Volume I, Number 121 10th Waxing Day of Tabodwe 1376 ME Thursday, 29 January, 2015 Ma-de oil port to create job opportunities for locals and contribute to development of education and health sectors to send crude oil to China from the port, passing Rakhine State, Magway and Mandalay Regions and Shan State (North). The vice president noted that the project was implemented with US$2.4532 billion capital investment including US$1.204 billion of the State. During a 30year project period, about 22 million tons of crude oil will be shared to People’s Republic of China and local consumption. Oil tankers of about 300,000-ton can moor at the port where 12 oil tanks have been built to store 22 million gallons of crude oil. Moreover, the port has a 150 metres long work boat wharf to accept 5000-ton vessels, he said. Environmental conservation plans have been adopted for the port and one fresh water dam and water supply system have been constructed for local people, he added. The vice president said that the project will increase income of the State and provide crude oil for the nation. In addition, it will create job opportunities for the local people and contribute to development of education and health sectors of the island. While implementing the project, a total of US$ 13.26 million have been spent on school, dispensary, lake, electrification and communication and other infrastructures in four regions and states from 2021 to date. Chairman of China National Petroleum Corporation-CNPC Mr Laio Yongyuan spoke words of thanks. (See page 3) Vice President U Nyan Tun delivers an address at commissioning of Ma-de Crude Oil Unloading Terminal and pre-commissioning of South-East Asia crude oil pipeline.—mna Yangon, 28 Jan—Made oil port in Rakhine State, jointly built by Ministry of Energy and South East Asia Pipeline, will accept unloading of crude oil from Middle East by tankers, Patron of National Energy Management Committee Vice President U Nyan Tun said at the commissioning of Ma-de Crude Oil Unloading Terminal and pre-commissioning of South-East Asia crude oil pipeline at Inya Lake Hotel, here, on Wednesday evening. He said that construction of the oil port, a wharf, 12 oil tanks and project buildings started in 2011 and were completed in early 2015. He continued to say that a crude oil pipeline, 32 inches in diameter and 771 kilometres long was laid An aerial view of Ma-de Crude Oil Unloading Terminal in Kyaukpyu Township.—mna Three developers to compete for Yangon Railway Station Complex Project Yangon, 28 Jan — Three developers have submitted proposal documents to Myanma Railways to compete for the Yangon Central Railway Station comprehensive development project, according to an announcement by the Ministry of Rail Transportation. Out of nine domestic and foreign companies selected for the project in October, 2014, three companies submitted their proposal documents to the ministry before the closing date for tender submission on 6 January. The ministry has not disclosed the names of the three companies that will compete for the project. The nine developers were selected from the 28 shortlisted companies that sent Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the project. Those included Artist’s Impression of the Yangon Railways Station Yard. Shwetaung and Shwethanlwin companies from Myanmar, one Japan-Myanmar joint venture company, one Vietnam-China-Myanmar company, one Myanmar-Singapore company and companies from Singapore, Japan, China, Canada, Taiwan and Myanmar, according to the announcement of Myanma Railways last October. Investment in the Yangon Central Railway Station area comprehensive development project will reach $2-2.5 billion, according to Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation U Myint Thein. Myanma Railways invited Expressions of Interest (EOI) in April for the project that is to be implemented over more than 62 acres of Myanma Railways land and urged local and international or joint venture developers/investors to (See page 2) Bankers, telcos, solution providers and technology vendors gather at Mobile Money + E-Commerce Summit 2015 to tap into opportunities in new financial services By Ye Myint Yangon, 28 Jan — Mobile network operators and service providers, experts, mobile financial services technology enablers and equipment vendors on Wednesday came together at the 6th Annual Asia/ Myanmar Mobile Money + E-Commerce Summit 2015 to tap into opportunities in new financial services market in Myanmar. This year’s summit, with a special focus on enabling participants to maximize their networking opportunities in Myanmar’s mobile financial services market, is set for two days at Parkroyal Hotel in Yangon. Already in its sixth year with successful runs in Asian and African countries, this summit is the second for Myanmar after the 5th Annual Mobile Payments & E-Commerce Emerging Markets/Asia Pacific 2014 Summit. Featuring insightful topics and discussions by exceptional speakers and specialists, the first day of the summit focused on experiences and tapping new opportunities in the mobile payment and e-commerce business, which is about to boom in Myanmar that has now become one of the most sought-after countries among newly emerging economies. (See page 9) 2 Thursday, 29 January, 2015 Parliament Union ministers highlights budgets for projects in 2014-15 and 2015-16 FY Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan —The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw continued for the seventh day, here, on Wednesday. With regard to Japanese Yen 24.678 billion loan from Japan International Cooperation Agency-JICA, Union Minister for Electric Power U Khin Maung Soe explained that the ministry will borrow Yen 24.678 billion from JICA for construction of two 500KV power stations in Meiktila and Toungoo with 0.01 percent interest per year. The loan must be paid back in 40 years. The power station project will supply more electricity to the nation and contribute to economic development of the State. It will be a part of electricity network in ASEAN and Greater Mekong Subregion. The speaker invited MPs to enlist for discussion of loans. Regarding the projects in the 2015-2016 national planning bill and the 2015 union budget bill, Union Minister for Information U Ye Htut explained the budget proposal for changing analogue to digital system and extension of new TV channels of Myanma Radio and Television, responsibility of Information and Public Relations Department for public relations and supervising laws and rules related to the Ministry of Information, promotion of Myan- mar motion picture arena, publishing of aesthetic and general knowledge books in Myanmar and English languages, and process of News and Periodical Enterprise to practise public service media, reasons for lower budget proposal and profits of News and Periodicals Enterprise and Printing and Publishing Enterprise in 2013-14 and 2014-15 FY. Union Minister for Transport U Nyan Tun Pyithu Hluttaw Chairman of Union Civil Services Board U Kyaw Thu.—mna Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan— At the eighth day session of Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House) on Wednesday, U Khin Maung Shwe of Tamu Constituency raised questions on maternity leave for female workers under the civil service law and rules and whether there is a plan to manage permission for maternity leave of woman staff at Mintha Station Hospital in Myothit, Tamu District. Chairman of Union Civil Services Board U Kyaw Thu replied that any woman service personnel in service can enjoy maternity leave under rules 101 and 102 of civil service law. The woman staff at the station hospital needs to submit applications with documents referring to the civil service law to the ministry concerned for enjoying the maternity leave with full salary. Daw Khin San Hlaing of Pale Constituency asked whether Myanmar Police Force controls criminal activities in Yangon Region or not. Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen prevalence of law and order and control of criminal cases. U Thein Swe of An Constituency submitted a proposal calling for drawing a five-year plan to appoint one midwife at appropriate villages so as to narrow development gap between rural and urban areas in health care services. Deputy Minister for Health Dr Win Myint said that a total of 20 midwifery training schools and 46 nursing and midwifery training schools are turning out midwives. As of 2015-16 academic year, the ministry will open two midwifery schools and two nursing schools. That is why the ministry will assign one midwife for two-three villages in 2020 when over 23,600 midwives will be turned out across the nation. The Hluttaw approved the proposal.—MNA Three developers to compete . . . (from page 1) undertake design-and-build work for the project after one month. The project will be implemented in accordance with an international tender process and will ensure transparency, according to the deputy minister. The project is expected to start in February or March. To implement the project, Myanma Railways is working together with an international consulting firm to decide whether the pro- Aung reported on foreign loans and assistance for development of aviation sector, the plans of the ministry to cooperate with private investors through JV, BOT and PPP systems, financial reports of departments under the ministry in 2015-16 FY, maintenance of waterways, upgrading of jetties and ports, monitoring of natural disasters and airport projects. Union Minister for Culture U Aye Myint Kyu explained implementation of projects and financial reports, budget proposal for implementation of policy and aims, budget affairs in 2014-15 and 2015-16 fiscal year and plans to spend capital expenditure on projects. Deputy Minister for Environmental Conservation and Forestry U Aye Myint Maung elaborated on projects in 2015-16 FY, budget and loan affairs, cooperation with international community to develop forestry sector, plans for establishment of forest plantations, tasks for University of Forestry and greening the dry zones.—MNA Amyotha Hluttaw Women service personnel enjoy maternity leave under rules and law Kyaw Zan Myint replied that police are discharging duty of security and rule of law in Yangon Region through a 1:1228 police to people ratio as population of the region reaches over 7.3 million. Police in 44 townships of the region led by the commander of Yangon Region Police Force emphasize prevention of 10 major criminal cases under the law. Police prosecuted 146 murder cases of 155 and 32 robbery cases of 47 in 2011, 156 murders of 164 and 26 robbery cases of 30 in 2012, 121 murders of 130 and 25 robbery cases of 33 in 2013 and 172 murders of 186 and 35 robbery cases of 48 in 2014. Police also arrested all suspects in five cases of mob violence in 2013 and three in 2014. If all people abide by existing laws and cooperate in preventive measures of crime, police can ensure Pyidaungsu Hluttaw ject should be a joint-venture or a BOD project. Annually, around K4045 billion is paid in subsidy to Myanma Railways by the government. The project is a business development of Myanma Railways and will develop rail-concerned business according to international practices to be able to reduce the annual subsidy, according to the ministry. According to sources, the area where Yangon Central Railway Station Government helps tea farmers and merchants: Deputy Minister Deputy Minister for Education Dr Zaw Min Aung.—mna Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan — The government is helping tea farmers by taking measures to export tea to Japan and display tea products at the ASEAN Food Show, Deputy Minister for Commerce Dr Pwint Hsan said in his response to a question at the Amyotha Hluttaw session on Wednesday. area comprehensive development is located is not included in the restricted area of high-rise buildings in which the height of buildings is restricted to 470 metres above sea level. So far, the Resettlement Action Plan and the Conceptual Plan for the project have already been drawn, according to MR sources. In the first phase of the project, staff families of the MR living in quarters would be resettled and the factories of MR in the project area would be relocated.—GNLM In addition, the government formed a central body of tea farmers, tea producers and tea merchants, according to the deputy minister. The government has established a tea market and it is necessary for the central body and the Association of Myanmar Fruit, Flowers and Vegetables Farmers, Manufacturers and Exporters to cooperate with local authorities for the stability of the tea market while the government offers necessary assistance, the deputy minister said. Another question raised at the session was responded by Deputy Minister for Education Dr Zaw Min Aung, who said that transfers and promotion of teachers in basic education sector are being carried out in a transparent manner by announcing vacancies on notice boards at township, district and region/state education offices when application forms are invited for transfers and promotions. Afterwards, a representative discussed the religion conversion bill and the speaker decided to discuss the bill at the next session. The speaker reported to the Amyotha Hluttaw on measures taken by the government concerning the construction works that fall short of building standards. —MNA President’s economic advisor holds talks in Mandalay Mandalay, 28 Jan — President’ economic advisor Professor Dr Aung Tun Thet held talks on the importance of mutual trust between public and private sectors here Tuesday. Dr Aung Tun Thet said civil society groups have taken a crucial role in addition to public and private sectors for the development of the country, while harmony and balance of the trio are important to be able to set up a trust for the people. He added civil service staff need to develop ‘ac- countability and responsibility’ for the public out of consideration without neglecting the feeling of people, noting that government employees must have fair and honest mindset in working for the welfares of the public. Mandalay region government ministers, parliamentarians of the region, department officers, members of Women’s Affairs Organization and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, entrepreneurs and media persons. Tin Maung (Mandalay) Thursday, 29 January, 2015 3 National Ma-de oil port to . . . (from page 1) Vice President U Nyan Tun, Union Minister U Zeyar Aung, Chinese Ambassador Mr Yang Houlan and the chairman of CNPC launched the port and the initial operations of oil pipelines. The CNPC chairman presented gifts to the vice president. Later, those present were served with dinner.