T idings. he Fieldon United Church of Christ P.O. Box 70, Fieldon, IL 62031 (618) 376-4641 Barbara Alley, Pastor February 2015 Greetings, “..and then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.” Luke 24:31 Ministry is filled with many blessings, but one of my favorite opportunities is taking a group somewhere new and watching them expand and grow into a new sense of themselves and the world around them. They always draw closer to God and one another, strengthening our church from the inside out. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his day of service, a group of eleven of us traveled to the Emmaus Homes in Marthasville, Mo. Emmaus Homes was founded in 1893 in Marthasville, Mo., when a group of pastors and lay people from the surrounding churches of the Evangelical Synod of the West decided to use their vacated seminary buildings to serve individuals with developmental disabilities. As a reflection of their Christian faith, the founders of Emmaus attempted to care for those in need, while recognizing each person’s worth and unique qualities and creating a spirit of community. In 1901, Emmaus opened its St. Charles campus to meet the vast need for services to people with developmental disabilities closer to St. Louis. As society came to better understand developmental disabilities and the contributions people with disabilities could make to the community, Emmaus’ programs changed and grew. While some individuals still reside on the Emmaus campuses, many now live in homes in the community. Today, Emmaus serves clients in nearly 50 homes throughout the St. Charles, St. Louis, Warren and Franklin counties and St. Louis City. Emmaus works with each client to help them live as independently as possible. Now a mission of the United Church of Christ's Council for Health & Human Service Ministries (CHHSM), Emmaus remains a faith-based organization generously supported by churches of many faiths throughout the country. Our group went to visit, dance, sing karoake and to paint dormitory rooms. We also did a valentine craft with many of the residents and played UNO. Kim Scoggins: My favorite moments were dancing with my daughter Sarah and my son, Jacob. Here are some comments from mission group; Patty Fanning: My favorite part of this trip was making crafts with the residents, visiting with them and painting their rooms. Jacob Mantor: I liked seeing the happy look on everyone’s faces when we showed up. Austin Gettings: I liked painting the residents rooms. Jacob Scoggins: I liked going to the residents’ houses. Caleb Mantor: My best part was playing Uno with Gary. Emily Gettings: I just liked going there and making people smile and laugh. Dana Gettings: Dancing and singing with the residents were my favorite parts. Sarah Scoggins: My favorite memories will be of painting the Lighthouse Mural and dancing with Terry. Luke Kasinger I just really liked seeing one resident’sreaction to the craft we made with her. I know one thing, every single person on this trip had a great time. They did not want to come home and are already talking about going back! Your Sister in Christ, Pastor Barb SEVEN USEFUL PHRASES THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR WORK LIFE 1. “Let Me Help You” 2. “I can show you how to do that if you like.” Be a mentor. 3. “I appreciate what you did.” Recognize the efforts of others. 4. “That is really good work.” 5. Make eye contact often and smile. 6. “You are a great team. It took all of us to do this.” 7. “I realize I could have made wiser decsions regarding this issue.” LENTEN SCHEDULE 2015 Feb 18th ASH Wednesday Evening service- Fieldon UCC 6 PM Feb 22nd First Sunday in Lent - Morning Worship 9 AM Feb 25th Wednesday Lenten Service at 6 PM March 1st Second Sunday in Lent - Morning Worship 9AM March 4th Wednesday Lenten Service at 6 PM March 8th Third Sunday in Lent - Morning Worship 9 AM March 11th Wednesday Lenten Service at 6 PM March 15th Fourth Sunday in Lent - Morning Worship 9 AM March 18th Wednesday Lenten Service at 6 PM March 22nd Fifth Sunday in Lent - Morning Worship 9 AM March 25th Wednesday Lenten Service at 6 PM March 29th Palm Sunday - Morning Worship 9 AM April 1st Confirmands bake bread for Maundy Thursday/ Lenten Service 4-6 PM April 2nd Maundy Thursday Service at 6 PM April 5th Sunrise Service-time TBA April 5th Easter Sunday Service with Holy Communion 9 AM FIELDON UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST COUNCIL MEETING January 20, 2015 Meeting Opened by: President Benji Dehner at 6:02 p.m. Prayer for Guidance: Pastor Barb Alley Benji Dehner, Ed Fanning, Marilyn Rogers, Kathy Eagleton, Janice Hagen, Brandon Egelhoff, Lori Wojtysiak, Joe Dunham, Judy Stotler, Pastor Barb Alley, Tonya Kasinger, Linda Eads and Janice Devening, and Pastor Sheldon Colver. Present: Absent: Linda Power. Secretary’s Report: • Minutes of the December 16, 2014, Council Meeting was presented by Judy Stotler. Motion to accept the Meeting Minutes was made by Brandon Egelhoff. Seconded by Ed Fanning. Motion carried. Church Secretary Report • Church Secretary, Lori Wojtysiak, presented one (1) contract for rental of the Family Life Center for May 2, 2015, by Judy Nurnberger. Motion to approve the rental contract was made by Marilyn Rogers. Seconded by Joe Dunham. