4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 515 N. Main St • Holmen, WI 54636 608-526-4424 • [email protected] THE BANE AND THE BLESSED Years ago I attended a convention in Denver. It was dark when I arrived at the hotel. The next morning the sun was shining through the floor to ceiling windows. I got out of bed and without my glasses looked and looked again. I couldn’t make out what I was seeing. At first I thought they were clouds, or fog perhaps. But when I put on my glasses I discovered the mountains. The majestic Rocky Mountains towered over me and the city, impossible to ignore even if for some unfathomable reason one wanted to do so. Visitors as well as locals realize that living in Denver and that part of Colorado is different. One may not ever venture into the foothills or onto a ski slope. Certainly only the bold and brave tackle the mountain peaks. But John Denver was right, there is always that Rocky Mountain high. The mountains are always on your mind, in your soul. The mountains always provide bearings for the heart—who we are and can become in this one wonderful world God has given to us. The church should be like that. Jesus Christ, in his word and sacrament as well as in the community of believers, is always present, always visible. Like the mountains the Church is always inviting, alluring, inspiring wonder in our midst. As believers we never walk alone. We are guides for one another. When we are weak, others are strong. When others are lost, we walk the way with them. We welcome newcomers who desire to journey with us. Not all of us may venture to the top though God invites all to do so. But it is good to know that the heights are there and there’s always the possibility of going deeper and higher, always more than we know or can imagine. May the Lord be with you always. Father John Parr INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE BY POPE FRANCIS 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME It is a bad thing that Christians are divided, Jesus wants us united, one body. Our sins, history has divided us. For this we must pray that the Holy Spirit bring us together again.” Pope Francis The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes." Jesus was doing something different. His teaching was new, fresh, surprising. The Jewish people were used to the teaching style of their scribes, the scholars who interpreted the Scriptures and taught the corresponding laws. The scribes were legalists by trade, who focused on what was required of the Jews based on the holy writings. For them, the law was dominant. But when Jesus showed up in the synagogue and began to teach, he was dominant. As the incarnate Son of God, he spoke with an authority that was greater even than the religious laws. KC’S SUPER BOWL BREAKFAST THIS SUNDAY 2015 Super Bowl Breakfast THIS SUNDAY, February 1, 2015 7 am until noon Ham and Eggs, Potatoes, Toast and Beverages $7.00 (11 years and older) $3.00 (6—10 years) / Free (5 years and younger) And just in case those who heard him doubted his legitimacy, Jesus proved his authority by more than words; he cast out evil spirits. When the people witnessed Jesus commanding "even the unclean spirits" and saw that these spirits obeyed him, they were "amazed" at this "new teaching with authority." YOUNG AT HEART St. Elizabeth’s has an active seniors group for adults 55+ called Young at Heart. Our "Thursday Gathering" meets the 2nd Thursday of the month (spring and fall) at 8:30 am for Mass, a potluck and program/games/featured speakers. Join us on Thursday, February 12th at 8:30 am for Mass followed by the potluck and a program, Travelogue, with Larry Warzynski. What our Jewish ancestors experienced is recorded for us to bolster our own faith. Although we were not there to see these events unfold, if we meditate on the reality of today's Gospel story we will also be astonished and amazed. Jesus is more than a teacher. He is more than a kind man with an attractive philosophy. Jesus has power over the spiritual world! His authority over us is real. And he exercises this authentic authority for our own good. He has the power to do away with evil and to set us free, both through his teachings--passed on to us in the Bible and in the Church--and through his action in our lives. We only need to follow his lead. With permission LPI BAPTISM CLASSES Expecting parents, please note the dates of Baptism classes for 2015. It is necessary for you to attend these sessions before your child is baptized. 