—MNA UEC Chairman meets election sub-commissions, political parties, departmental officials, CSOs Gov’t takes step to administrative machinery reforms Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan — As part of efforts for administrative machinery reforms, the government has allowed ministries to check and hand over their financial accounts, annual auditing and foreign loans till end of March. In his address at a coordination meeting on transition period for reforms of the government’s administrative machinery in Nay Pyi Taw Wednesday, Minister at the President Office U Tin Naing Thein said the government is planning to decrease the number of enterprises and departments of ministries to 20 as part of stepping up efforts for the third-wave reforms as the government is restricting and reengineering its administrative machinery. After checking financial, accounts, annual audit and foreign loans of the ministries, 136 universities, degree colleges and colleges would be separated from respective ministries and they would be run with autonomy in accordance with the National Education Law as from next academic year, he said. The reason why the departments and enterprises are dissolved or restructured is that the employees including from the rank of a director-general to lowest-level staff are to carry out their duties more effectively, he added. He also stressed the need to restructure organizational set-ups of union ministries’ institutions in region and states so that their duty and function can represent the respective ministries and provide public services. Union Minister U Tin Naing Thein also called for promoting monitoring and evaluation skills for management, planning and financial management and land management of government staff in districts and townships.—MNA A vessel docks at already-commissioned Ma-de crude oil unloading terminal in Kyaukpyu Township, Rakhine State. The project of the terminal with oil tanks contributes to development of health, social and economic sectors of local people. (News on page 1)—mna Chairman of Union Election Commission U Tin Aye meets election sub-commissions at different levels, CSOs and departmental officials in Lashio.—mna Lashio, 28 Jan — An announcement has been released to hold the general elections at the end of October or early November this year, Chairman of Union Election Commission U Tin Aye told a meeting at the city hall in Lashio, northern Shan State, on 27 January. The chairman said that compilation of voter lists is being carried out as of November 2014 through four steps. He added that the commission will organize voter training and voter education in the future to train staff of election sub-commissions at different levels and ministries concerned, those of political parties, members of civil society organizations and media. He stressed the need for them to abide by rules and work guidelines for holding the transparent election to be able to conduct check and balance in works. The leader of Shan State (North) Election Sub-commission and the chairman of Lashio District Sub-commission reported on preparations for electoral process. After replying to the queries raised by attendees, the chairman of the commission instructed officials to cooperate in electoral process among the sub-commissions to have achievement. MNA Government, Hluttaw representatives, students issue joint declaration on amendment of national education law Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan — Representatives of the government, the Hluttaw and students of the Leading Committee for Democracy Education Movement met at the Ministry of Education in Nay Pyi Taw on Wednesday morning and issued a joint declaration. According to the declaration, the participants agreed to hold four party talks among the government, the Hluttaw, students and the National Network for Education Reform on 1 February in Yangon, to discuss the eleven demands of the students and find out solutions though dialogue, to discuss positively to reach agreements and continue to find solutions for differences through negotiations and to stop student protests on the day the talks begin. Present at the meet- ing were Union Minister at the President Office U Aung Min, Deputy Minister U Thant Shin, Hluttaw representatives and representatives of the Leading Committee for Democracy Education. Students who spent last UEC members meet members of Open Myanmar Initiative Nay Pyi Taw, 27 Jan — Member of Union Election Commission U Myint Naing received 13 members of Open Myanmar Initiative and 27 trainees at the commission office, here, on Tuesday. Commission members U Win Kyi, U Nyunt Tin and U Win Ko explained basic voter list compilation, Union Minister U Aung Min and students sign agreement.—mna night in Taungtha continued their journey and proceeded to Popa by car at mile post 423.—MNA casting vote and voting in advance, invitation to local monitoring groups, voter education, voting system, election law, rules and political parties registration law. It was also attended by UEC members, the secretary and commission officials.—MNA 4 Thursday, 29 January, 2015 LOCAL NEWS BEHS branch gets new building in Myanaung Tsp Myanaung, 28 Jan — A ceremony to hand over a school building to Ministry of Education was held at Ba- sic Education High School Branch in Htanthonbin Village-tract in Myanaung Township, Ayeyawady Re- gion, on 27 January. Township Administrator U Min Min Tun, Township Education Officer U Win Myint and Manager of European Commercial Ltd (EAC Foundation) U Saw Aung formally opened the new school building. The manager explained the purpose of construction for the school building. Officials presented a certificate of honour to the company. European Commercial Ltd (EAC Foundation) donated a 60 feet long, 20 feet wide and 12 feet high school building. The ceremony was also attended by Ayeyawady Region Hluttaw representative U Aung Win Swe, the township education officers and local people. Nay Win Zaw (Myanaung) Myanmar youth win over Germany’s third division club on wide margin First line-up players of Myanmar U-20 team seen in a group photo before playing against German club in Turkey. Yangon, 28 Jan — Myanmar U-20 team played a tune-up match with BAK (Berlin) FC in the third division of Germany in Turkey on 27 January. Myanmar youth team thrashed the German team with a 4-1 result. Captain Nanda Kyaw scored an opening goal in 25th minute for Myanmar U-20 team through a penalty kick. Striker Than Paing added one more goal for the Myanmar team in the 68th minute, followed by third goal that came from striker Aung Thu in IPRD gives mobile library service to rural people Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan — Head of Zeyathiri Township Information and Public Relations Department Daw Mya San Yi and staff made a trip to Sibingyi Village on 27 January for giving mobile library service to the rural people. They lent various subjects of books and publications to the local people for broadening their knowledge scope. The mobile library allowed local people to borrow over 200 books for a week. Soe Thu Aung (Zeyar) the 88th minute. Myanmar team grasped one more great chance of penalty kick in the 91st minute. Midfielder Nyein Chan Aung could translate the chance into the fourth winning goal for Myanmar. Myanmar U-20 lost to Iran U-22 in a tune-up match in Turkey on recent day. In the match, Iran routed Myanmar 3-1. Maung Maung Soe of Myanmar scored only one goal into the net of Iran through a header in the 83rd minute. At present, Myanmar youth players are taking training in Turkey as part of preparations to take par in the coming U-20 World Cup. GNLM Mohnyin Mohnyin Patheingyi Mandalay Meiktila Nyaungshwe Tatkon Nay Pyi Taw Myanaung Yangon Today’s Myanmar News sites Farmer representatives discuss uplift of living standard of rural people Mandalay, 28 Jan — As part of efforts to beef up the third wave reform process of the nation, a meeting on uplift of socioeconomic life of farmers was held at the hall of Mandalay Education College in Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay, on 26 January. Chief Minister of Mandalay Region U Ye Myint made a speech. Farmer representatives from Mandalay, PyinOoLwin, Kyaukse, Meiktila, Myingyan, NyaungU and Yamethin districts partic- ipated in discussions. Deputy Minister for Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development U Khin Maung Aye explained plans to sell agricultural machinery to farmers through installment for uplift of their living standard and Union Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Myint Hlaing explained plans to distribute quality paddy strains and agricultural techniques to local farmers. Maung Pyi Thu (Mandalay) Thursday, 29 January, 2015 5 Local News Religious association honours winner novices in religious examination Village library extends building for readers’ convenience Mandalay, 28 Jan — Mandalay Pariyatti Sasanahita Association offered certificates to winners in the 66th novice religious examination at its hall on 85th street in Chanayethazan Township on 27 January. Officials of the association presented certificates to 579 novices. Abbot of Shwewahwin monastery in Myataung Taik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sasanabhivamsa gave words of advice. Tin Maung (Mandalay) WRUD sinks tube-wells in Tatkon Township to irrigate farmlands Tatkon, 28 Jan — Water Resources Utilization Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation sank two tube-wells in Shaukkon Village-tract in Tatkon Township in 2013-14 fiscal year. The department planed to sink eight wells in 2014-15 fiscal year. It has so far sunk one tubewell each in the fields of Daw Khin Myint, Daw Thay, U Ni and U Myint Aung in the village-tract. Nay Pyi Taw Council member U Myint Shwe and Township Adminis- trator U Kan Saw Hlaing inspected sinking of tubewells in Tatkon Township on 26 January. The tube-well can supply water to 30 acres of farmland. The council member met local people at Aungmye Yankin Dhammayon in Shaukkon Village and fulfilled the requirements of education, health, electricity, road and bridge, job opportunities and irrigation facilities for the local people. Tin Soe Lwin (Township IPRD) Mandalay, 28 Jan — Less yield of aster flowers gets good prices in the flower market in Mandalay, according to the flower wholesalers at Thiri Marlar flower market on 26th street in Aungmyethazan Township, Mandalay. “I have been selling flowers as my livelihood for 20 years. This year, bad weather caused decline to yield of flower but flower growers get good prices. From November to March, growers send flowers to this market in the morning, and we distribute them to Madaya, Kyaukse, Sagaing and Meiktila. As retail sales, we sell flowers to local vendors from 4 pm to 9 pm daily in Mandalay. Vendors sell flowers at Htonbutan market on 30th street,” flower wholesaler Daw Nyo Khaing told reporters. “Thiri Marlar flower is the largest flower market in Mandalay, but vendors are engaging in trading of flowers at the flower market near Sakkyathiha Pagoda,” a vendor Ma Thet said. At present, vendors sell K150 per small bundle of aster flower, K350 per gladiola, K500 per chrysanthemum, K3,000 per carnation and K10,000 per pehot flowers. Most of the aster flowers are sent by Ywathit,Kalar, Hsintat and Baythaung villages in Ngazun Township to Mandalay’s market. Chinese companies export its best species of flowers to Mandalay’s market. Min Htet Aung (Mandalay Sub-printing House) Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan — A library identified “Meik Swe Kaung” was commissioned into service in Setkon Village, Pobbathiri Township, on 28 February 2012 with over 3,000 books and publications. Thanks to the village library committee, the librarian and townselders, number of books rose to over 10,000 as a knowledge bank of local people from Setkon and its surrounding villages. At present, the library officials could or- ganize wellwishers to donate books and journals monthly and weekly to the library. Due to increasing number of books and readers, the library needs to extend its building for convenient reading of local people. Wellwisher U Kyi Soe-Daw Yadana Win and family of Pyinmana donated a 40 feet long and 30 feet wide building for the library. Deputy Director of Nay Pyi Taw Information and Public Relations Department Daw Thin Thin Zin and Head of Township IPRD Daw Theint Theint Myo inspected progress of construction tasks on 27 January. The same day, a readers’ discussion was held at the library between IPRD officials and local readers. Deputy Director Daw Thin Thin Zin explained advantages of literature and an important role of village library and Daw Theint Theint Myo of Pobbathiri Township IPRD, purpose of holding the readers’ discussion. Shwe Kokko Fire engulfs shed in Patheingyi Tsp Patheingyi, 28 Jan — A fire broke out at a shed in the compound of U Naing Zaw Oo (a) Ar Ti near Aungchantha Pagoda in NanUlwin Village in Patheingyi Township, at 10.25 pm on 26 January. Personnel of Township Fire Services Department and auxiliary fire brigade members put out the fire within five minutes. Patheingyi Myoma police station opened a file of lawsuit over outbreak of fire.—Maung Pyi Thu (Mandalay) Growers get good price on sales of aster flower 6 Thursday, 29 January, 2015 regional Indonesian president rules out reprieve for Australians on death row Sydney, 28 Jan — Indonesian President Joko Widodo has indicated two Australians convicted of drug offences will not receive a reprieve from execution, a refusal to pardon that is likely to strain already fragile ties between the two neighbours. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has personally asked for clemency for the two members of the so-called Bali Nine who were arrested at Bali’s Denpasar airport in 2005 for attempting to smuggle 8 kg (18 lb) of heroin to Australia. But Widodo, who took office in October, pledged to continue Indonesia’s hardline approach to drug traffickers, which saw executions resume in 2013 after a five-year gap. “Imagine every day we have 50 people die because of narcotics, in one year it’s 18,000 people because of narcotics,” Widodo told CNN. “We are not going to compromise for drug dealers. No compromise, no compromise.” Abbott had said Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, were reformed characters who had assisted others in prison as he stressed Australia’s opposition to the death penalty. Widodo said the decision rested with the courts. “They can ask for amnesty to the president but I tell you there will be no amnesty for drug dealers,” he said. He was asked: “So no relief for the Australians?” He responded by shaking his head. It was not immediately clear when the executions Australian Andrew Chan (R) and Myuran Sukumaran (L) are escorted by police as they arrive for their appeal hearing in Denpasar District Court in Indonesia’s resort island of Bali on 21 Sept, 2010. —Reuters might take place. Indonesia’s resumption of the death penalty has drawn criticism from human rights activists both at home and abroad. Australia’s Foreign Minister Julia Bishop said last week she would not rule out recalling her country’s ambassador should the executions be carried out. Brazil and the Netherlands recalled their ambassadors from Jakarta, while Nigeria summoned the Indonesian ambassador in Abuja to protest against the execution of their citizens earlier this month. Reuters Malaysia to release interim report on MH370 on 7 March Kuala Lumpur, 28 Jan — Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation will release an interim report on the investigation into the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on 7 March, a day before the one-year anniversary of the disappearance, deputy transport minister Aziz Kaprawi said on Wednesday. “It will have details on the technical investigation,” Aziz told Reuters. This is to abide by a requirement from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for Malaysia to release an interim report on the anniversary of the incident, said Aziz. The flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing carrying 239 passengers and crew went missing on 8 March. The findings of an international investigation team set up in April 2014 will also be included in the report. The international team consists of the US National Transport Safety Board, Britain’s Air Accidents Investigations Branch, China’s Aircraft Accident Investigation Department, France’s Land Transport Accident Investigation Bureau, the Australia Transport Safety Bureau, aircraft manufacturer Boeing and British satellite communications company Inmarsat. The airline’s crisis worsened on 17 July when another jet, Flight MH17, was shot down over Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. Rounding out a bad year for Southeast Asian carriers, an AirAsia flight from Indonesia’s second-biggest city of Surabaya to Singapore crashed in December, killing all 162 people on board. Reuters Southeast Asia grouping again ponders common time zone Kota Kinabalu, (Malaysia), 28 Jan — Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have revisited a proposal for a common time zone among the group’s 10 member countries in order to boost business linkages, Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said here on Wednesday. “With ASEAN forming an integrated and cohesive community by the end of this year, we believe that a common time zone for ASEAN capitals is an idea worth considering,” Anifah said at a Press conference at the end of the ASEAN foreign ministers’ two-day retreat in Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Malaysia’s Sabah state in Borneo island. The retreat set the pace for a series of meetings that Malaysia will host as this year’s chair of ASEAN. Anifah said the proposal for a common time zone was first mooted as early as 1995 and then in 2004. In his press statement, he listed several benefits of a common time zone, including enhancement of business and banking linkages and airline operations. There are currently four time zones among the group’s 10 member countries — Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Brunei are on GMT +8.00 hours while Thailand and the other Indochina countries are on GMT +7.00 hours. Myanmar is on GMT +6.50 hours. Indonesia, an archipelago with thousands of islands, covers three time zones from GMT +7.00 hours to +9.00 hours.—Kyodo News Thailand warns US to mind its own business over politics Bangkok, 28 Jan — Thailand warned the United States against meddling in its political affairs on Wednesday, saying many Thais had been hurt by the remarks of a visiting US envoy who took a swipe at the ruling military junta’s undemocratic practices. Thailand, a long-time US ally, remains under martial law following a coup last May, and the junta says a general election is at least a year away. Relations between the two sides have deteriorated sharply since the coup, with Washington freezing aid and cancelling some security engagements. In an address to students at a Bangkok university on Monday, Assistant US Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Daniel Russel called for more inclusive politics and the end of martial law. Thai deputy foreign minister Don Pramudwinai The comments from Russel, the highest-level US official to visit Thailand since the coup, came a few days after ousted Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was banned from politics for five years and indicted on criminal charges over a state rice buying scheme. “We don’t agree with the Assistant Secretary of State talking about politics at Chulalongkorn University. It hurt many Thais,” Thai deputy foreign minister Don Pramudwinai told reporters after summoning the US charge d’affaires, Patrick Murphy. “If we comply with (Washington’s wish) and lift martial law and it leads to problems, how will those people who are asking for the lifting of martial law take responsibility?” he said. “In reality, Thais don’t even know there is martial law.” Russel had said while Washington did not take sides in Thai politics, it was for the Thai people to determine the legitimacy of the political and legal processes. He expressed concerns that the political process did not seem to represent all elements in Thai society. Russel met with representatives of the military government, but did not meet Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who took power after leading the coup. Prayuth said he hoped that the latest flare-up would not affect bilateral trade, adding that economic ties were continuing as normal. “It saddens me that the United States does not understand the reason why I had to intervene and does not understand the way we work, even though we have been close allies for years,” Prayuth told reporters. In the diplomatic titfor-tat, the Thai deputy foreign minister said Washington did not understand the complexities of the local political scene. “The US does not understand Thai politics,” Don said. “Yingluck’s impeachment was not a political matter.” Washington downgraded diplomatic ties after the coup, blocking $4.7 million of security-related aid as well as suspending high-level engagements and some military exercises and police training programmes. Thailand’s military government has promised reforms and an eventual return to democratic rule, but critics say the army has stifled free speech. Yingluck, the country’s first female premier, was removed from office for abuse of power last May, days before the coup which ended months of political unrest. Nearly 30 people died in street protests. The ban and the legal case against here are the latest twist in 10 years of turbulent politics that have pitted Yingluck and her brother Thaksin, himself a former prime minister, against the royalist-military establishment that sees the Shinawatras as a threat and reviles their populist policies. Yingluck will face criminal charges in the Supreme Court next month, and if found guilty faces up to 10 years in jail. Reuters Thursday, 29 January, 2015 7 world China Voice: Judicial system must regain people’s trust Beijing, 28 Jan — Clearing up the “bad influence” left by Zhou Yongkang is necessary to restoring the people’s trust in the judicial system. Zhou is only one of the more than 60 high-ranking officials nailed since November 2012. His case is special because he once led the nation’s judicial and police authorities. He was a member of the standing committee of the political bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) central committee, in charge of political and legal work. Zhou failed to abide by precisely those laws that he was sworn to uphold. His conduct damaged the judicial system and shook people’s faith in judicial authorities, said Monday’s Beijing Youth Daily. Last week a statement by the commission for political and legal affairs of the CPC central committee said Zhou “severely harmed the Party and the country and led a number of other officials astray”. The statement went on to say that the CPC must “wash out the stain” left by a man who blatantly traded power for money and sex. Zhou was expelled from the CPC in December, an investigation opened and Zhou arrested. Zhou’s arrest should be a deterrent to other officials, regardless of their rank, who have abused, or who plan to abuse, their power. Zhou’s case lays bare some of the many flaws that still exist in China’s legal system and was one of the reasons behind the October decision by the central committee to overhaul the judicial system. Eliminating Zhou’s influence demands a rule of law that prevents law enforcers from break- ing the law themselves. This year, two circuit courts of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) will begin handling cases against the judiciary filed by the public and local communities. The Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) last month guaranteed lawyers’ rights to meet suspects and read case files. The new regulations prevent procurators attending meetings between lawyers and suspects, and forbids them from monitoring the meetings in any way. On Tuesday, the SPP banned prosecutors from a number of practices which left room for corruption. Only a transparent and clean judicial system can clear up the mess Zhou left behind, and as long as the judiciary themselves obey the law, another Zhou will be prevented.—Xinhua Embattled Australia PM Abbott vows to consult more after Prince Philip furore Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia. Sydney, 28 Jan —Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Wednesday he would take criticism of his decision to grant Britain’s Prince Philip a knighthood “on the chin”, promising greater consultation as speculation about his future as leader mounted. Abbott, an avowed monarchist who was born in England, bestowed Australia’s highest honour on Queen Elizabeth’s husband earlier this week, provoking widespread criticism, including some from within his party. “In the end this is my call and I’m happy to take these things on the chin,” Abbott told reporters in Melbourne. “Obviously there are some lessons in these things and the lesson that I learn is that there does need to be wider consultation about these sorts of awards in the future.” Australian-born media baron Rupert Murdoch, a staunch supporter of Abbott and his conservative Liberal-National government, waded into the furore, saying the prime minister’s powerful chief of staff should quit. “Abbott again. Tough to write, but if he won’t replace top aide Peta Credlin she must do her patriotic duty and resign,” Murdoch said on his Twitter feed. “Forget fairness. This change only way to recover team work and achieve so much possible for Australia. Leading involves cruel choices.” Credlin has been a lightening rod for much of the criticism of the Abbott leadership after a series of perceived missteps and a souring economy that have seen his popularity plummet in recent months. “Based on chats with Libs this AM, for the 1st time (& I can’t believe I’m saying this) I now don’t think PM can make it to the next election,” Peter van Onselen, political commentator and contributing editor at Murdoch’s The Australian newspaper said on Twitter. Abbott’s surprise reintroduction of knights and dames in the former British colony’s honours system last year drew criticism that he was out of touch with national sentiment. At the time he said they were intended to recognise “pre-eminent Australians”.— Reuters US trade chief asks Congress to give Obama fast-track authority Washington, 28 Jan — US trade chief Michael Froman called on Congress on Tuesday to give President Barack Obama fasttrack authority to conclude a contentious Pacific free trade initiative early as the negotiation has entered a final stage. “We look to Congress to pass a bipartisan trade promotion authority” so the United States and 11 other countries can conclude the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal within this year, Froman, US trade representative, told a congressional hearing. Speaking at the Senate’s Finance Committee, Froman said the TPA “strengthens Congressional oversight by requiring consultations and transparency throughout the negotiating process.” At the beginning of the session, a group of protestors in the hearing room interrupted Froman’s testi- mony shouting, “No TPP.” The hearing session took place as chief TPP negotiators from the 12 countries, including Japan, Australia and Canada, are holding a series of consultation meetings in New York planning to wrap them up on Sunday. The meeting of chief TPP negotiators was the first such since the launch of the Republicans-controlled US parliament earlier this month. Republicans are in general regarded as being positive about free trade initiatives. The other TPP negotiating countries are Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. The leaders of the 12 countries agreed in November that “the end of the negotiation is now coming into focus,” Froman said. Obama made a similar call as Froman’s for the fast-track authority in his State of the Union address, an annual policy speech, at Congress last week. Orrin Hatch, Republican chairman of the upper house’s committee handling trade issues, was reportedly willing to submit a bill to Congress for trade promotion authority by the end of this week and finish debates on the panel in February. Hatch will apparently have to wait at least until next month to commence Four killed in military chopper crash in southern Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City, 28 Jan — Four people were killed after a military helicopter crashed in Vietnam’s southern Ho Chi Minh (HCM) City on Wednesday, local online VNExpress reported. Lt Gen Vo Van Tuan, deputy chief of staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, was quoted as saying that news from Regiment 917, Air Division 370 of the the process in the face of growing opposition by rival Democrats and more work to fine-tune the envisioned TPA bill. The negotiation aimed at signing a TPP, which would cover some 40 percent of the global economy, has already entered a fifth year due to lingering gaps over thorny issues such as market access, intellectual property and reforms of state-owned enterprises. Kyodo News A citizen walks in the snow in Hefei, capital of east China’s Anhui Province on 28 Jan, 2015. The provincial meteorological authorities on Wednesday issued a blue warning for snowstorm in some parts of Anhui, including Hefei. Xinhua military Air Defence, reported that four people aboard all died. Tuan said the military helicopter UH 1 departed from Tan Son Nhat Airport in HCM City at 7:00 am local time on a training mission, but eight minutes later it lost contacts in Binh Chanh district of HCM City. Search and rescue work was underway, he added.