No.10(22)/2012-NICSI National Informatics Centre Service Inc. NBCC Tower, Tower-15, 6th Floor, Hall No. 3, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 AUCTION NOTICE FOR DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE CAR. Sealed tenders are invited on “As is where is basis” for auction of obsolete CAR as per details given below:Vehicle Regn. No. DL 9C G 3919 Model Esteem Year of Mfg. 2003 Mfg. Co. Maruti The car is located at parking of NICSI, NBCC Building, 6th Floor, Hall No. 3, 15 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delh-110066. Interested parties are requested to assemble at NICSI, NBCC Building, 6th Floor, Hall No. 3, 15 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delh-110066. For inspection as per following schedule:- i. Date and Time for Inspection of Items: -------------------------&---------------------(----------------P.M. to --------------P.M.) ii. Contact Person: Sh. A. V. Asthana, GM NICSI, NBCC Building, 6th Floor, 15 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 iii. Tender form available at: Tender Division NICSI, NBCC Building, 6th Floor, 15 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 iv. Date & Time for acceptance of Tender: ------------------------------------------------ v. Date & Time of Opening of Tender: ------------------------------------------------ vi. Tender notification is published on NICSI – Website also at: 2. Earnest Money Deposit: An EMD of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) should be deposited along with the bid in the form of an account payee bank draft/pay order of a nationalized bank favouring NICSI, New Delhi payable at New Delhi. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of the successful bidder shall be adjusted in the bid amount. The EMD of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within one month of the auction date, without any interest. The EMD deposit shall not attract any interest. 3. General Terms & Conditions: 1. The bidders may inspect the car on a predetermined date and satisfy themselves about the car they are bidding for. 2. Bid letter in sealed envelope should be addressed to Tender Division, NICSI, NBCC Building, Tower-15, 6th Floor, Hall No. 3, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066. 3. The bid must reach Tender Division, NICSI, NBCC Building, Tower-15, 6th Floor, Hall No. 3, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 on or before the due date. Tenders received after due date and stipulated time due to any reason whatsoever including postal delays shall not be considered. 4. The financial bid should be quoted both in figures and words along with Sales Tax if any. Any overwriting or erasing in the figures shall not be considered for acceptance of the rates offered by the tenderer. Sales Tax shall be borne by the tenderer. 5. NICSI reserves the right to reject bids without assigning any reason whatsoever. 6. Financial bid should be signed by the bidder(s). 7. Incomplete and unsigned bids shall be rejected. 8. Bids without EMD shall be rejected. 9. The car shall be sold to the highest bidder inclusive of Sales Tax, if any on the basis of amount quoted in the bid. 10. The car, once disposed to the successful bidder, shall not be taken back by NICSI, on any conditions whatsoever. 11. The successfully bidders has to make full balance payment in the form of Demand Draft/Payee Order in Favour of NICSI, within 5 days after confirmation, failing which the offer will be cancelled and EMD shall stand forfeited. 12. The successful bidder shall be required to lift the car from the disposal site to his premises within 10 days after the payment of the balance amount. On failure to do so, NICSI shall have the right to forfeit the entire amount of the bidder. 13. The bidder should submit application to concerned Transport Authority in the prescribed form for transfer of vehicle in this favour and submit a copy of acknowledgement to NICSI before lifting the car form the disposal site. Annexure-A National Informatics Centre Service Inc. NBCC Tower, Tower-15, 6th Floor, Hall No. 3, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 TENDER FORM FOR DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE CAR Name & Address of the Tenderer (In Capital letter) : - ____________________________________________ Telephone Number :-_____________________________________________ Details of EMD : - Bank Draft/Pay Order No.________________________ Amount (Rs.) 5,000/(Rupees Five Thousand Only) I/We have inspected the obsolete car and am/are interested to purchase the same on As is Where Basis. My/Our offer for the car as per details given below:- I/We have gone through the terms and conditions given in the tender document and agree with same. I/We understand that in the event of non-compliance of the terms and conditions of the tender my/our EMD shall be forfeited by the National Informatics Centre Service Inc. New Delhi. Sl. No. Vehicle Regn. No. Model 1. DL 9C G 3919 Esteem Year of Mfg. 2003 Mfg Co. Price for Vehicle (Rs.) in Figure in word Maruti (Signature of the Tenderer) To, DGM, Tender Division, NICSI, 6th Floor, Hall No. 3, 15 NBCC Tower, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
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