2015 Baptism Classes Monday, February 23 & Tuesday, February 24 at 6:30 pm Parents, these sessions are opportunities for you to enrich, strengthen and deepen your Catholic Faith — the Faith you are asking to have your child brought into at the celebration of their baptism. Preparing adequate materials for these classes requires pre-registration please call Sr. Bridget (526-4424). CREATING CARDS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Get your creative juices flowing and help create greeting cards for our parishioners who are homebound. It is one way to make our homebound know that the parish is thinking of and praying for them. No experience needed — Sheri Ireland and Wanda Clark will guide you through the process. Please join us on Thursday, February 19th at 2:30 pm. FOR YOUR MARRIAGE The National Marriage Project identified 10 key factors linked to successfully combining marriage and parenthood. The last three are: the support of friends and family, a sound economic foundation, and quality family time. Which is your weakest? www.foryourmarriage.com 50TH JUBILEE WEDDING CELEBRATION SEAS needs to secure the names of our parishioners who are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year (2015). Bishop Callahan will send each couple a special invitation to attend a celebration in your honor on June 14th, 2015 at Christ the King Chapel in LaCrosse — Diocese of LaCrosse. Please call Mary at the Parish Office (526-4424) or email: [email protected] by February 28th. BABY BOTTLES FOR BIRTHRIGHT Participating in the Birthright baby bottle campaign is one way in which we can help moms and babies in need. Please take a baby bottle home and fill it with your monetary donations over the next month and return the bottles to the parish office by the weekend of March 8th. Thank you. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 February 1, 2015 FAITH FORMATION PRESENTATION OF THE LORD 2/2/15 IT’S NOT TOO LATE! There is something about children that makes people smile. Their innocence, hopefulness, and amazing and amusing things they say and do bring out good qualities in people. Bring a child into a nursing home and watch people light up. Or walk into a store with a 2 year old and see people smile. Or watch when a dad carries a toddler on his shoulders and even people driving by smile. Simeon must have smiled at Jesus. He saw more than just an infant smiling and proud parents. He knew he looked upon the hope and promise of Israel. He saw his “heir apparent” in the priest, prophet and king who would bring the message of salvation to the world. Simeon no doubt smiled as he gazed upon the infant so many had longed to see. Joy is a very important part of faith. Knowing the Lord and sharing in His life should bring us a sense of joyfulness and peace, if we really believe in the promises of Jesus. Too often people leave Church the same way they leave a root canal! We know and have seen for ourselves the great work of love and hope that God has done. We are His heirs! With permission (c)2003 Liturgical Publications Inc Do you have children ages 6-10 and you missed the “Teaching the Way of Love” parenting meeting on January 21st? We will be meeting for 4 weeks to go through the workbook together. The La Crosse Diocese provides Catholic parenting support through a program called “TEACHING THE WAY OF LOVE”- a 3 part series for Catholic parents that encourages and empowers them to embrace their role as the primary educators of their children, especially in the areas of moral and personal development. Embrace Parenthood is the first and most important step in the series. It presents vital information on ten foundational principles that underpin fulfilling family life. The target audience is parents with pre-school children through third grade. Parents learn what it takes to become primary educators for their children, compare the differences between what the Catholic Church and the culture says about love and life, and acquire basic discipline and communication skills that will result in self-disciplined, motivated and respectful children. There are 10 segments of the Embrace Parenthood program. Authority Become a Family Choose Charity Develop Virtue Expect Good Behavior Foster Faith Give and Receive Love Hope Nurtured through Innocence Imitate the Holy Family Journey with Your Children COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS ● Pastoral Council Meeting Monday, February 9 at 6:30 pm ● Finance Council Meeting Tuesday, February 10 at 4:30 pm ● Faith Formation Committee Meeting Thursday, February 12 at 6:30 pm ● Stewardship Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 17 at 6:30 pm We will be meeting Tuesday nights for 4 weeks, beginning Tuesday, February 3 at 6:30 pm in the gathering space. We will cover 2 or 3 of the segments each week. You will get a combined packet text/ workbook of your own. Please try to read the page of text per segment ahead of time. We will view a DVD and have a discussion when we meet. Join us when you can, if you can only make it once we would love to have you. There is no cost but you may make a free will offering. Please email Mary Luebke [email protected] or call 526-4424 if you are interested, so we can have a packet ready for you. For more information visit: www.twl4parents.com. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR THANK YOU A belated thank you to all who contributed to the success of last November’s Christmas bazaar. After expenses, the bazaar brought in about $12,300. Whether you made lefse, candy, or baked goods; whether you donated your handicrafts, jewelry, or other items for the various raffles and baskets; whether you chaired a booth or worked at one, helped with set up or take down, or got the word out about the bazaar, counted money, or handled the influx of items for the bazaar; whether you attended the bazaar, dined at the Corner Cafe, purchased items, or supported the various raffles - THANK YOU! The bazaar takes all of us to be a success; it would not have happened without you. Faith Formation important calendar dates Sunday, Feb. 1 Wee Believe Pre-K/Kind. Sunday School 9:15 am at Children’s Palace RIVERLAND ENERGY CFL FOOD DRIVE Tuesday, Feb. 3 Embrace Parenthood discussion group 6:30pm in Gathering Space Riverland Energy Cooperative (REC) will be conducting the fourth annual CFL Food Drive February 1-28. Those served by REC who bring in at least two non-perishable food items during the drive will receive free Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs). Food can be dropped off at any of the three REC offices, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. St. Elizabeth’s food pantry will share in the donations brought to the REC office in Onalaska, located at 1472 Highway 35. Please support this food drive and take advantage of the opportunity to receive free CFLs if you are a coop member. Tuesday, Feb. 10 Embrace Parenthood discussion group 6:30pm in Gathering Space Wednesday, Feb. 11 Catechist Enrichment speaker 6:30 pm in church Wednesday, Feb. 11 No Faith Formation classes 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 February 1, 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ASH WEDNESDAY Sunday, February 1 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time KC’S SUPER BOWL BREAKFAST Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Masses with distribution of ashes at: 8:30 am / 5:00 pm / 6:30 pm_ A Day of Fast and Abstinence 8:00 am Mass People of SEAS 9:15 am Wee Believe Pre-K/Kind. Sunday School 10:15am Mass † Bill Apfel Monday, February 2 The Presentation of the Lord LENTEN FAST AND ABSTINENCE 8:30 am During the Lenten Season the Church asks Catholics to abide by the following regulations: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are to be days of fasting (one main meal) and abstaining from meat. The fast obliges all those who are eighteen years of age until their sixtieth birthday. 7:00 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm † Tuesday, February 3 BLESSING OF THROATS 8:30 am 9:15 am 6:30 pm CONFESSION SCHEDULE FOR LENT Mass † Fr. Robert Greatorex Embrace Parenthood Discussion Group RCIA The Sacrament of Penance (Confession) is celebrated every Saturday beginning at 4:00 PM. The Sacrament also will be celebrated at 6:00 PM on Tuesdays during Lent. Please note: Tuesday of Holy Week will be the last regularly scheduled celebration of Penance until the Easter Season. Four confessors will be available to celebrate the Sacrament with Faith Formation students and parishioners beginning at 6:30 PM on the following Wednesdays: March 11, 18 and 25. St. Agatha Mass Priest Intention Food Pantry Meeting Choir Rehearsal Friday, February 6 S. Paul Miki 8:30 am Priest Intention Mass Saturday, February 7 The Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman, La Crosse, will celebrate the Sacrament of Penance from 9:00 AM-6:00 PM on Monday, March 30. Weekday Mass † Hannora Parr Ladies Bible Study Faith Formation Classes / Grade 3 Church Tour Thursday, February 5 8:30 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Fr. T. Michael Schelble St. Blaise and Ansgar Wednesday, February 4 The Fridays of Lent are days of abstaining from meat. This law obliges all those who have reached their fourteenth birthday. Weekday 8:00 am 4:00 pm Pray the Rosary Confessions 5:00 PM Mass Vigil: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time ALL ARE WELCOME AT SEAS PARISH Sunday, February 8 8:00 am 10:15am 12 Noon We welcome you to our parish community. If you would like to join our parish, please contact the parish office at 526-4424 or complete the form below. A completed form may be placed in the collection basket, or dropped off at the parish office. You will receive a registration form and other parish information including a letter from our pastor, Fr. Parr. Registering is an important part of being a member of any parish community. Not only do you become part of the community but it is especially important at times such as baptism, 1st communion, confirmation, matrimony, during an illness or at the time of death. We welcome you to our parish. People of SEAS 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Health of Thomas Leifering Mass † Fr. Tom Donaldson Boy Scout Religious Award Training In a spirit of generosity, we ask that all members of our parish respond with prayers and gifts to this year’s Diocesan Annual Appeal. SEAS Parish Target: $ 69,724 Pledged: $ 52,810 As of 1/26/2015 Please help reach our goal for the DAA. If goal not met, parish revenues will have to be used to make up for the shortage. “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:8 First Name:___________________________________ Last Name:___________________________________ Spouse’s First Name:____________________________ Last Name if different: _________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City: ________________________________________ Zip Code: _________ Home Phone Number: ___________________________ Cell Phone Number: ____________________________ Were you Baptized a Catholic?