—Xinhua Cambodian PM’s participation in Davos forum paves way for new investments Phnom Penh, 28 Jan — Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last week provided a good opportunity for the country to promote its potential to new investors, a senior government official said on Wednesday. Hun Sen, accompanied by economy, commerce, and investment ministers, took part in the forum for the first time last week and returned to Cambodia on Wednesday. “At the forum, the prime minister had under- scored Cambodia’s investment potential and opportunities to business leaders from across the globe in an attempt to attract new investments to Cambodia,” Kao Kim Hourn, minister attached to Prime Minister Hun Sen, told reporters at Phnom Penh Internation- al Airport. He said the forum was a good chance for Cambodia to promote its investment potential because some of the investors at the forum had never been to Cambodia. “Many investors had expressed their interest in business opportunities in Cambodia,” he said. According to the official, Hun Sen’s participation in Davos forum had also further strengthened Cambodia’s diplomacy on international arena. More than 40 heads of states and governments attended the four- day forum featuring 280 sessions and workshops. Besides, the annual forum drew 2,500 participants from over 140 countries representing businesses, governments, international organizations, academia, civil society and the media. Xinhua 8 Thursday, 29 January, 2015 opinion Thursday, 29 January, 2015 Any problem, when solved eagerly, can be solved really P By Kyaw Thura roblem solving is an unavoidable part of human society and all organizations. This makes it clear that solving problems is not just limited to people at the top. Most adults are under the illusion that they know better and do better than young people. In reality, age has nothing to do with maturity. It is necessary for people from all social strata to realize their roles as problem solvers and solution finders, since everybody hurts as long as a problem remains unsolved. Naturally, daunting challenges undermine every confidence in our abilities to tackle difficult situations. It is imperative to note that problems can be difficult to solve when we only know the issue and fail to work out the steps to fix it. The most difficult step is trying to understand the problem and figure out what it is really about before making a real effort to solve it. We are under the impression that every problem should be looked at broadly, which for sure will lead us to a wrong conclusion. All we need to do is to take actionable steps to approach the problem and move on to actually solve it. Solving a difficult problem successfully will give us a great satisfaction and a sense of achievement. Making efforts to solve problems as they arise is never enough. It takes effort, compromise, sacrifice and eagerness to solve all problems, no matter how hard they are. After all, every problem can be solved in the sense that they may not have correct answers, but they do have best answers. Write for us We appreciate your feedback and contributions. If you have any comments or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email wallace. [email protected] with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only able to publish “Letter to the Editor” that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words please be aware that your letter will be edited. Aplomb, Self-possession and Dogged determination act like the propulsive power to success By Tommy Pauk W E humans cannot attain success easily in life. Success of on individual mainly depends on a person’s morale and attitude. Success of the community or a success of the society depends on solidarity of the people concerned. A successful person always attempts with aplomb, self-possession and dogged determination properly. A successful person here means a person who has completely succeeded in education, politics, business, innovation, invention, adventurous exploration and medical science etc. These are the human characteristics for struggling or striving to achieve something in life. Unless a person has aplomb, he or she cannot succeed in some attempts or reach personal goal. When we have an ambition or dream or aspiration, we are obliged to strive hard by ourselves. Don’t expect any help or contribution from others. We must culture self-reliance and self-confidence or self-possession in our minds firmly. Self-reliance is in the sense that we must use our own effort to fulfill our ambition or intention completely indeed. Self-confidence is that we must confide in our own ability and skill to achieve success strongly. So we must show great aplomb in dealing with the endeavor for success. This morale acts like a propulsive power to gain success in life. It is a common knowledge and not a secret key to success in life. If we always want to depend on others and to expect assistance, our capability and efficiency will be faded away. In other words, we will become wally or oaf or inept persons as we do not make our own efforts. The lazy bones and wally will never succeed in life due to their habit and behavior indeed. When we do not have self-confidence, we cannot overcome obstacles and barriers in life. This is the driving force or propulsive power to success indeed. We need to use this power constantly and advertently. On the contrary, as a human nature, we sometimes feel downhearted and despondent when we face or encounter great barriers in the life struggle. Frequently, we are inclined to surrender or give up our own attempts for gaining some achievements or success. In this situation, we ought to control our minds to be stable in striving with aplomb carefully. Psychologically, downheartedness and despondence induce man to fail in any attempt to success or progress in life. The downhearted-nature and despondent–nature cause miserable and desperate human life. However, aplomb conduces man to win over difficulties and achieve success straight. For example; the inventors, the benefactors for great and modern achievements of human beings, had striven with aplomb to gain success in inventing airplane, electricity, telephone etc. The inventors had sacrificed and dedicated their lives to find or invent new things which could contribute or help humans enjoy convenient, easier and comfortable life with sincere and genuine goodwill. As a proverbial saying goes; ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’, we should have thought before using the right way and to implement or materialize the will. Even then, we must have correct guideline and timeline to strive or make efforts with aplomb. Otherwise, our attempts will be in vain. In other words, aplomb can fulfill our strong will and burning desire. If a person wants to possess prowess, he or she must attempt to attain it with great aplomb. Dogged-determination is closely associated with aplomb in characteristics. If a person’s morale is made up of dogged-determination and aplomb, he or she could achieve a successful life in human society. Dogged determination motivates a person concerned to succeed in attempting something in life. A person, who strives doggedly, becomes a successful man in any endeavor in life. So, doggedness acts like a propulsive power to win the victory in life or achieve success certainly. First and foremost, each and everyone has to determine to carry out their plans. Afterwards, they carry out the tasks with their capacity and skill. However, they need to do their tasks doggedly so that they will certainly succeed in doing the tasks. We should know that the hesitant –nature or wavering – nature is the hindrance to dogged-determination. Therefore, we must get rid of hesitant-nature from our minds totally so as to culture dogged-determination in life. The dogged-determination brings us victory or success in life. This is indeed a high morale which pushes us to step forward to reach our aims or goals. In here, self-possession is vitally important to gear up the aims and objects to be achieved. When we have determination to do something for our life, we normally look for the most suitable way to implement it or to accomplish it or to execute it. In this case, the firm determination is to be utilized so that we can achieve success. We should not deviate from our aim or goal or intention or vision. A man without dogged determination is like a boat without rudder or like a dullard. Since he or she has neither particular direction nor dogged determination to reach some goal, the aimless life leads him or her to a sub-standard life. Some world prominent figures or people have attained great success as they struggled with dogged determination. For example; General Aung San of Myanmar, who founded Myanmar Armed forces and fought against the British colonialists to regain Mynmar’s own independence heroically. His dogged determination and self-possession led him to regain Myanmar’s own Independence from British colonialists. His dogged determination aiming at regaining Myanmar’s own independence was trusted by the entire people of Myanmar. His noble morale, spirit of patriotism, aplomb motivated and unified the entire people of Myanmar to drive out the British colonialists from Myanmar’s soil unitedly and unanimously. Another example is about the man’s attempt to reach and land on the moon. It was a heroic success in space exploration. Unless the space scientists and space astronaut attempted with self-confidence or aplomb or dogged determination, man could not reach moon. NASA’s program, experiment, survey and practical training for reaching and landing on the moon were based on dogged determination with aplomb. As a result, the man named Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, had walked on the moon. Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon and he accomplished the feat on July 20, 1969. He was also convinced of the NASA’s program with dogged determination, self-possession and aplomb .This remarkable feat declared that man is capable of using space technology to reach and land on the moon with space-craft among the celestial beings in the solar system. This breakthrough was significantly recorded in human history. So, it is obvious to learn that the dogged determination, self-possession and aplomb act like the propulsive power to success. Developing human civilizations and the technology of modern civilization are created by human‘s dogged determination and strong will on earth. We humans aspire to the tasks for the development of human society so we decide to upgrade it firmly. Then we make concerted efforts to uplift the standard of humanity. Our dogged determination motivates us to implement the aims ardently. Eventually we reach our goals. It is an honorable success indeed. The high morale of technologists also invent or innovate things for modern civilization with dogged determination in the same way as human civilization development. It is undeniable that the evolution of human civilization is generated by aplomb, self-possession and dogged determination. These characteristics or distinguishing qualities in human minds (See page 9) GOLD PRICE, FE RATE (28-1-2015) Yangon Gold Price Buying K698,500 per tical: Selling K699,500 Mandalay Gold Price Buying K698,500 per tical: Selling K699,500 FE RATE USD Buying K 1025: SGD Buying K 768: Euro Buying K 1,150: Selling K1030 Selling K775 Selling K1,170 Thursday, 29 January, 2015 9 national Coordination focuses on presentation of President’s Excellent Award Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan— The President’s Excellent Award scrutiny committee held the second coordination meeting at the President Office Ministry, here, on Wednesday. Chairmen of the work committee deputy ministers Brig-Gen Kyaw Zan Myint, U Thein Aung, Dr Win Myint and Dr Zaw Min Aung discussed extension of members at respective work committees, designation of awards, rules for point system and field trips for assessment. Region and state ministers participated in discussions on competition of Government, student protesters agree to hold four-party talks candidates from respective regions and states and selection of winners in the awards through video conferencing. Chairman of the scrutiny committee Union Minister at the President Office U Tin Naing Thein reviewed discussions of participants. They also focused on releasing information, making medals, transport and preparations for awarding ceremony. Secretary of the committee deputy minister U Kyaw Kyaw Win urged all to actively carry out the tasks to have better result in this year’s ceremony. MNA logues. We are now on the path to talks, the union minister added. A little misunderstanding between the government and students caused the protests and arrangements of the government and the Hluttaw were explained to students at the meeting, according to the union minister. U Min Ko Naing of 88 Generation Peace and Open Society hailed the agreement between the government and the students, saying that it was a good step forward and both the government and the students were required to keep the promise. DHSHD, KOICA agree establishment Ko Zeyar Lwin of of Yangon-Hanthawady-Bago Yangon Institute of EcoUnion Minister U Aung Min replies to queries at media at the ceremony to nomics agreed that the Corridor and Yangon Southwestern issue four points agreement.