTNF antiserum, and the increase after IL-I@by IL- Ira (Table 4). The increase in tPAantigenafterendotoxin injection was reduced, though to a lesser extent, by pretreatment with pentoxifylline, dexamethasone, anti-TNF antiserum, and ILIra. This suggeststhat pretreatment with anti-TNF antiserum and IL-Ira was not only effective against injected (human) TNF-a or IL-l@, but also against endogenous TNF-a and IL-I . That tPA was not reduced to normal control levels is presumably due to the fact, mentioned above,that the induction of PAI-1 still occurred in all animals, resulting in increasedcirculatinglevels of tPA-PA1 complexes thatare detected by our tPA ELISAassay. Also, it is likelythat tPA release is induced” after endotoxin injection by other endotoxin-induced compounds suchasplatelet-activating factor, catecholamines, vasopressin, etc. Because synergistic effects between TNF-a and IL-1 have been reported (eg, ref 56), and because in our experiments low residuallevels of cytokines activity are likely to be present during treatment with antiserum or withreceptor antagonist, we investigatedwhethersynergistic effects on PA1 synthesis couldbe detected. Asdescribedabove, no such synergy between TNF-a and IL-10 was found, using various combinations of the two cytokines, but rather additive effects. Moreover, because the PA1 response to TNF-a was linear over the TNF concentration range 0.5 to 60 ,ug/ kg, we considerit unlikely that residual amounts of TNF (or IL-I) would significantly have affected the PA1 concentrations. In a previous publicationz4 we have shown that a variety of autacoids that are induced or released by endotoxin in vivo (eg,cyclo-oxygenaseandlipoxygenase products,plateletactivating factor, catecholamines, histamine, cyclic nucleotides, opioids, vasopressin, thrombin) are not involved in the induction of PAI-I by endotoxin. It has also been shown that IL-6 is unable to induce PAL1 in rats in v~vo,’~,’’ as is the case in vitro.25,’XOur present observations suggest that IL-1 andTNF-ado not mediatetheeffect ofendotoxin on PAI-l either. Thus, the mechanism by which endotoxin induces increased synthesis of PAL1 in vivo remains unexplained. This situationisthemoreunfortunatebecauseit was recently suggested2’ that TNF-a mediates, in chimpanzees, the endotoxin-induced increase in tPA that precedes the increase in PAL1 activity, an observation in agreement with our data. It follows that inhibiting TNF-a will, at least From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. LPS,PAI-1, AND CMOKINES inrats,inhibittheprofibrinolytic,tPA-mediated, effect of endotoxin without interfering with its antifibrinolytic, PAI1 -mediated effect. In combination, theseeffects might then shift thefibrinolyticbalanceinblood even furthertoan inhibitory state, worsening the procoagulant effects of endotoxin. It would be of interest to study whetherthis situation, as described here for rats, also applies to primates and humans. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are indebted to Dr W. Fiers (Biogent, Gent, Belgium) for a gift of recombinant human TNF-a;to Dr S. Gillis (Immunex, Seattle, WA) for a gift of recombinant human IL-lP; to Dr D.E. Tracey (The Upjohn CO,Kalamazoo, MI) for providing recombinant human IL-l receptor antagonist; and to Dr M. Schanharting (Hoechst AG, Wiesbaden, Germany) for providing pentoxifylline. We thank M. Bekkers and C.M. van den Hoogen for expert technical assistance. REFERENCES 1. Wiman B, Hamsten A: Impaired fibrinolysis and risk of thromboembolism. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 34:179, 1991 2. Prins MH, Hirsh J: A critical review of the relationship between impaired fibrinolysis and myocardial infarction. Am Heart J 122:545, 1991 3. Dawson S, Henney A: The status of PAI-l as a risk factor for arterial and thrombotic disease: a review. Atherosclerosis 95:105, 1992 4. Sprengers ED, Kluft C: Plasminogen activator inhibitors. Blood 69:381, 1987 5. Kruithof EKO: Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1: Biochemical, biological and clinical aspects. Fibrinolysis 2:59, 1988 (SUPPl 2) 6. Loskutoff DJ: Regulation of PAI-I gene expression. Fibrinolysis 5:197, 1992 7. 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For personal use only. 1995 85: 115-120 Inhibiting interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha does not reduce induction of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 by endotoxin in rats in vivo JJ Emeis, R Hoekzema and AF de Vos Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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