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: • The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Treasurer Marilyn Rogers. Motion to accept was made by Ed Fanning. Seconded by Judy Stotler. Motion carried. Special Funds Report: • Special Funds Report was presented by Janice Hagen. Motion to accept was made by Brandon Egelhoff. Seconded by Marilyn Rogers. Motion carried. • Pastor Barb presented her mileage report for the month of January as well as an expense report. The expense report did contain receipts for the expenses and a detailed mileage report was presented. Council discussed using a different format for the mileage report and requested that Pastor Barb give details as to her place of origin for the mileage and her place of arrival, justifying the mileage for the expense report. Pastor Barb reported that they had an amazing trip to the Emmaus House. This is a home for adults with physical and mental disabilities. This was attended by the church youth group. There were a total of eleven people in attendance. The kids conducted themselves in a great and compassionate manner. It appears that all who attended, kids included, had a great time. The 2015 Church Camp is scheduled for June 21 -27. The attendance is getting so large that we may need to look for other means besides the Coffee Klatch to assist in the Pastor’s Report: • • 1 • • payment of this church function. A possibility is crafting jewelry from the old silverware of the church that is now in storage as a keepsake and memento of the church. The proceeds from the sale of this jewelry made from the silverware can be used to assist in the cost of this event. Many of the children’s families have limited funds to pay the cost for their attendance. Pastor Barb is working on setting up a work camp to go to the Emmaus House in August with the Youth Group and adults who may want to attend to assist the Emmaus House in minor repairs and upkeep of their facility. Secretary Ed Fanning requested that Pastor Barb’s report be in written format so that a more detailed accounting record can be maintained for her monthly activities. Old Business: • • It has been suggested that there is an interest in the community and children of the community that an open gym be held by the church on Fridays. It is suggested that we create a youth group membership for the children who would like to attend this. A committee will investigate the feasibility of this and present the Council with more details at the next scheduled meeting. Motion to approve this project was made by Judy Stotler. Seconded by Janice Hagen. Motion carried. Pastor Barb mentioned the bathrooms across from the offices need some restoration. Council members will review the condition of said bathrooms and come up with some possible minor repairs and improvements to enhance the looks of said bathrooms. Judy Stotler and Marilyn Rogers volunteered to review these bathrooms and present suggestions to council. New Business: • • • Pastor’s salary. Council asked that Pastor Barb be excused from said meeting to discuss her salary. In attendance at said meeting was Pastor Sheldon Colver. Discussion was made and a proposed offer is to be finalized and presented to Pastor Barb in the next few days. A meeting is scheduled with three of the council members, that being Ed Fanning, Marilyn Rogers and Kathy Eagleton on Friday, January 23, 2015, at 12:00 p.m. They will meet at the Law Office of Ed Fanning whereby we have requested Pastor Barb be there to discuss the terms of her upcoming year compensation package. Secretary Ed Fanning will draft the proposed contract for council members for their review prior to the meeting with Pastor Barb. The budget was reviewed by council members. The appropriate modifications and changes were made to reflect what the anticipated 2015 income and expenses will be. The changes to the budget will be made and a final draft will be presented to council at the next scheduled meeting. New council members are Angie Brangenberg and Tonya Kasinger. Joe Dunham will stay on for the upcoming year. Adjournment: • Kathy Eagleton made a Motion to adjourn and seconded by Marilyn Rogers. Motion Carried. ATTEST: SIGNED President Secretary 2 “Some persons give with such beauty that you remember it as long as you live.” - Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471), Catholic monk & writer This writer had to be talking about the Fieldon United Church of Christ when he penned this quote. The help and support that you have shown in the last 5 months has been amazing and life changing! The Lavey Family will remember all of you and what this church family did for our family for the rest of our lives. May God continue to bless the Fieldon United Church of Christ! Folks In Our Thoughts and Prayers: Jilek, Elaine Jilek, Herbert Phipps, Ronnie Rose, Anita Schmoeller, Gwenda Schultz, Lori Wade, Jonny The Council has decided to start our prayer list fresh each month, which means if