—mna meeting was important Regional Development and it was a rare meeting Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Jan— Yangon Southwestern Rein the history of student News Agency. Nay Pyi Taw, 28 Wednesday. The signing ceremony of gional Development in My- Jan— The government, “When we promGovernment officials movement. He believed the Record of Discussions anmar was held on 26 Jan- Hluttaw representatives ised to hold four-party and leaders of student that the four-party talks of (ROD) between Korea In- uary at Office No 40, here. and student represent- talks and set the time and protestors agreed to hold the strike committee, the ternational Cooperation Director-General U atives of Democracy venue, students agreed talks as demanded by stu- leading committee for deAgency (KOICA) and the Min Htein of the depart- Education mocracy education moveMovement to suspend their pro- dent protestors. Department of Human ment and Mr Nam Kwon met in Nya Pyi Taw on tests as their demand was As the president has ment, the national network Settlement and Housing Hyoung, Chief Resident Wednesday and issued a met,” Union Minister U often said, solution can for education reform and Development, Ministry of Representative of KOICA four points agreement on Aung Min told Myanmar be reached through dia- the government will solve Construction, on the Project Myanmar Office signed the the national education law for establishment of master ROD for further collaboracrisis. plans for Yangon-Hantha- tion of urban and regional ogy vendors dealing with Other demands of the security of mobile banking wady-Bago Corridor and planning.—MNA students will be discussed and payments for many at the talks, he added. Bankers, telcos, solution providers... years. The talks will beto send money online. (from page 1) In Myanmar, some dogin on 1 February and “From my point of mestic banks, including CB “It is not too soon for the protests will also be Myanmar’s telecom and view, late movers will be Bank and Inwa Bank, that suspended as soon as the banking communities to given the advantage of not have recently launched motalks begin, according to embrace mobile banking sustaining the risks,” said U bile banking services and Ko Nanda Sit Aung of initiatives and e-commerce Than Sein of United Ama- telcos are about to race to Student protester All Burma Federation of possibilities, U Khin Maung ra Bank Ltd, adding not to get a slice of the new marKo Nanda Sit Aung. Student Unions (Central Nyo, an economist, told worry about security risks. ket. The financial services Student protester Working Committee). The Global New Light of He highlighted advantages aiming to reach out to a mna Ko Zeyar Lwin.—mna Honey Win (MNA) Myanmar. But he stressed of choosing ones that are large unbanked population prowess, glory, feat, high the importance of trust and proven to minimize security in rural areas are expected morale and creative-mindsecurity paving the way to a concerns and being provid- to boom in the country. edness are immeasurable on (from page 8) space approaching our plansafe environment in which ed by international technolGNLM are propulsive power to suc- et, but no one can show con- earth and man can even cess in human existence and crete evidence or proof of travel in the space to discovin human society as well. their movement or appear- er biological activities and Man must be aware that ance. Since we cannot de- water. What an awesome man is the most superior tect the movement or ap- endeavor! Don’t lose confidence creature on earth and also pearance of the so-called man is able to conquer the aliens or creatures from out- whenever you encounter the other planets in the solar er space, we can infer that difficulties or obstacles on system. We must exert or man is the most powerful your way to success! Don’t hesitate and destrive for the betterment of living creature in the solar humanity humanely . Cur- system undoubtedly. This viate when you have dogged rently, we humans are the power is not rewarded by determination for the good ones who can travel in the god but rewarded by hu- faith of mankind! ***** space and can launch mans themselves. Man’s manned spacecraft or un- Tommy Pauk is the pseudonym of U Thein Swe, who manned spacecraft to land is B.A (English) and (Registered Law) R.L I. degrees on the other planets in the holder. He has English Teaching experience at Cynthia Liaw, head of virtual banking & payments of Maybank, shares solar system. Absolutely, Yangon University English Department and experience in mobile banking and mobile transfers at the 6th Annual this is the tangible proof and Workers’ college in Yangon, and now is working as Asia/Myanmar Mobile Money + E-Commerce Summit 2015 in Yangon on reality. It is said that there freelance writer and English Teacher cum Translator/ Wednesday.—Photo: Ye Myint are creatures from outer Interpreter for foreign firms. Aplomb, Self-possession and... 10 Thursday, 29 January, 2015 world Spying program leaked by Brazil’s Rousseff urges cabinet Snowden is tied to campaign in to back belt-tightening Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff Brasilia, 28 Jan — Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff urged her cabinet on Tuesday to embrace fiscal belt-tightening and other measures aimed at restoring business confidence and growth in her second term. Rousseff stressed the need to rein in wasteful spending and to do more with less, a change of pol- icy that investors want to see but that has caused frictions within the ruling Workers’ Party. “We need a fiscal rebalancing to recover economic growth as soon as possible so we can bring down inflation and interest rates and, thus, guarantee jobs and incomes,” she said at her first cabinet meeting since being sworn in on 1 January for a new term. She vowed to preserve social programmes that have reduced poverty, but said pension and unemployment benefits will have to be trimmed. Labour unions plan protests on Wednesday against the policy changes, a first show of opposition to the belt-tightening from within the ranks of traditional allies of her Workers’ Party. The leftist leader said the adjustment will be “gradual” and started with budget cuts for all ministries. Steps will be taken to cut red tape and encourage investment by expanding private concessions in infrastructure projects. Taxes will be simplified to ease the burden on companies and make them more competitive to boost exports, she said. Rousseff’s new finance minister, hawkish banker Joaquim Levy, has already raised taxes on fuel, imports and cosmetics to make up for a widening fiscal shortfall that has soured the mood of investors.—Reuters many countries San Francisco, 28 Jan — A program used by US and British spies to record computer keystrokes was part of sophisticated hacking operations in more than a dozen countries, security experts said on Tuesday, after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden reportedly leaked the source code for the program. On Tuesday, researchers at security software firm Kaspersky Lab said that much of that code, published this month by German magazine Spiegel, matched what they previously found in machines infected by Regin, a major suite of spying tools exposed in November. Venezuelan president rejects crime accusation against socialist leader Caracas, 28 Jan — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday rebuffed media reports that accused his top party aide of drug trafficking, calling it a new “maneuver” by the opposition. In a TV broadcast, Maduro said the charge against Diosdado Cabello, his top aide from the United Socialist Party, is a new “campaign to discredit” the country’s most important revolutionary leader just after the head of state. “I want to take this opportunity to reject this new plan against Diosdado Cabello. He has all my support,” said the president. Two Spanish-language newspapers reported on Tuesday that Cabello’s chief bodyguard, Leamsy Salazar, had fled to the United States where he’s allegedly cooperating with the Drug Enforcement Agency. According to the reports, Salazar has documents that indicate the implication of the socialist leader in crimes as head of a drug cartel made up of political and military officials. “This a very vulgar campaign against Cabello,” behind which is the “imperial hand” of the US government, said Maduro. Meanwhile, Cabello responded on Twitter to the allegations. “Every attack against me strengthens my spirit and resolve,” he said, thanking people for support at a time of “infamy and intrigue.” Socialist legislators also rejected the accusation as a “desperate action” by right-wing groups, although they recognized that Salazar belonged to Cabello’s security team.—Xinhua Lead Kaspersky researcher Costin Raiu said that the keylogging programme, called Qwerty, would work only with Regin, and that it appeared several Western countries’ spies had been using Regin over the course of a decade. “Multiple attacker groups are using the Regin platform, which is a new conclusion for us,” Raiu told Reuters. Spiegel and other publications reported earlier that Regin had been used in the hacking of Belgian telecommunications provider Belgacom, which slides provided by Snowden said was targeted to enable spying on mobile phones in Europe. Overall, the malicious software has been discovered at more than two dozen sites in 14 countries, including Russia, India, Germany and Brazil. Targets included government agencies, financial institutions and multilateral bodies. The NSA did not respond to a request for comment. After past Snowden disclosures, it has avoided discussing specific operations but said it complies with US law, which allows broad surveillance over- Former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden seas. The new findings suggest that Regin was a platform for spying operations that was shared among the so-called Five Eyes— the United States, United Kingdom, Canada Australia, and New Zealand. In its own November report on Regin, top US antivirus company Symantec Corp said it was extraordinarily well disguised, and that even when traces were found it was difficult to know the purpose. Like some other top-tier spying programmes, Regin has different modules that can be installed to achieve different ends. Symantec said it found victims in the telecom industry as well as energy, airline and research concerns. Reuters Greek PM Tsipras names antiausterity cabinet, port sale halted Athens, 28 Jan — Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras named a cabinet of anti-austerity veterans and halted privatization of Greece’s biggest port on Tuesday, signaling he aims to stick to election pledges despite warning shots from the euro zone and financial markets. Greek markets endured a second day of turmoil, with bank shares diving and investors fearing the anti-bailout government might be set on a collision course with the country’s European Union and IMF creditors. Promising to reverse budget cuts and renegotiate Greece’s huge debts, Tsipras’s leftist Syriza party stormed to power in Sunday’s snap election on a wave of anger against the German-backed austerity policies that have driven up poverty and left one in four Greek workers out of a job. Among a team spanning the radical and more pragmatic wings of Syriza, Tsipras named academic economist Yanis Varoufakis as his finance minister. The defence portfolio went to Panos Kammenos, leader of the right-wing Independent Greeks party which is the junior partner in the Tsipras coalition. One of the first decisions announced by the new government was stopping the planned sale of a 67 percent stake in the Piraeus Port Authority (OLPr.AT), agreed under its international bailout deal for which China’s Co- sco Group COSCO.UL and four other suitors had been shortlisted. “The Cosco deal will be reviewed to the benefit of the Greek people,” Thodoris Dritsas, the deputy minister in charge of the shipping portfolio, told Reuters. Syriza had announced before the election it would halt the sale of state assets, a plank of the 240 billion-euro bailout agreement. Stakes in the port of Thessaloniki (OLTr.AT), the country’s second biggest, along with railway operator Trainose and rolling stock operator ROSCO are also slated to be sold. In a separate step, the deputy minister in charge of administrative reform, George Katrougkalos said the government would re- Greek President Karolos Papoulias (L) reads the political oath as newly appointed ministers and deputy ministers take part in a swearing in ceremony at the presidential palace in Athens on 27 Jan, 2015.—Reuters verse some layoffs of public sector workers, rolling back another key bailout measure. “It will be one of the first pieces of legislation that I will bring in as a minister,” he told Mega TV. Varoufakis has railed against the bailouts of struggling euro zone states as “fiscal waterboarding”. But after being sworn in, he said the government would be constructive. “We are about to begin negotiating with our partners,” he told reporters. “It is a great challenge, but the challenge is how to minimize social costs that were unnecessary throughout Europe,” he said.—Reuters Thursday, 29 January, 2015 11 world Too soon to say ‘mission accomplished’ in Kobani — US official Kurdish civilians gather in the Syrian Kurdish city of Qamishli as they wave Kurdish flags in celebration after it was reported that Kurdish forces took control of the Syrian town of Kobani on 27 Jan, 2015.