______ Spouse? ______ 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass The Heiress Play at Aquinas High School Aquinas High School production of The Heiress Performances on Friday and Saturday, February 13 and 14, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, February 15 at 2:00 p.m - tickets are $6.00 - call the Aquinas High School office at 784-0287. 4 February 1, 2015 PARISH INFORMATION PRAY FOR THE SICK Parish Rectory & Office Kristy Albitz Michael Birka Judy Bockenhauer Ella Leis Brown Sue Caudill Ruth Clarkin Winnie Dibb Camille Donaldson Patrick Donaldson Richard & Lillian Dudkiewicz Angela DuMond Chelsea Ellis Peggy Evenson Thomasine Freyermuth Catherine (Kay) Haines Marion Johnson Phone................................................................................526-4424 Fax Number ....................................................................526-3177 Email: [email protected] Website www.seasholmen.org Staff Pastor, Father John Parr ...............................................526-4424 [email protected] Pastor Emeritus, Monsignor Delbert J. Malin.............526-4908 [email protected] Deacon, Deacon Matthew Ludick ................................526-4424 [email protected] Pastoral Associate, Sister Bridget Donaldson, O.S.B. .................. 526-4849 [email protected] Coordinator Religious Education(3 years-gr. 5). ................. Mary Luebke [email protected] Youth Minister/D.R.E. (gr. 6-12), Patrick Brueggen ......526-4424 [email protected] Director of Music, Beth Lakmann…………………..526-4424 [email protected] Secretary, Mary Jacobson............................................526-4424 [email protected] Sister Jean.......................................................................526-4908 [email protected] Parish Council Members Karen Anderson.…...526-9687 Len Beranek………...526-3623 Tom Bertram………..399-1616 Francis Brown……...783-2744 Maggie Radebaugh Cindy Ritteman Bailey Rohrer Barry Schaller Dan Schultz Erica Schultz Richard Simone Linda SIres Ralph Steele Bob Tallent Phyllis Thaldorf Phyllis Trussoni Paul Udulutch Gerald & Phyllis Walcker Marcus Zeller (military) PARISH INCOME Week Ending: 1/26/2015 Adult ................................................................................ $6,606.00 Youth ....................................................................................... $5.00 Plate .................................................................................... $361.83 Vigil Lights........................................................................... .$10.00 Faith Formation ............................................................... .$125.00 Marriage Prep ................................................................. .$225.00 Coffee donations ................................................................... $9.81 Total................................................................... $7,372.64 WEEKLY PROJECTED EXPENSES: $ 10,877 TOTAL WEEKLY PROJECTED EXPENSES THROUGH 2/2/2015 $380,695 GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER REVENUES As Of 2/2/2015 $340,630 Les Giesler………….526-9625 Shelly Linskey……...526-2286 Betty Schultz.……….526-3514 Andrea Stupi………..526-4694 Larry Warzynski.… ..526-6474 Finance Council Members Shawn Handland…..526-2257 Marie Dummer……..526-4107 Pat Stephens.……….526-2480 Janice Dvoracek……526-3957 Larry Warzynski..…..526-6474 Mass Schedule Weekend: Sat. 5:00 pm and Sun. 8:00 & 10:15 am Weekday: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am except Tues. 7:00 am Gluten Free Hosts: St. Elizabeth’s has gluten free hosts available. Please contact Fr. Parr, and he will make the necessary arrangements. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CORNER Every Life is a Gift Sacraments “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” - Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 pm or by appointment. Baptism: Baptism involves membership in the church. Parents are to attend three sessions early in the pregnancy. Marriage: Our church is trying to create successful marriages. This takes some time. Arrangements for a wedding date are to be made at least six months before the anticipated date. Anointing of the Sick: Communal celebrations in fall and spring. Individual celebrations upon request. Please call the office when family members are hospitalized. Confirmation: Two year preparation program in grades 9 and 10 . Mother Teresa Support your local Food Pantry #AllLivesMatter In Service to One, In Service to All Charity☧ Unity ☧ Fraternity ☧ Patriotism ST. PAT’S FAMOUS LENTEN FISH FRY Pastoral Visitation Anyone who desires a personal home visit is invited to call the parish office. Lenten Friday Fish Fry All You Can Eat Cod and Salad Bar Catechumenate February 20 and 27 and March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2015 Served 5 pm until 7:30 pm St. Patrick's School Gym, 11th and Main St, Onalaska Anyone wishing to become a full member of the Church is invited to visit the parish office. New Parishioners Please call the parish office at 526-4424. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Steve Keyser Barb Kroner June Kukovec Dick Matushek Kevin McCarthy David McCarthy Bill McGowan James McGowan, Sr. Marion McKenzie Ernie Modjeski Joe Nagel Judith Niedfeldt Joseph O’Keefe David Otte Donna Pedretti Helen Peterson Ken Proctor Nancy Proctor 5 February 1, 2015
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