someone needs to remain on the prayer list, his or her name will need to be added again each month. You may submit names by putting a slip of paper in the offering pan, calling the office (618-376-4641) and leaving a message, or by email ([email protected]). Friends in Retirement and Rehabilitation Centers Jerseyville Manor - 1251 N. State St., Jerseyville, IL 62052 Mary Ellen Sauerwein, Bert Schaaf, Linda Copeland Jerseyville Nursing & Rehab - 1001 S. State St., Jerseyville, IL Florence Zerby, Barb Schafer, Alma Schaaf Jerseyville Estates - 1210 E. Fairgrounds Rd, Jerseyville, IL - (618) 639-9702 Renee Gerson, Gene Niemeyer Our Prayers to Those Serving In The Military Cpl. Lance Bidlack - Marines - stationed in California (Nephew of Dale Bidlack) Kris & Cathy Coats - Air Force, stationed in Gulf Port, MS. Tyler Hartsock - Army serving at Ft. Rucker, Alabama Sgt. David Hokenson - Army, serving w/ family at Ft. Collins, Colorado Craig Jones - Army - Stationed in Fort Benning, Georgia. Sgt. Chris Lupcho - stationed in Stuttgart, Germany w/family (son-in-law Sylvia Hayward) David Poole - Army - serving in Afghanistan (relative of Meyer Family) Shawn Rhoades - Army- serving in Fairbanks, AK (Grandson of Irene Rhoades) Steven Sellars - Army (nephew of Alice & Edna Schaaf) Mark Tully - Air Force - Stationed at Scott AFB. (nephew of Wes & Kim Scoggins) Michael Turner -Marine, stationed in Camp Pendleton, CA Mark Wilkinson - Army, stationed at Ft. Bliss, Tx. KOFFEE KLATCH GREETERS February 1st - coffee only February 1st - Joe Dunham February 8th - Paul & Marilyn Rogers, February 8th - Judy Stotler Sharon Wadlow February 15th - Jerry & Judy Roth February 15th - Barb Schaaf & Terri Sco February 22nd - Angie Brangenberg February 22nd - Haley Wi man USHERS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Joe Dunham, Judy Stotler, Terri Sco , Karen Krueger 2014 C.E.B. Meetings Nov. 5, & December @ 6:30 p.m.. Present: Kathy Eagleton, Marilyn Woelfel, Jane Isringhausen, Rhonda Hall, and Kim Scoggins. Jane Isringhausen brought the meeting to order. Kathy Eagleton gave a prayer. The October meeting minutes were reviewed. Marilyn Woelfel made a motion to approve the minutes as read. Kim Scoggins seconded. Treasurer's Report: Marilyn Woelfel reported our beginning balance of $2487.34 and an ending balance of $2471.88. Jane made a motion to approve the treasurer's report. Rhonda Hall seconded. Old Business: Craft Closet: Jane Isringhausen scheduled to organize the craft closet on November 11th at 3:30 p.m. Live Nativity: Jane Isringhausen stated she has a sign up sheet for the 'Live Nativity', that she will place near the entrance to the family life center . A tentative date, will be December 7th from 5-7 p.m. Patty Fanning is organizing food at the Mason's Hall. New Business:Sunday School Christmas Program, called "There's always room for a little one," is being organized by Rhonda Hall. Christmas gifts for sunday school children was discussed, and probably will be handed out after the Christmas Program. Marilyn Woelfel made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Kim Scoggins seconded. Kathy Eagleton, Secretary Jane Isringhausen, President Informal C.E.B. Meeting November 30, 2014 @ 10:15 a.m. Present: Kim Scoggins, Tonya Kasinger, Marilyn Woelfel, Rhonda Hall, and Kathy Eagleton. Kim Scoggins is making final arrangements for the 'Live Nativity" which is December 7th. She is working on the sign up sheet, and the payment for Mr. Nolan's camels. After the sunday school christmas program is December 14th, Christmas gifts will be presented to sunday school participants before the church christmas potluck dinner. Marily Woelfel made a motion that we donate $50.00 toward 'Rock's Christmas Stocking' gifts. Kim Scoggins 2nd. Motion carried. A check was given to Patty Fanning. The December C.E.B. meeting is being postponed as Jane Isringhausen is off due to illness. Kathy Eagleton, secretary Jane Isringhausen, president February 2015 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 4 3 Friday Saturday 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 Confirmation 3:45-5:30pm R.O.C.K. 6:30pm Worship - 9 am Thursday CEB - 6:30pm 8 11 10 9 Worship - 9 am Women’s Guild 10:30am 15 Confirmation 3:45-5:30pm 18 Confirmation 3:45-5:30pm Worship - 9 am Communion/ Food Drive 22 17 16 Council - 6:00 pm 23 Ash Wednesday 6pm - Fieldon UCC 25 24 Confirmation 3:45-5:30pm Worship - 9 am Children’s Choir Lenten Service 6pm Birthdays Anniversaries Clayton & Sharon Wadlow 3 Debby Grasle 1 Deb Haag 11 Jacob Mantor 19 Earl Fraley 1 Jimmy Peck 11 Dayle Devening 20 Karen Huff 2 Tom Gettings 12 Sean Kasinger 20 Dominique Ussery 2 Jenna Nurnberger 13 Dana Gettings 21 Jennifer Thomas 3 Lee Eagleton 15 Eunice Biermann 22 Michelle Cook 6 Jimmy Stotler 15 Mary Miller 23 Matt Thomas 6 Morgan Heitzman 15 Miranda Sue Starks 25 29 Joe & Michelle Wadlow 10 Kyle Schaaf 8 Matthew Grasle 19 Rick Hagen Steve & Deb Haag 16 Dale East 11 Cody Berry 19 Fieldon United Church of Christ P.O. Box 70 Fieldon, IL 62031 Address Service Requested February 2015
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