—Reuters Afghans arrest commander of group that claimed killing Swedish journalist Kabul, 28 Jan — Afghanistan’s main intelligence agency said on Wednesday it had arrested a commander of a militant group known as the “Suicide Front”, that claimed responsibility last year for the execution-style killing of a Swedish journalist. Nils Horner, 51, who worked for Swedish Radio and held dual British-Swedish nationality, was shot dead in the capital’s diplomatic quarter in last March. The killing compounded fears of deteriorating security ahead of the withdrawal of most foreign troops. The militant group had separately claimed respon- sibility for the killing of the governor of the province of Logar the previous year. “The National Directorate of Security detained a militant commander for the terrorist group Mahaz-e-Fedaiyan ... with two pistols, two time bombs and a silencer,” said Hassib Sediqi, a spokesman for the agency, referring to the group. The militants, who described themselves as a Taleban splinter faction, said the radio journalist was a spy for Britain’s intelligence agency. Britain’s mission in Afghanistan said it did not comment on such allegations. At the time, a West- ern diplomat dismissed the militants’ accusation as “complete nonsense”. The Taleban denied any link to the militants who claimed Hormer’s killing. The Swedish mission in Afghanistan said details of the arrest had been passed onto investigators in Sweden, but that it was too early to reach any conclusions. “The investigation in Sweden is still ongoing,” said deputy mission chief Anders Skiöldebrand, adding that Swedish investigators working closely with the Afghan spy agency had been to Afghanistan last year and could return. Reuters Frenchman, American among those killed in Tripoli hotel attack Tripoli, 28 Jan — A Frenchman and an American national were among the foreign victims killed when gunmen stormed a Tripoli hotel on Tuesday, a Libyan security official said. Tripoli security spokesman Essam Naas said the Frenchman had been identified by his employee identification badge. He did not give further details, but said the other foreigners were Asian without giving any nationality. The attack on the luxu- ry Corinthia Hotel was still under investigation and details remain unclear. But Libyan officials said two gunmen set off a car bomb before storming the hotel, killing four foreigners, a security officer and three guards.—Reuters Security forces surround Corinthia hotel after a car bomb in Tripoli on 27 Jan, 2015. —Reuters Washington, 28 Jan — Kurdish fighters’ expulsion of Islamic State forces from the Syrian town of Kobani helped stop the momentum of the Islamist group but is not a significant turning point in the overall campaign, a senior State Department official said on Tuesday. The setback for Islamic State in the war-ravaged town near the Turkish border did not mean “anyone is declaring mission accomplished” in the international campaign against the group, that has taken over parts of Syria and Iraq, the official said. US air strikes in liaison with Kurdish ground troops and Iraqi Kurd rein- forcements allowed in from Turkey tipped the battle the Kurds’ way, and the Islamic State’s appetite for the fight had been undermined by heavy death tolls. “About 90 percent of the town has been retaken and ISIL, whether on order or the fact that they are just breaking ranks, are withdrawing from the town,” the official told reporters, employing a frequently used acronym for the al-Qaeda offshoot. “The entire notion of this organization that is on the march and the inevitable expansion and inevitable momentum has been halted at Kobani,” added the official, speaking on condition of anonymity. “The number of foreign fighters killed in Kobani is hugely significant,” the official said, adding it was “in the four figures.” The militants had launched an assault on Kobani in September using heavy weapons seized in Iraq and forcing tens of thousands of people over the border into Turkey. The official said some of Islamic State’s best foreign fighters from Chechnya, Canada, Australia and Belgium made up the majority of militants fighting for the city, which became a focal point in the campaign in northern Syria. By November they were struggling to hold the town.—Reuters Japan strives for Jordan’s help as deadline for hostage release nears Tokyo, 28 Jan — Japan stepped up its calls on Wednesday for Jordanian support in seeking the release of a Japanese freelance journalist thought to be held captive by Islamic State militants, as a new video message warned the hostage could be killed within 24 hours. The Japanese government convened an emergency Cabinet meeting on Wednesday morning to discuss how to respond to the hostage crisis and secure the immediate release of 47-year-old Kenji Goto, a few days after another video clip showed the apparent killing of another captive, 42-year-old Haruna Yukawa. “I feel great outrage at this extremely vicious act. We condemn this,” Abe told Cabinet ministers at the prime minister’s office. “ “It’s an extremely severe situation but the government has been seeking cooperation from the Jordanian government for the release of Mr Goto as soon as possible, and we will continue to do so,” Abe added. In the video clip posted online on Tuesday, a man who claims to be Goto demanded that Jordan swiftly release Sajida al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman on death row for an attempted suicide bombing in Jordan in 2005, saying he has “24 hours left to live.” The man, wearing an orange garment, is holding a picture of a man who appears to be 1st Lt Muath al Kasaesbeh, a Jordanian Prime Minister Shinzo Abe meets with reporters on on 28 Jan, 2015, at his office in Tokyo, following a ministers’ meeting to deal with the hostage crisis. Kyodo News military pilot apparently held hostage by the Islamic State group. The voice in the video says the pilot has a shorter time than Goto. Asked about when the government believes the 24-hour period started, senior government officials only said Tokyo confirmed the existence of the video around 11 pm on Tuesday, Japan time. Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a Press conference that the video is likely credible, as the government has had “no reason to deny” its authenticity so far. The captors have changed their demand from seeking a ransom of $200 million — the same amount Abe committed during his tour of the Middle East as part of anti-Islamic State efforts — to free the two Japanese hostages to the release of al-Rishawi. Abe has described the aid as “humanitarian and nonmilitary” in nature, which includes support for countries helping refuges from Syria and Iraq. He has vowed never to give in to terrorism. Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters that he instructed his deputy Yasuhide Nakayama, who has been dispatched to head a Japanese task force in Amman, to increase efforts to seek cooperation from the Jordanian government. Japanese government officials were analyzing the new video, in which the voice called on Tokyo to “put all their political pressure on Jordan.” “A lot depends on what the Jordanian government decides,” a Japanese official said. Many Jordanians have been calling for al Kasaesbeh to be freed, with speculation about a two-for-one swap deal that will see the release of the pilot and Goto in exchange for the convicted Iraqi terrorist. Kyodo News 12 Thursday, 29 January, 2015 world Spy agency employee was flying drone that crashed at White House A recreational drone that landed on the White House South Lawn is seen in this US Secret Service handout image taken and released on 26 Jan, 2015. An individual has come forward to claim responsibility for flying the small drone that crashed on the South Lawn of the White House early on Monday morning, a Secret Service spokeswoman said. The individual claimed the drone was being used for recreational purposes.—Reuters Washington, 28 Jan — An employee of a US spy agency has confessed to operating a small drone that crashed on the grounds of the White House, the agency said on Tuesday, the latest in a series of incidents that raised questions about the president’s security. A spokesman for the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) said that an off-duty employee had told the US Secret Service, which guards the presidential mansion, that he had been flying the four-propellor drone when it crashed on Monday. The NGA is a Defence Department agency whose principal job is to analyze photographs taken by spy planes and satellites. The spokesman said that the Secret Service was investigating and at this point the man was not facing disciplinary action. It did not name the employee or explain why he was operating the device near the president’s home. A Secret Service spokesman said the device, which set off an alert and a lockdown at the White House, was used for recreational purposes and did not appear dangerous. President Barack Obama, who was travelling abroad, said he understood the drone was of a type available at a high street Mexico not planning to extradite drug kingpin Guzman Mexico City, 28 Jan — Mexico is not planning to extradite to the United States captured drug lord Joaquin Guzman because he will first have to serve out jail time at home, an official at the federal attor- ney general’s office said on Tuesday. Mexican Attorney General Jesus Murillo said last week a US request was imminent for the extradition of Guzman, who is best known in Mexico as El Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin “Shorty” Guzman Chapo, or Shorty, because of his height. But given the number of charges pending against him, Guzman was likely to spend years in Mexican prison before he could face trial in the United States, an official at the attorney general’s office said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “At the moment, the extradition of El Chapo is not being contemplated,” the official said, adding that only once Guzman had served his sentences in Mexico could extradition be considered. Guzman was the most wanted capo in the country until he was captured by security forces last February in northwestern Mexico, where he headed the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most powerful drug smuggling outfits in the world. Bloody clashes between drug gangs and security forces have claimed about 100,000 lives in Mexico over the past eight years. Captured for the first time in 1993, Guzman escaped his Mexican prison in 2001 and later made it into the Forbes list of billionaires thanks to his drug trafficking exploits. Guzman is wanted in the United States on a host of criminal charges including cocaine smuggling, money laundering and running a criminal enterprise, which included murder. Reuters chain store and the incident illustrated the need for more regulation over such new technologies. Obama’s wife, Michelle, accompanied the president on the trip. Their daughters, Sasha and Malia, and their grandmother, Michelle Robinson, stayed behind. In an interview with CNN, Obama said he had asked the Federal Aviation Administration to examine how the United States is managing the influx of flying devices “because the drone that landed in the White House you buy in RadioShack.” The device known as a “quad copter” crashed at the White House in central Washington in the early hours of Monday without endangering anyone. Asked by CNN if he was confident that another drone that was armed could not land at his residence in the future, Obama demurred. “This is a broader problem,” he said. “I’ll leave the Secret Service to talk about this particular event.” The Secret Service has come under scrutiny after several incidents involving White House security. Its director resigned in October, and an independent review concluded that it needs to build a better fence and hire more officers. Reuters Indonesia’s search for AirAsia crash victims could end in days Jakarta, 28 Jan — Indonesia’s search for dozens of victims still unaccounted for from last month’s crash of an AirAsia (AIRA.KL) passenger jet could end within days if no more bodies are found, a senior government official said on Wednesday. The Airbus (AIR.PA) A320 vanished from radar screens in bad weather over the Java Sea on 28 December, less than half-way into a two-hour flight from Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-biggest city, to Singapore. All 162 people on board were killed. Indonesia’s civilian National Search and Rescue Agency said it would scour the sea for bodies for at least another week. “Within one week we will evaluate (our search) depending on the result,” agency chief Fransiskus Bambang Soelistyo told reporters. “If we can find one or two more bodies, that means we have the opportunity to prolong the operation.” The military withdrew from the search on Tuesday, apologizing to the victims’ families for not being able to do more after a month of work. Reuters Blizzard hits Boston and New England, spares New York despite forecasts Boston / New York, 28 Jan — A powerful blizzard struck Boston and surrounding New England on Tuesday, leaving some 4.5 million people grappling with as much as three feet of snow and coastal flooding but sparing New York City residents who had braced for a significant blast. Snow was forecast to keep falling into early Wednesday in eastern New England, possibly setting a record snowfall in Boston. At Logan International Airport, 23.3 inches (59.2 cm) of snow was on the ground early evening, swept higher in parts by strong winds. “There are drifts now of four, five and six feet in some places,” Massa- chusetts Governor Charlie Baker said. “This is clearly a very big storm for most of Massachusetts.” A statewide travel ban was scheduled to be lifted at midnight but Massachusetts residents were urged to stay off the roads if possible. Boston-area trains, buses and subways were set to resume normal service on Wednesday but delays were predicted for the morning commute. On the resort island of Nantucket, more than half of homes and businesses were still without power at early evening, and crews working to restore electricity were at times getting stuck on roads throughout the day, Police Chief William Pittman said. Lacking electricity and heat at home, more than 100 people flocked to a shelter at a high school and others simply warmed themselves in their running cars, Pittman said. “We are going to have another tough night ahead of us,” Pittman said, citing fresh snowfall and blustery conditions as well as downed trees and power lines, and icy water over roadways. “After midnight, things are going to start improving.” Icy flooding closed the island’s downtown waterfront, white-out conditions forced some roads to be shut down and ferry and plane service was canceled, according to local reports. Storm-driven coast- al flooding added to the state’s woes, as lowlying towns south of Boston grappled with rising water. High tides breached a seawall in Marshfield, about 30 miles (50 km) south of Boston, damaging 11 homes, several of which were condemned, police said. Police urged residents to evacuate.