UN Trust Fund Small Grants (US$50,000 – US$110,000 only): Guidance for Planning, Reporting and M&E using the UN Trust Fund’s online application system I: Planning Stage – Development of the Full-Fledged Proposal All applicants requesting a grant of up to US$ 110,000 must complete the Full-Fledged Proposal, keeping in mind the specific instructions below: Main section Narrative Sections I – IV. V: Results Chain VI: Results and Resources Framework Sub-sections I. Organization Information II. Project Focus III. Project Description IV. Project Narrative Project Goal Outcome Outputs Project Goal Outcome Output Project Activities M&E and Audit Activities Budget Details for Outcome, M&E and Management Budget Narrative Specific Instruction for Small Grants Mandatory: Small grants must complete all the sections. Mandatory: Small grants must complete Results Chain with one project goal, one outcome and maximum 3 outputs under that Outcome only. Mandatory: Context Expected situation of beneficiaries - the main changes in the intended beneficiaries’ lives at the project’s end Optional: (need to put “N/A” at least) Indicators and data collection Mandatory: Beneficiaries at the outcome level, current situation of beneficiaries, targeted number of beneficiaries by project’s end and expected situation Strategic area of intervention Optional: (need to put “N/A” at least) Indicators and data collection Mandatory: Strategy - the project’s specific strategy to deliver the output Optional: (need to put “N/A” at least) Indicators, Baseline and Annual Targets Mandatory: Under each output, small grants can develop maximum 3 key project activities per output. Mandatory: Small grants must specify monitoring activities, in addition to the final external evaluation. Mandatory: Small grants must prepare their budget in accordance with FFP Budget Guideline. Specific instruction for small grants are the following: Budget for final external evaluation must be 5% of the total grant requested to the UN Trust Fund Monitoring activities and its budget must be 2-5% of the total grant requested to the UN Trust Fund Budget for final external audit must be 3.5% of the total grant requested to the UN Trust Fund Mandatory 1
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