—Reuters Fourteen-year-old Will Adam snow boards down a street on Beacon Hill during a large winter blizzard in Boston, Massachusetts on 27 Jan, 2015.—Reuters Thursday, 29 January, 2015 13 A D V E R T I S E M E N T & g enera l Claims Day Notice MV uni assure VOY No (383N) Consignees of cargo carried on MV uni assure VOY No (383N) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 29.1.2015 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of H.P.T where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. Shipping Agency Department Myanma Port Authority Agent for: M/s evergreen shipping line Phone No: 2301185 Claims Day Notice Claims Day Notice Consignees of cargo carried on MV tug: bonia star 21 & brg: singa besar 1 VOY No (-) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 29.1.2015 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of apex jetty where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. Shipping Agency Department Myanma Port Authority Agent for: M/s singa marine sdn bhd malaysia Phone No: 2301191/2301178 Consignees of cargo carried on MV meratus gorontalo VOY No (091N) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 29.1.2015 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. Shipping Agency Department Myanma Port Authority Agent for: M/s yang ming lines Phone No: 2301185 MV tug: bonia star 21 & brg: singa besar 1 VOY No (-) MV meratus gorontalo VOY No (091N) Food crisis in southern Iraq worsening, UN agency says Rome, 28 Jan — A food crisis is unfolding in southern Iraq, where thousands of internally displaced refugees who have moved there from other parts of the country do not have enough to eat, a United Nations agency said on Tuesday. “Violence continues to cause ongoing displacement in central, western and northern areas of Iraq,” WFP spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Kurdish forces are battling the Sunni Islamist group ISIS in part of northern Iraq. “We are gravely con- cerned about food security and the humanitarian situation.” Internally displaced people who cannot reach the Kurdish controlled north, or who cannot afford to stay there because of rising prices and overcrowding, are fleeing to the south, Byrs said. Many are living in unoccupied public buildings or mosques that local authorities have provided as shelter, or with host communities. Most of the families who moved to the south said they spent their meagre savings on transport to get there, the WFP said. About 50,000 displaced families, roughly 250,000 people, in the southern areas of Basrah, Thi Qar, Qadissiya, Missan, Wassit, Muthanna, Najaf, Kerbala, and Babel are currently receiving aid, the WFP reported. It is not clear how many additional families who have moved to the south are not receiving aid, Byrs said. Overall, more than 2 million Iraqis have been internally displaced, and about 1.4 million of them are receiving WFP aid, Byrs said.—Reuters Singapore launches projects to commemorate “Battle for Singapore” from Japanese Singapore, 28 Jan — To commemorate Singapore’s fall to the Japanese 73 years ago and its liberation three years later, the National Heritage Board (NHB) of Singapore has launched the “ Battle for Singapore” project, which will organize 52 tours to nine World War II sites and structures across the country. In a Press release is- Advertise with us! For inquries to place an advertisement in the GNLM, Please email [email protected] (+95) (01) 8604532 sued on Wednesday, NHB said that the new tours include tours of the Mount Imbiah Battery in Sentosa and Sarimbun Beach, where one of the first battles with the Japanese forces took place. All tours are free of charge and public must register in advance. NHB will also launch an exhibition entitled Case Files from the Singapore War Crimes Tribunal to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Singapore, which will be on display at the National Museum of Singapore from 11 February to 27 March. In addition, World War II artefacts including two machine guns recovered at the Attap Vallery bunker, archival photographs, court transcripts and video clips will also be displayed.—Xinhua Weather report BAY INFERENCE: Weather is generally fair in the North Bay and partly cloudy in the Andaman Sea and elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal. FORECAST VALID UNTIL EVENING OF THE 29th January, 2015: Rain are likely to be isolated in Upper Sagaing Region and Kachin State, weather will be partly cloudy in Taninthayi Region and generally fair in the remaining Regions and States. Degree of certainty is (60%). STATE OF THE SEA: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar waters. OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood of isolated light rain in the extreme in the Northern Myanmar areas. Photo taken on 9 Nov, 2012 shows the gas chamber at the memorial site of the former Auschwitz concentration camp in Oswiecim, Poland. The celebrations of the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz concentration camp liberation began in the Polish southern town of Oswiecim on Tuesday morning. The concentration camp was founded in 1940 by the Germans mostly for the aim of imprisoning Polish captives. Since 1942 it became Europe’s one of the biggest places of Jewish extermination, with more than 1.1 million people killed, also including Poles, Romanians, Soviet captives and others. The camp was liberated on 27 Jan, 1945 by the Red Army soldiers of the former Soviet Union, the date which eventually became the Holocaust Victims Memory Day.—Xinhua AirAsia to cancel fuel surcharges Beijing, 28 Jan — AirAsia Group CEO said due to international oil price drop, AirAsia will abolish the fuel surcharge across all of its airlines in the group. AirAsia’s long haul affiliates, AirAsia X, Thai AirAsia X and Indonesia AirAsia X will also stop collecting fuel costs from passengers, the company said in a statement. AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandez said on Monday to cancel fuel costs will further reduce travel costs, help boost tourism and create a lot of jobs. It will boost the economy and benefit consumers. Making fly easy is the continuous pursuit of AirAsia, he said. Xinhua NPA leader nabbed in N Philippines Manila, 28 Jan — A top leader of the communist New People’s Army (NPA) in Bicol region of the Philippines was nabbed on Tuesday, the country’s military officials said on Wednesday. The man nabbed is named Reynaldo Hugo and is second in command of NPA in Bicol, said Angelo Guzman, spokesperson of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)’ Southern Luzon Command. Guzman said Hugo was arrested at around 10:14 am on Tuesday during a joint operation launched by the military and police forces in Cabuyao town, Laguna province. He was suspected of multiple murder. Mardjorie Panesa, public affairs officer of the 9th Infantry Division, said Hugo was nabbed at the residence of a family member in barangay Gulod. She said no firearm was seized from Hugo’s possession. Guzman said the arrest of Hugo was made possible by information provided by unnamed NPA rebels. “Internal disputes on the whereabouts of extortion money led some NPAs to pinpoint Hugo to authorities,” he said. At least three NPA leaders were arrested by government forces in Bicol region last year. The 4,000-strong NPA has been fighting an insurgency in 60 Philippine provinces since 1969. Xinhua 14 Thursday, 29 January, 2015 entertainment From Oscars to Sundance, Sharma and Revolori discuss India’s ‘Umrika’ Emma Stone ‘uncomfortable’ with paparazzi attention New York, 28 Jan — Actress Emma Stone has revealed that she finds paparazzi attention “uncomfortable” outside her home. The 26-year-old actress, who is dating her “Amazing Spider-Man” co-star Andrew Garfield, said she will never enjoy seeing people outside her house snapping photographs of her, reported the New York Times. “It’s uncomfortable to have photographers outside of your home. That’s never going to feel good, and I don’t think that’s OK. Yet there’s also a goal to live life normally. So, if they photograph you walking to the same restaurant every morning, like you do when you live in a neighbourhood. Honestly, I try not to think about it any longer than when it’s happening,” she said. Stone said she feels incredibly “protective” of her personal life. “For me, I value privacy so much and I understand why I need to talk about the work, the films and all of that but it’s incredibly hard to reveal stuff about my life, so it makes me feel pretty boring and very protective.” PTI Taylor Swift says Twitter, Instagram accounts were hacked Los Angeles, 28 Jan — Pop star Taylor Swift said her Twitter and Instagram accounts were hacked on Tuesday, but the rogue posts were quickly removed from the social media services. The 25-year-old “Shake It Off” singer, whose album “1989” has been atop the charts for the past three months, has built a following of young fans through social media and has the fourth-most popular Twitter account with 51.4 million followers. “My Twitter got hacked but don’t worry, Twitter is deleting the hacker tweets and locking my account until they can figure out how this happened and get me new passwords,” said a statement posted on Swift’s personal Tumblr page. “Never a dull moment,” the statement added before another posting said that Swift’s Instagram account had been hacked as well. Celebrities are frequent targets of hackers who have posted per- sonal and embarrassing information online in previous high-profile hacks. Swift’s publicist did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Twitter Inc and Facebook Inc-owned Instagram did not immediately respond to requests for comment on whether Swift’s accounts had been hacked. The Grammy winner was back to tweeting two hours after the hacking, in which users were asked to follow two accounts that Twitter now lists as suspended. “Cause the hackers gonna hack, hack, hack, hack, hack ...,” Swift tweeted, mimicking the lyrics to her hit “Shake It Off.” The apparent hacking of Swift’s accounts came as Facebook, the world’s largest social network, experienced a wide outage on Tuesday. A hacker group sought to claim responsibility, but the company said the outage was its fault.—Reuters Park City, (Utah) 28 Jan — In the midst of the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, actors Suraj Sharma and Tony Revolori found themselves comparing notes on Hollywood’s awards season, both having made their breakout in films that stormed into the Oscars race. Indian actor Sharma, the lead of 2012’s Oscar-nominated “Life of Pi,” and Hispanic American actor Revolori, the star of this year’s quirky Oscar-nominated “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” joked about etiquette required at the Oscars as they discussed their role in “Umrika,” which premiered at Sundance last week. “Umrika,” the Hindi word for America, follows Ramakant (Sharma), a rural Indian boy whose older brother Udai mysteriously vanishes after he embarks for a new life in America. But soon, detailed letters come from Udai, through which Ramakant and his sheltered rural community live and learn vicariously about “Umrika,” a foreign land that embodies the notion that anyone can make their dreams a possibility. “The story for Rama is about finding this identity which is set apart from the identity that is put upon him, so it’s overshadowing what is the truth,” Sharma told Reuters. “Umrika” is the only Indian entry at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, where it is competing in the world drama competition. “I was confronted with a lot of cliches growing up abroad, so I wanted to playfully turn that around and create a portrait of America as an exotic place through the eyes of these villagers,” said writer-director Prashant Nair. While Sharma had the benefit of having Hindi as his native language, Revolori learned the Hindi dialect of Bundeli from scratch for “Umrika,” in which he plays Ramakant’s best friend Lalu. “I’m Hispanic and I don’t have a lot of those head movements. It’s a lot of those things you’ll see in the film which you won’t even notice, but I had to get it right,” he said.—Reuters Actors Tony Revolori (L) and Suraj Sharma pose at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah on 24 Jan, 2015. —Reuters Amitabh Bachchan justifies title of R Balki’s ‘Shamitabh’ London, 28 Jan — Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan dismissed suggestion that his name has been incorporated in his upcoming movie ‘Shamitabh’ for creating some kind of sensation and described the film as a “never before seen” plot. Amitabh Bachchan, who is in London to promote the film along with co-stars Dhanush and Akshara Haasan, said, “A lot of people have been intrigued by the title and feel that my name has been incorporated for some kind of sensation. That is quite untrue.” “The title actually comes out of the script of the film. It’s a story of two individuals who have different exceptional qualities and what happens when they come together. I give my voice to the character of Dhanush…an aspect of the film which was a first for me,” explained Big B. The actor described the film as a “never before seen” plot. Writer-director R Balki’s ‘Shamitabh will hit the screens around the world on 6 February, “Balki has a very intellectual, sensitive mind. He thinks differently and has always made stories that have not been the regular escapist fare that you see in Hindi cinema. And I can say with certain amount of confidence that this is a plot that has never been seen before at least in Indian cinema, even may be true for cinema worldwide. “It’s been a great joy to be able to live with his thought process,” said the 72-year-old actor, who has worked with Balki on two previous critically-acclaimed films — ‘Cheeni Kum’ and ‘Paa’.—PTI Thursday, 29 January, 2015 15 general Author Macdonald’s ‘H is for Hawk’ takes top Costa book prize London, 28 Jan — British author Helen Macdonald’s searing memoir about how she coped with the grief of her father’s sudden death by training a goshawk won the 2014 Costa Book of the Year award on Tuesday. Macdonald’s book “H is for Hawk”, which has received almost universal critical praise and garnered the prestigious Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction in November, won on the first ballot by the panel of nine judges, jury president and novelist Robert Harris said. Macdonald said she hadn’t expected to win, and hadn’t expected the book to have the cathartic effect that it did. “When I finished it and literally wrote the last sentence a weight fell off me that I’d been carrying around and the person that I was writing about in the book finally was gone,” she said. “It felt like a real goodbye to my dad and the person that I was, so it was cathartic and I didn’t expect it to be.” She attributed the book’s success in part to what she said was a long tradition, particularly in Britain, of books about people’s relationship with nature and animals. “This bird that people think is a symbol of wildness and ferocity is in fact both a murderous creature but also something that plays with the kitten and watches television with me,” she said. Macdonald receives 35,000 pounds in prize money for her book, which Harris said was a “decisive winner”. Harris said Macdonald’s book not only was a tale of her grief, and the challenge of training a bird of prey, but had also interwoven a biography of the late T H White, author of “The Once and Future King”, who also had tried to train a goshawk. “It does something (29-1-15 07:00 am~ 30-1-15 07:00 am) MST * Local News * Amazing May Phoo Han * World News * Today Myanmar (Seafood Export) * Local News * Ambassador’s View “Korea” * World News * Myanmar China Friendship Tour * Local News * Mogok: The Colourful Land of Rubies * World News * Kay Tu Mar Lar “The Decision” * Local News * The Precious Lands of Myanmar (Mandalay) * World News * Not Just a Bridge Helen MacDonald, nominee in the 2014 Costa Book Awards and winner of the Costa Biography Award category, poses with her book ‘H is for hawk’ prior to the announcement of the overall winner in London on 27 Jan, 2015.—Reuters quite unique and actually it does something that’s quite relevant to the Costa Prize which ... spans different genres of writing, so in a way it was a natural,” Harris said. “Some books win prizes because they demand it and then the public don’t quite get it, but this is a book I think everyone will like.” Other contenders included Ali Smith’s “How to be both”, Emma Healey’s “Elizabeth is Missing”, Jonathan Edwards’s debut poetry collection “My Family and Other Superheroes” and Kate Saunders’s “Five Children on the Western Front”.—Reuters (29-1-2015, Thursday) 1:35 pm 6:00 am • Pyi Thu Ni Ti • Paritta By Hilly 2:35 pm Region Missionary • Documentary Sayadaw 4:00 pm 6:30 am • News / Weather • Physical Exercise Report 7:00 am 4:35 pm • News/ Weather • University of Report Distance Education 7:35 am (TV Lectures) — • Science and First Year (Law) Technology 4:50 pm Programme • 68th Anniversary 8:30 am Union Day • Head Line News Programme 9:35 am 6:35 pm • Documentary • One Vision (ASEAN) (Part-1-A) 10:00 am 7:00 pm • News /Internatonal • News News 7:30 pm 11:35 am • Head Line News • Road to 28th SEA Games (Petanque) 8:00 pm 12:00 noon • News / International News / International News / Weather News / Weather Report Report 9:00 pm 12:35 pm • News Hluttaw Image • Hluttaw Image Sisterly advice to help Serena prepare for Keys Serena Williams of the US reacts after defeating Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia to win their women’s singles quarter-final match at the Australian Open 2015 tennis tournament in Melbourne on 28 Jan, 2015. — Reuters Melbourne, 28 Jan — Serena Williams will turn to her sister for advice for her all-American semi-final against Madison Keys, the teenager with designs on the throne of US women’s tennis. An injury-hampered Keys defeated Venus Williams in three sets on Wednesday to continue her fairytale run at Melbourne Park and now faces the ultimate test against top seed Serena. Williams has previously suffered defeat at the hands of a US prodigy at Melbourne Park, beaten by teenager Sloane Stephens in the 2013 tournament, but has never been thrown off the top of the heap by year’s end. Into her first semi-final at Melbourne Park in five years after Wednesday’s 6-2, 6-2 rout of Dominika Cibulkova, Williams will be on her guard against Keys, long touted as the future standard-bearer for the women’s game in America. “She’s playing great. I told her I was really happy that she did well,” Williams told reporters of Keys. “She’s in the semis. It’s good to see another American, another African American, in the semi-finals playing so well. “Regardless, there’s going to be an American in the finals, so that is great. “It’s also great for me and Venus because we know that finally there’s other Americans that are constantly playing well and playing better, showing that they want to be the world’s greatest. “For sure I’ll ask (Venus). (I will) also ask my coach, who has been steering me these last two weeks. I’m really excited to be in the semis.” Williams has complained of a cold in recent days at Melbourne Park and said it was getting “worse and worse”, but there was little evidence of that as she broke her pattern of slow starts to rout last year’s finalist Cibulkova in just over an hour. Breaking the Slovak 11th seed twice in each set, Williams gave nothing on serve and closed out the match when Cibulkova clubbed a return past the baseline. The American grinned broadly as she smiled and waved at the Rod Laver Arena crowd on a sunny, breezy day.— Reuters Dates of 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia decided Jakarta, 28 Jan —The Olympic Council of Asia and the Indonesian Olympic Committee have agreed to hold the 2018 Asian Games from 18 August to 2 September, 2018, in the country, the Indonesian committee chairman said on Wednesday. “It was decided dur- ing our meeting yesterday (Tuesday),” Rita Subowo, chairwoman of the Indonesian Olympic Committee, told Kyodo News. According to Subowo, however, the OCA has requested Indonesia to renovate some venues of the games, as well as to build new venues for events such as swimming and cycling. “A total of 34 sports are expected to be featured (in the games),” Subowo said, adding that four sports proposed by Indonesia have yet to be approved by the OCA. The proposed sports, expected to improve Indo- nesia’s medal prospects in the quadrennial games, are rock climbing, bowling, paragliding and roller skating. The OCA, Subowo added, approved the country’s traditional martial art “pencak silat,” which will be making its debut in the next Asian Games.—Kyodo News * Local News *Kyeikhteeyoe: Welcome All * World News *Myanmar Masterclass: Fantastic Art * Local News *China-Myanmar Bilateral Ties * World News * Myanmar China Friendship Tour * Local News * Serene and Happy Rural Life in Myanmar * World News * Lawka Nandar Wildlife Sanctuary * Local News * MYANMA OBOE * World News * Ngapali Beach: Fishing Villages (29-1-2015, Thursday) 6:00 am 8:05 am • TV Drama Series • Travelogue Programme 8:50 am 6:20 am • Musical Programme • A-1 Soe Myint 8:55 am Musics • Pyi Thu Ni Ti 6:40 am 9:10 am • TV Drama Series • (40th) Years of ASEAN-Japan 7:05 am Friendship and • Fashion Show Corporation 7:20 am (Combodia) • TV Drama Series Thursday, 29 January, 2015 10th Waxing Day of Tabodwe 1376 ME er powered a header past Liverpool keeper Simon Mignolet four minutes into the extra period to secure a 2-1 aggregate win for the four-times winners days after their humiliating FA Cup exit to third-tier Bradford City. Both sides had good chances in normal time and were grateful to their keepers — Thibaut Courtois and Mignolet — for keeping the scores level in a blood-and-thunder encounter with plenty of controversy. Chelsea striker Diego Costa was typically in the thick of the action and twice appeared to stamp on Liverpool players, but should also have been awarded a penalty when he was felled by Slovak defender Martin Skrtel in the first half. Chelsea will face Tottenham Hotspur or Sheffield United, who play the second leg of their lastfour clash on Wednes- Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic (3rd L) scores against Liverpool during their English League Cup semi-final second leg soccer match at Stamford Bridge in London on 27 Jan, 2015.—Reuters Nishikori loses quarterfinal rematch with Australian Open champion Melbourne, 28 Jan — Defending Australian Open champion Stan Wawrinka avenged his only career loss to Japan’s Kei Nishikori on Wednesday, when the Swiss No 4 seed advanced to the semifinals with a 6-3, 6-4, 7-6(6). Last September, Nishikori beat Wawrinka in the US Open quarterfinals in five grueling sets, but had few answers for Wawrinka’s power and accuracy in Melbourne, where the Swiss star fired 20 aces to Nishikori’s six and remained on course to defend his title. The fifth-seeded Nishikori, whose serve had been very effective through his first four matches, was nowhere to be seen in the first set, while his strokes were often misplayed in a one-sided affair. Wawrinka, on the other hand, was able to give Nishikori a taste of his own medicine. The Japanese star, who normally returns extremely well and thrives on keeping his opponents uncomfortable behind the baseline with precise strokes, was himself victimized by Wawrinka’s ability to dictate the flow of play. While Nishikori sometimes hesitated to go to the net, Wawrinka exploited most of his opportunities against his speedy opponent by rushing forward whenever Nishikori was on the ropes. Nishikori barely held serve to go up 2-1 in the second set, but was broken easily in the fifth to fall behind 3-2 with his opponent winning four straight service points to take a commanding lead. Wawrinka did not face a single break point Japan’s Kei Nishikori returns a shot during an Australian Open until he was servquarterfinal against Stan Wawrinka of Switzerland ing for the second set, and then overon 28 Jan, 2015, in Melbourne.—Kyodo News came three break points to put Nishikori one set away from elimination. The third set started auspiciously for Nishikori, who won the first eight points to go up 2-0 and earn his first service break of the day. But Wawrinka rallied to break back and leveled the set 2-2 with eight straight points. With Wawrinka serving in the eighth game, Nishikori began asserting himself with his returns and shots, only to miss a pair of golden opportunities that allowed his opponent to hold his serve and even the set. Nishikori, discovered his serve-andvolley game, had found his rhythm but it came one set too late. In the tiebreak, he lost the first four points but survived four match points to make it 6-6, but that proved to be all Nishikori could muster. In the semifinals, Wawrinka will play either world No 1 Novak Djokovic or hard-serving eight-seeded Canadian Milos Raonic, who play in the last quarterfinal. Kyodo News day with the London side leading 1-0, in the final at Wembley on 1 March. “This is a new Liverpool team (from earlier in the season) and a very difficult opponent. So I’m even happier because we beat a very good team over two legs,” Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho told Sky Sports. This was a very different Chelsea side to the one that was beaten 4-2 by Bradford in the FA Cup at Stamford Bridge on Saturday, with manager Jose Mourinho making nine changes. The first half was played at full throttle with both teams looking to seize the early initiative, but the visitors had the better chances with Chelsea keeper Courtois producing excellent saves to deny Alberto Moreno and Philippe Coutinho. While Chelsea struggled to create opportunities, they did have loud appeals for a penalty waved away when Costa, who was lucky to be on the pitch after stamping on Emre Can’s ankle earlier in the match, was felled by a clumsy tackle from Skrtel. Tempers began to flare after the break with Brazilian-born Spain striker Costa involved in another stamping incident, but as the match wore Chelsea began to craft the better openings. Eden Hazard beat four men and drove a shot just wide, and Mignolet superbly denied Costa twice with his feet, first from a deflected shot and then when the striker was through on goal. Ivanovic ensured Chelsea would not have to rely on the away goals rule, which would only have come into play after extra time, to progress while Liverpool’s best chance in extra time fell to Jordan Henderson, who headed wide. For Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers, the difference between the teams was Chelsea keeper Courtois. “We were better in every aspect of our game but we just couldn’t get the big goals. Sometimes you have a barrier in your way and tonight and last week it was Courtois,” he said. Reuters Postecoglou keeps high key ahead of South Korea clash Newcastle, 28 Jan — Australia’s coach Ange Postecoglou is optimistic about their Asian Cup final after beating the Unite Arab Emirates 2-0 in semifinal on Tuesday. Postecoglou said they will not miss the chance to win the Asian Cup title at home. Having lost 1-0 to Japan after extra-time in the 2011 final, Postecoglou insists Australia are firmly focused on landing a maiden continental title now. “They are already in recovery mode and doing the right things as they have done all tournament,” Postecoglou said. Australia have now scored 12 goals in their five games, while only conceding twice. Ten different players have now scored for Postecoglou’s side during the campaign. “I think we have been very good in the whole tournament. There haven’t been too many Australia’s coach Ange Postecoglou periods in any games where I have felt we’ve been dominated, so for the most part we have been pretty solid,” added Postecoglou. “The players have got real belief now and they are getting the rewards, so hopefully that means they keep progressing and challenging themselves to be better.” Xinhua “R/489 Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light of Myanmar Daily.” London, 28 Jan — Chelsea reached the League Cup final after Branislav Ivanovic’s towering extra-time header secured a 1-0 victory over Liverpool in a rip-roaring semi-final second leg at an electric Stamford Bridge on Tuesday. 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